curriculum vitae


curriculum vitae
Bülent Aras
Professor of International Relations
Center for Strategic Studies
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Balgat, Ankara
Tel: 00 90 312 292 2587
Mobile: 00 90 530 511 7224
Fax: 00 90 312 292 2635
Boğaziçi University
Boğaziçi University
Boğaziçi University
Professional Experience
Adjunct Fellow, Istanbul Policy Center, Istanbul (2011- )
Visiting Senior Fellow of Turkish Studies, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University,
Oxford (2010).
Prof. Dr. of International Relations, Department of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul ( 2009-2010)
Chair, Department of International Relations, Isik University, Istanbul (2008 - 2009)
Coordinator of Foreign Policy Studies, Foundation for Political, Economic and Social
Research, Ankara, (2008-2010)
Prof. Dr. of International Relations, Isik University, Istanbul (2007-2009)
Assoc. Prof. of International Relations, Isik University, Istanbul (2005-2007)
Project Director, Turkish-Asian Center for Strategic Studies (2004-2006)
Visiting Fellow, EU Institute of Strategic Studies, Paris (Summer 2004)
Visiting Fellow, St.Anthony’s College, Oxford University, Oxford (Winter 2003).
Teaching Faculty (Assist.Prof. and Assoc.Prof.), Fatih University, Istanbul (1999-2006)
Advisory Board Member, Eurasian Center for Strategic Studies, Ankara (1999-2000)
Adjunct Professor of Central Asian Studies, Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana
University, (November 1997-November 1998).
Research Awards & Projects
EUROMESCO Project, “State and Anti-System Party Interactions in Turkey and
Lebanon: Implications for European Policy,” (January 2008-January 2009).
TUBITAK project, “The Role and Impact of International Relations Experts on Shaping
National Security Culture in Turkey,” (June 2007 – June 2010).
Istanbul Municipality, Scientific Research Project, “Urban Security and Terror in the
post September 11 Environment: A New Approach by which the Municipal
Governments might play an Active Role,” (May 2007 – October 2008).
Isik University, Scientific Research Project, “The Role and Impact of International
Relations Experts on Shaping National Security Culture in Turkey,” (December 2006December 2007) (with Sule Toktas).
TUBITAK Project, “Writing a Report on Dilemmas of Security: Security-Democracy
and Security-Stability Dilemmas in the Cases of Syria and Afghanistan,” Project No:
(September 2006- May 2007) (with Sule Toktas)
Isik University, Scientific Research Project, (July 2006 – June 2007) (with Sule Toktas).
European Union Institute for Security Studies Fellowship Award (Summer 2004)
Oxford University, Program on Contemporary Turkey Fellowship Award (Winter 2003)
Bar-Illan University’s BESA Center Grant for writing a manuscript on Middle East
Security and Caspian Sea Region. (Fall and Winter 1999).
TUBA Grant for Study in the U.S. (1997-1999)
Teaching Experience
International Relations Theory, European Foreign and Security Policy, International
Organizations, History of Political Thought, International Conflict Resolution, Central
Asia and Caucasus in World Politics, Modern World System and International
Relations, Introduction to International Relations, Turkish Foreign Policy, Theories of
International Relations, Terrorism and Violence in International Context.
Turkish, English, intermediate level Arabic and some Persian.
Books in English
1. War in the Gardens of Babylon: Middle East after the Iraqi War, edited volume,
(Istanbul: TASAM, 2004).
2. Turkey and the Greater Middle East (Istanbul: TASAM: 2004).
3. September 11 and World Politics: American Hegemony Reconsidered (Istanbul:
FUP, 2004).
4. New Geopolitics of Eurasia and Turkey's Position (London: Frankcass, 2002).
5. Oil and Geopolitics in Caspian Sea Basin, co-edited with M. Croissant,
(Westport, CT: Prager Pub.: 1999)
6. Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process and Turkey (Commack, NY: Nova, 1998).
Books in Turkish
1. Araştırma Merkezlerinin Yükselişi: Türkiye'de Dış Politika ve Ulusal Güvenlik
Kültürü (Ankara: SETA, 2010). (with Şule Toktaş and Ümit Kurt)
2. Demokrasi, Güvenlik ve İstikrar Sarmalında Afganistan ve Suriye (Ankara:
SETA, 2008). (with Sule Toktas)
3. 11 Eylül: Öncesi ve Sonrası (İstanbul: Etkileşim, 2006). (with Gökhan Bacık).
4. Avrupa Birliği ve Enerji Güvenliği: Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Çevre (İstanbul:
TASAM, 2005).
