Central Illinois Jostens Workshop


Central Illinois Jostens Workshop
The workshop will be held July 23-25 on the Lincoln College campus in Lincoln, IL.
Complete instruction in all aspects of yearbook technology including Photoshop, InDesign and our YearTech Online web creation program.
For advisers, we are an ISBE approved development provider for teacher recertification
As a way to encourage schools to bring as many staffers as possible to the workshop,
we have not raised our workshop rates since 2002.
To also assist you in bringing more students, we offer the following incentive: for every
five residents a school brings to workshop, a sixth resident will be free. Please bring as
many of your staff as you can.
All participants need to fill out the enclosed registration form (please make a photo copy
for each participant) and complete the release section on the form.
NO ONE will be allowed to participate in the workshop without a completed release form
on file.
For residents, please bring your own linens, pillows and towels for your stay in the airconditioned rooms in the residence hall.
Bring any toiletries you may need, an alarm clock, and any extra blankets or sleeping
bags you want for bedding.
Tell any parents or drivers that checkout will be no later than 12:00 P.M. on Thursday the
All participants should bring copies of their current yearbook, magazines, rubber cement
or glue, scissors, rulers,and note taking materials.
Contest rules and homework assignments will be provided so participants will gain the
most from their workshop experience.
For more info, contact your Jostens Yearbook Representative
Mike Budak & Kristin Jording
3111 Eagle Crest Road
Bloomington, IL 61704
John Cox & Conor O’Brien
4689 Timberview Dr.
Auburn, IL 62615
Jostens Illinois Summer Workshop
Lincoln College, Lincoln, IL
July 23-25, 2013
ALL participants need to check in at the Meyer-Evans Student Center to receive workshop materials prior to the first session at 10:00 A.M.
Jostens Illinois Summer Workshop
3111 Eagle Crest Road
Bloomington, IL 61704
Check-in for the workshop is from 8:30-9:45 A.M. at the Meyer-Evans Student Center on
July 23; participants will learn at that time what residence hall they will be housed in.
Exit Interstate 55 at Lincoln Exit #126. Go east
onto Woodlawn Road/Route 10/121 at the end
of the off ramp. Proceed straight through 6 sets
of traffic lights. Several blocks past the 6th set of
traffic lights, look for Lincoln College on your left.
Check in will be at the Student Center between
8:30 - 9:45 AM July 23rd.
Home Address:
Emergency Contact:
Home Phone: (
Alternate Phone: (
In consideration of the educational opportunity provided, the above named student or adult, I/we
the parent(s), legal guardian(s) or spouse of the above named person or myself, do hereby hold
harmless, release and forever discharge Jostens, Inc., the named Jostens Sales Representative(s),
Lincoln College at which the workshop described below will be held, and their officers, agents
and employees from any and all claims, demands, liability, actions, causes of action, attorney
fees and expenses on account of damages to personal property or personal injury, which may
result from causes beyond the control of, and/or without the fault or negligence of Jostens, Inc.,
the named Sales Representative, Lincoln College and their officers, agents and employees,
during the workshop.
I/we also give permission that medical attention be administered to the above named or myself
in case of emergency. I/we understand that any medical assistance of a more serious nature will
be brought to our /my attention as conditions permit.
In case of emergency treatment is required, my/our health insurance plan number and carrier are:
Insurance Carrier
Policy Number
I understand that the emergency contact will be
notified as soon as such communication can be made.
Parent or GuardianPhone
Please list any pertinent medical information applicable to allergies, nervous disorders, heart
trouble, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.:
List regular medication that the student is taking or medication for any conditions which he/she
might have:
Please verify the date of last tetanus shot received and list here:
“The staff who attend develop a greater
interest in yearbook and are much more
knowledgeable about yearbook fundamentals. They enjoy the presentations
from the Jostens experts and return to
school determined to make their yearbook better than the last.”
-Trudy Hurd, Cisne High School
Please include any additional information which you feel may be pertinent to the student’s safety
while he or she attends Yearbook Workshop on a separate piece of paper, attach it to this medical release and check this box:
 Additional information included
Signature of Parent or Guardian:
Lincoln College • July 23-25, 2013
Jostens Sales Representative: Mike Budak/John Cox
Photocopy Form for Each Participant Including Advisers
Male Female  New Staffer  Experienced Staffer
 Editor Photographer Adviser
We will use: InDesign Yeartech Online in 2014
Home Address:
City, State, Zip:
Home Phone (
Adviser’s Name:
• Registration Information •
Commuters* Commuters* Resident**
$150.00 if registration received by June 1
$175.00 if registration received after June 1
$235.00 if registration received by June 1
$260.00 if registration received after June 1
*Includes lunches, special events, and materials.
**Includes lodging, meals, special events and materials
= $________
Commuter x $150 registration by June
Commuter x $175 registration after June 1 = $________
= $________
Resident x $235 registration by June 1
= $________
Resident x $260 registration after June 1
Make checks payable to: Jostens Summer Workshop
Mail Registration To:
Jostens/Mike Budak
3111 Eagle Crest Road
Bloomington, IL 61704