Lisans Programı Açma Ölçütleri - EK 4 - KLU


Lisans Programı Açma Ölçütleri - EK 4 - KLU
Correspondence Address
Telefon: +90 532 548 36 63 e-mail:
1. Name
: Göksel Demir
2. Date of Birth
: 01.01.1970
3. Academic Position: Professor
4. Education:
Istanbul University
Environmental Engineering
Istanbul University
Environmental Engineering
Center for Biofilm
Istanbul University
Montana State
University (ABD)
Postdoctoral Researcher
5. Research Interests:
Air Pollution and Control, Microbial Fuel cells and Sustainable Power Generation, Water
Pollution and Control, Environmenral Biotechnology and Ecology.
6. Academic Positions Held
Research Assistant: Istanbul University, Department of Environmental Engineering, 1994
Dr. Research Assistant: Istanbul University, Department of Environmental Engineering, 2002
Assistant Professor: Istanbul University Department of Environmental Engineering, 2004
Assistant Professor: Bahcesehir University Department of Environmental Engineering, 2006
Assoc. Professor: Bahcesehir University Department of Environmental Engineering, 2008
Professor: Bahcesehir University Department of Environmental Engineering, 2014
Professor: Kirklareli University Department of Urban and Regional Planning, 2015
7. Advised M.Sc. and Ph.D. Thesis
7.1 Advised Ph.D. Thesis
Hüseyin Özdemir, Sources and Composition of Urban Aerosols: Case Study in Istanbul,
Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Environmental Engineering
Ph.D., 2013.
7. 2 Advised M.Sc. Thesis
Hüseyin Özdemir, Modeling Tropospheric Ozone Concentration in the Atmosphere of
Istanbul by Artificial Neural Network Methods, Istanbul University, M. Sc. Thesis, 2006.
Derya Can, The Negative Effects of Taxis in Istanbul Traffic in Terms of Cost, Urban
Systems and Transport Management Program, Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2010.
Ülger Munzuroğlu, The Negative Effects of Commercial Taxis in Istanbul Traffic in Terms of
Emissions, Urban Systems and Transport Management Program, Bahcesehir University M.Sc.
Thesis, 2010.
Selda Yiğit, Treatment Alternatives For Reverse Osmosis Concentrate of Landfill Leachate,
Marmara University Institute For Graduate Studies in Pure And Applied Sciences, M.Sc.
Thesis, 2010.
Gülsüm Borucu, Investigation of Elemental Concentrations of Atmospheric Aerosols on the
Selected Playgrounds in Istanbul, Yildiz Technical University Institute For Graduate Studies
in Pure And Applied Sciences, M.Sc. Thesis, 2010.
Rabia Seda Timur, Decreasing Water Resources and a Comprehensive Approach to Seawater
Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Case Study- Cost Analysis of a Sample SWRO System, M.Sc.
Graduation Project, Bahcesehir University, 2009.
Sefa Demirtopuz, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard: Implementation of
Environmental Management Systems to Electronic Industry in Turkey, M.Sc. Graduation
Project, Bahcesehir University, 2010.
Gizem Örs, Atık Yönetimi ve Katı Atıkların Kompostlaştırılmasının Genel Bir
Değerlendirilmesi, M.Sc. Graduation Project, Bahcesehir University, 2010.
Ayşe Kablan, ‗Noise Pollution At Railways And Disposal Methods, Evaluation Of The
Related Legislation‘, Urban Systems and Transport Management Program, Bahcesehir
University M.Sc. Thesis, 2012.
Hanifi Özgören, ‗Evaluating Obtaining Building Materials From Wastes In The Way of
Sustainability And An Environment Performance Certificate Application‘, Urban Systems
and Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2012.
Alper Bodur, Household‘s New Dwelling Satisfaction After Demolition of Their Gecekondus
In Kagıthane, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir
University M.Sc. Thesis, 2012.
İsa Çakıroğlu, The Peninsula Region Pedestrians Pedestrians And Artisans Evaluation of The
Effects of Residents, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program,
Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2012.
Murat Hopur, River And Canal Type Exchanges, M.Sc. Graduation Project, Bahcesehir
University, 2012.
Ulaş Sunar, Cost Benefit Analysis of An Electronic Waste Recycling Plant, Urban Systems
and Transportation Assesment Master Program, Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2012.
Etem İlker Özkan, Making Assessment And Measurement About Noise Pollution In
Istanbul‘s Metro Lines, M.Sc. Graduation Project, Bahcesehir University, 2012.
Oktay Yılmaz, A Study On Public Transportation And Possible Efforts On Wide Spread
Usage: Istanbul Case, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program,
Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2012.
Yılmaz Yıldırım, Municipal Solid Waste Composting, Project of Pendik, M.Sc. Graduation
Project, Bahcesehir University, 2012.
Vahdettin Mamur, The Alternative Management Plan of Excavation Soil And Demolition
Wastes And İstanbul Is Examined, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master
Program, Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2012.
Fatih Çakmak, The Evaluation of Urban Life Impacts of The Regional Reconstruction Plans:
Beyoglu Sample, Urban Systems and Transportation Assesment Master Program, Bahcesehir
University M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Tolga Karan, Sustainability Concept Pursuant To Urban Systems: Sustainable Housing Sense
In Bahçelievler District, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program,
Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Yener Bakış, Study of GIS (Geographical Information Systems) Based Route Optimization
Model For Solid Waste Collection, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master
Program, Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Ali Gündüz, Production of Electrial Energy From Waste Oils And Pendik Specific to
Evaluation Project, M.Sc. Graduation Project, Bahcesehir University, 2013.
Emre Yenigezer, Türkiye‘nin Yenilenebilir Enerji Kaynakları Rüzgar Enerjisinin İncelenmesi
Ve Karbon Piyasaları, M.Sc. Graduation Project, Bahcesehir University, 2013.
Kadir Yavuz Yıldırım, Sultanbeyli Waste Sorting Plant Fisibility Project, M.Sc. Graduation
Project, Bahcesehir University, 2013.
Cebrail Culum, Optimization of Traffic Signal Durations And Investigation of The Effect On
Environmental Pollution, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program,
Bahcesehir University M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Özkan Çelik, Usage of Natural Gas Cogeneration Facilities In Urban Systems: Esenyurt
Example, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir
University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Süheyla Kazancı, Investigation On The Transportation of Hazardous Waste By Land, The
Istanbul Case, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir
University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Umut Emrah Kolay, Alternative Solid Waste Lands Landfill Site Selection Geographic
Information System Based Sample Application, M.Sc. Graduation Project, Bahcesehir
University, 2013.
Doğan Karaçağal, Soil Quality And Heavy Metal Contamination In Specified Coastal Areas
at Istanbul, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir
University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
İbrahim Ertuğrul Yalçın, Determination of Metal Deposition and Its Effects on Mineral
Nutrient Uptake Status of Pinus Brutia Ten. For Assessment of Pollution Impact In Its
Habitat-Istanbul, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, Biology, M.Sc.
Thesis, 2013.
Semih Kumaş, Occupational Health and Safety Practices: A Risk Assesment Practice In Fire
Department, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir
University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Seda Erbaş, The Importance of The Use of New Technologies for Sustainable Public
Transport: Cost-Benefit Analysis of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Use, Urban Systems and
Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Muhammet Büyükyıldız, The Soil Quality and Heavy Metal Content Analysis In Some
Specified Playing Grounds of Istanbul Anatolian Side, Urban Systems and Transportation
Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Ali Paşaoğlu, Appreciating Environmental Noise from the Hasdal-Kemerburgaz Highway On
Gokturk Location, Preparing the Noise Map and Modeling A Noise Barrier, Urban Systems
and Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Ömer Faruk Yücel, Street-Railroads Project Impelementation of Tavukçu Deresi Road and
Environmental Impact Assesment, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master
Program, Bahcesehir University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2013.
Pınar Cora, Geotechnical Properties of Solid Waste Storage Areas in Istanbul Geological Gis
Based Study, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program, Bahcesehir
University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2014.
Yunus Koç, Kompostun Farklı Ortamlarda Seçilmiş Bazı Sebzelerin Gelişimi Üzerine
Etkisinin İncelenmesi, Urban Systems and Transportation Assessment Master Program,
Bahcesehir University, M.Sc. Thesis, 2014.
Oğuz Erdoğan, Contributions to Energy Efficiency Through Elelectronic Waste Recycling: A
Case Study, Energy and Environmental Management Master Program, Bahcesehir University,
M.Sc. Thesis, 2014.
Ecem Unaldi, Determination of the Solid Waste Charactarisazation in Besiktas District of
Istanbul, Energy and Environmental Management Master Program, Bahcesehir University,
M.Sc. Thesis, 2015.
Naghmeh Kharazi Amin, Nanotechnological Applications to Energy Storage: Textile Case,
Energy and Environmental Management Master Program, Bahcesehir University, M.Sc.
Thesis, 2015.
8. Publications
8.1 Publications in International Scientific Journals (Science Citation Index)
Goksel Demir, Umut E. Kolay, H. Eser Okten, Ummugulsum Alyuz, Cuma Bayat, Selection
of alternative landfill location by usinig a geographical information system European side of
Istanbul case study, Enironmental Protection Engineering, No:1, Vol 42, 123-133, 2016.
G. Onder Erguven, Hurrem Bayhan, Goksel Demir, Bahar İkizoglu, Gurdal Kanat,
Monitoring aclonifen remediation in soil with a laboratory- scale research, Journal of
Chemistry, Volume 2016, Article ID 5059049, 8 pages, 2016.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, S. Yilmaz, Ilhan Dogan, Serdal M. Sakcalı, G. Tomuloglu, Goksel
Demir, Detection of Physiological and Genotoxic Damages Reflecting Toxicity in
Kalanchoe Clones, Global Nest, 18(1), 223-232, 2016.
