
o f Micr
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Volume 5
Issue 4
December 2015
Publishes four times a year
Association of Health Investigations
Abbreviation for citation:
J Microbiol Infect Dis
Open Access:
pISSN 2146-3158
eISSN 2146-9369
u s Di se
g y and I n
t io
Print ISSN 2146-3158
Online ISSN 2146-9369
Salih Hoşoğlu, Diyarbakır, Turkey
Section Editors
Mehmet Faruk Geyik, Düzce, Turkey
Oğuz Karabay, Sakarya, Turkey
Suzan Saçar, Çanakkale, Turkey
Gökhan Metan, Kayseri, Turkey
Hasan Uçmak, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Canan Ağalar, İstanbul, Turkey
Yavuz Uyar, İstanbul, Turkey
Ahmet Soysal, İstanbul, Turkey
Editorial Board
Metin Aytekin, Cleveland, OH, USA
Nazif Elaldı, Sivas, Turkey
Murat Günaydın, İstanbul, Turkey
Ejaz Khan, Karachi, Pakistan
Hakan Leblebicioğlu, Samsun, Turkey
Reşat Özaras, İstanbul, Turkey
Recep Öztürk, İstanbul, Turkey
Edmond Puca, Tirana, Albania
Contact Person
Prof.Dr. Saim Dayan, Dicle University, Medical Faculty, Department of Microbiology and
Infectious Diseases Diyarbakır- Turkey
Phone: +90-412 248 80 01 / 4737 and +90-412 248 84 73
Fax: +90-412- 248 84 40
Web Address:
Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (JMID) is a peer-reviewed medical journal and
published four times a year (March, June, September and December).
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Copyright © Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2015, All rights reserved
Publishing Date: December 2015
Subscription fee: 100 TL (60 $)
Address for requests: Prof.Dr. Salih Hoşoğlu, Dicle University, Medical Faculty, Department of
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 21280 Diyarbakır - Türkiye
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- Anderson NJ, Abbott GD, Mogridge N, Allan RB, Maling TM,
Wells E. Vesicoureteric reflux in the newborn: relationship to
fetal renal pelvic diameter. Pediatr Nephrol 1997;11:610-616.
- Dunne FP, Elliot P, Gammage MD, et al. Cardiovascular function and glucocorticoid replacement in patients with hypopituitarism. Clin Endocrinol 1995;43:629-632.
Hatch DJ, Sumner E, Hellman J. The Surgical Neonate: Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 3rd edn. London: Edward Arnold,
Chapter in a book: Motoyama EK. Respiratory physiology in
infants and children. In: Motoyama EK, Davis PJ, eds. Smith’s
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Author’s name ...................... Signature ........... Date: ..... Vol 5, No 4, December 2015
Brucellosis in Kosovo and Clinical Features of Brucellosis at University clinical center of Kosovo
Muharem Bajrami, Hamdi Ramadani, Edmond Puca, Isme Humolli, Valbon Krasniqi, Lindita Ajazaj Berisha,
Bahrie Halili, Gёzim Morina, Dhimiter Kraja..........................................................................................................................147
Pegylated Interferon/Ribavirin dual therapy in patients with chronic Hepatitis C: results of 323 cases
Aynur Atilla, Emel Duyar, Fatih Bostancı, S. Sırrı Kılıç.........................................................................................................151
Diagnostic value of Cobas Amplicor MTB and Rotorgene Real Time PCR for tuberculous meningitis:
A six-year retrospective study
Gülnur Tarhan, Hülya Şimşek, Salih Cesur, İsmail Ceyhan................................................................................................156
Effect of chlorhexidine on oral airway biofilm formation of Staphylococcus epidermidis
Ünase Büyükkoçak, Canan Ağalar, Turgut Deniz, Sabahat Çeken, Fatih Ağalar.......................................................162
Use of hematological parameters in evaluation of treatment efficacy in cutaneous leishmaniasis
Bilal Sula, Recep Tekin....................................................................................................................................................................167
Brucellosis with cervical vertebrae and pulmonary involvement: A rare case
Gül Karagöz, Ayten Kadanalı, Behiye Dede, Şenol Çomoğlu, Nur Betül Ünal Özdemir, Mehmet Reşid Önen.173
A rare cause of soft tissue infections: Pseudallescheria boydii
Meltem Işıkgöz Taşbakan, Uğur Önal, Dilek Yeşim Metin, Hüsnü Pullukçu, Tansu Yamazhan, Aygül Çeltik,
Süleyha Hilmioğlu-Polat, Mehmet Argın, Sercan Ulusoy.................................................................................................176
Retropharyngeal cellulitis complicated by cervical spondylodiscitis: A case report
Gülşen İskender, Cihat Oğan, Bilgin Arıbaş, Emre Tekgündüz........................................................................................180
Generalized Pruritus Secondary to Acute Hepatitis A: A Case Report
Bilal Sula, Recep Tekin....................................................................................................................................................................184
The relationship between Helicobacter pylori and DNA hypermethylation in gastric cancer
Ayşe Feyda Nursal...........................................................................................................................................................................187
J Microbiol Infect Dis Vol 5, No 4, December 2015
JMID - Contributors / Katkıda bulunanlar
JMID Volume 4 Reviewers:
The Editorial Team is grateful to the following that have assisted in the assessment of
papers of JMID Volume 4.