5. 21. Yüzyılda Afrika: Güvenlik, Siyaset, Ekonomi (İstanbul: TASAM, 2005) (with
Hasan Selçuk and Kenan Dağcı)
6. Avrupa Birliği ve Hazar Bölgesi: Irak Savaşı Sonrası Jeopolitik Araştırma
Raporu (İstanbul: TASAM, 2005)
7. Irak Savaşı Sonrası Ortadoğu (İstanbul: TASAM, 2004).
8. Küresel Dönüşüm, Radikal Yaklaşımlar (İstanbul: Q-Matris, 2004).
9. Ortadoğu ve Türkiye (İstanbul: Q-Matris, 2003).
10. Filistin İsrail Barış Süreci ve Türkiye (İstanbul: Bağlam, 1996).
Book Chapters
1. “Turkish Foreign Policy under Davutoglu,” in The AKP and Turkey as a
Regional Power, ed., William Park. Stanford University Press, forthcoming
(with Pınar Akpınar).
2. “The Relations between Turkey and Caucasus,” in Foreign Policy in Turkey,
ed., Ibrahim Kalın. İstanbul: Meydan, 2011: 79-99. (in Turkish) (with Pınar
3. “Davutoğlu Era Turkish Foreign Policy: 2009 Overview,” in Turkish Foreign
Policy 2009 Almanac, eds., Burhanettin Duran, Kemal İnat ve Muhittin Ataman.
Ankara: SETA, March 2011. (in Turkish)
4. “The Regional Context: The Role of Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia,” in
What Can Europe Do in Iraq? Recommendations for a New U.S.-European
Collaboration, eds., Ralf Fücks and Barbara Unmüßig. Berlin: Heinrich Böll
Stiftung, 2009: 51-61.
5. “Turkey, September 11 and Greater Middle East,” in Remaking Turkey:
Globalization, Alternative Modernities and Democracy, ed, E. Fuat Keyman.
Boulder, New York, Oxford: Lexington Books, Lanham, 2007.
6. “The Turkish Experience in the Struggle against Islamic Extremism,” in Roots
and Routes of Democracy and Extremism, ed. Timo Hellenberg. Helsinki:
University of Helsinki, 2006: 263-285.
“The Greater Middle East Initiative and Turkey,” in Turkey, Greece and
Cyprus: Security across the Borderlands of a New Europe, ed. Bülent Gökay.
Manchester: Keele University, 2005: 30-40.
8. “GCC and Turkey,” in Gulf in the Year 2004, Gulf Research Center, Dubai,
UAE, 2005: 187-193.
9. “Impediments to Establish an Energy Regime in Caucasia,” in Security of
Natural Gas Supply through Transit Countries, eds. J.Hetland and
T.Gochitashvili. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Pub., 2004: 343-354. (with
Gökhan Bacık)
10. “Security in Black Sea Area,” in The Geopolitical and Economic Transition in
Eurasia: Problems and Prospects, New York: Global Pub, 2004: 177-190.
11. “Turkey and Iraqi Crisis”, in War in the Gardens of Babylon: Middle East after
the Iraqi War, ed. Bülent Aras, Istanbul: TASAM, 2004: 125-137.
12. “Turkish Foreign Policy Toward Iran,” in Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the 21st
Century: A Changing Role in World Politics, eds., Tareq Ismael and Mustafa
Aydın. New York: Ashgate Pub., 2003: 115-132
13. “Turkey and Transcaucasus,” in Geopolitics of Central Asia in the post - Cold
War era: A Systemic Analysis, eds., Ertan Efegil and Meryem Kırımlı. Leiden:
SOTA Pub., 2002: 122-145.
14. “Turkey and Caspian Oil Controversies,” in Oil and Geopolitics in Caspian Sea
Region, eds. Bulent Aras and Micheal P. Croissant, Praeger Pub., 1999: 229249.
Project Reports
State and Anti-System Party Interactions in Turkey and Lebanon: Implications for
European Policy. EUROMESCO Paper 82 (March 2009). (with Ozge Genc, Ebru Ilhan
and Jad Jabaan).
Urban Security and Terror in the post September 11 Environment: A Guide for Istanbul
Municipality. Project Istanbul Paper (January 2009).
Journal Articles (SSCI & AHCI)
“Turkey Faces the Arab Spring: A Turkish View,” International Journal,
Summer 2012: forthcoming.
2. “The Role of Think Tanks in the Making of National Security Culture in
Turkey,” Bilig, Spring 2012: forthcoming. (with Şule Toktaş).
3. “National Role Conceptions and Foreign Policy Orientation: The Ideational
Bases of the Justice and Development Party's Foreign Policy Activism in the
Middle East,” Journal of Balkans and Near East Studies, 12 (1), 2010: 73-92.
(with Aylin Gorener).
“The Return of Russian-African Relations,” Bilig, 52, Winter 2010: 47-68.
