IGC Turkiye 2016 Program


IGC Turkiye 2016 Program
International Geothermal
Conference in Turkey
6-8 June 2016, Izmir/ Turkey
www.igc-turkiye.com (Turkish)
www.igc-turkey.com (English)
In cooperation with
GW Sponsor
Organized by
The congress in the heart of the
geothermal industry in Turkey.
IGC Türkiye 2016 – a new format international
geothermal congress for Turkey
6-8 June 2016 – İzmir, Turkey
With the incredible growth of geothermal development of
more than 600 MW in the past 7 years, Turkey has seen a
strong interest by both national and international players,
all from developers, service providers, suppliers, as well as
financial institutions.
This congress is set up to provide a forum for Turkish and
international players in the sector and those interested to
engage in exploring opportunities for involvement. With
synchronous translation for Turkish to English and English
to Turkish, the congress will be ac cessible to both Turkish
and international participants.
GW Sponsor
Supporting Partners
Global Media Partner
Gigawatt Sponsor
Kilowatt Sponsor
Reception Sponsor
Venue: Swissôtel Büyük Efes İzmir
Program Committee
Dr. Adonai Herrera-Martínez (EBRD)
Dr. Füsun S. Tut Haklidir (İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi)
Umut Destegül Solaroglu (Enther Energy)
Tevfik Kaya (Schlumberger)
Dr. Thomas Kölbel (EnBW)
GW Sponsor
Congress Overview
6 June
11:00 Visit to Exergy Workshop
14:00 Conference Opening
14:30 - 17:45 EBRD Forum
20.00 EBRD Opening Lounge
7 June
9:00 - 18:15 Congress
20:00 EXERGY Reception
8 June
8.30 - 19:00 Ormat Geothermal Field Trip (Guris, Mege,
GW Sponsor
Monday, 6 June 2016
11:00 Visit to Exergy Workshop
13:30 Registration
Congress Opening
14:00 Congress Opening
Natalia Khanjenkova, Managing Director for Turkey and
Central Asia, EBRD
Balazs Gargya , Counsellor, Head of Section for Trade,
Agriculture, Economy, Energy Policies and Projects, EU
Delegation to Turkey
N.N., High Level Representative of General Director of
Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources(TBC)
EBRD Forum – Geothermal Financing in
14:30 Session 1 - Geothermal Potential in Turkey, Technology
Applications & Innovation
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Session 2 - Regulatory Improvements, Financing Options &
17:45 Close of the EBRD Forum
20:00-21:30 Networking Session and Opening Lounge
GW Sponsor
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Program Overview
9:00 Key Notes
• Alexander Richter (ThinkGeoEnergy): Development of
Geothermal Energy in Turkey
• Hatice Özcan, Benjamin Richter (Rödl & Partner): Mind the
regulatory stumbling blocks in Turkey!
• Dr. Adonai Herrera-Martínez (EBRD): The Replicability of
Global Financing Programs for Turkey
10:45 Coffee Break
Forum I - Heat Applications and
Secondary Use
Forum II – Challenges of the
Thermal Water Loop
13:00 Lunch
Forum III - Sustainability and
Reservoir Management
Forum IV - New Developments in
Drilling Technology
16:00 Coffee Break
Forum V - Exploration and
Reservoir Development
18:15 End
Forum VI - Power Plant Technology
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
11:15 – 13:00
Forum I - Heat Applications
Forum II - Challenges of the
and Secondary Use
Thermal Water Loop
Chair: Umut Destegül
Chair: Dr. Hanna Mergner
Solaroglu (Enther Energy)
Bora Ulug (The Linde
Group): CO2 Production and
Application from
Geothermal Researches
Souheil Saadi (Haldor
Topsøe A/S): Transforming
CO2 into a commercial
Sami Çeltikoğlu (Alaşehir
Geothermal Development):
Alasehir Geothermal
Energy Project
Matthew Vogel (Alternatif
