Basın Bildirisi


Basın Bildirisi
Basın Bildirisi
Theme-based campaign for 2016: Holidays in the heart of nature in Germany
Surprising – Spectacular – Unexpected – Diverse
Facts and figures about natural landscapes in Germany
As part of its global campaign on the ‘Holidays in the heart of nature in Germany’ theme,
the German National Tourist Board (GNTB) is focusing its international marketing activities
in 2016 on facts relating to nature tourism.
Special protection for Germany’s natural treasures
Of the 357,169 square kilometres of land area in Germany, 10,477 belong to 16 national
parks, 13,414 have been declared conservation areas and 97,936 enjoy nature park status.
According to the UN’s definitions, a total of 48 per cent of the country’s surface area is
subject to a conservation order of some kind. This puts Germany in a leading position by
global comparison.
Flora and fauna: The Forest of Germany is thriving
Around a third of Germany’s total land area is woodland: the ‘Forest of Germany’ now
contains some 90 billion trees with an average age of 77 years. Conifers cover 5.9 million
hectares, while deciduous trees account for 4.7 million hectares. The most common
varieties of tree found in Germany are spruce (25 per cent) and pine (22 per cent). Beech
trees make up 15 per cent of the woodland and oaks 10 per cent. Germany has a timber
stock of 3.7 billion cubic metres, more than any other EU nation (source: National Forest
Inventory, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, 2015).
Around 71,500 species of wildlife have been documented in Germany, many of which are
so rare they have been placed under special protection. Some 48,000 animal species, 9,500
plant species and 14,000 varieties of fungus are testament to Germany’s biodiversity and
its concerted efforts to protect indigenous flora and fauna.
İnci Gökçe
Basın ve Halkla İlişkiler Danişmanligi
DZT Alman Turizm Merkezi
Rasimpaşa Mah. Prof. Dr.Macit
Erbudak Sok. No:21/4
Kadıköy - İstanbul
Tel +90 216450 39 79
Fax +90 216450 39 79
Rivers, lakes and islands
More than 2.4 per cent of Germany’s surface area is covered by water. The country is crisscrossed by rivers and streams and dotted with lakes and ponds.
The most notable rivers are the Rhine, which flows 865 kilometres to the Dutch border, and
the Elbe, which crosses 727 kilometres of German soil on its journey from the Czech
Republic to the North Sea estuary. The Danube rises in southern Germany and flows 647
kilometres through Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria before reaching the Austrian border at
Passau. It then goes on to connect another nine European countries before emptying into
the Black Sea. The Main, Weser, Saale, Spree, Ems, Neckar and Havel are also important
rivers for recreational pursuits and shipping.
It is estimated that Germany has between 15,000 and 30,000 natural lakes with a surface
area in excess of one hectare. The most famous of them is Lake Constance. This 536km²
reservoir, situated on the border between Germany and Switzerland, is especially popular
among tourists for its beautiful Lindau and Mainau islands. The largest inland body of water
in northern Germany is Lake Müritz, whose 110 square kilometres of water are surrounded
by nature conservation areas.
Relaxing in nature on two seas
Germany’s coastline stretches some 1,200 kilometres along the North Sea and Baltic Sea.
The largest of the German islands is Rügen. Its 930 square kilometres provide ample space
for UNESCO-protected beech forests and the unmistakable chalk cliffs. Right next to Rügen
is the smaller, serene island of Hiddensee. To the far north east is the 445km² island of
Usedom that Germany shares with Poland. These North Sea islands are surrounded by the
UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea. The ebb and flow of the tides dictate the pace of
life on the North Frisian islands of Sylt, Föhr, Pellworm and Nordstrand and on the tranquil
East Frisian islands of Norderney, Langeooge, Spiekerooge, Juist, Wangerooge and
İnci Gökçe
Basın ve Halkla İlişkiler Danişmanligi
DZT Alman Turizm Merkezi
Rasimpaşa Mah. Prof. Dr.Macit
Erbudak Sok. No:21/4
Kadıköy - İstanbul
Tel +90 216450 39 79
Fax +90 216450 39 79
DZT hakkında
Frankfurt, Main'daki merkezi ile Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus (DZT) Almanya'nın ulusal “Turizm
Kurulu” dur. Ekonomi ve Enerji Federal Bakanlığı (BMWi) adına seyahat ülkesi Almanya'yı temsil
eder ve bu amaçla Alman Federal Meclis kararı ile desteklenir. DZT, Almanya'nın seyahat
noktalarının yurtdışındaki pozitif imajını ve Almanya'nın turizmini geliştirmek için stratejiler ve ürünler
geliştirir. Bu amaçla dünya çapında 30 uluslararası temsilciliğe sahiptir.
İnci Gökçe
Basın ve Halkla İlişkiler Danişmanligi
DZT Alman Turizm Merkezi
Rasimpaşa Mah. Prof. Dr.Macit
Erbudak Sok. No:21/4
Kadıköy - İstanbul
Tel +90 216450 39 79
Fax +90 216450 39 79