Goksel Demir, H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Perihan Kurt Karakus, Yener Bakis, Solid Waste
Collection route optimisation by geographical information system in Fatih, Istanbul, Turkey,
Int J. Global Warming (in press).
G. Onder Erguven, Hurrem Bayhan, Bahar Ikizoglu, Gurdal Kanat, Goksel Demir, Removal
Rate of Herbicide Aclonifen with isolated Bacteria and Fungi, Applied Ecology and
Environmental Researc 14(2), 351-356, 2016.
Bulent Eskin, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Goksel Demir, Celal Yarci, Memduh
Serin, Germination, growth and mineral nutrition of Turkish endemic Centaurea
consanguinea DC. (Asteraceae), Kasmera, 43(2), 23-48, 2015.
Goksel Demir, Huseyin Kurtulus Ozcan, Perihan Kurt Karakus, Yener Bakis, Solid Waste
Collection Route Optimisation by Geographical Information System (GIS) in Fatih-Istanbul,
Turkey, International Journal of Global Warming, 2015.
Zeki Severoglu, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Gulbubu Kurmanbekova, Goksel Demir,
Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Gulten Kasoglu Kari, (2015), The usability of Juniperus virginiana
L. as a biomonitor of heavy metal pollution in Bishkek City, Kyrgyzstan, Biotechnol Biotec
Eq, Vol. 29, No. 6, 1104-1112, 2015.
Volkan Altay, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Etem Osma, Yakup Bakir, Goksel Demir, Zeki
Severoglu and Celal Yarci, Environmental relationships of the vascular flora alongside the
railway tracks between Haydarpaşa and Gebze (Istanbul-Kocaeli/ Turkey), Journal of
Environmental Biology, Volume: 36, Special Issue: SI, Pages: 153-162, 2015.
Hasan Uslu, Goksel Demir, Cuma Bayat, Kailas L. Wasewar and Hisham S. Bamufleh,
Adsorptive separation of adipic acid from aqueous solutions by perlite or its composites by
manganese or copper, Membrane Water Treatment, Vol:5, No:4, 295-304,
DOI:, 2014.
Etem Osma, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Goksel Demir and Ulkuhan Yasar, Assesment of Some
Heavy Metals in Wild Type and Cultivated Purslane (Portulaca Oleracea L.) and Soils in
Istanbul, Turkey, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, V: 23, No:9, 2181-2189, 2014.
Nese Yilmaz, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Determination
of phytoplankton density, some nutrients and heavy metals in the surface water of Riva
Stream; one of the water resources of Istanbul, Turkey, Desalination and Water Treatment,
DOİ: 10.1080/19443994.2014.952674, 1-11, 2014.
Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Goksel Demir, Influence of aluminum on mineral
nutrient uptake and accumulation in Urtica pilulifera L., Journal of Plant Nutrition, 37(3),
469-481, 2014.
Huseyin Ozdemir, Luca Pozzoli, Tayfun Kindap, Goksel Demir, Bulent Mertoglu, Nikos
Mihalopoulos, Christina Theodosi, Maria Kanakidou, Ulas Im and Alper Unal, Spatial and
temporal analysis of black carbon aerosols in Istanbul megacity, Science of the Total
Environment 473–474, 451–458, 2014.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Goksel Demir, Bulent Eskin, Mustafa Keskin, Ibrahim
Ertugrul Yalcin, Distribution of some elements in Veronica scutellata L. from Bolu-Turkey:
Soil-plant interactions, Sains Malays, 42(10), 1403-1407, 2013.
Bulent Eskin, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Volkan Altay, Goksel Demir, Memduh
Serin, Germination Physiology and Autecology of Centaurea kilaea Boiss. from Turkey,
Sains Malays, 42(10), 1473-1482, 2013.
Senol Yildiz, Cevat Yaman, Goksel Demir, H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Aslı Coban, Hatice Eser
Okten, Kadir Sezer, Sami Goren, Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in Istanbul,
Turkey, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, DOI: 10.1002/ep, Vol:32, No:3,
S. Levent Kuzu, Arslan Saral, Selami Demir, Gulsum Summak, Goksel Demir, A detailed
investigation of ambient aerosol composition and size distribution in an urban atmosphere,
Environmental Science And Pollution Research, Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Pages: 2556-2568,
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-012-1149-9, 2013.
Hatice Yorulmaz, Fatma Burcu Seker, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Baria Oztaş,
The Effects of Zinc Treatment on the Blood–Brain Barrier Permeability and Brain Element
Levels During Convulsions, Biological Trace Element Research, 151:256–262, DOI
10.1007/s12011-012-9546-y, 2013.
Volkan Altay, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Mustafa Keskin, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul
Yalcin, An ecological study of endemic plant Polygonum istanbulicum Keskin and its
environs, Pak J. Bot., 45(S1), 455-459, 2013.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Bulent Eskin, Mustafa Keskin, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim
Ertugrul Yalcin, Mineral element uptake status of endemic Isoetes anatolica Prada & Rolleri
populations from Bolu-Turkey, Pak J. Bot., 45(S1), 515-519, 2013.
Cevat Yaman, Huseyin Kurtulus Ozcan, Goksel Demir, Hatice Eser Okten, Senol Yildiz, Asli
Coban, Vahit Balahorli, Landfill Leachate Treatment: A Case Study for Istanbul City, Source:
Clean-Soil Air Water, Volume: 40, Issue: 7, Pages: 706-711, Doi: 10.1002/Clen.201100132,
Jul 2012.
Asli Coban, Goksel Demir, Hatice Eser Okten, H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Cevat Yaman, Senol
Yildiz, Advanced Treatment of Leachate By Usıng Aerobıc/Anoxıc MBR System Followed
By A Nanofıltratıon Process. A Case Study In Istanbul Komurcuoda Leachate Treatment
Plant, Environment Protection Engineering, Vol: 38, No:3, Page: 57-64, DOI:
10.5277/EPE120306, 2012.
Ulkuhan Yasar, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Goksel Demir and Yusuf Ziya Yilmaz, Determination
of Hair Iron Levels of Healthy Female High School Students With AAS In The Pendik
District, Istanbul-Turkey, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume: 21, No: 9, Page: 26442648, 2012.
Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Goksel Demir, Mineral Element Distribution of Cotton
(Gossypıum hirsutum L.) Seedlings Under Different Salinity Levels, Source: Pakistan Journal
of Botany, Volume: 44, Special Issues: 1, Page: 15-20, Mar 2012.
Selami Demir, Arslan Saral, Ferruh Erturk, S. Levent Kuzu, Bulent I. Goncaloglu, Goksel
Demir, Effect of Diurnal Changes in Voc Source Strengths on Performances of Receptor
Models, Source: Environmental Science and Pollution, Research Volume: 19, Issue: 5, Pages:
1503-1514, Doı: 10.1007/S11356-011-0636-8, Jun 2012.
Solidification/Stabilization of Landfill Leachate Concentrate Using Different Aggregate
Materials, Source: Waste Management Volume: 32, Issue: 7, Pages: 1394-1400, Doı: 10.1016
/ J. Wasman. 2012.03.010, Jul 2012.
Hasan Uslu, Göksel Demir, Investigation of Efficiency of Amberlite Xad-16 on Adsorption
of 2, 4, 6-Trinitrophenol (Pnp), Desalination and Water Treatment, Vol 39, Pp: 88-94, 2012.
Huseyin Ozdemir, Bulent Mertoglu, Goksel Demir, Ali Deniz, Toros H., Case Study of Pm
Pollution in Playgrounds in Istanbul, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Pp:1-10, 2012.
Ulkuhan Yasar, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Ilhan Dogan, Goksel Demir,
Determination of Some Heavy Metals and Mineral Nutrients of Bay Tree (Laurus nobilis L.)
In Bartın City, Turkey, Source: Pakistan Journal of Botany Volume: 44 Special Issues: 1
Page: 81-89, Mar 2012.
Ethem Osma, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Leblebici Z., Goksel Demir, Memduh Serin,
Determination of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller)
Grown in Different Station Types, Romanian Biotechnological Letters, Vol 17, No: 1, Pp:
6952-6964, 2012.
Rabia Seda Timur, Adnan Corum, Hatice Eser Okten, Asli Coban, Goksel Demir , Tunç
Bozbura, Comparative Cost Analysis of Pressure Exchanger (Px) And Turbine Type Energy
Recovery Devices at Seawater Reverse Osmosis (Swro) Plants, Journal of Environmental
Protection and Ecology 12, No 3, 1186–1194, 2011.
Selami Demir, Arslan Saral, Demet Işik, Ayşe Akyildiz, S. Levent Kuzu, Servet Mert,
Goksel Demir and Bulent I. Goncaloglu, Characterization of Ambient Volatile Organic
Compounds And Their Diurnal Variations in Istanbul, Turkey, Fresenius Environmental
Bulletin, Volume 20 – No 11, 2011.
C. Okan Sakar, Goksel Demir, Olcay Kurşun, Huseyin Ozdemir, Gokmen Altay, Senay
Yalcin, Feature Selection for The Prediction of Tropospheric Ozone Concentration Using A
Wrapper Method, Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing Vol:17, No:4, 403-413, 2011.
Sami Goren, Goksel Demir, Cevat Yaman, Abdulkadir Yildiz, Medical Waste Management
By Geographical Region in Turkey, Journal of Residual Science and Technology, Vol:8,
No:3, 109-115, 2011.
