
Excercise 11. Accidentally: Kazara
2. Advice : Tavsiye
3. Age: yaş
4. Appearance: görünüş
5. Appointment :randevu
6. Arrangement :düzenleme
7. Bookworm : kitabkurdu
8. Celebrity: ünlü kişi
9. Couch potato : çok televizyon izleyen kişi
10. Date : tarih
11. Female : kadın, dişi
12. Get on well : iyi geçinmek
13. Hit : vurmak
14. Laugh : gülmek
15. Lawyer :avukat
16. Male :erkek
17. Memory : hafıza
18. Miss :kaçırmak
19. Monster :canavar
20. Moustache :bıyık
21. Overcome :üstesinden gelmek
22. Personality: kişilik
23. Remember :hatırlamak
24. Respect: saygı duymak
25. Teenager :genç
Get on well
Couch potato
Exercise 3123456-
She has got curly hair
She has got blonde hair
He has got green eyes
She has got fair hair
She has got brown hair
He has got a moustache and brown
Exercise 412345-
Is-has got
Has gotHas got- has got
Exercise 51.
Exercise 61- Punctual
2- Forgetful
3- Clumsy
4- Jealous
5- Hardworking
6- Energetic
7- Stubborn
8- Honest
9- Generous
10- Trendy
11- Easygoing
12- Shy
13- Polite
14- Lazy
15- Outgoing
16- Selfish
17- Thoughtful
18- Successful
19- Lovely
20- Calm
Exercise 71.
Exercise 81.
Exercise 91- More hardworking than
2- More energetic than
3- Younger than
4- Older than
5- Calmer than
6- Shorter than
7- Better than
8- More outgoing than
9- Taller than
10- More generous than
11- Worse than
12- Politer than- more polite than
13- Easier than
14- Faster than
Exercise 10123456789-
Cheaper t
10- Rude
Exercise111- Older than
2- Younger than
3- Slimmer than
4- Fatter than
5- Taller than
6- Shorter than
7- More shy than
8- More outgoing than
9- Better than
10- Better than
Exercise121- She is 15 years old.
2- She is medium height with pretty
green eyes.
3- She is lovely and kind
4- They go to the movies, restaurants,
swimming and picnics.
5- He is a driver
6- He is tall and strong. He has
7- He likes playing volleyball
8- She has got long fair hair
9- She likes climbing
10- Nora is better at tennis
11- Nora is better at playing scrabble.
Unit1- vocabulary test
Unit1- grammar test
Unit1- TEOG Test
Exercise 11. Resim
2. Ressam
3. Heykeltıraş
4. Meslek
5. Yazar
6. Uygun
7. Başlık
8. Yetişmek
9. Katı
10. Cesaretlendirmek
11. Çizmek
12. Hareket
13. Şok edici
14. Garip
15. Sahne
16. Erimek
17. Kaplamak
18. Hareket etmek, taşınmak
19. Hayran olmak
20. Otobiyografi
21. Katkı
22. Alan, saha
23. Parlak, zeki
24. Akıl, fikir
25. Üretmek
26. Eşitlik
27. Sıra dışı
28. Başarı
29. Yoğun
30. Almak
31. Kaza
32. Araştırmak
33. Çıktı
34. Alçı
35. Giriş
36. Yapmak, uydurmak
37. Ödül
38. Dahi
39. Emekli olmak
40. Katılmak
41. Öncü
42. Mezun olmak
43. Birleştirmek
44. Başarmak
45. Zaman çizelgesi
46. Kutlamak
Exercise21- Strict
2- Produces
3- Achievement
4- Received
5- Move
6- Painting
7- Little
8- Contribution
9- Field
10- Mind
11- Sculptor
12- Grow up
13- Covers
14- Encouraged
15- Admire
Exercise31- Make up
2- Accident
3- Entrance
4- Extensive
5- Brilliant
6- Extraordinary
7- Celebrate
8- Pioneers
9- Retired
10- Combine
11- Attend
12- Awards
13- Research
14- Genius
15- Graduated
Exercise41- Were
2- Was
3- Was
4- Were
5- Were
6- Was
7- Was
8- Were
9- Were
10- Was
11- Was
Exercise51- Was-was
2- Was
3- Was
4- Was
5- Was
6- Was
7- Was
8- Were-was-was
Exercise61- Michael Schumacher wasn’t a
driver, he was an F1 racer.
2- Veronica and Carol weren’t sisters.
They were friends.
3- Richard wasn’t a sculptor. He was a
4- Isac Newton wasn’t a writer. He
was a scientist.
5- You weren’t in the kitchen. You
were in the livingroom.
Exercise71- Ate
2- Wanted
3- Failed
4- Began
5- Enjoyed
6- Had
7- Married
8- Drew
9- Died
10- Heard
11- Admired
12- Moved
13- Made
14- Opened
15- Studied
16- Grew up
17- Wrote
18- Produced
19- Received
20- Came
21- Took
22- Ran
23- Lost
Exercise81- Nick didn’t break his arm.
2- The little child didn’t fall off.
3- Kate didn’t teach English
4- Sally didn’t get the tickets
5- Jamie didn’t returned home on
6- My grandfather didn’t retire.
