1 SHORT RESUME Professor. Dr. Hatice Kurtuluş Istanbul


1 SHORT RESUME Professor. Dr. Hatice Kurtuluş Istanbul
Professor. Dr. Hatice Kurtuluş
Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences
Beyazit, Istanbul,Turkey
Office: +90 212 440 00 00/ 12273
Mobile: +90 535 333 24 48 (Turkey)
Mobile: +49 151 478 68 424 (Germany)
Current Address: Markgraf-Albrecht Str, 10,10711, Berlin
PhD / 1991-1999 :
Middle East Technical University, Nature and Applied Sciences Institute, City Planning ,
Thesis Title: “The Roles of Çiftliks on the Formation of the Metropolitan Fringe in the
Expansion of Istanbul Metropolitan Area”
Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. İlhan Tekeli
MS / 1987-1990 :
Marmara University, Social Sciences Institute , Political and Social Sciences, Istanbul
Thesis Title : Urbanization of Istanbul and the Spatial Distribution of the Voluntary
Association of Cami and Kuran Courses:1946-1987
Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nihal Kara İncioglu
Undergraduate : 1982-1986 :
Marmara University, Faculty of Public and Administrative Sciences, Istanbul
Scholarship : 1988
Marmara University Post Graduate Student Scholarship : Essex-England
2008-Cont. : Professor in Istanbul University, Faculty of Political Sciences
2005- 2008.: Assoc. Prof. in Mugla University, Sociology Dept.
2001-2005 : Assist. Prof in Mugla University, Sociology Dept.
2000-2001 : Visiting lecturer in Mimar Sinan University Sociology Dept.
(Urban Sociology Course) and City and Regional Planning Dept.
(Urban Economics Course)
1999-2000 : Dr. Assistant in Marmara University- Faculty of Public and Adm. Sciences
1988-1999 : Research Assistant in Marmara University- Social Science Institute and
Faculty of Public and Adm. Sciences
Undergraduate :
• Sociology
• Uban Sociology,
• Sociology of Migration
Graduate :
• Urban Theory
• New International Migrations and Urban Poverty
• Urban Politics
• Methodology of Social Sciences
• Research Design in Urban Studies
• Kurtuluş, H. and S. Purkis, (2013), Socio-spatial Re-formation of Middle Classes in
Istanbul Under the Construction-led Urban Policies (Inşaata Dayalı Kentleşme
Politikaları Altında Istanbul’da Orta Sınıfların Sosyo-Mekansal Yeniden İnşası),
TUBITAK Project Rapor, Pr. Nr.110K061, www.ulakbim.gov.tr
• Kurtuluş, H., S. Aslan and B. Şen, (2013), Social History of Kağıthane As a Deindustrial Town of Istanbul (Bir sanayi yerleşmesi olarak Kağıthane’nin Toplumsal
Tarihi) , Kagithane Municipality Press, Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H. and S. Purkis, (2013), Migration Waves From Turkey to Northern Cyprus
(Türkiye’den Kuzey Kıbrıs’a Göç Dalgaları), İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2011), ‘Gated Communities as a Representation of New Upper and
Middle Classes In Istanbul’, Istanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi,
44, Mart- 2011, Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H., (2009),’Gender of the Migration from Turkey to Nerthern Cyprus’
(Toplumsal Cinsiyete bağlı Olarak Göç ve Göçmenlik: Türkiye’den Kuzey Kıbrıs’a
Göçler), Gender at the Crossroads: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives, 223-235, Eastern
Mediterrenean University Press. Famagusta.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2011), ‘Gated Communities As the New Socio-spatial Scales of
Neighbourhood’ (Yeni bir Sosyo-mekansal Form Olarak Kapalı Yerleşmeler), Ege
