
Curriculum Vitae
E-mail: federicabroilo@gmail.com
Mobile Phone: (+39) 3389722991
Via G. Sirtori 7/a
30175 Marghera Venezia
Nationality: Italian
FEDERICA A. BROILO is currently an Adjunct Professor at the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”
where she teaches Islamic Art and Architecture. She has been Assistant Professor at the
Department of History of Art at Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey until December 2015. She
holds a Ph.D. in Oriental Studies from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy (2009). She is
especially interested in the relation between water, light and architectural spaces in the
Mediterranean world and beyond.
University/Institution Year
High School
Classical Studies
Istituto Cavanis,
Oriental Studies
Ca' Foscari University,
Ca' Foscari University,
Curriculum Vitae
Academic positions
Adjunct Professor, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, DISCUI (2016 - )
Assist. Prof., Mardin Artuklu University, Department of History of Art (10.2011-12.2015).
Lecturer, Ca’ Foscari-Harvard Summer School, (2010-2011)
Lecturer, Ca’ Foscari-Harvard Summer School, (2009-2010
Adjunt Prof., Ca' Foscari University, Department of Eurasian Studies (2009-2011).
Tutor, Ca' Foscari University , Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures (2008-2009).
Tutor, Ca' Foscari University, Department of Eurasian Studies (2006-2007).
Course at Urbino (2016 -)
III Year: Introduction to Islamic Art and Architecture
Courses at MAU until December 2015 (Department of History of Art)
I Year: Ancient Mediterranean and Greek Art; Roman Art and Architecture; Early
Christian and Byzantine Art; Academic Writing I (English)
II Year: Istanbul through the Ages; Academic Writing II (English/Turkish).
III Year: Early and Classical Ottoman Architecture; Archaeology of the Holy Land
(Hellenistic to Early Islamic period).
IV Year: Arts of China, Japan and Korea (Islamic focus on China); Arts of the Indian
Subcontinent and South-eastern Asia (Islamic focus).
Courses previously taught at MAU (Department of Tourism and Hotel Management)
I Year: English.
II Year: English; Greek, Byzantine and Anatolian History of Art.
MASTER: Introduction the study of History of Art.
Courses previously taught at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.
BA: Byzantine and Islamic Architectural History I; History of Byzantine Art.
MA: Byzantine and Islamic Architectural History II
Italian: native speaker; English: excellent; Spanish, French: Good. Turkish, German, Arabic,
Latin, Classical Greek: good reading knowledge.
Curriculum Vitae
Book chapters
“Pane, vino e cavarzerà: la Via Egnatia nel XVI secolo secondo l’Itinerario di Gabriele
Cavazza”, In G. PEDRINI (a cura di), Itinera Orientalia. Itinerari veneti tra Oriente ed
Occidente. Relazioni di viaggio e alterità, Montecchio Vicentino, Ed. Comune Di
Montecchio Arti Grafiche Leoni Vice, (2010): 95-151.
“The splendour of Ottoman Constantinople in the gaze of some Venetian Travellers
(16th century)", Seyfi Kenan (ed.), Erken Klasik Dönemden XVIII. Yüzyıl Sonuna Kadar
Osmanlılar ve Avrupa: Seyahat, Karşılaşma ve Etkileşim/ The Ottomans and Europe:
Travel, Encounter and Interaction from the Early Classical Period until the End of the
18th Century, İstanbul: İSAM Yayınları, (2010): 255-269.
“Making sense of diplomatic gift exchange between East and West (1644-1820)”,
Face to Face. The transcendence of the Arts in China and Beyond, Lisbon (2013): 240256.
F. Broilo, L.Pizzocheri, Y. Baluken, M. Toprak, K. Akalın, “Diyarbakır Surlarında Mevcut
Yazıtlar” (tr. The Inscriptions of Diyarbakır’s City Walls), Diyarbakır kalesi ve hevsel
bahçeleri kültürel peyzajı, Amed, 2015: 83-130.
“A Dome for the Water: Canopied Fountains and Cypress Trees in Byzantine and
Ottoman Constantinople”. Fountains and Water Culture in Byzantium. Cambridge
University Press, 2016: 314-323.
