Making Waves - Dirty Maid Adventures


Making Waves - Dirty Maid Adventures
Making Waves
by Tawna Fenske
İntikam için kötü adamlığa soyunan bir grup iyi adamla, uyum sorunu yaşayan sıradışı bir kadının, onların planına
dahil olmasını anlatan eğlenceli öyküsü.
Dayısının küllerini dökmek için bir yolculuğa çıkan Juli, tesadüfler sonucu kendini Alex ve tayfasının arasında bulur.
Ve olaylar bu şekilde hız kazanır. Denizde geçen hikayeleri pek sevmeyen biri olarak kitap beni bile resmen
kendine bağladı diyebilirim. Öncelikle çok eğlenceli ve karakterlerin hepsi son derece kendine özgü. Tam olarak
ayak parmaklarıyla muz soyup yiyebilen bir yazarın yazacağı tarzda (:
Yazarla ilk defa tanışıyorum ve yılın son sürprizi oldu bence. Yayıncıların son dakika sürprizlerini severim ama yine
de bu kitaba yeterli hakkın verilmediğini düşünüyorum. Sessiz sedası çıksa da biraz daha duyurulmalıydı bence.
Her şeye rağmen son anda karar değiştirip aldığıma memnun olduğum ve ilk kitabını başarılı bulduğum yazarı
takibe alacağım bir kitap oldu. Eğlenceli zaman geçirmek isteyenlere de rahatlıkla tavsiye edebilirim
(:|BAAYIILLDIIIMMM!!!! Uzun süredir bir kitapta bu kadar çok güldüğümü hatırlamıyorum :D :D Kitap boyunca şu
Kitap bitti ama ben hala gülüyorum :D
Juli'ye bittim :D Vibratördekileri keşfettiği ve Alex'in gözüne soktuğu sahne öldürdü beni gülmekten şu anda bile
gözümde canlandırınca kahkahalarıma engel olamıyorum D: :D Amcasının küllerini savurduğu sahne de beni bitirdi
:D :D
gözümde canlandırınca kahkahalarıma engel olamıyorum D: :D Amcasının küllerini savurduğu sahne de beni bitirdi
:D :D
Valla okuyun pişman olmayacaksınız iyi ki bulup okumuşum kitabı gecemi şenlendirdi hem de fazlasıyla :D :D|
Alex Bradshaw has just been sacked from Kranston Shipping Enterprises. For no good reason. Alex, forty-two and
a former chief executive of the world's biggest shipping firm, and three of his friends - Jake, Cody and Phyllis have lost not only their jobs but their retirement packages as well. Tom Portelli, Kranston's owner, is into illegal
shipping of exotic animals, Krugerrand (South African gold coins) and diamonds. But Portelli doesn't know that his
disgruntled former employees know of his illegal shipments. They aren't going to get mad, they're going to get
even. Even, as in a load of illegal diamonds, courtesy of Portelli.
Heading to the Virgin Islands and hiring a power boat, Alex and his band of pirates intend stealing the diamonds
when the ship refuels at an unchartered island owned by Portelli. Juli Flynn is also on her way to the Caribbean. At
the request of her late uncle, Juli is taking the urn with his ashes to the Virgin Islands to cast them on the water as
his final resting place.
Consider this The Idiot's Guide to Piracy on the High Seas.|4 ½ stars. The first half is lots of laughing for me (which
is rare). The second half is a light pleasant read.
During the first 150 pages I was laughing/chuckling a lot. At one time I almost wondered if I was drinking and
didn’t know it because I was laughing so much and feeling giddy. Too many contemporary romance books that
claim to be funny don’t make me laugh. This book did! It’s silly funny little things as this group of people are
interacting and deciding what to do.
The last half of the book was not as funny, but it was fine. There were none of my pet peeves. It was above
average for light suspense and romance. There is one sex scene which is done without naming any body parts.
There are also some passionate kissing scenes.
The characters are fun. Julie is very smart, does impressive things, and does nothing stupid. She is attracted to Alex
early on, but he’s reluctant. Alex doesn’t think he should be in a relationship because he has no money, no job,
and is about to steal something. He’s a good leader for the group and makes practical rational decisions. Cody is a
former pro football player who loves to cook. The food he prepares sounds like 5-star restaurant elegance – it’s
kind of funny. Phyllis is a body builder in her mid 50s. I don’t think she has ever had a boyfriend or ever been
kissed. She is secretly attracted to Jake.
This is the author’s first book. I hope she does another.
Julie has had many different jobs, never holding one for more than a few months. Her Uncle Frank died. In his will
he asked Julie to take his urn of cremated ashes to the Caribbean and scatter them in the sea near a specific
island. He leaves her enough money to pay for the trip. Julie purchased a ticket for a charter boat. She fears being
seasick so she takes anti-nausea medicine an hour before the boat departs. The drug causes her to be confused
and sleepy. She goes to the wrong boat and falls asleep in one of the cabins.
Alex, Jake, Phyllis, and Cody worked for Kranston Shipping Enterprises. The owner of the company Tom recently
fired them and caused them to lose their pensions. Alex knows that Tom has illegal shipping activities going on
with a shipment of diamonds arriving soon at a Caribbean island. He and his group rent a boat with plans to be at
that island when the ship arrives and to steal the diamonds. They have been traveling for several hours when they
discover the stowaway Julie sleeping onboard. There is no time to return her, so they have to decide what to do
with her.
Story length: 328 pages. Swearing language: strong, including religious swear words. Sexual language: none to
mild. Number of kissing and/or sex scenes: 4. Estimated number of sex scene pages: 15. Setting: current day
mostly at sea in the Caribbean with two short scenes in Oregon and Florida. Copyright: 2011. Genre: humorous
romance with light suspense.|This was very different. A 37-year-old job-hopping heroine looking to bring her
mostly at sea in the Caribbean with two short scenes in Oregon and Florida. Copyright: 2011. Genre: humorous
romance with light suspense.|This was very different. A 37-year-old job-hopping heroine looking to bring her
wacky uncle's ashes to their last resting place in the ocean outside a Caribbean island. A 42-year-old former VP
looking for revenge on his old employer as well as getting his nest-egg back.
The setting is wonderful, it really made me want to go on a Caribbean vacation. The sidekicks are also unusual and
interesting. It is a bit of slapstick to this comical romance, but it is done with such a deft hand that I really don't
I wasn't entirely sure of how things were going to play out until the end, at one point I actually thought their was a
traitor in the good pirates' midst.
Now that I think about it, this book would actually make a really fun, romantic comedy.