

DuoMax™ gravite dokum izgara panellerinin sivama teknolojisinin
en son ozelliklerini biinyesinde banndirmaktadir. Sistem panel
besleme makinesi, sivama makmesi ve kurutma tunelinden
ВТ 1500 Sivama Makinesi
Sivama teknigindeki yeni ozelliklerin entegre edilmesiyle gelistirilen
BT1 500 Sivama Makinesi dakikada 1 80 panele kadar sivama
yapabilme ozelligindedir. Makineyle birlikte kolayca takilabilen
ve degisik panel ozelliklerine gore hizli bir sekilde ayarlanabilen
Panel Besleme Unitesi de sunulmaktadir. Pane! Besleme Unitesi
ayri bir reduktor tarafmdan tahrik odilmekle olup, ieduklor hizi
inverter ile ayarlanabilmektedir. Unite hizli ve kolay bir sekilde
degisik panel ebatlarma gore ayarlanabilmektedir. C°k yuksek
hizlarda dahi giivenli bir sekilde panel aktarmasi yapabilmektedir.
Unite plaka sikismalarmi svigle algilamakta ve bu gibi durumlarda
makineyi durdurrnaktadir. Unitenin turn elektrik baglantilan tek
operatorun kullanimma imkan verecek sekilde Sivama Makinesi
ile entegre haldedir
Sivama Makinesinde daha hassas sivama ihtiyaglanni
karsilayabilmek ve daha kolay sivama ayari yapabilmek igin bant
ve mikser igin iki ayri agir yuk reduktoru bulunrnaktadir. Bu iki
rediiktorijn hizlari ayri bagimsiz hiz inverterleri ile ayarlanabilmektedir.
Ozel tasarim mikser, agir yuk konstruksuyonundan dolayi, yuksek
imalat hizlarmda bile etkin bir sivama saglayacak ozelliklere
sahiptir. Musteri panel ozelliklerine gore imal edilen sablonlar
etkin sivama elde edilmesini ve hamur sarfiyatmin en az seviyede
lutabilmesini saglamaktadir. Sivama bolgesi paslanmaz celikle
imal edilmistir. Sivama topu oalisma sirasmda dahi
ayarlanabilmektedir. Mikserde aynca pnomatik calisan plastik
siyinci bulunrnaktadir. Mikser kaldirma ve indirme hareketi agir
yuk pnomatik pistonla saglanmaktadir. Miksorin ayri mcrkezi
gresleme kanallan bulunrnaktadir BT1500 Sivama Makinesi bant
sistomi tumu bagimsiz pnomatik pistonlaria $ahsan gerdirme, sikma
ve siyirma unileleri ile donatilmistir. Siyirma unitesinden gikan artik
hamur biriktirme teknesine aktanhr. Sikma unitesinde olusan su ise
baska bir kanalla uzaklastinlir. Makine govdesi igin ayri merkezi
gresleme kanallan bulunmaktadir. Makinede acil durumlar igin
stop mill bulunrnaktadir. Ayri elektrik panosunda turn elektriksel
baglantilar bulunrnaktadir. Ayrica ilave bir operator panosu
operatorun kullanim bolgesine montelidir.
BT155 Kurutma Firmi
BT1 55 horn gravite dokum hem de expand metal panelleri etkili
bir sekilde kurutabilme ozelligindedir. Firm dakikada 250 adet
paneli kurulabilmektedir.
Finn LPG veya dogal gazla galismaktadir. Firmin isitma sistemi
guglu bir brulor tarafmdan gercekleslirilmekte olup komple isitma
sislemi makineye montelidir. Isitma odasmdaki sicak hava guglu
bir fanla ufleme kanallarma iletilmektedir. Ufleme kanallan hem
alttan hem de ustten panellere sicak hava ufledigiriden daha etkin
ve homojen kurutma saglanabilmektedir. Firmin her iki ucuna turn
firm icinin ayni sicaklikla tutulabilmesi igin ayri emme fanlari
bulunmaktadir. Firm isi gostergeleri dijital olup >si sensoru ile akuple
olan isitma sistemi otomatiktir.
Paneller ozel imal edilen paslanmaz bakla konveyorle tasmir.
Konveyor hizi reduktore bagli hiz inverteri ile ayarlanabilmektedir.
Finn govdesindeki izolasyon sistemi ortam sicakhgmdaki artisi
minimum duzeyde lulacak sekildedir Firmda alti adet gozlem
kapisi bulunrnaktadir.
Finn kcndi konveyor tahrik sistemine baglanan ayri bir panel
biriktirme konveyorii ile birlikte sunulur. Firmda isitma odasi igin
ve emme fanlari icin havalandirma baglantilan bulunmaktadir.
DuoMox™ is equipped with latest features of gravity cast panel
pasting technology. It consists panel Feeder, pasting machine and
horizontal diying oven.
Separate electric control box is provided, in which all corresponding
controls and connections connected. Separate opeator panel is
supplied in the vicinity of ihe operator zone, by which it is possible
to tun feedei and pasting machine easily
ВТ 1500 Pasting Machine
ВГ1500 supplied with guards and emergency stop bar.
BT1 500 Pasting Machine which is developed by Batek Equipment
with the integration of newest improvements in pasting technology,
is capable to produce up t о 1 80 pasted panels per minute. It
is equipped with separate panel feedet which could easily be
attached to the main pasling machine.
Panel reedet is driven by a separate reducer motor that is coupled
with variable speed driver. The feeder can easily and quickly be
adjusted for different panels sizes. It can feed panels at high
speeds consistently. It has jam detection switch and counter, and
electrical connection to the pasting machine by which one worker
can operate the both. Pasting zone is made of stainless steel.
