Ambarlı, D., Zeydanlı, US, Balkız, Ö., Aslan, S., Karaçetin, E., Sözen


Ambarlı, D., Zeydanlı, US, Balkız, Ö., Aslan, S., Karaçetin, E., Sözen
Ambarlı et al. 2016. An overview of biodiversity and conservation status of steppes of the Anatolian Biogeographical
Region, Online Resource 3
Ambarlı, D., Zeydanlı, U.S., Balkız, Ö., Aslan, S., Karaçetin, E., Sözen, M., Ilgaz, Ç., Gürsoy Ergen, A., Lise,
Y., Demirbaş Çağlayan, S., Welch, H.J., Welch, G., Turak, A.S., Bilgin, C.C., Özkil, A., Vural, M. 2016. An
overview of biodiversity and conservation status of steppes of the Anatolian Biogeographical Region.
Biodiversity and Conservation.
Corresponding author: Didem Ambarlı1,2,3(
Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, Düzce University, Konuralp, 81620 Düzce, Turkey
Conservation Science Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 3EJ, United
Nature Conservation Centre, Aşağı Öveçler Mah. 1065. Cad. 1293 Sok. No. 9/32, 06460 Ankara, Turkey
Online Resource 3
List of references used for distribution information of target herptile species
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