“Adoption and Diffusion of the Ottoman(ized) Style Majolica Outside the Boundaries
of the Ottoman Empire”, «A mari usque ad mare» Cultura visuale e materiale
dall’Adriatico all’India. Scritti in memoria di Gianclaudio Macchiarella. Sara Mondini
and Mattia Guidetti eds., Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2016: 163-170.
Articles in Journals
“Le mescit dei caravanserragli urbani ottomani di Bursa, Edirne e Cipro: una nuova
interpretazione”, Annali di Ca’ Foscari: rivista della Facoltà di Lingue e letterature
straniere, Serie orientale, 36 (2005): 81-96.
“Cleanses the sins with the water of the pure-flowing font: Fountains for Ablutions in
the Byzantine Constantinopolitan Context”, Revue Des Études Sud-Est Européennes
XLVII/1-4, (2009): 5-24.
Curriculum Vitae
“Fons mirabilis: appunti per uno studio sulle fontane bizantine per le abluzioni”,
Porphyra 16/1 (2010): 87-97.
“Some new directions on the study of the Italian majolica pottery ‘a la Turchesca’
known as ‘Candiana’, TheMA: Open Access Research Journal for Theatre, Music, Arts,
(2013): 37-50.
Conference proceedings
“From Material Evidence to Architecture: A Journey through some “Kiosk” Typologies
of the Early Ottoman Period”, Uluslar Arası Türkiye Estetik ve Sanat Kongresi: Değişen
Tarihsel Süreçler Değişen Kavramlar, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Basımevi, (2006):
“Ottoman Fountains: A Comparative study on the şadırvan fountains inside the
courtyard of Istanbul Royal Mosques (16th -18th centuries)”, Ipek Yolu, Konya Kitabi,
Prof. Dr. Rüçan Arık ve Prof. Dr. M. Oluş Arık’a Armagan, Konya, (2007): 191-198.
"Itinera Constantinopolitana: Western and Eastern travelers through the Lands of the
Sultan (16th -17th centuries)”, From Conceptual Road Maps to an Identitary
Cartography ODISEI(II), M. Hirimia (ed.), Bucharest: University of Bucharest, (2009):
"Ottoman Woodworks: Some little known Koran boxes from the collection of the
Türk ve Islam Eserleri Müzesi of Istanbul (16th -17th centuries)”, 13. Uluslar Arası
Türk Sanatı Kongresi ICTA, Budapest (2009): 135-143.
“Gardens of Stone: Imagining Colors in Turkish Art”, Cultural Memory and Aesthetic
Reflections, ed. by K. Giray, Ankara, (2011): 161-174.
“The forgotten Ottoman heritage of Florina on the River Sakoulevas, and a little
known Ottoman building on the shore of Lake Volvis in Greek Macedonia” Center and
peripheries in Ottoman Architecture: Rediscovering a Balkan Heritage, CWBC,
Sarajevo, (2011): 90-97.
“Copies and originals: some little known Italian imitations of Ottoman pottery in the
Albrizzi collection”, The 14th International Congress of Turkish Art (ICTA), Collège de
France, 2011, Paris, France.
“Not Oriental enough for Orientalism?”: Ottoman Architecture and Ornament in the
Italian Experience (19th-20th Centuries), The 15th International Congress of Turkish
Art (ICTA) (forthcoming)
Curriculum Vitae
“Mixing and Matching: Artistic Relations between Iznik and Northern Italy in the
Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries”. UNESCO, Iznik (forthcoming)
Other publications
“Istanbul, sogno d’Oriente”, MEDITERRANEA Adriatic Sea. A Sea of Thousand Faces,
VI/2 (2008/2009): 2-9.
“Different approaches to the study of some Ottoman settlements along the Via
Egnatia: Elbasan, Florina and Apollonia Loutrà (15th-17th centuries), New Europe
College “Europa” Program Yearbook 2007-2008, ed. by I. Vainovski-Mihai, Bucharest,
"Crossing space and time: Turkey Where Europe and Asia meet, artistic and cultural
relations between Turkey, Italy and Europe" (Texts and images by G. Macchiarella
and Federica A. Broilo), Trevi Cultural Centre, 2006, Bolzano, Italy.
“ALBANIA E ADRIATICO MERIDIONALE. Studi per la conservazione del patrimonio
culturale (2006-2008). Mostra fotografica e documentaria”. Castello Normanno
Svevo, Sala angioina, April 18th - May 9th 2009, Bari, Italy.
