CV İçin Tıklayınız. - Sinop Üniversitesi


CV İçin Tıklayınız. - Sinop Üniversitesi
Levent BAT
Curriculum Vitae
Sinop University Fisheries Faculty Hydrobiology Department, TR57000 Sinop (Turkey)
+903682876254 (ext: 3312)
+90 532 6981657 and
Skype: leventbat
ResearchGate: Levent Bat
Sex Male | Date of birth 20/02/1964 | Nationality Turkish
Higher education teaching professional / Researcher
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
07/01/1989 - 01/01/1997
Research Assistant
Sinop Fisheries Faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University 57000 Sinop (Turkey)
Marine Biology, Fisheries Sciences
01/01/1997 - 27/11/1998
Assist. Professor
Sinop Fisheries Faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University 57000 Sinop (Turkey)
Marine Biology, Fisheries Sciences
27/11/1998 - 11/05/2004
Assoc. Professor
Sinop Fisheries Faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University 57000 Sinop (Turkey)
Marine Biology, Fisheries Sciences
11/05/2004 - 29/05/2007
Sinop Fisheries Faculty of Ondokuz Mayis University 57000 Sinop (Turkey)
Marine Biology, Fisheries Sciences
Fisheries Faculty of Sinop University
Marine Biology, Fisheries Sciences
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
01/06/1984 - 28/06/1988
Bachelor Degree
Ondokuz Mayis University Sinop Fisheries Faculty (State University)
57000 Sinop (Turkey)
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Curriculum Vitae
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Name and type of organisation
providing education and training
Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)
01/06/1990 - 20/03/1992
Master Degree
Ondokuz Mayis University (State University), Institute of Natural and Applied
57000 Sinop (Turkey)
11/04/1993 - 30/11/1996
Doctorate Degree
University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Aquatic Toxicology & Marine pollution, Researches based on levels of heavy metals
in marine fauna, flora and sediment, marine biodiversity, Marine Protected Area,
Ecological Quality Assessment
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Proficient user
Proficient user
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills
Organisational / managerial
▪ Team spirit;
▪ Good ability to adapt to multicultural environments, gained through my work experience
▪ Good experience in projects,
▪ Head of Department of Hydrobiolgy
Job-related skills
▪ good command of quality control processes (currently responsible for quality audit)
▪ editorial board in scientific journals
▪ section editor
Computer skills
▪ good command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™);
▪ Basic knowledge of graphic design applications (Adobe Illustrator™, Photoshop™)
Other skills
Driving licence
▪ scuba diving
▪ swimming
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Curriculum Vitae
Levent BAT
SCI-expanded, SSCI, AHCI
1- Bat L, Raffaelli D, Marr IL. (1998). The accumulation of copper, zinc and cadmium by the amphipod Corophium volutator
(Pallas). J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol, 223 (2): 167-184.
2- Bat L, Raffaelli D. (1998). Sediment toxicity testing: A bioassay approach using the amphipod Corophium volutator and
the polychaete Arenicola marina. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol, 226: 217-239.
3- Finenko GA, Romanova ZA, Abolmasova GI, Anninsky BE, Svetlichny LS, Hubareva E S, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2003).
Population dynamics, ingestion, growth and reproduction rates of the invader Beroe ovata and its impact on plankton
community in Sevastopol Bay, the Black Sea. Journal of Plankton Research, 25 (5): 539-549.
4- Satilmis HH, Gordina AD, Bat L, Bircan R, Culha M, Akbulut M, Kideys AE. (2003). Seasonal distribution of fish eggs and
larvae off sinop (the Southern Black Sea) in 1999-2000. Acta Oecologica, 24: S275-S280.
5- Svetlichny LS, Abolmasova GI, Hubareva ES, Finenko GA, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2004). Respiration rates of Beroe ovata in
the Black Sea. Marine Biology, 145: 585-593.
6- Gordina AD, Zagorodnyaya JA, Kideys AE, Bat L, Satilmis HH. (2005). Impact of summer ichthyoplankton, food supply of
fish larvae and invasive ctenophores on the nutrition of fish larvae in the Black Sea during 2000 and 2001. J. Mar. Biol.
Ass. U.K, 85: 537-548.
7- Anninsky BE, Finenko GA, Abolmasova GI, Hubareva ES, Svetlichny LS, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2005). Effect of starvation
on the biochemical compositions and respiration rates of ctenophores Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata in the Black
Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K, 85: 549-561.
8- Finenko GA, Romanova ZA, Abolmasova GI, Anninsky BE, Pavlovskaya TV, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2006). Ctenophores
invaders and their role in the trophic dynamics of the planktonic community in the coastal regions off the Crimean coasts of
the Black Sea (Sevastopol Bay). Oceanology, 46 (4): 472-482.
9- Kırkım F, Sezgin M, Katagan T, Bat L, Aydemir E. (2006). Some Benthic Soft-Bottom Crustaceans along the Anatolian
Coast of the Black Sea. Crustaceana, 79 (11): 1323-1332.
10- Sezgin M, Katagan T, Bat L. (2007). The occurrence of Idunella nana (SCHIECKE, 1973)(AMPHIPODA) in the Eastern
Mediterranean. Crustaceana, 80 (3): 375-383.
11- Culha M, Bat L, Dogan A, Dagli E. (2009). Ecology and Distribution of the Veined Rapa Whelk Rapana venosa
(Valenciennes, 1846) in Sinop Peninsula (Southern Central Black Sea), Turkey. Journal of Animal and Veterinary
Advances, 8 (1): 51-58.
12- Svetlichny LS, Yuneva TV, Hubareva ES, Schepkina AM, Besiktepe S, Kideys AE, Bat L, Sahin F. (2009). Development
of Calanus euxinus during spring cold homothermy in the Black Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 374: 199–213.
13- Gündoğdu A, Yardım Ö, Bat L, Çulha ST. (2009). Accumulation of zinc in liver and muscle tissues of Rainbow trout
(Onchorhyncus mykiss Walbaum 1792). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB) 18 (1): 40-44.
14- Bat L, Satilmis HH, Birinci-Ozdemir Z, Şahin F, Ustun F. (2009). Distribution and population dynamics of Aurelia aurita
(Cnidaria; Scyphozoa) in the southern Black Sea. North-Western Journal of Zoology, 5 (2): 225-241.
15- Isinibilir M, Svetlichny L, Hubareva E, Ustun F, Yilmaz IN, Kideys AE, Bat L. (2009). Population dynamics and
morphological variability of Calanus euxinus in the Black and Marmara Seas. Italian Journal of Zoology, 76 (4): 403–414.
16- Sezgin M, Bat L, Katağan T, Ateş AS. (2010). Likely effects of global climate change on the Black Sea benthic
ecosystem. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 11 (1): 238-246.
17- Çulha M, Bat L. (2010). Visible decline of limpet Patella caerulea Linnaeus, 1758, a biomonitor species, at the Sinop
peninsula and vicinity (the southern Black Sea, Turkey). Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 11 (3): 10241029.
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18- Çulha M, Bat L, Türk-Çulha S, Yeşim-Çelik M. (2010). Benthic mollusk composition of some facies in the upperinfralittoral zone of the southern Black Sea, Turkey. Turk J. Zool, 34: 523-532.
19- Vladymyrov V, Kideys AE, Myroshnychenko V, Slipetsky D, Shiganova T, Abolmasova G, Bingel F, Tezcan D, Ak Y,
Anninsky B, Bat L, Finenko G, Gorbunov V, Isinibilir M, Kamburska L, Mihneva V, Birinci Ozdemir Z, Romanova Z,
Sergeyeval O, Stefanova K, Xalvashi M. (2011). A basin-wide Black Sea Mnemiopsis leidyi database. Aquatic Invasions,
6 (1): 115–122.
20- Bat L, Sezgin M, Satılmış HH, Şahin F, Üstün F, Birinci-Özdemir Z, Gökkurt-Baki O. (2011). Biological diversity of the
Turkish Black Sea coast. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 11: 683-692.
21- Bat L, Sezgin M, Üstün F, Şahin F. (2012). Heavy metal concentrations in ten species of fishes caught in Sinop coastal
waters of the Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 12: 371-376; DOI: 10.4194/13032712-v12_2_24.
22- Nikolsky V, Shulman G, Shchepkina A, Yuneva T, Bat L, Kaya Y, Kideyş A, Seyhan K. (2012). Assessment of food
supply of small pelagic fish in the Black Sea based on their lipid content. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences, 12: 431-436; DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v12_2_33.
23- Bat L, Üstün F, Gökkurt Baki O, Şahin F. (2013). Effects of some heavy metals on the sizes of the Mediterranean mussel
Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB), 22 (7): 1933-1938.
24- Yankova MH, Pavlov D, Ivanova P, Karpova E, Boltachev A, Öztürk B, Bat L, Oral M, Mgeladze M. (2014). Marine fishes
in the Black Sea: recent conservation status. Medit. Mar. Sci, 15 (2): 366-379;
25- Satılmış HH, Mavruk S, Bat L, Avşar D. (2014). Seasonal changes of ichtyoplankton assemblages of Sinop coasts in
southern of the Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 14: 403-411. DOI: 10.4194/13032712-v14_2_10.
26- Üstün F, Bat L. (2014). The egg production rate of Acartia (Acartiura) clausi Giesbrecht, 1889 (Copepoda) in Sinop
Peninsula (Southern Black Sea). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14 (3): 605-613. DOI: 10.4194/13032712-v14_3_02.
27- Bat L, KayaY, Öztekin H.C. (2014). Heavy metal levels in the Black Sea anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) as biomonitor
and potential risk of human health. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 14 (4): 14: 845-851. DOI:
28- Bat L, Öztekin HC, Üstün F. (2015). Heavy Metal Levels in Four Commercial Fishes Caught in Sinop Coasts of the
Black Sea, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 15: 393-399. DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v15_2_25
29- Gökkurt Baki O, Baki B, Bat L. (2015). Toxic effects of different long term zinc concentrations on the accumulation in
muscles, visceral organ and gills of juveniles of Solea solea L, 1758. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB), 24 (9):
30- Ürkmez D, Brennan ML, Sezgin M, Bat L. (2015). A brief look at the free-living Nematoda of the oxic/anoxic interface
with a new genus record (Trefusia) for the Black Sea. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies, 44 (4): 539-551. DOI:
31- Ürkmez D, Sezgin M, Karaçuha ME, Öksüz İ, Katağan T, Bat L, Dağlı E, Şahin F. (2016). Within-year spatio-temporal
variation in meiofaunal abundance and community structure, Sinop Bay, the Southern Black Sea. Oceanological and
Hydrobiological Studies, 45 (1): 55-65. DOI: 10.1515/ohs-2016-0006
32- Boissin E, Micu D, Janczyszyn-Le Goff M, Neglia V, Bat L, Todorova V, Panayotova M, Kruschel C, Macic V, Milchakova
N, Keskin Ç, Anastasopoulou A, Nasto I, Zane L, Planes S. (2016). Contemporary genetic structure and post-glacial
demographic history of the black scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus, in the Mediterranean and the Black Seas. Molecular
Ecology, 25: 2195-2209. DOI: 10.1111/mec.13616
33- Ahmed Q, Bilgin S, Bat L. (2016). Length based growth estimation of most commercially important Scombridae from
offshore water of Pakistan coast in the Arabian Sea. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 16: 155-167.
DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v16_1_16
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Levent BAT
Curriculum Vitae
34- Moncheva S, Stefanova K, Krastev A, Apostolov A, Bat L, Sezgin M, Sahin F, Timofte F. (2016). Marine litter
quantification in the Black Sea: A pilot assessment. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 16: 213-218. DOI:
Other Articles
Erdem M, Bat L. (1991). Su ürünlerinin değerlendirilme şekilleri ve ekonomiye katkısı. T.O.K. Bakanlığı Dergisi, Şubat
Sayı 60: 30-31.
Öztürk M, Bat L. (1994). Karadeniz’in Sinop kıyılarında bazı yenilebilir organizmalardaki iz element düzeyleri.(Heavy
metal levels in some edible organisms from Sinop coast of the Black Sea). E.Ü. Fen Fakültesi Dergisi Seri B, 16 (1):
Öztürk M, Bat L, Öztürk M. (1994). Sinop kıyılarında yayılış gösteren Ulva lactuca (L.) Le Jolis 1863 örneklerindeki ağır
metal düzeyleri üzerine bir araştırma. (A study on heavy metal levels in Ulva lactuca (L.) Le Jolis 1863, collected from
Sinop coast of Black Sea,Turkey) E.Ü. Fen Fakültesi Dergisi Seri B, 16 (1): 187-195.
Bat L. (1996). Effects of lindane on seasonal differences in mortality of the amphipod Corophium volutator. O.M.Ü. Fen
Dergisi, 7(1): 1-7.
Bat L, Öztürk M, Öztürk M. (1996). Heavy metal amounts in some commercial teleost fish from the Black Sea. O.M.Ü.
Fen Dergisi, 7(1): 117-135.
Bat L. (1996). Uptake of heavy metals from sediment by the common mussel Mytilus edulis. O.M.Ü. Fen Dergisi, 7(1):
Öztürk M, Öztürk M, Bat L. (1996). Karadeniz'in Sinop kıyılarında yayılım gösteren iki alg türünün, yıkanmış ve
yıkanmamış örneklerindeki bazı ağır metal birikim düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması.(Comparison of the heavy metal
accumulation levels in washed and unwashed samples of two algae species; Distributed on Sinop coasts of the Black
Sea). E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 13 (3-4): 409-423.
Bat L, Raffaelli D, Marr I.L. (1996). Toxicity of river sediments in South-West Spain. E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 13 (3-4):
Bat L. (1997). Studies on the uptake of copper, zinc and cadmium by the amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) in the
laboratory. Turkish J. Mar. Sci, 3 (2): 93-109.
10- Bat, L, Raffaelli, D. (1996). The Corophium volutator (Pallas) sediment toxicity test: An inter-laboratory comparison. E.Ü.
Su Ürünleri Dergisi, 13 (3-4): 433-440.
11- Bat L, Öztürk M. (1997). Heavy Metal Levels in Some Organisms from Sinop Peninsula of the Black Sea. Tr. J.
Engineering and Environ. Sci, 21: 29-33.
12- Bat L, Raffaelli D. (1998). Survival and growth of Corophium volutator in organically enriched sediment : A comparison of
laboratory and field experiments. Tr. J. Zoology, 22 (3): 219-229.
13- Bat L. (1998). Influence of sediment on heavy metal uptake by the polychaete Arenicola marina. Tr. J. Zoology, 22 (4):
14- Bat L, Çulha M, Akbulut M, Gündoğdu A, Sezgin M. (1998). Toxicity of zinc and copper to the Hermit Crab Diogenes
pugilator (Roux). Turkish J. Mar. Sci, 4: 39-48.
15- Bat L, Öztürk M, Öztürk M. (1998-1999). Akuatik toksikoloji. (Aquatic toxicology). S.D.Ü. Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fak. Der, 6:
16- Bat L, Gündoğdu A, Öztürk M. (1998-1999). Ağır metaller. (Heavy metals). S.D.Ü. Eğirdir Su Ürünleri Fak. Der, 6: 166175.
17- Bat L, Gündoğdu A, Sezgin M, Çulha M, Gönlügür G, Akbulut M. (1999). Acute toxicity of zinc, copper and lead to three
species of marine organisms from Sinop Peninsula, Black Sea. Tr. J. Biology, 23 (4): 537-544.
18- Bat L, Sezgin M, Gündoğdu A, Çulha M. (1999). Toxicity of zinc, copper and lead to Idotea baltica (Crustacea, Isopoda).
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Tr. J. Biology, 23 (4): 465-472.
19- Bat L, Raffaelli D. (1999). Effects of gut sediment contents on heavy metal levels in the amphipod Corophium volutator
(Pallas). Tr. J. Zoology, 23: 67-71.
20- Bat L, Gündoğdu A, Öztürk M, Öztürk M. (1999). Copper, zinc, lead and cadmium concentrations in the Mediterranean
mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck 1819 from Sinop coast of the Black Sea. Tr. J. Zoology, 23: 321-326.
21- Sezgin M, Bat L. (1999). Atylus massilensis Bellan-Santini, 1975 (Amphipoda, Dexaminidae) for the fauna of Turkish
Black Sea. Turkish J. Mar. Sci, 5 (2): 75-78.
