
1. Definition and insights
CUSTOMER-MADE: “The phenomenon of corporations creating goods, services and experiences in close cooperation
with experienced and creative consumers, tapping into their
intellectual capital, and in exchange giving them a direct say
in (and rewarding them for) what actually gets produced,
manufactured, developed, designed, serviced, or processed.”
Consider any or all of the following:
• Status: people love to be seen, love to show off their creative
skills and thinking.
• Bespoke lifestyle: something consumers have been personally
involved in should guarantee goods, services and experiences
that are tailored to their needs.
Letʼs get this out of the way once and for all: trends are not one-off
coining affairs. Some trends are worth tracking for years and
years, especially if they represent a radically new definition of
what constitutes value to consumers. INFOLUST is one of them.
So is GENERATION C. And from a business and innovation angle, weʼd like to argue that the CUSTOMER-MADE trend, cocreating with your customers, is the most important one to watch.
Not because everything has to or will be co-created in the future,
but because tapping into the collective experiences, skills and
ingenuity of hundreds of millions of consumers around the world is
a complete departure from the inward looking, producer- versusconsumer innovation model so common to corporations around
the world.
• Cold hard cash: getting a well deserved reward or even a profit
cut for helping a company develop The Next Big Thing is irresistible.
• Employment: in an almost ironic twist, CUSTOMER-MADE is
turning out to be a great vehicle for finding employment, as it
helps companies recruit their next in-house designer, guerrilla
advertising agency or brilliant strategist.
• Fun and involvement: there's pleasure and satisfaction to be
derived from making and creating, especially if co-creating with
brands one loves, likes or at least feels empathy for?
So hereʼs yet another CUSTOMER-MADE update, exactly one
year after our last coverage, bringing you new insights and handson examples of firms already profiting from co-creating with their
customers. But first, letʼs start with a recap:
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What is CUSTOMER-MADE not?
2. So… Who’s doing what?
DIY advertising
Itʼs NOT plain feedback without an answer, it's not Do-It-Yourself,
it's not customization, it's not even personalization, as all of these
actions take place after companies have decided what the basics
are, which products and services and experiences they're willing
to hand over to consumers. Case in point: consumer voting campaigns like or
Sure, they're fun, but at the same time have a hopelessly tired feel
to them. Once true CUSTOMER-MADE becomes the norm, it
should be the companies voting for whatever consumers choose
to submit!
Virtually every brand these days seems to be inviting their customers to contribute to their next advertising campaign. If you believe that this is proof that co-creation is in fact an established
trend, think again.
Sure, recent examples like LʼOrealʼs You Make The Commercial,
FireFoxʼs Flicks, MasterCardʼs Write a Priceless Ad, JetBlueʼs
Travel Stories and McDonaldsʼ Global Casting are good fun
(hell, if consumers really like your brand, they donʼt even need a
contest, as illustrated by these cool, unofficial American Apparel
ads), but while getting some of your customers involved at a tactical marketing level is better than nothing, it doesnʼt touch upon the
truly massive opportunities that the CUSTOMER-MADE trend has
to offer when you move beyond advertising: from product development to open-conversation feedback schemes:
Why now?
For decades, consumers have been saving up their insights and
rants about the stuff they consume, simply because they didn't
have adequate means to interact with companies, or with other
consumers for that matter. No longer. These fickle, wired, empowered, infolusty, opinionated and experienced holders of a MC
(Master of Consumerism) are getting used to 'having it their way',
in ANY way imaginable, which includes wanting to have direct
influence on what companies develop and produce for them.
Product development
It certainly helps that these same consumers are also part of
GENERATION C: they're creative and increasingly have access to
professional hardware, software, and online distribution channels
to show (and dictate) companies what it is they expect from them,
using text, sound, picture and video in ever more powerful ways.
Add to GEN C the millions of lead users, early adopters, brilliant
business professionals dying to give you a piece of their mind, and
youʼll end up with THE GLOBAL BRAIN, waiting for you to tap into
its experiences and skills. More on THE GLOBAL BRAIN in a future Briefing, but you probably get the picture: your brand's Next
Great Idea could come from Sao Paulo or Singapore, if you open
up your corporate fortress to smart individuals from around the
world. If you don't, someone else surely will.
The easiest way for brands to dip their toes into CUSTOMERMADE and tap THE GLOBAL BRAIN is to announce product or
service development contests, open to consumers from around
the world.
Letʼs start with some CUSTOMER-MADE contests held since our
last update: they go beyond the usual ʻsend-us-your-product-ideaand-win-a-voucher-for-a-free-ice-creamand-donʼt-expect-us-to-actually-do-something-with-itʼ:
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What goes for phones, also goes for coffee. Nespressoʼs 2005
Design Contest aimed at imagining the future of coffee rituals,
yielded gems like the Nespresso InCar coffee machine and the
Nespresso Chipcard (which stores coffee preferences for registered individuals, and when inserted into a vending machine,
communicates with a central database to brew a personalised cup
of coffee). Pictures of the winning concepts can be found at Do check out the Illy Design contest
too, as featured in our previous update.
The Nokia Concept Lounge took place in summer 2005 (some
brands DO get it, and surprisingly it's often the brands that already
have a strong competence in design or product development: ;-),
but we thought the initiative was too well executed to not mention
in this update. The lounge invited designers in the Benelux to
share ideas and design the next new cool phone. Not surprisingly,
in a GLOBAL BRAIN world, entries came from all over, with the
winner being a Turkish designer, Tamer Nakisci. His wrist-band
style phone (the 'Nokia 888') must have had phone manufacturers
from China to Finland drooling.
Hang plastic/flexible magnifying glasses from shelving units, making it easier for senior citizens and visually impaired people to
read production information.
End of last year, Dutch supermarket chain Albert Heijn did something sensible: instead of installing suggestion boxes that customers don't use and stores don't empty, they asked customers for
detailed feedback on how to improve their stores, through websites, leaflets and billboards. More than 55,000 customers took the
bait, commenting on service, assortment and convenience levels
in over 700 stores in The Netherlands. 700 submitters of ʻGolden
Tipsʼ (which are online for all to see) won one-minute shopping
sprees, with individual stores committing to implement suggestions as soon as possible.
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TV isn't exempt, either: The L-Word Fanisode competition called
for co-creating an episode of the hit television show, assembling a
full script, scene by scene. The contest ran from January - March
2006, with the show's real (paid) writers outlining a scene and
giving guidance, giving fans about a week per scene to submit
offerings, peruse others people's submissions, and vote. The
grand prize winner got a script-writing session with L Word creator
Ilene Chaiken and USD 2,000 credit at Saks Fifth Avenue.
(Source: BusinessWeek.)
