
CETIN BALANUYE, PhD Akdeniz University Department of Philosophy balanuye@akdeniz.edu.tr dengelem@gmail.com EDUCATION 2006 PhD in Philosophy Middle East Technical University, Ankara 2000 MA in Philosophy of Education (fully sponsored by European Union) University of London Institute of Education, London 1999‐2000 Took all doctoral courses at the Department of Educational Sciences in the field of curriculum development. Middle East Technical University, Ankara 1998 Ms in Sociology of Education Middle East Technical University, Ankara 1989‐1994 Bs in Educational Sciences Middle East Technical University, Ankara AREAS OF ACADEMIC INTEREST Philosophy Continental philosophy, philosophy of immanence, Spinoza and post‐Nietzschean continental thought, ethics and political philosophy, post‐structuralism. Education Curriculum development, distance and interactive education, e‐learning, instructional design and development, aims and policies of education at local, national and supra‐national levels, training development. 1 Philosophy of Education Philosophical foundations of education, aims, justification of aims, ethics of education, values in education. PUBLISHED BOOK REVIEWS Balanuye, C. (2009) "Bilinç: Doğal ve Mucizevi ama Mucize Değil!" (Book review for Histerik Bilinç by Saffet Murat Tura) Baykuş Felsefe Yazıları, Ekim 2009, Sayı 3. Balanuye, C. (2008) “Reklamcılığın Fahişeliği mi, Fahişeliğin Reklamı mı?” (Book review for Reklamcı Nedir Nasıl Reklamcı Olunur? by İlyas Başsoy) Virgül, October 2008, Vol. 123, P. 54‐56. Balanuye, C. (2008) “İnsanlığın Kozmik Duruşması” (Book review for Saman Köpekler? by John Gray) Virgül, September 2008, Vol. 122, P. 54‐56. Balanuye, C. (2007) “Felsefe İçin Eski Ama Bakir(e) Bir Toprak: İçkinlik” (Book review for Çizgisel Olmayan Tarihin Bin Yılı by Manuel De Landa) Virgül, October 2007, Vol. 111, P. 64‐67. Balanuye, C. (2004) “Pedagoji ve bilgelik” (Book review for Geleceğin eğitimi için gerekli yedi bilgi by Edgar Morin) Virgül, January 2004, Vol. 69, P. 64‐67. Balanuye, C. (2002) “Öykü neye yönelir?” (Book review for Alabalık Üçlemesi by Ahmet Önel) Cumhuriyet Kitap, August 22, p. 7. Balanuye, C. (2002) “Demokratik bir kalkışma olarak eğitim felsefesi” (Book review for Felsefece Eğitişim by Sabri Büyükdüvenci) Virgül, July‐August 2002, Vol. 53, P. 28‐31. Balanuye, C. (2001) “Basil Bernstein’ın eğitimle hesaplaşması” (A commentory on Basil Bernstein) Virgül, October, Vol. 44, P. 55‐58. Balanuye, C. (2001) “Etik ne anlatır? Ya da ortak anlatımızın etiği nedir?” (Commentory on Ethik’in Kısa Tarihi & After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre) Virgül, June‐July‐August, Vol. 42, P. 26‐27. Balanuye, C. (2001) “Eğitim Bulanık Havayı Sevmez!” (Book review for Postpositivism and Educational Research by D.C. Philips & Nicholas C. Burbules) Virgül, January, Vol. 37, P. 50‐52. Balanuye, C. (2000) “Gerçek Kullanışlı mı?” (Book review for Philosophy and Social Hope by Richard Rorty) Virgül, June, Vol. 31, P. 51. Balanuye, C. (2000) “Sosyal Bilimler ve Partizanlık” (Book review for Taking Sides in Social Research: Essays on partisanship and bias by Martyn Hammersley) Virgül, April, Vol. 29, P. 21. Balanuye, C. (1999) “Milli Eğitim İdeolojisi Üzerine İdeolojik Bir Kitap” (Book review for Türkiye’de Milli Eğitim İdeolojisi by İsmail Kaplan) Virgül, September, Vol. 22, P. 42‐44. Balanuye, C. (1999) “Esrime: Felsefenin bir kaybı mı?” (Commentory on Battaile and Nietzsche) Virgül, April, Vol. 18, P. 8‐9. 