7- Carol didn’t give her phone number
8- Oktay Sinanoğlu didn’t become a
9- Nadia didn’t learn Spanish and
Greek at university.
10- Jennifer didn’t graduate from
university in 2012.
11- Tim didn’t creat a new style of
12- Melek didn’t use the projector to
show the pictures.
Exercise101- He listened to the pop music
2- Sude ate her lunch at a restaurant
3- Yavuz invited Yağız to the party
4- Ayhan went to the USA by plane
5- Sinem used 4apples for the cake.
6- Ayfer broke her leg
7- Marie Curie was a scientis.
8- O moved to England to study fine
9- Yes, he visited his grandmother
10- Burak bought a house yesterday.
Exercise111- Became
2- Taught
3- Won
4- Went
5- Discovered
6- Made
7- Built
8- Landed
9- Climbed
10- Took
11- Developed
12- Painted
13- Received
14- Died
15- Elected
Exercise121- He was a Turkish historian of
2- He graduated from high school in
3- He went to Harvard with a
4- Sayılı began to work at Ankara
university in1943
5- Ankara University.
6- He received the title distinguished
7- He worked for 41 years
8- He received 5 awards
9- He received UNESCO Award in
10- He was 80 years old.
Unit2 Vocabulary Test
1- A
2- C
3- B
4- D
5- C
6- B
7- C
8- A
9- C
10- D
11- C
12- D
13- B
14- A
Unit2-grammar test
1- D
2- B
3- C
4- B
5- B
6- B
7- C
8- D
9- B
10- A
11- A
12- B
13- A
Unit2- TEOG Test
1- C
2- D
3- C
4- B
5- B
6- A
7- C
8- D
9- A
10- A
11- B
12- C
13- A
14- B
Exercise11- Kapalı alan
2- Açık alan
3- Bireysel
4- Takım
5- Antreman
6- Pratik
7- Aslında
8- Anlamına gelmek
9- katlanamamak
10- Havuz
11- Abur cubur
12- Ses
13- İzleyici
14- Ekipman
15- Madalya
16- Kupa
17- Başlık
18- Yenmek
19- Yenmek
20- Sıfır (maçta)
21- Küpür
22- Beraberlik
23- Kazanan
24- Şampiyon
25- Saha
26- Yarışma
27- Yetenek
28- Zeka
29- Temel- esas
30- Kaybetmek
Exercise21- Individual
2- Indoors
3- Cant stand
4- Winner
5- Training
6- Outdoors
7- Mean
8- Equipment
9- Team
10- Spectators
11- Draw
12- Actually
13- Practice
14- Voice
15- Junk food
16- Beat
17- Competition
18- Pool
19- Headline
20- Nil
Exercise31- Football
2- Baseball
3- Table tennis
4- Volleyball
5- Ice-skating
6- Horse riding
7- Gymnastics
8- Rugby
9- Roller blading
10- Climbing
11- Cycling
12- Pole vaulting
13- Basketball
14- Windsurfing
15- Athletics
Exercise41- Snowboarding
2- Swimming
3- Scuba diving
4- Bat
5- Pole
6- Golf
7- Snorkel
8- Skating
9- Weightlifting
10- Jogging
11- Cup
12- Pitch
13- Helmet
14- Medal
15- Parachuting
16- Racket
17- Sailing
18- Skiing
r sports
2- Swim
3- Doesn’t go
4- Do have
5- Suggest
6- drinks
7- Don’t watch
8- Reads
9- Get up
10- Does-play
11- Rides
12- Climbs
13- Swim
14- Study-love
15- Gives
al sports
Exercise61- Baseball-bat, ball
2- Football, ball, pitch
3- Cycling, cyclist
4- Horse riding- rider, horse
5- Tennis player, rackets
6- Basketball, ball
7- Swimmer pool
8- Polo player, helmet, horse
9- Climbing, helmet
10- Athletics, shoes
Exercise71- Athletics
2- Weightlifter
3- Climber
4- Volleyball
5- Basketball team
6- Basketball
7- Swimmer
8- Weightlifter
Exercise81- Does- like-does
Exercise91- Never plays tennis
2- Usually plays tennis
3- Always plays tennis
4- Sometimes does yoga
5- Usually does yoga
6- Never does yoga
7- Never do yoga
8- Often rides a horse
9- Never rides a horse
10- Always rides a horse
11- Usually ride a horse
Exercise101- Arda usually eats simit once a week
2- Clare never does athletics
3- How often do you plat table tennis
4- My sister is sometimes shy and
5- My grandfather always read a book
or a newspaper
6- Sandy usually surf the net twice a
7- The children brush their teeth twice
a day
8- I usually check my e-mails three
times an hour.