(with Hakan Fidan).
5. “The EU and Minority Rights in Turkey,” Political Science Quarterly, 124 (4):
2009/10: 697-720. (with Sule Toktas).
6. “Azerbaijan’s Far Eastern Orientation and South Korea,” Korean Journal of
Defense Analysis, 21 (3), 2009: 329-343. (with Reha Yılmaz).
7. “Turkey and Eurasia: Frontiers of a New Geographic Imagination,” New
Perspectives on Turkey, (40): 2009, 195-217. (with Hakan Fidan).
8. “Turkey’s Rise in the Greater Middle East: Peace-Building in the Periphery”
Journal of Balkans and Near East Studies, 11 (1), Winter 2009: 29-41.
“From Conflict to Cooperation: De-securitization of Turkey’s Relations with
Syria and Iran,” Security Dialogue, 39 (5): Fall 2008: 475-495: (with Rabia
Karakaya Polat).
10. “Afghanistan’s Security: Political Process, State-Building and Narcotics,”
Middle East Policy, 15 (2): Summer 2008: 39-52 (with Sule Toktas).
11. “The Limits of the Russian-Iranian Strategic Alliance: its History and
Geopolitics, and the Nuclear Issue,” Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 20 (1):
Winter 2008: 47-62. (with Fatih Ozbay).
12. “Polish-Russian Relations: History, Geography and Geopolitics,” East European
Quarterly, 42 (1): March 2008: 27-42. (with Fatih Ozbay).
13. "Turkey and the Middle East: Frontiers of the New Geographic Imagination,"
Australian Journal of International Affairs, 61 (4), December 2007: 471-488.
(with Rabia Karakaya Polat)
14. “Al-Qaida, War on Terror and Turkey,” Third World Quarterly, 28 (5), June
2007: 1033-1050. (with Sule Toktas).
15. “Dances with Wolves: Russia and Iranian Nuclear Issue,” Middle East Policy,
13 (4), Winter 2006: 132-147. (with Fatih Ozbay)
16. “Turkey, EU and the Middle East: Is Harmonization Possible” East European
Quarterly, 40 (3), September 2006: 367-381 (with Salih Bicakci).
17. “Turkey and Gulf Cooperation Council,” Middle East Policy, 12 (4), Winter
2005: 89-97.
18. “Future of Liberal Islam,” Futures, 36 (9), Fall 2004: 1034-37.
19. “The Mystery of Turkish Hizballah,” Middle East Policy, 9 (2), 2002: 147-161
(with Gokhan Bacik)
20. “Exile: A Keyword to Understand Turkish Politics,” Muslim World, 92 (3), Fall
2002: 387-406. (with Gokhan Bacik).
21. “Turkish-Israeli-Iranian Relations in the 1990s and Their Impact on the Middle
East,” Middle East Policy, 7 (3), 2000: 151-165.
22. “Post-Cold War Realities: Israel’s Strategy in Azerbaijan and Central Asia,”
Middle East Policy, 5(1), 1998: 68-82
23. "Islamist Impasse by Ibrahim Karawan" Middle East Policy, 5(2), 1998: 78-79.
(Book review)
Articles in Refereed Journals
1. “The Relations between Turkey and Caucasus,” Perceptions, 16(3), Autumn
2011: 53-68
2. “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy and its Implication for the Middle East,” Sharq
Namah, Special Edition for Ahmet Davutoğlu, June 2010 (with Pınar Akpınar).
3. “Iraqi Partition and Turkey’s War on Terror: A Wider Perspective”, Insight
Turkey, 9 (3), 2007.
4. “Turkey and South Caucasus”, Global Dialogue, 7(3/4), Summer/Autumn 2005:
5. “Turkish-Russian Relations: Implications for Eurasia’s Implications”, PINR, 9
February 2005, available at
6. “Turkish-Iranian-Syrian Relations: Limits of Regional Politics in the Middle
East”, PINR, 7 March 2005.
7. "Terror, the International System and Turkey", Insight Turkey, Vol. 6, No. 1,
Feb. 2004 , pp. 129-135.
8. "Failure of Political Islam in Turkey", Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 1,
May. 2004, pp. 87-95.
9. "Turkey's Inescaple Dilemma: America or Europe", Alternatives: Turkish
Journal of International Relations, Vol. 3, No. 1, Mar. 2004, pp. 56-74 (with
Gökhan Bacık)
10. “Turkey after Copenhagen: Walking a Tightrope,” Journal of Southern Europe
and the Balkans, 5 (2), 2003: 147-168. (with Bülent Gökay)
11. “Turkey and the Palestinian Question since Al-Aqsa Intifada,” Alternatives:
Turkish Journal of International Relations, 1(3), 2002: 49-63.