More design: the Electrolux Design Lab 2005 attracted entries
from over 3,058 (!) design students from 88 countries around the
world, the top six countries being the US, the UK, China, India,
Brazil and Italy. (GLOBAL BRAIN, anyone?). Participants were
asked to design household appliances for the year 2020. Twelve
finalists participated in a six-day design event in Stockholm, including workshops, model building and a competition for cashawards, appliances and more (click here for pictures of the winning concepts).
The competitionʼs registration process was run via Designboom,
an industrial design community. A smart move, as CUSTOMERMADE isn't always about involving hundreds of millions of contributors. There's no harm in targeting relevant pockets of expertise if you're inviting others to co-create something specific (for
open conversation schemes, see further down below). More to
come: the theme for the new Electrolux DesignLab 2006 is
“Healthy Eating Habits in 2016”, asking for product ideas for food
preservation and preparation.
What about automotive? You may remember our earlier coverage
of Peugeotʼs worldwide, bi-annual Concours Design which netted
Peugeot the Moovie, a two-seat electric concept car designed by
André Costa. The next contest will start this August, no doubt attracting an even more global crowd. Other car brands: get moving!
Stylish Japanese purveyor of all things minimalist Muji is also
launching an international design competition, which is about to
start, well, now. Calling on the entire GLOBAL BRAIN, Mujiʼs first
theme is “SUMI”, (corner / edge / end). From the siteʼs briefing:
“The objective is not to design something that is placed in the
middle of the room, but towards the edges, not at the centre and
not directly around the centre; you should look for somewhere that
evades the eye, send us an object designed for that place, and
name it as you wish. We are not asking for any particular genre, it
could be anything from furniture, stationery and office equipment,
to everyday items.” Just like aforementioned Nespresso, winners
will be announced at the Milan Salone. Letʼs see which
CUSTOMER-MADE product pops up in Muji stores from Tokyo to
London next year?
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Ongoing development
bring together lead users (those consumers that face the needs
that will be general in the marketplace, but face them months or
years ahead of the rest of the marketplace, and are positioned to
benefit significantly by obtaining a solution to those needs) to discuss various topics of interest to both Philips and participants. The
first topic of discussion and research was video telephony: a number of participants received the latest in video telephony equipment to be tested at home. A new topic will be announced shortly.
The website will give you some good cues for setting up your own
lead users community, so sign up!
All of the examples above are a great way to really get started
with CUSTOMER-MADE. But only a few companies have truly
integrated this way of thinking into everything they do. One of the
leaders in integrating CUSTOMER-MADE into its corporate fabric,
P&G, is not slowing down: its Connect + Develop program and
other innovation projects now produce more than 35% of the
companyʼs innovations. In fact, R&D productivity at Procter &
Gamble has increased by nearly 60%. In the past two years, P&G
launched more than 100 new products for which some aspect of
development came from outside the company. Among P&Gʼs most
successful connect-and-develop products to hit the market are
Olay Regenerist, Swiffer Dusters, the Crest SpinBrush, and the
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (source: HBR, March 2006).
Create and sell
Moving past contests and gifts, this is where it gets really interesting: co-creators receiving a cut of whatever gets developed based
on their input, suggestions, design or ideas.
Check out:
P&G also recently rebranded its Tremor Moms program to Vocalpoint. In their own words: ʻʼVocalpoint is a unique marketing brand
powered by the Procter & Gamble Company that helps companies
do a better job developing products and services that moms care
about and want to talk about. We work with this influential group of
moms to help companies in industries that include entertainment,
fashion, music, food and beauty. We collect feedback and generate valuable knowledge and insight for our clients through surveys, product sampling and previews of products and services.”
P&G as the champion of CUSTOMER-MADE, to the point of selling its co-creation expertise to others. Not bad.
“Jetzt ist Ihre Kreativität gefragt!“ Austrian manufacturer Frenkenburger recently asked customers to come up with new flavours for
its all natural hemp milk drink, Trinkhanf. Plain hemp milk is
highly nutritious but tastes bland, so Frenkenburger previously
launched mango/ginger, cocoa/vanilla/maple and coffee-flavoured
varieties. To further expand the Trinkhanf line, Frenkenburger
challenged creative customers to create tasty new flavours using
fruits, herbs, or other natural ingredients. A panel of judges is now
in the process of picking a winner, and the winning recipe will go
into production. Aware that co-creators should share in profits,
Frenkenburger will pay the winner one euro-cent per bottle sold.
Granted, that's not exactly spectacular, but it beats a 25 dollar
voucher ;-)
What works for FMCG works for tech and appliances as well:
Philips-owned has just completed its second lead
user centric project, which was all about discussing the quality of
sleep. The site has been active since August 2005, and aims to
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Ongoing conversations
Let's not forget CUSTOMER-MADE as an ongoing conversation,
in many ways the Holy Grail of marketing. Think companies not
just staging contests or asking for themed, detailed suggestions,
but really hopping on the Cluetrain Manifesto. The following examples are a start...
Another example of create and sell: LEGOʼs LEGO Factory has
been around for a while, but it remains an inspiring example of
how to truly unleash THE GLOBAL BRAIN. Children and other
building enthusiasts visiting the site are invited to design models
(using easy to use, free downloadable software) and take part in
competitions for LEGO prizes. A popular contest last year entitled
winners to have their model mass produced and sold in
Shop@Home, receiving a 5% royalty on each set sold. While customers can still upload their creations and have them become part
of Legoʼs official catalogue, the royalty scheme sadly has been
nixed. Bring it back!
In the UK, Orange has set up Talking Point, where customers can
tell Orange how they feel about all sorts of things - not just
phones. Orange promises to listen, and to use the info to shape
the way they think about and do things in the future. A number of
questions (like “what in your life would you like to see technology
improve?”) make it easier for visitors to share their thoughts. This
isn't really a sparkling conversation, but it's better than nothing, in
what is still very much a one-way arena.
More CUSTOMER-MADE beverage innovation! Danish Vores Øl
(ʻOur Beerʼ) claims to be the world's first open-source beer. The
recipe and the entire brand is published under a Creative Commons license, meaning that anyone can use Vores Øl's recipe to
brew the beer or to create a derivative. As long as home brewers
publish the recipe under the same license, theyʼre free to make
money from their efforts, which includes free access to Vores Ølʼs
design and branding elements. Cheers!
From April to October 2005, Itaú, Brazil's largest bank, launched a
campaign titled "O Itaú quer ouvir você" , which means (how refreshing!) "Itaú wants to listen to you". Through a massive ad
campaign, and by using channels such as dedicated 0800 numbers, e-mail, and online chats, employees at their banks, and actual telephones at ATMs, Itaú went far beyond the usual concept
of suggestion boxes. They even promised to get back to participants in five working days, commenting on suggestions made.
First results: an average of 7.200 requests, complaints, and suggestions per month.