Exercise111- Swimming
2- Doing
3- Walking-cycling
4- Cooking
5- Rollerblading
6- Touching
9- C
10- C
11- A
12- D
13- A
14- C
Exercise121- Ball- f
2- Board-h
3- Net-d
4- Snorkel-a
5- Racket-c
6- Helmet-g
7- Pitch-e
8- Pole-b
Exercise131- He was an African American
baseball player
2- He was a baseball player
3- He was born on January 31.1919
4- He attended John Muir high school
5- He played football, basketball and
6- They didn’t like Jackie because of
his skin
7- Because some Americans treated
him unfairly
8- He began to play baseball
9- He received the national league’s
most valuable player award in 1949
10- Because he worked hard to become
a player
Unit3 vocabulary test
1- C
2- C
3- A
4- B
5- A
6- B
7- D
8- A
Unit3 grammar test
1- A
2- C
3- A
4- C
5- D
6- C
7- A
8- D
9- D
10- B
11- B
12- C
13- C
14- A
Unit3 TEOG test
1- A
2- B
3- D
4- A
5- C
6- C
7- C
8- A
9- A
10- A
11- C
12- A
13- C
14- D
15- B
Exercise11- Yabani
2- Yaşam alanı
3- Orman
4- Evcilleştirilmiş
5- Tür
6- Memeli
7- Sürüngen
8- Pullu
9- Ten, deri
10- Yumurtlamak
11- Otçul
12- Etçil
13- Bitki
14- Böcek
15- Tehlikede
16- Yok olmak
17- Aşırı avlnam
18- Nüfus
19- Ormansızlaşma
20- Sonuç, sonuçlanmak
21- Öldürmek
22- Avlanmak
23- Devasa
24- Anlatmak
25- İsyan, saldırı
26- Çoğalmak
27- Korumak
28- Eş
29- Zararlı
30- Kimyasal
31- Evcil hayvan
32- Çöp
33- Eri dönüşüm
34- Azaltmak
35- Tekrar kullanmak
36- Adaylık
37- Oy kullanma
38- Kurtarmak
39- Keskin
40- Stok
41- Beslemek
Exercise21- Reptiles
2- Hunt
3- Carnivore
4- Domesticated
5- Species
6- Mammal
7- Forest
8- Scarily
9- Insects
10- Population
11- Desert
12- Habitat
13- Plant
14- Skin
15- Herbivore
16- Nest
17- Reproduce
18- Endangered
19- Protect
20- Extinction
21- Result
22- Mate
23- Fed
Exercise31- Tortoise
2- Panda
3- Zebra
4- Bear
5- Camel
6- Armadillo
7- Crocodile
8- Deer
9- Dolphin
10- Elephant
11- Giraffe
12- Gorilla
13- Lion
14- Hippo
15- Lizard
16- Parrot
17- Puma
18- penguin
19- snake
20- wolf
21- turtle
22- tiger
23- butterfly
24- seal
25- shark
26- polar bear
27- whale
28- monkey
29- anaconda
30- cheetah
31- eagle
Exercise41- plain
2- grassland
3- jungle
4- desert
5- lake
6- island
7- river
8- savannah
9- ocean
10- rainforest
11- arctic
12- sea
13- nest
Exercise51- wing
2- fin
3- fur
4- scale
5- pow
6- trunk
7- feathers
8- whiskers
9- ear
10- beak
11- teeth
12- claw
13- head
14- tail
15- tusk
Exercise61- cheetah-panda-lizard-butterflyelephant
2- lion-snake-bee-tiger
3- tiger-giraffe-anaconda-fly-puma
4- crocodile-camel-crocodile-lion
5- wolf-gorilla-deer
6- puma-monkey-polar bear
7- parrot-camel
8- elephant-giraffe
9- tortoise-wolf
10- hippo-monkey
Exercise71- True
2- True
3- True
4- True
5- True
6- True
7- True
8- True
9- True
10- True
11- True
12- True
13- False
14- True
15- True
16- False
17- True
18- True
19- False
20- True
Exercise 81- C
2- I
3- A
4- F
5- B
6- J
7- E
8- G
9- H
10- D
Exercise 91- Shouldn’t
2- Should
3- Should
4- Shouldn’t
5- Shouldn’t
6- Shouldn’t-should
7- Should-should
8- Should
9- Shouldn’t
10- Shouldn’t
1- Camel
2- Lizard
3- Elephant
4- Crocodile
5- Parrot
6- Panda
7- Cheetah
8- Penguin
9- Monkey
10- Dolphin
Exercise111- You shouldn’t play in the street.
You should play football on the
2- You shouldn’t brush your teeth one
a month. You should brush your
teeth twice a day.
3- You shouldn’t tell lies. You should
tell the truth.
4- You shouldn’t watch TV more than
3 hours a day. You should watch
TV less than 3 hours.
5- You shouldn’t ride the bike on
highway. You should ride a bike on
bike road.
6- You shouldn’t eat sweet. You
should eat vegetables.
Exercise121- Selim usually studies in the library,
but he studied at home yesterday.
2- Eren usually plays football, but
yesterday he played volleyball
3- Yiğit usually visits his uncles, but
yesterday he visited his
4- Ceyda usually watches TV but
yesterday she went to the cinema.
Exercise131- They live in the mountains of the
central Asia
2- Because of the loss of the habitat,
loss of prey and overhunting.
3- Because people cant see them often
4- Abaou 600 snow leopard live in
An adult leopard weights between
60 and 120 kilos
They sleep by wrapping their tails.
Because lepars kill their farm
People can adopt a snow leopard to
save them from extinction.
