I International Congress on Asia - Kırgızistan


I International Congress on Asia - Kırgızistan
Katılımcının Adı, Soyadı
ve Ünvanı:
Prof. Dr. Nurbübü ASİPOVA
Akademik Birimi:
Programi Düzenleyen Kurum:
Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü
Edebiyat Fakültesi
Poland, Torun, Tovarishestvo Asia and Pacific
Programın Konusu ve
15-16 May, 2014.
I International Congress on Asia
Programın Amacı:
The purpose of the report is to analyze and identify the ways out of
crisis of education in Kyrgyzstan in time of transformation.
Katılımcının Bildiri
“Transformation processes in contemporary Kyrgyzstan and their impact on
the socio-psychological formation of youth”
Katılımcının Bildiri
The article is devoted to pedagogical aspects of socio-psychological formation
of youth in the transformation of society in the Kyrgyz Republic. Based on this
context, this paper discusses social and educational opportunities and family
educational and training challenges at schools to neutralize the negative
environmental effects caused by economic, demographic, socio-cultural,
ethnic and cultural peculiarities of modern Kyrgyz society.
The focus is on discussion of the issues of responsibility of parents and
teachers for the antisocial behavior of students, the problems of psychopedagogical support to high school students in the socialization process, the
formation of value orientations and professional self identification. This paper
further illustrates pedagogical conditions to enhance the relationship between
family and school in preparing students for social partnership in contemporary
Katılımcının Kişisel ve
Kurumsal Temaslar:
+(996) 312 - 49 27 52 (1220)
Kırgızistan Türkiye Manas Üniversitesi, Cal Kampüsü
Görüş ve Önerileri:
As a result of participation in this Congress , conversations with members of
Congress, as well as the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical University of
Nicolas Copernicus allows to make the following proposals:
1. Shire studying international experience of training teachers, in particular the
European Union, as the universities of Kyrgyzstan embarked on joining the
Bologna process.
2. Later KTUM can focus on improving the master's programs in social
pedagogy and philosophy of education and train doctors in these areas.
1.Lütfen doldurduğunuz bu formu, talants@gmail.com adresine gönderiniz.
2.Formda yer alan bilgilere ilişkin tüm sorumluluk, formu dolduran kişiye aittir.