Abdelmageed Mohammed Kambal
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
İlhami Çelik
Kayseri, Turkey
Abdul Ghafur
Chennai, India
Kadriye Kart Yaşar
İstanbul, Turkey
Ahmed Ashraf Wegdan
Fayoum, Egypt
Mehmet Faruk Geyik
Ahmet Soysal
Ali Albay
Aliehsan Heidari
İstanbul, Turkey
Ankara, Turkey
Karaj, Iran
Amanullah Mohammed Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Anand Kumar Maurya
Arathy D. S. Nair
Ayşe Erbay
Ayten Kadanalı
Lucknow, India
Kansas City, USA
Yozgat, Turkey
İstanbul, Turkey
Behice Kurtaran
Adana, Turkey
Birgül Kaçmaz
Ankara, Turkey
Bülent Altınoluk
Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Chinikar Sadegh
Tehran, Iran
Çağatay Acuner
İstanbul, Turkey
Ebubekir Şenateş
İstanbul, Turkey
Emin Maden
Ertuğrul Güçlü
Esra Koçoğlu
Ankara, Turkey
Sakarya, Turkey
Bolu, Turkey
Esragül Akıncı
Ankara, Turkey
Esther Kuenzli
Basel, Switzerland
Fazilet Duygu
Ankara, Turkey
Gökhan Metan
Ankara, Turkey
Habip Gedik
İstanbul, Turkey
Hakan Leblebicioğlu
Samsun, Turkey
Hakan Uslu
Erzurum, Turkey
Harun Çıralık
Hasan Tahsin Gözdaş
Hasan Uçmak
Hayrettin Akdeniz
Hussein Al-Marzoqi
Hürrem Bodur
J Microbiol Infect Dis Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Kastamonu, Turkey
Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Bolu, Turkey
Al-Hillah, Iraq
Ankara, Turkey
Düzce, Turkey
Mesut Yılmaz
İstanbul, Turkey
Michelle A Murray
Dublin, Ireland
Mustafa Altındiş
Sakarya, Turkey
Mustafa Bakır
İstanbul, Turkey
Mustafa Sünbül
Samsun, Turkey
Nazif Elaldı
Nijaz Tihic
Sivas, Turkey
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nuran Esen
İzmir, Turkey
Oğuz Karabay
Sakarya, Turkey
Ömer Evirgen
Hatay, Turkey
Ömer Faruk Kökoğlu
Kahramanmaraş, Turkey
Özcan Deveci
Diyarbakır, Turkey
Özgen Köseoğlu Eser
Ankara, Turkey
Reşat Özaras
İstanbul, Turkey
Sacide Pehlivan
İstanbul, Turkey
Salih Cesur
Ankara, Turkey
Salih Hoşoğlu
İstanbul, Turkey
Sarang Deshmukh
Serap Gencer
İstanbul, Turkey
Serpil Erol
İstanbul, Turkey
Sibel Gündeş
İstanbul, Turkey
Suzan Saçar
Çanakkale, Turkey
Süleyman Yazar
Kayseri, Turkey
Şener Barut
Tokat, Turkey
Şerife Akalın
Denizli, Turkey
Themistoklis Kourkoumpetis
Tuba Dal
Vedat Turhan
Vicdan Köksaldı Motor
Boston, USA
Ankara, Turkey
İstanbul, Turkey
Hatay, Turkey
Zafer Mengeloğlu
Bolu, Turkey
Zahra Ghayour
Isfahan, Iran Vol 5, No 4, December 2015