
14 March - 20 April 2014
Published by Element Art Space Pte Ltd © 2014,
Element Art Space, Singapore
Aniela Rahardja
Raffles Hotel Arcade
328 North Bridge Road #02-13
Singapore 188719
T +65 6883 2001 F +65 6883 2707
E info@elementartspace.com
Stephanie Seet Ying
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in
any form of any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright
holder. Copyright of artwork images belong to Element Art
Space and their respective artist, and essays to the respective
Dimension of works are given in centimeters,
height x length
Cover Image:
Volkan Diyaroglu, Your Bloody, My Memory,
mixed media on canvas, 156 x 153 cm, 2014
Volkan Diyaroglu
Nilo Casares
Tuti Nur Insyirah
Stephanie Seet Ying
Volkan Diyaroglu
Element Art Space is pleased to be the first gallery in Singapore to present a solo exhibition of a Turkish artist by
showing the promising talent of Volkan Diyaroglu.
Many people have forgotten that Turkey is in fact located in Asia Minor, more precisely in Western Asia, and
holds one of the oldest, richest and most diverse history in the world. Its culture today reflects remnants from its
prehistoric Anatolia combined with Ottoman and Western culture traditions which results in a “modern” Western state that still maintains traditional religious and historical values. Their influence has spread all the way to
Greater Asia and is easily relatable to the audience in South East Asia.
Diyaroglu’s experimental and spontaneous paintings are informed by the history of art and recall gestural work
of Abstract Expressionists painters such as Jackson Pollock. The title of the exhibition, Blood and Memory, references Greco-Roman cultures from his birthplace on the shores of the Black Sea and alludes to the divergence
between the artist’s personal memories and how they are revealed through his work. With this exhibition, we aim
to present a new ‘Asian’ perspective on memory and time personified through Memory.
Aniela Rahardja
Director of Element Art Space
Michelle Garcia
Asian artist Volkan Diyaroğlu was born on the shores
of the Black Sea, a sea sailed thousands of times by the
kinsmen of the poet Hesiod, who bequeathed to us the
knowledge of what in the beginning was Chaos, Chaos that was subjected to the ordering of Time, whose
lovechild and incestuous mother of the Muses of all
arts is Mnemosyne, the personification of Memory.
The clean origin of Memory says a lot to her credit,
yet it is her genesis from an incestuous relationship
(remember that the Muses are the daughters of Mnemosyne and her father, Zeus, who visited her every
night for nine nights) that helps us better understand
the nature of the arts; that is why all is valid in art;
everything, as long as the result warrants it; we are not
concerned with the processes, the media or the materials used to forge the work, if I can feel her in my
gut, if she moves inside me and chooses to reside there
for a spell.
is a corporeal sort of painting; because if he painted
with his hands, he would do so on an easel and the
result would be completely different, and most importantly, it would take away the impetus to transfer
the impression to his mind; it being a painting that is
limited by blinders (the blinders of his shoes), it is unwittingly transformed into a tryst on canvas, revealing
traces, forms, gestures, randomness, findings, geometries and the superposition of things that seem to have
stuck to his hands, drenched as they are in wet paint.
He paints so quickly that the Memory has no time
to dry, and thus it all sticks; whatever he happens or
stumbles upon or steps on as he moves back and forth
to get it all ready. He runs through the studio, coming and going, in an attempt to escape those unruly
feet that, while limiting his vision, do not impede him
from continuing to think from a head that is unaware
of where it is.
In the beginning there was Chaos.
In the case of painter , this is taken to an extreme, as
his painting is absolutely corporal and unmeditated,
so much so that we might say that he paints with his
feet, because he always faces the canvas from a zenithal perspective (from Olympus, according to the tradition from whence he derives), and everything that
passes through his head is limited by strict margins
(order) imposed by his feet. This painting with his feet
In the beginning was everything inside his head? But
where? He thinks.
He comes and goes through space; he climbs and falls
through his ideas; he remembers, projects, revises,
attempts. He traces geometries from the same space
that is his body, yearning to impose his presence by
presenting himself in solid form, as a hexahedron, imposing, as if it were an architectural mass (architecture
is the strict extension of our body, and the attempt to
organise nature, from inside our head, according to
the laws of man); but the head returns to the beginning and wants to take sides.
Fine, he lets it reckon for a while.