Unit4- vocabulary test
1- D
2- A
3- B
4- D
5- C
6- D
7- A
8- B
9- C
10- B
11- B
12- C
13- A
14- B
Unit4- grammar test
1- A
2- C
3- A
4- C
5- A
6- D
7- B
8- C
9- B
10- C
11- D
12- B
13- A
14- B
Unit4- TEOG test
1- D
2- B
3- A
4- C
5- A
6- B
7- B
8- D
9- D
10- A
11- C
12- D
13- D
14- A
15- C
Excercise 11234-
Sıra dışı
Bilgi verici
Görsel sanat
Son, yeni
Şikayet etmek
Uzaktan kumanda
Set tasarımcısı
Excercise 21- Unusual
2- Hero
3- Present
4- Violence
5- Nonsense
6- Informative
7- Prize
8- Staff
9- Addict
10- Recent
11- Event
12- Expand
13- Channels
14- Fears
15- Risky
16- Complained
17- Behavior
18- Screen
19- Excellent
20- Educational
21- Entertainers
22- Scary
23- Appeared
24- Director
25- Composed
26- Provides
27- Selective
Excercise31- TV series
2- Weather forecast
3- Commercial
4- Cartoon
5- Documentary
6- News
7- Quiz show
8- Reality show
9- Sit-com
10- Sports program
11- Talk show
Excercise41- Suitable for all ages
2- Suitable for ages 7 and over
3- Suitable for ages 13 and over
4- Suitable for ages 18 and over
5- Violence/horror
6- Adult content
7- Negative examples
Excercise51- John Logie Baird
2- 1923
3- 1952
4- TRT
5- 1981
6- TRT-2
7- 336
8- 1925
Excercise61- I prefer documentaries to sports
I prefer quiz shows to news
I prefer documentaries to reality
I prefer cartoons to talk show.
I prefer rabbit to parrots.
(Students’ own answers)
Excercise71- I prefer windsurfing to horse riding
2- I prefer playing board games to
watching news
I prefer Survivor to Big Brother
I prefer Kiralık Aşk to Kiraz mevsimi
I prefer documentaries to cartoons
I prefer reading history books to
political books
7- I prefer designing costumes to
carrying a camera
8- I prefer ice-cream to milkshake
9- John prefers dancing to singing
10- Marry prefers playing golf to fishing
11- Emma prefers eating apples to kiwi
12- Students prefer learning English to
learning Chinese
Excercise81- Prefers
2- Doesn’t prefer
3- Doesn’t prefer
4- Prefers
5- Prefer
6- Don’t prefer
7- Don’t prefer
8- Prefer
Excercise91- Roberts prefers football because he
thinks it is funny
2- Zeyep prefers swimming because
she thinks it is interesting
3- Lisa doesn’t like reality shows
because she thinks they boring
4- Robert doesn’t like basketball
because it is boring
5- Zeynep doesn’t like jogging
because she thinks it is nonsense.
Excercise101- On
2- In
3- On
4- In
5- At
6- In
7- At
8- On
9- On
10- In
11- At
12- At
Excercise111- Sam watched cartoons. Then he
studies English. He did his
homework. He ate junk food. He
didn’t go cycling
2- Betty didn’t watch news. She
listened to music. She cleaned the
house. She went skating.
3- Matt watched a serial. He met his
friends. He didn’t finish his project.
He didn’t go dancing. He read a
Excercise121- Children watch TV 3 or 4 hours a
day in the USA.
2- No, they wont. They will spend
more time watching TV.
3- They can entertain and inform
4- They can have lower grades, read
fewer books, and exercise less.
5- They can watch alcohol, junk food,
fast food, toys commercials.
6- Because it has negatives effects
7- Soap operas, adult sitcoms and
adult talk shows are not suitable for
8- Because meal times are good times
for family members to talk.
9- Yes, doing a hobby is helpful
10- Students’ own answers.
