currıculum vıtae - Koç Üniversitesi


currıculum vıtae - Koç Üniversitesi
Name: Ramazan Mercan
Date of Birth: 1963
Place of Birth: Konya
Citizenship: Turkish
Home Address: Adnan Saygun cad. Kelaynak sk. Panorama Sit. No:2/4 Istanbul
Tel: 532.3667983
1996-1997: The Howard and Georgeanna Jones Institute for Reproductive
1995-1997: Kocaeli University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Obstetrics and
Gynecology, Assistant Professor
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Obstetrics and
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine
1997-2012 Present position: American Hospital of Istanbul, Dept. of Ob/Gyn and
Reproductive Medicine, Associate Professor
1995-1997: Kocaeli University, Dept. of Ob/Gyn, Assistant Professor
1996-1997: The Howard and Georgeanna Jones Institute for Reproductive
1993-1995: Elmadağ State Hospital
1987-1992: Hacettepe University, Dept. of Ob/Gyn, Residency
Turkish Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology
Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy
Turkish Society for Reproductive Medicine
European Society for Human Reproduction
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics
TUBITAK examination for scholarship
TUBITAK Mathematic examination 3rd rank
Sperm morphology course
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Robotic surgery
Prof.Dr. Ali Ayhan (Başkent Üniversitesi)
Prof.Dr. Bülent Urman (Koç Üniversitesi)
Prof.Dr. Selçuk Tuncer (Hacettepe Üniversitesi)
Prof.Dr. Aydın Çorakçı (Kocaeli Üniversitesi)
Prof.Dr. Osman Develioğlu (Bursa ART Tüp Bebek Merkezi)
Doç.Dr. Özgür Öktem (Koç Üniversitesi)
Dr. Alper Mumcu (Kanada)
Dr. Zeki Salar (Antalya Memorial Hastanesi)
Dr. Birgül Sarıkamış (Amerikan Hastanesi)
Successful preimplantation genetic aneuploidy screening in Turkish patients.
Ercelen N, Turtar E, Gultomruk M, Comert H, Coskun H, Mercan R, Nuhoglu A.
Genet Mol Res. 2011 Nov 17;10(4):4093-103. PMID: 22095483
Conjoined twins after intracytoplasmic sperm injection and transfer of day-3
embryos. Mercan R, Oktem O, Salar Z, Nuhoglu A, Balaban B, Urman B. Fertil
Steril. 2011 Aug;96(2):e111-4. Epub 2011 Jul 1. PMID: 21722896
Luteal phase empirical low molecular weight heparin administration in patients with
failed ICSI embryo transfer cycles: a randomized open-labeled pilot trial. Urman B,
Ata B, Yakin K, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Mercan R, Balaban B. Hum Reprod. 2009
Jul;24(7):1640-7. Epub 2009 Apr 8. PMID: 19357135
Case report: delirium associated with ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Mercan
S, Mercan R, Karamustafalioglu O. Reprod Biomed Online. 2005 Feb;10(2):17881. PMID: 15823220
Impact of oocyte pre-incubation time on fertilization, embryo quality and pregnancy
rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Isiklar A, Mercan R, Balaban B, Alatas
C, Aksoy S, Urman B. Reprod Biomed Online. 2004 Jun;8(6):682-6. PMID:
Early cleavage of human embryos to the two-cell stage. A simple, effective
indicator of implantation and pregnancy in intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Isiklar
A, Mercan R, Balaban B, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Urman B. J Reprod Med. 2002
Jul;47(7):540-4. PMID: 12170529
A comparison of four different techniques of assisted hatching. Balaban B, Urman
B, Alatas C, Mercan R, Mumcu A, Isiklar A. Hum Reprod. 2002 May;17(5):1239-43.
PMID: 11980745
Transfer at the blastocyst stage of embryos derived from testicular round
spermatid injection. Urman B, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Mercan R, Nuhoglu A, Mumcu A,
