Ass. Prof. Dr. NİLAY DURUK MUTLUBAŞ İstanbul Kemerburgaz


Ass. Prof. Dr. NİLAY DURUK MUTLUBAŞ İstanbul Kemerburgaz
İstanbul Kemerburgaz University
School of Arts and Sciences
Mahmutbey Dilmenler Caddesi, No:26, 34217 Bağcılar – İSTANBUL
Phone: +90 212 604 01 00 - 4038
+90 532 788 39 75
Marital Status:
Date of Birth:
18th, January 1983
Place of Birth:
Foreign Language: English (Advanced)
Interuniversity Board Foreign Language Examination (UDS) March 2008 Result: 87.5
September 2013- Present
İstanbul Kemerburgaz University
School of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Assistant Professor
October 2012 - July 2013
Postdoctoral research
University of Vienna, Austria
Funded by TUBITAK Postdoctoral Research Programme-2219
Director Name: Prof. Dr. Adrian Constantin
September 2011- September 2012
Postdoctoral research
Sabancı University, Turkey
Tubitak Project No: TBAG-110R002
Project Title: Mathematical Analysis of Nonlinear Nonlocal Partial Differential Equations
February 2007- July 2011
Doctorate Program in Mathematics
Sabancı University, Turkey
(GPA: 3.85)
Thesis Subject: Cauchy Problems for a Class of Nonlocal Nonlinear Bi-Directional Wave
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Albert ERKİP
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Ata ERBAY
September 2004- January 2007
M.Sc. Program in Mathematics
Sabancı University, Turkey
(GPA: 3.34)
Thesis Subject: Cauchy Problem for a Higher-Order Boussinesq Equation
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Albert ERKİP
Co-Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Ata ERBAY
September 2000- June 2004
B.Sc. Program in Mathematics Engineering
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
(GPA: 3.17)
Thesis Subject: Numerical Solutions for The Polarization Dynamics of two solitary waves’
Advisor: Prof.Dr.Hüsnü Ata ERBAY
Maltepe Anatolian High School (4.81, first in science department)
Gürsel Sönmez Academic Awards, 25.06.2011
Tübitak 2219- International Postdoctoral Research Scholarship
Field of Specialization: Applied Mathematics
Current Research Areas of Interest:
1. Mathematical Analysis of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
2. Nonlinear Dispersive and Hyperbolic Waves
3. Water waves
4. Stability of solitary waves
09/2004-01/2011 Teaching assistant, SABANCI UNIV.
Calculus I-II, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Introduction
to Mathematical Analysis
Recitation, preparing quizzes, grading, exam proctoring
09/2003-05/2004 Part-time student assistant, Department of Mathematics, I.T.U.
09/2002-12/2002 Part-time Student Assistant, Institute of Informatics,
SANEG Laboratory, I.T.U.
1. Duruk N, Erkip A, Erbay HA
“A higher-order Boussinesq equation in locally nonlinear theory of one-dimensional
nonlocal elasticity”, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 74, 97-106 (2009).
2. Duruk N, Erkip A, Erbay HA
“Global existence and blow-up for the nonlocal nonlinear Cauchy problem arising in
elasticity”, Nonlinearity 23, 107-118 (2010).
3. Duruk N, Erkip A, Erbay HA
“Blow-up and global existence for a general class of nonlocal nonlinear coupled wave
equations”, Journal of differential equations 250, 1448-1459 (2011).
4. Duruk Mutlubas N,
“On the Cauchy problem for a model equation for shallow water waves of moderate
amplitude”, Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications 14, 2022-2026 (2013).
5. Duruk Mutlubaş N, Geyer A, “Orbital stability of solitary waves of moderate
amplitude in shallow water” , Journal of Differential Equations 255, 254-263 (2013).
6. Duruk Mutlubaş N, “Local well-posedness and wave breaking results for periodic
solutions of a shallow water equation for waves of moderate amplitude”, Nonlinear
Analysis: Theory Methods and Applications 97, 145-154 (2014).
7. Duruk Mutlubaş N, Geyer A., Matioc B-V., “Non-uniform continuity of the flow map
for an evolution equation modeling shallow water waves of moderate amplitude”,
submitted to Nonlinear Analysis Real World Applications 
International Conference Publications
1. N. Duruk Mutlubaş, H. A. Erbay, A. Erkip, “Some qualitative properties of
fractional-type Camassa-Holm equation”, Equadiff 15, Abstracts, page 177, Lyon,
France, 2015.
