Prof. Dr. Adem ACIR


Prof. Dr. Adem ACIR
Prof. Dr. Adem ACIR
(30 May 2014)
: Prof. Dr. Adem ACIR
Present Position
: Professor of Energy Systems Engineering
: Turkish
E – Mail
Web – page
Business address:
Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Gazi University
06500, Teknikokullar, Ankara, TÜRKİYE.
: +90-312-2028605;
: +90-312-2028947
• English
 BSc.: Department of Mechanical E., Technical Education Faculty, Gazi University, Turkey,
1993 - 1997.
 MSc.: Department of Mechanical E., Institute of Science and Technology,
Gazi University, Turkey, 1997 – 2000
 PhD.: Department of Mechanical E., Institute of Science and Technology,
Gazi University, Turkey, 2000 – 2004
 Habilitation (Doçent): Energy, Turkish High Education Council, Turkey, 2009
 Prof. Dr. : Energy, Department of Energy Systems E., Technology Faculty, Gazi University,
Turkey, 2014…..
2014 – Present : Professor Dr. , Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of
Technology, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
2011 –2014 : Assoc. Professor Dr. , Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of
Technology, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
2007- 2009
: Assoc. Professor Dr., Department of Mechanical Education, Energy Division,
Faculty of Technical Education, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
2004 – 2007 : Dr. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Education, Energy
Division, Faculty of Technical Education, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
: Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Education, Energy Division,
Faculty of Technical Education, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey.
Nuclear Reactors and Design
Fission Rectors
Fusion-Fission (Hybrid) Reactors
Neutron Transport Theory
Nuclear Transmutation
Heat and Mass Transfer
Energy and Exergy Analysis
Computer Programming
Fluid Mechanics
Advising ~ 8 Master Thesis
Advising ~ 3 Doctoral Thesis (Ongoing)
Undergraduate Level:
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Differential Equations
Numerical Analysis
Engineering Drawing and Design
Introduction of Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear Technologies
Different Computer Programming Languages (FORTRAN, PASCAL, C++)
Graduate Level:
Convection Heat Transfer
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear Reactor Design
International Journal of Nuclear Energy
2009- : Faculty Coordinator- Committee of Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement
2011-2014: Vice Dean, Faculty of Technology, Gazi University, Ankara, Türkiye
2013- : Deparment Coordinator- Erasmus Programme
2013- : Coordinator of ABET (MÜDEK) Accreditation Committee
2007 : Scientific Secretary of the 13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy
Systems, İstanbul, Turkey
2009 :Scientific Committe Member of the he First International Conference on Nuclear and
Renewable Energy Resources”, 28-29 Eylül 2009, Ankara, Turkey
2010 :Scientific Committe Member of the he First International Conference on Nuclear and
Renewable Energy Resources”, 4-7 Temmuz 2010, Ankara, Turkey
2012 :Scientific Committe Member of the he First International Conference on Nuclear and
Renewable Energy Resources”, 20-23 Mayıs 2012, İstanbul, Turkey
2012 : Lecturer and Scientific Committe Member of the First European Workshop on
Renewable Energy Systems (EWRES-2012), 17-28 Eylül 2012, Turkey
2013 : Technical Editor of the 2nd International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and
Thermodynamics Technologies, 15-16 Mart 2013, Turkey
2014 : Chairman of the 3nd International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics
Technologies, 15-16 Mart 2013, Turkey
PUBLICATIONS (Science Citation Indexed Articles)
1. Demirkol I., Tel E., Arasoglu A., Özmen A., Sarer B., Acır A., Alkan M., “The Neutron
Production Cross Sections for Pb, Bi, and Au Targets and Neutron Multiplicity for Nuclear
Spallation Reaction Induced by 20- to 1600-MeV Protons” Nuclear Science and Engineering,
147, 83-91, 2004.
2. Şahin S., Yıldız K., Acır A., “Power Flattening in the Fuel Bundle of a Candu Reactor”,
Nuclear Engineering & Design, 232(1), 7-18, 2004.
3. Yalçın Ş., Übeyli M., Acır A., “Neutronic Analysis Of A High Power Density Hybrid Reactor
Using Innovative Coolants” SADHANA-Academy Processing in Engineering Sciences, 30(4),
585-600, 2005.
4. Şahin S., Şahin H. M., Yıldız K., Acır A., “Effects of Spectral Shifting in an Inertial
Confinement Fusion System”, Kerntechnik, 70(4), 233-242, 2005.