Isiklar A, Balaban B. Hum Reprod. 2002 Mar;17(3):741-3. PMID: 11870129
The effect of pronuclear morphology on embryo quality parameters and blastocyst
transfer outcome. Balaban B, Urman B, Isiklar A, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Mercan R,
Mumcu A, Nuhoglu A. Hum Reprod. 2001 Nov;16(11):2357-61. PMID: 11679520
Blastocyst-stage transfer of poor-quality cleavage-stage embryos results in higher
implantation rates. Balaban B, Urman B, Alatas C, Mercan R, Aksoy S, Isiklar A.
Fertil Steril. 2001 Mar;75(3):514-8. PMID: 11239534
Low-dose aspirin does not increase implantation rates in patients undergoing
intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a prospective randomized study. Urman B,
Mercan R, Alatas C, Balaban B, Isiklar A, Nuhoglu A. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2000
Nov;17(10):586-90. PMID: 11209540
Role of assisted reproductive technologies in the treatment of unexplained
infertility. Mercan R, Isıklar A, Urman B. Reproductive Technologies
Blastocyst transfer following intracytoplasmic injection of ejaculated, epididymal or
testicular spermatozoa. Balaban B, Urman B, Isiklar A, Alatas C, Mercan R, Aksoy
S, Nuhoglu A. Hum Reprod. 2001 Jan;16(1):125-129. PMID: 11139550
Blastocyst quality affects the success of blastocyst-stage embryo transfer.
Balaban B, Urman B, Sertac A, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Mercan R. Fertil Steril. 2000
Aug;74(2):282-7. PMID: 10927045
Outcome of testicular sperm retrieval procedures in non-obstructive azoospermia:
percutaneous aspiration versus open biopsy. Mercan R, Urman B, Alatas C, Aksoy
S, Nuhoglu A, Isiklar A, Balaban B. Hum Reprod. 2000 Jul;15(7):1548-51. PMID:
Progression to the blastocyst stage of embryos derived from testicular round
spermatids. Balaban B, Urman B, Isiklar A, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Mercan R, Nuhoglu
A. Hum Reprod. 2000 Jun;15(6):1377-82. PMID: 10831573
Comparing two embryo transfer catheters. Use of a trial transfer to determine the
catheter applied. Urman B, Aksoy S, Alatas C, Mercan R, Nuhoglu A, Isiklar A,
Balaban B. J Reprod Med. 2000 Feb;45(2):135-8. PMID: 10710745
Elevated serum progesterone level on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin
administration does not adversely affect implantation rates after intracytoplasmic
sperm injection and embryo transfer. Urman B, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Mercan R,
Isiklar A, Balaban B. Fertil Steril. 1999 Dec;72(6):975-9. PMID: 10593366
In-vitro culture of spermatozoa induces motility and increases implantation and
pregnancy rates after testicular sperm extraction and intracytoplasmic sperm
injection. Balaban B, Urman B, Sertac A, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Mercan R, Nuhoglu A.
Hum Reprod. 1999 Nov;14(11):2808-11. PMID: 10548627
Intra- and inter-laboratory variability in the assessment of sperm morphology by
strict criteria: impact of semen preparation, staining techniques and manual versus
computerized analysis. Barroso G, Mercan R, Ozgur K, Morshedi M, Kolm P,
Coetzee K, Kruger T, Oehninger S. Hum Reprod. 1999 Aug;14(8):2036-40. PMID:
Oocyte morphology does not affect fertilization rate, embryo quality and
implantation rate after intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Balaban B, Urman B,
Sertac A, Alatas C, Aksoy S, Mercan R. Hum Reprod. 1998 Dec;13(12):3431-3.
PMID: 9886529
Evaluation of uterine cavity by sonohysterography in women scheduled for
intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Alatas C, Urman B, Aksoy S, Mercan R, Nuhoğlu
A. Hum Reprod. 1998 Sep;13(9):2461-2. PMID: 9806268
