"CV " - Faculty of Business and Economics


"CV " - Faculty of Business and Economics
September, 2015
Engin ARI
Şehit Osman Yusuf Street, No: 8
Nicosia – North Cyprus,
Via Mersin 10, TURKEY.
Name and Surname
: Engin ARI
Date of Birth
: February, 10, 1962
Place of Birth
: Nicosia / CYPRUS
: Cypriot
Marital Status
: Married
Present Address
: Şehit Osman Yusuf Street No:8
Nicosia, North Cyprus, Via Mersin 10, TURKEY.
Phone Numbers
: Home
Home Fax
: +90 392 229 32 01
E-Mail Address
: engin.o.ari@ gmail.com, engin.ari@aol.com
: +90 392 227 70 14
: +90 533 841 8118
M.Sc. (2000), Economics, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Famagusta, Northern
Cyprus, Via Mersin 10, TURKEY.
B.Eng. (1984), Civil Engineering, EMU, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus, Via Mersin 10, TURKEY.
High School (1979), Science, Türk Maarif Koleji, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus, Via Mersin 10,
Certificate, (1996), Entrepreneurship in the U.S.A., International Visitors Program, U.S.A.
Certificate (1997) EU Institutions, Legal System and Policies (1997), European Inst. of Public
Administration. (EIPA), MAASTRICHT.
Certificate, (2003), Economic Development, University of Minnesota, Duluth, U.S.A.
Certificate, (2003), Role of Private Sector in Economic Development, California State University,
Sacramento, U.S.A.
Practice Training (2006), Reinsurance, Munich RE, Munich, Germany
Reinsurance Training (2008), Reinsurance Models, Milli Reasurans T.A.Ş., Istanbul, TURKEY.
Certificate, (2010), Reinsurance and Risk Management, U.S.A-RAA (Reinsurance Association of
America), Chicago and Philadelphia, U.S.A.
Practice Training, (2010), Reinsurance Practice, U.S. RE Corporation, Pearl River, New York,
Certificate, (2011), Risk Profiles and Basic Types of Reinsurance, Transsiberian Reinsurance
Corporation, Moscow. Russia.
General Manager and Member of the Board, Türk Sigorta Ltd., Nicosia, Northern Cyprus:
Part time Instructor for FINA 406 (Risk Management and Insurance), Department of Banking and
Finance, EMU, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus: Spring Semester 2014.
Member of the Board, Cyprus Turkish Education Foundation (KTEV), Nicosia, Northern Cyprus:
2014- Present
General Manager and Member of the Board, Universal Insurance Ltd., Nicosia, Northern Cyprus:
Member of the Board, Universal Bank Ltd., Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 2012-2014.
Advisor to the Board, Universal Bank Ltd., Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 2011-2012.
Chairman and C.E.O., Cyprus Insurance Co. Ltd., Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 2004-2009.
Member of the Board, Akdeniz Garanti Bank Ltd., Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 2004-2006.
Member of the Board, Cyprus Turkish Electricity Authority (KIBTEK), Nicosia, Northern Cyprus:
Member of the Board, State Development Bank (KKTC Kalkınma Bankası Ltd.), Nicosia,
Northern Cyprus: 2005-2008.
Member of National Comittee on the Minimum Wage, Ministry of Labour and Social Security,
Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 1995-2000.
Economic Advisor, Democratic Party, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 2002-2005
Managing Director, Birim Computers, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 1992-2004.
Managing Director, Birim Construction Ltd., Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 1987-2004.
Site Engineer and Project Manager, Ersin & Oben Ltd., Nicosia, Northern Cyprus: 1984-1987.
Baden Baden Insurance and Reinsurance Meetings, Guy Carpenter and AON RE,
(Baden Baden – Germany, 2005,2006,2007,2008, 2010, 2011, 21012, 2013).
Kuzey Kıbrıs Sigorta Sektörü reasürans Semineri, Milli Reasürans A.Ş., (Bellabpais, 2013).
2nd Asia Insurance Summit, Middle East Insurance Review, (Singapore, 2008).
World Insurance Forum, DIFC, (Dubai, 2008).
The 12th All-Russia Conference on Reinsurance, ARIA, (Moscow, 2008).
Moscow International Reinsurance Congress, POLIS, (Moscow, 2008).
Afro Asian Insurance & Reinsurance Conference, FAIR, (Marakesh-Morocco, 2007).
Rendez-Vous De Septembre Insurance & Reinsurance Conference, RVS,
(Monte-Carlo – Monaco, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008).
Conference on “The Question of Cyprus and its Accession to the European Union: Perceptions,
Scenarios, Proposals” Bogazici University, (Istanbul, 2002).
Conference on “The Cyprus Issue – Enlargement of the European Union”, YES,
(2001, Copenhagen).
Conference on “Stability Problem and Business Opportunities in Balcans Region”, YES,
(Sofia, 1999).
Meeting of Turkish-Greek-Greek Cypriot-Turkish Cypriot Businessmen Conference on “In
Economic Cooperation, Lies Mutual Benefit II”, Colombia University, (Istanbul, 1998).
Conference on “Security Restructuring in Transatlantic Region”, YES, (Copenhagen, 1998).
International Conference on “Soft and Semi-soft Security: Hard Challenge for a Democratic
Europe”, YES, (Utrecht, 1998).
Conference on Globalization, YES, (1997, Vienna).
Round Table Meeting of European Businessmen, INEA, (Istanbul, 1997).
Meeting of Turkish-Greek-Greek Cypriot-Turkish Cypriot Businessmen Conference on “In
Economic Cooperation, Lies Mutual Benefit I”, Colombia University, (Brussels, 1997).
