André Maurois Climats


André Maurois Climats
André Maurois
Title: Climats
Author: André Maurois
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Language: French
Pages: 249
Publisher: , 0
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 6.1 MB
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Philippe Marcenat, fils de grands bourgeois conventionnels et rigides, s'éprend passionnément
de la ravissante Odile Malet et l'épouse malgré l'hostilité de ses parents. Son mariage est un
échec. Remarié à Isabelle de Cheverny, qui est le contraire absolu d'Odile, et bien que l'aimant
profondément, c'est lui maintenant qui fait subir à Isabelle les tourments qu'il a éprouvés jadis.
Histoire d'un double échec conjugal, Climats, roman d'une finesse psychologique
exceptionnelle, écrit dans une langue admirable, est l'ouvrage le plus célèbre et le plus
représentatif du talent de romancier d'André Maurois.
Insightful reviews
Alisu': "Neintelegerea dintre oameni provine poate, din faptul ca unii traiesc mai mult in trecut,
iar altii in prezent".
Hakan: A?k?n rasyonalize edilemeyecek do?as?n? ince bir ?ekilde ortaya koyan güzel bir
roman. Maurois'y? daha önce okumam??t?m. Helikopter yay?nlar?n?n basm?? olmas? zaten bir
te?vik unsuru olmu?tu, üstelik yay?nlad?klar? ilk kitapm??. ?ki ana bölümden olu?an roman?n ilk
k?sm?nda Phillipe'in Odile'e a?k?n?, ikinci k?s?mda ise yine bu a?k?n arkaplan?nda ?sabelle'in
Phillipe'e a?k?n?n hikayesini okuyoruz. Büyük bir keyifle. Kitaptan birkaç al?nt?:
"Kad?nlar bedenlerini nas?l verirlerse, erkekler de ruhlar?n? öyle verirler: Bölge bölge, en
aç?ktan en gizliye do?ru...
Belki de insanlar? en çok bölen ?ey, kimilerinin her ?eyden önce geçmi?te, kimilerinin de yaln?z
içinde bulundu?u dakikalarda ya?amalar?d?r...
?kili yaln?zl?k, b?kk?nl??a, can s?k?nt?s?na kadar varmay?nca, duygular?n ve güvenin a??r
a??r yükselmesini sa?lar, bu da bu yaln?zl??? payla?anlar? çok yakla?t?r?r...
Çok güzel anlar hüzünlüdür her zaman. Geçici olduklar?n? duyar insan, durdurmak ister, bir ?ey
gelmez elinden."
Gizem: Son derece yal?n bir anlat?ma sahip, su gibi bir roman. Ayn? zamanda ?imdiye kadar
okudu?um en rahats?z edici a?k hikayelerinden biri, en az?ndan benim için. A?k?n özveri
gerektirdi?ini ve yine a?k u?runa gururun göz ard? edildi?i zamanlar? anlayabilirim. Ancak a?k
ayn? zamanda alçalmay? gerektirir mi yoksa benim gözümde alçalmak say?lan ?ey a??k
olundu?unda yaln?zca sahip oldu?unu koruma içgüdüsüne mi dönü?ür?
Her ne kadar karma??k bir a?k hikayesi olarak görünse de psikolojik çözümlemeler
yapabilece?iniz bir durum var kar??n?zda.
Okurken ald???m notlar?n ço?u romanda sözü geçen yazarlar ve kitaplard?, bunlar?n d???nda
tekrar tekrar okunmaya de?er bolca tasvir ve tespit var. Hikayeye 3 anlat?ma 4 y?ld?z.