Rabia Seda Timur, Goksel Demir, Aslı Coban, Adnan Corum, Tunc Bozbura, Decreasing
Water Resources and A Comprehensive Approach To Seawater Reverse Osmosis (Swro):
Case Study-Cost Analysis of A Sample Swro System, Desalination and Water Treatment 26.
145–151, 2011.
Zeki Severoglu, Volkan Altay, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Mustafa Keskin, Memduh Serin, Celal
Yarci, Ulkühan Yasar and Goksel Demir, Some Ecological Characteristics and The Flora of
Gölcük District and Its Environs (Kocaeli-Turkey), Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 6 (4),
847-875, 2011.
Goksel Demir, Huseyin Ozdemir, H. Kurtulus Ozcan, O. Nuri Ucan, Cuma Bayat, An
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Based Model For Short-Term Predictions of Daily Mean
PM10 Concentrations, Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 11, No 4, 1163-1171,
Huseyin Ozdemir, Gulsum Borucu, Goksel Demir, Selda Yigit, Namik Ak, İstanbul‘daki
Çocuk Oyun Parklarında Partikül Madde (PM2.5 Ve PM10) Kirliliğinin İncelenmesi, Ekoloji,
77, 2010.
Goksel Demir, Selda Yigit, Huseyin Ozdemir, Gulsum Borucu, Arslan Saral, Elemental
Concentrations of Atmospheric Aerosols and The Soil Samples on The Selected Playgrounds
in Istanbul, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, 123-130, April 2010.
Hasan Uslu and Goksel Demir, Adsorption of Picric Acid From Aqueous Solution By The
Weakly Basic Adsorbent Amberlite Ira-67, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 55, 3290-3296, 2010.
C. Okan Sakar, Olcay Kursun, Huseyin Ozdemir, Goksel Demir, Senay Yalcin, Identifying
Effective Variables Using Mutual Information and Building Predictive Models of Sulfur
Dioxide Concentration With Support Vector Machines, Ekoloji 19, 76, 102-112, 2010.
Gulsum Borucu, Huseyin Ozdemir, Goksel Demir, Selda Yigit, H. Kurtulus Ozcan,
Quantification of The Atmospheric Particle Number Concentration Through The Selected
Children Playgrounds: A Case Study in Istanbul, Vol 7, No: 3, 147-153, July 2010.
Goksel Demir, Decolorization of Azo Dyes Containing Wastewater By Phanerochaete
chrysosporium in A Rotating Biological Contactor, Journal of Environmental Protection and
Ecology 11, No 1, 7–19, 2010.
H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Nilgun Balkaya, Erdem Bilgili, Goksel Demir, O. Nuri Ucan And Cuma
Bayat, Modeling of Methane Distribution in A Landfill Using Genetic Algorithms,
Environmental Engineering Science, Volume 26, Number 2, 2009.
Hasan Uslu, Ismail Inci, Sahika Sena Bayazit, and Goksel Demir, Comparison of SolidLiquid Equilibrium Data For The Adsorption of Propionic Acid and Tartaric Acid From
Aqueous Solution onto Amberlite Ira-67, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48, 7767–7772, 2009.
Goksel Demir, Gokmen Altay, C. Okan Sakar, Sefika Albayrak, Huseyin Ozdemir, Senay
Yalcin ―Prediction and Evaluation of Tropospheric Ozone Concentration in Istanbul Using
Articial Neural Network Modeling According to Time Parameter, Journal of Scientific And
Industrial Research, Vol, 67, September Pp. 674-679, 2008.
Huseyin Ozdemir, Goksel Demir, Gokmen Altay, Sefika Albayrak, Cuma Bayat, Prediction
of Tropospheric Ozone Concentration in Istanbul By Employing Artificial Neural Network,
Environmental Engineering Science, Volume 25, Number 9, 2008.
Emine Elmaslar Ozbas, H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Nilgun Balkaya and Goksel Demir, Heavy Metal
Amounts In Soil and Sediments of Surface Water Sources In The Industrial Regions of
Istanbul, Journal of Residual Science and Technology, Vol: 4, No.2, 90-94, 2007.
H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Goksel Demir, Semih Nemlioglu, Sezgin, N., and Cuma Bayat, Heavy
Metal Concentration of Atmospheric Ambient Deposition Dust in Istanbul-Bosphorus Bridge
Tollhouses, Journal of Residual Science and Technology, Vol: 4, No.1, 813-817, 2007.
Goksel Demir, H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Tufekci, N., and Mehmet Borat, Decolorization of
Remazol Yellow Rr Gran By White Rot Fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Journal of
Environmental Biology, 28, 3-4, 2007.
H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Semih Nemlioglu, Goksel Demir, Emine Elmaslar Ozbas, Mehmet Borat,
Methane Emission In Landfill Gas at Two Closed Waste Disposal Site in Istanbul, Journal of
Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 66, May. 403- 406, 2007.
Ozcan, H. K., Borat, M., Sezgin, N., Nemlioglu, S. and Demir G., ―Determination of
Seasonal Variations Of Major Landfill Gas in Istanbul Kemerburgaz-Odayeri Solid Waste
Landfill‖, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Vol., 15, 4, 272-276, 2006.
Menicucci, J., Beyenal, H., Marsili, E., Angathevar Veluchamy, R. R., Demir, G. and
Lewandowski, Z., ―Procedure for Determining Maximum Sustainable Power Generated By
Microbial Fuel Cells‖, Environmental Science and Technology, 40, 1062-1068, 2006.
Demir, G., Nemlioglu, S., Yazgic, U., Dogan, E. E., and Bayat C., Determination of Some
Important Emissions of Sunflower Oil Production Industrial Wastes Incineration, Journal of
Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 64, No. 3, 226-228, 2005.
Demir, G., Ozcan, H. K., Nemlioglu, S., Sezgin, N., Borat, M., and Bayat, C., Gas Emissions
Of Yakacik Closed Solid Waste Landfill Site In Istanbul, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,
Vol.13, No. 10, 974-978, 2004.
Demir, G., Degradation of Toluene and Benzene By Trametes Versicolor, Journal of
Environmental Biology 25 (1): 19-25 Jan., 2004.
Demir, G., Borat M, Bayat C , Decolorization of Remazol Red Rr Gran By The White Rot
Fungus Phanerochaete Chrysosporium, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 13 (10): 979-984,
Sezgin, N., Özcan, H. K., Demir, G., Nemlioglu, S. and Bayat, C., Determination of Heavy
Metal Concentrations in Street Dusts in Istanbul E-5 Highway, Environment International,
29, 7, 979-985, 2003.
Tufekci, N., Demir, G., Ozgul G. and Kinaci, C., The Effect of Organic Matters on Ferrous
Oxidation, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 12, 7, 771-775, 2003.
Acarbabacan, S., Vergili, İ., Kaya, Y., Demir, G. and Barlas, H., Removal of Color From
Textile Wastewater Containing Azo Dyes By Fenton‘s Reagent, Fresenius Environmental
Bulletin, 11, 10 B, 840-843 2002.
Tufekci, N. and Demir, G., Catalytic Effects of Fe (III) During Oxygenation of Fe (II) in
Continuous Flow Iron Removal Systems, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 11, 10 B, 863867, 2002.
Demir, G. and Tufekci, N., Investigation of The Catalytic Reaction Kinetics of Fe (III) on Fe
(II) Oxidation at Various Ph Values, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 11, 10 B, 868-873,
Yasavul, E., Tufekci, N. and Demir, G., The Effect of Organic Matters on Manganese
Oxidation, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 11, 10 B, 874-879, 2002.
Demir, G., Barlas, H. and Bayat, C., The Toxic Effect of Solvent on The Biological
Degradation of Pentachlorophenol and Pentachloronitrobenzene By White Rot Fungus,
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 11, 10 B, 880-884, 2002.
Nemlioğlu, S., Bayat, C., Borat, M., Demir, G. and Soyhan, B., Gas Emissions in IstanbulKemerburgaz Solid Waste Disposal Site, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 11, 10 B, 915920, 2002.
Demir, G., Barlas, H. and Bayat, C., Degradation of Some Chlorinated Organic Materials By
White Rot Fungus (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) in Water, Fresenius Environmental
Bulletin, 7, 927-933 1998.
8.2 Publications in International other Scientific Journals
Goksel Demir, Ayse Kablan, Yasar Avsar, Ummugulsum Alyuz, Hatice Eser Okten, and
Senay Yalcin, Railway Noise Pollution Prevention in Terms of Regulations: Case Study of
Istanbul, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 7, No. 3,
March 2016.
Huseyin Ozdemir, Yusuf Karahan and Goksel Demir, Developing Air Pollution Early
Warning System For The Marmara Region In Turkey, 2015 6th International Conference on
Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 84 of IPCBEE (2015), DOI:
10.7763/IPCBEE., V84. 3, 2015.
Goksel Demir, Ummugulsum Alyuz, Mustafa Firat, Evaluation of Exhaust Pollutants in
Iskenderpasa Underground Parking Garage, Journal of Environmental Science, Vol: 3, 2014.
Seda Erbas, Hacer Handan Demir, Ummugulsum Alyuz, Goksel Demir, The importance of
new technologies in sustainable public transportation: a review for potential application of
hybrid vehicle use in Turkey and a cost-benefit analysis, Journal of Environmental Science,
Vol: 3, 2014.