12. “Turco-Armenian Relations: A Critical Analysis,” Central Asia and Caucasus, 4
(16), 2002: 102-110. (with Havva Karakas-Keles)
13. “Turkish-Syrian Relations Revisited,” Arab Studies Quarterly, 24 (4) 2002: 4761. (with Hasan Koni)
14. “Academic Perceptions of Turkish-Israeli Relations,” Alternatives: Turkish
Journal of International Relations, 1(1), 2002: 1-17.
15. “The Caspian Region and Middle East Security,” Mediterranean Quarterly, 13
(1), 2002: 86-109.
16. "Civil Society Under the Hegemony of State: Notes on Selected Middle Eastern
States," Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, 25 (2), 2002: 1-12.
(with M.Lutfullah Karaman).
17. “Turkey and South Caucasus: Ten Years after Independence,” Central Asia and
the Caucasus, 2 (5), 2001: 18-34.
18. “Turkish Foreign Policy towards Iran: Ideology and Foreign Policy in Flux,"
Journal of Third World Studies, 18 (1), 2001: 105-124.
19. “Transformation of Iranian Political System: Towards an Alternative Model,”
MERIA Journal, 5 (3), 2001: 12-21.
20. “Caspian Riches and Gulf Security,” Brown Journal of World Affairs, 7 (2),
2000: 79-92.
21. “Turkish Foreign Policy and Jerusalem: Towards a Societal Construction of
Foreign Policy,” Arab Studies Quarterly, 23 (4), 2000: 31-59.
22. "Turkey's Policy in the Former Soviet South: Assets and Options," Turkish
Studies, 1 (1), 2000: 36-58
23. “The Rise of the Nationalist Action Party and Turkish Politics,” Nationalism &
Ethnic Politics, 6 (4), 2000: 48-63. (with Gokhan Bacik)
24. “The Crisis of Civil Society in Turkey,” Journal of Social and Economic
Research, 2 (2), 2000: 39-58 (with Lutfullah Karaman)
25. “Black Sea Economic Cooperation Zone: Current Status and Future Prospects,”
Journal of Academic Studies, 1(1), 1999: 125-145.
26. “Iranian Policy toward Caspian Sea Basin,” Mediterranean Quarterly, 9(4),
1998: 78-90
27. "Informal Roundtable on Recent Events in Turkey" Meria Journal, 2(2), 1998
(with Barry Rubin and Kemal Kirişçi).
28. “Turkish Islam’s Moderate Face,” Middle East Quarterly, 5 (3), 1998: 23-31.
29. “The Main Turning Points in the Shift of Turkish Nationalism from Liberalism
to Etatism,” Hamdard Islamicus, 21 (3), 1998: 69-74.
30. "The Place of the Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process in Turkish Foreign Policy,"
The Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 21 (2), 1997: 49-72.
31. "U.S.-Central Asian Relations: A View from Turkey," MERIA Journal, 1 (1),
January 1997.
32. "The Importance of Turkey to Relations between Europe and the Turkic
Republics of the Former Soviet Union," UCLA Journal of International Law and
Foreign Affairs, 2(1), June 1997: 101-125
33. "The Failure of Democracy in Sudan: The Role of the Political System" Journal
of the Pakistan Historical Society, 44 (3), July 1996: 289-301. In Turkish,
Strateji, (2), 1996: 101-114.
Selected Articles in Non-Refereed Journals
1. “The Turks and Jerusalem,” Contemporary Review, 279 (1629), October 2001:
2. "Turkey and Azerbaijan: Light at the End of the Pipeline," RIES Special Report,
Athens, Greece, January 1998, (with George Foster).
3. “Azerbaijan’s Far Eastern Friends,” Middle East International, (570), 13 March
1998: 16.
4. “Turkey and Iran: Time to Revise Policies,” Middle East International, (577),
19 June 1998: 19.
5. “Palestinian-Israeli Peace Process Since Oslo: Reality or Dream,” Strategic
Analysis, 19(8) Nov. 1996 : 1157-1177
Policy Papers
1. “Dealing with Russia: A Turkish Perspective,” GMF Trilateral Opinion Brief, 7
May 2010.
2. “Turkey and the Russian Federation: An Emerging Multi-Dimensional
Partnership,” SETA Policy Brief, No.35 (August 2009).
3. The Nabucco Natural Gas Pipeline: From Opera to Reality, SETA Policy Brief,
No.34 (July 2009).
4. “Davutoglu Era in Turkish Foreign Policy,” SETA Policy Brief, No.32 (May
5. “Converging Regional Policies,” Bitterlemons-International, 7(14), 16 April
6. “A New Geographic Imagination,” Bitterlemons-International, 7(9), 5 March
7. “Turkey can Persuade Hamas to Opt for Peace,” Bitterlemons-International,
7(5), 5 February 2009.