22- Bat L, Akbulut M, Çulha M, Gündoğdu A, Satılmış HH. (2000). Effect of temperature on the toxicity of zinc, copper and
lead to the freshwater amphipod Gammarus pulex (L.) Tr. J. Zoology, 24: 409-415.
23- Bat L, Akbulut M, Çulha M, Sezgin M. (2000). The macrobenthic fauna of Sırakaraağaçlar Stream flowing into the Black
Sea at Akliman, Sinop. Turkish J. Mar. Sci, 6 (1): 71-86.
24- Bat L, Gönlügür G, Andaç M, Öztürk M, Öztürk, M. (2000). Heavy metal concentrations in the sea snail Rapana venosa
(Valenciennes, 1846) from Sinop coasts of the Black Sea. Turkish J. Mar. Sci, 6 (3): 227-240.
25- Bat L, Akbulut M, Sezgin M, Çulha M. (2001). Effects of sewage pollution the structure of the community of Ulva lactuca,
Enteremorpha linza and rocky macrofauna in Dışliman of Sinop. Tr. J. Biology, 25: 93-102.
26- Bat L, Akbulut M. (2001). Studies on sediment toxicity bioassays using Chironomus thummi K, 1911 Larvae. Tr. J.
Zoology, 25: 87-93.
27- Bat L, Sezgin M, Akbulut M, Çulha M. (2001). On the occurence of Niphargus valachicus Dobreanu & Manolache, 1933
(Amphipoda, Gammaridae) in the western Black Sea region of Turkey. Tr. J. Zoology, 25: 235-239.
28- Bat L, Gündoğdu A, Akbulut M, Çulha M, Satılmış HH. (2001) Toxicity of zinc and lead to the polychaete worm Hediste
diversicolor. Turkish J. Mar. Sci, 7: 71-84.
29- Bat L, Bilgin S, Gündoğdu A, Akbulut M, Çulha M. (2001). Individual and combined effects of copper and lead on the
marine shrimp, Palaemon adspersus Rathke, 1837 (Decapoda: Palaemonidae). Turkish J. Mar. Sci, 7: 103-117.
30- Hubareva ES, Svetlichny LS, Romanova ZA, Abolmasova GI, Anninsky BE, Finenko GA, Bat L, Kideys A. (2004).
Zooplankton community state in Sevastopol Bay after the invasion of ctenophore Beroe ovata into the Black Sea (19992003). Marine Ecological Journal (in Russian), III (1): 39-46.
31- Finenko GA, Romanova ZA, Abolmasova GI, Anninsky BE, Gubareva ES, Bat L, Kideys A. (2005). Effect of food
conditions on ingestion rate and digestion time in lobate ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi. Marine Ecological Journal (in
Russian), IV (1): 75-83.
32- Bat L. (2005). A review of sediment toxicity bioassays using the amphipods and polychaetes. Turkish Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 5:119-139.
33- Bat L, Erdem Y, Ustaoğlu S, Yardım Ö, Satılmış HH. (2005). A study on the fishes of the central Black Sea coast of
Turkey. J. Black Sea/ Mediterranean Environment, 11 (3): 287-302.
34- Bat L, Demirci GG, Öztürk M. (2006). Occurrence of Apletodon dentatus bacescui (Murgoci, 1940) (Gobiesocidae) and
Coryphoblennius galerita (Linnaeus, 1758) (Blenniidae) at the central Black Sea coast of Turkey. J. Black Sea/
Mediterranean Environment, 12 (1): 59-65.
35- Satılmış HH, Bat L, Birinci Özdemir Z, Üstün F, Şahin F, Kideys A.E, Erdem Y. (2006). Orta Karadeniz’in Sinop
bölgesinde jelimsi organizmalar ile balık yumurta ve larvalarının 2002 yılı komposizyonu. (Composition of eggs and
larvae of fish and macrogelatinious zooplankton in Sinop region (the central Black Sea) during 2002). E.Ü. Su Ürünleri
Dergisi (E.U. Journal of Fisheries&Aquatic Sciences), 23 (1/1): 135-140.
36- Bat L, Gündoğdu A. Yardım Ö. Zoral T, Çulha S. (2006). Sinop İli İç Liman bölgesindeki zooplankton ve bazı ekonomik
balıklarda ağır metal düzeyleri. (Heavy Metal amounts in zooplankton and some commercial teleost fish from inner
harbour of Sinop, Black Sea) SÜMDER (Su Ürünleri Müh. Der. Dergisi), 25/26: 22-27.
37- Bat L, Kıdeyş A, Finenko G, Arashkevich E, Satılmış HH, Özdemir B. Z, Üstün F, Şahin F. (2006). Egg production,
hatching success and growth rate of Beroe ovata larva in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea waters. AquaCulture &
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Levent BAT
Fisheries (Su Ürünleri Federasyonu Dergisi) ISSN: 1306-0570, 1 (3): 30-33.
38- Shulman GE, Bat L, Yuneva TV, Nikolsky AM, Shchepkina AM, Kideys AE, Ivanova P, Dobrovolov I. (2006-2007). Lipid
content and composition as an indicator of nutritional condition of the Black Sea fishes. Saving the Black Sea Nov 2006 Oct 2007, 10: 7-8.
39- Sezgin M, Şahin F, Bat L. (2007). Presence of Stereoderma kirschbergi (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) on Sinop
peninsula coast, Turkey: first record from Turkish Black Sea. JMBA2 - Biodiversity Records Published on-line.
40- Çulha M, Bat L, Çulha TS. (2007). On the Presence of Melarhaphe neritoides (Linnaeus, 1758) (Prosobranchia,
Gastropoda, Mollusca) in the Sinop peninsula (central Black Sea, Turkey). Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 1 (2):
41- Nikolsky VN, Shulman GE, Yuneva TV, Schepkina AM, Ivleva EV, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2007). On the modern condition of
Black Sea sprat food supply. Reports (Dopovidi) of National Acad. Sci. of Ukraine (in Russian), 5: 194-198.
42- Shulman GE, Nikolsky VN, Yuneva TV, Shchepkina AM, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2007). Influence of global climatic and
regional anthropogenic factors on small pelagic fishes of the Black Sea. Marine Ecological Journal (in Russian), 6 (4):
43- Bat L, Ivanova P, Dobrovolov I, Shulman GE, Nikolsky VN, Yuneva TV, Shchepkina AM, Kideys AE. (2007). The
population structure of the Black Sea anchovy. (Karadeniz Hamsisinin Popülasyon Yapısı). AquaCulture & Fisheries (Su
Ürünleri Federasyonu Dergisi) ISSN: 1306-0570, 2 (8): 51-56.
44- Bat L. (2007). Karadeniz’in genel özellikleri, fiziksel ve kimyasal çevre. (General characteristic of the Black Sea, physical
and chemical environment). Sinop Ticaret Bülteni, Yıl: 9, Sayı: 12, 5.
45- Bat L. (2007). Karadeniz’in genel özellikleri, Karadeniz’de biyolojik çevre. (General characteristic of the Black Sea,
biological environment). Sinop Ticaret Bülteni, Yıl: 10, Sayı: 13, 5.
46- Bat L. (2007). Karadeniz’de kirlilik. (Pollution in the Black Sea). Sinop Ticaret Bülteni, Yıl: 10, Sayı: 14, 4.
47- Bat L. (2007). Karadeniz’de Kirlilik Tehlikeli Boyutta. (Pollution of the Black Sea in danger level). Cumhuriyet Tarım Gıda
Hayvancılık Dergisi, Özel Ek, 09 Ekim 2007, Sayı 38, s. 8.
48- Bat L. (2007). Karadeniz’de Balık Nesli Azalıyor. (Fish of the Black Sea are decreasing). Cumhuriyet Tarım Gıda
Hayvancılık Dergisi, Özel Ek, 09 Ekim 2007, Sayı 38, s. 9.
49- Bat L. (2007). Hamsiyi Deniz Anaları Kolluyor. (Jelly organisms protect anchovy). Cumhuriyet Tarım Gıda Hayvancılık
Dergisi, Özel Ek, 09 Ekim 2007, Sayı 38, s.11.
50- Bat L, Şahin F, Satılmış HH, Üstün F, Özdemir ZB, Kıdeyş AE, Shulman GE. (2007). Karadeniz'in değişen ekosistemi
ve hamsi balıkçılığına etkisi (The changed ecosystem of the Black Sea and its impact on anchovy fisheries). Journal of, DOI: 10.3153/jfscom.2007024, ISSN 1307-234X, 1 (4):191- 227.
51- Sıvacı ER, Yardım Ö, Gönülol A, Bat L, Gümüş F. (2008). Sarıkum (Sinop-Türkiye) lagününün bentik algleri (Benthic
algae of Sarıkum (Sinop-Turkey) lagoon) Journal of DOI: 10.3153/jfscom.2008022, 2(4): 592600.
52- Yardım Ö, Şendoğan E, Bat L, Sezgin M, Çulha M. (2008). Sarıkum Gölü (Sinop) makrobentik Mollusca ve Crustacea
faunası (Macrobenthic Mollusca and Crustacea fauna of Lake Sarıkum, Sinop, Turkey). E.Ü. Su Ürünleri Dergisi (E.U.
Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences), 25 (4): 301–309.
53- Shulman GE, Nikolsky VN, Yuneva TV, Shchepkina AM, Bat L, Kideys A. (2008). Significance of physiological and
biochemical approaches for Black Sea fishery investigations. International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences,
2 (1): 107-112.
54- Bat L, Gökkurt O. (2008). Evsel nitelikli atık sular. (Domestic waste waters). Kuzey noktası, 3(7): 72-76.
55- Bat L, Shulman GE, Nikolsky VN, Yuneva TV, Romanova ZA, Shchepkina AM, Kıdeys AE, Yardım Ö, Üstün F, Türk
Çulha S, Sahin F, Gökkurt O. (2008). Karadeniz Hamsisinin Beslenme Kondisyonunun İzlenmesi (Monitoring of anchovy
nutritional condition in the Black Sea). Kuzey Noktası, 3 (9): 56-61.
56- Çulha M, Ergen Z, Bat L. (2009). New record for the mollusca fauna of the Black Sea coast (Sinop Peninsula) of Turkey:
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Gibbula adriatica (PHILIPPI, 1844); Hydrobia acuta (DRAPARNAUD, 1805): Mangelia coastata (DONOVAN, 1804),
(Gastropoda: Trochidae, Hydrobiidae, Conidae). Conchylia, 40 (1/2): 28-32.
57- Bat L, Gökkurt O, Sezgin M, Üstün F, Sahin F. (2009). Evaluation of the Black Sea land based sources of pollution the
coastal region of Turkey. The Open Marine Biology Journal, 3: 112-124. DOI: 10.2174/1874450800903010112
58- Ahmed Q, Ali QM, Bat L, Zaheen WM, Baloch AB. (2010). Determination of Fe, Zn, Pb and Cd in the Lesser Tigertooth
Croaker (Otolithes cuveri Trewavas, 1974) (SCIAENIDAE) collected from Karachi Fish Harbor. Pakistan Journal of
Marine Sciences, 19 (1&2): 7-12.
59- Bat L, (2010). Sprattus “çaça”. Northpoint realite, 1 (1): 62-67.
60- Bat L, Gökkurt O. (2010). Sinop kıyılarında deniz kirliliğine genel bir bakış I. (General view of marine pollution at Sinop
coast). Sinop Ticaret Bülteni, Yıl: 13, Sayı: 48, Mart, 2.
61- Bat L, Gökkurt O. (2010). Sinop kıyılarında deniz kirliliğine genel bir bakış II. (General view of marine pollution at Sinop
coast). Sinop Ticaret Bülteni, Yıl: 13, Sayı: 48, Nisan, 2.
62- Satılmış HH, Bat L. (2010). Planktondaki hamsi (Anchovy in plankton). Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 10 (2): 1-3.
63- Bat L, Satılmış HH. (2010). Karadeniz hamsisinin beslenme kondisyonu ve göçü (Nutritional condition and migration of
the Black Sea anchovy). Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 10 (2): 11-13.
64- Bat L. (2010). Adı gibi bahtı Karadeniz. Deniz Temiz TURMEPA, 10: 22-26.
65- Shulman GE, Nikolsky VN, Yunev OA, Yuneva TV, Shchepkina AM, Bat L, Kideys A, Seyhan K, Kaya Y, Sezgin M,
Yardım Ö. (2011). Present condition of small pelagic fishes in the Black Sea. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences, 5
(2): 85-87.
66- Finenko G A, Arashkevitch EG, Kideys AE, Roohi A, Mirzajani A, Bagheri S, Birinci Z, Ustun F, Satilmis HH,
Sahin F, Bat L. (2011). Reproduction characteristics and growth rate of ctenophore Beroe ovata larvae in the
Caspian and Black Sea waters. Морской экологический журнал, (Marine Ecological Journal), 10 (1): 77-85.
67- Bat L. (2011). Denizdeki Bilim. Deniz Temiz TURMEPA, 15:48-51.
68- Bat L, Sezgin M, Gökkurt Baki O. (2012). An integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) Project: CoastLearn
in Black Sea (CLBS). Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering, 2: 55-60.
69- Bat L, Üstün F, Gökkurt-Baki O. (2012). Trace element concentrations in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus
galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 caught from Sinop coast of the Black Sea, Turkey. The Open Marine Biology
Journal, 6: 1-5. DOI: 10.2174/1874450801206010001
70- Bat L. Şahin F, Üstün F, Sezgin M. (2012). Distribution of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd in the tissues and organs of Psetta
maxima from Sinop coasts of the Black Sea, Turkey. Marine Science, 2(5): 105-109. [DOI:
71- Bat L, Şahin F, Sezgin M, Üstün F, Gökkurt Baki O, Öztekin HC. (2013). Heavy metals in edible tissues of the
brown shrimp Crangon crangon (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Southern Black Sea (Turkey). J. Black
Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 19 (1): 70-81.
72- Bat L, Sezgin M, Şahin F, Birinci Özdemir Z, Ürkmez D. (2013). Sinop city fishery of the Black Sea. Marine
Science, 3(3): 55-64. DOI: 10.5923/
73- Yankova M, Pavlov D, Ivanova P, Karpova E, Boltachev A, Bat L, Oral M, Mgeladze M. (2013). Annotated
check list of the non˗native fish species (Pisces) of the Black Sea. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 19
(2): 247-255.
74- Yuneva TV, Shchepkina AM, Zabelinsky SA, Nikolsky VN, Bat L, Kaya Y, Seyhan K. , Shulman GE. (2013).
Phospholipid fatty acid content of the Sea of Azov anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus maeoticus Pusanov and
Black Sea anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus ponticus Alexandrov during fishing period 2006 – 2011. Морской
экологический журнал, (Marine Ecological Journal) (in Russian with English abstract) 12 (2): 88-99.
75- Öztürk B, Topaloğlu B, Kıdeys A, Bat L, Keskin Ç, Sezgin M, Amaha Öztürk A, Yalciner AC. (2013). A proposal for new
marine protected areas along the Turkish Black Sea coast. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 19 (3): 365˗379.
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76- Ivanova PP, Dobrovolov IS, Bat L, Kideys AE, Nikolsky VN, Yuneva TV, Shchepkina AM, Shulman GE. (2013).
Application of esterase polymorphism to specify population genetic structure of Engraulis encrasicolus (Pisces:
Engraulidae) in the Black and Azov Seas. Marine Ecological Journal, 12 (4): 45-52.
77- Bat L, Sezgin M, Şahin F. (2013). Impacts of OWF installations on fisheries: A literature review. Journal of Coastal Life
Medicine, 1(3): 241-252. doi:10.12980/JCLM.1.2013J17.
78- Bat L, Sezgin M, Gökkurt Baki O, Üstün F, Şahin F. (2013). Determination of heavy metals in some commercial fish from
the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Walailak J Sci & Tech, 10(6): 581-589.
79- Bat L. (2013). Karadeniz’de ilerleyen sinsi tehlike. Çevre ve Şehir, 17: 44-47.
80- Bat L, Gökkurt Baki O. (2014). Seasonal variations of sediment and water quality correlated to land-based pollution
sources in the middle of the Black Sea coast, Turkey. International Journal of Marine Science, 4 (12): 108-118. doi:
81- Ürkmez D, Sezgin M, Bat L. (2014). Use of nematode maturity index for the determination of ecological quality
status: a case study from the Black Sea. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 20 (2): 96-107.
82- Yuneva TV, Zabelinsky SA, Nikolsky BN, Shchepkina AM, Bat L, Kaya Y, Seyhan K, Shulman GE. (2014).
