İndir - Pine Beach Club


İndir - Pine Beach Club
English / TŸrke
Pine Magazine
General Manager of Pine Beach Resort
Kemal OÛuz GŸle
ÒThe Breath of GodÓ
Night life in Pine Beach
Fantastic shows
A fantastic world for the children
Pino KidÕs Kingdom
Social Responsibility Project from
Pine Beach Resort
ÒEvery Cap is a HopeÓ
Issue 7 Summer 2012
Listen to the whispers of
Kelebeklerin fÝsÝltÝsÝnÝ
I have experienced today, that self-confidence is a leading feeling
that takes you directly to success. Without self-confidence, one
cannot even take a step forward in life. One just stays where he is
as if he is paralyzed. If you would wait for the others to evaluate
you, you would be disappointed; but if you take the control of your
life in your own hands, the whole universe opens its doors to you
BugŸn šÛrendim ki, šzgŸven her insanÝ baßarÝya gštŸren lokomotif
bir duygu. …zgŸveniniz olmadan hayata dair hibir adÝm atamÝyorsunuz.
Adeta felli gibi mÝhlanÝyorsunuz olduÛunuz yere. BaßkalarÝnÝn sizi
deÛerlendirmesini beklerseniz hayal kÝrÝklÝÛÝ yaßarsÝnÝz. Oysa hayatÝnÝzÝn
kontrolŸnŸ elinize aldÝÛÝnÝzda evren size bŸtŸn kapÝlarÝnÝ aÝyor.
All you have to do is to hear the whispers of sylphish butterflies,
which try to resist the conditions of hot weather in order to live
their short life with fertility. They whisper: ÒYou are special and you
can make it. Just want it!ÓÉ Nevertheless, the ones who concentrate
to the buzz of house flies lose their self Ðconfidence and are
The easiest thing a person with lost-self-confidence can do, is to
get out-of-way of the world and to hide in a torn paper bag.
Nevertheless the best thing he could do is to find an occupation he
would really enjoy doing it. The last alternative is the top value of
life and success is only a foot step away afterwards.
YapmanÝz gereken tek ßey, bu sÝcak havalara raÛmen tŸm gŸcŸyle
direnmeye ve birka gŸnlŸk šmrŸnŸ verimli bir ßekilde geirmeye
alÝßan narin kelebeklerin fÝsÝltÝlarÝnÝ dinlemek. Onlar, "Sen šzelsin ve
baßarmak iin varsÝn. Sadece iste!" derken, genellikle kara sineklerin
vÝzÝltÝlarÝna odaklananlar kendilerine olan gŸvenlerini kaybedip baßarÝsÝz
…zgŸvenini kaybetmiß bir insanÝn yapabileceÛi en kolay ßey, dŸnyanÝn
Ÿcra bir kšßesine gidip yÝrtÝk bir kesekaÛÝdÝnÝn iine saklanmaksa,
yapabileceÛi en iyi ßey de hayatta gerekten severek yapmak istediÛi
ißin ne olduÛunu bulmaktÝr. Üßte bu sonuncusu, hayattaki en bŸyŸk
zenginliktir, bundan sonra gelecek baßarÝ ise sadece bir adÝm štededir.
If you believe in the fact that nothing in life is coincidence, then
you also believe in the fact that descents in life also do not occur
per coincidence. All have started with you and you are the only
reason. If you do not believe in it, life would evaluate you with the
steps you took in your past. On the other hand, if you would believe
in the job you undertake, one wrong step you took in your past,
would enable you to go directly to the result.
Hibir baßarÝnÝn tesadŸf sayÝlamayacaÛÝna dŸßŸnŸyorsanÝz, hibir
dŸßŸßŸn de tesadŸf olmadÝÛÝnÝ bilirsiniz. Her ßey sizinle baßlamÝßtÝr
ve sebep tamamen sizsinizdir. Üßin iine inancÝnÝzÝ katmazsanÝz hayat,
sizi gemißte attÝÛÝnÝz adÝmlarla deÛerlendirir. Oysa yaptÝÛÝnÝz iße ve
kendinize inanÝrsanÝz, gemißte attÝÛÝnÝz yanlÝß bir adÝmÝn bile sizi
doÛru sonuca yšneltmesini saÛlayabilirsiniz.
Let us finish this article with a slogan:
Life is a piece of time offered to us and the best way to spend this
piece of time is to take a holidayÉ
SloganÝmÝzla bitirelim yazÝyÝ;
Hayat bize sunulmuß olaÛanŸstŸ bir zaman dilimidir, bu zamanÝ
harcamanÝn en iyi yolu da tatil yapmaktÝr.
Have a nice vacancy..
Yeßim KÝnay DOÚAN
Üyi tatiller
Yeßim KÝnay DOÚAN
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
interview with family Verbrugghe
fantastic shows
ÒThe Breath of GodÓ
TURKA Otelcilik Turizm Tic. A.Þ
Yeßim Kõnay DOÚAN
Graphic Design & Press
IT Support
Translation Office
Duru TercŸme BŸrosu
ÜleribaßÝ Mevkii 5.Parsel 07525 Belek / ANTALYA
Tel:+90 242 710 02 00 ¥ Fax: +90 0242 715 25 15
Pino Kids Kingdom Tale
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Pine Beach Resort General Manager
Kemal OÛuz GŸle
The Harappans
5 Foods you should
eat every day
ÒEvery Cap is a HopeÓ
An elegant atmosphere,
Enchanting foodsÉ.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
conversation guest
some hotels in Side and Belek, but they were not for us, we did not feel
comfortable there. Here in Maritim Pine Beach Resort we feel ourselves
absolutely great. The staff is so nice they always friendly and helpful.
Why do you prefer Maritim Pine Beach Resort so often for your
(Smiling) Because when we come here, we are as if come to see our
family. Everyone is so hospitable. The staff is guest oriented, they took
our hearts forever. I want to share with you one of my memories. When
we were here for the first time 6 years ago, I wanted some grated
carrots for lunch but there was no. I could not explain anyone what I
wanted, but the chef was so nice, he took me to the kitchen and led
me show what I needed. Since then there are alwasy grated carrots in
the main restaurant. The hotel is so green and beautiful as if it were
the Garden of Eden. It is so peaseful here, we enjoy every minute spent
in this heaven. Besides we love our room and our tree which we were
allowed to adopt. Every time when the departure day comes we feel so
sad, as we do not want to leave this magic place. At home we miss
your attention and kindness and every single moment we had here.
At home
we miss your attention and
kindness and every single moment
we had here...
"Eve dšndŸÛŸmŸzde bize gšsterdiÛiniz ilgi ve nezaketi šzlŸyoruz..."
Dear family Verbrugghe, we are so happy to be able to have an interview
with you.
Which is your favourite place for spending time in our hotel?
We love every place here, but especially we enjoy our cup of tea after
lunch in Antik Bar. Barman Emin is very friendly and polite. We enjoy
his company. Of course, we like also pavillion area, the service there is
fantastic. All wishes come true at once.
What do you think about the renovating points of Maritim Pine
Beach Resort?
Every year the hotel becomes more and more beautiful, the service level
improves. This year for example we liked changes in Pool Bar, in Pinea
Restaurant, at Aqua Pool Bar. This is one more reason for us to come
back every year Ð we want to see all these changes, it makes us happy
to observe them.
kalÝrÝz. Daha šnce Belek ve Side'de pek ok otele gittik ama oralarda
buradaki kadar rahat hissetmedik kendimizi. Burada, MARITIM Pine
beach Resort'de ise kendimizi kesinlikle ok iyi hissediyoruz. Personel
her zaman bize karßÝ ok kibar ve siten. Ailemizden biri gibiler. Hepsi
yardÝm sever ve sizin iin bir ßeyler yapmak iin yarÝßÝyorlar adeta.
Tesisimizi bu kadar ok tercih etmenizin asÝl sebebi nedir?
Buraya ok sÝk geliyoruz ŸnkŸ her gelißimizde sanki ailemizden birileriyle
bulußmaya geliyor gibi bir beklentiyle geliyoruz. Hele yÝllardÝr tanÝdÝÛÝmÝz
yŸzleri gšrŸnce de ok seviniyoruz. TŸm personel Misafir odaklÝ alÝßÝyor.
Sonsuza kadar kalplerimizi kazandÝlar. Sizinle bir anÝmÝ paylaßmak
istiyorum: 6 yÝl šnce, buraya ilk geldiÛimiz zaman, ben šÛle yemeÛi iin
rendelenmiß havu aradÝm bŸfede, fakat yoktu. Kimseye ne istediÛimi
tam olarak anlatamÝyordum. Fakat AߍÝbaßÝ o kadar nazikti ki, beni
mutfaÛa gštŸrdŸ ve ne istediÛimi gšstermemi istedi. O gŸnden beri
šÛle bŸfelerinde kÝzarmÝß havu bulabiliyorum. Otelin yeßil alanÝ o kadar
gŸzel ki sanki cennet bahesinden bir šrnek gibi. BurasÝ o kadar huzurlu
ki, bu cennette geirdiÛimiz her anÝmÝzÝn keyfini ÝkarÝyoruz. AyrÝca,
evlat edindiÛimiz aÛacÝmÝzÝ ve buradaki odamÝzÝ ok seviyoruz. Otelden
ayrÝlma zamanÝmÝz geldiÛinde, her seferinde bir hŸzŸn kaplÝyor iimizi,
ŸnkŸ bu sihirli ortamÝ bÝrakmak ok zor geliyor. Eve ulaßtÝÛÝmÝzda ise,
bize gšsterdiÛiniz ilgiyi, nezaketi ve geirdiÛimiz her anÝ ok šzlŸyoruz.
Tesisimizde en ok nerelerde zaman geirmeyi seviyorsunuz?
Tesisinizdeki her yeri ayrÝ ayrÝ seviyoruz ama šÛle yemeÛinden sonra
ieceÛimiz ay iin šzellikle tercih ettiÛimiz yer Antik bar. Oradaki barmen
Emin bizi tanÝyor ve ilgileniyor. Kendisi ok kibar ve samimi biri. Onun
bize ay saatimizde eßlik ediyor olmasÝ hoßumuza gidiyor. Bir de Pavillion
alanÝ var. Oradaki servisi de seviyoruz, gerekten olaÛanŸstŸ bir servis
anlayÝßÝ. Bir anda bŸtŸn dilekleriniz gerekleßtiriliyor.
Tesisimizin yenilenen bšlŸmleri hakkÝnda ne dŸßŸnŸyorsunuz?
Tesisiniz her yÝl ok daha gŸzel hale getiriliyor. Servis de kendini
gelißtiriyor. Bu yÝl šrneÛin, biz Pool Bar, Aqauapark ve Pinea Restorandaki
deÛißiklileri ok beÛendik.BŸtŸn bu yenilikler bizim iin, šnŸmŸzdeki
yÝllarda buraya yeniden gelmek iin var olan sebeplerimize sadece bir
tane daha ekliyor. TŸm yenilikleri gšrmek istiyoruz. Burada, yapÝlan
yenilikleri izlemek bizi mutlu ediyor.
Could you please tell us about yourself?
We are from France, we live in Wattelos, this is on the borders with
Belgium, so though we live in France we often go to Belgium to do
shopping (smile).
We know that this is not your first in Maritim Pine Beach Resort?
No, we have been to Maritim Pine Beach Resort already 6 times. Each
year we come in the end of May for 3 weeks. Before we have been in
Sevgili Verbrugghe ailesi, sizleri bu yÝl da aramÝzda gšrmek ok gŸzel.
Bize biraz kendinizden sšz eder misiniz?
Biz Fransadan geliyoruz. Belika sÝnÝrÝ yakÝnlarÝndaki Wattelos'dan
Genellike alÝßverißlerimiz iin Belika'ya gideriz. OrasÝ biraz daha uygun
bu konularda.
Biliyoruz ki, buraya ilk gelißiniz deÛil. Bu yÝl, tesisimize kaÝncÝ gelißiniz?
BugŸne kadar kez tesisinie geldik. Her yÝl MayÝs sonu gelir 3 hafta
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Yesterday and today
live together in
sidewalks of Kaleii
DŸn ve bugŸn aynÝ kaldÝrÝmda yaßar Kaleii'nde...
Antalya, is a true treasure for all the civilizations
of the world. Everyone, who has been to Antalya,
knows that there are lots of historical places in
this city to visit, to see and to respect. One of
these special places is the Kaleii.
Antalya, dŸnya halklarÝ iin baßlÝ baßÝna bir hazine
sayÝlmasÝ gereken ender coÛrafyalardan biri.
Antalya'ya yolu dŸßen herkes bilir ki, buralarda
gšrŸp gezilecek, šÛrenilecek ve saygÝ duyulacak
ok yer var. Üßte bu šzel yerlerden biri de Kaleii.
Kaleii is the oldest locality for the civilizations. It is surrounded internally
or externally by city walls in a shape of a horseshoe, and the great part
of these city walls are destroyed or ruined. The city walls are a common
creation of the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman
architecture. There are 3000 houses with tile roofs surrounded by these
walls. The characteristics of the houses do not only tell about the
architectural history of Antalya, but also reflects the life style, tradition
and customs of the region.