Mimarlık,, 77, 18-23.Izmir.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2009), ‘Gated Communities As a New Representation of Wealth’
(Refahın Yeni Mekansal Temsili Olarak Kapalı Yerleşmeler), Mostar, 5, 34-42,
• Kurtuluş, H. (2008), ‘Political Economy of Urban Re-generation’ (Kentsel
Dönüşümün Politik Ekonomisi), İktisat Dergisi, 499, 26-33, Istanbul.
• Kurtulus, H. and S. Purkis S., (2008), ‘Migration waves from Turkey to Northern
Cyprus: Socially and spatially excluded migrant labour in Nicosia’ (Türkiye’den
Kuzey Kıbrıs’a Göç Dalgaları: Lefkoşa’nın Sosyal ve Mekansal Dışlanmış Göçmen
Emekçileri), Toplum ve Bilim, Spring, No. 112, İstanbul.
• Kurtulus, H. (2008) ‘Mübeccel B. Kıray’, Sociology in Turkey”, Ed. Ç. Özdemir,
Phoenix Press, Ankara
• Kurtulus, H. (2008) ‘State,Classes and Urban Land Nexus in the Urban Experince of
Turkey’ (Türkiye’nin Kentleşme Deneyiminde Devlet, Sınıflar ve Kentsel Arazi
Bağları), in New Forms of State and Capital ” Ed. R.Günlü, Chivi Press, Istanbul
• Kurtuluş,H. (2007) ‘Scars of Urban History on the Space’ (Kent Tarihinin Mekandaki
İzleri), in Second Urban Oral History Workshop in Muğla, Eds. A. Durakbaşa and Ö.
Şahin, Muğla Munsipality Publication, Mugla.
• Kurtuluş,H. (2006) ‘Global Flows and New Segregation in Istanbul :How Cloudy
Class Identities Crystallized Urban Space?’, Globalizing Cities: Inequality and
Segregation in Developing Countries, Ed. Ranvinder Shandu, Rawat Books, New
• Kurtulus,H. (2006) ‘Gated Communities and Modern City as a Melting Socio-Spatial
Scale’ (Kapalı Yerleşmeler ve Çözülen Bir Sosyo Mekansal Ölçek Olarak Modern
Kent) , Yeni Mimar, July -2006, Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H. And A. Turkun, (2006) ‘Classes in Social Sciences in Turkey’
(Türkiye’de Sosyal Bilimlerde Sınıf) in To Understand Turkey by the Reality of Class,
SAV Press, Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2006) ‘Urban Regeneration: Corrosion of the Modern City Myth’
(Kentsel Dönüşüm ve Modrn Kent Mitinin Çöküşü), Planlama Dergisi, December 2006, Ankara.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2005) ‘Socially Constructed Spaces and Urban Regeneration’, (Sosyal
Olarak İnşa Edilen Mekan ve Kentsel Dönüşüm), Evrensel Kültür, 164, August-2005,
• Kurtuluş, H. (2005) ‘New Urban Segregations, Gated Communities and Privatization
of Urban Public Spaces: The Case of Istanbul’ (Yeni Kentsel Ayrışmalar, Kapalı
Yerleşmeler ve Kentsel Kamusal Mekanın Özelleştirilmesi), in Changing Cities and
Regions, METU Press, Ankara.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2005) ‘Bahcesehir, as an Utopia’ (Bir Ütopya Olarak Bahçeşehir), in
Urban Segregation in Istanbul, Ed. H. Kurtuluş, Bağlam Press. Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2005) ‘Gated Communities in Istanbul: The Case of Beykoz Konakları’
(İstanbul’da Kapalı Yerleşmeler: Beykoz Konakları Örneği), in Urban Segregation in
Istanbul, Ed. H. Kurtuluş, Bağlam Press. Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H. and Turkun, A. (2005) ‘Introduction’, (Giriş), in Urban Segregation in
Istanbul, Ed. H. Kurtuluş, Bağlam Press. Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2003) ‘Looking at the Urban Poverty in the Perspective of Unequal
Transfers of Urban Resources to the Elite Localities in Istanbul’ (İstanbul’da Kentsel
Yoksulluğa, Eşitsiz Kentsel Kaynak Transferleri Açısından Bakmak), in Poverty,
