Curriculum Vitae - International League Against Epilepsy


Curriculum Vitae - International League Against Epilepsy
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Candan Gürses
Sex: Female
Date of birth: November 4, 1963
Place of birth: Erzurum- Turkiye
Citizenship: Turkish
Marital Status: Single
Phone number:
Fax number:
Jul-Aug 1986
Adnan Saygun Caddesi
Gümüş sokak Yolaç Apt D:4
Ulus 34340 Istanbul TURKIYE
90 212 2810292 (home)
90 212 4142000/32565 (hospital)
90 533 3648696 (mobile phone)
90 212 5334393
TED Ankara Koleji (Turkish Education Society Ankara College)
Hacettepe University Medical Faculty
(Graduated with an MD degree)
Intern Student
John F Kennedy Medical Center
Emergency Dept.
New Jersey NY USA
Resident in Neurology
Marmara University Medical Faculty
Dept. of Neurology
Montreal Neurological Institute
Dept of Epilepsy and EEG
Attending physcian in Neurology
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Dept of
Assoc Prof of Neurology
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Dept of
TED Ankara College Association
Turkish Chamber of Medicine
Turkish League Against Epilepsy Society - ILAE
Turkish EEG-EMG Neurophysiology Society
Turkish Immnology Society
American Epilepsy Society
European Epilepsy Academy
European Neurological Society
American Academy of Neıurology
Main interest: epilepsy, epilepsy surgery, EEG, status epilepticus, epilepsy rat models,
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis,
1. Z Matur, B Baykan, N Bebek, C Gürses, E Altındağ, A Gökyiğit. The evaluation of
interictal focal EEG findings in adult patients with absence seizures. Seizure 2009, Feb 10
2. D Kınay, N Bebek, E Vanlı, C Gürses, A Gökyiğit, F Andermann. Rasmussen’s
encephalitis and Behçet’s disease: Autoimmune disorders in first degree relatives.
Epileptic Disord 10(4):319-324, 2008.
3. B Baykan, EA Altındağ, N Bebek, AY Öztürk, B Aslantaş, C Gürses, I BaralKulaksızoğlu, A Gökyiğit. Myoclonic seizures subside in the fourth decade in juvenile
myoclonic epilepsy. Neurology 70: 2123-2129, 2008.
4. C Gürses, K Alpay, FD Çiftçi, N Bebek, B Baykan, A Gökyiğit. The efficacy and
tolerability of levetiracetam as an add-on therapy in patients with startle epilepsy. Seizure
5. C Gürses, A Durukan, S Sencer, S Akça, B Baykan, A Gökyiğit. A severe neurological
sequela in acute intermittant porphyria: prensentation of a case from encephalopathy to
quadriparesis. Br J Radiol 2008; 81(965):e135-140.
6. M Kaya, C Gürses, R Kalaycı, O Ekizoğlu B Ahıshali, N Orhan, B Oku, N Arıcan, D
Ütsek, B Bilgiç, İ Elmas, M Küçük, G Kemikler. Morphological and functional changes
of blood-brain barrier in kindled rats with cortical dysplasia. Brain Res 2008;1208:181191.
7. A Çoban, C Gürses, B Bilgiç, S Sencer, A Karasu, N Bebek, B Baykan, Hepgül KT, A
Gökyiğit. Sporadic multiple cerebral cavernomatosis: report of a case and review of
literature. Neurologist 2008; 14(1):46-49.
8. V Yılmaz, V Demirbilek, C Gürses, SP Yentür, S Uysal, Z Yapıcı, G Yılmaz, A
Muncey, Ö Çokar, E Önal, A Gökyiğit, G Saruhan-Direskeneli. Interleukin (IL)-12, IL-2,
interferon-gamma gene polymorphisms in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis patients. J
Neurovirol 2007; 13(5):410-415.
9. C Gürses, D Kınay, I Baral-Kulaksızoğlu, S Sencer, N Bebek, B Baykan, A Gökyiğit, Ö
Öget-Tanör. An unspecified clinical syndrome in mentally retarded patients with bilateral
mesial temporal sclerosis. Epilepsia 2007; 48(5):983-989.
