Dr. Başak Başoğlu - Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi


Dr. Başak Başoğlu - Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi
Dr. Başak Başoğlu
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University Faculty of Law
Mahmutbey Mah., Dilmenler Cad. No:26, 34217 Bağcılar – Istanbul - Turkey
Tel: +90 212 604 01 00 (4502) / e-posta: basak.basoglu@kemerburgaz.edu.tr
Assistant Professor at Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Faculty of Law, Department of Civil Law.
9/2008 – 01/2014
Istanbul University, Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul
Ph.D. Successfully completed with a dissertation on “Civil Liability for the
Environmental Damages” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Saibe Oktay Özdemir.
19/4/12 – 28/4/12
Istanbul Bilgi University, certificate program, Istanbul
International Commercial Contract Law and Arbitration (24 hours - taught by
Prof. Dr. Pascal Pichonnaz and Dr. Georgios Petrochilos)
5/10/11 – 17/10/11
Istanbul Bilgi University, certificate program, Istanbul
International Sales Law (24 hours - taught by Dr. Stefan Kröll and Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Yeşim M. Atamer)
5/5/11 – 11/5/11
Istanbul Bilgi University, certificate program, Istanbul
Comparative Contract Law (24 hours - taught by Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schwenzer)
22/2/11 – 3/4/11
Istanbul Bilgi University, certificate program, Istanbul
New Turkish Code of Obligations and New Turkish Commercial Code (60 hours)
12/4/10 – 19/4/10
Istanbul Bilgi University, certificate program, Istanbul
International Sales Law and Commercial Arbitration (24 hours – taught by Prof.
Dr. Micheal Bridge and Dr. Jan Kleinheisterkamp)
8/5/09 – 18/5/09
Istanbul Bilgi University, certificate program, Istanbul
European Corporate Law and Securities Regulation (24 hours – taught by Prof.
Dr. Dr. Klaus J. Hopt and Prof. Dr. Jan von Hein)
9/2005 – 8/2008
Istanbul Bilgi University, Business Law, Istanbul
LL.M., Successfully completed Thesis track with a dissertation on “Specific
Performance under Turkish Law and Comparative Law” under the supervision of
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeşim Atamer.
9/1999 – 8/2004
Istanbul University, School of Law, Istanbul
LL.B. (primary degree in law)
1/3/03 – 25/5/03
Galatasaray University, certificate program, Istanbul
European Union Education Program (27 hours)
9/1992 – 6/1999
American Collegiate Institute, Izmir
Secondary education
Member of Istanbul Bar Association and Turkish Bar Association since December 2005.
1/2016 – Present
6/2014 – Present
MEF University, Faculty of Law, Istanbul
Part-time Assistant Professor - Courses conducted: Environmental Law.
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Faculty of Law, Istanbul
Assistant Professor in Civil Law Chair.
Courses conducted: Civil Law, Property Law, Construction Law, Family Law,
Inheritance Law, Mediation, Moot Court [in English], Legal Terminology [in English].
9/2006 – 3/2014
Istanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Law, Istanbul
Teaching and Research Assistant in Civil Law Chair.
Courses conducted: Introduction to Turkish Civil Law and Code of Obligations [within
the framework of Introduction to Turkish Law - in English], Civil Law Clinics (20062007), Introduction to Moot Court, case study courses: Introduction to Civil Law,
Family Law, Law of Obligations, Property Law, International Sales Law [in English].
Coached teams to moot competitions: Team to the Willem C. Vis International
Commercial Arbitration Moot (2011-2012, 2012-2013), Team to the Philip Jessup
Moot Court Competition (2006-2007 – Ranked 1st in the National Rounds).
Organized Istanbul Bilgi national pre-moot (2011-2012, 2012-2013).
Assistant Editor of website CISG Turkey (http://cisg.bilgi.edu.tr) (2011-2014).
Certificate Programs organized and assisted (under the supervision of Prof. Dr.
Yeşim M. Atamer): International Sales Law (1-6 September 2012, Dr. Pascal
Hachem and Prof. Dr. Yeşim M. Atamer), International Commercial Contract Law
and Arbitration (19-28 April 2012, Prof. Dr. Pascal Pichonnaz and Dr. Georgios
Petrochilos); International Sales Law (5-17 October 2011, Dr. Stefan Kröll and
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeşim M. Atamer); Comparative Contract Law (5-11 May 2011,
Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Schwenzer); International Sales Law and Commercial Arbitration
(12-19 April 2010, Prof. Dr. Michael Bridge and Dr. Jan Kleinheisterkamp);
European Corporate Law and Securities Regulation (8-18 May 2009, Prof. Dr. Dr.