Identification of the Azov and Black Sea anchovy in the Black Sea off the coast of Ukraine and Turkey during
fishing period 2006-2012 years based on the content of docosahexaenoic fatty acid in phospholipids. Морской
экологический журнал, (Marine Ecological Journal) (in Russian with English abstract) 13 (2): 82-89.
83- Klimova TN, Vdodovich IV, Finenko GA, Satilmis HH, Bat L, Ustun F. Sahin F, Birinci-Ozdemir Z. (2014).
Ichthyoplankton of the coastal waters of the South-Western part of the Crimea and Sinop Peninsula in 20022003. Морской экологический журнал, (Marine Ecological Journal) (in Russian with English abstract) 13 (3):
84- Bat L, Gökkurt Baki, O, Karakaş E, Vişne A, Okkay Ç. (2014). Ağır metallerin ekosistem tepkilerini anlamaya
yönelik Karadeniz’in gösterge organizmaları kullanılarak yapılmış çalışmalar. (Studies to understand ecosystem
responses of heavy metals using indicator organisms of the Black Sea). Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, (2): 71-91.
85- Ahmed Q, Bat L, Yousuf F. (2015). Accumulation of heavy metals in tissues of long tail tuna from Karachi Fish
Harbour, Pakistan. Aquatic Science and Technology, 3 (1): 103-115. doi:10.5296/ast.v3i1.6814.
86- Elahi N, Ahmed Q, Bat L, Yousuf F. (2015). Physicochemical parameters and seasonal variation of coastal
water from Balochistan coast, Pakistan. Journal of Coastal Life Medicine,
3(3): 199-203.
87- Ahmed Q, Bat L. (2015). Heavy Metal Levels in Euthynnus affinis (Cantor, 1849) Kawakawa fish Marketed of
Karachi Fish Harbour, Pakistan and potential risk of human health. J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment, 21
(1): 35-44.
88- Ahmed Q, Bat L. (2015). Accumulations of Zn, Ni, B, Al and Co in Megalaspis cordyla from fish marketed by Karachi
Fish Harbor of Pakistan. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(4): 204-207.
89- Ahmed Q, Bat L. (2015). Mercury (Hg) Levels in Indian Mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Scombridae) from Karachi Fish
Harbour and its risk assessment. Journal of Fisheries, 9(3): 15-19. DOI: 10.3153/jfscom.201444
90- Ahmed Q, Bat L. (2015). Potential risk of some heavy metals in Pampus chinensis (Euphrasen) Chinese silver pomfret
Stromateidae collected from Karachi Fish Harbour, Pakistan. International Journal of Marine Science, 5 (21): 1-5. doi:
91- Ahmed Q, Bat L. (2015). Comparison of Pb and Cd concentration in tissues of fish Alepes djedaba (Forsskål,
1775) collected from Karachi fish Harbour. International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies, 2(4): 93-96.
92- Ahmed Q, Bat L, Yousuf F, Ali QM, Nazim K. (2015). Accumulation of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd
and Cr) in tissues of Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Family-Scombridae) fish marketed by Karachi Fish
Harbor. Open Biological Sciences Journal, 1:, 20-28. doi: 10.2174/2352633501501010020
93- Vişne A, Bat L. (2015). Deniz çöplerinin değerlendirilmesi üzerine deniz stratejisi çerçeve direktifi ve Karadeniz’deki
mevcut durum. (Evaluation of marine litter on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and current status in the Black
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Sea). Journal of Aquaculture Engineering and Fisheries Research, 1 (3): 104-115. doi: 10.3153/JAEFR15011
94- Gökkurt Baki O, Ergun ON, Bat L. (2015). Coastal management plan in the south of the Black Sea. Journal of Coastal
Life Medicine, 3(8): 600-606. doi: 10.12980/JCLM.3.2015J5-28
95- Ahmed Q, Bat L, Yousuf F. (2015). Heavy metals in Terapon puta (Cuvier, 1829) from Karachi coasts, Pakistan.
Journal of Marine Biology, Article ID 132768, 5 pages. doi:10.1155/2015/132768
96- Ahmed Q, Bat L. (2015). Some essential macroelements in the muscles of Argyrops spinifer from Karachi
Harbour, Pakistan. Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences, 1(1), 8-12.
97- Bat L, Arıcı E, Sezgin M, Şahin F. (2015). Heavy metal levels in the liver and muscle tissues of the four
commercial fishes from Lake Balik, Kızılırmak Delta (Samsun, Turkey). Journal of Coastal Life Medicine, 3(12):
950-955. doi: 0.12980/jclm.3.2015j5-224
98- Bat L, Özkan EY, Öztekin HC. (2015). The contamination status of trace metals in Sinop coast of the Black Sea, Turkey.
Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences (CJES). 13 (1): 1-10.
99- Bat L, Üstün F, Öztekin HC. (2016). Heavy metal concentrations in zooplankton of Sinop coasts of the Black Sea,
Turkey. Marine Biological Journal, 1(1): 5-13. doi:10.21072/mbj.2016.01.1.01
100- Bat L, Arıcı E. (2016). Health risk assessment of heavy metals in Sarda sarda Bloch, 1793 for people through
consumptionfrom the Turkish Black Sea coasts. International Journal of Zoology Research, 1(1): 01-07.
101- Ahmed Q, Bat L, Yousuf F, Arıcı E. (2016). Heavy metals in Acanthopagrus arabicus Iwatsuki, 2013 from
Karachi coasts, Pakistan and potential risk of human health. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic
Studies, 4(1): 203-208.
102- Bat L, Arıcı E, Sezgin M, Şahin F. (2016). Heavy metals in edible tissues of benthic organisms from Samsun
coasts, South Black Sea, Turkey and their potential risk to human health. Journal of Food and Health Science, 2
(2): 57-66. doi: 10.3153/JFHS16006.
103- Bat L, Öztekin HC, Arıcı E, Visne A. (2016). A preliminary study on the heavy metal levels of dwarf eelgrass
Zostera noltii Homermann in the Black Sea. Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology, 4 (1): 5 pp., doi:
104Bat L, Arıcı E. (2016). Heavy metal levels in tissues of Merlangius merlangus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the
Black Sea coast of Turkey and potential risks to human health. International Journal of Marine Science, 6 (10): 1-8.
doi: 10.5376/ijms.2016.06.0010
105Ahmed Q, Bat L. (2016). The role of Zn and Cu in muscles tissues of Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788),
marketed by Karachi Fish Harbour, Pakistan. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology, 13 (7): 571-578.
106Ahmed Q, Bat L. (2016). Levels and health risk assessments of Cd and Pb in Pomadasys maculatus
marketed by Karachi Fish Harbor. ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 21 (2), 53-58. doi:
107Bat L, Öztekin HC. (2016). Heavy metals in Mytilus galloprovincialis, Rapana venosa and Eriphia verrucosa
from the Black Sea coasts of Turkey as bioindicators of pollution. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology, 13
(9): 715-728.
1. Öztürk M, Bat L, Öztürk M. (1994). Sinop’un koy ve limanlarından örneklenen bazı biyoindikatör türlerdeki ağır
metal düzeyleri. Heavy metal levels in sea snail (Rapana venosa Valenciennes, 1846) collected from Sinop bay
and harbour. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen-Ed. Fak. Biy. Böl., XII. Ulusal Biy. Kongr. Edirne, Bot. Sek. Cilt: 2, sayfa 2025.
2. Bat L. (1995). Potential of Corophium volutator (Pallas) for sediment toxicity assays. SETAC-Europe (UK Branch)
6TH Annual Meeting, Unifying themes in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, September 5-6, Plymouth,
England, U.K.
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3. Öztürk M, Bat L, Öztürk M. (1995). Altınkaya Barajında (Samsun) yaşayan Cyprinus carpio L. 1758 türünün çeşitli
organ ve dokularındaki bazı ağır metallerin birikimi. (The heavy metal levels in different organs and tissues of carp
Cyprinus carpio L. 1758, living in Altınkaya dam lake, Samsun). II. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi, 11-13 Eylül,
Ankara, 650-667.
4. Öztürk M, Bat L, Öztürk M. (1996). Karadeniz’in Sinop kıyılarından örneklenen bir karides türünde (Palaemon
elegans Rathke 1837) bazı ağır metallerin birikim düzeyleri. (The heavy metal levels in Palaemon elegans Rathke
1837, collected from Sinop coast of the Black Sea). Tarım ve Çevre İlişkileri Sempozyumu, 13-15 Mayıs, T.C.
Mersin Üniversitesi Müh. Fak., Mersin, sayfa 366-373.
5. Bat, L., Öztürk, M., Öztürk, M. (1998). Patella caerula as a Biomonitor of Coastal Metal Pollution. II. Spil Fen
Bilimleri Serisi (Biyoloji), 23-25 Ekim 1997, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen-Ed. Fak. Dergisi Manisa, ISSN 13012428; Sayı 1, sayfa 142-147.
6. Bat L, Öztürk M, Öztürk M. (1998). Heavy metal concentrations in some fish and common crab from the Black
Sea coast, Turkey. II. Spil Fen Bilimleri Serisi (Biyoloji), 23-25 Ekim 1997, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen-Ed. Fak.
Dergisi Manisa, ISSN 1301-2428, Sayı 1, sayfa 148-155.
7. Kideys A, Romanova Z, Finenko GA, Bat L. (2000). Alien wars in the Black Sea. ICES 2000 Annual Science
Conference, 27-30 September 2000, 88th Statuory Meeting, 24September to 4 October, Brugge (Bruges) Belgium,
Theme Session on Marine Biological Invasions: Retrospectives for the 20 th Century- Prospectives for the 21st
Century (U): ICES CM 2000/U : 10.
8. Akbulut M, Bat L., Çulha M, Satılmış HH. (2000). Sarıkum Gölü (Sinop) Mollusk Faunası. (Mollusc fauna of
Sarıkum Lake, Sinop). Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 20-22 Eylül 2000, Sinop, 447-455.
9. Çulha, M., Bat, L., Akbulut, M., Satılmış, H.H. (2000). Sinop ili İçliman mevkiinde bulunan bazı makrobentik
organizmaları üzerine bir çalışma (A study on some macrobenthic organisms from Icliman of Sinop province). Su
Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 20-22 Eylül 2000, Sinop, 456-477.
10. Kideys A, Unal E, Murina V, Zagorodnyaya J, Bat L, Akbulut M, Gündogdu A, Culha M, Gonlugur G. (2001).
Meroplankton composition off Sinop Sinop (southern Black Sea in 1999-2000). Inter-Islamic Sciences and
Technology Network on Oceanography; INOC-MPRH-IDB International Workshop on Marine Biodiversity in
Muslim Countries, Algiers, Algeria, 22-24 October 2001,Worhshop Report No. 07.
11. Satılmıs HH, Gordina AD, Kıdeyş AE, Bat L, Bircan R. (2001). Sinop yarımadasında bulunan balık yumurta ve
larvalarının bolluk ve dağılımı. XI. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu 04-06 Eylül 2001, Hatay, 280-287.
12. Hubareva E, Svelichny L, Bat L, Kideys A. (2002). Metabolic rates of juvenile Beroe ovata in the Black Sea
(039). International Conference Oceanography of the eastern Mediterranean and black Sea: Similarities and
differences of two interconnected basins 14-18 October 2002 METU Cultural and Convention Center Ankara,
Turkey, p. 143.
13. Galina A, Galina FA, Romanova ZA, Bat L, Kideys A. (2002). Energy requirements of Mnemiopsis leidyi and
Beroe ovata populations in relation to nutrion conditions in Sevastopol Bay (043). International Conference
Oceanography of the eastern Mediterranean and black Sea: Similarities and differences of two interconnected
basins 14-18 October 2002 METU Cultural and Convention Center Ankara, Turkey, p. 146-147.
14. Beşiktepe ST, Myroshnychenko V, Ozyalvac M, Sayin E, Seyhan K, Bat L. (2003). Turkish national
oceanographic data inventory. International Conference Oceanography of the eastern Mediterranean and black
Sea: Similarities and differences of two interconnected basins 14-18 October 2002 METU Cultural and
Convention Center Ankara, Turkey, TÜBİTAK, Publishers (Ed. Ayşen YILMAZ), ISBN: 975-288-451-2; p.396-401.
15. Finenko GA, Romanova ZA, Abolmasova G I, Bat L, Kideys A. (2003). Predatory impact of alien Ctenophores
Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata on planktonic community in inshore waters of the Black Sea. Conference on
Coastal Zone Research: An Eloise Approach. 24-27 March, 2003, Gdansk, Poland.
16. Birinci Z, Bat L, Satılmış HH, Üstün F, Şahin F. (2003). Orta Karadeniz’in Sinop Burnu Açıklarında
Makrozooplankton Dağılımı. (Macrozooplankton distribution of the Middle Black Sea off the Cape Sinop) XII.
Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 2-5 Eylül 2003, Elazığ.
17. Şahin F, Bat L, Gönlügür G, Satılmış HH, Üstün F, Birinci Z. (2003). Sinop Akliman Mevkiindeki Sırakırağaçlar
Deresinin Fitoplankton Kompozisyonu. (Phytoplankton composition of Sirakiragaclar stream in Akliman, Sinop).
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XII. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 2-5 Eylül 2003, Elazığ.
18. Üstün F, Bat L, Satılmış HH, Birinci Z, Şahin F. (2003). Orta Karadeniz’in Sinop Burnu Bölgesinin Copepoda
Kompozisyonu. (Copepoda composition in Sinop cape of the central Black Sea). XII. Ulusal Su Ürünleri
Sempozyumu, 2-5 Eylül 2003, Elazığ.
19. Birinci Özdemir Z, Bat L, Üstün F, Satılmış HH, Şahin F, Finenko G. (2005). Beroe ovata Türünün Yumurta
Verimi ve Larval Gelişimi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. (The Investigation on Egg Production and Larvae Growth of
Beroe ovata). III. Ulusal Su Günleri, 28-30 Eylül 2005, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon. Turkish Journal of
Aquatic Life, 3 (4):481-484.
20. Kideys AE, Kourti N, Shepherd I, Gredianus H, Şahin F, Özdemir S, Satılmış HH, Bat L. (2006). Behaviour of
anchovy fishing vessels in the southern Black Sea, deduced from GPS and on-board observers with suggestions
for further pilot studies. In: Enlargement and Integration Workshop: Scientific and Technical Challenges in
applying Common Fisheries Policy to the Black Sea.30-31 October 2006, Trabzon, Turkey.
21. Shulman G E, Nikolsky VN,
Yuneva TV, Shchepkina AM, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2006). Significance of
physiological and biochemical approaches for the Black Sea fishery investigations. Scientific and Technical
Challenges in applying Common Fisheries Policy to the Black Sea. Enlargement and Integration Workshop: 30-31
October 2006, Trabzon, Turkey.
22. Bat L, Satılmış HH, Şahin F, Üstün F, Birinci Özdemir Z. (2006). Karadeniz Balıkçılığı (Hamsi). Black Sea fishery
(anchovy). 2 Aralık 2006: I. Orta Karadeniz Ekonomi Formu (OKEF), Ünye, Ordu, Turkey.
23. Kideys A, Karayucel S, Bat L, Sahin F, Erik G, Erdem E, Aksu H. (2007). A New Method İstanbu Invasive Whelk
(Rapana venosa) Fishery in the Black Sea. (XXVIIIe Congres-Assamblee Pleniere de la CIESM, Istanbul
(Turquie), 9-13 April 2007). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. Vol. 38 - page 519.
24. Çulha ST, Bat L, Çulha M, Efendioğlu A, Andaç M, Batı B. (2007). Heavy metal leels in some fish and mollusca
from Sinop Peninsula of the southern Black Sea, Turkey. (XXVIIIe Congres-Assamblee Pleniere de la CIESM,
Istanbul (Turquie), 9-13 April 2007). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. Vol. 38 - page 323.
25. Satilmis H, Bat L, Sahin F, Ustun F, Birinci Ozdemir Z, Kideys A. (2007). Distribution of Anchovy (Engraulis
encrasicolus ponticus) Eggs and Larvae off Sinop in 2003 (Southern Black Sea). (XXVIII e Congres-Assamblee
Pleniere de la CIESM, Istanbul (Turquie), 9-13 April 2007). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. Vol. 38 - page 589.