10. C Gürses, B Bilgiç, B Topçular, Ö Güngör-Tuncer, G Akman-Demir, H Hanağası, B
Baslo, H Gürvit, O Çoban, M Emre, HA İdrisoğlu. Clinical and Magnetic resonance
imaging findings of HIV-Negative patients with neurosyphilis. Journal of Neurology
2007; 254(3): 368-374
11. C Gürses, M Kürtüncü, Jirsch J, N Yeşilot, H Hanağası, N Bebek, B Baykan, M Emre, A
Gökyiğit, F Andermann.Neurosyphilis presenting status epilepticus. Epileptic Disorders
2007; 9(1): 51-56
12. Z Aydın-Özdemir, E Tüzün, B Baykan, G Akman-Demir, N Özbey, C Gürses, P
Christadoss, A Gökyiğit. A autoimmune thyroid encephalopathy presenting with
multifocal motor status epilepticus. Clin EEG Neuroscience 2006; 37(3):204-9.
13. N Bebek, B Baykan, C Gürses, Ö Emir, A Gökyiğit. Self Induction behavior in patients
with photosensitive and hot water epilepsy: a comparative study from a tertiary epilepsy
center in Turkey. Epilepsy Behav 2006; 9(2):317-26.
14. N Arıcan, M Kaya, R Kalaycı, H Uzun, B Ahıshalı, B Bilgiç, M Küçük, C Gürses, M
Uzun. Effects of polysaccharide on blood-brain barrier permeability during
pentylenetetrazole-induced epileptic seizures in rats. Life Sci 2006 Jan 21
15. AE Önal, C Gürses, GS Direskeneli, G Yılmaz, V Demirbilek, SP Yentür, S Özel, Z
Yapıcı, Y Tümerdem, A Gökyiğit. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis surveillance study
in Istanbul. Brain Dev Dec 2005
16. G Saruhan-Direskeneli, C Gürses, V Demirbilek, SP Yentür, G Yılmaz, E Önal, Z
Yapıcı, C Yalçınkaya, Ö Çokar, G Akman-Demir, A Gökyiğit. Elevated interleukin 12
and CXCL10 in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. Cytokine Oct 12, 2005
17. SP Yentür, C Gürses, V Demirbilek, G Yılmaz, E Önal, Z Yapıcı, C Yalçınkaya, Ö
Çokar, A Gökyiğit, G Saruhan-Direskeneli. Alterations in cell-mediated immune response
in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. J Neuroimmunol Oct 10, 2005
18. B Baykan, P Striano, S Gianotti, N Bebek, E Gennaro, C Gürses, F Zara. Late-onset and
slow-progressing Lafora disease in four siblings with EPM2B mutation. Epilepsia 46(10):
1695-7, 2005
19. Baykan B, Ertas NK, Ertas M, Aktekin B, Saygi S, Gokyigit A and Epibase Group.
Comparison of classifications of seizures: a preliminary study with 28 participants and 48
seizures. Epilepsy Behav. 2005 Jun;6(4):607-12.
20. E Aykutlu,B Baykan, C Gürses, A Gökyiğit, G Saruhan-Direskeneli. No association of
anti-GM1 and anti-GAD antibodies with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy: a pilot study.
Seizure14(5): 362-6, 2005.
21. B Baykan, Z Matur, C Gürses, E Aykutlu, A Gökyiğit. Typical absence seizures
triggered by photosensitivity. Epilepsia 46(1): 159-163, 2005.
22. E Aykutlu, B Baykan, C Gürses, N Bebek, N Büyükbabani, A Gökyiğit. Add-on therapy
with topiramate in progressive myoclonic epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior 6:260-263,
23. N Bekiroğlu, R Özkan, C Gürses, B Arpacı, A Dervent. A study on awareness and
attitude of teachers on epilepsy in Istanbul.Seizure. Oct;13(7):517-22, 2004.