Urban Poverty and Planning, TMMOB Press, Ankara.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2003) ‘Urban Identities Crystallized on Space: New Class Identities and
the Dimensions of Urban Segregations in Istanbul’ (Mekanda Billurlaşan Kentsel
Kimlikler ve Istanbul’da Kentsel Ayrışma Dinamikleri), Doğu Batı Dergisi , 22, 7596, Ankara.
• Kurtuluş,H. (2000) ‘Transformation of 19th Centuries Çiftliks in the formation of
Istanbul Metropolitan Area: The case of Ferhat Paşa Çiftliği’ (Istanbul metropoliten
Alanının Oluşumunda 19. Yüzyıl Çiftliklerinin Rolü: Ferhat Paşa Çiftliği), in Writings
for Mübeccel Kıray, Bağlam Press, Istanbul.
• Kurtuluş, H. (2000) ‘The Role of State in the Formation of Metropolitan Areas in
Turkey’ (Türkiye’de Metropoolitan Alanların Oluşumunda Devletin Rolü), İktisat
Dergisi, 404, 124-125, Istanbul.
Project Coordinator :
• ‘The Relational Analysis of Urban- Spatial Survival Strategies of Turkish Migrant
Industrial Worker in the De-industrialized Cities of Ruhr Region’, (Ruhr Bölgesinin
Sanayisizleşen Şehirlerinde Türk Göçmen Sanyi İşçilerinin Kentsel Mekanda
Tutunma Stratejilerinin İlişkisel Analizi), 2013-2014, TUBITAK, International
Research Project Code:2219
• ‘New Models of Housing Supply and Spatial Re-formation of Middle Classes in
Istanbul’ (Yeni Konut Sunum Biçimleri ve Orta S ınıfın Mekanda Yeniden İnşası)
with S. Purkis, 2011-2012, TUBITAK, Research Project Rapor Nr.110K061,
‘Social History of Kağıthane As a De-industrial Town of Istanbul’ (Bir Sanayi
Yerleşmesi Olarak Kağıthane’nin Toplumsal Tarihi) with S. Aslan and B. Şen, 20102012.
‘Migration Waves From Turkey to the Northern Cyprus: Economic and Socio-Spatial
Integration Processes of Turkish Migrants’ (Türkiye’den Kuzey Kıbrıs’a Göç Dalgları
ve Göçmenlerin Sosyal, Mekansal ve Ekonomik Bütünleşme Sorunları’, with S.
Purkis, 2007-2009, TUBITAK, Research Project Rapor Nr. 106K330,
‘New Dimensions of Spatial Segregation in Istanbul : Suburbs, Gated Enclaves and
Gentrification Areas’ (İstanbul’da Kentsel Ayrışmanın Yeni Boyutları: Altkenleşme,
Kapalı Yerleşmeler ve Soylulaştırma), Project supported by Marmara University
Research Found, 1999-2001.
‘The Role of Property Patterns in the Formation of Urban Form of Mugla’ (Muğla’nın
Kentsel Biçimlenmesinde Mülkiyet Örüntülrinin Rolü), Project supported by Mugla
University, Research Found , 2003-2005 .
• Urban Segregation in Istanbul, Bağlam Yayınları, 2005, Ed. H.Kurtuluş.
• Mübeccel Kıray İçin Yazılar , Bağlam Yayınları, 2001, Eds. H.Kurtuluş,F. Atacan,
F.Ercan , M.Türkay.
• Hayatımda Hiç Arkama Bakmadım, Bağlam Yayınları, 2002, Eds. H.Kurtuluş,F.
Atacan, F.Ercan, M. Türkay.
TUSAM ( Class Studies Centre ) : Science Advisory Board Member
The Journal of Education, Science and Society: Science Advisory Board Member
Praksis Journal: Science Advisory Board Member
Istanbul Universitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakultesi Dergisi: Science Advisory Board
• ISA (International Sociological Association)
• ISA- RC21 (Research comitee for urban sociology)
• METU-KBAM (Urban and Regional Development Research Network) Local History
• TUSAM (Class Studies Centre)

Benzer belgeler

Kafkaslarda Güç Dengeleri ve Türkiye-Kafkas

Kafkaslarda Güç Dengeleri ve Türkiye-Kafkas http://www.mfa.gov.tr/MFA_tr/DisPolitika/Bolgeler/Kafkasya/GuneyKafkasyaileIliskiler/


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