Zafer Akan, Hulya Ozdemir, Gokhan Oto, Sabahattin Deniz, Omer Kacar, Ali Sadi Basak,
Tahir Cakır, Hatice Uslu Sinav, Goksel Demir, Genotoxicity and Cytotoxicity of novel 10B
carrier ( (2R) -4,5,6-trihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)tetrahydro-2H-pyran-3-yl) boronic acid,
Medical Science and Discovery, Vol.1, No.4, p:96-108, December 2014.
Huseyin Ozdemir, Adnan Corum, Canan Yoruk, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Goksel Demir,
Environmental, Energy, and Economic Comparison of Mineral and Traditional Paper
Production, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Volume: 4,
No: 5, Pg: 316-318, October 2013.
Emine Elmaslar Ozbas, H. Eser Okten, H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Goksel Demir, Selected Essential
and Non-Essential Elements Content of Turkish Hazelnuts, Environment and Pollution; Vol.
2, No. 1; 2013.
Emine Elmaslar Özbaş, H. Eser Ökten, H. Kurtuluş Özcan, Göksel Demir, Levels of metals
in rural topsoil in Trabzon, Turkey, Digital Proceeding of the ICOEST‘2013 - , Cappadocia,
Nevsehir, Turkey, Pg: 151-156, 2013.
Goksel Demir, Ummugulsum Alyuz, Hatice Eser Okten and Hanefi Ozgoren, A LEED
Environmental Performance Certificate Application in Terms of Recyclable Content,
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2013.
Ummugulsum Alyuz, H. Handan Demir, H. Eser Okten, Oktay Yilmaz, Goksel Demir,
Management Plan Optimization and Application of Public Spots for Increasing Widespread
Usage of Public Transportation: Istanbul Case, International Journal of Environmental
Science and Development, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2013.
8.3 The Conference Papers Submitted to the International Conferences and Published in
the Conference Proceedings. (Full Text)
Goksel Demir, H. Kurtulus Ozcan, Huseyin Ozdemir, Ali Osman Pektas, Ilker Oruc,
Muhammet Buyukyildiz, Heavy Metal Concentrations of Selected Public Parks of Istanbul
City, ICCMP Prroceedings, Copenhagen, 2016.
Hacer Handan Demir, Isa Cakiroglu, Ummugulsum Alyuz and Goksel Demir, Evaluation of
Environmental and Social Impacts of Pedestrianization in Urban Historical Areas: Istanbul
Historical Peninsula Case Study, Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on
Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST 2015), Singapore, 23-24 May, 2015.
Adnan Çorum, Hüseyin Özdemir, Göksel Demir, Comparative Cost Analysis of Paper
Production: Traditional vs. Recycling. 12th EBES Conference Proceedings (EBES), January
9-11, Singapore, ISBN: 978-605-64002-7-8, 2014.
Ummugulsum Alyuz, Goksel Demir, Kadir Yavuz Yildirim, Hatice Eser Okten, Cost and
Benefit Analyis of Possible Waste Separation Plant of Sultanbeyli District, Istanbul
International Solid Waste, Water And Wastewater Congress 2013.
Bestenur Kurtulus, Dogan Akcan, Lutfi Arda, Hatice Eser Okten, Perihan Kurt Karakus,
Goksel Demir, Asli Coban, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Omer Lutfi Uyanik, Proposal for Color
and Heavy Metal Removal from Textile Wastewater by Crosslinked Polyelectrolyte
Composite Membranes, Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water And Wastewater Congress
Eray Ozkan, Huseyin Ozdemir, C. Okan Sakar, Goksel Demir, Alper Unal, Tayfun Kindap,
Online Detection And Analysis System For Air Pollution Hot Spots In Turkey, 2nd
Biotechnology and
DOI:10.7763/IPCBEE, V:42. 25, 2012.
Coban A., Yigit S., Demir G., ―Sürdürülebilir Su Yönetimi Çerçevesinde Evsel Atıksuların
Arıtım Teknolojileri ve Yeniden Kullanımının Değerlendirilmesine Genel Bir Bakış‖,
International Symposium on Environment, 20-23 May 2009, Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas
Selda Yigit, Asli Coban, Goksel Demir, Different Applications of Disinfection in
Environmental Engineering and Evaluation of Disinfection Methods, International
Symposium On Environment - Kyrgyzstan -Turkey Manas Unıversıty, 2009
Albayrak S., Demir G., Celik T., Bayat C., The use of glass as a packaging material,
recycling and a general outlook of the procedures in Turkey, SGEM, 8th International
Scientific Conference, Vol II, 3-9, 2008.
G. Demir, S. Nemlioglu, U.Yazgic, E.E. Dogan, C. Bayat, Important Parameters of Emissions
From The Incineration of Sunflower Oil Production Wastes And Their Control, ISWA,
İstanbul, July 2002.
Nemlioğlu, S., Demir, G., Borat, M. and Bayat, C., Landfill Gas Emissions of the Closed
Solid Waste Dumping Sites Yakacik and Hekimbasi in Istanbul, ISWA 2002 World Congress
& Exhibition, Appropriate Environmental Solid Waste Management and Technologies for
Developing Countries, Istanbul, Turkey, 2681-2690, 2002.
Tokgoz, N., Demir, G., Alver, U., Soyhan, B. and Bayat, C., Data Analysis of Fuel
Consumption at Istanbul City and General Evaluation for Air Pollution, 6th International
Combustion Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, 439-454, 1999.
Alver, U., Demir, G. and Bayat, C., Coal Containing the High Sulfur are Used in
Thermoelectiric Power Plants and Desulfurisation, 6th International Combustion Symposium,
Istanbul, Turkey, 193-205, 1999.
Tanircan, N., Barlas, H., Demir, G. and Bayat, C., Advanced Chemical Oxidation of
Monolinuron by Using Fenton‘s Reagent and ―H2O2‖ System, Proc. of 1st International
Workshop on Environmental Quality and Environmental Engineering in the East Region,
Konya, Turkey, 520-525. 1998.
8.4 The Printed International Books or Section in the International Books:
Tayfun Kindap, Alper Unal, Huseyin Ozdemir, Deniz Bozkurt, Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu,
Goksel Demir, Mete Tayanc and Mehmet Karaca, 2012. Chapter 5: Quantification of the
Urban Heat Island Under a Changing Climate over Anatolian Peninsula. Human and Social
Dimensions of Climate Change, InTech, ISBN: 978-953-51-0847-4.
8.5 The Published Papers in the National Journals:
Adnan Çorum, Emrah Akbıyık, Göksel Demir, Economic Analysis of Bus-Lane Application:
A Case Study in Millet Street, Pamukkale Univ Muh Bilim Derg, 21(4), 145-151, 2015.
Aslı Çoban, Fatma İlter Türkdoğan, Göksel Demir, Organohalojenlerin Çevresel Açıdan
Değerlendirilmesi ve Giderim Yöntemleri, KSÜ Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, 13 (2), 2010.
Aslı Çoban, Fatma İlter Türkdoğan, Göksel Demir, Çevre Biyoteknolojisi Temelinde Genetik
Yapısı Değiştirilmiş (Transgenik) Bitkilerle Arıtım, KSÜ Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi,
13(1), 45-52, 2010.
Nese Tufekci, Esra Billur Balcioglu, Goksel Demir and Mehmet Borat, Removal of Ferrous
Iron and Manganese From Water Using Oxidation and Filtration Technique, Beykent
University, Journal of Science and Technology 3 (2), 285 – 300, 2009.
Yigit S., Coban A., Demir G., ―Comparative Evaluation of Various Advanced Oxidation
Processes for the Treatment of Textile Industry Effluents‖, Beykent University, Journal of
Science and Technology, 3 (1), 2009, 149-160.
Demir, G., Özcan, H. K., Borat, M., Bir Beyaz Çürükçül Mantar Türü Olan Phanerochaete
chrysosporium ile Remazol Blue RR Gran‘ın Renk Giderimi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam
Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, Cilt 10, Sayı 1, 2007.
Demir, G., Özcan, H. K., Elmaslar, E., Borat, M., Bir Beyaz Çürükçül Mantar Türü Olan
Phanerochaete chrysosporium ile Azo Boyarmaddelerinde Renk Giderimi, Sigma
Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, Cilt 3, 2006.
Özcan, H. K., Sezgin, N., Demir, G., Nemlioğlu, S. ve Bayat, C., İstanbul E–5 Karayolunun
Cadde Tozlarında Ağır Metal Kirliliğinin Değerlendirilmesi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi
Dergisi, 3, 97-105 2003.
8.6 The Conference Papers Submitted to the National Conferences and Published in the
Conference Proceedings:
İbrahim Ertuğrul Yalçın, İbrahim İlker Özyiğit, Celal Yarcı, Göksel Demir, Hatice Eser
Ökten, Hüseyin Özdemir, Biyomonitör Olarak Kullanılan Bitkiler ve Çevre Kirliliğindeki
Önemi, III. İleri Teknolojiler Çalıştayı, TÜYAP Fuar Merkezi, Büyükçekmece, İstanbul, 4-6
Ekim, 2012.
Hatice Eser Ökten, Ayşe Gül Bozalioğlu, Ceyda Ağaçbacak, Göksel Demir, Dikey Rüzgar
Türbini Seçiminde Yazılım Uygulaması: Türkiye Örneği, III. İleri Teknolojiler Çalıştayı,
TÜYAP Fuar Merkezi, Büyükçekmece, İstanbul, 4-6 Ekim, 2012.
Hatice Eser Ökten, Kurtuluş Özcan, Hüseyin Özdemir, İbrahim Ertuğrul Yalçın, Göksel
Demir Katı Atık Bertarafında Alternatif Bir Yöntem: Yakma Teknolojisi, III. İleri
Teknolojiler Çalıştayı, TÜYAP Fuar Merkezi, Büyükçekmece, İstanbul, 4-6 Ekim, 2012.