Today Kaleii is one of the most joyful places with all the hotels,
pensions, restaurants, bars, souvenir shops and shops selling antique
carpets and jeweler. One may come across with many historical ruins
in Kaleii, a place that became the symbol of Antalya: Yivli Minare
Mosque is one of the first Islamic architecture of Antalya, KeyhŸsrev
and the Moslem theological school of Karatay constructed by the
SeljukÕs, Hõdõrlõk Tower, which was constructed for defense purposes,
the HadrianÕs Gate which was constructed by the Roman Empire Hadrian
in 130 B.C.
Antalya'nÝn bilinen en eski
yerleßim yeri olan Kaleii, bŸyŸk
bir bšlŸmŸ yÝkÝlmÝß ve yok
olmuß, at nalÝ ßeklinde iten ve
dÝßtan surlarla evrilidir. Surlar,
Helenistik, Roma, Bizans,
Seluklu ve OsmanlÝ devirleri
ortak eseridir. SurlarÝn iinde
kiremit atÝlÝ 3000 kadar ev
bulunmaktadÝr. Evlerin
karakteristik yapÝlarÝ
Antalya'nÝn sadece mimari
tarihi hakkÝnda fikir vermekle
kalmaz, aynÝ zamanda
bšlgedeki yaßam tarzÝnÝ,
gelenek ve gšrenekleri de en
iyi ßekilde yansÝtÝr.
GŸnŸmŸzde Kaleii, otelleri,
pansiyonlarÝ, restoranlarÝ,
barlarÝ, hediyelik eßya satan
dŸkkanlarÝ, antika halÝ ve
kuyum maÛazalarÝ
ve alÝßveriß merkezi haline
gelmiß durumdadÝr.
Antalya'nÝn bir simgesi konumunda olan Kaleii'nde ok sayÝda tarihi
eserle karßÝlaßabilirsiniz. Antalya'nÝn ilk Üslami eserlerinden olan Yivli
Minare, Seluklular tarafÝndan yapÝlan KeyhŸsrev ve Karatay Medresesi,
savunma amacÝyla yapÝlan HÝdÝrlÝk Kulesi, Ü.S.130 yÝlÝnda Roma Ümparatoru
Hadrian adÝna yapÝlan Hadrian KapÝsÝ bunlardan sadece bazÝlarÝdÝr.
Siz siz olun Kaleii'ne giderken fotoÛraf makinenizi yanÝnÝza almaya
sakÝn unutmayÝn. FotoÛraflanacak o kadar ok mekan var ki burada. Üßte
o mekanlardan biri harabe ierisinde satÝn alÝnÝp restore edilerek kurulan
Suna&Ünan KÝra MŸzesi. 19. yŸzyÝl TŸrk evinin gŸzel bir šrneÛi olan bu
kŸŸk mŸzede seramik eserler ve kŸltŸrel unsurlar sergileniyor.
EÛlenceden dinlenceye, kŸltŸrden sanata, yemekten alÝßveriße kadar her
yšnŸyle sizleri tatmin edecek bir semt burasÝ. Kaleii'nin tarih kokan
e sokaklarÝnda gezerken rengarenk dŸkkanlarÝ ve renove edilmiß evleri
gšrecek ve zamanÝn nasÝl getiÛini fark etmeyeceksiniz. YorulduÛunuzu
hissettiÛinizde ise kale surlarÝ Ÿzerine kurulu cafelerde bir ßeyler yiyip
bir yorgunluk ayÝ iebilirsiniz. Yat limanÝ ve gšrkemli Toros DaÛlarÝ
manzarasÝ olan bu mekanlarda gŸneßin batÝßÝnÝ izlemek ise bambaßka
bir keyif.
En antika otel : Atelya Art
Atelya Art Hotel 18. yŸzyÝldan kalma iki evden olußuyor. Tel: (0242) 241
64 26
Yivli Minare
Yivli minare ve medrese, Paris iin Eyfel Kulesi neyse Antalya iin de
Yivli Minare odur. Kentin simgesi olan minare, I. Alaaddin Keykubat
dšnemi eseri.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
One thing you should never forget to take with you during your visit
to Kaleii is your camera. There are so many lovely places to photograph
in this place; such as the Suna&Ünan Kõra Museum, which became a
museum out of ruin by restoration. In this small museum you can find
ceramic works and cultural elements.
Kaleii is a place which can full up your day in all points from fun to
culture and arts, from food to shopping. When you see all the old
houses which are renovated as you walk down the historical streets
of Kaleii, you will realize how quickly time passes. When you feel tired
of walking around, you can have a little break in the cafes of Kaleii,
built by the city walls with the harbor and Taurus Mountain view. To
watch the sunset from this point is actually very different then to
watch from any other place.
One thing you should never forget to take with you during your visit
to Kaleii is your camera. There are so many lovely places to photograph
in this place; not only historical but also places which define tradition
and future. You may come across with modern constructions one after
the other right next to the historical buildings. It is an endless sad
scene to make a photo of. To summarize Kaleii, we can say that the
past is telling the future all of its experiences and the future is listening
with respect and cheer.
The Tower of Hõdõrlõk
It is a two floored tower situated at the south-east of the city walls,
on the north of KaraalioÛlu Park. The exact date and year of construction
is not known. Apparently it was constructed in a square shape in the
Hellenistic time and was then converted into a round shape during
later times. There are repair remarks of Seljuk and Ottoman times.
The bottom side of the tower in the starting point of the city walls at
the south has a square shape. The rest is round. It is from the antique
times and there is a huge bulk in it in form of a square.
The construction of the tower is very stable. It is a monument of a
grave and it was used for defense purposes or to make a fire in it to
be used as a sign. It is known that it was also used as a lighthouse. Its
height is 13, 5 meters.
Due to the fact that there are many historical ruins and old buildings
in Kaleii, the owners of the shops do find the chance to present the
artesian work they practice in these shops. Many artisans do present
and sell their works here such as bags, ceramics, knickknacks, copper,
silver and even stone. They all give another atmosphere to the history
of Kaleii and they make the old Turkish customs and traditions alive
with their works.
Yivli Minaret Mosque
The Yivli Minare Mosque is the Eiffel Tower of Paris for Antalya. It is
the symbol of the city and was built during the period of I. Aladdin
The most delicious food
Gizli Bahe
In case you wish to have a romantic night and a delicious food.
Telephone: (0242) 244 80 10
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
En gŸzel mŸze:
Suna Ünan KÝra MŸzesi
galerisinde, seramik eserler ve folklorik unsurlar sergileniyor. Tel: (0242)
243 42 74
En sempatik pansiyon:
Ninova Pansiyon
Ninova, sÝcak bir ev ortamÝ sunuyor konuklarÝna. Tel: (0242) 248 61 14
En popŸler eÛlence:
Ally, antik ile moderni baßarÝlÝ bir biimde harmanlamÝß, lŸks eÛlence
ve dinlence anlayÝßÝndan da hi kaÝnmamÝß. Tel: (0242) 244 77 04
En ßirin plaj:
Mermerli PlajÝ
Kaleii'nde rahatlÝkla denize girilebilen tek plaj. KorunaklÝ bir koyda yer
aldÝÛÝ iin deniz her zaman sakin, kumlar her daim altÝn gibi parlak. Tel:
(0242) 248 54 84
En lezzetli yemek :
Gizli Bahe
Lezzetli yemekler yiyerek romantik bir gece geirmek isterseniz Gizli
Bahe'ye buyurun. Tel: 0242) 244 80 10
Kaleii'nde gezerken beraberinizde mutlaka bulundurmanÝz gerekenler
arasÝnda fotoÛraf makinesi en baßta yer almalÝ. Burada, šnemli olan
sadece tarihi eselerle karßÝlaßÝyor olmanÝz deÛil. …nemli olan gelenek ve
geleceÛin aynÝ kaldÝrÝmda yaßamasÝ.
Geziniz sÝrasÝnda en ok yaßayacaÛÝnÝz manzara geleneksel tarihi binalarÝn
hemen yanÝ baßÝnda, adeta kol kola durur gibi gšrŸnen modern binalar.
Üßte bu gšrŸntŸler insanÝ sonsuz bir hŸzne ekiyor, ißte o hŸznŸ
fotoÛraflamak bambaßka bir tat. Kaleii'ni kÝsaca tarif etmek gerekirse,
ߚyle denebilir; Gemiß, geleceÛe tŸm deneyimlerini anlatÝyor, gelecek
de saygÝ ve neßeyle dinliyor Kaleiin'de...
GÝyasettin KeyhŸsrev Medresesi
Atabey ArmaÛan tarafÝndan 1239 tarihinde GÝyaseddin KeyhŸsrev adÝna
yaptÝrÝlmÝßtÝr. Eserin kapÝsÝnÝn karßÝsÝnda 13. yŸz yÝla ait olduÛu sanÝlan
Seluklu Medresesi yapÝtÝ vardÝr.
HÝdÝrlÝk Kulesi
SurlarÝn gŸneydoÛu kšßesinde,Kar‰alioÛlu ParkÝ'nÝn kuzeyinde deniz
kenarÝnda yer alan iki katlÝ bir kuledir. YapÝlÝß tarihi kesin olarak
bilinmemekle birlikte, Hellenistik dšnemde kare planlÝ olarak yapÝldÝÛÝ,
daha sonra yuvarlak hale dšnŸßtŸrŸldŸÛŸ sanÝlmaktadÝr. †st kÝsmÝnda
Seluklu ve OsmanlÝ dšnemlerine ait onarÝm izleri gšrŸlmektedir.
Kara surlarÝnÝn en gŸneydeki baßlangݍ noktasÝnda bulunan alt kÝsmÝ
kare, Ÿst kÝsmÝ silindir ßeklinde olan bir kuledir. Antik aÛdan kalma bir
yapÝ olup, iinde kare ßeklinde bŸyŸk bir kŸtle vardÝr.
Kulenin yapÝsÝ son derece saÛlamdÝr.Bir mezar anÝtÝ olduÛu, i yapÝsÝnÝn
šzelliÛi nedeni ile savunma amacÝyla kullanÝlan ya da ißaret ateßi yakÝlan
The youngest construction in all the
historical constructions of Kaleii
which has a history until 300 B.C,
belongs to the Ottoman Empire.
BazÝlarÝnÝn gemißi Üsa'dan šnce 300'lere kadar uzanan
tarihi eserleri barÝndÝran Kaleii'de bulunan tarihi binalarÝn
en genci OsmanlÝ imparatorluÛuna ait binalar.
The most beautiful museum
Suna & Ünan Kõra Museum
Ceramic works and cultural instruments are presented in the gallery
of the museum. Telephone: (0242) 243 42 74
bir yer olduÛu sanÝlmaktadÝr. Ancak bir ara deniz feneri olarak kullanÝldÝÛÝ
bilinmektedir. YŸksekliÛi yaklaßÝk 13.5 m'dir.
Kaleii, tarihi eserler bakÝmÝndan zengin olmasÝ ve pek ok eski binanÝn
bu alanda yer almasÝ sayesinde dŸkkan sahipleri kendilerine ait bu ok
eski binalarda sanatlarÝnÝ icra etme fÝrsatÝ buluyor. Pek ok zanaatkar
burada emeÛini sergiliyor ve satÝyor. ‚antacÝlar ,ini yapanlar, sŸs eßyalarÝ
satan dŸkkanlar, bakÝrÝ ve gŸmŸßŸ hatta taßÝ ißleyen el emekileri... hepsi
birer tarihi eserin ierisinde icra ettikleri sanatlarÝyla Kaleiin'e ayrÝ bir
hava katarken eski TŸrk gelenek ve motiflerinin de yaßamasÝnÝ saÛlÝyorlar.
The most popular night life
Ally , antik ile moderni baßarõlõ bir biimde harmanlamõß, lŸks eÛlence
ve dinlence anlayõßõndan da hi kaõnmamõß. Tel: (0242) 244 77 04
The most antique hotel
Atelya Art
Atelya hotel is made of two houses from 18th century. Telephone:
(0242) 241 64 26
The most sympatric pension
Ninova Pension
The Nivona Pension offers a warm home sweat home atmosphere to
its clients. Telephone: (0242) 248 61 14
The cutest beach
The Mermerli Beach
The only beach in Kaleii, from where you can swim. The preserved
sand is shining like the sun. Telephone: (0242) 248 54 84
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
use chemicals like chlorine and
similar at all for sterilization
Referred as ÒThe Breath of GodÓ
in America and Europe, Ozone
gas doesnÕt have any side effects
as long as it is used properly
according to statement of World
Health Organization (WHO). On
the contrary, it is very beneficial
for health and nature.
Usage areas of Ozone technology
in our facility:
¥ Pervaded or to be pervaded
cigarette odors
mold odors
¥ Body odor
¥ Removing mites that causes
asthma and allergies
water drinkable
¥ Removing food, grill odors,
Increasing resistance of meals,
¥ Cleaning water used during
¥ Sterilization during vegetable
and fruit washing
ÒThe Breath of GodÓ
and million dollar great investment in
MARITIM Pine Beach Resort
MARITIM Pine Beach Resort'de "TanrÝnÝn Nefesi"
ve milyon dolarlÝk dev yatÝrÝm
MARITIM Pine Beach Resort has gained the title of Òthe first hotel in
Turkey to apply ÒOzonazingÓ technology with its million dollar investment
performed within the scope of environmental protection and saving
projects commenced as of April.