2 PUBLISHED WORKS Balanuye, C. (2010) "Becoming Expression in Deleuze: Two Cases from Turkey, Fazıl Say and Mısırlı Ahmet", Kritike, December 2010, Vol. 4:2. Balanuye, C. (2010) Ethico‐political Acts of Desire, (Published doctoral dissertation), Lambert: Germany. Balanuye, C. (2010) "Yalnızca Şunu Söylemek İstiyorum: Ayırdıkça Yalnızlaşıyoruz!", Psikeart, Sayı 11, Eylül‐Ekim 2010, s. 82‐87. Balanuye, C. (2010) "Ah Felsefe! Durup Düşünmekten, Gülüp Geçmeye Vaktin Yok", Psikeart, Sayı 10, Temmuz‐Ağustos 2010, s. 72‐74. Balanuye, C. (2010) "Cinsellik: Kutsal Küçük Ölüm", Psikeart, Sayı 9, Mayıs‐Haziran 2010, s. 186‐187. Balanuye, C. (2009) "İletişim Stratejisinin Felsefi bir Analizi", Birgün Gazetesi, 28 Nisan 2009. Balanuye, C. (2009) “Deneyim Olarak Yapısöküm: Etik ve Eğitimsel Olanakları” Felsefe Dünyası, 2009‐
1. Balanuye, C. (2009) “Technology as habitual mode of being in the world”, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Kış:2009 Balanuye, C. (2008) “Beden ve Aşkınlık” FLSF Dergisi/SD Üniversitesi, Sayı 6, Güz 2008, s. 49‐61 Balanuye, C. (2008) “Eros in Marcuse: Liberating or to be liberated? ETHOS: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences, Sayı 2/4. www.ethosfelsefe.com. Balanuye, C., (2007) "Esenlik Kavramı ve Eğitim", Felsefe Dünyası, 2007‐1. Balanuye, C., Halıcı, E. (2006) "Sürdürülebilir Gelişme, Beyin Göçü ve Bilişim: Felsefi bir perspektif", Elektronik‐Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Güz ‐2006 C.5 S.18(22‐29). Balanuye, C. (2006) "Sözcükler ve Harflerin Bilinçaltı Gizleri: Bilmeceleri nasıl okumalı?" Oyun, Kasım 2006, Sayı 1, s. 47. Balanuye, C. (2006) "Hırsız‐Polis'le Kaçamak Diyaloglar", Radikal İki, 23 Nisan 2006. Balanuye, C. (2005) “Yazı I ve Yazı II: Yapısöküm baskıya yetişmez! ‐ Titizlik” Bilinçaltından Notlar, March‐May: 2005, Vol. 1., p. 12‐16. Balanuye, C., Aksu, M. (2003) “Designing a creative history course: A Model” Education and Science, April: 2003, Vol. 28, No: 12., p. 9‐18. Balanuye, C. (2000) “Cartoons and Virtues in Turkey” Research Newsletter, Summer 2000, Number 25, p. 5‐6. Balanuye, C. (1998) “Technology versus social reproduction of inequalities: A dream or hope?” Distance Education, Winter 1998, p. 59‐61. 3 Balanuye, C. (1993) “Bir eğitim ütopyası” Bilim ve Ütopya, November 21, 1993, Vol. 31, p. cover and 4‐5. PAPER(S) PRESENTED IN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE(S) Balanuye, C. “Posthumanism: Humble Than Modernism Brave Than Postmodernism”, Conference on Modernity, Critique and Humanism: February 12‐13, 2011, California State University. Balanuye, C. “The Fish Dissolved in Water: Deleuze‐Guattarian Experiments with Calvino, The Shird International Deleuze Conference: 2010, Amsterdam‐Netherlands. Balanuye, C. “Becoming Expression in Deleuze: Two Cases from Turkey, Fazıl Say and Mısırlı Ahmet, The Second International Deleuze Conference: 2009, Cologne‐Germany. Balanuye, C. “De‐construction as experience and ethico‐educational possibilities”, Unpublished conference paper, Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain: Annual Conference 2003, Oxford: New College. PAPER(S) PRESENTED IN NATIONAL CONFERENCE(S) Balanuye, C. "Engellilik Kavramı ve Özgür İrade", Unpublished conference paper, Korkut Yaltkaya IV. Nörofizyoloji Sempozyumu: Akdeniz Üniversitesi, 23‐24 Aralık 2009. Balanuye, C. "Süreklilik Düşü: İnsanlığın Trajik Yanılgısı", Unpublished conference paper, TEDx‐
