January - March 2015 NEWS - Yeditepe University International Office


January - March 2015 NEWS - Yeditepe University International Office
 Jan -­‐ Mar 2015 Issue # 31
Quote of the Month –
“ I know but one freedom, and that
is the freedom of the mind.”
…. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Spring term started with the
orientation meeting for over 100
Erasmus - Exchange new arrivals
in the Mavi Salon in the Rektörlük.
YU Provost Prof. Dr. Ahmet Aydin
Yeditepe. Ms. Gamze Kemerli,
director YU International Office and
Mr. Cihan Atmaca, in charge of the
Erasmus Incoming Office, gave
presentations and vital information
to the new students; with the
assistance of the YISS club,
everyone found the “right buddy”
and enjoyed a tour of the campus
before lunch. An essential element
of the orientation program offered
to incoming international students
is the organized “ City Tour ” : at
this time, students learn how to get
around Istanbul, get the city-travel
Istanbulkart, and get a taste of the
historical sites as well as the
modern hot spots to visit during the
academic year. We are hosting
over 200 students on campus this
spring as many have remained on
ONLINE application for YU
students to join the student mobility
program – to study abroad – is to
be implemented during April. A firm
based in Germany has been
designing the program for several
months with Ms. Ayşe Ökten,
International Office, advising on
details with their representatives
Mr. Devrim Atalay and Mr. Stefan
Kambou. A final meeting was held
in Germany mid-March, attended
by two YU delegates, in order to
finalize the “system”. Application to
qualify for the Erasmus Exchange
Program will be April with qualifying
proficiency test taking place in May.
Successful candidates will have a
chance to be nominated for study
abroad Spring 2016! Department
coordinators continue to be busy with
securing and updating Erasmus+
Learning Agreements - currently over
700 —with our partner institutions!
ENSEA-École Nationale Supérieure
de l'Électroniques, Cergy, France:
Ms.Stephanie Flint Luh accompanied
students to visit YU Engineering
Faculty, Dept. of Electronics; they
visited the labs, met professors and
enjoyed lunch and a tour of campus.
KH-Katholische Hochschule Freiburg
Germany: Ms. Naomi Hiroe-Helbing
visited to discuss Erasmus+ issues.
Nankai University, Nankai China:
international office representatives
Jason Zhang and Cheng Jian came
to meet with YU international office.
Trip organized to visit Ephesus ---23 - National Holiday Çocuk Bayramı - Children’s Day
1 - National Holiday - “May Day”
INTERNATIONAL DAY at Yeditepe sponsored by ESN
15 - Last day of classes
*YISS- Yeditepe International Student Society – member
of ESN – contact: esnyeditepe@esturkey.org
Yeditepe International Office – international.yeditepe@yeditepe.edu.tr T: +90 216 578 0379 / 0531
Jan -­‐ Mar 2015 Issue # 31
Orientation Day for Erasmus Exchange Students
Spring Term 2015 Jan -­‐ Mar 2015 Issue # 31
A day visit from a group of students from ENSEA – Cergy, France ------Yeditepe University offers Erasmus Exchange students
the opportunity to discover the world outside the classroom --------------–
A winter’s tale
to tell --Cappadocia
Karaoke Night in Istanbul