Today, numerous polluting materials arising from residential areas,
industrial and energy production facilities and other facilities of human
goes back to nature through used water and air. It is the common duty
of all people to purify, clean these waters and polluted air before they
go back to nature. Since air and water masses which may store
numerous polluters conclusively bind each other and bind the countries
to each other, the importance of this subject is over the boundaries
of countries.
Environmental friendly MARITIM Pine Beach Resort performed 1 million
dollar investment referred as ÒThe Breath of GodÓ in order to emphasize
the importance of this subject and create awareness in tourism world
within the frame of social responsibility projects.
Ozone gas (O3), which is formed with the addition of one atom to
Oxygen (O2) atom which is free in nature sterilizes the air and water
and also sterilizes the environments these two contact. Therefore in
environments where ozone air and water is used, there is no need to
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
MARITIM Pine Beach Resort, Nisan ayÝ itibariyle doÛayÝ koruma ve
tasarruf projeleri kapsamÝnda yaptÝÛÝ milyon dolarlÝk yatÝrÝmla TŸrkiye'de,
"Ozonlama" teknolojisini hayata geiren ilk otel ŸnvanÝna sahip oldu.
GŸnŸmŸzde yerleßim merkezlerinden, sanayi ve enerji Ÿretim
tesislerinden ve insanlarÝn diÛer faaliyetlerinden dolayÝ sayÝlamayacak
kadar ok kirletici madde, kullanÝlmÝß sular ve havayla birlikte doÛaya
dšnmektedir. Bu sular ve kirlenmiß hava doÛaya dšnmeden šnce, onlarÝ
doÛaya zararsÝz hale getirmek, yani temizlemek, bŸtŸn insanlarÝn ortak
gšrevidir. SayÝlamayacak kadar kirletici barÝndÝrabilen hava ve su kitleleri
sonu olarak birbirlerine baÛlandÝklarÝndan ve Ÿlkeleri de birbirlerine
baÛladÝklarÝndan, bu konunun šnemi aslÝnda Ÿlkelerin sÝnÝrlarÝnÝ aßar.
DoÛa dostu MARITIM Pine Beach Resort konun šnemini vurgulamak
ve sosyal sorumluluk projesi erevesinde turizm dŸnyasÝnda farkÝndalÝk
yaratmak amacÝyla "TanrÝnÝn Nefesi" olarak anÝlan teknolojiye tam 1
milyon dolarlÝk bir yatÝrÝm gerekleßtirdi.
DoÛada serbest halde bulunan Oksijen atomuna (O2) bir adet atomun
daha eklenmesiyle meydana gelen Ozon GazÝ (O3), hava ve suyun
sterilizasyonunun yanÝ sÝra, bunlarÝn temas ettikleri ortamlarÝ da sterilize
etmektedir. Bu bakÝmdan ozonlu hava ve suyun kullanÝldÝÛÝ ortamlarda,
sterilizasyon alÝßmalarÝ iin hibir ßekilde ya da ok az miktarlarda klor
ve benzeri kimyasal kullanÝmÝna ihtiya duyulmaktadÝr.
¥ Sterilization of ambient air
¥ Preventing the mixture of odors,
¥ Expanding the shelf life of food products,
¥ SPA Pool
¥ Indoor Pool
¥ All Children Pools
¥ Cleaning of all textile products,
¥ Sterilizing laundries without using chemicals
¥ Softening laundries without using chemicals and giving a nice
Amerika ve Avrupa'da "TanrÝnÝn Nefesi" olarak adlandÝrÝlan Ozon GazÝ,
DŸnya SaÛlÝk …rgŸtŸ (WHO)'nŸn yaptÝÛÝ aÝklamaya gšre, doÛru
kullanÝlmasÝ durumunda hibir yan etkiye sahip deÛildir. Aksine saÛlÝk
ve doÛa aÝsÝndan ok da faydalar gšstermektedir.
Ozon Teknolojisinin tesisimizdeki kullanÝm alanlarÝ:
¥ Sinmiß ya da sinecek sigara kokularÝ
¥ Nem ya da kŸf kokularÝ
¥ VŸcut kokularÝ
¥ AstÝm ve Alerjilere sebep olan maytlarÝn yok edilmesi
¥ Musluk sularÝnÝn iilir hale getirilmesi
¥ Yemek, Ýzgara kokularÝnÝn giderilmesi
¥ Yemeklerin DayanÝklÝlÝÛÝnÝn artÝrÝlmasÝ
¥ Yemeklerin yapÝm aßamasÝnda kullanÝlan sularÝn temizlenmesi
¥ Sebze ve Meyvelerin yÝkanmasÝ sÝrasÝnda sterilizasyonu
¥ Ortam havasÝnÝn Sterilizasyonu
¥ KokularÝn birbirine karÝßmasÝnÝn šnlenmesi
¥ GÝda ŸrŸnlerinin raf šmrŸnŸn artÝrÝlmasÝ
¥ SPA Havuzu
¥ KapalÝ Havuz
¥ TŸm ‚ocuk HavuzlarÝ
¥ TŸm tekstil ŸrŸnlerimizin temizlenmesi
¥ ‚amaßÝrlarÝn, kimyasal kullanÝlmadan sterilize edilmesi
¥ ‚amaßÝrlarÝn kimyasal kullanÝlmadan yumußamasÝ ve gŸzel kokmasÝ
¥ Miniklerimizin saÛlÝÛÝ iin tŸm Mini Club Ÿnitelerinde hava sterilizasyon
mekanizmasÝ bulunmaktadÝr.
¥ YaßadÝÛÝmÝz doÛaya saygÝlÝ bir tesis olarak bahe bakÝmlarÝmÝzda,
kimyasallar deÛil Ozonlu sulama ve doÛal gŸbreleme kullanÝlmaktadÝr.
AyrÝca aÛa yapraklarÝnda ilalama yerine ozonlu doÛal su
¥ There are air sterilization mechanisms in all Mini Club units for the
health of all children.
¥ As an environmental friendly facility, we donÕt use chemicals in
our garden cares; instead we use Ozone watering and natural fertilizing.
Moreover, we use ozone water instead of pesticides on the leaves of
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Once upon a time there was an Orange Island near the
bluest sea, inside green pistachio pine forests, established
by children friend with birds and nature. The king of Orange
Island was King Pi who was famous with his kindness and
justice. In this Island, all children used to live in happiness,
love and peace. They used to play games, organize
activities, dance and sing in the nights in the kingdom.
Bir varmÝß, bir yokmuß, masmavi denizin kenarÝnda, yemyeßil
fÝstÝk amÝ ormanlarÝnÝn iinde, sincaplarla, kußlarla ve
doÛayla dost ocuklarÝn kurduÛu, Portakal AdasÝ varmÝß.
Portakal AdasÝnÝn KralÝ iyiliÛi ve adaleti ile nam salmÝß olan
Kral PiÕymiß. Burada tŸm ocuklar mutluluk, sevgi ve huzur
iinde yaßarlarmÝß. TŸm gŸn krallÝkta oyunlar oynanÝr,
aktiviteler yapÝlÝr, geceleri de dans edilip, ßarkÝlar
While everything was going well in Orange Kingdom, one
day ship ÒNoÓ owned by Pirate Kingdom guided by a bad
hearted and naughty pirate child started to attack to
Orange Kingdom. But the field guns thrown from ship were
disappearing without reaching to the castle. This case
was making King No much angrier. King No couldnÕt bear
it anymore and he knocked the doors of Orange Kingdom
to see how people inside it were living; what a kingdom it
was. The good hearted children living in Orange Kingdom
opened the doors to King No and welcomed him with
happiness. King No became very very surprised; he started
to watch happy children in surprise and jealously look at
the plays they were playing and what hand works they
were DOING. Later, he appeared before King Pi. His aim
was to deceive King Pi; replace him and give an end to this
King Pi welcomed King No with a great love and he tried
everything to make him happy but no matter what he did,
King No didnÕt become happy and gave up evilnessÉÉ
Just at that moment, King Pi gave King No orange flowers
he picked from orange trees. As King No smelled the
flower, the witchery over him and whole his kingdom was
broken. All children in Pirate Kingdom became full of love
and goodness.
The people of Orange Kingdom and Pirate Kingdom started
to get along so well that King Pi and King No decided to
merge their Kingdoms. After this the name of Orange
Island became ÒPINO KIDS KINGDOMÓ and it was
presented to the children of MARITIM PINE BEACH RESORT
OTEL. All children lived in love and happiness here...
Portakal KrallÝÛÝnda her ßey bšyle gŸzel giderken,
gŸnlerden bir gŸn ok kštŸ kalpli ve yaramaz bir korsan
ocuk olan ÒNoÓ tarafÝndan yšnetilen Korsan KrallÝÛÝnÝn
gemisi Portakal KrallÝÛÝna saldÝrmaya baßlamÝß. Fakat
gemiden atÝlan toplar kaleye ulaßmadan eriyip, yok
oluyormuß. Bu durum kštŸ kalpli Kral NoÕyu daha da
sinirlendiriyormuß. Kral No daha fazla dayanamamÝß ve
ieride nasÝl insanlarÝn yaßadÝÛÝnÝ, burasÝnÝn nasÝl bir krallÝk
olduÛunu gšrmek iin Portakal AdasÝnÝn kapÝsÝnÝ almÝß.
Portakal AdasÝnda yaßayan iyi kalpli ocuklar Kral NoÕya
kapÝyÝ amÝßlar ve onu mutlulukla karßÝlamÝßlar. Kral No ok
ama ok ßaßÝrmÝß, hayretle, mutluluk iindeki ocuklarÝ
seyrediyor , oynadÝklarÝ oyunlara ve YAPTIKLARI el ißlerine
kÝskanarak bakÝyormuß. Daha sonra Kral PiÕnin huzuruna
ÝkmÝß amacÝ Kral PiÕyi kandÝrÝp, yerine gemek ve bu
mutluluÛa bir son vermekmiß.
Kral Pi , Kral NoÕyu bŸyŸk bir sevgiyle karßÝlamÝß ve baßlamÝß
onu mutlu edebilmek iin ÝrpÝnmaya. Fakat ne yaparsa,
yapsÝn Kral No bir tŸrlŸ mutlu olmuyor, kštŸlŸkten
vazgemiyormußÉÉ Derken Kral Pi Kral NoÕya portakal
aÛalarÝndan topladÝÛÝ portakal ieklerinden vermiß. Kral
No ieÛi koklar koklamaz, kendisiyle birlikte tŸm korsan
krallÝÛÝ halkÝnÝn Ÿzerindeki bŸyŸ bozulmuß. Bir anda Korsan
KrallÝÛÝndaki tŸm ocuklar sevgi ve iyilik dolu olmußlar.
Portakal KrallÝÛÝ ve Korsan KrallÝÛÝnÝn halklarÝ artÝk o kadar
iyi anlaßÝyorlarmÝß ki Kral Pi ve Kral No KrallÝklarÝnÝ
birleßtirmeye karar vermißler. Bundan bšyle Portakal
PINE BEACH RESORT OTEL ocuklarÝna armaÛan edilmiß,
burada tŸm ocuklar sevgi ve mutlulukla yaßamÝßlar...
When we look at past, there is only one common moment when
everyone without exception was happy. CHILDHOOD. Anyone who
remembers his/her childhood will have a smile even if it is not a big
one. Nobody can enter in Pino Children Kingdom without reverence
because here all children are kings and queens!
ޚyle bir baktÝÛÝmÝzda, hatÝrladÝklarÝnda istisnasÝz herkesin mutlu olduÛu
bir tek ortak anÝ vardÝr, ‚OCUKLUK. Herkes ocukluÛunu hatÝrladÝÛÝnda
yarÝm da olsa bir gŸlŸmseme geer yŸzŸnden.Pino ‚ocuk KrallÝÛÝna
kimse reverans yapmadan giremez, ŸnkŸ burada her ocuk bir kral ve
Childhood is discovering; being surprised at life; laughing mouthful
and crying endlessly; getting naughty; laying on grass and having no
regret of dirtying the clothes. Call world to account when left unloved;
being needy for mother, father but not leaving control.
Offending someone without knowing but also gaining many without
knowing; being loved without spending any effort only for existing.
Being a pirate without harming anyone; believing to change world.
Being a princess without trying to control anyone. Waking everyday
to paint the sky again; see the world as how it wants to see. Talking
with moon and flirting with sun; telling stories to animals; singing
ballads to rigorous rivers.