Klaus J. Hopt and Prof. Dr. Jan von Hein)
Conferences organized (under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Yeşim M. Atamer):
New International Sales Law of Turkey: CISG (25-26 May 2012); The Failure of
Contracting: Financial Crisis, Financial Services and General European Contract Law
(11-12 June 2010); Compatibility of Turkish Business Law and European Union Law
(14-15 December 2007); United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods: What Challenges for Turkish Sales Law (17-18 November 2006).
Assistant Departmental Coordinator of the Exchange Programs. (2006-2012).
7/2012 – 12/2013
UICN Centre de Coopération pour la Méditerranée
Country expert for Turkey within the framework of the project NEREUS to prepare
the “Institutional and Legal Country profile for Marine Conservation in Turkey”.
9/2012 – 10/2012
World Trade Organization
RTCP Assistant in Regional Trade Policy Course for Central and Eastern Europe,
Central Asia and the Caucasus Countries organized in partnership with the Istanbul
Bilgi University and the Government of Turkey.
3/2011 – 8/2011
Global Sales Law Project, Basel
Turkish correspondent to the book project: Global Sales Law.
9/2004 – 8/2006
Erdem & Erdem Consultancy, Istanbul
Scholarship for Visiting Fellows from Abroad given by Max Planck Institute for Comparative and
International Private Law, Hamburg, Germany, 1 Sept – 1 Dec. 2010.
Secretary- General’s Scholarship given by International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
(Unidroit) for academic research, Rome - Italy 1 Sept. – 2 Oct. 2009.
Scholarship and Tuition Waiver given by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München to participate in the
Munich Summer Training in German and European Law, Munich - Germany July 2008.
Scholarship given by Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) to participate in the
Intensive German Course in did deutsch-Institut, Munich, Germany, July-August 2007.
Tuition waiver (covering 50 % of the tuition fee) given by İstanbul Bilgi University, 2006.
Visiting Fellow, Université de Fribourg, Faculté de droit, Fribourg - Switzerland, 1 May. – 31 Aug. 2013
(Research Topic: Civil Liability for the Environmental Damage).
Visiting Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg Germany, 1 Sept. 2010 – 15 Feb. 2011 (Research Topic: Civil Liability for the Environmental Damage).
Visiting Fellow, International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit), Rome - Italy 1
Sept. – 2 Oct. 2009. (Research Topic: Specific Performance under Turkish Law and Comparative Law).
Visiting Fellow, Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht, Munich – Germany,
1 July – 31 August 2007 and also in July 2008 (Research Topic: Specific Performance under Turkish Law
and Comparative Law).
Turkish (native), English (fluent), French (working knowledge), German (working knowledge).
Société de législation comparé (Paris), European Law Institute, World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional
Research, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, European Environmental Law Forum, European
Association of Law and Economics.
Property Law, Law of Contracts, Law of International Sale of Goods, Law of Tortuous Liability, Environmental
Law, Legal Method, Comparative Law, Family Law.
“Çocuğun Medeni Hukuk Kuralları Çerçevesinde Şiddete Karşı Korunması”
(Protection of the Child Against Violance With Civil Law Rules) presented at the 1.
Şiddeti Anlamak Kongresi, 12-14 November, Istanbul, Turkey.
“Sözleşme Dışı Kusursuz Sorumluluk Hukukuna ve Özellikle Tehlike Sorumluluğuna
İlişkin Değerlendirmeler” (Thoughts on Strict Tort Liability, Specially on Liability for
Abnormally Dangerous Activities) presented at the Hukukun Geleceğine Genç Bakış
Sempozyumu, 24 October, Malatya, Turkey.
“From Lectures to Moot Courts: Recent Developments in Turkish Legal Education”
presented at the 69th Session of Société Internationale Fernand de Vissher pour
l’Histoire des Droits de l’Antiquite, 7-12 September, Istanbul, Turkey.
“Corporate Governance Reform in Turkey” (with Dr. Kadir Berk Kapancı) presented
at the First WINIR Symposium on Nature and Governance of the Corporations, 22-24
April, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland.
“CISG’ta Aynen İfa Talebi ve Tarihsel Arka Planı” (Specific Performance under CISG
and its historical background), presented at the CISG Conference at Melikşah
University, 17-18 April, Kayseri, Turkey.
“Turkish National Report on Disgorgement of Profits” presented at the XIXth
International Congress of Comparative Law, 20-26 July, Vienna - Austria.
“Civil Liability For Nuclear Damages In Turkey” presented at the 12th IUCNAEL
Colloquium, 30 June – 5 July, Tarragona, Spain.