8. “Turkey and the Palestinian Question,” SETA Policy Brief, No.27 (January
9. Turkish-Armenian Relations: Beyond Football Diplomacy,” TUSIAD Private
View, (Autumn 2008), 68-71.
10. “Turkish-Armenian Relations: Will Football Diplomacy Work?” SETA Policy
Brief, No.24 (September 2008)
11. “Turkish-Syrian Relations and Turkey’s Mediator Role,” SETA Policy Brief,
No.15 (April 2008)
12. “Turkish Policy toward Central Asia,” SETA Policy Brief, No.12 (April 2008).
13. “New Turkish Strategy Points the Way Ahead,” Bitterlemons-International,
6(16), 17 April 2008.
14. “Turkey’s War against Terror,” SETA Policy Brief, No.2 (November 2007).
15. “Turkey’s Options,” Bitterlemons-International, 4(10), 16 March 2006.
Selected Conference Papers and Presentations
1. “Turkish Foreign Policy toward Iran” Paper Read in Conference on Turkish
Policy toward the Middle East, April 6-7, 1998, Washington Institute for Near
Eastern Policy, Washington, DC.
2. “The Question of Other in International Relations: From Hegel to Bosnia,”
Paper Read in Conference on The Humanities on the Birth of the Third
Millenium, June 5-6, 1999, Fatih University, Istanbul.
3. “Transformation of Iranian Political System: Towards a New Model?” 7th
International Symposium on Dialogue Between Cultures, by IAMES (The
International Association of Middle Eastern Studies) and Free University,
Berlin/Germany, 4-8 October 2000.
4. “The Organisation of Black Sea Economic Cooperation and Regional Security,”
Paper Read in Conference on Energy and Pipeline Security in the Black Sea
Region, by THE BLACK SEA STRATEGY GROUP Second Meeting, Baku,
Azerbaijan, February 16-17, 2001.
5. “Security in Black Sea Region,” Paper Read in Conference on The Geopolitical
and Economic Transitions in Eurasia, by Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey,
May 9-12, 2001.
6. “Civilian Control of Professional Military Forces in the Middle East,” Paper
Read in Conference on Armies in the Middle East by Center for Eurasian
Strategic Studies (AVSAM), Ankara, Turkey, June 25-26, 2001.
7. “Turkish Foreign Policy and Jerusalem,” Paper read in American Political
Science Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August 29- September 2,
8. “Turkish Islam and Regional Peace,” Paper read in AMSS 30th Annual
Conference: Religion and Public Life in The Global Epoch, University of
Michigan, Dearborn Campus, October 26 – 28, 2001.
9. “Oil and Security in South-West and Central Asia,” Comprehensive Security
and Economic Prospects in South-West Central Asian Region, Islamabad Policy
Research Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan and Hanns Seidel Foundation, Munich,
Germany. The conference was held on 28-29 August 2002 at Hotel Holiday Inn,
Islamabad, Pakistan.
10. “Current Turkish Foreign Policy toward Iraq,” Iranian and Turkish Policies
toward Iraq, Programme on Contemporary Turkey, St.Antony’s College, Oxford
University, 21 February 2003.
11. “GCC, Europe and Turkey,” A Window of Opportunity: Europe, Gulf Security
and the aftermath of the Iraqi War, Gulf Research Center, Bertelsmann
Foundation and Center for Applied Policy Research, Dubai, UAE, 23-25
November 2004.
12. “Future(s) of the Middle East after September 11,” Middle East Under the
Shadow of the Ideologies, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey, 20 December
13. “Turkey and Eurasia in the aftermath of September 11,” Democratization, Power
Politics and Eurasia, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2005.
14. “Turkey and the Middle East: Frontiers of New Activism,” Security and
Cooperation in the Middle East, California University, Burkle Center for Middle
East, Athens, Greece, 16-19 June 2005.
15. “Turkish Foreign Policy in 21st Century,” Turkey in the 21st Century: Politics
and Foreign Policy Center for Scientific Research and Middle East Strategic
Studies, Tehran, Iran, 1-2 August 2005.
16. “Turkish Policies toward Iran and Iraq,” Regional Security in the Middle East,
California University, Burkle Center for Middle East, Athens, Greece, 21-25
September 2005.
17. “Turkish Experience in Dealing with Religious Extremism,” Roots and Routes
of Democracy and Extremism, Alexanteri Institute, University of Helsinki,
Helsinki, Finland, 9-13 October 2005.
18. “The Idea of Europe and Turkey’s Promise,” European Enlargement, Matej Bel
University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, October 2005.
