
Communication Coordinator
Job Description
Job title:
Reports to:
Job location:
Contract duration:
Communication Coordinator
Consortium member assigned by the Consortium
At the Hrant Dink Foundation located in Turkey
(extensive travel to Armenia expected)
01/09/2016 – 08/08/2017
The Support to Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process (ATNP) project is implemented by a
Consortium comprising four Armenia-registered (Civilitas Foundation, Eurasia Partnerhip
Foundation, Regional Studies Centre and Public Journalism Club) and four Turkey-registered
(TEPAV, Anadolu Kültür, Hrant Dink Foundation, Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly) civil society
organisations. The overall objective of the ATNP is to support the civil society efforts towards the
normalisation of relations between Turkey and Armenia and towards an open border by enhancing
people-to-people contacts, expanding economic and business links, promoting cultural and
educational activities, and facilitating balanced information in both societies.
ATNP is governed by a Board which includes heads of all eight members of the Consortium. EPF is
the lead partner (applicant, grant recipient from EU). Since EPF is situated in Armenia, the
Consortium decided to create a position of a focal point for the Consortium activities, particularly
communication, to be situated in Turkey.
Job purpose
The post-holder should develop and execute a coordinated communication strategy and craft joint
communication messages that provide objective and balanced information on the ATNP project to
external stakeholders. The purposes of the job are a) to serve as an external communication focal
point for the consortium-wide activities; and b) to particularly coordinate all communication in
Turkey, being a communication focal point for four Turkey-located members of the Consortium.
The job holder will closely coordinate all external communication with the Consortium Board, and
particularly with EPF as the lead partner. He/she will also coordinate all communication with those
members of the Consortium who implement media-related activities.
Duties and responsibilities
To elaborate, in coordination with EPF and the other members of the Consortium, and in
compliance with the donor requirements, the external communication strategy, particularly
on the package of external communication templates suited for the major types of ATNP
activities requiring external communication.
To coordinate with EPF and the other members of the Consortium and agree upon with the
donor on a case-by-case basis the external communication regarding ATNP’s ad-hoc
To be responsible for advertising the ATNP activities as widely as possible; in coordination
with EPF he/she will co-manage the ATNP’s web-site and the page in Facebook, as well as
will represent the ATNP project in relevant on-line forums and networks.
To make sure that the Consortium’s external communication is fully integrated with the
media-related activities of the ATNP project.
To facilitate internal communication; to explore and propose further opportunities for
coordinated program implementation, new partnerships and coalitions with external
stakeholders, and new ATNP-wide initiatives where appropriate.
To help the Consortium determine the languages and the genre of external communication in
each particular case, as well as to oversee the delivery of ATNP-wide communication
materials, such as public versions of narrative reports, publications, and research papers to
appropriate external readerships.
To be engaged, as assigned, in the arrangement of Consortium-wide events when the need
arises, as well as where appropriate and possible to attend particular ATNP events in Turkey
and Armenia.
To ensure translation of relevant consortium-wide documents from English into Turkish and
vice versa; the translation from English into Armenian and vice versa for the consortiumwide documents will be EPF’s responsibility; other members of the Consortium will each be
responsible for the translation of their particular ATNP materials while adhering to the closeto-native-speaker quality of translation.
To keep the Consortium informed of other organizations and opportunities promoting the
Armenia-Turkey dialogue outside of the ATNP project; he/she will liaise when appropriate
with their planning processes to ensure as far as possible coordinated Consortium-wide
feedback and avoiding duplication.
To represent the Consortium, as assigned by the Board, at external events, and present its
To be a primary focal point for the communication with EU in case the latter needs to
communicate with the Turkey-based members of the Consortium in a coordinated manner.
To participate in Board governance meetings and in project strategy development; to
implement other duties as assigned by the Board.
Person specification
Educated to graduate degree level in media, social sciences or related field
At least five years of field experience working on peace-building/dialogue initiatives;
working knowledge of peace-building theory and paradigms
Excellent knowledge of the political, social and cultural context of Armenia-Turkey and
Armenian-Turkish relations
Excellent facilitation and interpersonal skills
Fluency in Turkish and English with a track record of written translation from Turkish into
English and vice versa; knowledge of Armenian is a plus
Excellent writing skills in English and Turkish – with a track record in publications
Excellent at grasping complex ideas and communicating effectively
Good knowledge of on-line social networks, e.g. Facebook
Experience managing high level relationships, including with donors, international
organisations and authorities
Knowledge of high tech communication opportunities is highly desirable.
Application & Contact Details
Interested candidates can send their English CVs and motivation letter to info@hrantdink.org
by September 2nd, 2016.