Special objectives of the activity being carried out


Special objectives of the activity being carried out
Voices of Youth Lif Association – Genç Yaşamın Sesleri Derneği Natur(s)_AL
Special Objectives of the activity being carried out: To support the interaction between the
adults and rising generation by means of experiments and enjoyable activities. The formation
process of the rain has been explained with the games and it has been tried to arouse the
adults’ interest.
Participant Profile:
The adults the greater parts of over aged 50 and primary school first grade students have
constituted the profile.
Which objectives of them did Natur(s)_AL fulfill?
Among the objectives of Natur(s)_AL;
1- Communication between the generations: The interaction has been supported
between the both generations via the activities carried out by the adults and the
primary school first grade pupils together.
2- Arousing the interest of the adults to the natural sciences: It has been tried to
arouse the interest of the adults to the natural sciences via the experimental
activities carried out. It has been observed positive effects on adults.
Voices of Youth Lif Association – Genç Yaşamın Sesleri Derneği Natur(s)_AL
What has been done for dissemination?
The news about the event has been published through the local printed media. As the local
authorities are interested in the event, the project event has been given place in the two local
papers and they stated that they would announce the other project activities on their pages.
The local papers Aciksoz and Haber37 announced the event on their pages.
The special invitation cards have been prepared before the project event; the brochures
introducing the project have been given to the representatives of administrative organizations
and media.
Voices of Youth Lif Association – Genç Yaşamın Sesleri Derneği Natur(s)_AL
Voices of Youth Lif Association – Genç Yaşamın Sesleri Derneği Natur(s)_AL
How did local administration and community contribute the event?
The district governor, the mayor and director of training services from the local
administration attended the event. With this event, it has been provided to make the local
administration; community and rising generation come together. It has been demanded from
our organization to carry out new projects for large mass of people.
Voices of Youth Lif Association – Genç Yaşamın Sesleri Derneği