Letter of Acceptance - INT


Letter of Acceptance - INT
2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime
23-24 October 2014
Yıldız Campus, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey
Guide for accomodation / transportation
Oditorium Hall, Yıldız Technical University (YTU), Campus: Yıldız, Beşiktaş.
Global coordinates: 41.052511 , 29.009932
Yandex map (It is the unique site that allows you street views of Istanbul, select Panoramas)
Hotels in close distances can be easily reached using www.booking.com or other functional
search web pages.
In the Destination search box of www.booking.com we suggest you type the followings
- Besiktas, Istanbul, Marmara Region, Turkey
- Taksim, Istanbul, Marmara Region, Turkey
Taksim square, 3.6 km far from the venue point, is a major tourist and leisure district famed for its
restaurants, shops, and hotels.
How to reach venue point
From Ataturk Airport to YTU : You can take HAVATAŞ shuttles to Taksim. The same shuttle
service can be utilised from Sabiha Gökçen Airport to Taksim. The shuttles are departing just on
the exits at the International Arrivals (PS. From Atatürk Airport it is also comfortable to take M1
Metro line to reach Aksaray which is very close to Istanbul Old City towards Sultanahmet,
Topkapı Palace.)
From Taksim to YTU: We suggest, from Taksim square take Taksim-Kabataş Funicular Line (a
short distance unerground/metro line, 5 min.), arriving Kabataş you will reach several urban busses
departing towards your final destination which is YTU bus stop, just indicate (in whatever way)
“Yildiz Teknik Universitesi’ne gitmek istiyorum (Yildiz kampus)”.
For additional directions please visit Istanbul Guide.
Please do not hesitate to ask for INT-NAM secretariat to have accomodation and/or transportation
Have a nice journey and pleasant stay in Istanbul!
INT-NAM 2014 Secretariat
YTU Naval Architecture and Maritime Faculty
Url: http://www.int-nam.yildiz.edu.tr
E-mail1: int-nam@yildiz.edu.tr
E-mail2: intnam2014@gmail.com
Naval Architecture and Maritime Faculty
Yildiz Technical University
34349 Besiktas, Istanbul
Phone. +90 212 383 29 80 (faculty central line)
Mobile Phone:
Source: http://istanbul2010.org
Source: http://howtoistanbul.com/en/istanbul-2010-european-capital-of-culture/1416
Venue point: YTU Oditorium, Yıldız Campus, Beşiktaş
INT-NAM 2011 archieve
YTU H2-Solar Trimaran, Oditorium Hall (Venue), Yıldız Campus, Beşiktaş, İstanbul, 2011.