Aslı Çoban, Selda Yiğit, Göksel Demir, Namık Ak, Küresel İklim Değişikliği ve Su
Kaynakları Üzerine Etkisi: Türkiye Örneği, II. Türkiye İklim Değişikliği Kongresi TİKDEK
2010, İSKİ Konferans Salonu, 16-18 Haziran 2010, S. 155-164, Aksaray/İstanbul.
Selda Yiğit, Aslı Çoban, Göksel Demir, Hüseyin Özdemir, Gülsüm Borucu, Namık Ak,
Partiküler Maddeler ve İklim Değişikliği Üzerine Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi, II. Türkiye
İklim Değişikliği Kongresi TİKDEK 2010, İSKİ Konferans Salonu, 16-18 Haziran 2010, S.
307-316, Aksaray/İstanbul.
Gülsüm Borucu, Hüseyin Özdemir, Göksel Demir, Türkiye‘de Tehlikeli Atık Yönetimi ve
Bertaraf Seçeneği Olarak Yakma Yönteminin İncelenmesi, TÜRKAY 2009 17-19 Haziran
2009, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
Aslı Çoban, Selda Yiğit, Göksel Demir, Kompostlaştırma Prosesinde Yöntem Seçiminin
Kompost Kalitesi Üzerindeki Etkisinin Değerlendirilmesi, TÜRKAY 2009 17-19 Haziran
2009, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
Namık Ak, Hüseyin Özdemir, Göksel Demir, Küresel Isınma ile Kuraklık Arasındaki
İlişkilerin Değerlendirilmesi ve Geleceğe Yönelik Su Tasarrufu Projeksiyonu, Çevre ve
Orman Bakanlığı DSİ IV. Bölge Müdürlüğü Konya kapalı Havzası Yeraltı suyu ve Kuraklık
Konferansı, 11-12 Eylül, Konya, 2008.
Hüseyin Özdemir, Göksel Demir, Hava Kirliliği Modellenmesinde Yapay Sinir Ağları
Kullanımının Değerlendirilmesi, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu, sayfa
113-121, 14-17 Mayıs 2008.
Nevzat Ö. Yiğit, Hasan Köseoğlu, B. İlker Harman, Göksel Demir, Sami Gören, Özer Çınar,
Mehmet Kitiş, Tekstil Endüstrisi Atıksularının Alıcı Ortamlara Deşarjında Renk Kriteri
Olmalı Mıdır? Geri Kazanım Gerçekleri, 367-375, Yeniden Kullanım, Bursa, 2008.
Borat, M., Nemlioğlu, S., Demir, G., Sezgin, N. ve Bayat, C., İstanbul‘daki Kapatılmış ve
Kullanımdaki Bazı Katı Atık Depolama Alanlarının Depo Gazı Emisyonlarının
Karşılaştırılması, I. Ulusal Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu, Atatürk Üniversitesi Çevre
Sorunları Araştırma Merkezi Müdürlüğü, 460-468, Erzurum, 2002.
Demir, G., Borat, M. ve Bayat, C., Tekstil Boyarmaddelerinin Beyaz Çürükçül Mantarlarla
Biyolojik Renk Giderimi, I. Ulusal Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu, Atatürk Üniversitesi Çevre
Sorunları Araştırma Merkezi Müdürlüğü, 324-334, Erzurum, 2002.
Nemlioğlu, S., Demir, G. ve Bayat, C., İstanbul Atatürk Havalimanı Örneğinde Hava Taşıtı
Kökenli Hava Kirliliği, 2000 GAP Çevre Kongresi, 1187-1194, Şanlıurfa, 2000.
Soyhan, B., Demir, G., Barlas, H. ve Bayat, C., İstanbul E5 Karayolundaki Trafikten
Kaynaklanan Ağır Metal Kirlenmesi, Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 242-248,
İzmir, 1999.
Tokgöz, N., Demir, G., Yazgıç, Ü. ve Bayat, C., İstanbul İli Hava Kirliliğinin YerleşimSanayi Alanları ile Tüketilen Yakıtlar Bazında Emisyon Veri Analizi ve Değerlendirmesi,
Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 271-278, İzmir, 1999.
Bayat, C., Caner, O., Demir, G. ve Korucuoğlu, H., Beyaz Çürükçül Funguslarla Poliflorlu
Organik Bileşiklerin Biyolojik Yıkımı, Atatürk Üniversitesi Çevre Sempozyumu, 241-251,
Erzurum, 1995.
Barlas, H., Bayat, C., Demir, G. ve Korucuoğlu, H., Bir Çevre Kirletici Olarak
Pentaklorfenol (PCP)‘ ün Değerlendirilmesi. 1994-1995 Yılı Deri Ürünlerindeki PCP Analiz
Sonuçları, Atatürk Üniversitesi Çevre Sempozyumu, 365-369, Erzurum, 1995.
Ubay, G., Hacıhanefioğlu, A. ve Demir, G., Arıtılmış Evsel Atıksuların Sulamada
Kullanılmasının Toprak Özelliklerine Etkisi, Atatürk Üniversitesi Çevre Sempozyumu 512522, Erzurum, 1995.
8.7 Other Publications
Environmental Microbiology and Laboratory Lecture Text, 2004.
8.7.1. Posters
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Sedat Karadeniz, Fatih Tabanli, Recep Vatansever, Mehmet Emin
Uras, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Neset Cenk Sesal, Goksel Demir, Determination of Mineral
Nutrient and Heavy Metal Accumulation Status of Colchicum bivonae Guss from
Abant/Bolu-Turkey, International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, Sept 1418, 2015.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Bulent Eskin, Mehmet Emin Uras, Sedat Karadeniz, Recep Vatansever,
Fatih Tabanli, Mustafa Keskin, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Mineral Nutrient
Status of Cirsium byzantinum Steud., a Narrow Endemic Species from Istanbul/Turkey,
International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, Sept 14-18, 2015.
Neşe Yılmaz, İbrahim İlker Özyiğit, Göksel Demir, İbrahim Ertuğrul Yalçın, M. Temel, An
Investigation on Phytoplankton Density, Some Nutrients and Heavy Metals in the Surface
Water of Alibeyköy Dam Lake; One of the Water Resources of Istanbul, Turkey, 2nd
International Conference "Water resources and wetlands", Tulcea, Romania, September 1113, 2014.
Huseyin Ozdemir, Alper Unal, Tayfun Kindap, Goksel Demir, Mehmet Karaca, Maudood
Khan, 2010. Measurements and Analysis of Black Carbon Aerosols in the Mediterranean
Megacity. AGU – American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December 2010, San Francisco,
California, USA.
Nemlioglu, S., Ozcan, H.K., Elmaslar, E., Demir, G. and Borat, M., ―Landfill Gas
Emissions of Aydinli Solid Waste Dumping Site‖, 13th International Symposium on
Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, Poster No. S 69,
Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2005.
Bayat, C., Nemlioglu, S., Demir, G. ve Hasancebi, A., ―Measurement and Evaluation of HC
and CO Emissions in the Runway, Apron, and Taxi Areas of Istanbul Ataturk Airport,‖
Mesaep & Secotox 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact
on Life in The Mediterranean Region, Poster No. B71, Antalya, Turkey, 2003.
Tufekci N., Demir, G., Cihangir, C. ve Borat, M., ―Removal of Fe(II) and Mn(II) by
Atmospeheric Oxygen and Sand Filters in Omerli Dam,‖ Mesaep & Secotox 12th International
Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in The Mediterranean Region,
Poster No. B 61, Antalya, Turkey, 2003.
8.7.2. The Conference Papers Submitted to the International Conferences and Published
in the Conference Proceedings. (Summary)
Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Zeki Severoglu, Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin,
Gulbubu Kurmanbekova, The assessment of heavy metal risk in Bishkek using Fraxinus
exelsior L. as biomonitor organism, International VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka,
Croatia, Sept 14-18, 2015.
Ilhan Dogan, Ulkuhan Yasar, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Zeki Severoglu, G. Demir, Ibrahim
Ertugrul Yalcin, The evaluation of seasonal variations of some trace elements in Pinus nigra
Arnold and co-located soils collected from different habitats in Bartin-Turkey, International
VI. Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, Sept 14-18, 2015.
Ulkuhan Yasar, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Zeki Severoglu, Goksel Demir, Hande
Kucukonder, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Seasonal variations of heavy metal accumulation in
Pinus pinaster Aiton and co-located soils in the vicinity of Bartin (Turkey), International VI.
Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, Sept 14-18, 2015.
Zeki Severoglu, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Gulbubu Kurmanbekova, Goksel Demir,
Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, The Screening of Heavy Pollution in Bishkek, Capital of Kyrgyzstan
using Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and Co-located Soils, International VI.
Balkan Botanical Congress, Rijeka, Croatia, Sept 14-18, 2015.
Mehmet Emin Uras, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Sedat Karadeniz, Mustafa Keskin, Goksel Demir,
Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Fatih Tabanlı, Analysis of Heavy Metal and Mineral Nutrient Levels
in Sinapis arvensis L. Plant, Grown in an Industrial Area, Kocaeli/Turkey, 2015 International
Congress on Chemical, Biological and Environmental Sciences (ICCBES), Kyoto, Japan,
May 7-9, 2015.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Bahattin Yalcin, Senay Turan, Sedat Karadeniz, G. Demir, Ibrahim
Ertugrul Yalcin, Determination off Heavy Metals and Mineral Nutrients in Leaves of Some
Widely Used Medicinal Plants In Turkey, 2015 International Congress on Chemical,
Biological and Environmental Sciences (ICCBES), Kyoto, Japan, May 7-9, 2015.