“Nükleer Santral İşletenin Hukuki Sorumluluğu” (Civil Liability For Nuclear Damages)
presented at the conference “Hukuki, Siyasi, Ekolojik Yönleriyle Nükleer Enerji:
Türkiye'nin Enerji Güvenliği Açısından Alternatif Olabilir mi?”organized by Istanbul
Bilgi University and Greenpeace.
“Nükleer Santral İşletenlerin Hukuki Sorumluluğu” (Civil Liability of the Nuclear
Power Plant Operators) presented at “Medeni Hukuk Genç Akademisyenler
Sempozyumu” organized by Koç University, Istanbul.
18/04/13– 19/04/13
“New Turkish Sales Law under the Recent Developments and the Impact of CISG in
Turkey” (with Kadir Berk Kapancı, LL.M.) at University of Verona, Italy.
“National Report of Turkey on Financial Leasing and its Unification by UNIDROIT”
presented at XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law, in Washington, DC,
28/05/09– 06/06/09
“Recent Developments on the Compatibility of Turkish Family Law with the European
Union Legislation” (with Candan Yasan, LLM) at Humboldt University of Berlin,
Çevre Zararlarından Sorumluluk (“Liability for Environmental Damages”), Vedat Kitapçılık, Istanbul, 2016
[forthcoming publication]
Eşya Hukuku Pratik Çalışmalar (“Property Law – Case Studies”), (with Dr. Kadir Berk Kapancı), Vedat
Kitapçılık, Istanbul, April 2014 (xi + 156 pages) [2. Edition: Vedat Kitapçılık, Istanbul, October 2014 (xi +
250 pages)] [3. Edition: Vedat Kitapçılık, Istanbul, April 2015 (xxi + 554 pages)].
Türk Hukukunda ve Mukayeseli Hukukta Aynen İfa Talebi (“Specific Performance in Turkish Law and
Comparative Law”), Oniki Levha Yayınları, Istanbul, September, 2012 (xix + 291 pages).
“The Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts – Renegotiation, Rescission or
Revision”, Springer, March 2016 (xix + 333 pages).
Karşılaştırmalı ve Kavram Endeksli Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu, İcra ve İflas Kanunu ve İlgili
Mevzuatı (“Comparative Turkish Procedural Law, Execution and Bankruptcy Law and Related
Legislations”), (with Dr. Kadir Berk Kapancı), Vedat Kitapçılık, Istanbul, September 2015 (viii+774
Karşılaştırmalı ve Kavram Endeksli Türk Ticaret Kanunu ve İlgili Mevzuatı (“Comparative Turkish
Commercial Code and Related Legislations”), (with Dr. Kadir Berk Kapancı), Vedat Kitapçılık,
Istanbul, February 2015 (xii+ 1040 pages).
Turkish Reports to the XIX International Congress of Comparative Law, (with Prof. Dr. Rona Serozan),
Vedat Kitapçılık, Istanbul, January 2015 (ix+ 166 pages).
Karşılaştırmalı ve Kavram Endeksli Türk Medeni Kanunu, Türk Borçlar Kanunu ve İlgili Mevzuatı
(“Comparative Turkish Civil Code, Turkish Code of Obligations and Related Legislations”), (with Dr.
Kadir Berk Kapancı), Vedat Kitapçılık, Istanbul, September, 2014 (vi + 760 pages).
Articles and Book Chapters
“Sözleşme Dışı Kusursuz Sorumluluk Hukuku ve Özellikle Tehlike Sorumluluğuna İlişkin Değerlendirmeler
(“Thoughts on Strict Tort Liability, Specially on Liability for Abnormally Dangerous Activities”), İnönü
Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Malatya, Cilt 6, Sayı 2, Yıl 2015 [forthcoming publication]
“Nükleer Enerji Santralleriyle İlgili Reklamların Düşündürdükleri: Çevreye İlişkin Beyanlar İçeren
Reklamlar” (“Thoughts on Advertising of the Nuclear Energy Powerplants: Environmental Advertising”),
İnönü Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Malatya, 2015 Speacial Issue Volume II, pp. 707-722.
“Tehlike Sorumluluğunda Hukuka Aykırılık Tartışması” (Debate on Illegality in Liability for Abnormally
Dangerous Activities”), “Prof. Dr. Hasan Erman’a Armağan”, Der Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 2015, s.161-184.
“Non-Genunine Benevolent Intervention In Another’s Affairs and Disgorgement of Profits under Turkish
Law”, in “Disgorgement of Profits – Gain-based Damages for Breach of Law or Contract” edited by
Ewoud Hondius and André Janssen, Springer, 2015, pp.253-266.
