RESUME-CV-web - İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi


RESUME-CV-web - İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi
Resume CV
Ahmet Fatih Tabak, Ph.D.
Work Address:
E-mail Address:
Military Service:
Date of CV/Resume:
2007 – 2012
2005 – 2007
2000 – 2005
1993 – 2000
Ph.D. Mechatronics, Sabanci University, Istanbul.
Thesis Title: Computational and microhydrodynamic modeling and experiments
with bio-inspired swimming robots in cylindrical channels.
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Serhat Yesilyurt
M.Sc. Electronics Engineering and Computer Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul.
Thesis Title: Simulation based experiments of travelling-plane-wave-actuator
micropumps and microswimmers.
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Serhat Yesilyurt
B.Sc. Mechatronics Engineering, Sabanci University, Istanbul.
Graduation Project: Ball catching direct drive SCARA robot.
Advisors: Dr. Kemalettin Erbatur, Dr. Mustafa Unel
Luleburgaz Anatolian High School, Kirklareli.
Assistant Professor:
Research Assistant:
Teaching Assistant:
Summer Internship:
2012 – 2013
2006 – 2007
2006 – 2007
Istanbul Ticaret Universitesi,
Muhendislik ve Tasarim Fakultesi,
Inonu Cad. No: 4 Kucukyali
34840 Istanbul Turkey.
Fulfilled as of May 2012
Mechatronics Engineering Department, Istanbul Commerce University,
Istanbul, Turkey, December 2012 – September 2014 (expected date of leave)
Modeling and characterization of helices moving in thin channels, Turkish
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Grant Number
111M376, Fall/Spring 2012.
Design and demonstration of the traveling-wave actuator for viscous
propulsion of micro-swimmers, Sabanci University Internal Grant Program,
Contract Number IACF06-00418, Fall 2006 – Spring 2008.
Mechatronics Engineering Department, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey,
Fall 2005 – Spring 2012.
Tool & Die and Prototype Manufacturing Area in Ford Motor Company,
Golcuk Plant, Turkey, 08.2004 – 09.2004.
Subrata Chakrabarti Medal, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.
Gürsel Sönmez Research Award, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Successful Teaching Assistant Certificate, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Research Interests
Kinematic and dynamic modeling of swimming robots, CFD, PIV, biomimetics, micro-robotics,
motility in micro-realm, micro channel flows, fluid-structure interactions in micro realm, general heat
Thermodynamics (Undergraduate):
Computer Programming (Undergraduate):
Mechatronics System Design (Graduate):
Heat and Mass Transfer (Undergraduate):
Microelectromechanical Systems (Graduate):
Advanced Fluid Mechanics (Graduate):
Fall 2013-2014
Fall 2013-2014 / Spring 2013-2014
Fall 2013-2014
Spring 2013-2014
Spring 2013-2014
Spring 2013-2014
Ahmet Fatih Tabak, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistantships
Computer Aided Engineering:
Computational Analysis and Simulation:
Fluid Dynamics:
Foundations of Microsystems:
Heat and Mass Transfer:
Science of Nature:
Spring 2005-2006, Spring 2006-2007, Fall 2009-2010
Fall 2010-2011
Spring 2005-2006, Fall 2008-2009, Fall 2009-2010
Fall 2005-2006
Fall 2005-2006, Spring 2006-2007, Spring 20082009, Spring 2009-2010, Spring 2010-2011, Spring
Fall 2006-2007
Journal Publications
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Computationally-validated surrogate models for optimal geometric design
of bio-inspired swimming robots: Helical swimmers,” Computers and Fluids, vol. 99, p. 190198, 2014.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Improved kinematic models for two-link helical micro/nanoswimmers,”
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Special Issue on Nanorobotics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 14-25,
February, 2014.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Simulation-based analysis of flow due to traveling-plane-wave
deformations on elastic thin-film actuators in micropumps,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics,
vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 489-500, June, 2008.
Publications in International Conferences
A.G. Erman, A.F. Tabak, “Resistive force theory based modeling and simulation of surface contact
for swimming helical micro robots with channel flow,” In: 2014 IEEE/ASME International
Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2014), Besançon, France, July, 2014.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “In-channel experiments on vertical swimming with bacteria-like robots,”
In: 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013),
Tokyo, Japan, November, 2013.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Experimental validation of a CFD-based resistive force coefficient set for
rotating helical tails in cylindrical channels,” In: 7th Subrata Chakrabarti International
Conference on Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI2013), Gran Canaria, Spain, April, 2013.
F.Z. Temel, O. Erin, A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Bio-inspired micro robots swimming in channels,” In:
The 13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference: Minisymposia on Human Adaptive
and Friendly Mechatronics (MECHATRONICS2012), Linz, Austria, September, 2012.
A.F. Tabak, S.Yesilyurt, “Experiments on in-channel swimming of an untethered biomimetic robot
with different helical tails,” In: The 4th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on
Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BIOROB2012), Rome, Italy, June, 2012.
A.F. Tabak, S.Yesilyurt, “Experiment-based kinematic validation of numeric modeling and simulated
control of an untethered biomimetic microrobot in channel,” In: The 12th IEEE International
Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC2012), Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
March, 2012.
