Energy Kid Naz explained the energy efficiency to 4500 students in


Energy Kid Naz explained the energy efficiency to 4500 students in
Issue: 24 Year: 2015
Energy Kid Naz explained the energy efficiency to 4500 students in
18 cities within the first half of 2015-2016 educational year
After staging this year's first game in Kırıkkale within the activity, Naz and her friends explained the energy efficiency
to 4500 students n 18 cities where they met students in Kırşehir, Nevşehir, Samsun, Ordu, Giresun, Eskişehir,
Afyonkarahisar, Burdur, Antalya Bolu, Karabük, Bartın, Zonguldak, Düzce, Sakarya, Bilecik, Kütahya cities.
Naz will re-start trainings in April and meet her friends in Çankırı, Kastamonu, Çorum, Amasya, Aksaray, Niğde,
Karaman, Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, Çanakkale, Balıkesir, Manisa, Aydın, Muğla, Erzurum, Ağrı, Iğdır, Adıyaman cities
during the second half.
Beta Transformatör Has Become The First Company To Win The “Energy
Efficient Product Label”
BETA Transformer, which offers quality solutions for the energy sector' requirements with the slogan "Quality Solutions
Offered For Your Requirements Thanks To Efficient Production" has also been approved by TSE regarding the efficient
production process. Beta Transformer has been the first company to be awarded with "Energy Efficient Product Label"
presented to the consumer as a result of the joint efforts made by Energy Efficiency Association with TSE. Following
the application to the Energy Efficiency Association to receive the Energy Efficient Product Label and the approval of
this application; "Energy Efficient Product Label" has been given to the company which passed various inspection,
audit, test and assessment criterias by TSE to check the compliance of products with the energy efficient product
Energy Efficiency Clubs Attract A Great
Deal of Interest In Universities The Same
Way As Schools
Universities have also supported efforts of Energy
Efficiency Association, which continues its efforts to
create an, awareness regarding effective and efficient use
of energy. Students have not remained silent to the Energy
Efficiency Association’s appeal to establish Energy
Efficiency Clubs in universities the same way as
secondary schools have started to work for the launching
Energy Efficiency Association’s projects in their schools
Initially, İstanbul City University, Bilgi University,
Middle East Technical University have applied to our
associaiton for a joint activity.
Intended Nationally Determined
Contributions (INDC) Presentation
Meeting Held in Ankara
As Energy Efficiency Association, we joined the
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
(INDC) Presentation Meeting held in Ankara on
November 24, 2015.
In the meeting, it was explained that 21% greenhouse gas
emission was aimed, an equal amount to a reduction of 2
billion tons of greenhouse gas
Issue: 24 Year: 2015
Termal ve Fotovoltaik
Güneş Enerjisi
Ürün Kurutma
Kabini solarbooster®
Energy Efficiency
Drying Cabinet
Thermal and photovoltaic solar energy supported industrial dryer cabinet Solarbooster® Sundry, manufactured in
Konya has been awarded to Energy Efficiency Award for 2014, given by the Ministry of Science, Industry and
Technology. Mustafa Bartu BUGATUR, The Company General Manager and meantime the Board Member of Konya
Branch of Energy Efficiency Association said within his statement “Our product developped by our SUNSTRIP R&D
group and awarded to the Efficiency Award by the Ministry Energy Efficiency Department is the first and only mobile
fruit/vegetable dryer cabinet available for autonomously and simultaneously use of Thermal and Photovoltaic Solar
Energy, developped in Turkey. The product designed as mobile can easily be installed depending on the application area
and does not require any additional power supply to operate.”
Konya Branch
New Board Members of Konya Branch of Energy Efficiency
Association, which held the 2nd Ordinary Congress came together in
A dinner organization where Energy Efficiency Generla Secretary
Yeşim Beyla was also present.
We wish success to the new management, where Mehmet Ali ACAR
was elected as the Chairman of the Board.
Uşak Branch
Isparta Branch
“Energy Lady” Project run out for the purpose of training
our ladies mainly at home by underlining energy
efficiency efforts accross the country and thus providing
contribution firstly to the inhouse economy and then to the
country economy has met ladies in Uşak. Metin Dokur,
Chairman of Uşak Branch of Energy Efficiency
Association made the opening speech of the agenda and
said that energy resources should be used smartly.
Participants have shown high interest to Energy
Lady, who met ladies from Isparta, after Uşak
training. Alaattin Erkoç, Chairman of Isparta Branch
of Energy Efficiency Association said “We consider
our ladies as home economists. We are trying to
create an awareness regarding the energy efficiency
by reaching every layer of our population through
ladies.” during his opening speech.
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