Kongre Afişine Ulaşmak için Tıklayınız


Kongre Afişine Ulaşmak için Tıklayınız
th International Congress on
Cell Membranes and Oxidative Stress:
Focus on Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels
26-29 June
Ca2+ Signaling
TRP Channels
Genetics, Ca2+ and Oxidative Stress
Alexei Tepikin (Liverpool, UK)
From Ca2+ signalling to bioenergetics and vice versa
Asrar Malik (Chicago, IL, USA)
TRPM2 homeostatically regulates NADPH oxidase activity in phagocytic
Cem Ekmekcioglu (Vienna, Austria)
The expression of clock genes in human cells under various
Indu S. Ambudkar (Bethesda MD, USA)
TRP channels in cell function and disease
Hilmi Özçelik (Toronto, Canada)
Free radicals and gene networks in human disease and health
James W. Putney (North Carolina, USA)
Store-operated calcium channels
Israel Sekler (Beer-Sheva, Israel)
The role of mithochondrial exchanger NCLX in cellular Ca2+ signaling
Leonidas Tsiokas (Oklahoma City, USA)
TRP channels and the primary cilium
Volker Ullrich (Konstanz, Germany)
Redox regulation of Ca-signaling
Khaled Machaca (Doha, Qatar)
Regulation of SOCE during the cell cycle
Oxidative Stress
Metiner Tosun (İzmir, Turkey)
Functional genomics analysis of TRPC1 gene silencing in liver cancer
Andreas Daiber (Mainz, Germany)
Crosstalk between mitochondrial and NADPH oxidase derived
reactive oxygen and nitrogen species - implications for vascular
Christian Schöneich (Kansas, USA)
Modulation of SERCA function through redox processes, Bcl-2 and Hsp70
David Criddle (Liverpool, UK)
The roles of calcium and ROS in acute pancreatitis
Emil C. Toescu (Birmingham, UK)
Calcium and mitochondrial interactions in aged neurons
Nicole Mahy (Barcelona, Spain)
Neuroregenerative diseases, calcium and microglia
Saeed Semnanian (Tehran, Iran)
Special electrophysiological characteristics of the nucleus Locus Coeruleus
Mustafa Nazıroğlu (Isparta, Turkey)
Role of thiol redox system on activation of TRPM2 and TRPV1 channel
current in dorsal root ganglion neurons of rats
Ana Beatriz Rodríguez Moratinos (Badajoz, Spain)
Chrononutrition against oxidative stress
Mohamed Trebak (New York, USA)
Receptor-activated calcium channels in vascular function
José A. Pariente (Badajoz, Spain)
Calcium signaling and apopitosis: Role of melatonin
Jean-Louis Wayenberg (Brussels, Belgium)
Nitro-oxidative stress in neonatal emergencies: Asphyxia and
Michael X. Zhu (Houston, USA)
Functional regulation and pharmacology of TRPC channels
Xingen G. Lei (Ithaca, USA)
Do antioxidant nutrients induce diabetes, and how?
Denis Rousseau (Grenoble, France)
ATAD3, a vital inner membrane mitochondrial ATPase involved in
fission/fusion processes and interactions with endoplasmic reticulum
Rudi Vennekens (Leuven, Belgium)
TRPM4 as a general regulator of cell functions
Stephan Huber (Tübingen, Germany)
Role of bcl-2 family members on irradiation-stimulated activation of
TRPM2 channels in lymphoma cells
Valerian E. Kagan (Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, USA)
Oxidative lipidomics of cell death signalling-specific involvement of
anionic phospholipids
Serge Bottari (Grenoble, France)
Role of protein nitration in insulin-resistance
Tasarım : Serdar DURAN
Shmuel Muallem (Bethesda MD, USA)
TRPC/Orai1/STIM function and dysfunction
Thomas Voets (Leuven, Belgium)
TRP Channels in noxious temperature sensing
Tomohiro Numata (Kyoto, Japan)
Cysteine-mediated oxidation activates TRP channels
Ca 2+
Prof.Dr. Hasan İBİCİOĞLU
SDÜ Rektörü / Rector
Prof.Dr. Hüseyin YORGANCIGİL
Tıp Fakültesi Dekanı / Dean
Ca 2+
Congress Location:
Süleyman Demirel University
Prof. Dr. M. Lütfü Çakmakçı Convention Center
Congress Language: English
Prof. Dr. Mustafa NAZIROGLU
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine,
Suleyman Demirel University
Vice Chairman
Prof. Dr. James W. PUTNEY Jr.
NIEHS Calcium Regulation Group Leader
Local Vice Chairmans
Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Cihangir UĞUZ and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ömer ÇELİK
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine
Suleyman Demirel University
Congress Secretariat
I. Suat OVEY & Bilal CIG & Mehmet AYKUR
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine
Suleyman Demirel University
Mustafa KUCUKAYAZ & Cemil OZGUL & Ercan SÖZBİR (webmaster)
Department of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine
Suleyman Demirel University
Suleyman Demirel Universitesi Tip Fakultesi
Biyofizik A.D. Morfoloji Binasi Dogu Kampusu TR 32260
Cunur / Isparta TURKEY
Tel:+90 246 211 36 41 Fax:+90 246 237 11 65
Society of
Cell Membranes and
Free Oxygen Radicals

Benzer belgeler

Focus on Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels

Focus on Calcium Signaling and TRP Channels oxygen species and apoptosis Khaled Machaca (Doha, Qatar) Regulation of SOCE during the cell cycle Alexei Tepikin (Liverpool, UK)


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2016 - Ektodermal Displazi Grubu Editorial Board of JIDMR 2016 Prof. Dr. Izzet YAVUZ Editor-in-Chief and General Director Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ozkan ADIGUZEL Associate Editor and Director Advisory Board Prof. Dr. Refik ULKU Associate ...


BEC 2015-List of Accepted Abstracts for POSTER Presentation

BEC 2015-List of Accepted Abstracts for POSTER Presentation Zehra Gün Gök*, Murat İnal and Mustafa Yiğitoğlu


Click here for programme PDF file

Click here for programme PDF file of the Catholic Missionaries in the Post-Tridentine Period (End of 16th-17th Centuries)