It is such epic to become childÉ
‚ocukluk keßfetmektir, hayata ßaßÝrmaktÝr, gŸlmektir aÛÝz dolusu ve
aÛlamaktÝr bezdirircesine. ÞÝmarmaktÝr kÝskandÝrÝrcasÝna, imlere yatÝp
pißman olmamaktÝr kirlenmekten. Sevgisiz kaldÝÛÝnda hesap sormaktÝr
dŸnyadan, muhta olmaktÝr anneye, babaya ama yine de dizginleri kendi
elinden bÝrakmamaktÝr. Kalp kÝrmaktÝr bilmeden ama dŸnya kadar da
kalp kazanmaktÝr yine bilmeden, aba harcamadan sadece var olduÛu
iin sevilmektir. Korsan olmaktÝr kimseyi incitmeden, prenses olmaktÝr
kimseyi yšnetmeden. Hayatta hep dik durmaktÝr, dŸnyayÝ
deÛißtirebileceÛine inanmaktÝr. Her sabah kalkÝp gškyŸzŸnŸ yeniden
boyayÝp, dŸnyayÝ istediÛi gibi gšrmektir. Ayla konußup, gŸneßle
kÝrÝßtÝrmaktÝr, hayvanlara masal okumak, coßkun nehirlere ninni
Pine Magazine Summer 2012
Bšyle masalsÝdÝr ocuk olmak...
Well educated and reliable staff of Pino Children Kingdom have
considered the basic characteristics of children and prepared fun
activities where children can develop their hand skills and body
coordination. You may entrust your children to ÒPino Children KingdomÓ
for all day without looking back and create a second honeymoon
chance for yourself because you will know that your children are in
safe hands and happy. And they will not have time to miss you. Children
have so much work to do, such important decisions to make under the
management of ÒPino Children KingdomÓ that it is not very probable
for them to think anything but these important subjects.
It has everything to make children happy from 0-6 age playrooms to
sleeping rooms, theaters to water slides. Pino Children Kingdom is
founded on 8.000 square meter area.
This unit of the hotel is waiting to embrace all children of world and
those who are still children at heart.
Pine Magazine
Pino ocuk KrallÝÛÝnÝn eÛitimli ve gŸvenilir kadrosu ocuklarÝn temel
šzelliklerini dikkate alarak onlara el becerilerini ve beden koordinasyonlarÝnÝ
gelißtirebilecek eÛlenceli aktiviteler hazÝrladÝlar. GŸn boyu ocuklarÝnÝzÝ
gšzŸnŸz arkada kalmadan "Pino ‚ocuk KrallÝÛÝna" emanet edip kendinize
ikinci bir balayÝ ßansÝ yaratabilirsiniz. ‚ŸnkŸ bileceksiniz ki, ocuklarÝnÝz
hem emin ellerde hem de mutlular. †stelik sizi šzlemeye zamanlarÝ dahi
olmayacak. "Pino ‚ocuk KrallÝÛÝnÝn" yšnetiminde ocuklarÝn yapacak o
kadar ok ißi, alacaklarÝ o kadar šnemli kararlar var ki, bu šnemli konularÝn
dÝßÝnda herhangi bir ßey dŸßŸnmeleri ok olasÝ deÛil.
܍erisinde 0-6 bebek oyun ve uyku odasÝndan tutun sinema salonu ve
su kaydÝraklarÝna kadar ocuklarÝ mutlu etmek iin her ßeyin dŸßŸnŸldŸÛŸ
8.000 metre karelik bir alandÝr Pino ‚ocuk KrallÝÛÝ.
Otelin bu Ÿnitesi, dŸnyanÝn tŸm ocuklarÝnÝ ve kalbi ocuk kalanlarÝ
kucaklamak iin sizleri bekliyor.
Never ending fun, fantastic shows
Summer 2012
Summer Nights
in Pine Beach Resort
T-Shirt Boyama
Parmak Boyama
Balon Bebekler
Tatil KartÝ sanatÝ
Fener yapmak
Hamur oyunlarÝ
Kum Boyama
Masa ŸstŸ oyunlarÝ
Boyama yarÝßmalarÝ
YŸn bebekler
Ponpon hayvanlar
Maske yapmak
YŸz boyama
Mini Futbol
Mini basketbol
Su sporlarÝ
Havuz oyunlarÝ ve kaydÝraklar
Masa Tenisi
Mini Golf
Korsan- Hazine avÝ
YÝlan AvÝ
Balon Rallisi
KulŸp Rallisi
Hayalet AvÝ
Palyao Bulmaca
KÝzÝlderili AvÝ
Kara OlimpiyatlarÝ
Su OlimpiyatlarÝ
Muz turu
EÛlence fuarÝ
Mini Golf
Maritim Pine BeachÕde Gece Hayatõ
Hi bitmeyen EÛlence, mŸthiß gšsteriler
Exotic groups from Cuba, hot shows,
dinamic dancers. After the show in
the Amphytheater you can enjoy
them in the CUBANA party in our
disko, or on the beach
Concept: Animation and bar teams
with colorfull latino dresses, 2 bars
with special extra cuba cockteils and
barmen shows with fire.
Egzotik KŸbalÝ gruplar, hÝzlÝ ve ateßli dansÝlar bu gecenin ifadesi olabilir.
Anfitiyatrodaki gšsterilerinin ardÝndan, KŸbalÝ yetenekleri bir de
diskomuzdaki CUBANA partide izleme imkanÝnÝz olacak. Hava durumuna
gšre bu parti plajda da yer alabilir.
Cubana Party konsepti: Animasyon ve bar ekipleri, rengarenk Latin
giysileriyle gšrŸlecekler. 2 barda šzel cuna kokteylleri bulunacak
kaÝrmamanÝzÝ šneririz. Barmenlerimizin ateßle yaptÝklarÝ ßovlar sizleri
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
conversation guest
‚in'den gelen Shaolin rahipleri, UzakdoÛu dšvŸß sanatlarÝndaki becerilerini
tehlikeli ama estetik bir biimde sergileyecekler.
Shaolin shows from china with dangerous and colourfull historical art
of Fight from Tibet.
Dance show from our animations team with the scenary of the video
clip GHOST from Michael Jackson. The show will be placed on the
amfiteatr and continue at the disco with a horror party, just like
Concept: Special decorations, horror night ambiance, horror mekeup
and dress and go-go girls dance show
A funny, interactive show game on the stage with the guests. After the
show, we have a special party at disko, THE ALFA MEN PARTY.
Ladies Show on the stage
with our female guests. And
then the fun will continue
with LADIES NIGHT at the
disco. A party with special
dances and games for ladies.
And the final will be with the
go-go dancers.
A dance show from the animations
team. A mix of all hits of mtv
chanell. After the show, all stars
from MTV are going, with special
extra dances to the disco!
Michael Jackson'Ýn GHOST
ßarkÝsÝnÝn video klibindeki
gšrŸntŸlerden hazÝrlanmÝß bir
dans gšsterisi. Bu gšsteri
anfitiyatroda gerekleßtirilecek.
ArdÝndan diskoda korku temalÝ
bir partiyle eÛlence devam
havasÝnda geecek ßov sonrasÝ
partiye hepinizi bekliyoruz.
CadÝlar BayramÝ konsepti: Korku temalÝ šzel dekorasyon, giysiler ve makyaj.
Misafirlerle birlikte anfitiyatroda yer alacak eÛlenceli, komik, interaktif
bir oyun- gšsteri. Bu gšsterinin ardÝndan diskoda eÛlenmeye devam...
Bayanlar Sahnede:. Anfitiyatrodaki sahnede misafirlerimiz arasÝndan
seilen bayan misafirlerden sahneye bir grup alÝnarak eÛlence baßlayacak.
Bu gšsterinin ardÝndan eÛlence diskoda KadÝnlarMatinesi ßeklinde sŸrecek.
Go-go dansÝlarÝmÝz ise gecenin sŸrprizi.
A show with neon and lazer efekts. Dancers, akrobats with light costums.
After the show, the night goes on with WHITE PARTY at the disco. That
night, all the guest and employees have to wear wight dresses.
A show with professional drummers, step dancers, Irlandish dance and
light efects at the amphitheatre
A dance show, directed by the most popular choreographer of Russia
Mr. Alla DUKHOVAÕs, TODES show. The show will be shown by the
animations team at amphitheater and continue with OLDEST OLDEST
PARTY at the disco area with all the classic dance hits from 1970-1995
An African acrobatic show from Kenya with exotic momets and element
of fire. This show will be placed at disco. After teh show the ÒBLACK
and RED PARTYÓ will start with :black and red decoration, special red
light, and with 2 extra red and black bars with barmen shows.
Egzotik anlar ve ateß gšsterisi ile Kenya akrobasi gšsterisi. Bu gšsteri
diskoda yer alÝyor. Siyah ve kÝrmÝzÝ dekorasyon, šzel kÝrmÝzÝ ÝßÝk ve barmen
gšsterileri. Gšsteriden sonra "SÜYAH ve KIRMIZI PARTY" ile gece devam
Circus from CUBA with a scenary of Òa girl is dreaming in her sleep and
see toys alive.Ó A show with acrobats, clown and choreographic elements.
Ana temasÝ "uyuyan bir kÝzÝn rŸyasÝnda otuncaklarÝn canlandÝÛÝnÝ gšrmesi."
olan, bol akrobatlÝ ve palyaolu bir sirk gšsterisi.
Animasyon ekibi tarafÝndan hazÝrlanan MTV Dans Gšsterisi sizlere keyifli
dakikalar yaßatacak. Daha sonra Anfitiyatro sahnesinde gšrdŸÛŸnŸz tŸm
MTV starlarÝyla diskoda eÛlenmeye deva edeceksiniz.
Neon ve lazer ile ÝßÝk oyunlarÝnÝn yapÝldÝÛÝ mŸthiß bir gšsteri. IßÝk saan
giysileriyle dansÝlar ve akrobatlar sizlere unutulmaz bir gšsteri sunacaklar.
Gšsteri sonrasÝ partimizde ise bu kez BEYAZ GECELER var. Bu partiye
diskomuzda katÝlÝm saÛlayabilirisiniz. Bu gecede tŸm alÝßanlarÝn ve
misafirlerin beyaz
giymeleri gerekiyor. Beyaz
giyinin, partiye bekliyoruz.
Profesyonel davulcular,
step danscÝlarÝ, Irlanda
dansÝ yapanlar ve ÝßÝk
anfitiyatromuzda harika
bir akßam geireceksiniz.
Rusya'nÝn en ŸnlŸ koreografÝ olan Alla DUKHOVA yšnetimiyle olußturulmuß
ŸnlŸ TODES dans gšsterisi gece boyunca sizi bŸyŸleyecek. Gšsterinin
ardÝndan bu bŸyŸ, 1970-1995 yÝllarÝnÝ kapsayan mŸzik klasiklerinin
alÝndÝÛÝ OLDEST GOLDEST partiyle devam edecek.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Kemal OÛuz GŸle:
My signature under my works is valuable for me.
Thats why,
I always try to do my best.
YaptÝÛÝm Üßlerin AltÝndaki imzam benim iin deÛerlidir.
Bu yŸzden en iyisini yapmaya alÝßÝrÝm.
Our interview person fo this issue is our General Manager Mr. Kemal
OÛuz GŸle and his family. After graduation ranking first in class,
completing his Tourism Operation Master, Mr. GŸle accomplished to
make tourism to which he put his heart since his school years as his
profession and he increasingly progressed. He stated that if he werenÕt
in the business of tourism, he will be doctor. He emphasized that his
wife and family are the biggest support behind his success. In this
interview we have mostly talked about his private life.
Bu sayÝdaki sšyleßi konuÛumuz Genel MŸdŸrŸmŸz SayÝn Kemal OÛuz
GŸle ve ailesi. †niversiteyi birincilikle bitirdikten sonra Turizm Üßletme
Master'Ý yapan OÛuz bey, daha šÛrencilik yÝllarÝndan gšnŸl verdiÛi turizmi
yÝllar ierisinde meslek haline getirmeyi baßarmÝß ve hÝzla yŸkselmiß.
Turizmci olmasaydÝ Doktor olmak isteyeceÛini belirtti. YŸkselißinin ardÝndaki
en bŸyŸk desteÛinin eßi ve ailesi olduÛunu vurgulayan OÛuz beyle, daha
ok šzel hayatÝna dair yaptÝÛÝmÝz sšyleßimizi bakÝn nasÝl sŸrdŸrdŸk.
Could you talk about yourself a little bit?
I was born in Gaziantep in 1969. I am a child of Teacher parents. I have
one brother. I won Department of Tourism Operation, Uludag University
in 1986. I studied in Faculty of Tourism Operation in BalÝkesir and I
graduated ranking first in class in 1990. Later on, my professors
encouraged me to make my MasterÕs Degree and they offered me to
continue academic carrier in university. I also continued working in
private sector and went school to get my MasterÕs Degree.
He could have been Professor.
Meanwhile his wife speaks and says ÒHe could be Professor if he continued
his studies a little whileÓ. Yes, I could have been a professor but I had
already focused on working in sector and I choose working. Actually I
had a bad luck in my academic carrier. In 1990, the state was giving
abroad scholarship to students who graduate with rank. I was supposed
to go London but due to Gulf War during that time, the scholarships
were cancelled. Meanwhile I worked for 2 years in Istanbul Pera Palace
where I started as an intern in 1987. I started working as Bellboy there.
It is not that much easy to become manager at once; first you have to
carry luggages.
I have a memory from the first day of my work in Istanbul Pera Palace
in 1987. There were some handles made to clasp the red carpet on stairs
to stair. Nobody liked cleaning them because it was a very demanding
work. There is a special solution and you absolutely need to wipe until
they shine. The first day of my work Bell captain came and saw that
handles shining. He asked ÒWhat happened to these? Who made those
sparkling?Ó When I answered ÒI didÓ, he said ÒWell done, it seems you
will do something good.Ó and left. That day was very important for me.