Ann: This brief novel from 1928 is a masterpiece of mental dissection.It is written in parts, every
one of that may simply be learn in one evening.The first part, titled "Odile" is a letter written
through Philippe Marcenat to the eye of his moment wife, Isabelle. He describes his lonely early
life in Gandumas, because the merely baby of dedicated yet undemonstrative bourgeois
parents, his scholar years in Paris, and his come across together with his Odile, someplace
round 1910. He falls in love with the beautiful younger girl, projecting all his fantasies of
excellent ladies "The Queen" and "The Amazon" on his younger bride. once they settle in Paris
and Philippe is going again to paintings coping with his family's paper business, disenchantment
starts off to seep in. Philippe desires to retain the beautiful Odile all to himself, and is
disenchanted that she prefers to move out within the evening. He additionally starts off to gain
that she repeatedly lies or deflects inquiries as to how she spends her days whereas he's on the
office. As an irrational jealousy takes carry of him, he turns into increasingly more suspicious, an
increasing number of serious of Odile's highbrow failings... and unhappier. whilst Odile meets a
speeding naval officer, he follows the indicators of the constructing affair obsessively : the sprint
for the telephone whilst it rings, the surprising curiosity in all issues marine, convinced rules and
sentences that represent her lover that now pop up in Odile's conversation. After Odile leaves
him and the divorce is final, Philippe plunges into whatever among melancholy and reckless
hedonism. Then he hears that Odile has devoted suicide. It seems that her moment marriage
was once no longer a success, her moment husband being much less forgiving and lavish than
the smitten Philippe. prior to Philippe can get over this moment blow, the 1st global conflict
breaks out.This is the place the second one narrative, titled "Isabelle" begins. Isabelle describes
how WWI gave her a chance to flee from an overcritical mom and a passive father through
changing into a volunteer nurse. within the makeshift sanatorium she meets and marries a
tender soldier, spending a complete of four days of married lifestyles with him prior to he's
referred to as again to the front, the place he finally dies. She turns into neighbors with one
other nurse, Renee, and during her she meets Philippe. She quickly falls in love with him and
cannot think her success while he asks her to marry him. yet quickly she feels lonely and
misunderstood. She may gladly devote her existence to Philippe, yet he desires to exit within
the evening. She might gladly flip hersef into his ideal woman, however it turns out that she
can't compete with the useless Odile. Worse than that, after they meet the frivolous and
seductive Solange, who bears a few resemblance to Odile, Isabelle has to just accept her
husband's affair. She suffers in silence, yet retains on loving him to the purpose the place she
suffers much more while Solange breaks up the affair and Philippe is devastated. She
convinces him to nurse his heartache on the ancestral domestic at Gandumas, the place they
spend a few chuffed weeks together, virtually a moment honey moon. yet then Philippe catches
pneumonia and dies (this is circa 1922).The publication is sort of completely concerning the
character's emotions. however the tales parallel one another beautifully. The deceived
(Philippe) turns into the deceiver. The habit that he was hoping for -in vain- from Odile (the little
spouse who will patiently look ahead to her husband to return home) bores him whilst Isabelle
bargains it as much as him on a silver platter. This e-book tells you all you must find out about
jealousy, approximately suspicions and undercurrents, but in addition approximately patiently
loving anyone regardless of their defects.This publication jogs my memory of a few of the
sooner books of "A los angeles Recherche du Temps Perdu" :- there are literary salons, and
weekly dinners, the place the protagonists meet and mingle. this is often the place fanatics can
meet in public with no arousing suspicion, the place gossip capabilities as social glue and an
incredible technique of communication. - ladies are mostly anticipated to stick at domestic and
be both chaste housewives (like Philippe and Isabelle's mothers) or to stay for, and through, a
succession of fanatics (Solange). the one girl/woman who has an self sufficient existence is
Renee, who chooses early directly to turn into the assistant of a well-known scientific professor,
regardless of all familial resistance. Her education and competence are available very
convenient in the course of the chaotic beginnings of WWI, while she turns into head nurse of
an improvised hospital. on the similar time, she is not any sexless profession lady : in the
direction of the tip of the ebook she is proven radiantly chuffed because the mistress of her
professor.- amorous affairs among married parents are taken for granted. there are many
reviews to the level that every one males cheat, that married ardour dies, that one needs to
benefit from the pleasures of affection whereas one can. on the comparable time, infidelity
doesn't unavoidably get a divorce an differently chuffed marriage. Solange explains to Isabelle
that she loves her personal husband dearly and has no real interest in leaving him and marrying
back - that is scant convenience to Isabelle, who simply desires Solange to maintain clear of
Philippe.- international struggle I breaks up an idyllic approach of life; and not anything could be
an analogous after that. in basic terms Isabelle is ready to commence anew, and for her her
marriage to Philippe is the start of her actual existence (the 4-day marriage did not count
number for much). - we lengthy for what we will not have; and after we receive it, we do not take
care of it any more. it is a ordinary subject in Proust, as an issue of fact, occasionally i need to
shake his characters and inform them "Can't you are making up your mind?!" an identical
subject matter is extra targeted here, within the determine of Philippe, who wishes a devoted,
adoring wife, after which neglects her while he reveals her. On best of the splendidly wealthy
mental content material of the book, the French is wonderful. This was once written in a time
whilst even married stated "vous" to every other, and novelists didn't use slang. A beautiful, silky
delicate form of French, a excitement to learn (and with out being tricky to decipher, not like
Proust). So if you have been attempting to learn Proust and located it too difficult, this can offer
you a whiff of what Proust is all about.