Meeting of Turkish-Greek-Greek Cypriot-Turkish Cypriot Businessmen Conference on
“Prosperity for All: The Challenge that must be faced by the Federal Republic of Cyprus. The
Role of Businessmen in this Regard”, Colombia University, (Athens, Oct. 1997).
Meeting of Turkish-Greek-Greek Cypriot-Turkish Cypriot Businessmen Conference on
“Business Prospects in the Region” Turkish-Greek Business Council, (Istanbul, May 1997).
International Conference on “Communication or Confrontation in Europe? Regional Stability:
The Case of Cyprus” , YES, (Utrecht, 1997).
Seminar on “Businessmen of 21st Century” YES, (Paris, 1996).
Human Resources Management Seminar, S3 CORPORATION, (San Jose, 1996).
Foundation Seminar on the EU Institutions, Legal System and Policies, EIPA, (Maastricht,
Seminar on “Simplifying the Business Environment”, YES, (Brussels, 1995).
Seminar on Negotiation, TUGIAD, (Istanbul, 1994).
Conflict Management Seminar, Cyprus Fulbright Commission, (Nicosia, 1994).
Seminar on Delegation, Motivation, Leadership, TUGIK, (Antalya, 1994),
Member of Economic Committee which is working for Cyprus Settlement Negotiations, under the
supervision of United Nations. (2015-present).
Member of the Annan Plan Technical Committee on Economics and Finance which has worked
under the supervision of United Nations. (2004).
Head of the Turkish Cypriot Young Businessmen’s Delegation at the Annual Forums and
Conferences of Federation of European Young Entrepreneurs (YES). (Istanbul-1994, Brussels1995, Paris-1996, Vienna-1997).
Head of the Turkish Cypriot Young Businessmen’s Delegation at the General Assemblies of the
Federation of Turkish Young Businessmen’s Associations (TUGIK). (1993-Ankara, 1994Antalya, 1995-Bursa, 1996-Denizli, 1997- Istanbul, 1998-Ankara).
Head of Turkish Cypriot Delegation at the Annual Forums and Conferences of Young Europeans
For Security Group (YES). (1997-Utrecht, 1998-Copehagen, 1998-Utrecht).
Member of Turkish Cypriot National Businessmen’s Team at the 4-way (Turkish, Greek, Turkish
Cypriot and Greek Cypriot) Businessmen’s Meetings and Conferences. (Istanbul-1997, Athens1997, Brusseles-1997, Istanbul-1998).
Member of Turkish Cypriot National Businessmen’s Team for fostering Business Relations with
Central Asia and Caucaces. (Almati-1995, Bishkek-1995, Almati-1997, Bishkek-1997, Ashkabat1997, Baku-1997, Almati-1998).
More than 50 Articles on economic, social and political issues, (Kibris Newspaper, 1999 -2004)
Budget Deficit Problem and its Impact on the TRNC Economy. (Master’s Thesis, EMU, 1999).
Cypriot Youth Cooperation as Envisaged by Turkish Cypriot Junior Generations. (Speech, 12th
Annual Conference of YES-Netherlands, 1997).
How can the Business Circles Contribute for Developing a Cooperation that would Create Political
Stability and Security? (Speech, Meeting of Turkish, Greek, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot
Businessmen, Istanbul, 1997).
New Economic Environment and Opportunities: How can we Speedily Bridge the Economic Gap
between the two Communities in the Context of the Federal Republic of Cyprus? (Speech,
Meeting of Turkish, Greek, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Businessmen, Athens, 1997).
The Regional and International Importance of a Solution to the Cyprus Problem: Necessary Social
and Economic Conditions for a Viable and Functional Federation. (Speech, 11th Annual
International Conference of YES-Netherlands, 1997).
Impact of European Court of Justice Decision on the TRNC Economy. (Speech, GIAD panel,
Macroeconomic Evaluation of the Annual Programs. (Speech, Social and Economic Councils,
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998).
Economic Problems in the TRNC Economy and Suggestions for Solving the Problems. (Speech,
Social Economic Council, 1994).
Impact of 5th April 1994 Decisions on the TRNC Economy. (Speech, Consumers Association
panel, 1994).
Problems in the Export of Agricultural Products. (Speech, Chamber of Agricultural Engineers,
Use of a Stable Currency Unit as an Accounting Unit in the TRNC. (Article, 1994, Nokta Kibris).
Nicosia Culture, Art and Philosophy Association (FELSEFE-DER), (President, 2013-Present).
North Cyprus Young Businessmen’s Association (GIAD), (President, 1993-1999, Honorary
Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Engineers and Architects. (Member, 1984-Present).
Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce. (Member, 1988-Present).
Nicosia Sarayonu Rotary Club, (Past President, 2006-2007).
Economists’ Platform. (Member, 2001-2005).
Foundation of Turkish Managers and Businessmen in Turkey (TÜSİÖV), (Deputy Chairman of
the Advisory Committee, 1994-2003).
Turkish Cypriot Employer’s Union, (Adviser to the Board, 1995-2002).
National Committee on the Minimum Wage, (Member, 1995-2002)
Federation of Young Businessmen’s Associations of Turkey (TUGIK), (Founder Member,
Member of the Executive Committee, 1995-2000).
Turkish-TRNC Business Council, (Member, 1992-1999).
Businessman of the Year Award, Mediterranean Journalist’s Association (AGD) , 1998 Mersin.
Businessman of the Year Award, Mediterranean Journalist’s Association (AGD), 2001,Mersin.
Paul Harris Fellow, The Rotary Foundation, Nicosia, 2010