3. TACSO 2 Turkey Local Advisory Group Meeting


3. TACSO 2 Turkey Local Advisory Group Meeting
 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları için Teknik Destek Projesi Bu proje Avrupa Birliği tarafından finanse edilmektedir. 3. TACSO 2 Turkey Local Advisory Group Meeting 18 December 2014, Thursday Notte Hotel, Ankara LAG Members and Guests Participated: EU Delegation to Turkey Ministry of Interior-­‐ Department of Associations Ministry of EU Affairs-­‐ Directorate of Civil Society, Communication and Culture Ministry of EU Affairs-­‐ Directorate of Project Implementation Prime Ministry, Directorate General of Foundations IPS Communication Foundation -­‐Bianet Association Of Women With Disabilities The Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TÜSEV) Legislation Association (Yasader) Yada Foundation Turkey Education And Solidarity Foundation For People With Disabilities (ÖZEV) Arı Movement Association of Social Policies Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies (SPOD) Human Rights Joint Platform-­‐İHOP Turkey Environment Platform -­‐TÜRÇEP Gender Equality Monitoring Association -­‐CEİD Agenda Child Association Habitat Association for Development and Governance Kaos GL Assocaition Network Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children TACSO Staff, RC Staff and Observers: TACSO Turkey RA TACSO People to People (P2P) Manager TACSO Turkey AFO Civil Society Development Centre-­‐STGM Think Civil EU Programme TACSO Türkiye Ankara Ofis:Tunus Cad. 85/8 Tel:+90 312 426 44 51 e-­‐posta: info.turkey@tacso.org SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı Türkiye Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania 1 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları için Teknik Destek Projesi Bu proje Avrupa Birliği tarafından finanse edilmektedir. Absent LAG Members: Nature Association Bilgi University NGO Training and Research Center Association for Support and Training of Women Candidates(KA-­‐DER) Helsinki Citizens Assembly Turkey Conferedaration of People with Disabilities Community Volunteers Foundation -­‐TOG Corporate Social Responsibility Association -­‐KSSD Equality Monitoring Women's Group-­‐ Eşitiz Sabancı Foundation Documents Disseminated to LAG Members Before Meeting: Meeting Agenda TACSO Türkiye Ankara Ofis:Tunus Cad. 85/8 Tel:+90 312 426 44 51 e-­‐posta: info.turkey@tacso.org SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı Türkiye Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania 2 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları için Teknik Destek Projesi Bu proje Avrupa Birliği tarafından finanse edilmektedir. MEETING REPORT The third Local Advisory Group (LAG) meeting organized by TACSO Turkey started with an opening address by the Resident Advisor, Ayça Bulut Bican. Since there were some LAG members attending such meeting for the first time, each participant introduced himself/herself and his/her organization after the opening speech. Ayça Bulut Bican shared the agenda of the LAG meeting. Then participants were informed in detail about TACSO’s recent and planned activities organized since the pervious LAG Meeting. TACSO Activities in the Past Period: June 2014, Istanbul-­‐ SB P2P “Social Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion and Sustainable Community Development” Conference June 2014, Pristine-­‐ Regional Public Funding Conference November 2014, Istanbul MB-­‐ P2P “Transformations of Local Food Processes in EU Accession: Opportunities & Challenges” Conference December 2014, Skopje-­‐ Regional CSOs and Good Practices in the Use of Communication Channels Conference The participants were also briefly informed on direct technical assistances and facilitation supports recently provided by TACSO. The TACSO Turkey Resident Advisor then summarized the works conducted by the Turkey working group/task force on EU Guidelines and informed the participants about the outputs of the working groups for the day and a half long workshops that took place the day before on the EU Guidelines Country Targets. The RA informed the participants on the planned TACSO events for the up coming period. TACSO Planned Activities for the Upcoming Period January 2015, Ankara-­‐ CSO Workshop on Advocating for Freedom of Assembly February 2015, Ankara-­‐ MB P2P Conference on Anti-­‐Discrimination and Equality Framework on the way to EU March 2015, Ankara-­‐ A large-­‐scale LAG Meeting on developments on TACSO-­‐STGM partnership April 2015, Conference on Financial Enabling Environment TACSO Türkiye Ankara Ofis:Tunus Cad. 85/8 Tel:+90 312 426 44 51 e-­‐posta: info.turkey@tacso.org SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı Türkiye Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania 3 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları için Teknik Destek Projesi Bu proje Avrupa Birliği tarafından finanse edilmektedir. After the presentation on TACSO planned activities, TACSO Turkey RA gave the floor to the participants so that they can share their similar agendas, or express their opinions on TACSO activities that they wish to contribute to the design of or participate in. Participants were also informed on the emerging calendar of People to People events as well as the online consultation process via the web site. Information was also provided for some of the already determined regional activities such as the “Speak Up” Conference and the event on Corporate Social Responsibility and Philanthropy which is planned to take place in September or October 2015. You can visit the TACSO web site for People to People (P2P) activities http://www.tacso.org/news/p2p/default.aspx?id=9875 TACSO Exit Strategy/Sustainability Plan and Resource Center STGM TACSO Turkey Resident Advisor informed the participants in detail on the regional aspect of TACSO exit strategy/ sustainability plan and the TACSO-­‐STGM partnership in scope of this strategy as well as the brief history of EU supports to STGM since 2004. RA also explained the TACSO Türkiye Ankara Ofis:Tunus Cad. 85/8 Tel:+90 312 426 44 51 e-­‐posta: info.turkey@tacso.org SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı Türkiye Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania 4 Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları için Teknik Destek Projesi Bu proje Avrupa Birliği tarafından finanse edilmektedir. special situation in Turkey where the Resource Centre was assigned as STGM by the EU without announcing an open call as conducted in other TACSO countries. Some frequently asked questions regarding the TACSO-­‐STGM partnership were also covered such as STGMs future role in the LAG, other collaborations of TACSO etc . TACSO Turkey Resident Advisor then delivered a presentation on the activities to be carried out within the scope of the partnership. The categorical areas of activities to be carried out are defined as such; Technical Assistance Line •
Information and Resource Provision •
Help Desk •
Direct Technical Assistance Capacity Building Line •
Organisational Coaching •
Basic Trainings •
Advanced Trainings After the presentation on overview of TACSO Turkey&STGM partnership, 3 working groups were formed in order to receive suggestions and comments on technical assistance services for CSOs. The 1.st group worked on Information and resources provision&Help desk; the second group worked on direct technical assistance& tailor made workshops based on specific needs; and the final group worked on Capacity building. The working groups provided very concrete, guiding, useful recommendations for improving the quality of technical services. Following the presentations of the working groups, TACSO Turkey RA and Tezcan Abay on behalf of RC, delivered their closing remarks and thanked all the participants for their contributions. TACSO Türkiye Ankara Ofis:Tunus Cad. 85/8 Tel:+90 312 426 44 51 e-­‐posta: info.turkey@tacso.org SIPU International AB Sweden • Civil Society Promotion Centre Bosnia and Herzegovina • İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı Türkiye Foundation in Support of Local Democracy Poland • Partners Foundation for Local Development Romania 5