Senior Management


Senior Management
Senior Management
Ergun Özen - Board Member, President and CEO
Please see page 103 for his biography.
Ebru Dildar Edin - Executive Vice President - Project and Acquisition Finance
Ebru Dildar Edin graduated from Boğaziçi University Department of Civil Engineering. After she worked
at various private banks, in 1997 she joined the Corporate Banking division at Garanti Bank. In 1999,
she took part in the establishment of Garanti Bank’s Project and Acquisition Finance Department. After
leading the department for six years as Senior Vice President, and another three years as Coodinator,
Edin was appointed to her current position in 2009.
Tolga Egemen1 - Executive Vice President - Financial Institutions and Corporate Banking
Tolga Egemen graduated from the Middle East Technical University Department of Mechanical
Engineering. He began his banking career in 1992 and joined Garanti as the Head of Cash
Management Unit in 1996. He was appointed as an Executive Vice President in 2000 and has been
responsible for Corporate Banking, Financial Institutions, Cash Management and foreign branches and
offices since 2004. Egemen is a Board Member of Garanti Securities as well.
Hüsnü Erel - Executive Vice President - Technology, Operational Services and Central
Hüsnü Erel graduated from Istanbul Technical University Department of Electronics and
Communications Engineering. He served as an executive at various private companies and banks. In
1994, he joined Garanti Technology as General Manager and was appointed to his current position in
1997. Erel is a Board Member of Garanti Payment Systems.
Uruz Ersözoğlu - Executive Vice President – Treasury
Uruz Ersözoğlu graduated from Middle East Technical University Department of Economics. After
serving as an executive at various private banks and the Istanbul offices of foreign banks, he joined
Garanti as Head of Treasury Marketing, Trading and Asset-Liability Management in 2003. He was
appointed to his current position in 2006 and is a Board Member of Garanti Asset Management.
Gökhan Erün - Executive Vice President - Human Resources / Investment Banking
Gökhan Erün earned his undergraduate degree from Istanbul Technical University Department
of Electronics and Communications and his graduate degree from the Business Administration
Department of Yeditepe University. In 1994, he joined Garanti Bank’s Treasury Department, and
between the years 1999-2004, he served as the Senior Vice President of the Commercial Marketing
and Sales Unit. In 2004, he became the CEO of Garanti Pension and Life and in 2005, he was
appointed to his current position. Erün is the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at Eureko
Insurance, Garanti Pension and Life, Teachers Academy Foundation and Board Member of Garanti
Asset Management, Garanti Mortgage and Garanti Securities. In addition, Erün is the Chairman of the
Board of Directors of Garanti Bank Pension Fund Foundation and Garanti Custody Services.
Adnan Memiş
Executive Vice President - Support Services
Adnan Memiş earned his undergraduate degree from Istanbul University Faculty of Economics and
his graduate degree from the Managerial Economics Institute of the same university. He joined Garanti
Audit Board as an Assistant Inspector in 1978, served as the Manager of Loans Department and
then was appointed to his current position in 1991. Memiş is currently the President of the Financial
Restructuring Working Group of the Banks Association of Turkey and a Board Member of Garanti
Bank Pension Fund Foundation and Darüşşafaka Society. He is also the Group Leader of Denizyıldızları
(Starfish) Project.
From left to right: Gökhan Erün, Hüsnü Erel, Ergun Özen, Ebru Dildar Edin, Uruz Ersözoğlu, Aydın Şenel, Adnan Memiş, Tolga Egemen
Aydın Şenel - Executive Vice President - General Accounting
Aydın Şenel is a graduate of Marmara University Faculty of Commercial Sciences. Between the years
1981 and 1984, he worked as Auditor, Human Resources Group Manager, Credit Cards Manager,
Financial Analysis Coordination Manager and Financial Monitoring Manager at Garanti. Şenel was
appointed Head of General Accounting in 1999 and promoted to his current position in 2006. He is the
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors at Garanti Bank Pension Fund Foundation and member of the
Board of Trustees at Teachers Academy Foundation.
Resigned from our Bank on February 29, 2012.