Bosphorus, İstanbul Modern Galeri, 23 Kasım 2009. Balanuye, C. “Philosophies of difference: For or against self‐confidence?”, Unpublished conference paper, Akdeniz University & European Union aided Youth Project: Racism and Xenophobia, 22 April, 2008, Antalya. Balanuye, C. “New philosophical issues underlying educational idea”, Keynote speech for Akdeniz University, Faculty of Economics’ Extended Board of Directors Meeting, 2 May, 2008, Antalya. Balanuye, C. "Learning Objects and the Context: How to integrate?", Unpublished conference paper, Middle East Technical University Faculty of Education, New Technologies, New Ideas, New Media Selection Models and Motivational Design in Education, October 5‐6, 2006, Ankara. Balanuye, C. “Diplomasız Akademi ve Nesnel Ölçme Değerlendirmeye Doğru”, Unpublished conference paper, Akdeniz Üniversitesi: Üniversitelerde Stratejik Planlama Sempozyumu”, 3‐4 Ekim 2005, Antalya. CITATION(S) A., Esra Aslan (et al.), "A Study on Professional Ethic Perceptions of Teachers and School Principals",Europen Journal of Educational Studies 1(3), 2009. (Accesible athttp://ozelacademy.com/EJESV1N3_5.pdf) 4 Ferruh Yazıcı, "Antalya Başbakanı Neden Üzdü?", Newsweek: 2009‐05‐03. Timur, N., Sağlam, N. "Betin Göçü ve Geri Kazanımı": a chapter in Nitelikli İşgücünden Faydalanma ve Geri Kazanım Stratejileri, EUROMED, http://www.annalindhturkiye.org/strategic%20plan_Turkish.pdf, Access: 20 April, 2010. Stables, Andrew., " From discrimination to deconstruction: four modulations of criticality in the humanities and social sciences", Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Volume 28, Number 6 / December 2003, p. 665 – 672. MEMBERSHIP English Research Institute (ERI) Deleuze Studies Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain EXTRA­ACADEMIC DUTIES Owner and Editor of ETHOS: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences, (Electronical‐Refereed Journal)www.ethosfelsefe.com Member of Editorial Board for Baykuş Felsefe Yazıları. NON­ACADEMIC APPLIED QUALIFICATIONS • E‐Learning: Develop, coordinate and direct e‐learning projects providing hands‐on supervision in all stages of project management such as research, planning, designing, implementation and evaluation. • Instructional software: Valuable experience as ‘director’ in all phases of instructional multimedia develoment. (Project Coordinator and/or Educational Specialist in more than 20 instructional multimedia software development projects.) • Design curriculum to meet the assessed needs of the audience. • Train trainers/teachers and help them develop their instructional strategy. • Program Team Leader, providing stand‐up training, group facilitation and team building among participants, using workplace simulations and exercises. • Develop communication skills among participants in a diverse workforce. • Experience in large‐scale educational project management in both public and private sector. • Excellent skills in research, assessment, and evaluation of training. JOB EXPERIENCE 2007‐Present Akdeniz University, Department of Philosophy Assoc. Prof. Dr. / Main courses include: Ancient Philosophy I (Pre‐Socratics), Ancient Philosophy II (Socrates to Medieval age), Philosophy in 17th Century, Philosophy in 18th Century, Philosophy in 19th Century, Contemporary Philosophy, Immanence vs Transcendence, Manuel De Landa and the Naturalistic Approach, Philosophy of Education, Rhetoric and Argumentation, etc. 5 2000‐2007 ODTÜ‐Teknokent • Director of Instructional Multimedia Group (Member to Board of Directors) • Management and coordination of a design team of about 20 member, including graphic artists, animation creators, programmers and instructional technologists. The team plans, designs, develops and evaluates multi‐media instructional software and WEB courses. He, together with his team, is currently carrying out a pre‐planning research and curriculum analysis for a vocational‐technical support software to be offered to country schools. 