5. Şahin S., Şahin H. M., Acır A., “Radiation Shielding Calculations for the Vista Spacecraft”,
Energy Convergement & Management, 46, 2345-2358, 2005.
6. Şahin S., Yıldız K., Şahin H. M., Acır A., “Investigation of CANDU Reactors as a Thorium
Burner”, Energy Conversion and Management, 47(13-14), 1661-1675, 2006.
7. Şahin S., Yıldız K., Şahin H. M., Şahin, N., Acır A., Increased Fuel Burnup in a CANDU
Thorium Reactor Using Weapon Grade Plutonium, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 236(17),
1778–1788, 2006.
8. Karakaş, M.S., Acır A., Übeyli, M., Ögel, B., “Effect Of Cutting Speed On Tool Performance
in Milling Of B4Cp Reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites” Journal of Materials
Processing Technology, 178 (1-3), 241-246. 2006.
9. Şahin S., Yıldız K., Şahin H. M., Acır A., Şahin, N., Altınok T., Minor Actinide Burning In A
Candu Thorium Reactor, Kerntechnik, 71, 5-6, 247-257, 2006.
10. Übeyli, M., Acır A., “Utilization of Thorium in A High Power Density Hybrid Reactor with
Innovative Coolants” Energy Conversion and Management, 48(2), 576-582, 2007.
11. Übeyli, M., Acır A., “Incineration of Weapon Grade Plutonium in a (DT) Fusion Driven
Hybrid Reactor Using Various Coolant” Kerntechnik, 72(1-2): 27-32, 2007.
12. M. Übeyli , A. Acır, M.S. Karakaş, B. Ögel, Study on Performance of Uncoated and Coated
Tools in Milling of Al-4%Cu/B 4C Metal Matrix Composites, Materials Science and
Technology, 23(8), 945-950 (2007).
13. Acır A., Übeyli, M., “Burning of Reactor Grade Plutonium Mixed with Thorium in a Hybrid
Reactor” Journal of Fusion Energy, 26 (3): 293-298, 2007.
14. M. Übeyli, A. Acır, M.S. Karakaş, T. Demir, On the surface roughness Al-4%Cu/B4C metal
matrix composites machined by milling operation, Science and Engineering of Composite
Materials, 15(2), 131-139 (2008).
15. M. Übeyli, A. Acır, M.S. Karakaş, B. Ögel, Effect of feed rate on tool wear in milling of Al-4%
Cu/B4Cp composite, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 23(8), 865-870 (2008).
16. Şahin S., Yalçın Ş., Yıldız K., Şahin H. M., Acır A., Şahin, N., CANDU Reactor As Minor
Actinide/Thorium Burner With Uniform Power Density in the Fuel Bundle, Annals of Nuclear
Energy, 35(4):690-703,2008.
17. Şahin H. M., Acır A., Altınok T., Yalçın Ş., Monte Carlo Calculation For Various Enrichment
Lithium Coolant Using Different Data Libraries in a Hybrid Reactor, Energy Conversion and
Management, 49 (7): 1960-1965, 2008.
18. Übeyli, M., Acır A., Yalçın Ş., “A Neutronic Investigation on a Helium Cooled Hybrid
Reactor using Nitride Fuels Containing Reactor Grade Plutonium” Applied Energy, 85(9); 855866; 2008.
19. Acır A., “Effect of Nuclear Data Libraries on Tritium Breeding in a (D - T) Fusion Driven
Reactor” Journal of Fusion Energy, 27(4); 301-307, 2008.
20. Acır A., Turgut Y, Ubeyli M, Günay M., Şeker U., A Study on the Cutting Force in Milling of
Boron Carbide Particle Reinforced Aluminum Composite Science And Engineering Of
Composite Materials, 16(3): 187-195, 2009.
21. Şahin S, Sahin HM, Acır A., Tawfik Ahmed Al-Kusayer “Criticality investigations for
the fixed bed nuclear reactor using thorium fuel mixed with plutonium or
minor actinides” Annals of Nuclear Energy; 36( 8): 1032-1038, 2009.
22. Acır A., “Numerical and Statistical Analysis of FR Spent Fuel Transmutation in a Thorium
Fusion Breeder,” Journal of Fusion Energy; 28: 3; 258-267, 2009.