Pasling machine has two separate reducer motors for hopper and
belt, by which independent speed setting heroines possible for
precise pasting requirements.
Special design hopoet, thanks to its heavy duty construction,
insures reliable pasting even at high production speeds. Bed plate
is manufactured to provide precise pasting and optimum utilization
of paste. Trowel roller is adjustable during the operation to enable
the simultaneous pasting adjustment. Hopper is equipped with
pneumatically operated nylon scraper and central lubrication
piping. Hopper lift is done by о heavy duty pneumatic cylinder.
BT155 Drying Oven
BT155 can process casted or expand metal panel with an efficient
diying system. It can meet higher production speeds up to 250
panel per minute.
Oven consumes LPG or Natural Gas for heating. Heavy duly
burner insures efficient heating capacity. Heated air in the heating
chambei is circulated by a powerful fan. Heated air is blown
through upper and lower blowing channels so that double side
diying of the panels is provided. There are two separate suction
fans provided in the both ends of the oven for homogenous
temperature inside the oven. Digital temperature control and heat
exchanging system are provided for reliable temperature control
Panels are transported by a special fabrication stainless steel
conveyor. Conveyor speed is adjustable by a variable speed
driver attached in the electric connenction box.Oven body is
manufactured with insulation system to eliminate the increase in
ambiant temperature. Oven is integrated with six access doors.
Oven is supplied with panel connecting conveyor to be attached
to the oven transport system Ventilation conduit provided for
heating chamber and Iwo suction fans.
ВI I MX) has pneumatic belt tensioning, squeezing and scraping
mechanisms. Waste paste collection box provided with the
machine. Finishing rollers insure smooth transfer of the panels to
the oven. Machine main body has separate central lubrication
Gerekli Kullanici Bilgileri:
1 . I k-tiiil iliiiync mi belirtiniz.
2. Yakil iiiniiiii belirtiniz.
3. l'(iin;l ebatbrini belirtiniz. |<,i/im]
4 Kuiiilir, yon M/imini ii4iiin edintz
5. Havalondrrrna bctjjlanti ebatlanni Ь
Required User Datal:
1. Specify ele< trie
2. Specify fuel type
3 hovide panel drawing:
4. Provide dinvinn of instr
Specify venlilali
Gerekli personel:
Required Power:
Standart Elektrik:
220/380 V, 3 lev, 50 I I/.
Motor & Reducers:
Fonel Feedei Reducei : 1 , 1 Kw. @ 46 rpm
Hopper Reducer : 5,5 Kw. @ 66 rpm.
Bull Reducer: 5,5 Kw. @ 46 rpm.
I lealed Aii Circulation Fan Motor: 7,5Kw @14
Suction Moloi: 0,75 Kw. @ 1450 rpm. |2]
Gerekli Kurma Gucu:
22 Kw.
Motorlar ve Redijktorler:
Panel Besleme KediiHorij : 1,1 Kw. и/I
Mih/4 RoduMoiii : 5,5 Kw. @ 66 d/d.
litjrii Reduktgrii: 5,5 Kw. И 46 d/d
Suck I 1'iva Ullcirn • I an Mnloiir //jKwf»' 1
I inino; I пи МчЬли: О 75 Kw. C") 1450
Programmable Controller:
Required Personel:
complete system.
Standard Electrics:
220/380 V, 3 ph.
Firm Isitma Sistemi:
Bfiilor Gucii: 60 000 Kcal/s.
170 OCX), (lA.r)i;,k(.!ii)
i:,i Ли|1к||. 100 300C
Ozgiil Isi. 8 500 Кш1/т<
Qafifina BCIMIK.I: I 8 mBai - ЗОгпВаг.
Л/fimi lukelim: 9,5 rn'/SYukil ll'( ~> (Piopun] veya Dogal Gaz
Basmgli Hava:
Oven Burning Sytem:
Bui nor Power. Variable between 60 '
120 000 Kcal/h.
Heal Range: I 00° 300°C
Specific Heat: 8 500 Kc--"-
Pressurized Air:
Supply: 6-10 Bar.
okefim: I05lt/s.
iiLy. 1/4"
Alternate Hoppoi
Burning system for other fuel type:
Paketleme Bilgileri:
loplani 3 yiik: 2 kasali,
1. 2500x1750x1200
2 '/'000x1300x1000
Packing Data:
Total 3 loads: 2 boxed, I open.
1 . 2500x1750x1 200 mm,
2. 2000x1 300x1000 mm.
imes С Blok 301/11 Y. Dudullu 81260 istanbul/TURKEY
Tel: +90 216 527 98 95 (SLines) Fax: +90 216 527 98 94 Web: e-mail:
Ассоциация МВТК
Федеральный информационный фонд отечественных и
иностранных каталогов на промышленную продукцию
Каталог был представлен на выставке
Каталог включен в базу данных
«Федерального информационного фонда
отечественных и иностранных каталогов на
промышленную продукцию»
Россия,105679, Москва, Измайловское шоссе, 44,
Тел./факс (095)366-5200,366-7008, 365-5445. e-mail:;,
Электронная копия издания изготовлена с целью её включения в базы
данных Федерального информационного фонда отечественных и
иностранных каталогов на промышленную продукцию, которые
формируются в соответствии с Постановлением Правительства РФ от 24
июля 1997 г. № 950 и Постановлением Правительства РФ от 31 декабря 1999
г. № 2172-р и зарегистрированы Комитетом по политике информатизации
при Президенте РФ под №№ 39-50.
2005 год

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