Unit-5 vocabulary test
1- C
2- A
3- D
4- B
5- A
6- D
7- B
8- D
9- B
10- D
11- A
12- C
13- C
14- B
Unit-5 Grammar test
1- B
2- C
3- B
4- D
5- A
6- A
7- D
8- A
9- C
10- C
11- A
12- A
Unit-5 TEOG test
1- A
2- D
3- B
4- D
5- D
6- C
7- A
8- A
9- B
10- D
11- C
12- A
13- C
14- D
15- B
Exercise11- Katılmak
2- Organize etmek
3- Hazırlamak
4- Düzenlemek
5- Hediye
6- Davet etmek
7- Teslim etmek
8- Sipariş etmek
9- Mağaza
10- Buzdolabı
11- Tabak
12- Alışveriş merkezi
13- Susuz
14- Etkinlik
15- Yıl dönümü
16- Uygun
17- Katılım
18- Toplantı
19- Memnuniyet
20- Eğlence
21- Neşelendirmek
22- Acele etmek
23- Yakın
24- Kostüm
25- Dekore etmek
26- Misafir
27- Liste
28- Sarmak
29- Ev sahibi
30- Katılmak
Exercise21- Joined
2- Costume
3- Delivers
4- Ocasssion
5- Prepared
6- Organized
7- Hosted
8- Arranged
9- Gisft
10- Gathering
11- Order
12- Hurry up
13- Pleasure
14- Attend
15- Together
16- Guests
17- Amusement
18- Invited
19- Participation
20- Stores
21- Thirsty
22- Anniversary
23- Cheered
24- Decorating
25- Appropriate
26- List
27- Wrapping
Exercise31- New years
2- Birthday
3- Funny dress
4- Graduation
5- Hallowen
6- Wedding
7- Pyjama
8- Dinner
Exercise41- Pirate
2- DVD
3- Candle
4- Pumpkin
5- Balloon
6- Gift
7- Party hat
8- Cake
9- Cookie
10- Invitation card
11- Clown
12- Beverage
13- Candy
14- Ribbon
Exercise51- G
2- J
3- I
4- H
5- A
6- C
7- D
8- E
9- B
10- F
Exercise61- Sorry I cant
2- Great idea
3- Why not
4- I would rather not
5- Of course
6- Absolutely
7- That is not a good idea
8- All right
Exercise71- Let’s
2- I am sorry
3- Why don’t we
4- I would rather not
5- What about
6- Great idea
7- OK
Exercise81- B
2- G
3- F
4- C
5- H
6- E
7- I
8- A
9- D
10- J
Exercise91- There are a lot of DVDs
2- There is a little lemonade
3- There are a lot of balloons
4- There is a lot of food
5- There are a lot of pirate hats
6- There are a lot of sandwiches
7- There are a lot of eggs
8- There is a little milk
9- There is a lot of flour
10- There are a few pumpkins
11- There is a title tea
12- There are a few books.
Exercise101- Any-some
2- Some-any
3- Some-any
4- Some
5- Any-any
6- Any-any
7- Any
8- Some
9- Some-some
10- Some-some
Exercise111- Much
2- Any
3- Any
4- Some
5- Some
6- A
7- Eight
8- A lot of
9- Any
10- A little
11- A few
12- A lot of
13- Many
14- Any
15- An
Exercises121- Yes, just a little please.
2- No thanks
3- Yes, just a little
4- No thanks
5- Yes just a little
6- Yes please
7- No thanks
8- Yes, just a little.
Exercise131- Clara is turning 14 come and join her
birthday party. Date: 26th February
Place: Café İstanbul
Exercise141- It is a birthday party
2- It is Clara’s party
3- Clara is 13 years old now.
4- It is on 26th February
5- It is at 18:30
6- It is at Café İstanbul
7- She will be 14.
Exercise151- It on the last day October.
2- It is a funny and scary holiday
3- It is going from house to house to ask
4- They give candies to children
5- People wear princes, super hero, ghost,
vampire, zombie and monster
6- People use pumpkin to decorate their
7- It is pumpkin with a silly or scary face
8- They are like very scary theme parks.
9- They watch horror films
10- Students’ own answers.
Unit-6 vocabulary test
1- D
2- C
3- A
4- B
5- D
6- B
7- C
8- A
9- D
10- A
11- B
12- B
13- A
14- C
Unit-6 Grammar Test
1- B
2- C
3- A
4- A
5- C
6- D
7- A
8- A
9- C
10- A
11- C
12- B
13- D
14- A
Unit-6 TEOG test
1- A
2- B
3- D
4- D
5- A
6- B
7- A
8- C
9- B
10- C
11- B
12- C
13- B
14- B
15- D
Exercise11- Batıl inanç
2- Büyü
3- Talihsizlik
4- Tahta
5- Dokunmak
6- Şans
7- İstemek, dilemek
8- İnanç
9- Batıl inançlı
10- Kem köz
11- Sonsuz
12- Borç
13- Kesmek
14- Düşünmek
15- İlgili
16- Korkunç
17- Ciddi
18- Birdenbire
19- Sakinleşmek
20- Dikkat etmek
21- Tahmin
22- Güçleştirmek
23- Gerçek olmak
24- Zengin
25- Sadık
26- Macera
27- Gerçek
28- Güzllik
29- İstek gelmek
30- Zincir
31- Mantıklı
32- Gizem
33- Yıldız burç
34- Merak etmek
35- Güvenmek
36- İçgüdü
37- Muhtemelen
38- Aşırı harcamak
39- Etkilemek
40- Şans
41- İsraf
42- Temsil etmek
43- Gizemli
44- İnanmak
Exercise21- Wish
2- Cut off
3- Calm down
4- Misfortune
5- Trust
6- Instinct
7- Consider
8- Terrible
9- Superstition
10- Charm
11- Strengthen
12- Impressed
13- Magic
14- Touch
15- Serious
16- Watch out
17- Wonder
18- Evil-eye
19- Suddenly
20- Prediction
21- Loyal
22- Coming ture
23- Belief
24- Probably
25- Believe
26- Signifies
27- Urged
28- Touch
29- Lucky
30- Dept
31- Superstitious
32- Endless
33- Wealthy
34- Rational
Exercise31- Blue bead
2- Magic
3- Black cat
4- Ladder
5- Four-leaf clover
6- Coin
7- Mirror
8- Horse shoe
Exercise41- Palm reading
2- Coffee reading
3- Fortune teller
4- Magic ball
5- Astrology
6- Tarots
Exercise51- Cuma will play
2- Cuma won’t climb
3- Tuanahan will ride
4- Tunahan won’t go
5- Emre will study
6- Emre won’t swim
7- Selçuk will watch
8- Selçuk won’t visit
9- Tuğba will make
10- Turgut won’t have
Exercise61- I will be a scientist next year.