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iPod nano, the Mighty Mouse, Google Talk, Motorola ROKR E1,
Sony Ericsson P910, Electrolux Roomba, and the Mac Mini. This
kind of aggregation of passionate lead users (we're talking consumers truly obsessed with gadgets here, who not only want to
know about the latest, but also buy and use it) may yield your brand
more insights and suggestions in a week than your innovation lab
and market research department can come up with in a year!
It should come as no surprise that the unsanctioned ʻHow Would
You Changeʼ theme is catching on with avid users: other sites,
part of Weblog Inc, who also publish Engadget, are chiming in:
Equally laudable, Honda UK is sponsoring a new blog network,, that lets audiences publish their views on wellknown brand as well as respond to other people's views. The motor company is the first brand to associate itself with the network:
the site, called 2TalkAbout Honda is aimed at anyone with an interest in Honda cars, especially the newly introduced Honda Civic,
and was launched as the new model was unveiled at the Geneva
How would you change MySpace?
How would you change Digg?
How would you change Flickr?
Although the online community will be completely independent
from Honda, Honda engineers and associates will regularly log on
to contribute to and respond to feedback, giving users direct access to the brand. (Source: Revolution.) Honda of course realises
that it's better to participate than stand on the sidelines: online
discussions on how to improve YOUR brand already are, or will
soon be, everywhere. Witness the following:
And to add just one more industry
to this Briefing: in the world of
hospitality, a similar phenomenon
can be found on, a
community for avid (and highly
profitable!) business travellers. In
fact, so many suggestions and
complaints for and about major hotel chains were piling up on that
site, that Starwood Hotels and Resorts seconded William Sanders, better known as the Starwood Lurker, to keep an eye on the
forums, 8 hours a day. Since he openly started participating in
November 2002, the Starwood lurker has posted more than
11,000 replies, (which comes down to an average of more than 5
postings a day!), engaging in conversations with some of Starwood's most valuable customers. No word on how much money
this has made Starwood, but we guess it's many times more than
Mr. Sander's salary.
Now, you could of course decide that all of the above is too much
work, or too expensive, and ignore it... (Yes, even multi-billion dollar brands have told us that finding the 'budget' for dedicating just
one full-time person to personally monitor the thousands of conversations about their brand would be a real challenge.) But in a
review-driven, transparent world, the alternative to CUSTOMERMADE is finding out about your customers' feedback, suggestions,
and yes, anger, through publicly accessible name-them (and
sometimes shame-them) websites:
To get a taste of how third parties are increasingly doing what
brands themselves neglect to capitalise on, check out the highly
informative, and often brutal, ʻHow Would You Change or Improveʼ
topics that ("a web magazine with obsessive daily
coverage of everything new in gadgets and consumer electronics") has been running. Their most recent one was for the Xbox
360. Other brands and services so far have included Tivo, Gmail,
Skype, Creative Zen Vision, iPod video, Sony Ericsson W800,
Positive Fanatics (IKEA)
Virgin Brand
Netflix Fan
Victoriaʼs Dirty Secret
Scion Tribe
And so on! More on how to get started below, in the opportunities
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CUSTOMER-MADE millionaire? The PR value and goodwill alone
will be worth many times more.
3. Next
c. Intermediaries will reap riches: besides aforementioned, check out companies like Informative, Communispace, WaveMetrix, Buzzmetrics and MouthShut
who are helping to kick-start and manage the conversation and
co-creation processes between 'producer' and 'consumer'. With
traditional brands shit-scared to really open up to their customers,
fearing the deluge of hitherto unanswered questions, complaints
and suggestions, there's money in helping them get started in a
controlled environment.
Some thoughts and observations on how the CUSTOMER-MADE
trend may evolve:
a. The media world is CUSTOMER-MADE's coal mine canary
(thank you, Jeff Jarvis). We have deliberately avoided businesses
that are completely by and for consumers, i.e. the user-generated
content revolution, as that is everywhere now, AND we spoke
about it at length last year. But one more observation about citizen
journalism in particular: it provides inspiration to any brand wanting to turn its customers into 'reporters', sending in findings, observations, and suggestions. And as the model is spreading like
wildfire,* expect more consumers to 'get' and enjoy the concept.
Citizen Journalism as the open innovation model of the future?
d. CUSTOMER-MADE will spread to non-businesses: politicians and city-governments are latching on. In Queens, NY, assemblyman Jimmy Meng (D-Flushing) is sponsoring a "Make Your
Own Law" contest, inviting his constituents to write legislation with
the promise that the best proposal will be introduced as a bill in
Albany. (Source: Daily News.)
Meanwhile, in Lewisham, UK, residents are helping to keep the
southeast borough of London clean in CUSTOMER-MADE/
LOCAL BRAIN style: after installing special software on their cameraphone, observant townspeople can snap a picture of graffiti or
overflowing litter bins, enter location details, and send it to the
local council. The picture is then posted on the council's website,
and cleaning crews are sent to resolve the issue. Read more on
this initiative on our sister-site Springwise New Business Ideas.
And yes, this comes close to citizen journalism as well!
* (OhMyNews, the South Korean ʻcitizen participatory journalismʼ
showcase, now boasts 700,000 daily readers and 41,000 citizen
journalists, who receive USD 20 for a newsworthy piece, is going
international, with a helpful USD 11 million investment from Softbank. Or check out South African, which pays
contributors 5 euros per accepted story.)
e. THE GLOBAL BRAIN will grow and grow and grow: yes,
capitalism is triumphant, but where some still see the incredible
rise of the consumer society as a source of hundreds of millions of
newly minted, free-spending consumers (in India, in China, in Brazil, in Russia, in Turkey, in Nigeria) purchasing finalised massgoods, YOU of course are salivating over the thought of millions of
b. Money talks: as co-creators get smarter AND realise how
much they're worth, expect kick-backs for co-created goods and
services to go up. If you don't pay a fair share, talented members
of THE GLOBAL BRAIN will take their business elsewhere. So
why not turn an inevitable development into a strength, handsomely rewarding the next Golden Tip, and creating the first
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freshly educated, highly informed, super ambitious professionals
eager to join your global open-innovation team. ;-)
opinion, insightful suggestion, new business idea and so on, simply because they're your avid users, and, in the best case, biggest
Oh, and if fear of a deluge of complaints and requests is holding
you back: remember the deluge is already happening behind your
back, and that if YOU aren't listening to your smart, able customers, someone else definitely is!