19. “Africa in International Relations,” First Turkish-African Conference, Africa
Institute, Turkish-Asian Center for Strategic Studies, Istanbul, 23 November
20. “Turkey, EU and the Middle East,” Turkey and the EU: Implications for the
Middle East, Center for Political Research and Studies, Cairo University, 18
January 2006, Cairo, Egypt.
21. “Turkish Experiences,” Conference on on Civil Society and Civil-Military
Relations in the Middle East, Center for Political Research and Studies, Cairo
University, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen and
Royal Danish Defence College. 22-25 January 2006, Cairo, Egypt.
22. “Oil, Geopolitics and Security in the Persian/Arabian Gulf: What Lies ahead?”
Conference on Global Dialogue on Natural Resources: Pressing Questions in the
Race to the Future, Center for International and Strategic Studies, 3-4 April
2006, Washington, United States
23. “Threats to Global Politics Cooperation: Security and Economic Continuity,”
Global Risk & Crisis Forum, Institute of Islamic Understanding, Malaysian
Prime Ministry, 13 April 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
24. “The New Terror, International System, and Turkey,” Conference on
Reconstruction, Stability and Security of Afghanistan: The Role of Regional
Countries, Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19-20 April 2006, Kabul,
25. “European Union and Energy Security,” Conference on Energy and
Development in Turkey, Bahcesehir University and Turkish Asian Center for
Strategic Studies, 26 April 2006, Istanbul, Turkey
26. “Turkey’s Multi-Dimensional Foreign Policy,” First Turkish-Asian Congress,
Turkish Asian Center for Strategic Studies, 25-26 May 2006, Istanbul, Turkey.
27. “Turkey and Regional Conflicts in the Middle East,” Security and Cooperation
in the Middle East, California University, Burkle Center for Middle East,
Athens, Greece, 27-29 July 2006.
28. “The Role of Civil Society in Turkish-Israeli Relations,” Turkish-Israeli
Academic Forum, The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement
of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, 13-16
November 2006.
29. “Turkey and the Middle East: Frontiers of Turkey’s Newly Emerging Role”
Conference on Regional Dynamics and Diplomatic Initiatives: Can Turkey play
a role in the Arab-Israeli Conflict? The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for
the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 14
November 2006
30. “Turkey, the U.S. and Greater Middle East,” Solving the Security Puzzle in the
Mediterranean & the Broader Middle East, ELIAMEP: Hellenic Foundation for
European and Foreign Policy, Athens, Greece, 24-26 November 2006.
31. “Security and Development from International and African Perspectives, Second
Turkish-African Conference: Aid and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa,
Africa Institute, Turkish-Asian Center for Strategic Studies, Istanbul, 12
December 2006
32. “Turkish Policy toward the Middle East,” Conference on Turkey and the Middle
East, Beykent University, Center for Strategic Studies, Istanbul, 15 May 2007
33. “Fall of Arab Nationalism, Rise of Political Islam in the Arab World,”
Conference on Turkish View on the Democratization Issues in North Africa and
the Middle East, Kultur University, Department of International Relations,
Istanbul, 18 May 2007
34. “Turkey, EU and the Middle East,” Special Lecture on Turkey and the EU,
Department of European Studies and Political Science, Palacky University,
Olomouc, Chzek Republic, 2 May 2007.
35. “Gulf Cooperation Council,” Second Turkish-Asian Congress, TASAM,
Istanbul, 25-27 May 2007.
36. “Dilemmas of Security: Some Notes on Security-Stability and SecurityDemocratization Dilemmas” Second Istanbul Conference on Democracy and
Global Security, Turkish National Police, Istanbul, 14-16 June 2007.
37. “Elections, Constitution and Political Process in Afghanistan,” Ninth
International Security Conference, ARI Movement, Istanbul, 14-15 June 2007.
38. “Turkish-Israeli Relations,” Panel on Turkish-Israeli Relations and Its
Reflections on the Middle East, Strategic Research Center, Beykent University,
Istanbul, 13 December 2007.
39. “Turkish Policy toward Central Asia,” Symposium on Turkish Foreign Policy:
From Tradition to Future, Bogazici University, Istanbul, 7-9 December 2007.
40. “Political Islam in Turkey,” Conference on Islam and Democracy, American
University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, 4-5 November 2007.
41. “Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy in Turkey,” Special Lecture on Turkey,
Center for Strategic Research, Tehran, Iran, 30 October 2007.
42. “International System, War on Terror and NATO,” Conference on NATO’s
Eastern Enlargement, Institute for Political and International Studies, Iranian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tehran, Iran, 29-30 October 2007.
43. “Turkey’s Regional Policy: Syria, Iran, Palestinian Question and Iraq,” Panel on
Regional Challenges to Post-Election Turkey, Brookings Institution,
Washington, DC, 11 October 2007.