After that day I always thought ÒHow could I be beneficial for this
company?Ó and I adopted this thought as a principle.
Mrs. GŸle said ÒIf you excuse me, I want to interfere hereÓ and told
these. I sincerely believe that if Mr. G le is not a Tourism expert but
Mechanical Engineer or Doctor, he would be as successful as he is now
because he has this philosophy if you do a job, you will not just do that
job unexceptional. He wants to perform valuable works as these works
will have his signature under them.
If I were a safety guard or maid in a facility, that facility would hear my
name within one week for sure because I would consider what the guest
wants and I would make small surprises and touches with creative ideas
according to his wish. I would make sure to get known. I call this
empathic approach or personalized hard line service understanding. I
mean you need to start doing your job considering the guest or your
And another thing, if you donÕt adopt the facility you work as your own
facility, nothing will work out. No matter which job you are doing, you
Bize biraz kendinizden sšz eder misiniz?
1969 Gaziantep doÛumluyum. …Ûretmen bir ailenin ocuÛuyum. Üki
kardeßiz. 1986 yÝlÝnda UludaÛ †niversitesi Turizm Üßletme bšlŸmŸnŸ
kazandÝm. BalÝkesir'deki Turizm ißletme FakŸltesinde okudum ve 1990
yÝlÝnda okulu birincilikle bitirdim. Daha sonra beni Ÿniversitedeki
šÛretmenler master yapmaya zorladÝlar ve Ÿniversitede akademik kariyer
yapmamÝ šnerdiler. Bu arada hem sektšr ierisinde alÝßmaya devam
ettim hem de master derecemi kazanmak iin okula gitmeyi sŸrdŸrdŸm.
Profesšr olabilirdi
Bu arada eßi sohbete giriyor: "Biraz daha okusaydÝ Profesšr olabilirdi"
diye takÝlÝyor.
Evet, profesšr olabilirdim fakat artÝk sektšrde alÝßmaya iyice odaklanmÝßtÝm
ve alÝßmayÝ setim. AslÝnda akamedik kariyerimde ßanssÝz bir dšnem
yaßadÝm. 1990 yÝlÝnda. Devlet, okulu dereceyle bitiren šÛrencilere yurtdÝßÝ
bursu veriyordu. Ben de Londra'ya gidecektim ama o dšnemki kšrfez
savaßÝ dolayÝsÝyla burslar iptal edildi. Bu arada 1987 yÝlÝnda staj yaparak
baßladÝÛÝm Üstanbul Pera Palas'da 2 yÝl Ÿst Ÿste alÝßtÝm. Bellboy olarak
baßlamÝßtÝm orada alÝßmaya.
…yle hemen MŸdŸr olunmaz šnce valiz taßÝyacaksÝn
Eßi Natali hanÝm bu konuda bir hatÝrlatma yapÝyor. OÛuz her zaman Pera
Palas deneyiminden sšz eder. "…yle hemen genel mŸdŸr olunmaz, šnce
valiz taßÝyacaksÝn ve otelin her bšlŸmŸnde alÝßacaksÝn bu sektšrde" der.
Üstanbul Pera Palas'da 1987 yÝlÝnda staja baßladÝÛÝm ilk gŸnŸmde hi
unutamadÝÛÝm bir anÝm vardÝr. Merdivenlerdeki kÝrmÝzÝ halÝlarÝ merdivene
tutturmak iin yapÝlmÝß bir takÝm tutamalar vardÝ. OnlarÝ temizlemeyi
kimse sevmezmiß. ‚ŸnkŸ ok zahmetli bir ißti. …zel bir ilacÝ var ve mutlaka
parlatana kadar silmek gerekirdi. Üße baßladÝÛÝmÝn ilk gŸnŸ Bellkaptan bir
geldi, o tutamalar parlÝyor. "Bunlara ne oldu, kim yaptÝ bšyle pÝrÝl pÝrÝl."
Diye sordu. "Ben yaptÝm." diye cevap verince, "Aferin, sende bir ßeyler
olacak galiba? diyerek gitti.
O gŸn benim iin ok šnemliydi. O gŸnden sonra alÝßtÝÛÝm her yerde 'Bu
ßirkete nasÝl faydalÝ olabilirim?" dŸßŸncesiyle alÝßtÝm ve bu dŸßŸnceyi
kendime dŸstur edindim.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
need to adopt it as if it was your own job and even you should be
emotionally adopting it; dedicate your heart to job besides your mind
and hands. All works should be done by heart. Someone who loves his
work shall not be unsuccessful.
Know letÕs meet his wife Mrs. GŸle.
I was born in Ukraine in 1974. I studied Tourism Operation in my country.
Later when I came Turkey in 1994, I started working in Renaissance
hotels and I worked there as Chief of Guest Relations for 10 years until
my first child was born. We met with Mr. GŸle meanwhile. He was
Vice Front Office Manager in Renaissance hotel at that time. Later he
became Front Office Manager.
This time Mr. GŸle interferes the talk and confirms with a little
embarrassed smile: ÒMost probably, I was the one who made Natali
struggle more at that time. I was trying to behave just to everyone but
I was trying to behave her harder so that people didnÕt understand
wrong. She really suffered from me during that time.Ó
Natali hanÝm, "izninizle burada araya girmek istiyorum." diyerek ßunlarÝ
anlatÝyor. Þuna itenlikle inanÝyorum ki, OÛuz bey Turizmci deÛil de Makine
MŸhendisi ya da Doktor olsaydÝ aynÝ derecede baßarÝlÝ olurd,u ŸnkŸ
onun hayatÝnda bir ißi yapÝyorsan sÝradan yapmayacaksÝn felsefesi vardÝr.
YaptÝÛÝ ißlerin altÝnda imzasÝ olacaÛÝ iin o imzanÝn deÛerli olmasÝnÝ ister.
Ben bir tesiste gŸvenlik gšrevlisi ya da maid olsam, o tesis bir hafta
ierisinde benim adÝmÝ kesinlikle duyardÝ. ‚ŸnkŸ misafirin ne istediÛini
dŸßŸnŸr onun isteÛine uygun, yaratÝcÝ fikirlerle kŸŸk sŸrprizler ve
dokunußlar yapardÝm. Kendimi fark ettirirdim.
Ben buna empatik yaklaßÝm ya da kißiselleßtirilmiß šdŸnsŸz hizmet anlayÝßÝ
diyorum. Yani kendinizi misafirin ya da mŸdŸrŸnŸzŸn yerine koyarak
baßlamak lazÝm iße.
Bir de alÝßtÝÛÝnÝz tesisi kendi tesisinizmiß gibi gšrmezseniz hibir ßey
yŸrŸmez. Hangi ißte olursanÝz olun, kendi ißinizmiß gibi sahiplenmek,
hatta biraz da duygusal yaklaßarak sahiplenmek; beyin ve ellerin yanÝ sÝra
My holiday understanding is getting rest
Mr. OÛuz: I mostly like sleeping.
Mrs. GŸle Yes he really likes holidays when he can rest. He doesnÕt
have holiday when we go. He always looks around. He keeps saying ÒI
would put this lamp here instead of hereÓ or ÒThese sockets should be
repairedÓ. He has five days holiday at most. And I tell him each time
that you donÕt work here; please forget. Please forget that you are in
the field of hotel operation.
Mr. OÛuz: We generally prefer close places. And during winters, thermal
hotels, massage and resting opportunities attracts us honestly.
But now we have 2 children and we prefer the facilities where our
children can be happy. Happy child means happy mother and happy
mother means happy father and holidayÓ.
What do you think about Gaziantep as a Gaziantep bride with
Ukraine origin?
I think great things about Gaziantep. I also think I am an adaptable
person I donÕt look around to see the mistakes of people in the places
I go. They used to say Paris of East for Gaziantep. It is a very neat and
ÒI think I am very lucky to
have my wife. She is really
supporting me in every
matter of life. I believe the
secret of business life
success is happiness in
family and private life.
I was scolded many times by Mr. OÛuz when we worked together :)
I was scolded many times by him that time :). We worked together for
7 years but many people in hotel understood that we were together
only 2 months after we decided to get married because professionalism
was very important for us. But OÛuz has a feature like this. When he
starts working, he directly focuses on his work. He is always very neat
in professional matters; he takes it very seriously and he focuses on
his work until he makes it success. That makes him go-getter because
he focuses on the essence of the work. He is able to abstract himself
from environmental factors. He is such big workaholic that sometimes
he doesnÕt come home for few days due to his work program but I
always try to support him because he bores himself enough for the
work. Since I am also from tourism sector, I understand his situation
more easily.
Mr. OÛuz ÒI think I am very lucky to have my wife. She really supports
me in these matters. I believe the secret of business life success is family
and private life.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
kalbi de ißin iine katmak gerekir. YapÝlan her iß kalpten yapÝlmalÝ. Üßinde
severek alÝßÝlan bir ißte kimse baßarÝsÝz olmaz.
Biraz da eßi Natali hanÝmÝ tanÝyalÝm.
Ben 1974 Ukrayna doÛumluyum. †lkemde Turizm Üßletmesi okudum.
Daha sonra TŸrkiye'ye geldiÛimde 1994 yÝlÝnda Ršnesans otellerinde iße
baßladÝm ve orada Misafir Ülißkileri Þefi olarak ilk ocuÛum dŸnyaya gelene
kadar 10 yÝl boyunca ara vermeden alÝßtÝm. Bu sÝrada OÛuz beyle tanÝßtÝk.
O zamanlar kendisi Ršnesans otelde …nbŸro MŸdŸr YardÝmcÝsÝydÝ. Daha
sonra …nbŸro MŸdŸrŸ oldu.
Bu kez OÛuz bey giriyor sšze. DoÛrularak ve biraz da mahcup bir
gŸlŸmsemeyle: "O zamanlar Natali'ye en ok eziyeti ben yapmÝßÝmdÝr
herhalde. Herkese adaletli davranmaya alÝßÝyordum fakat bu arada
insanlar yanlÝß anlamasÝn diye ona biraz daha sert davranÝyordum galiba.
Benden o dšnemler ok ekti hakikaten."diye aÝklÝyor. Birlikte alÝßÝrken
ok fÝra yedim OÛuz beyden :)
ordered city in means of architecture with its parks, gardens and house.
It deserves the title ÒParis of EastÓ. PeopleÕs life styles and manners are
also high level in Gaziantep; the city has a rich culture. They keep up
latest fashion in their house decorations to soundness of buildings. As
you also know, cuisine of Gaziantep is also very famous. My mother in
law also taught me to cook Gaziantep meals and when I cook these
meals, Mr. GŸle and children like very much. And there is another
cultural tradition in Gaziantep. You insist on your guest to eat. They
are so hospitable that if someone is eating less meal, the host will feel
sorry. Gaziantep people are very friendly and candid. They are great
people. I have never lived a negative situation in Turkey until today.
What kind of father are you?
I donÕt know. Actually you should ask this to other members of family
but according to my upbringing style, family has a big importance. I
cannot spare much time to my family due to my works but I transfer
all my power to my family whenever I have time. Besides being an ideal
manager, I also try to be a good father.
‚ok fÝra yedim ben ondan o zamanlar. Biz tam 7 yÝl birlikte alÝßtÝk ama
otelde pek ok kißi biz evlenme kararÝ aldÝktan 2 ay sonra birlikte
olduÛumuzu anladÝ. ‚ŸnkŸ ißimizde profesyonellik bizim iin olduka
šnemli idi. Fakat OÛuz'un ߚyle bir huyu var. ‚alÝßmaya baßladÝÛÝnda,
doÛrudan ißine odaklanÝyor. Mesleki konularda her zaman ok titizleniyor,
ok ciddiye alÝyor ve baßarÝyÝ gšrene ve baßarÝyÝ standart hale getirene
kadar ißine odaklanÝyor. Bu sayede de iß bitirici oluyor. ‚ŸnkŸ o anda ißin
šzŸne odaklanÝyor, evre etkenlerden sÝyrÝlabiliyor. O kadar iß kolik ki, iß
programÝndan dolayÝ bazen gŸnlerce eve gelemeyebiliyor ama ben ona
bu konularda her zaman destek olmaya alÝßÝyorum ŸnkŸ o zaten kendini
ißle ilgili yeterince sÝkÝyor. Ben de turizm kškenli olduÛum iin onun
durumunu daha kolay anlayabiliyorum.
OÛuz bey: "Ben eßim konusunda ok ßanslÝ olduÛumu dŸßŸnŸyorum.
Kendisi bana bu tŸr konularda gerekten ok destek oluyor. Üß hayatÝnÝn
baßarÝsÝnÝn sÝrrÝ bana gšre ; aile ve šzel yaßantÝ da gizli " diyor.
Benim Tatil anlayÝßÝm dinlenmek
OÛuz bey: Vallahi ben daha ok uyumayÝ seviyorum.
Natali hanÝm: Evet, o gerekten dinlenebileceÛi tatilleri seviyor. Geri
tatile gidince de pek tatil yaptÝÛÝ sšylenemez. Her zaman gšzŸ evrede
"Ben olsam ßu lambayÝ buraya deÛil, ßuraya koyardÝm" ya da "bu prizler
tamir edilmeli" gibi cŸmleler sarf ederek en fazla beß gŸn tatil yapÝyor.