International conferences and symposia
"Byzantine and Umayyad influences on the mescits and şadırvans in Ottoman
caravanserais courtyards", Anthropology, Archaeology and Heritage in the Balkans
and Anatolia or The Life and Times of F.W. Hasluck (1878-1920), Wales Üniversitesi,
Gregynog, 6th -9th May 2006, UK.
"From Material Culture to Architecture: a journey through some kiosk typologies of
the Early Ottoman Period", Uluslar Arası Türk Estetik ve Sanatı Sempozyumu, 24th –
26th May 2006, Ankara, Turkey.
"The splendour of Ottoman Constantinople in the gaze of some Venetian Travellers
(16th century)", Uluslar Arası İslam-Türk Medeniyeti ve Avrupa Sempozyumu (11th 18th Centuries), İstanbul, 24th -26th November 2006, Türkiye Diyanet İşleri
Başkanlığı, Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, İstanbul, ve İslam Araştırmaları
Merkezi, Istanbul, Turkey. "Ottoman fountains: a comparative study on the şadırvan
fountains inside the courtyard of Istanbul Imperial Mosques (16th -18th centuries)",
Uluslar Arası Türk Sanatı ve Arkeolojisi Sempozyumu, Selçuk Üniversitesi, 25th-27th
April 2007, Konya, Turkey.
Curriculum Vitae
"Bursa: the contribution of Imperial Patronage to the urban development of the first
capital of the Ottoman Empire (14th-15th centuries)", International Medieval
Congress, Leeds University, 9th -12th July 2007, Leeds, UK.
"Ottoman Woodworks: Some little known Koran boxes from the collection of the
Türk ve Islam Eserleri Müzesi of Istanbul (16th-17th centuries)”, 13. Uluslar Arası Türk
Sanatı Kongresi (ICTA), 3rd-8th September 2007, Budapest, Hungary.
"Itinera Constantinopolitana: Western and Eastern’ travellers through the Lands of
the Sultan (16th -17th centuries)”, From Conceptual Road Maps to an Identitary
Cartography ODISEI(II): An Identitary Cartography – Case Studies, Centre of
Excellence for the Study of Cultural Identity of the University of Bucharest, 9th - 10th
May, 2008, Romania.
“Gardens of Stone: Imagining Colors in Turkish Art”, Kültürel Hafıza ve Estetik
Yansımaları: 3. Uluslar Arası Genç Sanat Tarihçileri Sempozyumu, Ankara Üniversitesi
Dil, Tarih ve Coğrafya Fakültesi Sanat Tarihi Bölümü, 5th - 7th November, 2008,
Ankara, Turkey.
“Notes on some caravanserais and marketplaces for merchants, traders and travelers
along the Western part of the Via Egnatia (16th-17th centuries)”, International
Symposium “Trade and Production through the Ages”, Selçuk Üniversitesi, 25th 28thNovember, 2008, Konya, Turkey.
“Beyond the Thousand and One Nights: A Portrait of Ottoman Baghdad through
Western and Eastern Sources (16th-17th centuries)”, The 14th Annual Workshop of
the Department of Middle East Studies at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, 30th
June – 3rd July 2009, Ber Sheva, Israel.
“Misunderstanding the past: the forgotten Ottoman legacy of Florina on the River
Sakoulevas and a little known Ottoman building on the shore of Lake Volvis in Greek
Macedonia”, Centres And Peripheries In Ottoman Architecture Rediscovering A Balkan
Heritage, , 22nd -24th April 2010, Sarajevo.
“Ut Qui Orare Volunt, Prius Abluant Manus Et Tunc Demum Eas Ad Preces Attollant: A
Comparative Study on Fountains for Ritual Ablutions in Byzantine and Ottoman
Civilizations”, Dünya Tarihinde Bizans ve Osmanlı Medeniyetleri Uluslar Arası
Sempozyumu, İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi ve Dünya Tarih Birliği, İstanbul 21st -24thSeptember, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
“Islamic Cultural Heritage in Albania: some little known case studies”, 6th Conference
of the International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA), 28th
April- 1st May 2011, Universität Regensburg, Germany.