26. Finenko GA, Romanova Z, Abolmasova G, Anninsky B, Pavlovskaya T, Bat L, Kideys A. (2007). Ctenophores –
invaders and their role in trophic dynamics of the planktonic community in the coastal regions off the Crimean
coast of the Black Sea. Abstr. 4-th International Zooplankton Production Symposium Human and climate forcing
of zooplanton populations. May 28 – June 1, 2007. Hiroshima, Japan: 80.
27. Gökkurt O, Bat L, Şahin F. (2007). Orta Karadeniz’de (Sinop, Türkiye) bazı fiziko-kimyasal parametrelerin araştırılması.
(The investigation of some physico-chemical parameters in the middle Black Sea (Sinop, Turkey). 7. Ulusal Çevre
Mühendisliği Kongresi, Yaşam Çevre Teknoloji, 24-27 Ekim 2007- İzmir, 869-873 s. (in Turkish)
28. Çulha M, Bat L, Çulha ST, Gargacı A. (2007). Sinop yarımadası (orta Karadeniz) sert substratumlarında yer
alan bazı Mollusk türleri. Ulusal Su Günleri 2007, Antalya. Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, yıl: 3-5, sayı: 5-8, 242-250.
29. Birinci Özdemir Z, Bat L, Üstün F, Şahin F, Satılmış HH, Kıdeyş A. (2007). Orta Karadeniz’de ktenofor
Mnemiopsis leidyi türünün boy dağılımı ve yumurta verimi. (Length distribution and egg production of ctenophore
Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Middle Black Sea, Turkey). Türk Sucul Yaşam Dergisi, yıl: 3-5 , sayı: 5-8, 437-444.
30. Bat L, Sahin F, Ustun F, Kideys A, Satilmis HH. (2007). The qualitative and quantitative distribution in
phytoplankton and zooplankton of southern Black Sea of cape Sinop, Turkey in 1999-2000. IEEE Oceans’07, IEEE
Catalogue Number: 07EX1527C; ISBN Number: 1-4244-0635-8; Library on Congress: 2006932314, 6 p.
31. Sezgin M, Bat L, Katağan T, Ateş AS. (2008). Likely effects of global climate change on the Black Sea benthic
ecosystem. 2nd Biannual and Black Sea Scene EC Project Joint Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria. Conference
Proceeding (Abstract) Book, p. 29.
32.Gökkurt O, Bat L, Dağlı E, Sezgin M, Şahin F. (2008). Sinop Yarımadası kıyılarında yaşayan bazı bentik organizmaların
kirliliğe bağlı mevsimsel değişimleri. (Seasonal changes of some benthic organisms living in Sinop Peninsula depending
on the pollution). Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü,
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Levent BAT
Kocaeli, 14-17 Mayıs, 1430-1437 s. (in Turkish).
33. Bat L, Büyükhatipoğlu Ş. (2009). Biodiversity and pollution in the Black Sea coast of Turkey. BLACK SEA
EXPERT WORKSHOP, 19-20 March 2009, Rostock, Germany.
34. Büyükhatipoğlu, Ş., Ustaoğlu Tırıl, S., Bat, L. (2009). Aquaculture in the Black Sea. BLACK SEA EXPERT
WORKSHOP, 19-20 March 2009, Rostock, Germany.
35. Klymova TN, Vdodovych IV, Zahorodnyaya YA, Satilmis HH, Bat L, Ustun F, Sahin F, Birinci-Ozdemir Z. (2009).
“The State of the Coastal Ichthyoplankton Complexes in the Different Areas Black Sea Shelf in 2002-2003”. The
2nd International Ichthyological Conference Modern Problems of Theoretical and Practical Ichthyology
Sevastopol, Ukraine, 16-19 September 2009. Conf. Proceedings, ISBN 978-966-02-5343-8, pp.: 72-74.
36. Satılmış HH, Bat L, Üstün F, Özdemir B Z, Şahin F. (2009). Orta Karadeniz’in Sinop bölgesi balık yumurta ve
larvalarının tür kompozisyonu. (Species composition of fish eggs and larvae in Sinop region of the Central Black
Sea). XV. Ulusal Su Günleri Sempozyumu “Ekosistem yaklaşımlı su ürünleri üretimi”. 1-4 Temmuz 2009, Rize.
37. Gökkurt O, Bat L, Sezgin M, Çulha M. (2010). Orta Karadeniz (Sinop) Kıyıları Yumuşakça (Mollusca) Faunasındaki
Mevsimsel Değişimler ve Kirlilikle İlişkisi (Seasonal Variations of Molluscs (Mollusca) Fauna in Sinop Coast of the middle
Black Sea and relationship with pollution). Türkiye’nin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları VIII. Ulusal Kongresi, 27 Nisan – 1 Mayıs
2010, Trabzon, Kıyı Alanları Yönetimi (KAY), Türkiye 10 Kıyıları Bildiriler Kitabı, Cilt II- Biyolojik Çeşitlilik, 747-754.
38. Bat L. (2011). Karadeniz’in canlıları ve kirliliği (Biodiversity and pollution of the Black Sea). “Karadeniz İçin Çok
Geç Olmadan” Karadeniz Koruma Alanları Toplantısı. (not to be late for the Black Sea, Black Sea protected area
meeting), 27-28 Mayıs, 2011, Samsun.
39. Bat L, Birinci-Özdemir Z, Üstün F, Satılmış HH, Şahin F. (2011). Reproduction dynamics of Beroe ovata Mayer
1912 in Sinop Harbour (In: Turan, C. and Öztürk Bayram (Eds), First National Workshop on Jellyfish and other
Gelatinous Species in Turkish Marine Waters). 20-21 May, 2011, Bodrum, Muğla-Turkey. Published by Turkish
Marine Research Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. ISBN-978-975-8825-27-1. Publication number 35, pp. 8-17.
40. Satılmış HH, Bat L, Üstün F, Şahin F, Birinci-Özdemir Z., (2011). Daily reproduction of Beroe ovata Mayer 1912
(Ctenophora: Tentaculata) in Sinop Coast of the Black Sea, Turkey. (In: Turan, C. and Öztürk Bayram (Eds), First
National Workshop on Jellyfish and other Gelatinous Species in Turkish Marine Waters). 20-21 May, 2011,
Bodrum, Muğla-Turkey. Published by Turkish Marine Research Foundation, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. ISBN-978975-8825-27-1. Publication number 35, pp. 43-49.
41. Bat L, Sezgin M, Gökkurt Baki O. (2011). An integrated coastal zone management project: CoastLearn Black
Sea-CLBS. 3rd Biannual BS Scientific and UP-GRADE Black Sea SCENE EC FP7 Project Joint Conference,
Black Sea Outlook. Odessa, Ukraine, 1-4 November 2011, Abstract p. 133.
42. Shulman GE, Nikolsky VN, Yunev OA, Yuneva TV, Shchepkina AM, Bat L, Kideys A, Seyhan K, Kaya Y. (2011).
Modern information of functional and metabolic activity of the Black Sea sprat and anchovy. 3rd Biannual BS
Scientific and UP-GRADE Black Sea SCENE EC FP7 Project Joint Conference, Black Sea Outlook. Odessa,
Ukraine, 1-4 November 2011, Abstract p. 71.
43. Bat L. (2011). Biodiversity and pollution in the Black Sea Coast of Turkey (Karadeniz’in canlıları ve kirliliği).
Uluslararası Karadeniz Sempozyumu (Karadeniz İçin Çok Geç Olmadan Karadeniz Koruma Alanları Toplantısı),
Deniz Temiz Derneği / TURMEPA ve Samsun Büyükşehir Belediyesi, 27-28 Mayıs 2011, Samsun.
44. Bat L, Sezgin M. (2012). Karadeniz’in biyoçeşitliliğinin sürekliliğinde deniz koruma alanlarının önemi. 31 Ekim-1
Kasım 2012 Karadeniz Günü Çevresel Etkinlikleri ve Kamunun Bilinçlendirilmesi, KTÜ Osman TURAN Kültür
Merkezi, Trabzon. (in Turkish)
45. Gökkurt Baki O, Ergün ON, Bat L. Baki B. (2012). Kara kökenli Kirleticilerin Sinop-Karadeniz Kıyılarına
Etkilerinin Deniz Suyu ve Yüzey Sedimanı Üzerinde Araştırılması (Investigations on the effects of land-based
pollutants in Sinop of the Black Sea coasts on the sea water surface and sediment). KAY Türkiye’nin Kıyı ve
Deniz Alanları IX. Ulusal Kongresi 14-17 Kasım 2012, Antakya. Sayfa, 1145-1152.
46. Üstün F, Bat L, Şahin F, Özdemir-Birinci Z, Satılmış HH. (2012). Sinop Yarımadasının Cladocera Kompozisyonu
(Cladocera Composition of Sinop Peninsula). FABA Sempozyumu, 21-24 Kasım 2012, Eskişehir. Bildiri Özetleri
Kitabı, s. 172. (in Turkish)
47. Boicenco L, Velikova V, Beken Ç, Moncheva S, Bat L, Begun T. (2013). Identification of main gaps of the Black Sea
Integrated Monitoring Programme related to MSFD requirements; MISIS project contributions. 4th Black Sea Scientific
Conference Black Sea - Challenges Towards Good Environmental Status 28th - 31th October 2013 Constanta, Romania.
48.Öztürk B, Bat L. (2013). Coconet Project and Dimension of the Black Sea. 4th Black Sea Scientific Conference Black Sea
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- Challenges Towards Good Environmental Status 28th - 31th October 2013 Constanta, Romania.
49. Polat Beken Ç, Bat L, Kıdeyş AE, Tuğrul S, Beşiktepe Ş, Kaboğlu G, Yüksek A, Feyzioğlu M, Telli-Karakoç F, Şahin F,
Tolun L, Ediger D, Tan İ. (2013). Understanding of “Good Environmental Status” for Turkish coastal and marine
environment. 4th Black Sea Scientific Conference Black Sea - Challenges Towards Good Environmental Status 28th 31th October 2013 Constanta, Romania. Abstract pp. 35-36.
50. Bat L, Öztekin HC, Üstün F. (2014). Heavy metal levels in four commercial fishes caught in Sinop coasts of the Black
Sea, Turkey. FABA 2014, International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 25-27 September 2014, Trabzon,
Turkey. Abstract pp. 104-105.
51. Üstün F, Bat L, Beşiktepe Ş. (2015). Distribution of Copepoda species in the southern Black Sea in 2006-2007. ICOCEE:
The International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 20-23 May 2015, Nevşehir, Turkey. Symposium
Abstract Book, pp. 417.
52. Birinci Özdemir Z, Bat L, Erdem Y. (2015). Karadeniz'in Sinop Bölgesi'nde Uzun Dönemde Jelimsi Makrozooplankton
Dağılımı. EKOLOJİ 2015 Sempozyumu Sinop, 6-9 Mayıs 2015, Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, s. 179.
53. Bat L. (2015). Heavy Metal Pollution in the Black Sea coast of Turkey. MACODESU 2015 (Marine Coastal Development
Sustainability) September 18-20, 2015, Trabzon, TURKEY, pp.35-36 (invited speaker).
54. Osadchaya T, Alyomov S, Sezgin M, Bat L. Ürkmez D. (2015). Ecological status of the Sevastopol and Sinop Bays.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Mediıerranean Coastal Environment MEDCOAST 2015,06-10
October 2015, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 327-338.
55. Bat L, Sezgin M. (2015). Heavy metal levels in some commercial fish from Sinop coast of the Black Sea, Turkey.
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Mediıerranean Coastal Environment MEDCOAST 2015,06-10
October 2015, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 645-656.
56. Satılmış HH, Bat L. (2015). Length-frequency composition and diversity of fish larvae species in the Southern of Black
Sea, Sinop Peninsula. FAC 2015, Fisheries and Aquaculture Conference, 18-20 December 2015, Guilin, China. Article ID:
FAC2015Dec_60027, pp.24-25.
57. Bat L. (2016). Environmental pollution impacts on fish and humans. International Conference on One Medicine One
Science (iCOMOS) April 24-27, 2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 30-31.
Üstün F, Bat L, Şahin F, Satılmış HH, Özdemir-Birinci Z, Kıdeyş AE. (2016). Güney Karadeniz’de (Sinop) 2002-2004
yıllarında mesozooplankton mevsimselliği (Seasonality of mesozooplankton in the southern Black Sea (off Sinop) during
2002-2004). Türkiye Deniz Bilimleri Konferansı, 31 Mayıs-03 Haziran 2016, Ankara. Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, s. 50-51.
59. Vişne A, Bat L. (2016). Karadeniz’in Sinop Sarıkum Lagünü kıyısında deniz çöpü kirliliği (Marine litter pollution in Sinop
Sarıkum Lagoon coast of the Black Sea). Türkiye Deniz Bilimleri Konferansı, 31 Mayıs-03 Haziran 2016, Ankara. Bildiri
Özetleri Kitabı, s. 244-245.
1- Bat L. (1995). Sediment ecotoxicology: A bioassay approach. Setac-Europe (UK Branh) 6TH Annual Meeting,
Unifying themes in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, September 5-6, Plymouth, England, U.K.
2- Bat L. (1996). Potential of Arenicola marina for sediment toxicity bioassays. Setac-Europe (UK Branh) 7TH Annual
Meeting, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, September 9-11, Stirling, Scotland, U.K.
3- Akbulut M, Bat L, Çulha M, Satılmış HH. (2000). Kızılırmak Deltasının sorunları ve çözüm yolları. (Problems of
Kızılırmak Delta and solution methods). Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 20-22 Eylül 2000, Sinop, 655-661.
4- Romanova ZA, Finenko GA, Abolmasova GI, Bat L, Kideys A. (2002). The population dynamics and size structure
of gelatinous macroplankton during 1999-2001 in Sevastopol bay (the Black Sea) (149). International Conference
Oceanography of the eastern Mediterranean and black Sea: Similarities and differences of two interconnected
basins 14-18 October 2002 METU Cultural and Convention Center Ankara, Turkey, p. 345.
5- Unal E, Kideys AE, Bat L, Zagorodnyaya J, Murina V. (2002). Seasonality of zooplankton in the southern Black
Sea, Turkey (294). International Conference Oceanography of the eastern Mediterranean and black Sea:
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Levent BAT
Similarities and differences of two interconnected basins 14-18 October 2002 METU Cultural and Convention
Center Ankara, Turkey, p. 363.
6- Birinci Z, Bat L, Sahin F, Ustun F, Satilmis HH, Kideys AE. (2003). Seasonality of gelatinous macrozooplankton of
Sinop Peninsula of the Black Sea, Turkey. Interntional conference scientific and policy challenges of the marine
environment. In Support of Regional Sustainable Development Emphasis on the Black Sea and the
Mediterranean Regions 13–18 October 2003 “Dobrudja” Congress Centre, Albena, Bulgaria. p. 41.
7- SahinF, Bat L, Satilmis, HH, Ustun F, Birinci Z, Kideys AE, Eker Develi E. (2003). Seasonal changes in net
phytoplankton of the central Black Sea off cape Sinop, Turkey. Interntional conference scientific and policy
challenges of the marine environment. In support of Regional Sustainable Development Emphasis on the Black
Sea and the Mediterranean Regions 13–18 October 2003 “Dobrudja” Congress Centre, Albena resort, Bulgaria.
p. 102.
8- Satilmis HH, Bat L, Sahin F, Ustun F, Birinci Z, Kideys AE. (2003). Ichthyoplankton distribution in Sinop cape
(the southern Black Sea), Turkey. Interntional conference scientific and policy challenges of the marine
environment. In support of Regional Sustainable Development Emphasis on the Black Sea and the Mediterranean
Regions 13 – 18 October 2003 “Dobrudja” Congress Centre, Albena resort, Bulgaria. p. 104.
9- Ustun F, Bat L, Satilmis HH, Sahin F, Birinci Z, Kideys AE. (2003). The composition of zooplankton of the central
Black Sea,Turkey. Interntional conference scientific and policy challenges of the marine environment. In support
of Regional Sustainable Development Emphasis on the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Regions 13 – 18
October 2003 “Dobrudja” Congress Centre, Albena resort, Bulgaria. p. 125.
10- Finenko G, Romanova Z, Abolmasova G, Bat L, Kideys A. (2003). Top-down regulation in ctenophoreszooplankton community in coastal waters of the Black Sea (Sevastopol Bay). Interntional conference scientific and
policy challenges of the marine environment. In support of Regional Sustainable Development Emphasis on the
Black Sea and the Mediterranean Regions 13 – 18 October 2003 “Dobrudja” Congress Centre, Albena resort,
Bulgaria. p. 50-51.