44. “A General Perspective on Elections in Turkey and Iran,” Workshop on
Elections in the Middle East, Persian Gulf Research Group of the Center for
Strategic Research, Tehran, Iran, 17 December 2007.
45. “The Role and Influence of Think-Tanks in the Making of National Security
Culture: A Case Study on the Think-Tanks and International Relations
Specialists in Turkey,” 49th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual
Convention, San Francisco, U.S.A, 25-30 March 2008.
46. “Dilemmas of Security: Security-Democracy and Security-Stability Dilemmas in
the Cases of Syria and Afghanistan.” 49th International Studies Association
(ISA) Annual Convention, San Francisco, U.S.A., 25-30 March 2008.
47. “Dialogue of Civilizations and Middle East Security,” The New Middle East:
Questioning the Strategic Trends, Center for Strategic Research, Beykent
University, Istanbul, 17-18 April 2008.
48. “Problems of Party Politics in Turkey,” Turkey Workshop, Center for Strategic
Studies, Tehran, Iran, 26 May 2008.
49. “Human and Societal Security in the Middle East,” Regional Challenges in
Mashreq, Aljazeera Centre for Studies, Doha, Qatar, 5-6 June 2008.
50. “Turkey and Middle East Peace Process,” Middle East in a Changing Context
Center for Strategic Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and TEPAV, Ankara,
10-12 September 2008.
51. “Area Studies and Virtual University,” Euro-Mediterranean University
Workshop, University of the Aegean, Rhodes Island, Greece, 23-24 October
52. “Changes and Developments in the International System,” Al Mashreq Forum:
Istanbul, Aljazeera Centre for Studies, Istanbul, 12 December 2008.
53. “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy and European Expectations,” Turkey in the
European Theatre, Koc University, Istanbul, 27 February 2009.
54. “Turkey and South Caucasus in 2008,” Caucasus in 2008, Caucasus Institute,
Yerevan, Armenia, 26-27 April 2009.
55. “What is the “Strategic Depth” Doctrine?” Turkey’s Foreign Policy in a
Changing World: Old Alignments and New Neighborhouds, SEESOX, Oxford
University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1 May 2010.
56. “Turkish Foreign Policy in Africa,” Turkey-Africa Seminar, Chatham House,
Istanbul Policy Center and TUSKON, Istanbul, 14 April 2011.
57. “Turkish Foreign Policy toward Arab Spring,” Turkish-English Tatlıdil Forum,
Ditchley Park, Oxford, United Kingdom, 7-9 October 2011.
58. “Turkish Foreign Policy and Arab Spring,” Turkish Foreign Policy and Regional
Developments, Erciyes University and Office of Public Diplomacy, Kayseri, 9
December 2011.
59. “Global Power Shifts and the Role of Rising Powers,” The Gulf and The Globe,
Institute of Diplomatic Studies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia, 4-5 December 2011.
60. “Mechanisms in Turkish Foreign Policy,” First Foreign Policy Workshop,
Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey, 23-25 December 2011.
Ph.D. Thesis
Political and Economic Cooperation and Integration between Turkey and Azerbaijan: An Analysis of
Turkey's Mid to Long Term Regional Policy. Bosphorus University, Graduate Institute of
History of Turkish Republic, 1999. Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Şevket Pamuk.
Work in Progress
“A textbook on Turkish Foreign Policy.”
Selected Articles in Turkish
1. “Gazze Dramı ve Sonrası” Ortadoğu Analiz, 1 (1), Ocak 2009:13-20.
2. “Türkiye ve İran: Süreklilik ve Değişim,” Avrasya Dosyası, 12 (2), 2006: 61-92.
3. “11 Eylül, Büyük Orta Doğu ve Türkiye," Avrasya Dosyası, 11 (3), 2005: 59-87.
4. "Kürt Siyasetinin Açmazları, " Stratejik Öngörü, (7), Aralık 2005:
5. "Ahmedinecat Dönemi ve Türkiye", Stratejik Analiz, 6(63), Mayıs 2005: 58-66
6. "Türkiye-İran-Suriye İlişkileri", 2023, No. 30, Mar. 2005, pp. 18-24
7. “Türkiye ve Ortadoğu”, Stratejik Öngörü, (6), Ekim 2004: 17-25
8. "Türkiye'nin Ortadoğu Politikasının Geleceği", Karizma, 9 (19), Mayıs 2004:
9. "Güvenlik ve Demokrasi Geriliminde Büyük Ortadoğu Projesi ve Türkiye",
Avrasya Dosyası, 9 (4), Nisan 2003: 21-30
10. "Büyük Ortadoğu ve Türkiye", Karizma, 9 (18), Mart 2004: 13-19
11. "Türkiye'nin Irak Açmazı", Foreign Policy (Türkiye Versiyonu), 5 (2), Aralık
2003: 117-124
MA Thesis Advised
Sadık Yener, "Globalization and Nationalism in Turkey", Fatih University, Institute
of Social Sciences, Department of History, 1997.