2- She will drive a sports car
3- Eric will study German at
4- Peter will have an aspirin in an
5- My father will lose four skills next
6- We will organize a meeting to
protect wild life tomorrow.
7- I will not get up early tomorrow
8- The first match will be between FB
and Bursa next year.
9- I will be at school next year.
10- I won’t go shopping next week.
Exercise71- No, you won’t. You will have two
2- Will you be happy? Yes, I will be
3- Will people live on other planets?
No, they won’t.
4- Will you have a car? Yes, I will
have a car.
5- Will you have a lot of money? No,
you will not.
6- Will you climb Mount Everest?
Yes, I will
7- Will you have an argument? Yes, I
8- Will you have a holiday? Yes, I
9- Will you have an accident? No, I
10- Will you learn four languages? No,
I won’t.
11- Will you be the best students? Yes I
12- Will you forget your teacher? No, I
Exercise81- She will make good friends. She
will be successful at school. She
will have financial problems. She
will get ill.
Exercise91- Black cat
2- A ladder
3- Four leaf clover
4- Mirror
5- Indoors
6- Horse shoe
7- Cover
8- Shave
9- Scissors
10- Hair
11- Blues bead
12- Luck
13- Wood
Exercise101- H
2- J
3- A
4- D
5- E
6- G
7- C
8- I
9- F
10- B
Exercise111- Won’t go
2- Will be
3- Will buy
4- Will be
5- Will have
6- Will-speak
7- Will study
8- Will drink
9- Will you play
10- Will prepare
11- Won’t come
12- Won’t find
Exercise121- Because a lot of bad things happen
on Friday.
2- It brings 7 years of bad luck.
3- Salt is the origin of the story.
4- Because it was valuable in the past.
5- It is a good luck when a black cat
crosses in front of you.
6- Because it protects people inside
the house.
7- You can find small silver horse
shoes in a weddin cake.
8- Because the Celts believed that
Gods live in trees.
9- Students’ own answers.
Unit-7 Vocabulary test
1- D
2- B
3- C
4- A
5- D
6- A
7- B
8- D
9- C
10- C
11- B
12- D
13- A
14- D
Unit-7 Grammar test
1- D
2- C
3- A
4- B
5- C
6- D
7- A
8- C
9- D
10- C
11- A
Unit-7 TEOG Test
1- C
2- D
3- A
4- B
5- C
6- A
7- B
8- A
9- A
10- B
11- D
12- A
13- A
14- A
15- B
Exercise11- Mahalle
2- Bina
3- Halk
4- Sinema
5- Tatlı
6- Lezzetli
7- Peynirli kek
8- Muhteşem
9- Büyüleyici
10- Beden
11- Fark etmek
12- Ayakkabı
13- Bilet
14- Yavru kedi
15- Şahit olmak
16- Suç
17- Kas
18- Yangın
19- Yabancı
20- Ruh
21- Ödünç
22- Erken
Exercise21- Public
2- Delicious
3- Gorgeous
4- Desert
5- Early
6- Neighbor
7- Stranger
8- Size
9- Kitten
10- Fascinated
11- Movie
12- Building
13- Cheese cake
14- Crime
15- Fire
16- Borrowed
17- Trainers
18- Muscles
19- Ticket
20- Witnessed
21- Notice
Exercise31- Zoo
2- City hall
3- Green grocer
4- Bakery
5- Fire station
6- Library
7- Café
8- Cinema
9- Car park
10- Florist
11- Bookstore
12- Shopping mall
13- Governship
14- Gym
15- Pet shop
16- Police station
17- Art gallery
18- Supermarket
19- Amusement park
20- Hospital
21- Museum
22- Boutique
23- Pharmacy
24- Shoes shop
Exercise41- Gym
2- Bank
3- Police station
4- Supermarket
5- Movie
6- Hospital
7- Green grocer
8- Pharmacy
9- Bakery
10- Café
11- Shoe shıp
12- Tourism information office
Exercise51- I went to Disneyland
2- I went to J and A in London. It was
a café.
3- I went to Galeies Lafayette in Paris.
It was a shopping mall
4- I went to Borghese Gallery. It was
an art gallery.
5- I went to a temple in Beijing.
6- I visited opera house in Sydney. It
was an art gallery.
7- I went to a cathedral in Barcelona.
8- I went at shopping mall in Tokyo.
Exercise61- And
2- But
3- Because
4- Because
5- But
6- Because
7- And
8- But
9- And
10- Because
Exercise71- H
2- E
3- B
4- J
5- C
6- A
7- K
8- I
9- G
10- M
11- L
12- O
13- F
14- D
15- R
Exercise81- My mother bought some eggs and
flour to make a cheesecake.
2- Çiğdem designed invitation cards
to invite her friends to her pyjamas
3- Erdem did exercises yesterday to
lose some weight.