11- Anninsky B, Finenko G, Abolmasova G, Hubareva E, Svetlichny L, Bat L , Kideys AE. (2003). Ctenophores
Mnemiopsis leidyi and Beroe ovata in the Black Sea: Biochemical composition and metabolic rates in situ and
under experimental starvation. Interntional conference scientific and policy challenges of the marine environment.
In support of Regional Sustainable Development Emphasis on the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Regions 13 –
18 October 2003 “Dobrudja” Congress Centre, Albena resort, Bulgaria. p. 31.
12- Sıvacı ER, Yardım Ö, Gümüş F, Bat L, Gönülol A. (2006). Sarıkum (Sinop) Gölünün Bentik Algleri. (Benthic
algae of Sarıkum (Sinop-Turkey) Lagoon). II. Ulusal Limnoloji Çalıştayı, 06-08 Eylül 2006, Sinop.
13- Sahin F, Bat L, Ustun F, Birinci Ozdemir Z, Satilmis HH, Kideys AE, Eker Develi E. (2007). The DinoflagellateDiatom Ratio in the Black Sea off Sinop in the Years 1999-2000. (Southern Black Sea). (XXVIIIe CongresAssamblee Pleniere de la CIESM, Istanbul (Turquie), 9-13 April 2007). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Médit. Vol. 38 page 388.
14- Ustun F, Bat L, Sahin F, Satilmis HH, Özdemir Z, Kideys AE. (2007). Annual Cycle of Zooplankton off Sinop, the
Southern Black Sea, in 2003-2004. (XXVIIIe Congres-Assamblee Pleniere de la CIESM, Istanbul (Turquie), 9-13
April 2007). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. Vol. 38 - page 628.
15- Birinci Ozdemir Z, Bat L, Satilmis HH, Sahin F, Ustun F, Kideys AE. (2007). Seasonality of Gelatinous
Macrozooplankton off Sinop, in 2002-2003. (XXVIIIe Congres-Assamblee Pleniere de la CIESM, Istanbul
(Turquie), 9-13 April 2007). Rapp. Comm. Int. Mer Medit. Vol. 38 - page 436.
16- Erdem Y, Bat L, Erdem E, Şahin F, Kideys AE. (2008). Effects of Coastal Structures on Ecosystem and
Fisheries in Turkish Coasts. 2nd Biannual and Black Sea Scene EC Project Joint Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Conference Proceeding (Abstract) Book, p. 64.
17- Şahin F, Bat L, Üstün F, Birinci-Özdemir Z, Satilmis HH. (2008). Changes in Composition and Distribution of
Phytoplankton in the Southern Black Sea During the Last Decade. 2nd Biannual and Black Sea Scene EC Project
Joint Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria. Conference Proceeding (Abstract) Book, p. 65.
18- Çulha M, Bat L (2008). The Visible Decline of Limpet, Patella caeruella Linneaus, 1758, A Biomonitor Species,
at the Sinop Peninsula and Vicinity (The Southern Black Sea, Turkey). 2nd Biannual and Black Sea Scene EC
Project Joint Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria. Conference Proceeding (Abstract) Book, p. 29.
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19- Birinci-Özdemir Z, Bat L, Satilmis HH, Üstün , Şahin F, Kaya Y. (2008). Temporal Changing of Gelatinous
Macrozooplankton off Sinop Region, The Southern Black Sea. 2nd Biannual and Black Sea Scene EC Project
Joint Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria. Conference Proceeding (Abstract) Book, p. 64.
20- Şahin F, Bat L, Satılmış HH, Üstün F, Özdemir BZ. (2009). Sinop (Orta Karadeniz) Bölgesinde Dağılım Gösteren
Ceratium (Dinoflagellata) Türlerinin Mevsimsel Dinamiği. XV. Ulusal Su Günleri Sempozyumu “Ekosistem
yaklaşımlı su ürünleri üretimi”. 1-4 Temmuz 2009- Rize.
21- Üstün F, Bat L, Satılmış HH, Şahin F, Özdemir BZ. (2009). Zooplankton Bolluğu ve Biyokütlesinin Sinop İç
Limanındaki Aylık Değişimi. XV. Ulusal Su Günleri Sempozyumu “Ekosistem yaklaşımlı su ürünleri üretimi”. 1-4
Temmuz 2009- Rize.
22- Özdemir BZ, Bat L, Üstün F, Şahin F, Satılmış HH, Erdem Y. (2009). Orta Karadeniz’in Sinop Kıyıları’nda 2005
Yılı Jelimsi Makrozooplanktonun Sıcaklığa Bağlı Değişimleri. XV. Ulusal Su Günleri Sempozyumu “Ekosistem
yaklaşımlı su ürünleri üretimi”. 1-4 Temmuz 2009- Rize.
23- Bat L, Sezgin M, Sahin F, Seyhan K, Atar HH. (2010). Towards to marine informatics network; a case study from
Turkish Black Sea Coast within upgrade BLACK SEA SCENE Project. IMDIS (International Conference on Marine
Data and Information Systems) 2010 Conference, 29-31 March, Paris, France.
24- Birinci-Özdemir Z, Bat L, Sezgin M, Satılmış HH, Şahin F, Üstün F. (2010). Gelatinous macrozooplankton
composition and seasonal distribution in Sinop Peninsula of central Black Sea of Turkey between 2002 and 2006.
Workshop on Algal and Jellyfish Blooms in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (6 th- 8th October 2010, Istanbul,
25- Bat L, Sezgin M, Gökkurt Baki O. (2010). Assessment of pollution effects and coastal management along the
Black Sea coast of Turkey, International Black Sea Day Activities, 31 October – 2 November 2010, Trabzon,
26- Bat L, Sezgin M, Gökkurt Baki O. (2010). Accumulation of heavy metals in marine organisms in the Turkish
Black Sea coasts, International Black Sea Day Activities, 31 October – 2 November 2010, Trabzon, Turkey.
27- Bat L, Üstün F, Gökkurt Baki O. (2011). Heavy Metal concentrations in the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus
galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 from Sinop coast of the Black Sea. 3rd Biannual BS Scientific and UP-GRADE
Black Sea SCENE EC FP7 Project Joint Conference, Black Sea Outlook. Odessa, Ukraine, 1-4 November 2011,
Abstract p. 22.
28- Bat L, Sezgin M, Gökkurt Baki O, Üstün F, Şahin F. (2011). Determination of heavy metals in some commercial
fish from the Black Sea coast of Turkey. 3rd Biannual BS Scientific and UP-GRADE Black Sea SCENE EC FP7
Project Joint Conference, Black Sea Outlook. Odessa, Ukraine, 1-4 November 2011, Abstract p. 116.
29- Nikolsky VN, Shulman GE, Shchepkina AM, Yuneva TV, Bat L, Kaya Y, Kideys A, Seyhan K. (2011). Lipid
based indicator of fish condition as a tool for accessing food supply of small pelagic fish stocks. 3rd Biannual BS
Scientific and UP-GRADE Black Sea SCENE EC FP7 Project Joint Conference, Black Sea Outlook. Odessa,
Ukraine, 1-4 November 2011, Abstract p. 217-218.
30- Sezgin M, Katağan T, Bakır AK, Bat L, Cengiz Z. (2011). Temporal changes of crustaceans (Crustacea)
inhabiting the Black Sea soft bottoms (Sinop Bay, Turkey). 3rd Biannual BS Scientific and UP-GRADE Black Sea
SCENE EC FP7 Project Joint Conference, Black Sea Outlook. Odessa, Ukraine, 1-4 November 2011, Abstract p.
31- Yuneva TV, Zabelinsky SA, Shchepkina AM, Nikolsky VN, Kaya Y, Bat L, Seyhan K, Shulman GE. (2011). The
Sea of Azov and Black Sea anchovy stock spatial distribution in the Black Sea during winter as indicated by fatty
acid composition. 3rd Biannual BS Scientific and UP-GRADE Black Sea SCENE EC FP7 Project Joint
Conference, Black Sea Outlook. Odessa, Ukraine, 1-4 November 2011, Abstract p. 229.
32- Dönmez MA, Bat L. (2012). Rhizostoma pulmo türünün mide içeriğinin tespiti ve elde edilen mide içeriği
verilerinin aylık ve mevsimsel değişimi ve R. pulmo bireylerinin şemsiye çapıyla karşılaştırılması. 21. Ulusal
Biyoloji Kongresi, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Biyoloji Bölümü, 3-7 Eylül 2012, İzmir.
33- Üstün F, Bat L, Özdemir-Birinci Z, Şahin F, Satılmış HH. (2013). Sinop İç Liman Bölgesinde 2005 yılı Cladocera
kompozisyonu. 17. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 03-06 Eylül 2013, İstanbul. Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, s. 212.
34- Özdemir-Birinci Z, Bat L, Üstün F, Şahin F, Satılmış HH, Baykal B. (2013). Orta Karadeniz’in Sinop Kıyılarında 2007 yılı
Jelimsi Makrozooplankton Dağılımı. 17. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 03-06 Eylül 2013, İstanbul. Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı,
s. 227.
35- Bat L, Sezgin M. (2013). A review of sediment toxicity bioassays using the Amphipods. 15th International Colloquium on
Amphipoda. 2-7 September 2013, Szczawnica Krakow, Poland. Abstract p. 15.
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Levent BAT
36- Bat. L, Öztekin HC. (2013). Heavy Metal concentrations in sediment from Sinop coast of the Black Sea, Turkey. 4th
Black Sea Scientific Conference Black Sea - Challenges Towards Good Environmental Status 28th - 31th October 2013
Constanta, Romania. Abstract p. 10.
37- Ürkmez D, Sezgin M, Bat L. (2013). Attempt for the use of nematode diversity to evaluate the ecological quality status:
an example for the Black Sea. 4th Black Sea Scientific Conference Black Sea - Challenges Towards Good Environmental
Status 28th - 31th October 2013 Constanta, Romania. Abstract p. 114.
38- Sezgin M, Katağan T, Bat L, Ürkmez D, Doğan A. (2013). Ecological Quality Assessment of Coastal Waters Using
Zoobenthic Communities: A case study from Sinop Bay of the Black Sea, Turkey. 4th Black Sea Scientific Conference
Black Sea - Challenges Towards Good Environmental Status 28th-31th October 2013 Constanta, Romania. Abstract p. 101.
39- Topaloğlu B, Sezgin M, Bat L, Zengin M, Karakulak S. (2013). First documented report of two sponge species in te
Black Sea coast of Turkey. 40th CIESM Congress 28 October - 1 November 2013, Marseille, France.
40- Birinci Özdemir Z, Erdem Y, Bat L. (2013). Distribution of gelatinous macrozooplankton in the Black Sea of Turkey (Sinop
Region). 40th CIESM Congress 28 October - 1 November 2013, Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit. 40: 535
41- Oros A, Coatu V, Secrieru D, Tiganus D, Vasiliu D, Atabay H, Beken C, Tolun L, Moncheva S, Bat L. (2014). Preliminary
results of the assessment of the Western Black Sea Environmental status in respect of contaminants in the frame of
MSFD. PERSEUS Scientific Workshop – 29-30 January 2014, Athens, Greece, p. 86.
42- Gökkurt-Baki O, Ergun ON, Baki B, Bat L. (2014). Multivariate statistical evaluation of water and sediment quality
variations along the mid-Black Sea coast of Turkey. FABA 2014, International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic
Sciences, 25-27 September 2014, Trabzon, Turkey. Abstract p. 398.
43- Birinci-Özdemir Z, Erdem Y, Bat L. (2014). Distribution and stomach content of gelatinous organisms in Sinop coasts of
the Black Sea. FABA 2014, International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 25-27 September 2014,
Trabzon, Turkey. Abstract p. 406.
44- Bat L, Sezgin M, Gökkurt-Baki O, Aydın Ü. (2014). Evaluation of pollution effects and coastal zone management along
the Turkish Black Sea coast. 12th International conference Littoral 2014, Facing Present and Future Coast Challenges, 2226 September 2014, Klaipeda, Lithuania. Abstract p. 102.
45- Gökkurt Baki O, Bat L. (2015). Capacity Building Key Issues On Integrated Coastal Zone Management For Turkey
Black Sea Coast. ICOCEE: The International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, 20-23 May 2015,
Nevşehir, Turkey; pp. 1961-1968.
46- Bat L, Vişne A. (2015). Karadeniz'in Sinop İnceburun Kıyılarında Deniz Tabanı Çöpleri. EKOLOJİ 2015 Sempozyumu
Sinop, 6-9 Mayıs 2015, Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, s. 260.
47- Bat L, Vişne A. (2015). Beach Litter from Sinop Sarikum Lagoon Coast in Black Sea: Notes from the Field.
MACODESU 2015 (Marine Coastal Development Sustainability) September 18-20, 2015, Trabzon, TURKEY, Abstract p.
48- Bat L, Karakaş E. (2015). Concentrations of Some Heavy Metals in Macroalgae from Sinop Coasts (The Black Sea,
Turkey). MACODESU 2015 (Marine Coastal Development Sustainability) September 18-20, 2015, Trabzon, TURKEY,
Abstract p. 190.
49- Oros A, Coatu V, Secrieru D, Țigănuș D, Vasiliu D, Atabay H, Beken C, Tolun L, Moncheva S, Bat L. (2015). Results of
the assessment of the Western Black Sea contamination status in the frame of MISIS joint cruise. Protection of the Black
Sea Ecosystem and Sustainable Management of Maritime Activities PROMARE 2015, SESSION II: Marine Ecology and
Environmental Protection, poster no. 21; 30-31 October 2015 Constanta, ROMANIA.
50- Coatu V, Oros A, Țigănuș D, Shtereva G, Bat L. (2015) Assessment of the contaminants in biota from the Western Black
Sea basin in respect with MSFD requirements - MISIS project approach - Protection of the Black Sea Ecosystem and
Sustainable Management of Maritime Activities PROMARE 2015, SESSION II: Marine Ecology and Environmental
Protection, poster no. 15; 30-31 October 2015 Constanta, ROMANIA.
51- Bat L, Karakaş E, Sezgin M, Şahin F. (2015). Samsun Balık Gölü’nde yaşayan bazı balık türlerinin kas ve
karaciğerlerinde ağır metal birikimlerinin belirlenmesi. 18. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 1-4 Eylül 2015, Ege Üni.
AKM, İzmir, Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, s. 232.
52- Bat L, Karakaş E, Sezgin M, Şahin F. (2015). Samsun kıyılarından (Güney Karadeniz, Türkiye) toplanan Liocarcinus
depurator (Linnaeus, 1758), Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) ve Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 türlerinin
yenilen dokularındaki ağır metaller. 18. Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 1-4 Eylül 2015, Ege Üni. AKM, İzmir, Bildiri
Özetleri Kitabı, s. 233.
53- Bat L, Vişne A. (2015). Deniz ve sahillerdeki büyük tehlike! Küçük plastik parçacıklar. 18. Ulusal Su Ürünleri
Sempozyumu, 1-4 Eylül 2015, Ege Üni. AKM, İzmir, Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı, s. 234.
54- Arıcı E, Bat L. (2016). Heavy Metal Levels in the Mediterranean Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from the Turkish Black
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Sea Coast as Biomonitor and Potential Risk of Human Health. International Conference on One Medicine One Science
(iCOMOS) April 24-27, 2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 81.
55- Vişne A, Bat L. (2016). Medical Waste Pollution from Sinop Sarikum Beach of the Black Sea, TurkeyEnvironmental
pollution impacts on fish and humans. International Conference on One Medicine One Science (iCOMOS) April 24-27,
2016, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 93.
56- Bat L, Arıcı E. (2016). Karadeniz çaça balığının (Sprattus sprattus) ağır metal düzeyleri (Heavy metal levels in the Black
Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus)). Türkiye Deniz Bilimleri Konferansı, 31 Mayıs-03 Haziran 2016, Ankara. Bildiri Özetleri
Kitabı, s. 371-372.
1. BSC (2009). Trophic Relationships and Food Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic Ecosystem of the
Black Sea. Shulman, G.E., Öztürk, B., Kideys,A.E., Finenko, G.A. and Bat, L. (Eds). Black Sea Commission
Publications 2009-2, ISBN 978-605-89206-0-6, Istanbul, Turkey, 308 pages.
