Profile - Epiconcept


Profile - Epiconcept
1. Institution
Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Animal
Biotechnology Division, 55139, Samsun, Turkey
2. Principal investigator and contact person
Mehmet Kuran
3. Key personnel
Mehmet Kuran
Mesut Cevik
Ugur Sen
Alper Kocyigit
In vitro culture conditions affecting embryo
production, metabolism and quality
Influence of growth factors on in vitro
embryo production and cryopreservation in
cattle, Spermatology
In vitro oocyte maturation temperature and
embryo development in cattle Effects of IGF and LIF on in vitro bovine
embryo development
4. Research profile
The group has interest in factors influencing in vitro embryo production in cattle and sheep. These
factors include culture media components such as IGF, LIF and antioxidants in IVC; and maturation
temperature of oocytes and further in vitro developmental capacity of oocytes following IVF from these
maturation conditions. The group has also interest in AI and ET in farm animals and preservation of
genetic resources in vitro.
5. Key technologies and tools
The lab has very recently been established and the culture system is still being evaluated using
various known factors affecting in vitro embryo production. Therefore the basics of in vitro embryo
production of cattle and sheep embryos are available in the lab presently (e.g. IVM, IVF, IVC,
cryopreservation, differential staining). We are planning to develop embryo metabolism monitoring
systems in the lab.
6. Selected publications (max. 5)
Cevik, M., Sen, U., Kocyigit, A., Soydan, E., Kuran, M. (2011). Development of an In Vitro Bovine
Oocyte Maturation System: Effects of Serum, Hormones and Epidermal Growth Factor on
Oocyte Maturation. Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Kafkas, 17 (6):
Cevik, M., Tas, A., Akkoc, T., Bagis, H. ve Arat, S. (2009). A Comparative Study of Parthenogenetic
Activation and In Vitro Fertilization of In Vitro Matured Bovine Oocytes. Turkish Journal of
Veterinary and Animal Science, 33 (3): 393-399.
Kuran, M, Robinson, JJ, Brown, DS, and McEvoy, TG. 2002. Development, amino acid utilisation and
cell allocation in bovine embryos following in vitro production in contrasting culture systems.
Reproduction 124: 155-165.
Kuran, M., Robinson, J.J., Staines, M.E., and McEvoy, T.G., 2001. Development and de novo protein
synthetic activity of bovine embryos produced in vitro in different culture systems.
Theriogenology 55: 593-606
Ocak, N., Cam, MA., Kuran, M., 2006. The influence of pre- and post-mating protein supplementation
on reproductive performance in ewes maintained on rangeland. Small Ruminant Research,
64: 16-21.