Society of Urological Surgery in Turkey


Society of Urological Surgery in Turkey
Society of Urological Surgery in Turkey
The Society of Urological Surgery
Board of Directors
Dr. Serdar Tekgül
Hacettepe University
Department of Urology,
Ankara – Turkey
Tel : +90 312 3051969-70
Fax : +90 312 3112262
Vice President
Dr. Güner Kemal Özgür
Karadeniz Teknik University
Farabi Hospital,
Department of Urology,
Trabzon - Turkey
Tel: +90 462 3775484
Fax : +90 462 3253205
General Secretary
Dr. Çağ Çal
Ege University
Department of Urology,
İzmir – Turkey
Tel: +90 232 3902500
Fax: +90 232 4215533
Dr. Bülent Alıcı
İstanbul University
Department of Urology,
İstanbul- Turkey
Tel: +90 212 414 35 26
Fax: +90 212 414 35 26
Communications and Public Relations
Dr. Şaban Sarıkaya
Ondokuz Mayıs University,
Department of Urology,
School of Urology
Dr. Levent Türkeri
Marmara University,
Department of Urology,
Scientific Secretary
Dr. Sinan Sözen
Gazi University,
Department of Urology,
Profession Related Issues
Dr. Adil Esen
Dokuz Eylül University,
Department of Urology,
Dr. Tufan Tarcan
Dr. Ceyhun Özyurt
Dr. Atilla Arıdoğan
Dr. A. Figueiredo Secretary of EBU
Dear Dr. Figueiredo,
I am writing to you as the President of the Society of Urological Surgery in Turkey
(SUST) . This is a young urological society in Turkey, but has become the leading
academic society within a short time. One hundred founding members in October
2010 have founded the Society of Urological surgery following some conflicts
with Turkish Urological Society Board. We have currently 880 members most of
whom are academic doctors in the leading universities and training centers.
Although there are still some members who are members of both societies, many
members of our society have left the Turkish Urological Society.
The founding president was Levent Türkeri and I am the president since October
2011. You can find more information about our society on our website.
We have completed our first annual meeting in October 2012 to which 1070
people attended and it has been a great success. Majority of the executive
committee of EAU including Prof Abrahamsson, Prof Artibani, Prof Chapple were
present at our meeting and have been contributors to the academic success of
the meeting. We are currently the society representing our country within EAU.
We are also within a process to start a group membership agreement of EAU.
As our members constitute the main teaching power of Turkish Urology our
Board with the accreditation committee and examination committee members
are investing a lot of energy in establishing good standards for training. The
members of these committees have actually served in the past as founding
members and chairmen of the Board of Urology and many committees like exam
and accreditation committee.
We formally ask from the Board of EBU to have one national representative from
our society and would like to integrate into EBU the examination system fully in a
similar format like the Polish Society. We would then accept it as our national
I would be more than happy to respond to any possible inquires you may have.
Cordially Yours,
Porf.Dr.Serdar Tekgul
President of SUST.

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