Order is imposed and pathways are gradually established to reach the end of the painting, because this
painter, like all painters, aims to finish the painting at
all cost, even through sweat and blood, spilt on the
canvas, if it comes to that. At that moment the head
reaches an agreement with the rest of his body and
allows the blood flow to sort everything out, but of
course, once everything seemed to be back in place,
he discovers that blood is Chaos in the strictest form;
back to the dialectic, in the presence of which there is
no solution, as many of the paintings which we will
encounter here, each of them cosmic (product of the
cosmogony that they attempt to describe) have constructed a chaosmic hemisphere that emerges with
a tremendous force from the painting, because (the
painter thinks on the inside) if Memory now resides
only inside our computers, in its circuit boards, outside is chaos, and only one response of resistance can
be had: against the stamped (printed), the unique
(painting) and original (cosmic).
(his followers can trace the passages of his artistic itinerary in many of the paintings on exhibition here and
revisit very significant moments in his art). Testimony,
as the receiver of the objects that wander around his
studio, a record of the precise moment in which the
paintings were created, because painting is timeless,
but the things imposed on canvas are from the exact
Time when they were cast onto it and attempt to serve
as an anchor to reality and proclaim that in the midst
of so much Chaos, a door can exist that helps us transcend it.
In the end, however, it all turns into blood spurting
from the brushes of an artist through whom litres
upon litres of paint flow, leaving the cosmic in ruins;
all by following a strict regimen of painting with his
feet so that his hands do not govern his head. And
thus, without making heads or tails of it, he inaugurates chaosmic painting.
Thus the painting presented here, in appearance, is
both Memory and testimony. Memory, when it calls
up the very history of the author’s own trajectory,
through the introduction of remnants of his past work
I Am Dead, I Lost My Memory Stick
mixed media on canvas, 270 x 222 cm, 2014
mixed media on canvas, 270 x 206 cm, 2014
Be Happy or Die
Your Bloody, My Memory
mixed media on canvas, 270 x 222 cm, 2013
mixed media on canvas, 156 x 153 cm, 2014
Your Memory, My Blood
mixed media on canvas, 150 x 158 cm, 2014
(Right) Close up: Your Memory, My Blood
Duckrabbit As Cosmos
mixed media on canvas, 176 x 156 cm, 2014
(Left) Closeup: Duckrabbit As Cosmos
Memory and Blood
mixed media on canvas, 156 x 147 cm, 2014
(Right) Close up: Memory and Blood
mixed media on canvas, 153 x 196 cm, 2014
My Look, Your Regard
mixed media on canvas, 160 x 145 cm, 2014
Beautiful Amnesia
Garden of Forgetfulness
mixed media on canvas, 156 x 152 cm, 2014
mixed media on canvas, 156 x 150 cm, 2014
Civil More Than A Virgin
Another Happy End
mixed media on canvas, 160 x 152 cm, 2014
mixed media on canvas, 156 x 152 cm, 2014
Born in 1982, Istanbul, Turkey
Currently lives and works in Valencia, Spain
Faculty of Fine Arts, Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul, Turkey
San Carlos Faculty of Fine Arts, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
1996-2002 Tefken Holding Scholarship, Turkey
2002-2003 Promoe, fine arts Faculty of UPV San Carlos, Valencia, Spain
2003-2004 Promoe, fine arts Faculty of UPV San Carlos, Valencia, Spain
2006-2007 Residence Abbaye de Maubuisson, Val-d’Oise, France
2007-2008 Residence in Cite International des Arts, Paris, France
2008 Scholarship, The National Museum of George Enescu, “Transfer Project”, Tescani,
2009 Residence in Maus Habitos, Porto, Portugal
2014 “Memory and Blood”, Element Art Space, Singapore
2013 “Cutfingerism”, Karsi Sanat Calismalari, Istanbul, Turkey
2010 “Contemporary Istanbul 2010 Art Fair”, Galeri Binyil, Istanbul, Turkey
“Hoy Algo Mal Pasa En El Acuario”, Maus Habitos, Porto, Portugal
“Wormholes”, AR / Contemporary Gallery, Milano, Italy
2009 “Seeking The Paradises”, the project of cultural season of Turkey in France, Galerie
Celal, Paris, France
Maus Hábitos, Porto, Portugal
2008 Ceet Fondation, Madrid, Spain
“Never_Intim”, Arsloca, Gandia, Valencia, Spain
2007 “Mi Vertigo”, Galeria Edgar Neville, Valencia, Spain
“Zigzagm”, Eroa, Cergy, France
“Delik”, Forja Arte Contemporaneo, La Sala Naranja,Valencia, Spain
“Decalages”, Abbaye de Maubuisson, Val-d’oise, France (TRAM Paris/Ile-de-France
Project 2007 “Hospitalités”)