2. Uyanık A, Bat L. (2004) Analitik Kimyacılar için İstatistik. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 117,
ISBN 975-7636-52-5 (Miller, J.C. and Miller, J.N. © 1993 Prentice Kall UK’dan çeviri) 210 sayfa. (in Turkish)
3. Bat L, Sezgin M. (2007). Turkish Black Sea Bibliography. 2 nd Edition Published by Turkish Research Foundation,
Istanbul, TURKEY. Publication number 28, 122 pages.
4. Bat L, Satılmış HH, Şahin F, Üstün F, Özdemir ZB, Ersanlı E. (2008). Plankton Bilgisi ve Kültürü. Nobel Yayın
Dağıtım Ltd. Şti., Ankara, Nobel Yayın No: 1287, ISBN 978-605-395-083-7, 1. Baskı, VIII + 248 sayfa. (in Turkish)
5. Bat L, Erdem Y, Ustaoğlu-Tırıl S, Yardım Ö. (2008). Balık Sistematiği. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti., Ankara,
Nobel Yayın No: 1330, ISBN 978-605-395-127-8, 1. Baskı, XVIII + 270 sayfa. (in Turkish)
6. BSC (2010). Black Sea Fish Check-List. Black Sea Commission Publication, Compiled by Maria Yankova; States
Authors/Contributors; Bulgaria (Maria Yankova, Violin Raykov, Petya Ivanova); Georgia (Marina Mgeladze, Revaz
Diasamidze); Romania (Gheorghe Radu, Simion Nicolaev); Russian Federation (Stanislav Agapov, Maria
Grinchenko); Turkey (Bayram Öztürk, Muammer Oral, Levent Bat, Ertuğ Düzgüneş); Ukraine (Vladislav
Shlyakhov, Alexander Boltachev, Evgeniya Karpova),,
59 pages. (Electronic copy).
7. BSC (2011). Black Sea Non-Native Fish List. Black Sea Commission Publication, Compiled by Maria Yankova;
States Authors/Contributors; Bulgaria (Maria Yankova, Violin Raykov, Petya Ivanova); Georgia (Revaz
Diasamidze, Marina Mgeladze); Romania (Gheorghe Radu, Simion Nicolaev); Russian Federation (Stanislav
Agapov, Maria Grinchenko); Turkey (Muammer Oral, Ertuğ Düzgüneş, Bayram Öztürk, Levent Bat); Ukraine
Boltachev), Native_ Species_ List.pdf, 15 pages. (Electronic copy).
8. BSC (2011). Black Sea Fishes List IUCN STATUS. Black Sea Commission Publication, Compiled by Maria
Yankova; States Authors/Contributors; Bulgaria (Maria Yankova, Violin Raykov, Petya Ivanova); Georgia (Revaz
Diasamidze, Marina Mgeladze); Romania (Gheorghe Radu, Simion Nicolaev); Russian Federation (Stanislav
Agapov, Maria Grinchenko); Turkey (Muammer Oral, Ertuğ Düzgüneş, Bayram Öztürk, Levent Bat); Ukraine
Boltachev),, 18 pages. (Electronic copy).
9. Sinop Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü (2011).
Sinop Üniversitesi yayın kataloğu / Sinop University publication
catalogue (2007-2010). Derleyenler / Compiled by: Levent Bat, Murat Sezgin, Mehmet Samet Erdem. Sinop
Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Yayınları 1. Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı Yayınları 1 – Sinop : Kalkan
Matbaacılık, Ankara, Yayın Sertifika Nu: 20767, ISBN 978-605-88024-0-7, 1. Basım, 162 sayfa.
10. Bat L, Erdem Y, Ustaoğlu-Tırıl S, Yardım Ö. (2011). Balık Sistematiği. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti., Ankara,
Nobel Yayın Nu: 214, Fen Bilimleri Nu: 20, ISBN: 978-605-133-116-4, 2. Basım, XVIII + 272 sayfa. (in Turkish)
11. Begun T, Muresan M, Zaharia T, Dencheva K, Sezgin M, Bat L, Velikova V. (2012). Conservation and Protection
of the Black Sea Biodiversity. Review of the existing and planned protected areas in the Black Sea (Bulgaria,
Romania, Turkey) with a special focus on possible deficiencies regarding law enforcement and implementation of
management plans. EC DG Env. MISIS Project, 122 pp. Deliverables.
12. Öztürk B, Oral M, Topaloğlu B, Bat L, Okudan Arslan EŞ, Özgür Özbek E, Sezgin M, Tonay AM, Amaha Öztürk A,
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İsfendiyaroğlu S, Uysal İ. (2013). Red Data Book Black Sea, Turkey. Published by Turkish Research Foundation (TUDAV),
Istanbul, TURKEY. Publication number 38, 323 pages.
13. Bat L, Sezgin M, Aydın İ, Şahin F, Koç Y, Sönmez E, Akbulut B. (2016). Su Ürünleri Temel Bilimleri Sözlüğü. Sinop
Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, Sinop ve Su Ürünleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Trabzon, Seçil Ofset Matbaacılık,
Sections of Book
1- Finenko GA, Anninsky BE , Abolmasova GI, Romanova ZA, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2009). Functional role of the
ctenophore invaders Mnemiopsis leidyi Agssiz and Beroe ovata Mayer inshore planktonic communities. In: Trophic
Relationships and Food Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic Ecosystem of the Black Sea. Shulman, G.E.,
Öztürk, B., Kideys,A.E., Finenko, G.A. and Bat, L. (Eds). Black Sea Commission Publications 2009-2, ISBN 978-60589206-0-6, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 161-221.
2- Shulman GE, Yuneva TV, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2009). Fod supply of the Black Sea small pelagic fish. In: Trophic
Relationships and Food Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic Ecosystem of the Black Sea. Shulman, G.E.,
Öztürk, B., Kideys,A.E., Finenko, G.A. and Bat, L. (Eds). Black Sea Commission Publications 2009-2, ISBN 978-60589206-0-6, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 222-227.
3- Nikolsky VN, Yuneva TV, Schepkina AM, Bat L, Kideys AE, Shulman GE. (2009). Interannual changes of lipid
content in the Black Sea sprat. In: Trophic Relationships and Food Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic
Ecosystem of the Black Sea. Shulman, G.E., Öztürk, B., Kideys,A.E., Finenko, G.A. and Bat, L. (Eds). Black Sea
Commission Publications 2009-2, ISBN 978-605-89206-0-6, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 227-246.
4- Nikolsky VN, Yuneva TV, Schepkina AM, Romanova Z A, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2009). Lipid content of anchovy
during 2005-2007. In: Trophic Relationships and Food Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic Ecosystem of
the Black Sea. Shulman, G.E., Öztürk, B., Kideys,A.E., Finenko, G.A. and Bat, L. (Eds). Black Sea Commission
Publications 2009-2, ISBN 978-605-89206-0-6, Istanbul, Turkey, p. 263-272.
5- Shulman GE, Nikolsky VN, Yuneva TV, Yunev OA, Bat L, Kideys AE. (2009). Influence of global climatic changes
and regional anthropogenic factors on the Black Sea sprat and anhovy condition. In: Trophic Relationships and Food
Supply of Heterotrophic Animals in the Pelagic Ecosystem of the Black Sea. Shulman, G.E., Öztürk, B., Kideys,A.E.,
Finenko, G.A. and Bat, L. (Eds). Black Sea Commission Publications 2009-2, ISBN 978-605-89206-0-6, Istanbul,
Turkey, p. 273-298.
6- Bat L, Çulha Türk S, Gökkurt O. (2010). Balıklarda iz element analizleri, Bölüm 7. Balık Biyolojisi Araştırma
Yöntemleri, (Research Techniques in Fish Biology). Geliştirilmiş 2. Baskı, M. Karataş (Ed.). Nobel Yayın Dağıtım Ltd.
Şti., Ankara, Nobel Yayın Nu: 4, ISBN 978-605-89076-3-8, 189-238.
7- Bat L. (2014). Heavy metal pollution in the Black Sea. In: Düzgüneş, E., Öztürk, B., Zengin, M. (Eds.). Turkish
Fisheries in the Black Sea. Published by Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV), Publication number: 40,
ISBN: 987-975-8825-32-5 Istanbul, Turkey, p. 71-107.
8- Andra Oros, Valentina Coatu, Daniela Tiganus, Dan Secrieru, Galina Shtereva, Levent Bat, Colpan Beken, Hakan
Atabay, Leyla Toulun. “V. DESCRIPTOR 8: Contaminants”. In: MISIS Joint Cruise Scientific Report, 2014. “State of
Environment Report of the Western Black Sea based on Joint MISIS cruise” (SoE-WBS), Moncheva S. and L.
Boicenco [Eds], 401 pp, ISBN: 978-606-598-367-0
9- Valentina Coatu, Andra Oros, Daniela Tiganus, Galina Shtereva, Levent Bat “VI. Contaminants in Biota”. In:
MISIS Joint Cruise Scientific Report, 2014. “State of Environment Report of the Western Black Sea based on Joint
MISIS cruise” (SoE-WBS), Moncheva S. and L. Boicenco [Eds], 401 pp, ISBN: 978-606-598-367-0
10- Bat L, Özkan EY. (2015). Heavy metal levels in sediment of the Turkish Black Sea coast. In: I.Bikarska,
V.Raykov,N.Nikolov (Eds.) Progressive Engineering Practices in Marine Resource Management. IGI Global book
series Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies (AEEGT) (ISSN: 2326-9162; eISSN: 23269170) USA, pp. 399-419.
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EC (European Commission) Projects
1. BIOMARE (Implementation and networking of large-scale long-term Marine Biodiversity research in
Europe) (2003). Report of The European Concerted Action: BIOMARE . Funded under; the Energy, Environment
and Sustainable Development Programme of the European Union. Contact number: EVR1-CT2000-2002. General
coordinators: Carlo Heip and Herman Hummel, NIOO-CEME, Yerseke, The Netherlands. Publisher: NIOO-CEME
Yerseke, The Netherlands, 2003. 2 volumes ISBN numbers: 90-74638-14-7 and 90-74638-15-5. Printed by ADZ
Vlissingen the Netherlands.
2. ARENA (A REgional Capacity Building and Networking Proggramme to Upgrade Monitoring and
Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin) (2003-2006) . Project Number: EVK3-CT-2002-80011 ARENA.
3. Kideys, A. E., Kourti, N., Shepherd, I., Greidanus, H., Thoorens, F-X., Cesena, C., Sahin, F., Ozdemir, S., Satilmis,
H.H., Bat, L. (2006). Behaviour, effort characteristics, catch and remote sensing detection of Turkish fishing vessels
during anchovy fishery in the Black Sea in 2005-2006. Final Report to the European Commission for the Joint
Research Center (JRC), Tender Proposal No G03/07/05, 43 pages, April, 2006.
Kideys A. E., T. Barbas, E. Varol, F. Sahin, H. Greidanus, L. Bat, E. Duzgunes, A. Guneroglu, I. Okumus, F.
Kalayci, G. Dalgic, N. Samsun, H. H. Satilmis, S. Ozdemir (2007). Feasibility of monitoring fishing vessel activity in
the Black Sea using automatic identification system (AIS) technology. Final Report, 93 pages, Joint Research Center,
Ispra, Italy.
5. ASCABOS (A Supporting Programme for Capacity Building in the Black Sea Region towards Operational
Status of Oceanographic Services) (2005-2008) (Call identifier FP6-2004-Global-3 Global Change and
Ecosystems; proposal no: 518063-1)
6. BLACK SEA SCENE (Black Sea Scientific Network) (2005-2008) (Call identifier FP6-2004-Infrastructures-5
Research Infrastructures; proposal no: 022868)
7. UP-GRADE BS-SCENE (Up-Grade Black Sea Scientific Network) (2009- ) (Call identifier FP7-2008-1
Infrastructures Research Infrastructures, Combination of Collaborative Project and Coordination and Support Action;
proposal no: 226592)
8- CoastLearn – Black Sea (CLBS) (2010- 2012)(Karadeniz Bütünleşik Kıyı Alanları Yönetimi)- Leonardo Da Vinci
Lifelearning Programme- project number 2010-1-TR1-LEO05-16745 (İrtibat / Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Levent Bat,
akademik koordinatör / academic coordinator).
9- CoCoNET—Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep
sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential. (2011- 2016) Call identifier FP7-OCEAN-2011 Collaborative
project; project number: 287844. (İrtibat / Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Levent Bat, proje ortağı / partner).
10- MISIS- "MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive) Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated
Monitoring System (2012- 2015) in response to the Call for Proposals under the EU Program 'Preparatory action Environmental monitoring of the Black Sea Basin and a common European framework Programme for development
of the Black Sea region', Ref. Black Sea and Mediterranean 2011. Agreement number: 07.020400/20
12/616044/SUB/D2. (İrtibat / Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Levent Bat, proje ortağı / partner).
11- Establisment of a European Red List of Habitat (2015-2016). A joint action by Alterra and IUCN- International
Union for Conservation of Nature. Agreement number: ENV. B.3/SER/2003/0025. (İrtibat / Contact Person: Prof. Dr.
Levent Bat, uzman / expert).
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Projects
1. Bat L, Finenko GA, Anninski BE, Romanova ZA, Svetlichny LS, Abolmasova GI, Hubareva ES, Kideys AE.
(2000-2003). Will the new invader Ctenophore Beroe ovata control the structure of plankton community in the Black
Sea? (NATO Scientific Affairs Linkage Grant EST. CLG. 976805).
2. Bat L, Shulman G, Kideys A, Ivanova P, Zabelinskii S. (2005-2008). Bioindicators for Assessment of the Black
Sea Ecosystem Recovery (NATO ESP. NUKR. CLG. 981783).
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Levent BAT
3. Iluz David, Dubinsky Zvy, Al-Najjar, Tariq Hasan, Manasreh, Riyad Saleh, Levent Bat, Dilek Ediger (2006-2009)
The protection of the Gulf of Aqaba from anthropogenic and natural stress in the face of Global Climate Change
(NATO Science for Peace SfP 981883).
TUBITAK- International bilateral projects
1. Bat L, Finenko GA, Kıdeys A, Abolmasova GI, Romanova ZA, Anninski B, Satılmış HH, Şahin F, Üstün F, BirinciÖzdemir Z. (2006). Quantification of the Recent Ctenophore Invader Beroe ovata Impact in the Black Sea. Project
no: 103Y152, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) - The National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), 2004-2006, 53 pages. (İrtibat / Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Levent Bat, proje
yürütücüsü / coordinator).
2. Bat L, Shulman GE, Kideys AE, Yardım Ö, Yuneva TV, Romanova ZA, Shchepkina A, Nikolsky VN. (2008).
Monitoring of anchovy and sprat nutritional condition in the Black Sea. Project no: 105Y028, The Scientific and
Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) - The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), 20052008, 61 pages. (İrtibat / Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Levent Bat, proje yürütücüsü / coordinator).
3. Sezgin M, Bat L, Katağan T, Çulha M, Dağlı E. (2009-2011). Comparative studies of meiobenthic community
structure off Crimea (Ukraine) and Sinop (Turkey) with respect to identification of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
in Turkish Black Sea. TUBITAK-NASU Joint Project, Project Number: 108Y340. (Araştırıcı / Researcher).
4. Kaya Y, Bat L, Seyhan K, Sezgin M, Yardım, Ö. (2009-2012). The Black Sea anchovy fishing stock distribution:
response on nutritional condition and environmental forces. TUBITAK-NASU Joint Project, Project Number:
108Y341. (Araştırıcı / Researcher).
5. Sezgin M, Bat L, Katağan T, Doğan A, Dağlı E, Şahin GK, Gökkurt O, Şahin F, Üstün F, Cengiz Z, Osadchaya
TS, Alyomov SV, Guseva EV, Tikhonova EA, Viter TV, Mironov OA. (2010-2012). Comparison of Ecological
Status of the Ukrainian (Sevastopol Bay) and Turkish (Sinop Bay) coastal zones: retrospective and present-day
state, TÜBİTAK-MSU (Ukranian Science Ministry) Joint Project. (Araştırıcı / Researcher).
6. Sezgin M, Katağan T, Bat L, Dağlı E, Ürkmez D. (2015- ). Meiofauna as an environmental bio-indicator in marine
ecosystems of Montenegro and Turkey, TÜBİTAK-MoS (Montenegro Ministry of Science)Joint project, Project
No: 114Y376. (Researcher).