23. Acır A., N. P. Alakoç, K. Yıldız “Estimation of Neutronic Performance in a Hybrid Reactor
with Regression Analysis” Journal of Fusion Energy; 28(4):427-433, 2009.
24. Acır A., “Impact of Resonance Treatment on Minor Actinide Incineration in a D-T Thorium
Fusion Concept” Journal of Fusion Energy; 28(4): 364-370,2009.
25. A. Acır, M. Übeyli, Effect of Using Thorium Molten Salts on the Neutronic Performance of
PACER , Journal of Fusion Energy, 29(2), 113-118, 2010.
26. Şahin S, Sahin HM, Acır A., Utilization of TRISO Fuel with Reactor Grade Plutonium in
CANDU Reactors, Nuclear Engineering & Design, 240(8), 2066-2074, 2010.
27. Şahin S, Acır A., Sahin HM, Performance Analysis Of 233U For Fixed Bed Nuclear Reactor,
Kerntechnik,75(5), 243-247, 2010.
28. Sahin HM, Acır A., Altunok T., E. Baysal, Analysis of Exergy and Energy of Sugar Production
Process in a Sugar Plant, Journal of the Energy Institute, 83(3), 178-185, 2010.
29. Şahin S, Sahin HM, Acır A., Criticality and Burn Up Evolutions of the Fixed Bed Nuclear
Reactor With Alternative Fuels, Energy Conversion and Management, 51(9), 1781-1787,
30. Acır A., Altunok T., “Utilization of TRISO Fuel With LWR Spent Fuel In Fusion–Fission
Hybrid Reactor System”, Journal of Fusion Energy, 29(5), 436-442, 2010.
31. M. Übeyli, A. Acır, Neutronic Investigation on the ARIES-ST Fusion Reactor with Fissionable
Molten Salts, Energy Conversion and Management, 51(12), 2531-234, 2010.
32. Acır A., Çoşkun H., Sahin HM, Erol O., “Criticality And Burnup Analysis of a PBMR - 400
Full Core Using Monte Carlo Calculation Method”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 38(2-3), 298301, 2010.
33. Topcu, O., Ubeyli, M., Acır A., Effect of The Martensite Volume Fraction on the Machining of
a Dual-Phase Steel Using A Milling Operation, Materiali Iin Tehnologije , 45(2), 145-150,
34. M. Übeyli, Adem Acır, Ömer Keleş, C. E. Akçay “Effect of cutting parameters on cutting
force and surface roughness in milling alumina reinforced Al-6Zn-2Mg-2Cu composites”
Powder Metallurgy, 54(2):172-176, 2011.
35. Acır A., N. P. Alakoç, Derivation of Empirical Equations for Neutronic Performance in a
Thorium Fusion Breeder with Various Coolants using Regression Analysis, Expert Systems
with Applications, 38(8), 9619-9625, 2011.
36. Korkut I., Acır A., Boy M., Application of Regression and Artificial Neural Network Analysis
in Modelling of Tool-Chip Interface Temperature in Machining, Expert Systems and
Applications, 38(9), 11651-11656, 2011.
37. Acır A., Çoşkun H., Burn up extension in a PBMR-400 full core using weapon grade plutonium
fuel mixed with thorium, KERNTECHNIK, 76(5): 337-340, 2011 .
38. Şahin S, Sahin HM, Acır A., Reduction of Weapon Grade Plutonium Inventories in a Thorium
Burner, Fusion Science and Technology, 61(1T), 250-255, 2012.
39. Şahin S, Sahin HM, Acır A., Utilization of Reactor Grade Plutonium As Energy Multiplier
in The Life Engine, Fusion Science and Technology, 61(1T), 216-221, 2012
40. Acır A., Alptuğ Kazım Bilginsoy, Çoşkun H., Investigation of the Effect of Dead State
Temperatures on Energy and Exergy Efficiencies in a Thermal Power Plant, Journal of the
Energy Institute, 85(1), 14-21, 2012.
41. Acır A., Eşref Baysal, Alptuğ Kazım Bilginsoy, Parametric optimization on exergy analysis of
a thermal power plant using Taguchi design method, Energy Education Science And
Technology Part A-Energy Science And Research, 29(2), 1313-1326, 2012.
42. Acır A., Çoşkun H., Neutronic analysis of the PBMR-400 full core using thorium fuel mixed
with plutonium or minor actinides, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 48,45-50,2012.
43. Şahin S, Sahin HM, Acır A., LIFE hybrid reactor as reactor grade plutonium burner, Energy
Conversion and Management, 63,44-50, 2012.
