

The South East Asia Specialists
Cambodia, Koh Dach - the Silk Island (1 day)
A spare day in Phnom Penh? Escape the hustle and bustle of this fascinating, yet admittedly hectic city with a day out to
nearby Koh Dach. An island lying in the Mekong River itself, tranquil Koh Dach manages to seem a world away from
downtown Phnom Penh whilst conveniently being only a short drive out of town along the river bank.
No sealed roads and virtually no vehicles other than motorbikes, bicycles and ox carts gives you a chance to experience
traditional village life and meet the friendly locals as well as to discover the local cottage industry - weaving. Koh Dach is
also known as the 'Silk Island' and is famous for it's time honoured silk, cotton and even kapok weaving methods.
An unusual and fascinating day trip!
Your guide will meet you at your hotel at 9.00 am for a departure by tuk tuk over the Japanese Bridge and the Tonle Sap
River. Our first stop will be the beautifully situated riverside temple of Wat Kean Kleang to check out the spectacular old
murals before continuing along the riverbank to the ferry crossing for Koh Dach.
Our leisurely tour of the island includes visits to temples, opportunities to meet the locals, a chance to check out some of
the cottage industries and just generally wander through the quaint villages and landscapes of this tranquil spot. The visit
will be on foot and by tuk-tuk, (and how much you walk is completely up to you).
Lunch as guests of one of the local families and an opportunity to actually try the traditional wooden looms yourselves
before a mid afternoon return to the City.
Tour length: 1 day, approx. 9.00 am to 4.00 pm (Phnom Penh)
Accommodation: N/A
Availability period: all year round
Transport: tuk-tuk and ferry
Group Size: minimum 2 persons
Meals: lunch
Difficulty: easy