Curriculum Vitae
“Fons mirabilis, ricerca sulle fontane per abluzioni in ambito bizantino" Venezia e
Bisanzio, intrecci millenari tra storia e leggenda, Isola di San Servolo, , 4th -5th
December 2011, Venice, Italy.
“Copies and Originals: Venetian Imitations of Ottoman Pottery and Ottoman Pottery
Collections in Venice”, The 14th International Congress of Turkish Art (ICTA), Collège
de France, 19th -21st September 2011, Paris, France.
“Şebekeler ve Pamaklıklar: Ottoman Metalwork and Architecture”, Ottoman Turkish
Metalwork in the Balkans and in Hungary, Hungarian National Museum, 23rd -24th
February 2012, Budapest, Hungary.
“A Dome for the Water: Canopied Fountains and Cypress Trees in Byzantine and
Ottoman Constantinople, Fountain of Byzantion – Constantinople – Istanbul, Swedish
Reasearch Institute, 28th June- 1st July 2012, Istanbul.
“Some Observations On The Salsabil Fountains in the Courtyards of Mardin’s
Mosques and Medreses”, Uluslararası XVIII. Ortaçağ ve Türk Dönemi Kazıları ve Sanat
Tarihi Araştırmaları Sempozyumu (22-25 Ekim 2014), Aydın, Turkey.
“A Kingdom for the Sheikh: Harlequin Comics and their Use and Misuse of Islamic Art
and Architecture”, CSSC/SCEBD Conference, 7th – 8th May 2015, Toronto Reference
Library, Ontario, Canada.
“Not Oriental enough for Orientalism?”: Ottoman Architecture and Ornament in the
Italian Experience (19th-20th Centuries), The 15th International Congress of Turkish
Art (ICTA),16th -18th September 2015, Naples, Italy.
“The Fountain of Paradise: Symbolism and function of the Selsebil fountain in the
Mediterranean World”, Symbolic aspects of architecture: Late Roman, Byzantine and
Ottoman perspectives, 5th -6th November 2015, Swedish Reasearch Institute. Turkey.
“Interconnectedness and Mobility in the Middle Ages/Nowadays: from Baghdad to
Chang’an and from Istanbul to Tokyo“, Imagining Asia(s): Networks, Actors, Sites,
Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre (NSC) at the ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute, 10th -11th October
2016, Singapore.
Seminars and workshops
Second UNESCO Open Forum and Workshop on Mesopotam-Rusan. Study,
Restoration and Revitalization of Byzantine and Ottoman monuments in Southern
Albania, 13th -22nd September 2007, Saranda, Albania.
Curriculum Vitae
A Working group for the Balkans: Framing Modernity in the Balkans. Research
Strategies. In Building Modernity in the Balkans. Symposium and Workshop. New
Europe College, 23rd -24th May 2008, Bucharest, Romania.
The 14th Annual Workshop of the Department of Middle East Studies at Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev, “Material Evidence and Narrative Sources: Interdisciplinary
Studies of the History of Islamic Societies”, June 30th – July 3rd 2009, Ber Sheva,
Linking Islamic and Christian Art: Transfer and Comparison, 24th -26th June 2010,
Berlin, Germany.
Crossing the Strait of Gibraltar: Art Histories Between Morocco and Al-Andalus,
Summer School, The Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florence, Max-Planck-Institute,
together with The Getty Foundation, May 5th- 15th 2011, Spain and Morocco.
Other conferences on anthropology
“Yakitate!!! Japan: Representation and Consumption of Baked Goods in
Contemporary Japan”, IUAES 2014 Inter-Congress: the Future with/of
Anthropologies, 15th -18th May 2014, Chiba City-Greater Tokyo, Japan.
“Reading vs. Eating Japanese Bread: The impact of anime and manga on the
glocalization of Japanese food ways”, Asia and Globalization, Asian Research Working
Group (ARWG), 11th May 2015, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
“Let’s Bake Asia! Korean and Japanese Media and Their Take on Traditional Food
Habits”, Food, feeding, and eating in and out of Asia, 24th -26th June 2015, University
of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Invited lectures
30/10/2007, Istanbul Technical Universitesi (ITU), Istanbul, Turkey: “Ottoman
Woodworks: Some little known Koran boxes from the collection of the Türk ve Islam
Eserleri Müzesi of Istanbul (16th -17th centuries)”.