1995‐2000 Ministry of Education General Directorate of Educational Technologies (EGITEK) • Coordinator of Joint Projects (carried out under the financial support of the World Bank and other international organizations.) • Active participation in the research, planning and organization efforts in the Open High School to develop the distance vocational‐technical sub‐programs of the school. (In 1999, the school also launched the Open Vocational‐Technical School.) • [1999‐2000 On study leave from EGITEK at Institute of Education, University of London on EU Scholarship] 1994‐1995 Management of Strategic Resources, Inc. (MSR) (An international research and consultancy firm) Assistant Researcher 1993‐1994 (1 year p/t) Piramit Eğitim Hizmetleri Ltd. Vocational Counselor • Providing seminars, workshops and individualized ‘vocational guidance’ sessions to help adolescents develop their career plans and have relevant education. • Application of personalized test and inventories to help young people see more objectively what their interests, abilities, values, strength and weakness are. 1991‐1992 Yenal Cakaloz Management Consultancy (1,5 year apprenticeship) Observed and assisted Yenal Cakaloz, one of the most experienced “human resources selection and management adviser” in Turkey, in conducting job analysis, writing job descriptions and evaluating critically what needs to be done for improvement. Additional Profile His interests cover a wide range area of philosophy per se, and philosophical, sociological, psychological and technological issues underlying ‘educational idea’. Philosophical foundations of curriculum is the recent focus. He holds a number of book reviews and articles published in variety of magazines and academic journals, and is a member of the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain. He is also a member of Distance Education Foundation, where he participated in variety of 6 educational projects including Learning Centers Development Project, Distance Vocational‐Technical Certification Project, On‐Job Task and Duty Analysis of FRTED Personnel, etc. Personal Achievements • Awarded in 1999‐2000 by European Union’s Jean Monnet Scholarship to study Philosophy of Education in London on education. His study on ‘aims of education and the possibility of holistic conception’ led him to receive his second master degree in education. • Author of the ‘Best Educational Utopia’ submitted to a competition held by the Philosophy Department, METU in 1993. • Accepted to a two‐week international workshop on ‘communication & public advocacy’ held in Antalya in 1997 by John Hopkins University and received a certificate for successfuly completing the program. • Active participant of ‘mediation and conflict resolution’ conferences and workshops organized by the Umut Foundation and Search for Common Ground. • “Very good user of written and spoken English” based on the IELTS scale. (Both writing and listening bands: 8/9, IELTS. • Experienced user of MS Word, MS Power Point, MS Project Management and MS Front Page. • Advance online research skills. 7 

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ÖZGEÇMİŞ Doç. Dr. ÇETİN BALANUYE E Curriculum development, distance and interactive education, e-learning, instructional design and development, aims and policies of education at local, national and supra-national levels, training d...


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Etkinliklerimiz - Okankoleji.com Cumhuriyetinin ilanının 91. yıldönümünü Okan Koleji olarak öğrenci, öğretmen, yönetici ve velilerimizin geniş katılımıyla kutladık. Bireye daha özgür, demokrasiyi sindirebilen bir anlayışı kazandır...