Assessment of Sperm Morphology by Strict Criteria: A Comparison of Two
Different Staining Techniques and Manual Versus Computer Analysis. Mercan R,
Nassar A, Ozgur K.,Srisombut C. Fertil Steril 1997;199 (Suppl.1):133-4
Effect Of Pentoxifylline On Sperm Reactive Oxygen Species Generation and Its
Impact on Hyperactivated Motility. Nassar A, Williams J, Mercan R, Srisombut C,
Oehninger S. Fertil Steril 1997;199 (Suppl1) :106
Sperm Tail Protein Phosphorylation, Binding To The Zona Pellucida And
Hyperactivated Motility Are Affected By Pentoxifylline. Nassar A, Mahony M,
Morshedi M, Mercan R, Lin M.H, Oehninger S. Fertil Steril 1997;199 (Suppl1):29
The outcome of clinical pregnancies following intracytoplasmic sperm injection is
not affected by semen quality. Mercan R, Lanzendorf SE, Mayer J Jr, Nassar A,
Muasher SJ, Oehninger S. Andrologia. 1998 Mar-Apr;30(2):91-5. PMID: 9629429
Impact of fertilization history and semen parameters on ICSI outcome. Mercan R,
Oehninger S, Muasher SJ, Toner JP, Mayer J Jr, Lanzendorf SE. J Assist Reprod
Genet. 1998 Jan;15(1):39-45. PMID: 9493065
A trial of reducing adhesion formation in a uterine horn model. Vural B, Mercan R,
Corakçi A, Ozeren S, Keskin N, Vural S, Yücesoy I, Erk A. Gynecol Obstet Invest.
1998;45(1):58-61. PMID: 9473167
Improved oocyte quality is obtained with follicle stimulating hormone alone than
with follicle stimulating hormone/human menopausal gonadotrophin combination.
Mercan R, Mayer JF, Walker D, Jones S, Oehninger S, Toner JP, Muasher SJ.
Hum Reprod. 1997 Sep;12(9):1886-9. PMID: 9363700
The impact of an egg donor's age and her prior fertility on recipient pregnancy
outcome. Faber BM, Mercan R, Hamacher P, Muasher SJ, Toner JP. Fertil Steril.
1997 Aug;68(2):370-2. PMID: 9240273
Fluoxetine in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Ozeren S, Corakçi A,
Yücesoy I, Mercan R, Erhan G. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 1997
Jun;73(2):167-70. PMID: 9228499
Efficacy of methotrexate and misoprostol for early abortion. Ozeren S, Corakçi A,
Yücesoy I, Mercan R, Arslan A, Erhan G. Gynecol Obstet Invest. 1997;44(2):112-4.
PMID: 9286724
Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary. A clinicopathological evaluation of 60 cases.
Ayhan A, Tuncer ZS, Tuncer R, Mercan R, Yüce K, Ayhan A. Eur J Gynaecol
Oncol. 1994;15(4):320-4. PMID: 7957342
Postconceptional cervical cerclage. Ayhan A, Mercan R, Tuncer ZS, Tuncer R,
Kişnişçi HA. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1993 Sep;42(3):243-6. PMID: 7901079
Immature teratoma of the ovary. Ayhan A, Aksu T, Selçuk Tuncer Z, Mercan R,
Ozbay G. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol. 1993;14(3):205-7. PMID: 8508876
Complications of radical vulvectomy and inguinal lymphadenectomy for the
treatment of carcinoma of the vulva. Ayhan A, Tuncer ZS, Akarin R, Yücel I,
Develioğlu O, Mercan R, Zeyneloğlu H. J Surg Oncol. 1992 Dec;51(4):243-5.
PMID: 1434654
Günalp S, Gürgan T, Mercan R, Yaralı H, Tuncer S. Endometriozis
tedavisinde son gelişmeler. Medial Kadın Doğum Dergisi 1990;6:107111
Akarın R, Günalp S, Üstay K, Mercan R. Oral kontraseptifler. Türk İlaç
ve Tedavi Dergisi 1991;4:3-15
Mercan R, Önderoğlu LS, Üstay K, Akarın R. Pelvik inflammatuvar
hastalık. Türk İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi 1991;4:16-22
Bilgin F, Önderoğlu LS, Üstay K, Mercan R. Vulvovajinal kandidiasis.
Türk İlaç ve Tedvai Dergisi 1991:4:23-6
Mercan R, Günalp S, Üstay K, Akarın R. Polikistik over sendromunda
tedavi yaklaşımları. Türk İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi 1991;4:27-34
Mercan R, Yalçın ÖT, Üstay K. Bir İlaç Değerlendirmesi: Transdermal