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Ferda Nihat Koksoy: ?KL?MLER( Al?nt? ve
Sentezler:-Sonsuz olan? buradan ba?ka yerde arar?z her zaman; her zaman, varl???n
bak???n? ?imdiki durumdan ve ?imdiki görünü?ten ba?ka ?eye yöneltiriz; yada, sanki her an
ölmek ve yeniden ya?amak de?ilmi? gibi, ölümü bekleriz. Her an yeni yeni bir ya?am sunulur
bize. Bugün, ?imdi,hemen, tutabilece?imiz tek ?ey budur. (ALAIN'den)-Kad?nlar bedenlerini
nas?l verirlerse, erkekler de ruhlar?n? öyle verirler: Bölge bölge, en aç?ktan en gizliye
do?ru.-Daha mutlu olmas?n? istedi?imiz bir geçmi?i yads?yarak onu yeni kar??la?t???m?z
insanlar için de?i?tirebilece?imizi ummam?z, bu insanlar?n çekicili?inden ileri gelir.-Don Ki?ot'un
öykülerini okumay? çok severdim. Dulcinea'n?n çirkin olabilece?ine inanmazd?m, onu diledi?im
gibi dü?leyebilmek için, kitab?mdaki resmini koparm??t?m.-Erkeklerin be?enileri,
ya?amlar?ndan gelip geçmi? kad?nlar?n bulan?k, birbirine kar??m?? imgelerini saklad??? gibi,
kad?nlar?n kafas? da kendilerini sevmi? olan erkeklerin birbiri ard?na getirdi?i tortulardan
olu?mu?tur. -Floransa'n?n en sevdi?im yanlar?ndan biri de her yerden da??n, a?açlar?n
görülmesi. Yaln?z kent olmakla kalan kentlerden nefret ederim.-D?? dünya bana ancak
ba?yap?tlar aras?ndan geçerek ula?abiliyordu sanki.-Erkekle kad?n ba?ba?ayken, erkekte
kad?n?n çocuksu a?z?n? öpmek için dayan?lmaz bir arzu uyand?ran ?eyin ço?u zaman
kad?n?n söyledi?i safça, hatta budalaca bir cümle oldu?unu, kad?n?n da erke?i en çok onu
ciddi, en sars?lmaz biçimde mant?kl? oldu?u s?rada sevdi?ini kim söylemi?ti.-Odile çok
ak?ll?d?r, ama senin istedi?in türden de?il ak?ll?l???, sezgiye dayan?r, somuttur.-Belki de
insanlar? en çok bölen ?ey, kimilerinin her?eyden önce geçmi?te, kimilerinin de yaln?zca içinde
bulunduklar? dakikada ya?amalar?d?r.-Odile ihtiyaç duydu?unda geçmi?i ve gelece?i yarat?yor,
sonra da yaratt???n? unutuyordu.-Yaln?z olmak için yaln?z kalmak istememi
anlam?yorsunuz.-Kad?nlar masal duygular?n? yitirmemi?lerdir ve güzel öyküler anlatan
erkekleri dinlerler.-Önemli olan her andan bu an?n içinde bulunabilecek gücü ç?karmakt?r ve
buna üç yoldan ula??labilir: Güçle, tehlikeyle veya istekle. Güç ise ancak sürekli olanda, zor
olandad?r. Rousseau ar? bir kad?n?n ete?ine dokunman?n kolay bir kad?n? elde etmekten
daha ate?li sevinçler verdi?ini söyler.-?kili yaln?zl?k, b?kk?nl??a, can s?k?nt?s?na kadar
varmay?nca, duygular?n ve güvenin a??r a??r yükselmesini sa?lar, bu da bu yaln?zl???
payla?anlar? çok yakla?t?r?r. -?nsan, kar??s?ndakinin tüm ya?am?n? durmamacas?na
yenilenen bir zenginlikle doldurmas?n? bilmiyorsa, sevilen varl??? kendisine ba?lamas? için
büyük bir a?k yetmez.-Hep kendine ac?maya, kendini nas?l olmak istiyorsa öyle anlatmaya
meyil gösterir insan.-Neyimi sevdi?inizi biliyorsan?z, yand?m.-Hastal?k bir tür ruhsal denge
halidir, çünkü arzular?m?z?, kayg?lar?m?z? sa?lam s?n?rlarla çevreler.-Uzakl?k yada ölüm,
ku?ku veya ihanetten daha az zarar verir a?ka.
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