There are undoubtedly many other fears you may have, but
there's a solution for every problem. Drop us an email if you're
working on an interesting CUSTOMER-MADE project, and we'll
send you some additional 'CUSTOMER-MADE Fears and Solutions' findings. You learn, we learn. ;-)
When condensed into keywords, the CUSTOMER-MADE trend is
about innovation, which these days is the sole factor determining
a companyʼs fortune or downfall. And as innovation CUSTOMERMADE style implies the end of traditional producer/consumer relationships, implies letting go of control, and realising that the entire
world could be your advisor, it also implies re-innovating innovation itself. Scary stuff for not-invented-here laggards, but heaven
for those obsessed with truly involving smart consumers before
they take their talent elsewhere.
Furthermore, one trait that all of our trends have in common is that
they seriously alter consumer expectations. Once they become
accustomed to CUSTOMER-MADE being an option, consumers
will take even less kindly to corporations who don't communicate,
who don't respond to feedback, who don't use open source, who
don't act upon suggestions, who keep throwing new stuff over the
wall, hoping someone will like it. It's time to open up! (And yes, DO
talk to us as well:'s founder Reinier Evers enjoys feedback, rants, praise and suggestions! Just email him at
If this reminds you of your current Innovation Team…
So where on earth to begin? The many examples and insights
above (together with our November 2004 and May 2005 overviews should provide you with a pretty solid starting point for your
own brainstorming sessions, innovation summits, strategic awaydays and what have you. Examples are useful to get inspired, and
to convince other execs that this is really happening. And the insights and learnings are for you and your team who then have to
develop a kick-ass strategy AND implement it.
So, to get started, what's stopping you from setting up your own,,,,,,, or, and inviting
your customers to engage in CUSTOMER-MADE goods, services
and experiences? Are you ready to open up (even as an experiment) one strategy meeting, one design process, one brainstorming session to the millions of consumers who may have an expert
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Part 2 | May 2005
What better way to become part of this trend than to learn from
companies who already have embarked on a quest to become cocreators instead of obsolete DIY-ers? Please study the following
new CUSTOMER-MADE examples (spanning the B2C spectrum
from potato-chips to cars, and the globe from Brazil to Sweden),
followed by a number of new CUSTOMER-MADE learnings. For
your convenience, we're introducing five broad CUSTOMERMADE categories: Consumer Marketers, Expert Outsiders, Amateur Outsiders, Remix Culture and User Generated Content 2.0.
1. Consumer markets
There is no stopping the trend of creative consumers contributing
to, or even owning your advertising campaigns, both authorized
and behind your back. Why? To feature on a website or billboard,
or have one's home-made commercial downloaded by hundreds
of thousands of fellow consumers is just too much fun. We previously highlighted CUSTOMER-MADE campaigns orchestrated by
Mercedes, Mazda and Coors Light, now add:
Picture by Bryan Boyer
"Get ready for CUSTOMER-MADE: the phenomenon of corporations creating goods, services and experiences in close
cooperation with consumers, tapping into their intellectual
capital, and in exchange giving them a direct say in what actually gets produced, manufactured, developed, designed,
serviced, or processed. Consumerism will never be the
CUSTOMER-MADE is getting bigger and bigger. Sure, we were
bullish on this trend when we introduced it last November, but still,
the sheer number of new CUSTOMER-MADE spottings and insights surprised even us. To refresh your memory:
"For decades, consumers have been saving up their insights and
rants about the stuff they consume, simply because there were no
adequate means to interact with companies, or with other consumers for that matter. No longer. These fickle, wired, empowered, informed, opinionated and experienced holders of a MC
(Master of Consumerism) are getting used to 'having it their way',
in ANY way imaginable, which includes wanting to have direct
influence on what companies develop and produce for them.
While Nike was basking in the glory of Tiger Woods' winning shot at
the Masters Golf (GA) tournament, which involved a swooshbrandishing golf ball getting priceless air time, Joseph Jaffe immediately created and uploaded what no doubt will or should become the
next Nike commercial:
It certainly helps that these same consumers are also part of
GENERATION C: they're creative and increasingly have access to
professional hardware, software, and online distribution channels
to show (and dictate) companies what it is they expect from them,
using text, sound, picture and video in ever more powerful ways."
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2. Expert outsiders
Last winter, Dutch comedy TV show 6Pack, (which brings together six people who have little to no television experience), set
in motion a more than successful quest for the best CUSTOMERMADE commercials, resulting in one million downloads for the
most popular submission, a Sara Lee commercial (Yo Oma), featuring a 50 Cent loving, street-wise granny. Other brands participating in this contest that were lucky enough to attract GENERATION C's inventiveness: Pringles, Senseo, Clearasil, and ABN
Amro Bank. Winning 'directors' were guaranteed TV air time and
pocketed EUR 2000. A new contest is in the making (probably
starting September of this year), and 6Pack, which is sponsored
by Heineken, will be rolled out internationally soon. (Source:
Springspotter Network, Maurits van Rijckevorsel.)
Marketing and advertising sure is fun, but true CUSTOMERMADE involves co-created goods, co-created services, co-created
experiences! So, waking up to the fact that there are hundreds of
thousands of experts, innovators, inventors and so on outside
company walls, research labs and innovation units at large corporations are increasingly NOT going it alone. Check out the following initiatives aimed at tapping expert outsiders (often designers
and artists) for potentially lucrative new ideas:
Last summer, Core 77, the industrial design site, teamed up with
watch maker Timex for a global design competition called
Timex2154: THE FUTURE OF TIME (celebrating Timex's 150th
anniversary). Designers from more than 72 countries explored and
visualized personal and portable timekeeping 150 years into the
future, resulting in over 640 entries. Winners can still be viewed
online, and in the Timex Museum.
The Converse Gallery should really have been part of our initial
CUSTOMER-MADE piece, as it was launched last August, and
has since then set the standard for CUSTOMER-MADE commercials. The site features dozens of 24-second films, CUSTOMERMADE by Converse fans, who are asked to express what Converse shoes mean to them. The chosen films are then broadcast
on Converse's website, with the possibility of being aired on MTV
and other cable networks. With hundreds of submissions and millions of visitors ever since, this is one tasty source of
CUSTOMER-MADE inspiration.
In the same vein, Illy Cafe teamed up with Domus magazine in
April 2004, asking students and designers under the age of 35 to
create new ways of enjoying coffee ("create a place for meeting,
discovery and encounter"). Over the course of 10 months, 704
entries were received, roughly half coming from outside Italy. The
best 14 projects were exhibited in Milan this month (April 2005).
The winning concept is an escalator which functions both as a
coffee machine and an art show. Coffee is served at the bottom of
an escalator. On the way up, customers sip their coffee and enjoy
a brief art exhibition. At the top of the escalator, they throw their
plastic cup into a recycling machine that instantly molds it into a
ticket for an art exhibition or show. Also noteworthy is the Illyvator,
by Bryan Boyer. If this doesn't make you want to set up your own
CUSTOMER-MADE contest, what will!? (Source: Springspotter
Network, Michell Zappa.)