östradiol. Türk İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi 1991;4:503-9
Günalp S, Önderoğlu LS, Mercan R, Yalçın ÖT. Östrojen replasman
tedavisi. Medial Kadın Doğum Dergisi 1991;3:199-204
Mercan R, Köseoğlu F, Akarın K, Üstay K. Ektopik gebelik ve tedavisi.
Türk İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi 1991;4:684-691
Önderoğlu LS, Günalp S, Mercan R, Yalçın ÖT. Minimal glukoz
intoleransı: Makrozomi için bir risk faktörü. Medial Kadın Doğum Dergisi
Zeyneloğlu HB, Önderoğlu LS, Mercan R. Inutero konjenital adrenal
hiperplazi tedavisi. Jinekoloji ve Obstetride Yeni Görüş ve Gelişmeler
Mercan R, Zeyneloğlu HB, Günalp S. Gebelik ve Parkinson hastalığı.
Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dergisi 1992;2:107-8
Çebi Y, Yüce K, Yanık A, Bükülmez O, Mercan R. Fetal biofizik
skorlaması. Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Bülteni 1992;1:108-112
Mercan R, Zeyneloğlu HB, Günalp S. Antifosfolipid sendromu. Medial
Kadın Doğum Dergisi 1993;8:240-4
Zeyneloğlu HB, Mercan R, Günalp S. Intraumblikal ven oksitosin
uygulamasının puerperal kan kaybı ve eylemin üçüncü evresine olan
etkileri. Medial Kadın Doğum Dergisi 1993;9:4-7
Yücel I, Mercan R, Köseoğlu F. Üçüncü trimester kanamaları ve tedavisi.
Türk İlaç ve Tedavi Dergisi 1993;6:38-45
Mercan R, Zeyneloğlu HB, Çebi Y, Günalp S. İmplantasyon öncesi
genetic tanı ve yardımcı üreme tekniklerinde yeni bir yöntem:
Mikromanüplasyon. Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Bülteni 1993;2:13-6
Mercan R. Over kanserinde monoclonal antikorların yeri. Jinekoloji ve
Obstetrik Bülteni 1994;2:51-56
Mercan R, Akkum Z. Postmenopozal over kistlerinde konservatif
yaklaşım. Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Bülteni 1994;3:51-6
Mercan R. Dismenore ve tedavisi. Romatizma ve Ağrı Bülteni
Mercan R, Alponat A. Laparoscopic ovarian cauterization plus
cyproterone acetate (2mg)-ethynil estradiol(35 microgram) combination
treatment in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome who completed
their fertility. Acta Reproductiva Turcica 1994
Mercan R, Üstündağ SN. Rekürren gebelik kaybı ve aspirin. Güneş
Kadın Doğum Dergisi 1995: 174-6
Çorakçı A, Vural B, Mercan R, Özeren S. Ovarian hiperstimülasyon
fizyopatolojisi. MN Klinik Bilimler 1995;1:217-220
Alponat A, Mercan R, Kaya A, Yavuz N, Özban O, Bulut F. Genel
cerrahi ve jinekolojik cerrahide mikroinvaziv girişimlerimiz (100 olgu).
Klinik ve Deneysel Cerrahi Dergisi 1995;2:96-99
Mercan R, Alponat A, Kaya A, Özban O. Laparoskopik histerektomi.
Endoskopik-Laparoskopik ve Minimal İnvaziv Cerrahi 1995;2:22-4
Mercan R, Özeren S, Çorakçı A. Yardımcı Üreme Tekniklerinin
Komplikasyonları. MN Klinik Bilimler 1996;2:147-150
Mercan R, Erk A, Çorakçı A. Hirşutizm tedavisinde rekürrens sorunu.
Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Bülteni 1996;5:54-7

Benzer belgeler

Alp Can, M.D., Ph.D

Alp Can, M.D., Ph.D capillary reflow despite successful opening of an occluded cerebral artery. Nature Medicine 15:1031–1037, 2009.


yazarı oldugu kıtap bolumlerı - Gürgan Clinic | Tüp Bebek Merkezi

yazarı oldugu kıtap bolumlerı - Gürgan Clinic | Tüp Bebek Merkezi Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Neonatoloji Ünitesi ve Neonatoloji Derneği Yayınları No 1. Nüve Matbaası Ankara, s 12-19, 1990.


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Docent Doktor H. NADIR ÇIRAY, PhD Histolog ve Embriyolog Egitim Luteal phase empirical low molecular weight heparin administration in patients with failed ICSI embryo transfer cycles: a randomized open-labeled pilot trial. Urman B, Ata B, Yakin K, Alatas C, Aks...