Ben de her seferinde ona, sen burada alÝßmÝyorsun, unut lŸtfen, otelci
olduÛunu birka gŸnlŸÛŸne unut lŸtfen diye uyarmak zorunda kalÝyorum.
OÛuz bey: Genellikle yakÝn evreleri tercih ediyoruz. KÝßlarÝ ise termal
otellerini. Masaj ve dinlenme olanaklarÝnÝn olmasÝ bizi cezbediyor aÝkasÝ.
Fakat artÝk 2 ocuÛumuz var ve biz de ocuklarÝmÝzÝn mutlu olduÛu
tesisleri seiyoruz. Mutlu ocuk, mutlu anne, eee mutlu anne de mutlu
baba ve tatil demektir."diyor.
Ukrayna kškenli bir Gaziantepli gelin olarak, Gaziantep hakkÝnda
ne dŸßŸnŸyorsunuz?
Gaziantep konusunda, ok gŸzel ßeyler dŸßŸnŸyorum. Ben zaten uyumlu
bir insan olduÛumu dŸßŸnŸyorum. GittiÛim yerlerde insanlarda hata
aramak Ÿzere bakmam evreme.
Gaziantep iin DoÛunun Paris'i diyorlardÝ. ParklarÝ, baheleri ve evleriyle,
mimari olarak son derece derli toplu ve dŸzenli bir ßehir gerekten.
"DoÛunun Paris'i" ŸnvanÝnÝ hak ediyor. Gaziantep'de insanlarÝn yaßam
tarzÝ ve gšrgŸleri de oÛunlukla Ÿst dŸzeyde, kŸltŸrŸ olduka zengin bir
ßehir. Evlerindeki dekorasyonlardan tutun, yapÝnÝn saÛlamlÝÛÝna kadar
son moda takip ediliyor. BildiÛiniz gibi Gaziantep'in yemek kŸltŸrŸ de ok
ŸnlŸdŸr. KayÝnvalidem bana Gaziantep yemekleri yapmayÝ bile šÛretti ve
ben onlardan yaptÝÛÝmda OÛuz bey ve ocuklar ok severek yiyor. Bir de
Gaziantep kŸltŸrŸnde karßÝndakine ille yemek yedirmek iin Ýsrar edilir.
O kadar misafirperverdirler ki, biri az yemek yiyorsa ev sahibinin iine
dert olur.
Gaziantepli insanlar ok dostane ve samimi. ‚ok iyi insanlar.
BugŸne kadar ben TŸrkiye'de hi olumsuz bir olay yaßamadÝm.
NasÝl bir babasÝnÝz?
Bilemiyorum, bunu aslÝnda ailenin diÛer fertlerine sormak lazÝm. Ama
yetißtirilme tarzÝm gereÛi ailenin šnemi ok bŸyŸktŸr. Geri ißlerden ok
fazla aileme zaman ayÝramÝyorum ama zamanÝm olduka tŸm gŸcŸmŸ
aileme akÝtÝyorum. Üdeal bir yšnetici olmanÝn yanÝnda, iyi de bir baba
olmaya alÝßÝyorum.
Natali hanÝm: " OÛuz ok iyi bir babadÝr. ZamanÝ olduÛu her an ocuklarla
ilgilenir. Boß zamanlarÝnda Aelya'yÝ sinemaya gštŸrŸr, parka gštŸrŸr.
Ben de bu arada Emir ile ilgileniyorum. KŸŸk doÛduktan sonra OÛuz
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Mrs. GŸle: ÒOguz is a good father. He takes care of his children whenever
he has time. He brings Acelya to cinema, park in his free times. I take
care of Emir meanwhile. After our little boy was born, OÛuz helped me
a lot. He took the care of big one as I cannot take care of both. They
will have a small ÒFather-Daughter HolidayÓ at the end of June.
OÛuz always tell this: I generally feel great stress in work but when I
come home and hug my kids, play with them, everything fades away.Ó
Do you have hobbies?
I think I am a little bit hobby disabled. I used to play professional
basketball in my college years but I didnÕt continue. I donÕt have time
for sports now. And unfortunately I donÕt have a hobby also. I know
this is not good but I think my work is kind of my hobby. I mean I like
being busy with my work. My wife always tell me that I am a workaholic
but I think if someone is working in his desired work, than it doesnÕt
mean he is working at all.
But if you ask how I spend my leisure times, I like going cinema and
reading. The last book I read is Law of Attraction by Nil GŸn. In addition
to all of these, I love driving. Driving long in empty roads makes me
feel good. Mrs. GŸle I like hand crafts, macramŽ and I do exercise.
Why mostly families with children prefer our facility?
First of all, as management we prefer families with children and we
develop our advertisement promotion activities accordingly.
But if we personalize this a little bit, I think I am the one who knows
best the answer of this question now because my son Emir is 9 months
old; my daughter Acelya is 6, 5 years old. Now children determine where
we will have holiday. Looking from this perspective, our facility is one
of the best facilities that may be preferred by families with children.
Firstly the facility is in Belek and there is a great deal of green area.
The activities of our advanced children club last all day long in a reliable
environment are of course a very big asset because families can entrust
their children to our Professional, Mini Club team without looking back.
Our expert employees in Mini Club even feed them in Lunch time with
plays and joys. This is a very important comfort for families. Moreover,
families want reliable areas where they can observe their children while
they play and sunbath at the same time.
I know this very well that many Russian and European families wait all
year long to have this holiday, reach Mediterranean due to climate
conditions in their countries because sun and sea have good effects
on development of children.
I mostly like spending time in Konyaalti.
I like Konyaalti very much. I could be considered to have been born in
sea. I am originally from Crimea. It is important for me to see and
swim in sea. ThatÕs why I like most where I live, the region of my home.
We have been living here for almost 12 years and I am very happy to
be here. The silence here, being colder than inside parts and of course
sea make this place indispensable for us.
LetÕs meet his little doughter.
Acelya is 6.5 years old. She is first child of Mr. Oguz. She speaks Russian
with her mother and Turkish with her father. As far as we learn, the
father doesnÕt speak Russian.
When we tell her speak a little bit about you, sweat Acelya says ÒI go
to kindergarten. I will go to Istek Association College when summer is
over. I want to be general surgeon when I grow up. I like spending time
in Pino Children club very much. I like painting, dancing and riding
horse. And I played Rapunzel in graduation ceremony of kindergarten
since my hairs is long. Everyone clapped.Ó
bana ok yardÝmcÝ oldu. Her ikisine yetißemeyeceÛim iin bŸyŸÛŸnŸ o
devraldÝ. Hatta Haziran ayÝ sonunda kŸŸk bir "Baba-KÝz Tatili" yapacaklar.
OÛuz her zaman ßunu sšyler: iß yerinde genellikle ok stres yaßÝyorum
ama eve gelip ocuklarÝ kucaklayÝnca, onlarla oynayÝnca her ßey geiyor.
Hobiniz var mÝ?
Ben galiba biraz hobi šzŸrlŸyŸm. †niversitedeyken ciddi basket oynardÝm
ama orada kaldÝ. Fakat ßu anda ne yazÝk ki spora pek zamanÝm yok. Ne
yazÝk ki, bir hobim de yok. Bunun iyi bir ßey olmadÝÛÝnÝ biliyorum ama
galiba benim hobim biraz da iß gibi. Yani ißimle uÛraßmayÝ seviyorum.
Eßim bana her zaman ißkolik olduÛumu sšylŸyor ama insan sevdiÛi ißi
yaparsa alÝßÝyor sayÝlmaz diye dŸßŸnŸyorum ben.
Fakat boß zamanlarÝnÝzÝ nasÝl deÛerlendiriyorsunuz diye sorarsanÝz,
sinemaya gitmeyi ve kitap okumayÝ ok severim. Son okuduÛum kitap da
Nil GŸn'Ÿn ‚ekim YasasÝ adlÝ kitabÝdÝr. BŸtŸn bunlarÝn dÝßÝnda araba
kullanmayÝ seviyorum. Boß yollarda uzun uzun araba kullanmak bana iyi
Natali hanÝm: Ben el ißi, makrome yapmayÝ seviyorum ve Spor yapÝyorum.
Neden en ok ocuklu aileler tesisimizi tercih ediyor?
Bir kere her ßeyden šnce yšnetim olarak biz, ocuklu aileleri tercih ediyoruz
ve reklam tanÝtÝm faaliyetlerimizi o yšnde gelißtiriyoruz. Fakat ißi biraz
daha kißiselleßtirirsek, bu sorunun cevabÝnÝ artÝk en ok ben biliyorum
galiba. ‚ŸnkŸ oÛlum Emir 9 aylÝk, kÝzÝm Aelya 6,5 yaßÝnda. ArtÝk ocuklar
belirliyor nerede tatil yapacaÛÝmÝzÝ. Bu aÝdan baktÝÛÝmda bizim tesisimiz
de ocuklu aileler iin tercih edilebilecek en iyi tesislerden biri. Bir kere
tesis Belek'de ve yeßil alan ok fazla. Gelißmiß ocuk kulŸbŸmŸzŸn
aktivitelerinin gŸn boyu sŸrmesi ve gŸvenilir bir ortamda olmasÝ ok
bŸyŸk bir artÝ elbette. ‚ŸnkŸ aileler ocuklarÝnÝ rahatlÝkla, gšzleri arkada
kalmadan bizim Profesyonel, Mini Club ekibimize emanet edebiliyorlar.
…Ûle yemeklerini bile, Mini Club'daki deneyimli alÝßanlar yediriyor gŸle
oynaya. Bu ok šnemli bir rahatlÝk aileler iin. AyrÝca, aileler ocuklarÝ
oynarken onlarÝ gšzlemleyebilecekleri, aynÝ zamanda gŸneßlenebilecekleri
gŸvenli alanlar istiyor.
Þunu ok iyi biliyorum ki, pek ok Rus ve AvrupalÝ aile Ÿlkelerindeki iklim
ßartlarÝndan dolayÝ bu tatili yapmak, Akdeniz'e kavußmak iin bŸtŸn bir
yÝl zor bekliyorlar. ‚ŸnkŸ gŸneß ve deniz ocuklarÝn gelißimi Ÿzerinde iyi
bir etkiye sahip.
Ben en ok KonyaaltÝnda zaman geirmeyi seviyorum
KonyaaltÝnÝ ok seviyorum. Ben denizde doÛdum sayÝlÝr, aslen KÝrÝmlÝyÝm.
Benim iin denizi gšrmenin yanÝnda girebilmek de šnemli. O yŸzden en
ok yaßadÝÛÝm yeri, evimin olduÛu bšlgeyi seviyorum. YaklaßÝk 12 yÝldÝr
burada yaßÝyoruz ve ben ok mutluyum burada olduÛuma. Sakin olmasÝ,
i kÝsÝmlara gšre daha serin olmasÝ ve tabii denizi, burayÝ bizim iin
vazgeilmez kÝlÝyor.
Birazda KŸŸk kÝzÝnÝzÝ tanÝyalÝm
Aelya; 6,5 yaßÝnda, OÛuz beyin ilk ocuÛu. Annesiyle Rusa, BabasÝyla
TŸrke konußuyor. Kendisinden šÛrendiÛimiz kadarÝyla baba zaten pek
Rusa bilmiyor.
Bize biraz kendinde sšz et dediÛimizde bakÝn tatlÝ Aelya neler sšylŸyor:
"Ana okuluna gidiyorum. Yaz tatili bitince Üstek VakfÝ Kolejine gideceÛim.
BŸyŸyŸnce genel cerrah olmak istiyorum. Pino ocuk kulŸbŸnde zaman
geirmeyi ok seviyorum. Resim yapmayÝ, Dans etmeyi ve at binmeyi ok
seviyorum. Bir de Ana okulumun mezuniyet tšreninde, salarÝm uzun
olduÛu iin baßrolŸ, Rapunzeli oynadÝm. Herkes alkÝßladÝ.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
art & culture
The Harappans
Huge Ancient CivilizationÕs Collapse Explained
Ancient Climate Change!
DŸnyanÝn en bŸyŸk eski uygarlÝÛÝnÝn škŸßŸnŸn ardÝndaki gizem šzŸldŸ
The mysterious fall of the largest of the world's
earliest urban civilizations nearly 4,000 years ago
in what is now India, Pakistan, Nepal and
Bangladesh now appears to have a key culprit ancient climate change!
Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia may be the best
known of the first great urban cultures, but the
largest was the Indus or Harappan civilization.
This culture once extended over more than 386,000
square miles (1 million square kilometers) across
the plains of the Indus River from the Arabian
Sea to the Ganges, and at its peak may have
accounted for 10 percent of the world population.
The civilization developed about 5,200 years ago, and slowly disintegrated
between 3,900 and 3,000 years ago Ñ populations largely abandoned
cities, migrating toward the east.
"Antiquity knew about Egypt and Mesopotamia, but the Indus civilization,
which was bigger than these two, was completely forgotten until the
1920s," researcher said that, there are still many things they don't know
about them.