Going after the Converse demographics, Cadillac invited members of GENERATION C to contribute to their series of five second
commercials, which illustrated the speed of its CTS-V model,
which can accelerate from zero to 60 in five seconds ("what ever
you do, don't blink"). Amateur filmmakers could submit their own
5-second spots (and win air time), with one of the chosen directors
also getting the keys to a brand new CTS-V. (Source: Adrants.)
While the initial website now links to a CTS-V homepage, one of
the 5 seconds ads can still be viewed at Ifilm.
And going from cars to crisps: In Turkey, Ruffles chips launched a
football themed CUSTOMER-MADE TV commercial campaign,
called Ruffles Idea-logy, airing the 10 winning commercial scripts
on national TV and rewarding the creators with an iPod. (Source:
Springspotters, Bilgen Aldan and Ozlem Hanoglu.)
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The third Peugeot Concours Design was launched in September
2004 at the Paris Motor Show, and the final results were shown at
the Geneva Motor Show last month. After aspiring car designers
were asked to design the Peugeot of their dreams for the near
future, 3,800 projects (compared with 2,800 in 2002 and 2,050 in
2000) were sent in, from 107(!) countries. This year's winner was
the Moovie, a two-seater vehicle for urban use by André Costa, a
Portuguese industrial design student. The full-scale model of his design will be unveiled at Peugeot's stand at the Frankfurt Motor Show
in September 2005. (Source: Springspotter Network, Özgür Alaz.)
Note: yes, we know that design contests have been around for
quite a while, but what is truly new is the global scale on which
companies can now reach out to the best and brightest. If one key
driver behind CUSTOMER-MADE is a consumer who demands to
be involved and in control, the other driver surely is ONLINE
OXYGEN, which enables this need.
A more ongoing approach involving outside experts can be found
at Procter & Gamble, which launched its dedicated Connect +
Develop program about five years ago, with the goal of having at
least 50% of its new products derived from ideas generated by
non-employee experts. Beside its own R&D employee base of
7,000, the company now has access to millions of potential innovators. The results so far? Everything from Swiffer Wet Jet, Olay
Daily Facials, Crest Whitestrips & Night Effects to Mr. Clean Autodry, Kandoo baby wipes and Lipfinity. (Source: Tech Central Station, Industry Week.)
In South Korea, mobile carrier KTF has held a contest to design
new cell phones based on a "Cell Phone of Sensibility" theme,
with a focus on usability and style. Just last week, 19 winners
were announced, and a few of them may see their creations end
up in Korean stores soon. (Sources: Engadget, Slashphone.)
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3. Amateur outsiders
If 'experts' still conjure up images of bespectacled geniuses donning white lab coats or black turtlenecks, it's time to get with the
Pro-Am revolution: in a world dominated by the Creative Class,
we're all amateur experts! So here's an overview of companies
tapping EVERY user's mind, not just experts, for divine inspiration
and award winning goods, services and experiences, bringing
amateur outsiders fame if not money:
CUSTOMER-MADE pioneer Jones Soda has been letting its customers create 'custom soda labels' by submitting their own photos
for a long time now (their label gallery now contains an astounding
285,285 pics); some of these are chosen as permanent, widedistribution labels for Jones soda. In true CUSTOMER-MADE
style, the Seattle based beverage company also actively asks for
feedback on possible new flavors. (Source: Springspotter Network, Charlene Rooke.)
IKEA's "fiffigafolket" contest (Swedish for 'ingenious people')
which just came to an end, and is now in jury-phase, asked amateur outsiders to send in clever designs for storing home media
(hifi sets, TV, DVD etc) in the living room. Out of 5,000 ideas submitted, fourteen winners will be invited to IKEA headquarters for a
workshop, and will receive EUR 2,500. More interestingly, the
designs will actually get produced and end up in IKEA stores for
all to see, buy and assemble. (Source: Springspotter Network,
Okee Williams.)
In Brazil, Kaiser Beer embarked on a CUSTOMER-MADE adventure last year by asking their customers to co-create its Kaiser
Novo Sabor: a new premium beer reflecting the opinions and personal taste preferences of more than 11,000 contributors in 130
cities across Brazil. The beer was an instant hit, with the initial
11,000 contributors eager to play the role of brand ambassador.
(Source: Springspotter Network, Paula Rizzo.)
Copenhagen's 3 star Park Hotel became the Hotel Fox this April
2, as Volkswagen 'adopted' the venue to promote its new Fox
model. After inviting 20 street artists, graphic designers and illustrators to redo the 61 rooms, consumer-artists too were asked to
submit designs for the one room that is still in its original nonsplendour. No word on the winner yet, but he or she gets to spend
two weeks in Copenhagen to implement his or her ideas with the
help of an interior designer. (Source: Springspotter Network, Jason Park.)
And the list goes on, from apparel to salads:
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At Threadless, an ongoing t-shirt design competition urges users
to submit shirt designs, which are put into the running to be scored
for seven days. After those seven days, the highest scoring designs are chosen to be printed and sold in the shop section. A
similar concept is pursued by Dutch Buutvrij, while CUSTOMERMADE fabrics can be found at Naked & Angry
On a grander scale, and starting two years ago as a pilot, the
BMW Customer Innovation Lab was BMW's first true
CUSTOMER-MADE environment. Participants were handed an
online tool-kit, helping them develop ideas and showing how the
firm could take advantage of advances in telematics, online services and driver assistance systems. From the 1,000 customers
who used the tool-kit, BMW chose 20 and invited them to meet its
engineers in Munich. BMW worked with German CUSTOMERMADE intermediary Hyve to set up the service, just like Audi did
when it ran its Audi Virtual Labs in 2001 and 2004. The Audi lab
was focused on the development of 'infotainment' systems, gathering information about consumer expectations, preferences and
upcoming trends in the infotainment world. A total of 1,662 consumers participated, designing their own individual infotainment
consoles, expressing 219 service ideas, giving 261 comments on
a prototype console, and contributing 728 visions of future cars.
Not bad ;-)
There's cold hard cash to be made at, where customers design snowboard
graphics and receive a percentage of the proceeds when they're
sold. (Source: Springspotter Network, Jason Sturgill).
Edible CUSTOMER-MADE examples include Olvarit and Sumo
Salad, the latter inviting customers to mix it up and suggest new
salads on its site: every month one new CUSTOMER-MADE
salad is selected, ending up on Sumo's official in-store menus
(source: Springspotter Network, Özgür Alaz.) Catering to a
younger audience is Netherlands-based Olvarit, who urged mothers to send in their favourite healthy baby food recipes. This resulted in a spanking new product line, Mama's Choice, which features eight winning meals, from Josine's 'French vegetables with
ham' to Barbara's 'Fish stew with banana'. Needless to say, a picture of mother and child appeared on the labels of the food they
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4. Remix culture
Is Remix Culture a techie-only affair? Nope. It works just fine for
sneakers, too: all over the web, sneaker freaks are uploading pics
of their 'remixed' shoes; check out French Shoes-Up, a gallery
where Adidas customers display their own version of Adidas' Superstar line, celebrating its 35th anniversary (see picture above).