DPT (T.R. Ministry of Development) PROJECTS
1. Bat L, Kıdeyş A, Oğuz T, Beşiktepe Ş, Yardım Ö, Gündoğdu A, Üstün F, Satılmış HH, Şahin F, Birinci-Özdemir Z,
Zoral T. (2005). Orta Karadeniz’de temel pelajik ekosistem parametrelerinin izlenmesi. (Monitoring of basic pelagic
ecosystem Parameters in the Central Black Sea). DPT, 2002K120500 (TAP-S013) numaralı proje), 2002-2005,
488 s. (İrtibat / Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Levent Bat, proje yürütücüsü / coordinator).
2. Kideys A.E, Karayucel S, Bat L, Sahin F, Erik G, Erdem E, Aksu H. “Karadeniz’de ekonomik öneme sahip Deniz
Salyangozunun (Rapana thomasıana) optimum avcılığı için uygun av aracı geliştirilmesi ve temel biyolojik özelliklerinin
belirlenmesi” DPT Proje No: BAP - 07-01-DPT.2003K120540-18. (Araştırıcı / Researcher).
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) PROJECTS
1. Büyükhatipoğlu Ş, Bat L, Kıdeyş A, Tuğrul S, Zagorodnyaya J, Gündoğdu A, Akbulut M, Çulha M, Gönlügür G, Eker E,
Satılmış HH. (2002). Orta Karadeniz'in Sinop Burnu Bölgesinin Dönüşüm Çalışmaları. (Process-oriented biochemical
staudies of the Central Black Sea off the cape Sinop). (TÜBİTAK- Yer Deniz Atmosfer Bilimleri ve Çevre Araştırmaları
Grubu Yürütme Komitesi YDABÇAG-197Y156 Numaralı Proje), 93 sayfa. (Araştırıcı, Akademik koordinatör).
2. Bircan R, Bat L, Kıdeyş A, Satılmış HH, Üstün F, Şahin F, Birinci-Özdemir Z. (2005). Karadeniz’in Sinop Bölgesinin alt
besin tabakalarının dinamik ve zaman serileri. (The dynamic and time series of lower food layer in the Black Sea of the
Sinop region). (TÜBİTAK- Yer Deniz Atmosfer Bilimleri ve Çevre Araştırmaları Grubu Yürütme Komitesi YDABÇAG199Y121 Numaralı Proje), 75 sayfa. (Araştırıcı, Akademik koordinatör).
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3. Beşiktepe TŞ, Myroshnychenko V, Özyalvaç M, Metin C, Sayın E, Seyhan K, Bat L. (2005). Ulusal oşinografik veri tabanı
çalışmaları I. aşama: Ulusal oşinografik veri envanterinin oluşturulması. Proje Yer Numarası: 2005-147. TÜBİTAK
YDABAG Proje 101Y079: 1-10.
4. SINHA- Türkiye Kıyılarında kentsel atıksu yönetimi: Sıcak nokta ve hassas alanların yeniden tanımlanması, atık
özümseme kapasitelerinin izleme-modelleme yöntemleriyle belirlenmesi ve sürdürülebilir kentsel atıksu yatırım
planlarının geliştirilmesi (Urban wastewater management along coastal areas of Turkey: Reidentification of
hotpots & sensitive areas, determination of assimilation capacities by monitoring and modelling and development
of sustainable urban wastewater investment plans). (Mart 2008- Şubat 2011) Destekleyen kuruluş: TUBITAKKAMAG 1007 projesi, Müşteri kuruluş: Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı (İrtibat / Contact person: Prof. Dr. Levent Bat,
Danışman, Araştırıcı).
5. Bat L, Gökkurt Baki O, Vişne A. (2015-). Deniz Stratejisi Çerçeve Direktifi Kapsamında Sinop Sarıkum Lagünü Deniz
Çöplerinin Durumu: Bir Örnek Çalışma. (Status of Sinop Sarıkum Lagoon Marine Litter Under the Scope of Marine
Strategy Framework Directive: A Case Study) (TÜBİTAK- Çevre, Atmosfer, Yer ve Deniz Bilimleri Arastırma Destek Grubu
Yürütme Komitesi ÇAYDAG-115Y002 Numaralı Proje), (İrtibat / Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Levent Bat, proje yürütücüsü /
University Research Foundation Projects
1. Öztürk, M., Erdem, M., Öztürk, M., Bat, L. (1990). Karadeniz için ekonomik önemde olan bazı deniz balıklarındaki
iz element birikim düzeyleri ve insan sağlığı açısından önemi. (Trace element levels in some economic marine fish
of the Black Sea and importance for human health). (O.M.Ü. S.011 Nolu Araştırma Fon Saymanlığı Projesi).
2. Öztürk, M., Bat, L. (1991). Sinop Yarımadası üst-infolittoralinden toplanan bazı organizmalardaki iz element
düzeyleri. (Trace element levels in some organisms from the upper-infralittoral of Sinop Peninsula). (S.014 Nolu
OMU araştırma Fon Saymanlığı Projesi). (Researcher).
3. Öztürk, M., Öztürk, M., Bat, L., Ağırağaç, C. (1991). Sinop Yarımadası sahillerinin üst- infolittoralinde yayılış
gösteren bentik organizmalar üzerine kalitatif ve kantitatif araştırmalar. (Qualitative and quantitative researchs on
benthic organims living in the upper-littoral zone of Sinop Peninsula). (O.M.Ü. S.017 Nolu Araştırma Fon
Saymanlığı Projesi). (Researcher).
4. Bat, L., Gönlügür, G., Çulha, M., Akbulut, M., Sezgin, M. (1998). Sinop İli Akliman mevkiindeki tatlı su, acı su ve
denizel ekosistemde bulunan bazı organizmalar üzerine bir araştırma. (A study on some organisms of fresh,
brackish and salt water ecosystem from Akliman region, Sinop,Turkey)(O.M.Ü. S.048 Numaralı Araştırma Fonu)
53 sayfa. (Project manager).
5. Bat, L., Gündoğdu, A., Gönlügür, G., Akbulut, M. (1998). Sinop Yarımadası üst-infralittoralinde bulunan bentik
organizmalardaki bazı kimyasal maddelerin toksik değerleri. (Toxicity of some chemicals to benthic organisms
living upper infralittoral zone from Sinop peninsula). (O.M.Ü. S.049 Numaralı Araştırma Fonu), 24 sayfa. (Project
6. Bat,L., Gündoğdu, A., Çulha, M., Sezgin, M. (1999). Sinop İli Dışliman’ındaki Ulva lactuca türlerinin organik
kirlenmeye karşı dağılımları. (The effect of organic pollution on the distribution of Ulva lactuca in the Disliman of
Sinop)(O.M.Ü. S.047 Numaralı Araştırma Fonu) 19 sayfa. (Project manager).
7. Bat, L., Gündoğdu, A., Tarakçı, Y., Akbulut, M., Çulha, M. (2000). Deniz Flora-Fauna Çalışması. Ondokuz Mayıs
Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü ve ENVY Enerji ve Çevre Yatırımları A.Ş. 55 sayfa. (Project Coordinator).
8. Bat, L., Gönlügür, G. (2001) Sinop Sahillerinin üst-infralittoral zonundaki midye fasiesleri üzerinde kalitatif ve
kantitatif araştırmalar. (Qualitative and quantitative investigations on mussel facies in the upper-infralittoral zone of
Sinop coasts, Black Sea, Turkey). (O.M.Ü. S.057 Numaralı Araştırma Fonu), 31 sayfa. (Project manager).
9. Bat, L., Çulha, M. (2001). Karadeniz'in Sinop İç Liman Bölgesi infralittoralinin makrobentik toplulukları üzerine bir
araştırma. (A study on some macrobenthic organisms of İçliman region of Sinop peninsula, Turkey) (O.M.Ü. S.058
Numaralı Araştırma Fonu), 55 sayfa. (Project manager).
10. Bat, L., Akbulut, M. (2001). Samsun ve Sinop illeri iç sularının Malacostraca (CRUSTACEA) faunası üzerine bir
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Levent BAT
araştırma. (An investigation on the Malacostraca (CRUSTACEA) fauna in the freshwaters of Sinop and Samsun)
(O.M.Ü. S.063 Numaralı Araştırma Fonu). (Project manager).
11. Bat, L., Gündoğdu, A. (2003). Sinop ili iç liman bölgesindeki zooplankton, bazı ekonomik balıklar ve farklı
derinliklerden alınan su örneklerindeki ağır metal düzeyleri. (Heavy metal amounts in zooplankton and some
commercial teleost fish and water samples at different depths from iner harbour of Sinop, Black Sea). (O.M.Ü.
S.078 Numaralı Araştırma Fonu), 27 sayfa. (Project manager).
12. Bat, L., Kıdeyş, A., Yardım, Ö., Gündoğdu, A., Üstün, F., Satılmış, H.H., Şahin, F., Birinci-Özdemir, Z. ve Zoral, T.
(2004). Sinop Kıyılarında Fitoplankton, Zooplankton, İhtiyoplankton ve Makrozooplankton Kompozisyonunun
Karadeniz Ekosistemine ve Balıkçılığına Etkileri. (The composition of phytoplankton, zooplankton, ichthyoplankton
and mesoplankton of Sinop coast and its impact on the Black Sea ecosystem and fisheries). (O.M.Ü. S.090
Numaralı Araştırma Fonu), 136 sayfa. (Project manager).
13. Bat, L., Yardım, Ö., Sezgin, M., Sıvacı, R., Sıvacı, A., Şendoğan, E., Şahin, F., Üstün, F., Türk-Çulha, S.,
Aydemir, E., Gökkurt, O. (2006). Sinop-Sarıkum gölünün hidrolojik, ekolojik ve biyolojik yönden incelenmesi.
(Hydrolojical, Ecological and Biolojical Studies of Sarıkum Wetland, Sinop, Turkey). (O.M.Ü. S.092 Numaralı
Araştırma Fonu), 85 sayfa. (Project manager).
14. Sezgin, M., Bat, L. ve ark. (2004). Sinop Yarımadası Kıyıları İnfralittrolanin Peracarid Crustacea Faunası ve
Biyoekolojik Özellikleri (O.M.Ü. S.093 Numaralı Araştırma Fonu (Araştırıcı). (Researcher).
15. Bat, L., Çulha, M., Türk-Çulha, S. (2006). Sinop ve civarında sediment dip balığı ve omurgasız hayvanlarda bazı
iz element düzeyleri. (Trace element levels in sediment, bottom fish and invertabrates from Sinop peninsula of
Turkey). (O.M.Ü. S.104 Numaralı Araştırma Fonu), 109 sayfa. (Project manager).
16. Bat, L., Erkoyuncu, İ., Karayücel, S., Sezgin, M., Çulha, M., Gönener, S., Şahin, F., Üstün, F., Birinci-Özdemir, Z.,
Ersoy-Karaçuha, M., Gökkurt, O., Erdem, E., Eyüboğlu, B. (2008). Sinop Nükleer Teknoloji Merkezi Çevresel Etüt
Çalışması. Sinop Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü ve ENVY Enerji ve Çevre Yatırımları A.Ş. 109 p. (Project Coordinator).
17. Bat, L., Sezgin, M., Kurt-Şahin, G., Şahin, F., Üstün, F., Gökkurt-Baki, O., Erdem, E., Ersoy-Karaçuha, M.,
Ürkmez, D., Aydemir, E., Cengiz, Z., Öksüz, İ. (2011). BOTAŞ Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme (Deniz Ekolojisi)
Çalışması. Sinop Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü ve ENVY Enerji ve Çevre Yatırımları A.Ş. 38 p. (Project Coordinator).
18. Bat, L., Üstün, F., Öztekin, H.C., Okkay, Ç. (2013-2014). Karadeniz’in Sinop kıyılarından örneklenen balık,
omurgasız, zooplankton, deniz çayırı ve sedimanda ağır metal düzeyleri (Heavy metal levels in fish, invertebrates,
zooplankton, sea grass and sediment from Sinop coasts of the Black Sea). Proje Numarası SÜF-901-12-02.
(Project manager).
19. Bat, L., Sezgin, M., Şahin, F., Kurt-Şahin, G. (2014). Ekolojik Kalite Durumunun Belirlenmesi için Zoobentos
(Karadeniz ve Marmara Denizi) ve Fitoplankton (Karadeniz ve Ege Denizi) İzleme. Sinop Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
ve TÜBİTAK MAM. (Prof. Dr. Levent BAT, subcontractor).
Editor board
1- Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (TrJFAS) (Section Editor)
2- The Open Marine Biology Journal (Editor-in-Chief, 2014)
3- Biyoloji Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi (BİBAD)
4- Su Ürünleri Mühendisleri Derneği Dergisi (SÜMDER) (2005-2007)
5- Journal of
6- Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering (JSOE) (2011-)
7- Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (2012, 2013)
8- Aquatic Science and Technology (2012-)
9- Journal of Coastal Life Medicine (2013- )
10- Marine Biological Journal (2015- )
11- Journal of Maritime and Marine Sciences (2015- )
12- Oceanography & Fisheries Open access Journal (OFOAJ) (2016- )
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1- Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi (2001)
2- Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi (2002)
3- O.M.Ü. Fen Dergisi (2003)
4- Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi (2003)
5- Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)
6- Food Chemistry (2006, 2007, 2008)
7- Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía (RBMO) (2008)
8- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EMAS) (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013)
9- African Journal of Biotechnology (AJB) (ISSN 1684-5315) (2009)
10- International Research Journal of Agricultural Science (IRJAS) (2010)
11- SDU Fen Dergisi (e-dergi) (2010)
12- Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences (2011)
13- International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture (IJFA) (2011)
14- CRUSTACEANA (International Journal of Crustacean Research) (2012)
15- International Journal of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences (IJNRMS) (2012)
16- Environmental Technology (2012)
17- Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST) (2012, 2013)
18- International Journal of Marine Science (2013)
19- Marine Chemistry (2014)
20- International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research (2014)
21- Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB) (2014)
22- J. Black Sea/Mediterranean Environment (2014)
23- International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health (2014)
24- Yunus Araştırma Bülteni (Research Bulletin) (2014)
25- International Journal of Research in Environmental Studies (IJRES) (2015)
26- International Journal of Geography and Geology (2015)
27- Basic Research Journal of Soil and Environmental Science (2015)
CIESM, Black Sea Commission, IEEE, SaLLe, SeaDataNet, CMarZ Network
1988: University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Sinop Fisheries College Term Winner
1997: University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Rectorate of International scientific publications incentive award
1999: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific
incentive award
2003: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific
incentive award
2004: University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Rectorate of International scientific publications incentive award
2004: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific
incentive award
2005: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific
incentive award
2005: University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Rectorate of International scientific publications incentive award
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Levent BAT
2005: EU Frame Programs, Project Proposal Encouragement Award
2005: EU project partner Award for the best young
2006: EU Frame Programs, Project Proposal Encouragement Award
2006: University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Rectorate of International scientific publications incentive award
2007: University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Rectorate of International scientific publications incentive award
2007: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Scientists Support Award
2008: University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Rectorate of International scientific publications incentive award
2009: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific publications
incentive award (2)
2010: “(Monitoring of anchovy and sprat nutritional condition in the Black Sea). Project no: 105Y028, The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) - The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), 20052008” project "sample project" award.
2010: (FP7) “UP-GRADE BLACK SEA SCIENTIFIC NETWORK (UP-GRADE BS-SCENE), (2009- 2012) (Call identifier
FP7-2008-1 Infrastructures Research Infrastructures, Combination of Collaborative Project and Coordination and Support
Action; proposal no: 226592)” project “appreciation project” award.
2010: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific publications
incentive award
2012: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific publications
incentive award
2013: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific publications
incentive award
2014: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) international scientific publications
incentive award
2015: The best second poster MACODESU 2015 (Marine Coastal Development Sustainability) 18-20 September 2015,
Trabzon, TURKEY
2015: The best second poster PROMARE 2015 (Protection of the Black Sea Ecosystem and Sustainable Management of
Maritime Activities 7th Edition PROMARE 2015 Celebration of the 45th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Romanian
Marine Research Institute International Black Sea Day 29-31 October 2015 Constanta Romania (Romanian Black Sea
Titleholders Association (RBSTA) & ANCSI)
4-6 September 1995: SETAC-EUROPE (UK BRANCH) 6TH ANNUAL MEETING, Unifying themes in Environmental
Chemistry and Toxicology, Plymouth, England, U.K.
9-11 September 1996: SETAC-EUROPE (UK BRANCH) 7TH ANNUAL MEETING, Environmental Monitoring and
Assessment, Stirling, Scotland, U.K.