2006 “For the Myopics”, Galeri Binyil, Istanbul, Turkey
2004 “Post Karaoke is Higienic”, La Sala Naranja, Valencia, Spain
2003 Kitsch International Artediverso “Introduction of Post Karaoke for the Adults”,
Valencia, Spain
VIII Istanbul Biennial official paralel event, Galeri Binyil, Istanbul, Turkey
2002 Fine arts faculty of Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Istanbul, Turkey
2013 “Connection”, Bozlu Art Project, Istanbul, Turkey
“Sustratos”, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno(IVAM), Valencia, Spain
“Pluralistic, ironic, poetic”, PAPKO Art Collection / Oner Kocabeyoglu, The Sofa
Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey
“Alienation / Estrangement”, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey
“Gabinete de Hygiene”, Espacio V, Valencia, Spain
2012 “Contemporary Istanbul 2012”, Istanbul, Turkey
“Muestra Internacional de Musica y Audiovisuales Avanzados(MIMAA)”, La Rambleta, Valencia, Spain
“Kreuz-Kassel Zwei”, Kreuzberg Pavillon, 100 days in Kassel, Kassel, Germany
“Artbosphorus 2012 Contemporary Art Fair”, Istanbul, Turkey
2011 “21st International Istanbul Art Fair - Artist 2011”, Istanbul, Turkey
“1st Istanbul Summer Exhibition”, Antrepo 5, Istanbul, Turkey
“Contemporary Turkish Art Auction”, Sotheby’s, London, UK
2010 “7 Billionth Person Project”, The Parachute Factory Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Ar / Contemporary Gallery, Milan, Italy
“The Power of the Dynamism”, Galeri Binyil, Istanbul, Turkey
2009 “Contemporary and Modern Works”, Ar / Contemporary Gallery, Milan, Italy
“XV International Biennial of Cerveira”, Portugal
“Horaley”, Mtaar – G.A.F. , Istanbul, Turkey
“Caos vs. Ordine”, Ar / Contemporary Gallery, Milan, Italy
“In search of lost reality: nevgeneration”, Galeri Nev, Ankara, Turkey
“Transfer”, Sub-Carturesti Art Gallery, George Enescu National Museum Project,
Bucarest, Romania
“Al Bastakiya Art Fair”, Saatchi Gallery, Dubai, Emirates
“Beautiful Freak”, Forja Arte Contemporanea, Valencia, Spain
“Doga-Ask-Su”, Galeri Binyil, Istanbul, Turkey
“Contemporary 1-2009”, Galeri Binyil, Istanbul, Turkey
2008 XXXV Bancaja Painting, Sculpture, Digital Art Prize Exhibition, Centro cultural de
la Asuncion, Albacete, Spain
SLICK PARIS 2008 Art Fair, with the Focus Gallery Dubai, Paris, France
XXXV Bancaja Painting, Sculpture, Digital Art Prize Exhibition, IVAM, Valencia,
2006 “DESAFIOS”, Kanazawa Modern Art Museum, Kazanawa Citizen’s Art Center,
Kanazawa, Japan
“Artistanbul 2006” International Contemporary Art Fair of Istanbul, Galeri Binyil,
Istanbul, Turkey
“Generacion Vulture”, Vulture Magazine organization, Feria de Julio, Valencia, Spain
“Art in Evolution”, Espacio Carmen, Antiguo convento Mosén Sorell”, Valencia, Spain
“O eres tu john wayne o lo soy yo”, La Sala Naranja, Valencia, Spain
2005 Observatori 2005 - VI International artistic investigation festival of Valencia in the
museum of Principe Felipe, Ciudad de las artes y ciencias (Sala Arqueria, permanent
“International Fine Arts Congress”, Burjassot, Valencia, Spain
“Post Patetic”, La Sala Naranja, Valencia, Spain
2004 “En el margen de Turia”, Riba-roja art festival, Valencia, Spain
2003 Fons d’art of UPV, Valencia, Spain
2002 Fine arts faculty of mimar sinan University Istanbul, Turkey
2001 Istanbul State Gallery (Istanbul Devlet Guzel sanatlar Galerisi “atolye 4” Istanbul,
2000 Museum of fine arts of istanbul “ipek-ahmet merey resim yarismasi” Istanbul,
2008 XXXV Bancaja Painting, Sculpture, Digital Art Prize, Spain
“Next Star Artist Competition”, Finalist, Australia
Coca-Cola Foundation
Bancaja Foundation, Spain
Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Turkey
Enka Collection, Turkey
National Museum of George Enescu, Romania
PAPKO Art Collection/ Oner Kocabeoglu, Turkey
2001 “Fire the Family”, Atolye 4, Istanbul, Turkey
2002 “Cleaning I”, The Mimar Sinan Fine Arts Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey
2003 “Painting by the Car”, Istanbul, Turkey
2003 “Painting by the Car”, Calatrava Street, Valencia, Spain
2004 Actuation in “Kitsch Kitchen” (SOUP I), Valencia, Spain
2006 “Artist of the Month”, Vulture Magazine, 31st Edition, February 2006
2006 Selection for an individual exhibition for Edgar Neville Gallery
2007 “Clipstation”, Multimedia exhibition in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia)
2007 “Porte Ouverte”, Paris, France
2013 Maronda, “La Orfebrería Según los Místicos”, Album Cover, Spain
2013 Ali Deniz Uslu, “The Civilization is a Censorship”, 46 Magazine, Skull Edition,
Turkey, November/December 2013.