Investments): Sustainable
agriculture: Greenhouses
with Geothermal Heating
Dr. Mehmet Ali Danışman
(Dokuz Eylul University) &
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kürklü
(Mediterranean University):
The Place of Geothermal
Energy for Greenhouse
GW Sponsor
Raziye Şengün (Zorlu
Energy Group):
Geochemistry Applications
in Geothermal Fields of
Western Anatolia
Ali Cenk Kahya
(Schlumberger): tbd
Dr. Jörg Baumgärtner
(Bestec): Lineshaft pumps, a
reliable technology to
improve the performance
of geothermal production
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
14:15 – 16:00
Forum III - Sustainability &
Forum IV - New
Reservoir Management
Developments in Drilling
Chair: Dr. Adonai Herrera-
Martínez (EBRD)
Chair: Tevfik Kaya
Dr. Füsun S. Tut Haklidir
(İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi):
Providing Sustainable
Geothermal Reservoirs for
Power Production in Turkey
Prof. Dr. Serhat Akin (Orta
Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi):
Reservoir Characterization
and Management in
Western Anatolia-Turkey
Dr. Thomas Kölbel (EnBW):
Bruchsal Geothermal Power
Plant - Monitoring systems
and CO2 Treatment
Julio Garcia (Calpine): An
integrated approach to
sustainable resource
management at The Geysers
Geothermal Field
Dan Batcha (Ormat):
Matching the Plant
Technology to the
Geothermal Resource
GW Sponsor
Kubilay Önem (PETROTEK
Drilling Technologies
Inc.): Alternative trends in
Rig and Equipment
Ozan Atalay (BM
Holding): Drilling
Technologies, increase
performance and reduce
Bahri Çağdaş Atabey
(BORDRILL Drilling
Contractor and Trade
Corp.): Bordrill Rigs with
Dry Location Equipment
Fatih Guler (Güney Yildizi
Petrol): tbd
Tuesday, 7 June 2016
16:30 – 18:15
Forum V - Exploration and
Forum VI - Power Plant
Reservoir Development
Chair: Tevfik Kaya
Chair: Dr. Hartwig Schröder
(enpros consulting)
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Onur
(İstanbul Teknik
Üniversitesi): Geothermal
Resource Assessment for
Predicting Electric (Power)
Generation Potential
Dr. Orhan Polat (Dokuz
Eylül Üniversitesi): 3-D
Tomographic Modelling
Beneath Izmir Geothermal
Dr. Orhan Güreli (Arar
Petrol): Seismic Methods in
Geothermal Exploration
Umut Barış Ülgen (SIS
Energy): Importance of well
testing on power plant
GW Sponsor
Levent Umut Feyzioğlu
(Turkiye Is Bankası):
Financing of Geothermal
Energy Projects: A Turkish
Lender’s Perspective
Ural Halaçoğlu (Zorlu):
Triple Flash Combined
Cycle Technologies in
Turkey – Kızıldere Field
Hasan Burak Basar
(Vatec co): (tbd)
Metin Yazman (Turkeler):
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
Ormat - Field Trip
8:30 - Start of the Field trip from the Swissôtel Büyük Efes İzmir
Gürmat Efeler Geothermal Power Plant,
Menderes Geothermal - Mege DORA Geothermal Power
Gumuskoy Geothermal Power Plant
19:00 Expected return
Organized by:
Hotel Booking
İsmet Kaptan, Gazi Osman Paşa Blv. No:1, Alsancak/İzmir, Turkey
Phone: +90 232 414 0000
Special rates for IGC participants:
Two room options for EUR 100 or EUR 120
Promotional Code: GIGC
Book via:
ENERCHANGE – Agency for Renewable Energies
Immentalstr. 38 - 79104 Freiburg - Germany
Ph: +49 (0)761 – 38 42 10 01
Fax +49 (0)761 - 38 42 10 05
Laugavegur 13 – 101 Reykjavik – Iceland
Ph: + 354 618 5304

Benzer belgeler

6-8 June 2016 – İzmir, Turkey

6-8 June 2016 – İzmir, Turkey reduce cost Bahri Çağdaş Atabey (BORDRILL Drilling Contractor and Trade Corp.): Bordrill Rigs with Dry Location Equipment Fatih Guler (Güney Yildizi Petrol): tbd


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