A.F. Tabak, F.Z. Temel, S. Yesilyurt, “Comparison on experimental and numerical results for helical
swimmers inside channels,” In: The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots
and Systems (IROS2011), San Francisco, California, USA, September, 2011.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Validated reduced order models for simulating trajectories of bio-inspired
artificial micro-swimmers,” In: The ASME 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer
Meeting and 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels
(FEDSM2010-ICNMM2010), Montreal, Canada, August, 2010.
Ahmet Fatih Tabak, Ph.D.
A.F. Tabak, S.Yesilyurt, “Modeling and simulations of the motion of bio-inspired microswimming
robots,” In: The ASME First Global Congress on Nanoengineering for Medicine and Biology
(NEMB2010), Houston, TX, USA, February, 2010.
A.F. Tabak, A. Solak, E.Y. Erdem, C. Akcan, S. Yesilyurt, “Simulation-based analysis of 3D flow
inside a micropump with passive valves,” In: The ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exhibition (IMECE2007), Seattle, USA, November, 2007.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Numerical analysis of planar wave propagation based micropropulsion
system,” In: The ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibition
(IMECE2007), Seattle, USA, November, 2007.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Numerical analysis of the 3D flow induced by propagation of plane-wave
deformations on thin membranes inside microchannels,” In: The ASME 5th International
Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels & Minichannels, (ICNMM2007), Puebla,
Mexico, June, 2007.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Numerical simulations and analysis of a micropump actuated by traveling
plane waves,” In: The SPIE-Photonics West, MOEMS-MEMS, San Jose, California, USA,
January, 2007.
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Numerical simulations of a traveling plane-wave actuator for microfluidic
applications,” In: The COMSOL Users Conference, Boston, MA, USA, October, 2006.
Publications & Poster Presentations in National Conferences
A.G. Erman, A.F. Tabak, “Dar kanallar içerisinde hareket eden manyetik mikro yüzücülerin dirençkuvveti-teorisi tabanlı modellemesi,” In the 15th National Conference on Automatic Control
(TOK2014), Kocaeli, Turkey, September, 2014. (Under Review)
A.F. Tabak, A. Bozkurt, S. Yesilyurt, “Yürüyen düzlem dalgaların piezoseramikler ile
implementasyonu,” In: The 14th National Conference on Automatic Control (TOK2013),
Malatya, Turkey, September, 2013.
A.F. Tabak, “Bakterileri taklit ederek hareket eden robotların insan vücudunda tedavi amacıyla
kullanılması,” In: TET R&D Project Market, Istanbul, March, 2013. (Poster)
A.F. Tabak, S. Yesilyurt, “Investigation on the propulsion methods for swimming autonomous micro
robots in channels,” In: The Boğaziçi University Master Forum (MASFOR2012), Istanbul,
Turkey, June, 2012. (Poster)
A.F. Tabak, F.Z. Temel, S. Yesilyurt, “Magnetic E. Coli in channel: theory vs. experiment,” In: The
7th National Nanoscience and Technology Conference (NanoTR VII), Istanbul, Turkey, 27
June – 01 July, 2011. (Poster)
International Journal/Conference Reviewerships
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS)
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (TJEECS)
The ASME International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels & Minichannels (ICNMM):
2007, 2013, 2014.
The IEEE/RAS International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA): 2013.
The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS): 2014.
The IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics
(BioRob): 2014
Thesis Jury Memberships
Desktop Microfactory, M.Sc. Thesis by Zhenishbek Zhakypov, Faculty o Engineering and Natural
Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, July, 2013.
Programming Environment for Path Generatıon of Manipulator Systems of FESTO AG & Co. KG
and Its Implementation, M.Sc. Thesis by Tarik Edip Kurt, Faculty o Engineering and Natural
Sciences, Sabanci University, Istanbul, July, 2013.
Ahmet Fatih Tabak, Ph.D.
Project Supervisions
Sabanci University Proj102 Project Course:
Design and demonstration of (electro)mechanical fish robot (Spring 2006-2007, Spring 2009-2010,
Fall 2010-2011),
Design and demonstration of a rotating cylinder sail (Spring 2009-2010, Fall 2010-2011),
Design and implementation of a remote controlled hovercraft (Spring 2010-2011),
Design and implementation of a remote controlled submarine (Spring 2010-2011).
Sabanci University ENS 4912 B.Sc. Graduation Project(s):
Design and demonstration of a microswimming robot (2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2010-2011),
Design and demonstration of a mechanical fish (2007-2008),
Design and demonstration of microfluidic pumps and micropropulsion mechanisms (2006-2007).
Computer Software:
Turkish (Native), English (Advanced – IBT: 108/120, Nov. 2012),
Spanish (Basic), German (Basic)
MATLAB & Simulink, COMSOL, SolidWorks, PRO/Engineer, EAGLE,
Maple, CoventorWare, JMP, Linux (SUSE, CentOS), C, DynamicStudio,
DSPACE ControlDesk.
IEEE Member (2004 – Present)
RAS Member (2013 – Present)
ASME Member (2010 – Present)
Sabanci University Alumni Association (SUMED) Member (2012 – Present)
* Will be provided upon request.

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