Nilo Casares, IVAM, “Sustratos”, Spain, 2013.
Ali Deniz Uslu, Cumhuriyet Pazar, “The Civilization is a Censorship”, Turkey, September 22, 2013, 1-2.
Mehmet Erguven, Karşı Sanat Çalışmaları, “Volkan Diyaroglu or to set up the
imagination”, Turkey, 2013.
Gulseli Inal, “Alternative I / Alternative aesthetic”, Yapi Magazine, No. 377, Turkey,
April 2013.
2012 Michael Organ, “Tuck Magazine”, December 2012
2010 “Bulletin Of Clinical Psychopharmacology”, Volume 20, Number 4, Turkey, Decem
ber 2010.
Art-core.tv, Interview, December 2010.
Lucien de Guise, “Golder Horn of Plenty”, Asian Art Newspaper, May 2010.
Ginevra Bria, “Wormholes”, Exibart, Italy, April 08, 2010.
Francesco Clerici, “Wormholes”, Italy, February 01, 2010.
2009 Antena 3 Neox TV, “Meeting Point” programme, interview, Spain, November 22,
Nicholas Forrest, The Visual Artbeat Magazine, “The Art of Volkan Diyaroglu”,
Austria, September 2009.
Baris Acar, Artist Actual, “In the Search of the Lost Reality”, Turkey, July-August
2009, 32.
Tendencias Fashion Magazine, Spain, June 2009, No. 148, 103.
2008 Mihrisah Safa, Star Newspaper, Turkey, August 03, 2008, 17.
Mihrisah Safa, Star Kibris Newspaper, Cyprus, August 06, 2008.
“El Arte del futuro se da cita en el IVAM”, El Mundo Newspaper, Spain July 25, 2008.
“El turco Diyaroglu y el ucranio Aljoscha, premios Bancaja”, El País Newspaper,
Spain, July 25, 2008.
“L’IVAM acull els premis Bancaixa”, Levante Newspaper, Spain, July 25, 2008.
“Tintes Universales en el XXXV Premio Bancaja de Arte”, Spain, ABC Newspaper,
July 25, 2008.
Barbara Steffen, Director of Contemporary Art of the Albertina Museum of Vienna,
Austria, XXXV Premio Bancaja de Pintura, Escultura y Arte Digital Prize and inter
view with Volkan Diyaroglu, Spain, 2008.
Yahoo NEWS Spain, “El IVAM toma el pulso a las tendencias del arte internacional...” July 24, 2008.
VRV Gallery, Interview with Volkan Diyaroglu, Canada, 2008.
Nicholas Forrest, “Turkish Artist Volkan Diyaroglu”, Artmarketblog, 2008.
Toni Calderon, Interview, Australia, May 28, 2008.
Alix Rule, “Saatchi Online Top 10 Chosen By Alix Rule”, Saatchi Online Magazine
Artiz Magazine, Issue:2, publication of own article, Turkey
Nicholas Forrest, “VOLKAN DIYAROGLU: Saatchi Online Critic’s Choice By
Nicholas Forrest”, The Saatchi Gallery, April 08, 2008
Volkan Diyaroglu, Artiz Magazine, Issue:1, Turkey, 2008.
TVE2 Spanish national television, “Metropolis” programme, publication and inter
view, Spain, February 03, 2008.