And who by now hasn't heard of the Adidas Zissou sneakers featured in the movie 'The Life Aquatic'. White/yellow sneakers with
light blue striping (see below), these fictional shoes had thousands
of sneaker freaks lusting after them, until remixers not only designed and produced their own - the DIY guide is still online - but
also put them up for sale on eBay earlier this year. (Source:
Springspotter Network, Bertrand Carton.)
Closely related to CUSTOMER-MADE, with a healthy dose of
open-source mentality added, is the burgeoning Remix Culture,
spearheaded by hackers, but now embraced by savvy consumers
who are either tired of having to deal with goods and services that
don't do what they want them to do, or who want to combine the
best features of various offerings. Think Paul Rademacher's clever
pairing of Google Maps with Craigslist Classifieds, mapping by
price range all properties for sale or rent in specific areas. Which
actually delighted Google (no, not all companies freak out when
users improve what's on offer) who not too coincidentally just
launched, a new tool for the other Pauls of this
world, giving access to free source code and lists of Google's API
Remix Culture is also about clever programmers modifying Sony's
Portable PlayStation days after it hit the shelves Only days in the
US this March; remix fanatics have added chat and TV to the device's functionalities, cleverly capitalizing on the PSP's WiFi connection and other built-in, semi-locked online capabilities.
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5. Consumer Generated Content 2.0
And to prove that user generated
content is fast trumping any kind of
traditional guide, listing, or other limited overview, look no further than
IgoUgo. The online travel community's 350,000 members offer what
traditional guidebooks can't: hundreds of thousands of opinions on
more than 4,000 destinations across
the globe, plus suggestions and photos for everything from cheap eats
and luxury accommodations, to
must-see attractions and worthwhile
day trips. (Source: Springspotter
Network, Elizabeth Miles.)
What if your customers would actually provide all your content, not
just a few TV commercials or one or two new products? For full
blown CUSTOMER-MADE, look no further than the more than
turbulent world of media: citizen reporters, consumer reporters, or
whatever you want to call them, are HOT. Check out:
It's actually not hard to see how any business dependent on
global, 24/7 content feeds will have to embrace CUSTOMERMADE to stay attractive. Which then brings us to... major news
organizations, forced to take a cue from the format, not to mention the blogosphere:
Tate Britain in London is running a Write Your Own Label
scheme. Visitors of the museum's website are asked to contribute
their thoughts on how paintings should be described, and the chosen submissions are then displayed next to the paintings in the
actual galleries. There's a nice touch of GRAVANITY in here too!
(Source: Springspotter Network, James Davis.)
The BBC is actively encouraging customers to submit pictures
and videos, which may then be used immediately on any BBC
News outlet, or end up in the In Pictures of the BBC website.
Cleverly, not only does the BBC tell citizen reporters where to
email their content to, they also provide a cell phone number, so
camera phone pics can be MMS-ed instantly.
The Guardian has launched an appeal to readers to get snapping
with their mobile phone cameras to generate coverage for the
UK's forthcoming elections. The Blair Watch Project urges readers to email or MMS their pictures to The Guardian's Flickr account. They'll be available for public viewing, with the best pics
republished in The Guardian's blog. (Source: The Mobile Technology Weblog.)
A decidedly grass-roots approach to publishing, JPG Magazine
features photographs taken by contributing (amateur) photographers who primarily work online, but want to share their work in
print. Each issue is centered around a theme, and anyone can
submit a photo via JPG's website.
A less temporary approach can be found at
From their website: "Seeing is believing, and you need to see
more. Corporate news is missing this story. Again. You searched
and there's no decent footage. You need NowPublic. Assign the
story. Get photos, video, audio files posted to your request by citizen journalists on location. See the truth for yourself and show the
world. NowPublic makes it easy to track down the real story and
get the proof you need. Turn your blog posts into photo assignments. Watch fellow members vote to prioritize your story and
chase down the footage. Give them a budget or recruit volunteers.
Either way, the news is NowPublic."
Taking a cue from CUSTOMER-MADE knowledge pioneer
Wikipedia, Microsoft's Encarta is now testing a system that allows readers to suggest edits or additions to entries in its encyclopedia. Editors will still check contributions for factual errors or evidence of bias. Meanwhile, the number of topics/articles on
Wikipedia runs in the hundreds of thousands.
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Promising to be equally entertaining (and disruptive) is Google
Video Upload. Their tagline "Your work deserves to be seen"
promises more GENERATION C meets CUSTOMER-MADE fun
(not to mention another NOUVEAU NICHE accelerator). From the
beta site (for now, users can only upload content; editors will be
scanning and indexing the content before putting it live): "Whether
you produce hundreds of titles a year or just a few, you can give
your videos the recognition and visibility they deserve by promoting them on Google - for free: we're now accepting video from
anyone who wants to upload content to us. As the content owner,
you decide whether you'd like to give away your video for free or
charge a price that you set for it. If you do charge a price, Google
will take a small revenue share to cover some of our costs".
Mmm... GENERATION C actually making money from their creations: TRENDWATCHING.COM approves.
Not to be outdone, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's ZeD is a
late-night, arts-and-culture program that mixes amateur movies
with independent film and studio-produced content. ZeD allows
viewers to shoot, edit and upload their own short-form videos to
the show's website. ZeD receives between 200 and 300 viewerproduced videos per day, and employs a team of online editors to
sift through the content, check it for copyright issues and either
publish it on its website or pass it along to a producer who will give
it a coat of professional polish, if needed.
Expect the media business to seriously feel the impact of the
CUSTOMER-MADE trend in the very near future: thanks to an
abundance of new channels (mobile, IP based TV, online niche
publishing), an insatiable need for more content will fuel Consumer Generated Content 2.0. Consumers' appreciation of more
opinionated, authentic, non-corporate owned material doesn't hurt
either. And as everything avant-garde eventually becomes mainstream, this is what you want to keep a close eye on, and learn
from the developments, before CUSTOMER-MADE hits your own
industry full force.
Which then brings us to CUSTOMER-MADE TV networks:
On Al Gore's new Youth TV network, Current, programming will to
a large extent be comprised of viewer submissions, which can be
uploaded to the network's website. From Gore's launch statement': "The Internet opened a floodgate for young people whose
passions are finally being heard, but TV hasn't followed suit. We
intend to change that with Current, giving those who crave the
empowerment of the Web the same opportunity for expression on
The people of Engerwitzdorf, Austria are filming, editing and producing their own regional news channel. The channel, Buntes
Fernsehen, covers local politics, sports, events and anything that
residents want to film and are prepared to upload for others to
watch on PCs.