24. IB Kulaksızoğlu,N Bebek, B Baykan, M İmer, C Gürses, S Sencer, Ö Ö Tanör, A
Gökyiğit. Obsesive-compulsive disorder after epilepsy surgery. Epilepsy& Behavior
5:113-118, 2004
25. S Sencer, D Kınay, C Gürses, BB Kurt, A Poyanlı, A Gökyiğit, R Tolun. Clinical and
magnetic resonance imaging findings in patients with surgically treated mesial temporal
sclerosis. Tani Girisim Radyol 9(2):171-5, 2003.
26. AE Önal, Y Tümerdem, MK Öztürk, C Gürses, B Baykan, A Gökyiğit, S Özel. Epilepsy
in prevalence in rural area in Istanbul. Seizure Sep; 11(6):397-401 2002
27. B Baykan, A Gökyiğit, C Gürses, M Eraksoy. Recurrent absence status epilepticus:
clinical and EEG characteristics. Seizure Jul; 11(5): 310-319 2002.
28. M Kaya, V Çimen, R Kalaycı, M Küçük, C Gürses, N Arıcan, İ Elmas. Catalase and
alpha tocopherol attenuate blood-brain barrier breakdown in pentylenetetrazole-induced
epileptic seizures in acute hyperglycaemic rats. Pharmacological Research 45 (2):129133, 2002.
29. A Öztürk, C Gürses, B Baykan, A Gökyiğit, M Barlas, R Tuncay, M Eraksoy. Subacute
sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE): Clinical evaluation of 36 patients. J Child Neurology
January;17: 25-29, 2002.
30. N Bebek, C Gürses, A Gökyiğit, B Baykan, Ç Özkara, A Dervent.
HOT WATER EPILEPSY: Clinical and electrophysiological findings based on 21 cases.
Epilepsia Sep 42(9): 1180-4, 2001.
31. M Kaya, M Küçük, R Bulut-Kalaycı, V Çimen, C Gürses, İ Elmas, N Arıcan.
Magnesium sulfate attenuates increased blood-brain barrier permeability during insulininduced hypoglicemia in rats. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Sep
79(9): 793-8, 2001.
32. E Tüzün, C Gürses, N Büyükbabani, B Baykan, AS Öztürk, A Gökyiğit.
Lafora-like inclusion bodies in a case of progressive myoclonic ataxia associated with
coeliac disease. European Neurology 46(3): 157-8, 2001.
33. B Bilgiç, B Baykan, C Gürses, A Gökyiğit. Perioral myoclonia with absence seizures: a
rare epileptic syndrome. Epileptic disorders 3: 23-27, 2001.
34. C Gürses, A Öztürk, B Baykan, A Gökyiğit, M Eraksoy, M Barlas, A Çalışkan, H
Özcan. Correlation between clinical stages and EEG findings of Subacute Sclerosing
Panencephalitis. Clinical Electroencephalography 31(4):201-206, 2000.
35. E Tüzün, B Baykan, C Gürses, A Gökyiğit. Long term follow-up of
electroencephalographic and clinical findings of a case with Gaucher’s disease type 3A.
Seizure 9:469-472, 2000.
36. B Baykan, D Kınay, A Gökyiğit, C Gürses. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges:
Association with seizures. Seizure 9(6): 402-406, Sept 2000.
37. B Baykan, C Gürses, A Gökyiğit. Nose wiping: an unrecognized automatism in absence
seizures. Clinical Electroencephalography 31(3): 157-159, 2000.
38. C Gürses, DW Gross, F Andermann, A Bastos, F Dubeau, M Calay, M Eraksoy, S Bezci,
E Andermann, D Melanson. Periventricular leukomalacia and epilepsy: Incidence and
seizure pattern. Neurology 52(12): 341-45 1999.
39. B Baykan-Kurt, A Gökyiğit, Y Parman, D Kınay, C Gürses. Eye closure related spike
and wave discharges: Clinical and syndromic associations. Clinical
Electroencephalography 30(3):106-110 1999.
Previous Clinical Research Experience:
1- LAM30007 Trial phase IV
2- TOP-INT27 trial phase III
3- SPD-421 trial phase II
4- NO1175 trial phase III
Ongoing clinical research:
1- A0081157 trial phase IV
2- Carisepy 3007 trial III

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DBE 2014-2015 FALL SEMESTER CLASS LIST Updated as of 20




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