Ulkuhan Yaşar, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, C. Yücedağ, H.
Küçükönder, Zeki Severoğlu, Goksel Demir, Determination of Seasonal Heavy Metal
Distribution in Pinus nigra Arnold and Soils in Bartin-Turkey, The 5. International
Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for Sustainable
Development", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 15-18, 2014.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Nihan Semizoğlu, Hüseyin Tombuloğlu, Sedat Karadeniz, Ilhan
Dogan, Goksel Demir, Possible Molecular Induction of HSP Genes and Alteration of Mineral
Nutrient Status in Response to Cadmium Exposure Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), The
5. International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for
Sustainable Development", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 15-18, 2014.
Zeynep Uzunova, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ertugrul Filiz, Ilhan Dogan, Sedat Karadeniz, Sezen
Igdelioglu, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Monitoring Genotoxic, Physiological and
Nutritional Damages in Oat (Avena sativa L.) Induced by Lead, The 5. International
Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for Sustainable
Development", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 15-18, 2014.
Sezen Igdelioglu, Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ertugrul Filiz, Sedat Karadeniz Zeynep
Uzunova, Ş Kulaç, Goksel Demir, Evaluation of Molecular, Physiological and Nutritional
Alterations Caused by Lead in Rye (Secale cereale L.), The 5. International Symposium on
Sustainable Development (ISSD2014), "Biotechnology for Sustainable Development",
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, May 15-18, 2014.
Bulent Eskin, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Zeki Severoglu, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim
Ertugrul Yalcin, Celal Yarci, Memduh Serin, Germination, Growth and Mineral Nutrition of
Centaurea consanguinea DC. Grown in Different Parts of Turkey, First International Biology
Congress in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, September 24-26, 2012.
Yunus Atas, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Zeki Severoglu, Ilhan Dogan, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim
Ertugrul Yalcin, Memduh Serin, Aspects of Onosma proponticum Aznav: A Narrow Endemic
Plant From Istanbul-Turkey, First International Biology Congress in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek,
September 24-26, 2012.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Zeki Severoglu, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin,
Effects of Drought Stress on Growth and Mineral Nutrition Status of Begonia corallina var.
lucerna, First International Biology Congress in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, September 24-26,
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Zeki Severoglu, Mustafa Keskin, Sedat Karadeniz,
Goksel Demir, Sezen Igdelioglu, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Mineral Nutrient Uptake Statuses
of Selected Weed and Maize (Zea mays L.) Samples in a Newly Planted Cornfield, 4.
International Weed Science Congress, Agricultural University Peshawar, Pakistan, September
06-08, 2012.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Azim Ozturk, Ebru Artam-Tarhan, Sezen Igdelioglu, Goksel Demir,
The effects of Ni on Helianthus annuus L. tissue cultures in different developmental phases,
12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad,
Pakistan, September 1-3, 2012.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Bulent Eskin, Mustafa Keskin, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim
Ertugrul Yalcin, Mineral nutrient uptake status of endemic Isoetes anatolica Prada & Rolleri
populations from Turkey, 12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany Quaid-iAzam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, September 1-3, 2012.
Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Azim Ozturk, Serdal Sakcalı, Guzin Kekec, Goksel
Demir, Filiz Vardar, Ebru Artam-Tarhan, Sezen Igdelioglu, Physiological and Genotoxic
alterations Induced by Boron in Helianthus annuus L. (Sunflower), 12. National and 3.
International Conference of Botany Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan,
September 1-3, 2012.
Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Bulent Eskin, Memduh Keskin, Mineral
elements in Veronica scutellata L. (grassleaf speedwell) from Bolu-Turkey: Soil-Plant
Interactions, 12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany Quaid-i-Azam
University, Islamabad, Pakistan, September 1-3, 2012.
Volkan Altay, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Mustafa Keskin, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul
Yalcin, An Ecological Study of Endemic Plant Polygonum istanbulicum Keskin and Its
Environs, 12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany Quaid-i-Azam University,
Islamabad, Pakistan, September 1-3, 2012.
Bulent Eskin, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Volkan Altay, Goksel Demir, Memduh
Serin, Some Physiological and Autecological Features of Centaurea kilaea Boiss. from
Turkey, 12. National and 3. International Conference of Botany, Quaid-i-Azam University,
Islamabad, Pakistan, September 1-3, 2012.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Zeki Severoglu, Mustafa Keskin, Ulkuhan Yasar, Ilhan Dogan, Azim
Ozturk, Goksel Demir, Onur Zorluer, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Fatih Mahmut Bulut,
Determination of Some Heavy Metals and Mineral Nutrients in Soils and Mentha spicata
subsp. tomentosa Grown in an Industrial Area, Dilovası-Kocaeli-Turkey, International
Conference ―Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating of New Values in 21. Century‖,
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 9-12 November, 2011, (Oral Presentation)
Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Guzin Kekec, Mehmet Serdal Sakcalı, Goksel Demir,
Huseyin Tombuloglu, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Determination of Cd-induced Genotoxicity in
Roman Nettle (Urtica pilulifera L.) Using RAPD-PCR Techniques, International Conference
―Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating of New Values in 21. Century‖, Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina 9-12 November, 2011, (Oral Presentation)
Zeki Severoglu, Ulkuhan Yasar, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Mustafa Keskin, Ilhan Dogan, Azim
Ozturk, Goksel Demir, Onur Zorluer, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin, Fatih Mahmut Bulut, Use of
Calamintha nepeta subsp. glandulosa as a biomonitor organism in different polluted areas of
Kocaeli-Turkey, International Conference ―Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Generating of
New Values in 21. Century‖, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 9-12 November, 2011, (Oral
Umut Cetinkaya, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin
and Celal Yarci, Use of Platanus occidentalis L. barks for monitoring roadside pollution in
Istanbul-Turkey (Oral Presentation), International Conference of Young Scientists Advances
in Botany and Ecology, 9-13 August 2011, Berezne, Ukraine.
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Aysegul Şeker, Goksel Demir and Ibrahim Ertugrul
Yalcin, The effects of sodium chloride levels on growth, photosyntetic pigments and nutrient
uptake in Graptopetalum paraguayense (Oral Presentation), International Conference of
Young Scientists Advances in Botany and Ecology, 9-13 August 2011, Berezne, Ukraine.
Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ayşegül Şeker, Goksel Demir and Ibrahim Ertugrul
Yalcın, Growth, photosyntetic pigments and nutrient accumulation in Bryophyllum
daigremontianum plantlets in saline conditions (Oral Presentation), International Conference
of Young Scientists Advances in Botany and Ecology, 9-13 August 2011, Berezne, Ukraine.
Zeki Severoğlu, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin
and Emre Gurgen, Changes in antimicrobial activity in aluminum treated medicinal plant
Urtica pilulifera L. (Oral Presentation), International Conference of Young Scientists
Advances in Botany and Ecology, 9-13 August 2011, Berezne, Ukraine.
Yunus Atas, Ilhan Dogan, Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Goksel Demir, Ibrahim Ertugrul Yalcin and
Memduh Serin, Determination of some metal elements in Onosma proponticum (a Turkish
Endemic Plant) and soils collected from İstanbul Turkey (Oral Presentation), International
Conference of Young Scientists Advances in Botany and Ecology, 9-13 August 2011,
Berezne, Ukraine.
Goksel Demir, T. Celik, Cuma Bayat, A General Comparative Evaluation of The Existing
Legal Procedures Concerning the Solid and Hazardous Waste Management in The European
Union and in Turkey, 7th International Scientific Conference, SGEM 2007, Bulgaria.
8.7.3. Reviewer for the International Journals
Scientific Research and Essays,
Journal of Residuals Science & Technology,
Environmental Engineering Science,
Journal of Hazardous Materials,
Journal of Environmental Biology,
Environment International,
Pakistan Journal of Botany,
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy,
Journal of Waste Management,
Water, Air & Soil Pollution,
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,
Environmental Technology,
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,
International Journal of Environmental Research,
Clean - Soil, Air, Water,
International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,
Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
Journal Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,
Journal of Desalination and Water Treatment,
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering,
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
8.7.4. The Projects Applied and Technical Reports
Borat, C.Bayat, H.Barlas, G.Ubay, G.Demir, ―Mercedes-Benz Türk A.Ş. Hoşdere/İstanbul
Mevkiinde Otobüs Üretimi Yatırım Projesi Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Raporu‖, T.C.
Çevre Bakanlığı Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme ve Planlama Genel Müdürlüğüne sunulmak ve
ÇED toplantılarında savunulmak üzere Mercedes-Benz Türk A.Ş. için hazırlanmış olup ÇED
olumlu raporu alınmıştır. VII+90 sayfa ile ekler. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi
Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul, Mart 1997.
M. Borat, C. Bayat, N. Yayla, G. Demir, M. Turgut, M. Başver, , M.S. Karademir, T.
Zengin, ―Landmark Apart Otel ve Çarşı İnşaatı Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme Raporu‖, İSKİ
Genel Müdürlüğüne sunulmak üzere Kazım Erdem-Yaşar Erdem-Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü–
Erdemler İnşaat Adi Komandit Şti. için hazırlanmıştır. XVI+129 sayfa ile muhtelif eklerden
oluşmuştur. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü,
İstanbul, Haziran 1997.