Senior Management
A. Aydın Düren - Executive Vice President - Legal Services
Aydın Düren graduated from Faculty of Law at Istanbul University and earned his graduate degree
from International Law at American University Washington College of Law. After working as a senior
executive and managing partner positions at various national and international private law firms over 18
years, Düren joined Garanti in 2009 as Executive Vice President responsible of Legal Services. Düren is
a Board Member of Garanti Payment Systems.
Ali Fuat Erbil2 - Executive Vice President - Retail Banking and Distribution Channels
Ali Fuat Erbil graduated from the Middle East Technical University Department of Computer Engineering.
He earned his MBA from Bilkent University and his Ph.D. in Banking and Finance from Istanbul
Technical University. After working as an executive at various private companies and banks, he joined
Garanti as the Distribution Channels Unit Manager in 1997. Erbil was appointed to his current position
in 1999. Today, he is also responsible for mortgage and private banking and is a Board Member of
Garanti Pension and Life, Garanti Asset Management and Garanti Bank Pension Fund Foundation.
Turgay Gönensin - Executive Vice President - Commercial Banking
Turgay Gönensin graduated from Boğaziçi University Department of Business Administration. In 1987
he joined Garanti Bank, where he worked at various departments. He served as the CEO of Garanti
Bank International between 1997 and 2000 and CEO of Ottoman Bank between 2000 and 2001.
Gönensin was appointed to his current position in 2002 and is the Vice Chairman of the Board of
Garanti Leasing and Garanti Factoring and a Board Member of Garanti Technology, Garanti Bank
International and Garanti Bank SA.
Nafiz Karadere - Executive Vice President - SME Banking / Corporate Brand Management
and Marketing Communication
Nafiz Karadere graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences’ Department of International Relations
at Ankara University. He worked as a senior executive at various private banks and was appointed
to his current position in 1999. Karadere is a Board Member of Garanti Bank SA, Garanti Payment
Systems, Garanti Pension and Life, Garanti Payment Systems, and the Teachers Academy Foundation
and also the Vice Chairman of World Wildlife Foundation-Turkey.
Murat Mergin - Strategic Planning Executive Director
Murat Mergin graduated from the City University of New York Departments of Economics and Finance.
He assumed executive responsibilities at various private banks before joining Garanti in 1994. Mergin
was appointed to his current position in 2002.
Zekeriya Öztürk - Executive Vice President – International Business Development
Zekeriya Öztürk earned his undergraduate degree from Istanbul Technical University, Department of
Marine Engineering, graduate degree from the Robotics Department of the same university, and his
MBA from Edinburgh University. After working as a senior executive at various national and international
private investment banks, he joined Garanti in 2006. Öztürk is a Board Member of Garanti Bank SA,
Garanti Securities and Garanti Asset Management.
Mehmet Sezgin - Garanti Payment Systems - CEO
Mehmet Sezgin graduated from Middle East Technical University Department of Business
Administration and earned his MBA from the University of Massachusetts. He worked at various private
banks and at MasterCard Europe. Sezgin has been serving as the CEO of Garanti Payment Systems
since 1999. He is a Board member of Garanti Pension and Life, MasterCard Europe, Interbank Card
Center and Credit Bureau of Turkey, President of Mastercard Turkey Coordination Committee.
From left to right: A. Aydın Düren, Nafiz Karadere, Ali Temel, Mehmet Sezgin, Murat Mergin, Zekeriya Öztürk, Ali Fuat Erbil, Turgay Gönensin
Ali Temel - Executive Vice President - Loans
Ali Temel graduated from Boğaziçi University Department of Electrical-Electronic Engineering. He
worked in various departments in Interbank between 1990 and 1997. He joined Garanti as the head
of Cash Management department in 1997, after that, he worked as the department manager in
Commercial Banking. He was appointed to his current position in 1999. Temel is a Board Member of
Garanti Leasing and Garanti Factoring.
Pursuant to the decision of the Board of Directors dated March 08, 2012, Ali Fuat Erbil continues to serve as Executive
Vice President and resumes responsibilities of Corporate Banking, Financial Institutions, International Branches and
Representation Offices, and Cash Management.
Note: Pursuant to the decision of the Board of Directors dated March 08, 2012, Didem Başer has been appointed as the
Executive Vice President responsible of Delivery Channels; Onur Genç has joined the Bank as the Executive Vice President
responsible of Retail Banking.