2. N. Duruk Mutlubaş, A. Geyer, “Orbital stability of solitary waves of moderate
amplitude in shallow water”, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent
Structures, Abstracts, page 132, Cambridge, UK, 2014 (Nonlinear Dispersive Wave
Equations Minisymposium).
3. N. Duruk Mutlubaş, “On periodic solutions of a model equation for surface waves of
moderate amplitude in shallow water”, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and
Coherent Structures, Abstracts, page 69, Cambridge, UK, 2014.
4. A. Geyer, N. Duruk Mutlubaş, “Orbital stability of solitary waves of moderate
amplitude in shallow water”, SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential
Equations, Abstracts, page 60, Florida, ABD, 2013.
5. N. Duruk Mutlubaş, “On periodic solutions of a model equation for surface waves of
moderate amplitude in shallow water”, Equadiff 13, Abstracts, page 201, Prague,
Czech Republic, 2013.
6. A. Erkip, C. Babaoğlu, H. Borluk, N. Duruk, H. A. Erbay, S. Erbay, G. Muslu, “On
some nonlocal nonlinear wave equations”, Workshop on Nonlocal Models and
Peridynamics, Abstracts, page 8, Berlin, Germany, 2012.
7. H. A. ERBAY, N. Duruk and A. Erkip, “Blow-up and global existence for a general
class of nonlocal nonlinear coupled wave equations”, SIAM Conference on Analysis of
Partial Differential Equations, Abstracts, page 75, San Diego, USA, 2011.
8. H. A. ERBAY, N. Duruk, S. Erbay and A. Erkip, “Global existence and blow-up
results for some problems in nonlinear nonlocal elasticity”, MiniWorkshop:Mathematical Analysis for Peridynamics, Report No: 4/2011, page 187,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach, Germany, 2011.
9. A. Erkip, C. Babaoğlu, H. Borluk, N. Duruk, H. A. ERBAY, S. Erbay and G. M.
Muslu, “A review of some results on a class of nonlocal nonlinear wave-type Cauchy
problems”, Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, Book of Abstracts, page 7, Istanbul,
Turkey, 2010.
10. N. Duruk, H. A. ERBAY and A. Erkip, “Blow-up and global existence for a general
class of nonlocal nonlinear coupled wave equations”, Nonlinear Dispersive Equations,
Book of Abstracts, page 14, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.
11. N. Duruk, H. A. ERBAY and A. Erkip, “Global existence and blow-up for the
nonlocal nonlinear Cauchy problem arising in elasticity”, ISAAC, Abstracts, page ,
Londra, UK, 2009.
12. N. Duruk, A. Erkip and H. A. ERBAY, "A higher-order Boussinesq equation in
locally nonlinear theory of one-dimensional nonlocal elasticity", Book of Abstracts,
page 21, Nonlinear Dispersive Equations, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.
13. A. Erkip, N. Duruk and H. A. ERBAY, “Cauchy problem for a higher-order
Boussinesq equation”, Abstracts for ICIAM 07, page 366, 6th International Congress
on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Zurich, Switzlerland, 2007.
National Conference Publications
1. N. Duruk Mutlubaş, “Kısmi türevli evolüsyon denklemleri için yarıgrup yaklaşımı”,
XXVII. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu, Özetler kitabı, sayfa ?, Yeditepe Üniversitesi,
İstanbul, Türkiye, 2014 (Invited speaker for special session on Operator Theory).
2. N. Duruk Mutlubaş, “Orta Dereceli Genlikte Yüzey Dalga Denklemlerinin Periyodik
Çözümleri”, XXVI. National Mathematics Symposium, Book of Abstracts, page 88,
Diyarbakır, Turkey, 2013.
3. N. Duruk, H. A. ERBAY and A. Erkip, “Doğrusal olmayan kuple integro-diferansiyel
dalga denklemleri için global varlık ve patlama”, XXIII. National Mathematics
Symposium, Book of Abstracts, page 182, Kayseri, Turkey, 2010.
4. N. Duruk, H. A. ERBAY and A. Erkip, “Yerel olmayan Cauchy problem ailesi için
global varlık ve patlama”, XXII. National Mathematics Symposium, Book of Abstracts,
page 42, Selçuk, İzmir, Turkey, 2009.