Engin Erdem, "From Rapprochement to the Strategic Partnership: Turkish-Israeli
Relations in the 1990s", Fatih University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department
of International Relations, 1999.
İsa Afacan, "Towards an Alternative Paradigm? Eurasianism in Turkish Foreign
Policy", Fatih University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International
Relations, 1999.
M.Gökhan Şahin, "The Palestinian Question in Turkish Foreign Policy", Fatih
University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations,
Ahmet Okumuş, "The Role of Historical Imagination in Reconstructing Post-Soviet
System in Russia", Fatih University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of
International Relations, 2000.
Havva Karakaş-Keleş, "The Role of Historical Imagination in Turco-Arab
Relations", Fatih University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of
International Relations, 2000.
Ali Aslan , "The Problem of Change in International Relations in the Context of the
End of the Cold War ", Fatih University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of
International Relations, 2002.
Oğuz Baykal, "Russian-Iranian Relations Under Khatemi", Fatih University,
Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations, 2002.
Hasan Basri Kurt , "Turkey and Arab Middle East in Post-Cold War Era ", Fatih
University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations,
Fulya Damla Balkaya , "Russian Policy Towards the Caspian Region Under Putin",
Fatih University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations,
Mehmet Fatih Şeyhanoğlu , "The Revival of Religious and Micro-Nationalist
Identities in the Post-Socialist Era; The Case of Bosnia", Fatih University, Institute
of Social Sciences, Department of International Relations, 2004.
Arzu Yorkan, “Energy Security in ESDP”, Fatih University, Institute of Social
Sciences, Department of International Relations, 2005.
Pinar Akpinar, “Understanding Turkey's Role as a Mediator in the Middle East: A
Case Study of Israeli-Syrian Negotiations”, Institute of Social Science, Middle East
Studies, 2009.
Professional Responsibilities
Editor, Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs, (2010 - )
Editor, Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations (2001- 2009)
Editor, Avrasya Dosyasi, (1999-2000)
Book Review Editor, Turkish Studies (1999-2002)
Editorial Board, Stratejik Ongoru, (2004- )
Editorial Board, Turkish Studies (1999- 2011)
Editorial Board, Central Asia and Caucasus (2001- )
Editorial Board, Alternatives: Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations
(2001- )
Editorial Board, Text (2003- )
Editorial Board, Sivil Toplum (2002- )
Editorial Board, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans (2005- )
Editorial Board, Avrasya Dosyasi, (2006- 2009)
Editorial Board, Discourse, (2006- )
Editorial Board, Law and Politics Quarterly, (2006- )
Editorial Board, Insight Turkey, (2007- )
Managing Director of MERIA Turkey Seminar, BESA Center for Strategic Studies
Co-director, Eurasia Project, Keele University, SPIRE (2004- )
Microsoft on the Political Situation in Turkey (2001)
Oxford Analytica, Occasional Contributor
Canadian Government on a Number of Immigration Cases (2002)
Political Advisor, Center for Strategic Research, Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
(2006-2007 )
Advisor on the Foreign Policy Issues, Chairman’s Office, Turkish-Asian Center for
Strategic Studies (2006)
Articles Refereed
Turkish Studies, Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Security
Dialogue, International Journal, Perceptions, Development and Change, Current
Sociology, Journal of Academic Research, Stratejik Öngörü
Other Activities
Newspaper Articles
More than 200 articles were written to international dailies, Guardian (United
Kingdom), Asia Times (Hong-Kong), Daily Star (Lebanon), Daily Times (Pakistan), AlAhram Weekly (Egypt), Daily News (Egypt) Kuwait Times (Kuwait), Jordan Times
(Jordan), Monitor (Kazakhistan), Danas (Serbia), Le Temps (Switzerland) and to nationwide Turkish newspapers, Radikal, Milliyet, Tercuman, Zaman, Aksam. Also frequent
comments to European and Middle Eastern news agencies. (Samples are available upon
Radio and TV appearance
Radio Comments: VOA, BBC Radio 4, TRT, NTV Radio, BURC FM.
TV appearances: French TV5, Egyptian TV1, Saudi TV2, Al Jazeera and nation-wide
Turkish TVs: CNN Turk, NTV, HaberTurk, SKY Turk, Samanyolu, ULKE TV, Mehtap
TV, TV8 (Samples are available upon request)
Available upon request.

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