JHON MAGAZINE, 20th Issue, France, 2008.
2007 Christian Parra-Duhalde, “Vértigos globales,” Levante Newspaper, Posdata, Spain,
December 07, 2007.
Toni Calderon, “Mi Vertigo: Volkan Diyaroglu.Mestizaje y Sincretismo,” Spain, 2007.
Connaissance des Arts Magazine Hospitalites, No:648, April 2007, page number 32,
Paris/ile de france, Museums & Monuments, publication of the work, France
The newspaper Sabah, 16th April 2007, (First Page), Publication of the work, Turkey
Sortir Magazine, Cergy-Pontoise, Issue: 171, March 2007
Tram Brochure, Hospitalites, brochure, text of Caroline Coll-Seror, France
Tram Brochure, January-April 2007, Publication of the work, France
Sortir Magazine, Spectacles Rhône-Alpes, Issue: 20, April-June 2007, France.
EVENE_Artists Celebres, France
“The Saatchi Gallery’s Top 10 Chosen By Rebecca Wilson” of Rebecca Wilson, editor
of the Your Gallery Magazine, 2007.
Toni Calderon, Book of Delik exhibition, Grupo Forja, Spain, 2007.
Jose Mir, Book of Delik, Grupo Forja, Spain, 2007.
Levante newspaper, Mercalevante, Valencia, Spain, 2007.
UPV TV, Ven y Veras progragmme, Valencia, Spain, May 07, 2007.
Artvisit 2, Turkey
2006 Artistanbul, Turkey, 2006.
Hürriyet, Kelebek, Turkey, June 08, 2006.
Sabah Newspaper, Günaydın, Turkey, June 17, 2006.
Toni Calderón, Para los myopes, Istanbul, Turkey: Gallery Binyil, 2006
Levante Newspaper, Valencia, Spain, April 04, 2006.
Vulture Magazine, Issue: 31, Spain, February 2006.
2005 Toni Calderon, Observatori, Valencia, Spain, 2005.
Born in 1963, A Coruña, Spain
Nilo Casares, a polygraph, newspaper contributor, occasional researcher in the area of aesthetics and art theory, art criticcurator, digital and public art promoter, coordinator and director of cultural activities, conference presenter, consultant and
artistic adviser (curating a large range of art exhibits throughout Argentina, Chile, Canada, South Korea, Denmark, Spain,
United States, Finland, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden and Venezuela).
Director of Konceptkonstmuseum, Valencia, Spain
Founder of S + O + C (interdisciplinary urban planning office), Valencia, Spain and Rotterdam, Netherlands
Founder of Frescos & Salados, Lda. (cultural nonprofit association for the promotion of art) Valencia, Spain)
Founder of Lavandería Fundació (private cultural foundation), Barcelona, Spain
Founder of La Cor.poració (cultural association for the promotion of public art), Valencia, Spain
Founder of Memòria Industrial Project for the defense of the industrial architectural heritage, Valencia, Spain
Member of the Artificialia (associazione culturale per la tutela e sviluppo dell’arte elettronica), Pescara, Italy
Member of the International Advisory Board of rural.scapes - laboratório em residência, Fazenda Santa Teresa, São José do
Barreiro, Vale do Paraíba, Brazil
Promoter, Founder and Curator of red(e).ib (http://red-e-ib.net)
Member of EX, Experimental Electronic Art (cultural association nonprofit electronic and experimental art), Madrid, Spain
Member of the Experts Board of MACE (Museum of Contemporary Art of Ibiza), Ibiza, Spain
Author of the books
netart_latino database —with Giselle Beigelman, Laura Baigorri, Brian Mackern, Lila Pagola and Gustavo Romano. Edition:
Nilo Casares. MEIAC. Badajoz, Spain. 2010.
Del net.art al web-art 2.0. Institució Alfons el Magnánim. Valencia, Spain. 2009.
De memoria (with Francis Naranjo). Ediciones/Metales Pesados. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 2009.
Informe. Gas Editions. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 2007.
Casa de Citas/House of Words. Gran Canaria Espacio Digital. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. 2006.
La restauración del significado. Arte, otra vez. Institució Alfons el Magnánim. Valencia, Spain. 2004.
niuistmos ou labirinto. çopyright. pensamento, crítica e criação em galego-português. no. 27. A Coruña, Spain. 1997.
Raffles Hotel Arcade 328 North Bridge Road #02-13 Singapore 188719
T +65 6883 2001 F +65 6883 2707 E info@elementartspace.com