4- Mücahit got on a bus to go to
5- Irfan looked up his dictionary to
find the meaning of “manage”
6- Peter and Paul went to an ART
Gallery to see new paintings.
7- I need to go to the shopping mall to
bus sunglasses
8- Şebnem meets her friends at the
café to have some ice-cream and
Exercise91- Goes-went-made-were-was-livesvisited-wants
2- Is preparing-cooks-is making-likesIs-doesn’t like-is ordering-like
Exercise101- Students’ own answers
Exercise111- Students’ own answers
Exercise121- Who
2- Where
3- When
4- What
Exercise131- Why did you go there?
2- Why did you want to change it?
3- Could you change it?
4- Why should I go there
5- Will you join me?
Exercise141- Tina, Steve and the writer went to
2- They stayed in London for a week.
3- It was great. It was sunny.
4- They touched some statues in the
5- They listened to a rock concert.
6- They watched a ceremony there.
7- They see London from the top at
London eyes.
8- It was enjoyable. Yes, they did.
Unit-8 vocabulary test
1- A
2- D
3- C
4- B
5- B
6- D
7- A
8- B
9- D
10- B
11- D
12- B
13- A
Unit-8 grammar test
1- C
2- C
3- B
4- B
5- A
6- C
7- B
8- B
9- C
10- B
11- B
12- A
13- D
14- D
Unit-8 TEOG test
1- C
2- B
3- C
4- A
5- A
6- B
7- D
8- B
9- C
10- A
11- B
12- D
13- C
14- D
15- C
Exercise11- Küresel ısınma
2- Çevre
3- Sorun, mesele
4- Dikmek
5- İklim
6- Kötüleşme
7- Yok etmek
8- Kirletmek
9- Çöp
10- Yağ, benzin
11- Böcek ilacı
12- Kirlilik
13- Artırmak
14- Sahil
15- Tahıl
16- Yok olmak
17- Yakalamak
18- Parlamak
19- Yüzey
20- Serinlemek
21- Serbest bırakmak
22- Kömür
23- Gaz
24- Sebep olmak
25- Koku yaymak
26- Yaratık
27- Emmek
28- Asitli
Exercise21- Pollute
2- Pesticide
3- Pollution
4- Cool
5- Cause
6- Climate
7- Gave off
8- Gasoline
9- Trapped
10- Increased
11- Environment
12- Disappeared
13- Creatures
14- Absorb
15- Garbage
16- Surface
17- Beach
18- Released
19- Destroyed
20- Shone
21- Grain
22- Coal
23- Planed
Exercise31- Düzlük
2- Kabarcıklı
3- Ekşi
4- Kabarcık, balon
5- Midye
6- Kabuk
7- Rölantide olma
8- Atmak
9- Çöp
10- Kapatmak
11- Alet
12- Tüketmek
13- Gerekli
14- Yenilenebilir
15- Organik
16- Çevre dostu
17- GDO
18- Kaçınmak
19- Toprak
20- Desteklemek
21- Zehir
22- Düz gitmek
23- Biyolojik çeşitlilik
24- İçerik
25- Kovucu
26- Suya dayanaklı
27- Hayatta kalmak
28- Kesmek
Exercise41- Bubbles
2- Cosnume
3- Renewable
4- Avoid
5- Necessary
6- Waterproof
7- Toxin
8- Repellent
9- Sparkling
10- Switched off
11- Organic
12- Goes straight
13- Ingredients
14- Cut down
15- Devices
16- Litter
17- Sour
18- Support
19- Survive
20- Biodiversity
21- Soil
22- Throwing
Exercise51- G
2- M
3- A
4- K
5- O
6- D
7- H
8- B
9- N
10- J
11- L
12- F
13- I
14- E
15- C
Exercise61- Don’t use pesticides
2- Don’t eat junk food
3- Plant trees
4- Save water
5- Don’t pollute environment
6- Use paper
7- Buy local foods
8- Read the labels
9- Don’t destroy forests
10- Don’t use plastics
Exercise71- Mustn’t
2- Must
3- Mustn’t
4- Mustn’t
5- Must
6- Mustn’t
7- Must
8- Must
9- Mustn’t
10- Must
11- Mustn’t-must
12- Mustn’t
13- Must
14- Mustn’t
15- Mustn’t
Exercise81- You mustn’t buy GMOs. You must
read labels.
2- You must healthy food. You
mustn’t go to fast food restaurants.
3- You must save water. You mustn’t
let water run.
4- They mustn’t play video games.
They must go out.
5- You must switch off lights. You
must use renewable energy.
6- We must use public transportation.
We must drive everywhere.
7- We must plant trees. We mustn’t
cut down trees.
8- We must do sports. We mustn’t eat
junk food.
Exercise91- H
2- D
3- G
4- A
5- I
6- B
7- E
8- F
9- J
10- K
11- C
Exercise10PLANT A TREE
1- IV
2- V
3- II
4- VI
5- II
6- I
1- IV
2- I
3- II
4- VI
5- V
6- III
1- IV
2- I
3- V
4- II
5- III
6- VI
Exercise111- B
2- C
3- C
4- B
5- A
6- C
7- A
8- B
1- Because she wants
to thank people.
2- Mother earth
thanks people for
taking care of her
3- Too many don’t
respect her.