Canadian BITE TV is taking the citizen's media/blogging approach
to television. BITE will offer viewers the opportunity to submit their
own video content including make-your-own television ads.
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New CUSTOMER-MADE insights and learnings
Examples are useful to get inspired, AND convince other execs
this is really happening; insights and learnings are for you and
your team who then have to develop a kick ass strategy AND implement it. So here we go:
Yes, CUSTOMER-MADE is a Big Trend. So where on earth to
begin? The many examples and insights above (together with our
November overview), and rereading our GENERATION C trend
should provide you with a pretty solid starting point for your own
brainstorming sessions, innovation summits, strategic away-days
and what have you.
Next for the CUSTOMER-MADE revolution? How about
initiatives grows exponentially, savvy members of GENERATION
C will demand serious compensation if not a fair percentage of
whatever it is they've co-created with you. Soon, a simple iPod in
exchange for designing the firm's Next Big Thing just won't do.
Also expect a slew of intermediaries coordinating millions of
knowledge exchanges between producers and consumers, from
talent brokers to project managers.
Consumers are into CUSTOMER-MADE because they can:
- get and control exactly what they want and need at their own terms
- show off their creative skills or even become famous
- make money from their contributions and involvement
If CUSTOMER-MADE reminds you of some of your B2B strategies,
you're right. In fact, the way you're already closely collaborating with
your suppliers may well be applicable to your CUSTOMER-MADE
strategies. More to follow on this in our next update.
CUSTOMER-MADE is a great alternative to traditional marketing:
if you co-create products, participants obviously don't need to be
'told' about the product, plus they are far more likely to act as
brand ambassadors.
In a review driven and transparent
world, the alternative to
CUSTOMER-MADE is finding out
about your customers' feedback,
suggestions, and anger through
publicly accessible name-them-andshame-them sites.
And in an almost ironic
is turning out to be a great
vehicle for recruiting the
next in-house designer,
guerrilla advertising
agency or brilliant strategist. It's the trend that
keeps on giving ;-)
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Part 1 | November 2004
Sure, some companies ARE now engaging creative customers in
new ways. Recently, brands like Coors Light and Mercedes Benz
invited customers to co-create advertising campaigns, with Mercedes encouraging proud owners of a Benz to submit snapshots
of themselves next to their automotive objects of desire. And
Mazda and Conde Nast have just partnered to create a similar
contest whereby contestants can submit photos representative of
their interpretation of Mazda's "Zoom-Zoom" slogan. (Thanks,!)
Marketing has finally become a conversation. Not, in most cases,
as was intended, BETWEEN corporations and consumers (that
would make too much sense), but rather a global conversation
involving millions of consumers ABOUT corporations. On sites like,, Epinions,, on hundreds of thousands of blogs, community sites,
forums, viral emails, bulletin boards, and what have you, consumers relentlessly exchange views, complaints, opinions and comments about products and services, about brands, about companies, about YOUR company.
These companies are clearly aware that tapping into the collective
intellectual capital of their customers yields great creative and
'real' content. However, let's not make the mistake to think that in
the end these conversations will all be about communications and
branding: how about extending this cooperation with consumers to
virtually everything a corporation does, by making the customer an
integral part of ALL creative and creational processes?
TRENDWATCHING.COM has dubbed the latter "CUSTOMERMADE": the phenomenon of corporations creating goods, services and experiences in close cooperation with consumers, tapping into their intellectual capital, and in exchange giving them a
direct say in what actually gets produced, manufactured, developed, designed, serviced, or processed. The CUSTOMER-MADE
trend has been slowly building over the last five years, but with the
current onslaught of consumer activism and the rapid rise of
GENERATION C, it finally seems ready for its big moment in the
limelight, where TRENDWATCHING.COM expects it to stay for
many years to come. It doesn't hurt that Management Guru C.K.
Prahalad recently published 'The Future of Competition' an insightful and highly recommended book on co-creation, which
prompted us to move CUSTOMER-MADE to the top of our emerging trends list!
Why now? Because they finally can. For decades, consumers
have been saving up their insights and rants about the stuff they
consume, simply because there were no adequate means to interact with companies, or with other consumers for that matter. No
longer. These fickle, wired, empowered, informed, opinionated
and experienced holders of a MC (Master in Consumerism) are
getting used to 'having it their way', in ANY way imaginable, which
includes wanting to have a direct influence on what companies
develop and produce for them.
It certainly helps that these same consumers are also part of
GENERATION C: they're creative and increasingly have access to
professional hardware, software, and online distribution channels
to show (and dictate) companies what it is they expect from them,
using text, sound, picture and video in ever more powerful ways.
Mind you, CUSTOMER-MADE is NOT plain feedback, it's not DoIt-Yourself, it's not customization, it's not even personalization, as
all of these happen after companies have decided what the basics
are, which products and services and experiences they're willing
to hand over to consumers, who can then (at best) modify certain
elements, change a color, replace a cover. That's still pretty much
a one-way conversation, business as usual.
So what DOES qualify as CUSTOMER-MADE? Check out the
hands-on examples below; a random yet varied overview of
CUSTOMER-MADE initiatives, both 'corporate' initiatives and
grassroots movements, which should get you going.
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Last year, 120,000 people around the world signed up to join Boeing's World Design Team, an internet-based global forum that encourages participation and feedback while the company is developing its new airplane. Activities include message boards, conversations with the Boeing design team, and extensive discussions
on what members like and don't like about air travel today, as well
as features they'd like to see in their dream airplane. In Boeing's
own words: "Flyers and aviation enthusiasts from around the world
are sharing the excitement of creating the airplane of the future."
At, avid iPod users (and aren't they all?)
congregate not only to talk about their favorite device, but also to
show the world (and thus Apple) what they would like the next
iPod to do and to look like, or adaptations they've already created
in their basement or garage. A fascinating combination of GENERATION C and future CUSTOMER-MADE trends if we ever saw
one. The site gets more than 5 million hits a day, and if we were
Apple designers, or Steve Jobs for that matter, we'd visit iPod Lounge
weekly to get a good dose of CUSTOMER-MADE inspiration, and
probably recruit loads future employees while we were at it.
Shoe designer John Fluevog has a section on his site entitled
Open Source Footwear, wherein serious Fluevog owners can
submit designs for future shoes. The winning design actually gets
put into production. CUSTOMER-MADE at its best!
TRENDWATCHING.COM is all in favor of conversations taking
place in the vicinity of beverages. Which is why we think Philips
Streamium Café is aptly named. It's where owners of Philips' new
WiFi TV sets and hifi systems tell Philips where they think
Streamium is going, and what Streamium should be able to do.