“Legal Status of Same-Sex Couples within the Framework of Turkish Civil Law”, in “Same Sex Couples Comparative Insights on Marriage and Cohabitation”, edited by Macarena Saez, Springer, 2015, pp. 189208.
“Matrimonial Property Regime in Turkey”, (with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Derya Tarman), in Nederland
Internationaal Privaatrecht (NIPR), 2014 -3, pp. 357-363.
“Chapter 43 Turkey”, in “International Environmental Law Book – The Practitioner’s Guide to the Laws of
the Planet” (with Dr. Nilüfer Oral), edited by: Roger R. Marterlla, Jr.; J. Brett Grosko, ABA Publishing,
USA, 2014, pp. 849-867.
“Borcun İfasındaki İmkânsızlık” (“Supervening Impossibility”), in “Prof. Dr. Mustafa Dural’a Armağan”,
Istanbul, 2013, pp. 307-347.
“Sözleşmenin Konusundaki İmkânsızlık” (“Initial Impossibility”), in “Prof. Dr. Belgin Erdoğmuş’a
Armağan”, Der Yayınları, Istanbul, 2011, pp. 489-519.
“Dini Nikâhlı Kadının Hukuki Durumu” (“Legal Status of the Women in Religious Marriages”) (with Meliha
Sermin Paksoy, LL.M.) in “Prof. Dr. Şener Akyol’a Armağan”, Filiz Kitabevi, Istanbul, 2011, pp. 239269.
“Financial Leasing in Turkey in Light of the Recent Developments” (with Assis. Prof. Dr. M. Murat
İnceoğlu) in “Uniform Law Review / Revue de Droit Uniforme” 2011-1/2, Vol.XVI, pp. 415-435.
“Öncelenmiş Borca Aykırılığın Sonuçları” (“Consequences of Anticipatory Breach”) in “İstanbul
Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecbuası” Volume LXVI, Number 2, Year 2008, pp. 287-310.
“Sipariş Edilmemiş Malların Gönderilmesi” (“Unsolicited Supply of Goods”) (with Assis. Prof. Dr. M.
Murat İnceoğlu) in “Prof. Dr. Rona Serozan’a Armağan”; Oniki Levha Yayınları, Istanbul, 2010, pp.
Published Reports
“Disgorgement of Profits in Turkey”, in “Turkish Reports to the XIXth International Congress of
Comparative Law”, Vedat Kitapçılık, Istanbul, January 2015, pp. 35-48.
“National Report of Turkey on Same Sex Marriages to the XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative
Law” (with Candan Yasan, LL.M.) in “American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law”
Volume 19, number 1, 2011,pp. 319-328.
“AB Hukuku” (EU Law) (with Aslı Aydın), by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harry Tzimitras, published in “Avrupa
Birliği'ne Giriş : Tarih Kurumlar ve Politikalar”, edited by Ayhan Kaya Özge Onursal Beşgül Senem
Aydın Düzgit Yaprak Gürsoy, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, Istanbul, 2011, pp. 117-139.
“CISG Uyarınca Hasarın Geçmesi” (The Transfer of Risk under the UN Sales Convention 1980) by Prof.
Dr. Michael Bridge, published in “Milletlerarası Satım Hukuku - Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin
Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG)”, edited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeşim M.
Atamer, Oniki Levha Yayınları, Istanbul, 2008, pp. 193-220.
“CISG – Sözleşmeye Aykırılık Halinde Alıcının Hakları” (CISG – Remedies of the Buyer) by Prof. Dr.
Peter Huber, published in “Milletlerarası Satım Hukuku - Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler
Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması (CISG)”, edited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yeşim M. Atamer, Oniki
Levha Yayınları, Istanbul, 2008, pp. 267-286.
“Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi'nin Taner Kılıç/Türkiye Kararı” (European Court of Human Rights
Decision “Taner Kılıç v. Turkey”) (with Candan Yasan, LL.M.), published in “Uğur Alacakaptan’a
Armağan cilt 1”, edited by Assis. Prof. Dr. M. Murat İnceoğlu, İstanbul Bilgi Universitesi Yayınları,
Istanbul, 2008, pp. 769-778.
Academic Contributions
Turkish report to the Project “Endogenous Property Rights” by Carmine Guerriero available at
Turkish report to the Project “Protecting Property Rights versus Enhancing Reliance on Contracts: The Case
of the Good-Faith Purchaser” by Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Carmine Guerriero, Zhenxing Huang available
at https://www.law.yale.edu/system/files/documents/pdf/LEO/Mattiacci.pdf.
Turkish report to the Project “Europeanization of Private Law in Central and Eastern Europe Countries

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