4- People cut down
5- Mother earth
wants to people to
protect her.
6- They use
chemicals to kill
insects and wild
7- They should use
8- Using
friendly products
will make all
creatures happy.
Unit-9 vocabulary test
1- A
2- D
3- B
4- C
5- B
6- B
7- D
8- A
9- B
10- B
11- D
12- C
13- A
14- C
Unit-9 grammar Test
1- B
2- A
3- B
4- A
5- A
6- C
7- D
8- C
9- A
10- C
11- C
12- B
Unit-9 TEOG Test
1- B
2- C
3- A
4- D
5- C
6- A
7- C
8- A
9- B
10- B
11- C
12- A
13- C
14- C
Exercise11- Gezegen
2- Güneş sistemi
3- Kuyruklu yıldız
4- Yıldız
5- Ay
6- Göktaşı
7- Uzay
8- Kaya
9- Cüce
10- Yörünge
11- Çöplük
12- Uydu
13- Git gel
14- Yol
15- Uzay gemisi
16- Dönüşmek
17- Yanmak
18- Ağır gelmek
19- Teşebbüs
20- Astronot
21- Gözlem
22- Geliştirmek
23- Fırlatmak
24- Keşif
25- Aşırı
26- İnsan
27- Sıkmak
28- Yaklaşık olarak
29- Yolculuk
30- Mürettebat
31- Sıra
32- Yapay
33- Geliştirmek
34- Yakın
35- Görev
36- Yüzey
Exercise21- Stars
2- Shuttle
3- Moon
4- Asteroid
5- Weighs
6- Dwarf
7- Debris
8- Burning up
9- Order
10- Mission
11- Humans
12- Planets
13- Voyage
14- Rocks
15- Approximate
16- Close
17- Artificial
18- Turned into
19- Observation
20- Comet
21- Astronaut
22- Orbit
23- Extreme
24- Attempt
25- Satellite
Exercise61- The most generous
2- The happiest
3- The most
4- The most expensive
5- The hardest
6- The hottest
7- The worst
8- The youngest
9- The funniest
10- The thinnest
11- The closest
12- The most intelligent
13- The most different
14- The coolest
15- The slowest
16- The smallest
17- The prettiest
18- The best
19- The fastest
20- The strongest
21- The highest
22- The heaviest
23- The largest
24- The farthest
25- The most tiring
26- The dirtiest
Exercise71- The most forgetful
2- The most honest
3- The slimmest
4- The shortest
5- The youngest
6- The most generous
7- The prettiest
8- The best
9- The most brilliant
10- The most exciting
11- The most popular
12- The fastest
13- The biggest
14- The longest
15- The funniest
16- The most expensive
17- The most
18- The worst
19- The easiest
20- The healthiest
Exercise81- Elephant is the biggest animal in the
2- Dog is the smallest animal in the
3- Soccer is the most popular sport.
4- Cycling is the most boring sport.
5- Plane is fastest vehicle.
6- Bicycle is the slowest vehicle.
7- Mercury is the closest planet to sun.
8- Platoon is the fastest planet to sun.
9- Egypt is the hottest country.
10- Russia is the coldest country.
11- English is the easiest subject.
12- Math is the most difficult subject.
Exercise 91- Mercury is closest planet.
2- Mars is the farthest planet.
Earth is the biggest planet.
Mercury is the smallest planet.
Mercury has the most satellites.
Venus has the fewest satellites.
Venus is the hottest planet.
Mars is the coldest planet.
Exercises 101- Mercury is farther than the Earth.
2- Mars is smaller than Venus.
3- The Earth has more satellites than
4- The Mars is colder than Mercury.
5- Earth is hotter than Mars.
6- Venus is bigger than Venus.
Exercises 121- Easier than
2- Safer than
3- The fastest
4- Colder than
5- The coldest
6- Healthier than
7- The most friendly
8- Better than
9- More delicious than
10- Lower than
11- More than
12- Sharper than
13- The most delicious
14- The most famous
15- The most hardworking
Exercise111- The highest
Exercise132- The hottest
1- There are eight planets
3- The most difficult
2- Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are
4- The largest
inner. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
5- The best
Neptune are outer.
6- The worst
3- The sun is at the center of planets.
7- The most famous
4- Because it is incredibly hot.
8- The richest man in the world.
5- Venus is the same size as earth.
9- The greatest
6- There is carbon dioxide mainly in the
10- The most comfortable
atmosphere of Venus.
11- The longest
7- The surface isn’t too cold and hot.
12- The smallest
Water exists on the earth.
13- The most brilliant
8- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
14- The best
are called gas giants.
15- The most dangerous.
Unit10 Grammar Test
Unit10- TEOG Testi
1- D
1- B
Unit-10 Vocabulary Test
1- C
2- C
2- A
2- C
3- B
3- D
3- A
4- D
4- B
4- C
5- C
5- D
5- A
6- D
6- C
6- A
7- C
7- B
7- B
8- D
8- B
8- B
9- B
9- A
9- D
10- B
10- D
10- C
11- C
11- C
11- D
12- D
12- D
12- B
13- C
13- D
13- B
14- C
14- A
14- C
15- C
15- B