Nearly a century ago, researchers began discovering numerous remains
of Harappan settlements along the Indus River and its tributaries, as
well as in a vast desert region at the border of India and Pakistan.
Evidence was uncovered for sophisticated cities, sea links with
Mesopotamia, internal trade routes, arts and crafts, and as-yet
undeciphered writing.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
BugŸnkŸ, Hindistan, Pakistan, Nepal ve Bangladeß'i
kapsayan ve 4,000 yÝl šnce gizemli bir ßekilde yok
olan dŸnyanÝn en bŸyŸk uygarlÝÛÝnÝn yok olußunun
arkasÝndaki gizem aÝÛa ÝktÝ- Üklim deÛißiklikleri!
Eski MÝsÝr ve Mezopotamya, eski uygarlÝklar arasÝnda
en ok bilinenlerdir. Ancak gemiß uygarlÝklarÝn en
bŸyŸÛŸ Indus ya da diÛer adÝyla Harappanlar'dÝr.
HarappanlarÝn, Indus nehrinden Arap denizine,
oradan da Ganj'a, dŸnya Ÿzerinde tam 1 milyon
kilometer kare bir alana sahip olduÛu belirtiliyor.
BarÝndÝrdÝÛÝ nŸfusun ise o zamanki dŸnya
nŸfusunun % 10'unu kapsadÝÛÝ sšyleniyor
araßtÝrmacÝlar tarafÝndan. BilindiÛi kadarÝyla bu uygarlÝk tam 5,200 yÝl
šnce var olmuß. M.… 3900 ile M.… 3000 yÝllarÝ arasÝnda ise nŸfus daha
ok doÛuya doÛru gš etmeye baßlamÝß.
Neredeyse bir asÝr šnce, araßtÝrmacÝlar Hindistan ve Pakistan sÝnÝrÝnÝn
yanÝ sÝra geniß bir šl bšlgesinde, Ündus Nehri ve kollarÝ boyunca Harappan
yerleßiminin birok kalÝntÝlarÝnÝ keßfetmeye baßladÝlar. KanÝtlar, gelißmiß
ßehirleri, Mezopotamya ile deniz baÛlantÝlarÝnÝ, i ticaret yollarÝnÝ, sanat
ve zanaatÝn yanÝ sÝra henŸz šzŸlmemiß bir yazÝyÝ ißaret edyordu.
YarÝklarÝn ierisine ßehirler kurmuß uygarlÝÛÝn, kanalizasyon sistemleri ise
RomalÝlar dšnemindeki kadar kusursuzmuß. AraßtÝrmacÝlar HarappanlarÝn,
MÝsÝr ve Mezopotamya uygarlÝklarÝndaki gibi Krallar ya da Firavun ŸnvanlÝ
insanlara šzel dev yapÝlar yapmadÝÛÝnÝ ifade ediyorlar. Bu da onlarÝn MÝsÝr
ve Mezopotamya uygarlÝlarÝndan ok daha demokratik olduklarÝnÝn šnemli
They had cities ordered into grids, with exquisite plumbing, which was
not encountered again until the Romans. Researches said that they
seem to have been a more democratic society than Mesopotamia and
Egypt Ñ no large structures were built for important personalities like
kings or pharaohs.
Like their contemporaries in Egypt and Mesopotamia, the Harappans,
who were named after one of their largest cities, lived next to rivers.
Until now, speculations abounded about the links between this mysterious
ancient culture and its life-giving mighty rivers," researchers said.v
Now researchers have reconstructed the landscape of the plain and
rivers where this long-forgotten civilization developed. Their findings
now shed light on the enigmatic fate of this culture.
The researchers provides one of the clearest examples of climate change
leading to the collapse of an entire civilization.
The researchers first analyzed satellite data of the landscape influenced
by the Indus and neighboring rivers. From 2003 to 2008, the researchers
then collected samples of sediment from the coast of the Arabian Sea
into the fertile irrigated valleys of Punjab and the northern Thar Desert
to determine the origins and ages of those sediments and develop a
timeline of landscape changes.
"It was challenging working in the desert Ñ temperatures were over
110 degrees Fahrenheit all day long (43 degrees C)," Researcher Giosan
After collecting data on geological history, "we could reexamine what
we know about settlements, what crops people were planting and when,
and how both agriculture and settlement patterns
changed," said researcher Dorian Fuller,
an archaeologist with
University College London.
"This brought new insights into
the process of eastward
population shift, the change
towards many more small
farming communities, and the
decline of cities during late
Harappan times."
Some had suggested that the
Harappan heartland received its
waters from a large glacier-fed
Himalayan river, thought by some to
be the Sarasvati, a sacred river of
Hindu mythology. However, the
researchers found that only rivers fed
šrneklerinden biri anlamÝna geliyor.
AraßtÝrmacÝlar, ßimdiye kadar, bu gizemli antik kŸltŸr ve ona yaßam veren
aziz nehir arasÝndaki baÛlantÝ hakkÝnda bol miktarda spekŸlasyonlar
olduÛunu belirtiyor.
Þimdi araßtÝrmacÝlar, bu oktan unutulmuß uygarlÝÛÝn bir šrneÛini
gelißtirdiler; ovalarÝnÝ ve nehirlerini de kapsayan aynÝ ortamÝ tekrar inßa
ettiler. Umulan, bu sayede edinilecek bulgularÝn bu kŸltŸrŸn gizemli
kaderine ÝßÝk tutmasÝ.
AraßtÝrmacÝlar, bŸtŸn bir medeniyetin škŸßŸne yol aan iklim deÛißikliÛinin
en aÝk šrneklerinden birini buldular.
AraßtÝrmacÝlar 2003-2008 yÝllarÝ arasÝnda, gŸn boyu 43 santigrat derece
olan Kuzey Tar šlŸnden ve Arap denizi sahillerinden eßitli šrnekler
Bu bulgular, ge dšnem Harappan nŸfusunun neden doÛuya gš ettiÛiyle
ilgili yeni bir bakÝß aÝsÝ getirmißtir.
BazÝlarÝ, ŸnlŸ mitolojik nehir Srasvati'nin bšlgeyi beslediÛini šne sŸrerken,
araßtÝrmacÝlar, sadece muson yaÛmurlarÝnÝn beslediÛi nehirlerin Harappan
bšlgesine hayat verdiÛini ortaya ÝkardÝlar.
AraßtÝrmacÝlar, dŸnyaya gŸneß tarafÝndan gelen solar enerjiye dŸnyanÝn
"gŸneßlenmesi" diyorlar ve gŸneßlenmenin muson iklimini etkileyebileceÛini
Son 10.000 yÝl iinde Kuzey YarÝmkŸre'de 7.000 ila 5.000 yÝl šnce en
yŸksek gŸneßlenme vardÝ ve o zamandan beri gŸneßlenme oranÝ dŸßmŸßtŸr.
DŸnya Ÿzerindeki tŸm iklimler gŸneß gšre olußur.
Bšylece muson iklimi de dŸßŸk gŸneßlenmeden
etkilendi. Bu da musonun etkili olduÛu kÝtalarda
zamanla daha az yaÛmur yaÛmasÝna sebep
olmußtur. Sonun olarak bud a muson
yaÛmurlarÝyla beslenen nehirlerin daha az yaÛÝß
almasÝna sebep olduÛundan kurumuß ve o
zamanki medeniyeti olumsuz etkilemißtir.
Harppanlar girißimci insanlardÝ ve šnlerine
Ýkan fÝrsat pencerelerini hemen group
harekete getiler.
Sonunda yŸzyÝllar boyunca devam ettiÛi
dŸßŸnŸlen, doÛuya, Ganj HvazasÝna, muson
yaÛmurlarÝnÝn gŸvenirliklerini hala
koruduÛu yere doÛru bir gše baßladÝlar.
DoÛuda ise ßehirciliÛi destekleyecek
yeterince iß gŸcŸ yoktu. Bu yŸzden,
ßehirler šktŸ, ama daha kŸŸk tarÝm
topluluklarÝn hayatlarÝnÝ gelißerek
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
art & culture
by monsoon rains flowed through the region.
Previous studies suggest the Ghaggar, an intermittent river that flows
only during strong monsoons, may best approximate the location of
the Sarasvati. Archaeological evidence suggested the river, which
dissipates into the desert along the dried course of Hakra valley, was
home to intensive settlement during Harappan times.
"We think we settled a long controversy about the mythic Sarasvati
River," Giosan said.
Initially, the monsoon-drenched rivers the researchers identified were
prone to devastating floods. Over time, monsoons weakened, enabling
agriculture and civilization to flourish along flood-fed riverbanks for
nearly 2,000 years.
"The insolation Ñ the solar energy received by the Earth from the sun
Ñ varies in cycles, which can impact monsoons," Giosan said. "In the
last 10,000 years, the Northern Hemisphere had the highest insolation
from 7,000 to 5,000 years ago, and since then insolation there decreased.
All climate on Earth is driven by the sun, and so the monsoons were
affected by the lower insolation, decreasing in force. This meant less
rain got into continental regions affected by monsoons over time."
Eventually, these monsoon-based rivers held too little water and dried,
making them unfavorable for civilization.
"The Harappans were an enterprising people taking advantage of a
window of opportunity Ñ a kind of "Goldilocks civilization," Giosan
Eventually, over the course of centuries, Harappans apparently fled
along an escape route to the east toward the Ganges basin, where
monsoon rains remained reliable.
"We can envision that this eastern shift involved a change to more
localized forms of economy Ñ smaller communities supported by local
rain-fed farming and dwindling streams," Fuller said. "This may have
produced smaller surpluses, and would not have supported large cities,
but would have been reliable."
This change would have spelled disaster for the cities of the Indus,
which were built on the large surpluses seen during the earlier, wetter
era. The dispersal of the population to the east would have meant there
was no longer a concentrated workforce to support urbanism.
"Cities collapsed, but smaller agricultural communities were sustainable
and flourished," Fuller said. "Many of the urban arts, such as writing,
faded away, but agriculture continued and actually diversified."
These findings could help guide future archaeological explorations of
the Indus civilization. Researchers can now better guess which
settlements might have been more significant, based on their
relationships with rivers, Giosan said.
It remains uncertain how monsoons will react to modern climate change.
"If we take the devastating floods that caused the largest humanitarian
disaster in Pakistan's history as a sign of increased monsoon activity,
than this doesn't bode well for the region," Giosan said. "The region
has the largest irrigation scheme in the world, and all those dams and
channels would become obsolete in the face of the large floods an
increased monsoon would bring."
The scientists detailed their findings online May 28, in the journal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
sŸrdŸrdŸler. Fakat yazÝ yazmak gibi kentsel sanatlar kayboldu.
Bu yŸzden, ßehirler šktŸ, ama daha kŸŸk tarÝm topluluklarÝn hayatlarÝnÝ
gelißerek sŸrdŸrdŸler. Fakat yazÝ yazmak gibi kentsel sanatlar kayboldu.
Bu bulgular, gelecekte Ündus uygarlÝÛÝ ile ilgili arkeolojik araßtÝrmalara
kÝlavuzluk ederek yardÝmcÝ olabilir. AraßtÝrmacÝlar ßimdi daha iyi olan
yerleßim yerleri ile nehirleri ilißkilerine dayalÝ, daha gereki tahminlerde
Musonun, modern iklim deÛißikliÛine nasÝl tepki vereceÛi ise henŸz belirsiz.
SŸrekli artan muson aktivitesinin ißareti olarak Pakistan, tarihinin en
bŸyŸk insani felaketine yol aan yÝkÝcÝ sellerle uÛraßmaktadÝr. Bu da bšlge
iin iyiye ißaret deÛildir. AÝklamasÝnÝ yapan bilim adamlarÝ "Bšlge dŸnyanÝn
en bŸyŸk sulama dŸzenine sahip ve tŸm bu barajlar ve kanallar sŸrekli
artÝß gšsteren musonun getireceÛi bŸyŸk seller karßÝsÝnda ok yakÝnda
eskimiß olacak." diye uyarÝyor.
Every Cap is A Hope
Social Responsibility Project from Pine Beach Resort
"Her kapak bir umut" KampanyasÝ
Pine Beach Resort'den Sosyal sorumluluk Projesi
Pine Beach Resort developed an interactive Social Responsibility Project
in 2011 with its administrative staff at first and all employees later
called ÒCollecting Plastic Bottle CapÓ. It enabled participation of its
guests also in high season and collected 280 thousands caps until
Wheel chairs will be purchased and given to those people whose income
level is low and need to use wheel chairs with these collected caps.
We wait support of all our guests for this campaign which is organized
in cooperation of Belek Municipality, Serik ҅zel Sevgi BaÛÝÓ rehabilitation
center and our hotel. Please gather caps of all your plastic bottles and
throw to our Òcap collecting stationsÓ we place in certain
points. Our cap collecting stations are present in all Bars
and Congress Lobby areas.
Murat Baßara, our Operation Manager who started this
campaign says the goal of this campaign is to develop
social responsibility awareness in
people and increase participative
citizen profile. We would be very
pleased if you contribute to our hotel
who leaded this campaign.
Remember Òevery cap is hopeÓ. Thank
you in advance
for your powerful support we believe
you will give.