M. Borat, C.Bayat, N. Yayla, H.Barlas, M. Turgut, G. Demir, ―Emintaş-Şerbetçi Ticaret
Merkezi Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme Raporu‖, İSKİ Genel Müdürlüğüne sunulmak üzere
Emintaş Emlak İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. için hazırlanmıştır. VI+96 sayfa ile muhtelif ekler.
İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul, Eylül
M. Borat, C.Bayat, N. Yayla, H.Barlas, M. Turgut G. Demir, ―İstanbul Deri Merkezi
Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Raporu‖, İSKİ Genel Müdürlüğüne sunulmak üzere Emintaş
Emlak İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. için hazırlanmıştır. IX+106 sayfa ile ekler. İstanbul Üniversitesi
Mühendislik Fakültesi Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul, Eylül 1997.
M. Borat, C.Bayat, M. Turgut, G. Demir, ―Hilmi Barlas Sağlık Tesisleri Çevresel Etki
Değerlendirme Raporu‖,. İSKİ Genel Müdürlüğüne sunulmak üzere Av. İbrahim Hilmi Barlas
için hazırlanmıştır. IX+78 sayfa ve eklerden oluşmuştur. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik
Fakültesi Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul, Ağustos 1998.
M. Borat, C.Bayat, M. Turgut, H. Barlas, G. Demir, ―İstoç Oto Center, Millenium ve Fun &
Shopping Center‘ın Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme Raporu. IX+75 sayfa ve eklerden
oluşmuştur. İstanbul Üniversitesi Çevre Sorunları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, İstanbul,
Mayıs 2000.
M. Borat, C.Bayat, M. Turgut, H. Barlas ve G. Demir, İstoç Oto Center, Millenium ve Fun &
Shopping Center‘ın Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme Raporu. IX+75 sayfa ve eklerden
oluşmuştur. İstanbul Üniversitesi Çevre Sorunları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, İstanbul,
Mayıs 2000.
M. Borat, C.Bayat, Erdinç. Kipman, Göksel Demir, Ali Küçükosmanoğlu, Acarköy İstanbulBeykoz Dereseki Serdaroğlu Çiftliği Mevkii Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Ön Araştıma
Raporu, V+90 sayfa ve eklerden oluşmuştur. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi
Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul, Eylül 2002.
M. Borat, C.Bayat, Mehmet Turgut ve Göksel Demir, İstanbul-Beykoz Çavuşbaşı
Belediyesinin 1/5.000 ölçekli Koruma Amaçlı Nazım İmar Planlarını Su kaynaklarını Koruma
Prensipleri Yönünden İnceleme Raporu. (IX+36 sayfa ve eklerden oluşmuştur. İstanbul
Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul, Nisan 2001.
M. Borat, C. Bayat, H. Barlas Hüseyin Öztürk ve Göksel Demir, Rota Tekstil Sanayi A.Ş.
Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme Raporu, XI+55 sayfa ve eklerden oluşmuştur. İstanbul
Üniversitesi Çevre Sorunları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, İstanbul, Temmuz 2000.
M. Borat, C.Bayat, Erdinç Kipman, Hulusi Barlas, Göksel Demir, Naim Sezgin ve Nuh
Çimento Sanayii A.Ş. Hereke Yanaşma Rıhtımı İlavesi Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Ön
Araştırma Raporu. XI+110 sayfa ve eklerden oluşmuştur. İstanbul Üniversitesi Mühendislik
Fakültesi Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü, İstanbul, Ocak 2001.
Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolü ve Gürültü Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolü alanında çok sayıda
Araştırma-Uygulama Projeleri ve Teknik Raporlar 1994-2008.
8.8 International Citations
Determination of heavy metal concentrations in street dusts in Istanbul E-5 highway
N Sezgin, HK Ozcan, G Demir, S Nemlioglu, C Bayat
Environment international 29 (7), 979-985
Procedure for determining maximum sustainable power generated by microbial fuel cells
J Menicucci, H Beyenal, E Marsili, RA Veluchamy, G Demir, ...
Environmental science & technology 40 (3), 1062-1068
Decolorization of Remazol Yellow RR Gran by white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium
G Demir, HK Ozcan, N Tufekci, M Borat
Journal of Environmental Biology 28 (4), 813-817
Solidification/stabilization of landfill leachate concentrate using different aggregate materials
SY Hunce, D Akgul, G Demir, B Mertoglu
Waste management 32 (7), 1394-1400
Prediction of tropospheric ozone concentration by employing artificial neural networks
H Ozdemir, G Demir, G Altay, S Albayrak, C Bayat
Environmental Engineering Science 25 (9), 1249-1254
Degradation of toluene and benzene by Trametes versicolor.
G Demir
Journal of environmental biology/Academy of Environmental Biology, India 25 ...
CD4⁺ Foxp3⁺ Treg and its ICOS⁺ Subsets in Patients with Myocardial Infarction
SG Gazar, A Andalib, M Hashemi, A Rezaei
Iran. J. Immunol 9 (1), 53
The effects of zinc treatment on the blood–brain barrier permeability and brain element levels
during convulsions
H Yorulmaz, FB Şeker, G Demir, İE Yalçın, B Öztaş
Biological trace element research 151 (2), 256-262
Effect of diurnal changes in VOC source strengths on performances of receptor models
S Demir, A Saral, F Ertürk, SL Kuzu, Bİ Goncaloğlu, G Demir
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19 (5), 1503-1514
Determination of heavy metal concentrations in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller)
grown in different station types
E Osma, II Ozyigit, Z Leblebici, G Demir, M Serin
Romanian Biotechnological Letters 17 (1), 6963
Adsorption of picric acid from aqueous solution by the weakly basic adsorbent amberlite IRA67
H Uslu, G Demir
Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 55 (9), 3290-3296
A detailed investigation of ambient aerosol composition and size distribution in an urban
SL Kuzu, A Saral, S Demir, G Summak, G Demir
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (4), 2556-2568
Comparison of solid− liquid equilibrium data for the adsorption of propionic acid and tartaric
acid from aqueous solution onto Amberlite IRA-67
H Uslu, İ İnci, SS Bayazit, G Demir
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48 (16), 7767-7772
Removal of color from textile wastewater containing azodyes by Fenton's reagent
S Acarbabacan, I Vergili, Y Kaya, G Demir, H Barlas
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 11 (10), 840-843
Spatial and temporal analysis of black carbon aerosols in Istanbul megacity
H Ozdemir, L Pozzoli, T Kindap, G Demir, B Mertoglu, N Mihalopoulos, ...
Science of the Total Environment 473, 451-458
Case study of PM pollution in playgrounds in Istanbul
H Ozdemir, B Mertoglu, G Demir, A Deniz, H Toros
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 108 (3-4), 553-562
Mineral element distribution of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) seedlings under different
salinity levels
I Dogan, II Ozyigit, G Demir
Pak. J. Bot 44, 15-20
Advanced treatment of leachate by using aerobic/anoxic MBR system followed by a
nanofiltration process. A case study in Istanbul komurcuoda leachate treatment plant
A Coban, G Demir, HE Okten, HK Ozcan, C Yaman, S Yildiz
Environment Protection Engineering 38 (3), 57-64
Some ecological characteristics and the flora of Gölcük District and its environs (KocaeliTurkey)
Z Severoğlu, V Altay, ĐĐ Özyiğit, M Keskin, M Serin, C Yarci, Ü Yaşar, ...
Scientific Research and Essays 6 (4), 847-875
Modeling of methane distribution in a landfill using genetic algorithms
HK Ozcan, N Balkaya, E Bilgili, G Demir, ON Ucan, C Bayat
Environmental Engineering Science 26 (2), 441-450
Determination of some important emissions of sunflower oil production industrial wastes
G Demir, S Nemlioglu, U Yazgic, EE Dogan, C Bayat
J Sci Ind Res 64, 226-228
I Dogan, II Ozyigit, G Demir
Journal of Plant Nutrition 37 (3), 469-481
Characterization of municipal solid waste in Istanbul, Turkey
S Yildiz, C Yaman, G Demir, HK Ozcan, A Coban, HE Okten, K Sezer, ...
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 32 (3), 734-739
Determination of some heavy metals and mineral nutrients of bay tree (Laurus nobilis L.) in
bartin city, Turkey
U Yasar, II Ozyigit, IE Yalcin, I Dogan, G Demir
Pak J Bot 44, 81-89
Elemental concentrations of atmospheric aerosols and the soil samples on the selected
playgrounds in Istanbul
G Demir, S Yigit, H Ozdemir, G Borucu, A Saral
Journal of Residuals Science & Technology 7 (2)
Decolourisation of azo dyes containing wastewater by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in a
rotating biological contactor
G Demir
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 11 (1), 7-19
The effect of organic matters on manganese oxidation
E Yasavul, N Tufekci, G Demir
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 11 (10), 874-879
Germination physiology and autecology of Centaurea kilaea Boiss. from Turkey
B Eskin, I Ozyigit, I Dogan, V Altay, G Demir, M Serin
Sains Malaysiana 42 (10), 1473-1482
Landfill leachate treatment: a case study for Istanbul City
C Yaman, HK Ozcan, G Demir, HE Okten, S Yildiz, A Coban, V Balahorli
Clean–Soil, Air, Water 40 (7), 706-711
Characterization of ambient volatile organic compounds and their diurnal variations in istanbul,
S Demir, A Saral, D Isik, A Akyildiz, SL Kuzu, S Mert, G Demir, ...
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 20 (11), 2951-2958
Feature selection for the prediction of tropospheric ozone concentration using a wrapper
CO Sakar, G Demir, O Kursun, H Ozdemir, G Altay, S Yalcin
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 17 (4), 403-413
an artificial neural network-based model for short-term predictions of daily mean PM10
G Demir, H Ozdemir, HK Ozcan, ON Ucan, C Bayat
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 11 (3), 1163-1171
Examining the particulate matter (PM2. 5 ve PM10) pollution on the playgrounds in Istanbul.