44. Şahin S, Sahin HM, Acır A., Commercial utilization of weapon grade plutonium as TRISO fuel
in conventional CANDU reactors, Energy Conversion and Management, 63,17-24, 2012.
45. Şahin, H.M., Erol O., Acır A., Utilization of thorium in a Gas Turbine – Modular Helium
Reactor, Energy Conversion and Management,63,25-30, 2012.
46. Acır A., Effect of using Flibe and Flinabe Molten Salts Bearing Plutonium Fluorides on the
Neutronic Performance of PACER, Kerntechnik, 2012 (in press).
47. Yagmur, S., Acır, A., Şeker, U., An Experimental Investigation of Effect of Cutting Parameters
on Cutting Zone Temperature in Drilling, Journal of the Faculty of Engineering and
Architecture of Gazi University, 28(1); 1-6; 2013
48. Acır A., Improvement of the Neutronic Performance of the PACER Fusion Concept using
Thorium Molten Salt with Reactor Grade Plutonium, Journal of Fusion Energy, 32 (1); 11-14,
49. Acır A., Application of Artificial Neural Network to Exergy Performance Analysis of Coal
Fired Thermal Power Plant, International Journal of Exergy, 12( 3); 362 – 379; 2013.
50. Acır A., Neutronic Analysis of the Laser Inertial Confinement Fusion-Fission Energy (LIFE)
Engine using Various Thorium Molten Salts, Journal of Fusion Energy, 2013 .
51. Acır A., Çoskun H., Monte Carlo calculations on transmutation of plutonium and minor
actinides of pebble bed high temperature reactor, Progress in Nuclear Energy, In Press, 2014.
1. Sahin, S., H. M. Sahin, A. Acır, T. Altınok, “Temperature Fields in the Reflectors of a Dual
Purpose Thermionic Space Craft Reactor During Thrust Phase”, Proceedings of the Space
Nuclear Conference 2005, San Diego, California, June 5-9, 2005.
2. Sahin, S., H. M. Sahin, A. Acır, T. Altınok, “Nuclear Heating Considerations, The
Supermagnetic Coils Of Vista Space Craft”, Proceedings of the Space Nuclear Conference
2005, San Diego, California, June 5-9, 2005.
3. H. M. Sahin, S. Yalçın, T. Altınok and A. Acır, “Monte Carlo Calculation for Different
Enrichment Lithium Moderator in a Hybrid Reactor”, International Conference on
Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, ICENES2007, _stanbul, 3-8 June 2007.
4. K. Yıldız, N. Sahin, H. M. Sahin, S. Yalçın, T. Altınok, A. Acır, M. Bayrak, “Investigation
of Tritium and 233U Breeding in a Fission- Fusion Hybrid Reactor Fuelling With ThO2”,
International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, ICENES2007, _stanbul, 38 June 2007.
5. S. Sahin, K. Yıldız, H. M. Sahin, A. Acır, S. Yalçın and T. Altınok Necmettin Sahin
Transmutation Of Minor Actinides in A CANDU Thorium Burner”, International
Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, ICENES2007, İstanbul, 3-8 June, 2007.
6. S. Şahin, H. M. Şahin, A. Acır “Reduction of Weapon Grade Plutonium Inventories in a
Thorium Burner”, ICENES 2011, 15th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear
Energy Systems, San Francisco, California, USA (May 15-19, 2011)
7. S. Şahin, H. M. Şahin, A. Acır “Commercial Utilization of Weapon Grade Plutonium as
TRISO Fuel in Conventional CANDU Reactors,” SET2011, The 10th International
Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, İstanbul, Türkiye (4-7th September 2011)
8. S. Şahin, H. M. Şahin, A. Acır “LIFE Hybrid Reactor as Reactor Grade Plutonium Burner,”
SET2011, The 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, İstanbul,
Türkiye (4-7th September 2011)
9. A. Acır, H. Çoşkun “Neutronic Analysis of CANDU Reactors using Monte Carlo Code
(MCNP),” 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET-2012)
Vancouver, Canada (September 2-5, 2012)
10. A. Acır, H. Çoşkun, Transmutatıon of the Minor Actinides of a PBMR - 400 Full Core
using Monte Carlo Calculatıon Method, International Conference on Emerging Nuclear
Energy Systems, ICENES2013, Madrid, Spain, 26-31 May 2013.

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