Murat Baßara
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Pine Beach Resort, 2011 yÝlÝ baßÝnda šnce kendi idari kadrosu, sonra tŸm
personele yaydÝÛÝ "Pet Þiße KapaÛÝ Toplama" kampanyasÝnÝ yŸksek sezonda
misafirlerin de katÝlÝmÝnÝ saÛlayarak interaktif bir Sosyal Sorumluluk
Projesi gelißtirmiß ve baßladÝÛÝndan bu gŸne 280 bin kapak toplamÝßtÝr
Toplanan bu kapaklarla, gelir dŸzeyi dŸßŸk olan ve tekerlekli sandalye
baÛÝmlÝsÝ olup, almaya gŸcŸ yetmeyen hastalara kampanya dahilinde
tekerlekli sandalye alÝnÝp verilecektir. Belek Belediye BaßkanlÝÛÝ, Serik
"…zel Sevgi BaÛÝ" rehabilitasyon merkezi ve otelimizin ortak yŸrŸttŸÛŸ
bu kampanya iin tŸm misafirlerimizden destek bekliyoruz. LŸtfen tŸm
pet ßißelerinizin kapaklarÝnÝ biriktirip belli noktalara yerleßtirdiÛimiz "kapak
toplama istasyon"larÝmÝza atÝnÝz. Kapak Toplama
istasyonlarÝmÝz tŸm Barlar ve Kongre Fuaye
alanlarÝmÝzda mevcuttur.
KampanyayÝ baßlatan Operasyon MŸdŸrŸmŸz SayÝn
Murat Baßara, KampanyanÝn amacÝnÝn insanlarda sosyal
sorumluluk bilincinin gelißmesini ve katÝlÝmcÝ vatandaß
profilinin artÝrÝlmasÝ olduÛunu belirtiyor. Bu kampanyaya
šncŸ olan otelimize bu konuda katkÝ saÛlarsanÝz ok
mutlu oluruz. UnutmayÝn, "her kapak bir umut" dur.
VereceÛize inandÝÛÝmÝz gŸlŸ destek iin ßimdiden ok
teßekkŸr ederiz.
fine foods, smart living
An elegant atmosphere,
Enchanting foodsÉ.
Zarif bir atmosfer, BŸyŸleyici yemekler...
In the past every women wished a
prince charming would come and take
her on his horse and get away from
everything and offer her epic
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
Eskiden her kadÝn, hayatÝ boyunca
beyaz atlÝ prensinin gelip onu atÝnÝn
terkisine attÝktan sonra dšrt nala, her
ßeyden uzaklaßtÝrmasÝnÝ ve masalsÝ
anlar yaßatmasÝnÝ dilermiß.
GŸnŸmŸzde beyaz atlarÝn yerini beyaz
uaklar aldÝ.
Today white horses have been replaced with white planes. And epic
moments are only lived when couples are alone because the noise
and information bombing of information age reach everywhere.
But there are fabulous places far away from this noise and chaosÉ
Our A La Carte Restaurants are one of the most elegant places you
may experience with your partnerÉ
Prepare a surprise to your Prince or Princes who accompany you
on this holiday. Tell him/her to dress smart for dinner. Book two
people table in our restaurant at once. You will remember this very
special night by Mediterranean shore as one of your most special
memories. Everything will turn red, love with the enchanting effect
of a glass of red wine and the whole world is going to be silent;
there will be just you and your partner. Just Prince and PrincessÉ
Our meals which you will remember for long years will contribute
an extra value to your nightÉ
You may prefer fish or Turkish or Italian cuisineÉ Our A La Carte
kitchen where all tastes are created will be under your service with
skillful cookers and waiters. We bet that this dinner in a glamorous
atmosphere by unique view of Mediterranean will be unforgettable.
MasalsÝ anlar ise en ok baß baßa kalÝndÝÛÝnda yaßanÝr oldu, ŸnkŸ enformasyon
aÛÝnÝn gŸrŸltŸsŸ ve bilgi bombardÝmanÝ her yere ulaßabiliyor. Fakat tŸm bu
gŸrŸltŸ patÝrtÝdan uzakta kalan bŸyŸleyici mekanlar da var... Partnerinizle
yaßayabileceÛiniz en zarif mekanlardan biri otelimizdeki A la Carte RestoranlarÝmÝz...
Size bu tatilinizde eßlik eden Prens ya da Prensesinize bir sŸrpriz hazÝrlayÝn. Ona
bu gece yemeÛe inerken ok ßÝk giyinmesini sšyleyin. RestoranlarÝmÝza iki kißilik
rezervasyonunuzu hemen yaptÝrÝn. Akdeniz'in kÝyÝsÝnda yaßayacaÛÝnÝz bu ok šzel
geceyi en šzel anÝlarÝnÝz arasÝnda hatÝrlayacaksÝnÝz. Bir kadeh kÝrmÝzÝ ßarabÝn
bŸyŸleyici etkisiyle her ßey kÝrmÝzÝya, aßka bŸrŸnecek ve tŸm dŸnya susacak,
sadece siz ve partneriniz olacaksÝnÝz. Sadece Prens ve Prenses...
TadÝ kesinlikle damaÛÝnÝzda kalacak yÝllar boyu hatÝrlayacaÛÝnÝz yemeklerimiz
baßka bir deÛer katacak bu gecenize.
Üster BalÝk yemeÛi tercih edin, ister TŸrk ya da Ütalyan mutfaÛÝnÝ...
Her zevke gšre lezzetlerin olußturulduÛu a la carte mutfaÛÝmÝz yetenekli aßÝ ve
garsonlarÝyla hizmetinizde olacak. Gšz kamaßtÝrÝcÝ bir atmosferde, Akdeniz'in eßsiz
manzarasÝna karßÝ yiyeceÛiniz yemeÛin unutulmaz olacaÛÝnÝ ßimdiden iddia
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
health & life
Whole grains
Refined grains, like white rice and pasta, have lost 90% of their nutritional
value through the refining process. As if that weren't reason enough
to choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and whole oats, a recent
study showed that a diet rich in whole grains actually flattens your
belly by reducing fat storage in your lower abdominal region.
Making yogurt part of your daily eating routine can improve your
digestion - if you're buying the right stuff. Check that the label lists
"active cultures" to make sure you're getting healthy probiotics, and
pick a yoghurt rich in vitamin D to prevent osteoporosis.
The world-famous Turkish origin, Heart and Vascular Surgeon Dr.
Mehmet OZÕs recommendations of nutritions for the children.
High Fiber Foods
"We know that children take not enough fibrous foods in their breakfast.
It also affects their school performance. Children's breakfasts always
need to take advantage of fiber-rich foods.
5 Foods you should
eat every day
Below you can find the 5 foods you should eat every day for a good
Leafy greens
Medical experts call them one of nature's miracle foods. Leafy greens
like Swiss chard and kale are high in nutrients like folate and vitamins
A and C that can lower your risk of cancer. Just one cup of dark, leafy
greens a day could also prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.
Many nutritionists recommend nuts like almonds, cashews and walnuts
because they're high in natural fiber. Fiber slows your digestive process,
keeping hunger and unhealthy mid-afternoon snacks at bay. Goodbye
vending machine runs!
Studies show that consuming onions on a regular basis may reduce
symptoms of asthma and the risk of developing stomach cancer. Add
them to soups and stir-fry, and just remember -- the stronger the
onion, the greater the health benefit.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012
AßaÛÝda her gŸn, dŸzenli olarak tŸketmeniz durumunda, sizleri ilalardan
uzak tutacaÛÝna ve optimum bir saÛlÝÛa kavußturacaÛÝna inandÝÛÝmÝz
5 besin maddesi yer almaktadÝr.
Uzmanlar yeßil yapraklÝ bitkilerden doÛanÝn mucize besinleri diye sšz
ediyorlar. PazÝ ve Lahana gibi Yeßil yapraklÝ bitkiler bŸyŸk oranda Folat,
A ve C vitamini iermektedir. Bu yapÝsÝndan dolayÝ da kanser riskini
azaltmaktadÝr. Her gŸn, Yeßil yapraklÝ bitkilerden elde edilecek bir
fincan koyu ay yŸksek tansiyon ve ßekeri šnlemek iin de etkilidir.
Frermented Foods
"The overarching issue is if you don't teach kids to mature their taste
buds when they are young, their taste buds stay infantile and they are
never quite ever able to enjoy the savory foods that theoretically you'd
like them to enjoy as they become adults. Try and get them to enjoy
fermented foods, live cultured foods like yogurts, because those bacteria
actually release many of the nutrients that are found in those food
"Broccoli Ñ it's the single most important vegetable for cleansing the
"Find one fruit they love and make that their staple snack."
Tree Nuts
"Once they get older, they can eat tree nuts without choking on them.
The reason I picked tree nuts (or soy nuts if they are allergic) is that
they are easy to carry around, you can put them in your pocket. The
biggest problem with kids is that they get hungry and then they go
foraging for food. And whatever they have available, they eat."
conversation guest
‚orbalarÝnÝza ekleyin ya da tavada kÝzartÝn. UnutmayÝn soÛan ne kadar
diri olursa saÛlÝÛÝmÝza olan faydasÝ o kadar artacaktÝr.
Beyaz pirin ve makarna gibi rafine tahÝllar, rafine edilme sŸreci sÝrasÝnda
besin deÛerlerinin %90'nÝna yakÝnÝnÝ kaybediyorlar. EÛer bu sizin iin,
esmer pirince, quinoa'ya ve tam yulafa yšnelmek iin yeterli bir sebep
deÛilse, size ßunu belirtelim ki, yapÝlan bir araßtÝrmada tahÝl aÝsÝndan
zengin bir diyetin alt karÝn bšlgesindeki yaÛ depolanmasÝnÝ azaltarak
dŸz bir karÝn elde edebileceÛiniz ortaya ÝkmÝßtÝr.
YoÛurdu hayatÝnÝzÝn bir parasÝ olarak algÝlar ve her gŸn dŸzenli bir
ßekilde yerseniz sinidim sisteminiz gelißecektir. Tabii burada šnemli olan
doÛru ŸrŸnŸ almak. YoÛurdu ya evinizde yapÝn ya da doÛal olduÛuna
emin olun. ‚ŸnkŸ doÛal yoÛurdun ierisinde sindirim sistemimiz iin
ok šnemli olan probiotikler yer almaktadÝr. AyrÝca dŸzenli yoÛurt yemek
aynÝ zamanda gelecekte yaßanabilecek kemik erimelerini de bŸyŸk oranda
DŸnyaca ŸnlŸ TŸrk kškenli Kalp ve Damar CerrahÝ, aynÝ zamanda
Beslenme uzmanÝ olan DR. Mehmet …z'den beslenme Ÿzerine šneriler.
"‚ocuklarÝn kahvaltÝlarda yeterince lifli besinlerden faydalanmadÝÛÝnÝ
biliyoruz. Bu onlarÝn okuldaki performanslarÝnÝ da etkiliyor. ‚ocuklarÝn
kahvaltÝlarÝnda mutlaka lif aÝsÝndan zengin besinlerden faydalanmalarÝ
Fermente olmuß / CanlÝ KŸltŸr Besinleri
‚ocuklarÝnÝza ßimdiden, ileride yemeleri gereken yemekleri tattÝrmazsanÝz
onlarÝn tad alma reseptšrleri onlarÝn istediÛi gibi, yanlÝß yšnde gelißebilir
ve siz onlara saÛlÝklÝ bir beslenme alÝßkanlÝÛÝ kazandÝramayabilirsiniz.
Bu yŸzden yoÛurt gibi fermente besinleri ne kadar abuk alÝßtÝrÝrsanÝz
ocuklarÝnÝza o kadar iyi olacaktÝr.
KaraciÛeri temizleyecek tek sebze BROKOLÜDÜR.
‚ocuklarÝnÝzÝn en sevdiÛi meyvenin ne olduÛunu bulun ve bunu onlara
ara šÛŸn olarak her gŸn verin.
‚ocuklarÝnÝz boÛulmayacak duruma geldiklerinde onlarÝn cebine bol
miktarda fÝndÝk koyun. ‚ŸnkŸ oyun sÝrasÝnda, oyunlarÝnÝ bÝrakÝp eve,
yemek yemeÛe gelmeyi akÝllarÝndan bile geirmezler. Sonra da, iyi ya da
kštŸ ne bulurlarsa onu yerler. Ama ceplerinde fÝndÝk olursa hi deÛilse
eve gelene kadar onlarÝ tok turtar, enerji verir ve saÛlÝklÝdÝr.
Pek ok Beslenme uzmanÝ Badem, Kaju ve Ceviz gibi FÝndÝÛÝ da beslenme
aÝsÝndan ok šnemli buluyorlar ŸnkŸ doÛal lif aÝsÝndan zenginler.
Lifler, vŸcudumuzun sindirimini yavaßlatÝr, bšylece alÝÛÝ ve zararlÝ
atÝßtÝrmalÝklar yeme ihtiyacÝnÝ geciktirmemizi saÛlar.
YapÝlan araßtÝrmalar, dŸzenli soÛan tŸketiminin AstÝm belirtilerini
(semptomlarÝnÝ) ve mide kanseri riskini azalttÝÛÝnÝ gšstermißtir.
Pine Magazine
Summer 2012