H Özdemir, G Borucu, G Demı̇ r, S Yigit, N Ak
Ekoloji 19 (77), 72-79
İstanbul'daki çocuk oyun parklarında partikül madde (PM2, 5 ve PM10) kirliliğinin incelenmesi
H Özdemir, G Borucu, G Demir, S Yiğit, N Ak
Ekoloji 20 (77), 72-79
Gas emissions of Yakacik closed solid waste landfill site in Istanbul
G Demir, HK Ozcan, S Nemlioglu, N Sezgin, M Borat, C Bayat
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 13 (10), 974-978
The effect of organic matters on ferrous oxidation
N Tufekci, G Demir, G Ozgul, C Kinaci
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 12 (7), 771-775
Gas emissions in Istanbul-Kemerburgaz solid waste landfill site
S Nemlioglu, G Demir, B Soyhan, M Borat, C Bayat
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 11 (10), 915-920
Degradation of some chlorinated organic materials by white rot fungus (Phanerochaete
chrysosporium) in waters
G Demir, H Barlas, C Bayat
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 7 (12 A), 927-933
Marmara Denizi'nin değişen oşinografik şartlarının izlenmesi projesi (MAREM): 2008 senesi
çalışma verileri (ön raporlar)
ML Artüz
Piri Reis Üniversitesi
Decolorization of Azo Dyes by the White Rot Fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium
Sigma, 3
Determination of seasonal variations of major landfill gas in Istanbul Kemerburgaz-Odayeri
solid waste landfill
HK Ozcan, M Borat, N Sezgin, S Nemlioglu, G Demir
Investigation of the catalytic reaction kinetics of Fe (III) on Fe (II) oxidation at various pH
G Demir, N Tufekci
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 11 (10), 868-873
Assessment of some heavy metals in wild type and cultivated purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.)
and soils in Istanbul, Turkey
E Osma, II Ozyigit, G Demir, U Yasar
Fresenius Environ Bull 23 (9), 2181À2189
Quantification of the Urban Heat Island Under a Changing Climate over Anatolian Peninsula
T Kindap, A Unal, D Bozkurt, G Demir, H Ozdemir, M Karaca, M Tayanc, ...
INTECH Open Access Publisher
Comparative Cost Analysis of Pressure Exchanger (PX) and Turbine Type Energy Recovery
Devices at Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Plants
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology 12 (3), 1186-1194
Prediction and evaluation of tropospheric ozone concentration in Istanbul using artificial neural
network modeling according to lime parameter
G Demir, G Altay, CO Sakar, S Alhayrak, H Ozdemir, S Yalcin
Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research 67 (9), 674
Heavy metal amounts in soil and sediments of surface water sources in the industrial regions of
EE Ozbas, HK Ozcan, N Balkaya, G Demir, C Bayat
J. Residuals Sci. Tech 4, 89-94
Heavy metal concentration of atmospheric ambient deposition dust in Istanbul–Bosphorus
Bridge Tollhouses
HK Ozcan, G Demir, S Nemlioglu, N Sezgin, C Bayat
Journal of Residual Science and Technology 4 (1), 55-59
Determination of phytoplankton density, and study of the variation of nutrients and heavy
metals in the surface water of Riva Stream; one of the water sources of Istanbul, Turkey
N Yilmaz, II Ozyigit, G Demir, IE Yalcin
Desalination and Water Treatment 55 (3), 810-820
A LEED Environmental Performance Certificate Application in Terms of Recyclable Content
G Demir, U Alyuz, E Okten, H Ozgoren
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 4 (2), 80
Distribution of some elements in Veronica scutellata L. from Bolu, Turkey: soil-plant
Sains Malaysiana 42 (10), 1403-1407
Mineral element uptake status of endemic Isoetes anatolica Prada & Rolleri populations from
II Ozyigit, I Dogan, B Eskin, M Keskin, G Demir, IE Yalcin
Pak J Bot 45 (S1), 515-519
Investigation of efficiency of amberlite XAD-16 on adsorption of 2, 4, 6-trinitrophenol (TNP)
H Uslu, G Demir
Desalination and Water Treatment 39 (1-3), 88-94
Online Detection and Analysis System for Air Pollution Hot Spots in Turkey
E Ozkan, H Ozdemir, CO Sakar, G Demir, A Unal, T Kindap
2nd International Conference on Biotechnology and Environment Management
Decreasing water resources and a comprehensive approach to seawater reverse osmosis
(SWRO): Case study—Cost analysis of a sample SWRO system
RS Timur, G Demir, A Çoban, A Çorum, T Bozbura
Desalination and Water Treatment 26 (1-3), 145-151
Identifying effective variables using mutual information and building predictive models of
sulfur dioxide concentration with support vector machines
CO Sakar, O Kursun, H Ozdemir, G Demir, S Yalcin
Ekoloji 19 (76), 102-112
Methane emission in landfill gas at two closed waste disposal sites in Istanbul, Turkey
HK Ozcan, S Nemlioglu, G Demir, EE Ozbas, M Borat
Journal of scientific & industrial research 66, 403-406
Catalytic effects of Fe (III) during oxygenation of Fe (II) in continuous flow iron removal
N Tufekci, G Demir
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 11 (10), 863-867
9. Research Projects
Nutrient Requirement in Anaerobic Treatment Systems, (in Turkish), the Research Fund of
the Istanbul University, Project No.1040/031297, Istanbul, Turkey, 1999. (Assistant)
Landfill Gas Measurement in Solid Waste Landfill Sites of Istanbul, the Research Fund of the
Istanbul University, Project No. 1139/010598, Istanbul, Turkey, 2000. (Assistant)
An Investigation of Landfill Gas Emissions Originated from some of the Landfill Sites in
Istanbul, Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects Executive Secretariat, Project No.
54/2301 2003, (Assistant).
Investigation of the Catalytic Reaction Kinetics of Fe(III) on Fe(II) Oxidation at Various pH
Values, Istanbul University Scientific Research Projects Executive Secretariat, Project
No.199/ 1804 2003, (PI).
Microbial Fuel Cells and Energy Generation, Postdoctoral NATO Fellowship of TUBITAK
(The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey), Project No.
B.02.1.TBT., Center For Biofilm Engineering, Montana State
University, Bozeman-Montana, USA, August 2004-August 2005 (PI).
Gas Emissions of Yakacik Closed Solid Waste Landfill Side in İstanbul, Istanbul University
Scientific Research Projects Executive Secretariat, BYP-795/ 17102005, 2005, (PI).
Investigation of Pollution on Playgrounds in Istanbul: Ambient Air (Inhalable particulate
Matter) and Soil (Heavy Metals) Pollution, Tübitak 1001, 2008-2010, (PI).
Sources and Composition of Urban Aerosols: A Case Study in Istanbul, Tübitak 1002, 20112012.
Development of Emissions Inventory for the City of Istanbul and Validation via Air Quality
Models and Observations, Tübitak Research Projects, 2011-2013, (PI).
Heavy metal concentration of some tree species in Bishkek Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Turkish
Manas University, 2013-2014, (Assistant).
Kırgısiztan Doğal Ceviz Populasyonu İçerisinden Üstün Özellikli Tiplerin Seçilmesi ve
Bunların Meyve Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi, Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University, 2015-2017,
SODAR ile Atmosfer Sınır Tabaka Araştırılması ve Hava Kirleticileri ile İlişkilendirilmesi,
Proje Numarası: 112Y319, Tübitak, (Assistant), 2013-2016.
Development of National Air Pollution Emissions Management System, Tübitak 1007, 20132016, (PI).
10. Administrative Positions
Bahçeşehir University, Head of Environmental Engineering Department,
Bahçeşehir University, Board Member of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science,
Bahçeşehir University, Board Member of Engineering Faculty,
Bahçeşehir University, Head of Environmental Engineering Department,
2011- 2015
Bahçeşehir University, Board Member of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science,
2011- 2015
Bahçeşehir University, Board Member of Engineering Faculty,
2011- 2015
Kirklareli University, Vice Dean of Arts and Sciences Faculty,
2015- …
11. Membership of Academic Societies
Adviser Board Member of ―Journal of Laboratory World‖
Mediterranean Scientific Association of Environmental Protection (MESAEP)
International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
12. Honors/Awards
Postdoctoral NATO Fellowship of TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technical Research
Council of Turkey), Project No. B.02.1.TBT., for 6 months at the
Center For Biofilm Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman-Montana, USA, August
2004-August 2005.
Istanbul University, Scientific Research Projects, Successful Researcher Certificate, Istanbul,
Turkey, 1999.
Istanbul University, Scientific Research Projects, Successful Researcher Certificate, Istanbul,
Turkey, 2003.
Istanbul University, Scientific Research Projects, Successful Researcher Certificate, Istanbul,
Turkey, 2006.
13. The Graduate and Undergraduate Courses which are taught Last Two Academic
Hours per Week
Course Name
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Enerji Üretimi ve Çevresel Etkileri
Ulaştırmanın Çevresel Etkileri
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Enerji Üretimi ve Çevresel Etkileri
Ulaştırmanın Çevresel Etkileri
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Environmental Microbiology
Solid Waste Management
Çevresel Planlama ve Etki
Atık Yönetimi
Yüksek Lisans Tezi
Theoretical Practice
Kent Ekonomisi
Ekoloji ve Sürdürülebilirlik

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