9-11 April 1997: Akdeniz Balıkçılık Kongresi (Mediterranean Fisheries Congress) Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri
Fakültesi, İzmir.
23-25 October 1997: II. Spil Fen Bilimleri Kongresi (II. Spil Sciences Congress), Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Fen-Ed.
Fak., Manisa.
20-22 September 2000: Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu (Fisheries Symposium), Sinop- 2000, O.M.Ü. Sinop Su Ürünleri
Fakültesi, Sinop.
14-16 March 2002: 2nd Med-Baltic-North Sea BIOMARE meeting, Heraklion, (Crete, Greece).
27-29 January 2003: NATO SfP (Science for Peace) ODBMS Black Sea Project explanatory sessions, Sevastopol,
24-26 March 2003: A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and
Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA), Kick-off Meeting, Istanbul.
28-30 May 2003: A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and Forecasting
Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA), Task Team 4 Meeting, Constanta, Romania.
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13-18 October 2003: A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and
Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA), Steering Committee Meeting, 5 th FP Accompany
Measures Project, Varna, Albena Resort, Bulgaria.
4-6 March 2004: A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and Forecasting
Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA), the Annual Meeting of 5 th FP Accompany Measures Project, Sofia,
18-26 August 2004: 103Y152 (NASU) project number and "Quantification of the Recent Ctenophore Invader Beroe
Ovata Impact in the Black Sea" First Meeting for project partners. NASU (National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine) Sivastopal, Ukraine.
19-21 March 2005: A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and
Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA), Second Annual Meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria.
21-27 March 2005: A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and
Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA)Training Course on Nested-Grid Modelling of the Black
Sea Circulation, Sofia, Bulgaria.
7-18 January 2006: A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and
Forecasting Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA) “Third Steering Committee Meeting”, Istanbul, Turkey.
19-20 January 2006: A Supporting Programme for Capacity Building in the Black Sea Region towards Operational
Status of Oceanographic Services (ASCABOS) “Kick-off Meeting”, Istanbul, Turkey.
29-31 March 2006: Black Sea Scientific Network (BLACK SEA SCENE) “Kick-off Meeting”, Haarlem, Netherlands.
28-30 May 2006: A Regional Capacity Building and Networking Programme to Upgrade Monitoring and Forecasting
Activity in the Black Sea Basin (ARENA). Final Project Workshop. Cormoran complex – Danube delta,
20 - 25 June 2006: Black Sea Scientific Network (BLACK SEA SCENE). Second Network Workshop in Varna,
16-23 August 2006: TÜBİTAK-NASU. Monitoring of anchovy and sprat nutritional condition in the Black Sea Project
Number 105Y028, Sevastopol, Ukraine.
06 - 08 September 2006: II. Ulusal Limnoloji Çalıştayı (II. National Limnology Workshop), Sinop, Turkey.
23-27 October 2006: A Supporting Programme for Capacity Building in the Black Sea Region towards Operational
Status of Oceanographic Services (ASCABOS) “First Annual Meeting” in Varna, Bulgaria.
21-26 November 2006: Black Sea Scientific Network (BLACK SEA SCENE). 3rd Networking Activity 2 Workshop of
the European Union. Athens, Greece.
2 December 2006: I. Middle Black Sea Economy Form, Ünye, ORDU - TURKEY.
9-13 April 2007: 38th Congress-Assamblee Pleniere de la CIESM, Istanbul (Turquie).
9-12 May 2007: Black Sea Scientific Network (BLACK SEA SCENE). “4th Black Sea SCENE NETWORK”, Istanbul,
14-15 May 2007: Black Sea Habitat Classification and Mapping Workshop. Hosted by the Black Sea Commission
and the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity. İstanbul, Turkey.
18-21 June 2007: OCEAN’07 IEEE Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
22 June 2007: EurOCEAN 2007, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
12-23 August 2007: TÜBİTAK-NASU. Monitoring of anchovy and sprat nutritional condition in the Black Sea Project
Number 105Y028, Sevastopol, Ukraine.
28-29 September 2007: A Supporting Programme for Capacity Building in the Black Sea Region towards
Operational Status of Oceanographic Services (ASCABOS) “Second Annual Meeting”, Balchik, Bulgaria.
03-06 October 2007: Black Sea Scientific Network (BLACK SEA SCENE). “5th Network Workshop”, Tibilisi, Georgia.
12-13 January 2008: 7. ÇP “SEAS-ERA” Project Workshop, TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research
Council of Turkey), Ankara- Turkey.
06-08 October 2008: 2nd Biannual and Black Sea EC Project Joint Conference. “Climate Change in the Black SeaHypothesis, Observations, Trends Scenarios and Mitigation Strategy for the Ecosystem. 6-8 October 2008
Sofia, Bulgaria.
09 October 2008: Black Sea Scientific Network (BLACK SEA SCENE). “Final Meeting” Park Hotel “Moskwa”, Sofia,
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Levent BAT
23-24 October 2008: A Supporting Programme for Capacity Building in the Black Sea Region towards Operational
Status of Oceanographic Services (ASCABOS). Final Meeting of the EC 6th FP SSA Project. Istanbul, Turkey.
15-16 November 2008: Black Sea Mnemiopsis Database Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey.
19-20 March 2009: BLACK SEA EXPERT WORKSHOP, Rostock, Germany.
(UP-GRADE BS-SCENE), “Kick-off Meeting”, Istanbul, Turkey.
10-18 September 2009: TUBITAK-NASU. The Black Sea anchovy fishing stock distribution: response on nutritional
condition and environmental forces. Project Number 108Y341, Sevastopol, Ukraine.
26–29 October 2009: Technical training workshop on metadata and data management for Upgrade BlackSeaScene,
Caspinfo and SeaDataNet, UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belçika.
NETWORK” (UP-GRADE BS-SCENE ), 2nd Workshop of Upgrade Black Sea Scientific Network, Bükreş,
11 February 2010: EU Economic and Financial affairs and Europpean Commission, Project Proposal Writing
Courses, Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sinop Special Provincial Administration and Sinop
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sinop, Turkey.
(UP-GRADE BS-SCENE), Turkish National Meeting of the Upgrade Black Sea Scene, Continuing Education
Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
5 March 2010: Black Sea Region Research and Development (Ar-Ge) Day Event, TUBITAK (The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey), Samsun, Turkey.
(UP-GRADE BS-SCENE ), 3rd UBSS Network Meeting, Limassol, Cyprus.
31 May 2010: Financial and management information and Control Activities at University, University of Ondokuz
Mayis, Samsun, Turkey.
30 June 2010: The Living Ocean and the Coast: Diversity of Resources and Sustainable Activiteis, Republic of
Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ankara, Turkey.
12-22 July 2010: TUBITAK-NASU, The Black Sea anchovy fishing stock distribution: response on nutritional
condition and environmental forces. Project Number 108Y341, Sevastopol, Ukraine.
NETWORK” (UP-GRADE BS-SCENE), 4th Full Group Workshop meeting of the Upgrade Black Sea SCENE
project, İstanbul, Türkiye.
01-02 December 2010: Seminar on the biodiversity conservation and NATURA 2000 Network EU Technical
Assistance Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX), DG Enlargement, RTP: 42060, TAIEX- Regional
Education Seminar, Kastamonu Governorship, Kastamonu, Turkey.
20-22 December 2010: CoastLearn – Black Sea (CLBS) -Leonardo Da Vinci Lifelearning Programme-“Kick-off
Meeting”, Sinop, Turkey.
(UP-GRADE BS-SCENE), Upgrade Black Sea Scene training workshop, Oostende, Belgium.
projects” and “4th UBSS FULL WORKSHOP”, Rhodes Island, Greece.
27 May 2011: International Black Sea Symposium (Not to be late for the Black Sea, Black Sea Protected Areas),
Deniz Temiz Derneği / TURMEPA and Samsun Metropolitan Municipality, Samsun, Turkey.
1–5 June 2011: CoastLearn – Black Sea” 2010-1-TR-LEAS05-167456 Project “CoastLearn – Black Sea Partners
Meeting” Varna, Bulgaria.
21 June 2011 ENPI European Neighbourhood Policy: Funding, Sinop, Turkey.
(UP-GRADE BS-SCENE), 5rd UBSS Project Final Meeting, Odessa, Ukraine.
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31 October 2011: Black Sea Day Celebration (Round Table): 31 October International Black Sea Day Activities,
Odessa, Ukraine.
1-4 November 2011: 3rd Biannual BS Scientific and UP-GRADE Black Sea SCENE EC FP7 Project Joint
Conference: Drivers, pressures, state, impacts, response and recovery indications towards better governance
of Black sea environmental protection- Black Sea Outlook (BS-OUTLOOK 2011), Odessa, Ukraine.
1-4 November 2011: Black Sea Outlook (BS-OUTLOOK 2011), Odessa, Ukraine. International Scientific Committee
(ISC) Membership.
19 December 2011: TÜBİTAK-Akademik Ar-Ge Destek Programları Bilgilendirme ve Eğitim Toplantısı (TUBITAKScientist Research-Development Support information and Education Programs Meeting), Sinop University,
Sinop, Turkey.
19 January 2012: “Deniz ve Kıyı Suları Kalite Durumlarının Belirlenmesi ve Sınıflandırılması Projesi” toplantısı.
(Project of determination and classification of the quality status of the marine and coastal waters meeting).
TÜBİTAK, Ankara.
27-28 February 2012: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high
and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (COCONET) “Kickoff meeting of the COCONET
Project (FP7 OCEAN 287844)” Rome, Italy.
19-20 April 2012: MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System (MISIS) “Kick-off
meeting (Agreement number: 07.020400/20 12/616044/SUB/D2)” Constanza, Romania.
30 April 2012: I. International Sea of Marmara and Black Sea Conference "Life began in the sea, let it does not finish
in the sea!” Deniz Temiz Derneği / TURMEPA, Istanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, TURSAB ve DTO, Istanbul,
28 May 2012: SINHA Project Meeting “Türkiye kıyılarında kentsel atıksu yönetimi projesi” çalıştayı ve kapanış
toplantısı. TÜBİTAK, Ankara.
19-20 June 2012: Workshop on “Identification and clasification quality of sea and coastal waters project” TUBITAKMAM, TUSSIDE- Gebze, Turkey.
16-18 July 2012: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and
deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (COCONET) “1st joint Pilot Projects Meeting)”.
Istanbul, Turkey.
23-25 July 2012: CoastLearn – Black Sea” 2010-1-TR-LEAS05-167456 Project “Coastlearn Black Sea Project Final
Meeting”. Barselona, Spain.
2-3 Ekim 2012: CoastLearn – Black Sea” 2010-1-TR-LEAS05-167456 Project “Pilot Training”, Sinop Üniversitesi Su
Ürünleri Fakültesi, Sinop, Turkey.
31 October - 1 November 2012: Black Sea day Environmental activities and Public Awareness, KTÜ Osman
TURAN Kültür Merkezi, Trabzon, Turkey.
6-8 November 2012: Workshop on Sustainable Fisheries in the Black Sea, Sinop, Turkey.
27 December 2012: MISIS Stakeholder Outreach and monitoring programs evaluation meeting, Ankara University
Faculty of Agriculture, Ankara, Turkey.
29-30 January 2013: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and
deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (COCONET) “1st General Assembly of the
CoCoNet Project (FP7 OCEAN 287844)”. Rome, Italy.
11-14 February 2013: MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System (MISIS) “17th
CBD AG Meeting & MISIS Project Workshop (Agreement number: 07.020400/20 12/616044/SUB/D2)”,
Istanbul, Turkey.
29-31 May 2013: MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System (MISIS) (Agreement
number: 07.020400/20 12/616044/SUB/D2)” “General Assembly”, Varna, Bulgaria.
11-12 June 2013: Improvement of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Black Sea Region, WG3 Sinop
Meeting, Sinop, Turkey.
26 June 2013: In the case of the EU framework programmes and the Horizon 2020 Programme info day, Sinop.
26-27 June 2013: Determination and classification of the quality status of the marine and coastal waters of the Black
Sea Workshop, Sinop University, Sinop.
22 July - 1 August 2013: MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System (MISIS)
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Curriculum Vitae
Levent BAT
(Agreement number: 07.020400/20 12/616044/SUB/D2). AKADEMIK R/V ile Uluslararsı Bilimsel Sörvey
(International Scientific Survey with AKADEMIK R/V). (as Headscientist in the Turkish territorial waters).
03-06 September 2013: 17. National Aquaculture Symposium Scientific Committee Membership.
28-31 October 2013: 4th Black Sea Scientific Conference Black Sea - Challenges Towards Good Environmental
Status, Constanta, Romania.
7-8 November 2013: TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) Institute of environment
and clean production Workshop, TÜBİTAK TÜSSİDE Enstitüsü Gebze, Turkey.
10-12 December 2013: MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System (MISIS) “MISIS
Workshop on the BG-TR marine area proposed for designation and National classification system of marine
waters according to MSFD” (Agreement number: 07.020400/20 12/616044/SUB/D2)”, TÜBİTAK MAM
Gebze, Turkey.
19 December 2013: “Determination and classification of the quality status of the marine and coastal waters of the
Black Sea project” closing workshop. TÜBİTAK, Ankara.
27-28 January 2014: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and
deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (COCONET) “2nd General Assembly of the
CoCoNet Project (FP7 OCEAN 287844)”. Athens, Greece.
23-25 April 2014: MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System (MISIS) (Agreement
number: 07.020400/20 12/616044/SUB/D2) “General Meeting”, Varna, Bulgaria.
17-19 June 2014: Integrated management of coastal dunes in Europe. Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC). Beaches
and Dunes of Merlimont – Berck, France.
23-26 June 2014: MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System (MISIS) (Agreement
number: 07.020400/20 12/616044/SUB/D2) “Final Meeting”, Mahmudiye, Constanta, Romania.
22-26 September 2014: 12th International conference Littoral 2014, Facing Present and Future Coast Challenges,
Klaipeda, Lithuania.
25-27 September 2014: FABA 2014, International Symposium on Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Trabzon, Turkey.
Scientific Committee (SC) Membership.
21-22 January 2015: Integrated Monitoring at Seas in 2014 Project evaluation meeting. TÜBİTAK, Ankara.
4-5 February 2015: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and
deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (COCONET) “3rd General Assembly of the
CoCoNet Project (FP7 OCEAN 287844)”. Paris, France.
17-19 March 2015: Turkey's Sea Research Priorities and national marine research program (UDAP) II. Workshop.
İstanbul Technical University Süleyman Demirel Kültür Merkezi, İstanbul, Turkey.
6-9 May 2015: EKOLOJİ 2015 Symposium Sinop, Turkey. Scientific Committee (SC) Membership.
25-31 August 2015: Meiofauna as an environmental bio-indicator in marine ecosystems of Montenegro and Turkey.
(Project No: 114Y376), Montenegro.
18-20 September 2015: MACODESU 2015 (Marine Coastal Development Sustainability) Trabzon, TÜRKİYE
6-10 October 2015: Chairman. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal
Environment MEDCOAST 2015, Varna, BULGARIA.
14-15 October 2015: I Protect and Know My Sea. Training Program for Applied Marine Sciences. Institute of Marine
Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Erdemli, Mersin, TURKEY.
17-18 November 2015: Training of Internal Control and Risk Management. University of Sinop, TURKEY.
1-2 December 2015: Towards COast to COast NETworks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and
deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential (COCONET) “The CoCoNet Fourth and Final
General Assembly (FP7 OCEAN 287844)”. Lecce, ITALY.
17 December 2015: Timetable for Marine Research Coordination Meeting for 2016. Turkish Naval Forces Office of
Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography, Istanbul, TURKEY.
3-4 March 2016: "Integrated Pollution Monitoring Project at Sea" 2015 Evaluation Meeting, TÜBİTAK Building,
Ankara, TURKEY.
24-27 April 2016: 2nd International Conference on One Medicine One Science (iCOMOS), University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, USA.
© European Union, 2002-2013 |
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Curriculum Vitae
Replace with First name(s) Surname(s)
30-31 May 2016: Navigation, Hydrography and Oceanography Service Planning and Coordination Committee
Meeting of the Year 2016. ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Çankaya / Ankara
31 Mayıs-03 June 2016: Turkey Marine Sciences Conference, ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Çankaya / Ankara.
Bilim Kurulu üyesi ve oturum başkanlığı.
© European Union, 2002-2013 |
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