11/12/2007, Yeditepe Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey: “Byzantine Art and Architecture:
an introduction”.
10/04/2008, New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania: “Practices of Inhabiting along
the Via Egnatia. The Case of Elbasan, on the River Shkumbi (16th-17th Centuries)”.
11/04/2008, The Department of History and Theory of Art of the National University
of Arts, Bucharest, Romania: “Studying Islamic Art Today: the Comparative Method
applied to Art History and Architecture”.
Curriculum Vitae
19/03/2009, Graduate School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, Ca’ Foscari
University of Venice, Italy: “Itinera Constantinopolitana. The Ottoman Via Egnatia/Sol
Kol through some Archival Sources (16th-17th centuries) and the Conflict about the
Protection of Its Islamic Architectural Heritage”.
26/10/2010, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü, Sakarya University, Turkey, “The
Splendour of Ottoman Constantinople, its monuments and food (16th-17th
26/10/2010, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü, Sakarya University, Erasmus
Program, “History of the relations between Venice and Constantinople”.
21/12/2010, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sanat Tarih Bölümü, Mardin Artuklu University,
Turkey, “Fountains for Ablutions in Byzantine and Islamic Context: a Study in the
Comparative Method”.
6/11/2012, Istanbul Swedish Research Institute (SRII), “Itinera ad Orientes: Correcting
some prejudices about travel and trade along the Egnatian Way in the 16th and 17th
1/11/2013, Mardin Artuklu University, Turkey, “Purifying waters, gardens and open
spaces: a comparative analysis on the practise of ritual ablutions in Islam and Shinto
15/04/2015, Vienna, Public Lecture Series Southeast Europe: Music and Theatre.
“Lost in Venice, found in Paris: Gabriele Cavazza’s sixteenth century travel account on
the Egnatian Way”.
Archaeological excavations and surveys
Vico Pisano, PI (Italy): Archaeological works co-ordinate by Professor Sauro Gelichi
from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and by the Archeoclub of Pisa, Summer 2001.
Granada (Spain): Archaeological works co-ordinate by Professor Antonio Malpica
Cuello from the University of Granada. Spring 2002.
Poggio della Regina, Florence (Italy): Archaeological works co-ordinate by Professor
Vannini from the University of Florence. Summer 2002.
Curriculum Vitae
Hierapolis of Phrygia, Pamukkale (Turkey): Archaeological works co-ordinate by
professor Annapaola Zaccaria from Ca' Foscari University of Venice. AugustSeptember 2003.
Mardin (Turkey): Survey of the new campus area. Co-ordinators: Ass. Prof. Güner
Coșkunsu. 2012.
Fellowships and awards
Max van Berchen Foundation Award, 15th International Conference of Turkish Art,
Naples, 2015.
The Hamad bin Khalifa Travel Fellowship, Fifth Biennial Hamad bin Khalifa
Symposium on Islamic Art, Palermo, Sicily, November 9 – 11, 2103.
Max van Berchen Foundation Award, 14th International Conference of Turkish Art,
Paris, 2011.
Bursary (12 months) of the Veneto Region for the development of a project with
economical impact on the area of Venice and beyond thoughout the creation of
cultural and gastronomic itineraries.
Oxford Barakat Trust Award 2007/8.
Europa Fellowship Program 2007-2008, New Europe College, Bucharest, Romania (1st
March- 31st July 2008).
MAE Fellowship for FYR Macedonia (2004).
MAE Fellowship for Turkey (2003).
Erasmus Fellowship. 2001-2002, Universidad de Granada, Spain (9 months).
Other activities
Temporary Unesco Consultant (BRESCE) (Croatia)
External Unesco Consultant (Mardin; Diyarbakir)
Further info
Home address in Italy: Via G. Sirtori 7, 30175 Marghera, Venice, Italy.
Curriculum Vitae

Benzer belgeler

Doç.Dr. Evgenia KERMELİ ÜNAL - Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü

Doç.Dr. Evgenia KERMELİ ÜNAL - Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü “Ut Qui Orare Volunt, Prius Abluant Manus Et Tunc Demum Eas Ad Preces Attollant: A Comparative Study on Fountains for Ritual Ablutions in Byzantine and Ottoman Civilizations”, Dünya Tarihinde Bizan...
