Invited Presentations: 1. Büken NÖ. [Ethics, Bioethics and


Invited Presentations: 1. Büken NÖ. [Ethics, Bioethics and
Invited Presentations:
1. Büken NÖ. [Ethics, Bioethics and Professional Ethics], September the 8th World Physical Therapy
Day Activity, Cultural Center, Ankara.
2. Büken NÖ. [Approach to the Patient with Cancer: Ethical Challenges], Neuro-oncology, 11 th
Symposium of NÖBİVA, 08-10 October 2010, Mardin.
3. Büken NÖ. [Ethical Issues in Trials on Humans and Animals], 3 rd Days of Rheumatology and Medical
Rehabilitation. 10–11 December 2009, Ankara.
4. Büken NÖ. Ethical Issues of In-vitro Fertilization, 2nd Science Days of HÜTBAT, 17–19 April 2009,
5. Büken NÖ. [AIDS and Ethics], Year 2009 Symposium on HIV / AIDS, 3 – 4 December 2009, HÜ
Cultural Center, Ankara.
6. 4 th National Congress on Surgical and Internal Critical Care, Interactive Session: Ethical Issues in
Intensive Care, 31 October - 4 November 2007, Ankara.
7. Büken NÖ. [Sexualisation of the doctor–patient relationship: is it ethically permissible?] Turkish
Association of Psychiatry 11th Spring Symposium, April 2007, Çeşme.
8. UNESCO Regional Ethics Teaching Experts Meeting. March 5-6, 2007, Istanbul.
9. Büken NÖ. [Old Age and Ethics], Training organized by TTB (Turkish Medical Association) and
Turkish Geriatrics Society, 3–4 March 2007, TTB, Ankara.
10. XII. Congress on Medical Specialty Training, TTB (Turkish Medical Association)-UDEK [Council
for Medical Specialty Societies) Rapporteur of Workshop on Ethical Issues, 1–3 December 2006 –
Dokuz Eylül University School of Medicine, İzmir.
11. Büken NÖ. [Informed Consent in Emergency Services], Ethics Days of Ankara, 30–31 March 2006,
AÜTF, Ankara.
12. Büken NÖ. [Application of Patients’ Rights In Turkey, Panel, Limitedness of physicians’ liability and
patient rights in International Declarations through medical ethics viewpoint], 22 October 2005,
HAYAD Meeting, İstanbul Physicians’ Association.
13. Büken NÖ.[ Being a research subject in clinical trials and rights of research subjects from the medical
ethical perspective!] Trakya University Syposium on Patients’ Rights, 17 June 2005, Edirne.
14. Büken NÖ. [Research Ethics], 1st National Symposium on Nursing and Ethics (with International
Participation)] HEMAR-G and Bolu Health High School of Abant İzzet Baysal University, 4–5 June
2004, Bolu.
15. Büken NÖ. [How does Society Understand Cancer? How Should it understands?“, Panellist, ONKODAY (Uludağ Solidarity Association of Oncology), 10 March 2003, Bursa.
16. Büken NÖ. [Patients’ Rights] Conversations for the Cooperative of Science and Utopia, 23 May
2002, Ankara.
17. Büken NÖ. Çelebi NÖ, Örnek T. “Being a physician in Turkey (Ankara)”, A.Ü.T.F. Deontology
Department 2001-2002 Academic Year Discussion for Ethical Issues, 21 March 2002, Ankara.
18. Büken NÖ. [Rights of Human Subjects in Cancer Trials] Organization of Patients' and. Patients'
Relatives (HAYAD), Panel of applications in cancer and Patients’ Rights, 3 November 2001, İstanbul.
19. Büken NÖ. [History of Researches on Human], A.Ü.T.F. Deontology Department. 2001-2002, 13 th
Seminars of Guest House Neighbourhood, 25 October 2001, Ankara.