5. N. Duruk, H. A. ERBAY and A. Erkip, “Yerel olmayan elastisite için bir Cauchy
problemi”, XXI. National Mathematics Symposium, Book of Abstracts, page 78,
Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.
6. N. Duruk, H. A. ERBAY and A. Erkip, “Yüksek mertebe Boussinesq denklemi için
Cauchy problemi”, XX. National Mathematics Symposium, Book of Abstracts, page
106, Erzurum, Turkey, 2007.
Other Academic Activities
1. Istanbul Differential Equations Seminar Series, February 5th,2016.
2. Saadet & Hüsnü Ata Erbay, 60th birthday seminar organization,
January 22, 2016, Istanbul Technical University.
3. Children University Workshop, “Math is our life”, Istanbul
Kemerburgaz University, May 12, 2015.
4. Istanbul Analysis Seminars, “Semigroup approach for partial
differential equations of evolution”, October 24, 2014.
5. Minisymposium organizer: “Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Equations”,
SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures,
Cambridge, UK, 2014.
6. Thesis jury, “A survey on Cauchy problems for peridynamic
equations”, Gamze Kuruk, Sabancı University, Spring 2014.
7. Galatasaray University Mathematics Department Seminar:
“On periodic solutions of a model equation for surface waves of
moderate amplitude in shallow water”, November 27, 2013.
8. CIME Summer School on Nonlinear Water Waves,
Cetraro, Italy, 2013.
Presentation with Anna Geyer: “Orbital stability of solitary
waves of moderate amplitude in shallow water”
9. 6th European Congress of Mathematics, Krakow, Poland, 2012.
10. Spring School on Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Evolution
Essen, Germany, 2011.
Poster session: Global existence and blow-up results for some problems
in nonlinear nonlocal elasticity
11. Workshop on Differential Equations and Applications IV, Yeditepe
University, April 30-May 2, 2010.
1. Turkish Mathematical Society
2. SIAM Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
3. American Mathematical Society (AMS) (also reviewer )
4. Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV)
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Psychology Research and Application Center
1. A. Ascanelli, C. Boiti, “Cauchy problem for higher order p-evolution equations”, J.
Diff. Equations 255, 2672-2708, 2013.
2. R. Picard, S. Trostorff, M. Waurick, M. Wehowski, “On non-autonomous evolutionary
problems”, Journal of Evolution Equations 13, 751-776, 2013.
3. H. Tahara, “On a reduction of nonlinear partial differential equations of Briot-Bouquet
type”, Tokyo J. Math , 36, 539-570, 2013.
4. D. Fang, C. Fang, “ Almost global existence for some semilinear wave equations with
almost critical regularity”, Comm. in Part. Diff. Eq. 38, 1467-1491, 2013.
5. Autuori, Giuseppina, “A priori estimates for solutions of p-Kirchoff systems under
dynamic boundary conditions”,
6. Wang, Yongda, “ Finite time blow-up and global solutions for fourth order damped
wave equations”, Jour. of Math. Analy. and App. 418, 713-733, 2014.
7. B. Dehman, S. Ervedoza, “Dependence of high-frequency waves with respect to
potentials”, SIAM J. Control Optim., 52, 3722-3750, 2014.
8. G. A. Philippin, “Lower bounds for blow-up time in a class of nonlinear wave
equations”, Z. Angew. Math. Phys, 66, 129-134, 2015.
9. J. Krieger, J. Sterbenz, D. Tataru, “ Global well-posedness for the Maxwell-KleinGordon equation in 4+1 dimensions: small energy”, Duke Math. Jour., 164(6), 9731040, 2015.
10. M. D’Abbicco, S. Lucente, M. Reissig, “A shift in the Strauss exponent for semilinear
wave equations with a not effective damping”, J. Diff. Eq. 259, 5040-5073, 2015.
11. A. Sarria, R. Saxton, “A sign-changing Liouville equation”, J. Evol. Eq. 15, 847-867,
 Prof. Dr. Albert Erkip,
Sabancı University, FENS Mathematics Programme, 34956 Istanbul
 Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Ata Erbay
Özyeğin University, Natural and Mathematical Sciences, 34794 Istanbul
 Prof. Dr. Adrian Constantin
Vienna University, Faculty of Mathematics, Austria
King’s College London, Faculty of Mathematics

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