Current discussions involve everything from the time format on the
appliances' display to 'Support for Real Player RadioPass + Real
Rhapsody.' How long before the discussion turns to the question of
which OTHER Philips appliances should become WiFi enabled?
A lot of talking and commenting goes on at, the
non-affiliated online sneaker community which so far has received
more than 200 million visits and 3.5 million posts. Every Sunday at
9 PM EST, their sister site, chat room NikeChat, welcomes Nike
fans from around the world, to exchange views, tips and more.
A similar set up for new Mini Cooper owners can be found at, for Lego fanatics at
(BTW, Lego itself allows programmers from outside the company
to access to the code that controls its Mindstorm toy robot, leading
to an increased range of activities the robot can perform, in ways
the company never imagined), and for TiVo users at About the latter: for the past four years,
the 65,000 members of the self-organized TiVo Community forum
have traded ideas on 'how to convince friends and family to buy a
TiVo', 'how to deliver impromptu sales training sessions to Best
Buy employees whose sales pitches need work', or 'how to be a
better TiVotee'. CUSTOMER-MADE sales teams anyone?
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CUSTOMER-MADE games anyone? From Wikipedia: "Mod or
modification is a term generally applied to computer games, especially first-person shooters such as Quake, DOOM and Half-Life,
but also to real-time strategy games such as Warcraft III, Total
Annihilation and the Command & Conquer series. Mods are made
by the general public, and are entire new games upon themselves. They can include new items, weapons, characters, enemies, models, modes, textures, levels, and story lines. They also
usually take place in unique locations."
Online Lovemark Google has always been open to suggestions
and comments from its millions of users: Google's social networking site Orkut includes two communities with over 1,000 subscribers: "What Should Google Do?" and "What Should Orkut Do?"
And on Google's own business blog, visitors are encouraged to send
their suggestions to And, gasp, they actually
reply. A CUSTOMER-MADE treasure trove: who does NOT have
some strong (and cool) views on what Google should do next?
One great CUSTOMER-MADE example is Counter-Strike, which
started out as a Mod for Half-Life about four years ago. CounterStrike is downloaded and then runs on top of legal versions of
Half-Life. It now sells more copies than the original game itself:
upwards of 1 million games per day are hosted on dedicated
To prevent even more of you complaining about
TREND-WATCHING.COM's newsletters getting too long (see,
we're listening! ;-), we will only touch upon the now familiar
CUSTOMER-MADE initiatives in the world of software. Let's not
forget that Microsoft 'invites' millions to download beta versions of
its software to test and improve, and don't even get us started on
the Open Source revolution (under Open Source, thousands of
volunteer programmers communicate over the Net to create, and
continually improve, computer software products). At alone, 883,000 registered users are cooperating
on 80,000 Open Source software projects. We haven't seen anything yet!
Other great Mod examples are, which collects Mods
that make non-Star Wars games into proper Star War experiences, and Desert Combat, a modern day military modification to
the popular war game BattleField1942 from EA. And with games
quickly becoming entertainment choice NUMBER ONE for the
Digital Generation, you may want to learn from CUSTOMERMADE examples from this industry whether you're in FMCG or
banking. This is where CUSTOMER-MADE excitement and innovation will blossom for a long time to come!
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And what about the open marriage between CUSTOMER-MADE
and user-generated content? Check out four-year-old South Korean OhMyNews. This online newspaper works with 26,000 'citizen reporters', who send in stories and pictures which make up
80% of all content. OhMyNews pays up to USD 20 per article,
though for many citizen reporters, getting their name in the paper
is the real reward. Fiercely outspoken, OhMyNews has successfully challenged the traditionally conservative press in South Korea. CUSTOMER-MADE AND CUSTOMER-READ indeed!
Yes, another Apple example, this one partly 'owned' by Apple. At
Apple's iTunes store, user-created playlists enable customers to
upload their favorite music selections and share them with other
customers, who can then buy the songs if they like what they hear.
Needless to say, it was who pioneered this kind of
CUSTOMER-MADE service, with their sophisticated recommendation system and customer book reviews, resulting in some of
the most popular features of the site being entirely
In Holland, popular 24/7 news site encourages readers to
send in breaking-news pictures (since virtually everybody owns a
digital camera or camera phone these days). The best images are
also sold to ANP, the country's main news agency, who then pays
these citizen photographers up to EUR 60 per shot.
The travel community meets at the Lonely Planet Thorn Tree, an
online bulletin board with over 5,000 posts a day (Lonely Planet
also receives around 1,000 emails and letters a week from customers, helping them to constantly fine-tune their content), and at
Virtual Tourist, where 400,000 members from over 219 countries
share insights and experiences to help each other travel smarter,
from finding the best place to get great airfares, accommodations
or car rentals, to solid insider advice on what to see and do. In
their own words: "VirtualTourist members are a friendly and helpful
bunch and it's a snap to use the collective experience and brain
power of our members to get the help you need."
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Is the CUSTOMER-MADE trend spanking new? No. But with the
gap between traditional business practices and truly empowered
consumers now reaching significant proportions, the CUSTOMERMADE trend will further accelerate, moving from fringe trend to
mega trend. In fact, CUSTOMER-MADE may turn out to be one of
the most exciting and long term engines behind change and innovation that the world of business has seen in years: a way of thinking
that has the power to redefine the relationship between customer
and brand, between consumer and producer, something that taps
into the most awesome reservoir of intellectual capital ever assembled. If that's not enough to invoke spontaneous brainstorming sessions, TRENDWATCHING.COM doesn't know what is.
In future updates on this
trend, we'll address topics like
what makes certain brands
more suitable for
others (could it be the Lovemarks concept?). Or how to
recruitment tool. And we
haven't even spoken about
the risks that may exist in
sharing everything with your
customers (and thus inevitably
with your competitors); new competition from 'amateurs' (think the
already visible blurring between professionals and amateurs in
journalism, design and software); or the fact that consumers don't
always know what they want (even though they definitely know
what kind of service they need, or what constitutes a good experience!). We're also not saying that everything and anything will be
suitable for full blown CUSTOMER-MADE strategies. But the
eclectic examples above should inspire you to find at least one or
two ways to apply this trend to your own business.
So, to get started, what's stopping you from setting up your own,,,,, or, and inviting your customers to engage
in CUSTOMER-MADE goods, services and experiences? Are you
ready to open up (even as an experiment) one strategy meeting,
one design process, one brainstorming session to the millions of
consumers who may have an expert opinion, suggestion, new
business idea and so on, simply because they're your avid users,
and, in the best case, true fans?
Oh, and if fear of a deluge of complaints and requests is holding
you back: rest assured the deluge is already happening, and that
if YOU aren't listening to your smart, able customers, someone
else definitely is!
Note: special thanks to Michell Zappa!
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