CMES/MECW Annual Report 2012 (PDF 1.3 MB)


CMES/MECW Annual Report 2012 (PDF 1.3 MB)
The Middle East in the Contemporary World
Annual Report 2012
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University
Box 201, 221 00 Lund, Sweden,
Visiting address: Finngatan 16, 223 62 Lund, Sweden
Editor: Lory Dance
Assistants: Caner Ulug, Selma Hedlund, David Bowling
Printed by MediaTryck 2013
Photo: The picture on the cover was taken by Anders Ackfeldt and portrays
graffiti in a Shiite village in Bahrain. The text on the wall says ”Harkat Haqq” which is
the name of an opposition movement in the country. The English name of the movement
is ”The Haq Movement for Liberty and Democracy”. Our use of the image is not
in support of a single movement. The intention of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies
is to visually illustrate the democratic aspirations and
upheavals in the Middle East in 2012.
Table of Contents
Letter from the Director of CMES and Coordinator of MECW 5
Letter from the Co-Coordinator of MECW & the Co-Director of CMES 6
A Letter from the MECW Domain Leaders 7
PART I: General Overview 8
PART II: CMES/MECW Educational Program 15
PART III: Overviews of the five research domains 17
PART IV: Guest Lecturers, Speakers and Film Screenings 20
Appendix - Specific Activities of the MECW research domains 22
Migration and Spatial Mobility 42
The Middle East in Sweden 48
Women for Sustainable Growth 53
CMES affiliate scholars in addition to CMES research domains 54
Abdulhadi Khalaf
Erin Frazier
Parvaneh Ghanizadeh
Alexandra Hardiman
Frida Mebius Önnerfors
Petter Pilesjö
Anders Ackfeldt
Hossein Hashemi
Reza Arjmand
Ann Kull
Ingmar Karlsson
Ronny Berndtsson
Anna Hellgren
Jaleh Taheri
Salim Cevik
Barzoo Eliassi
Jordi Ferrer
Sarah Grey
Cecilia Olovsdotter
Kholoud Mansour
Selma Hedlund
Christa Salamandra
Lars-Erik Olofsson
Sihem Jebari
Dalia Abdelhady
Leif Stenberg
Spyros Sofos
Dan-Erik Andersson
Lina Eklund
Stefano Bigliardi
David Bowling
Lory Dance
Torsten Janson
Darcy Thompson
Malgorzata Luczak
Ulrik Mårtensson
Dustin Wellbaum
Mark LeVine
Umut Ozkirimli
Eda Farsakoglu
Mathias Mossberg
Åsa Eldén
Eric Hooglund
Olof Heilo
Founded in 2007, the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) supports and coordinates research, teaching, and other
forms of scholarship related to a range of issues, topics, activities, and events that have some significant link to a variety
of areas commonly referred to as “The Middle East.” Research on the Middle East has existed in Lund since the university’s
founding in 1666, however the Middle East in The Contemporary World (MECW) research environment was established in
the autumn of 2009 by a Strategic Research Area grant from the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet). The aim of
MECW is to coordinate, redirect, and expand research related to The Middle East at Lund University.
Since the 2011 Annual Report, there have been several major developments at CMES. Toward the end of 2012, a board,
which was elected according to Lund University regulations, replaced the preliminary or start-up board of directors. The
Hydrosolidarity Project—a multi-disciplinary, border crossing research project—became fully operational. We transitioned
from a weekly to bi-monthly seminar series based upon presentations by renowned scholars from outside of Lund University to a series featuring the academic work of MECW scholars. The Women for Sustainable Growth Domain was reorganized as a Non-Profit Association. As was the case in 2010 and 2011, in 2012 CMES underwent an extensive annual evaluation of the MECW strategic research environment. This CMES/MECW Annual Report for 2012 derives in large part from this
extensive evaluation; some of the sections below are excerpted from the official evaluation answers submitted by CMES. As
reflected in this Annual Report, 2012 turned out to be as incredibly active a year for CMES and MECW as was 2011.
This Annual Report for 2012, completed in August of 2013, has four parts and an appendix. Part I, “General Overview”,
summarizes MECW’s major priorities, activities, results, challenges, initiatives as well as the societal needs addressed. Part
II, “CMES/MCEW Educational Program”, includes a discussion of the educational program that is a part of the MECW strategic research environment. Part III, “Overviews of the Five Research Domains,” contains synopses of the on-going activities
in each of the five research domains. Part IV, “CMES Seminars, Guest Lecturers, Speakers, and Film Screenings”, provides
information on the various events hosted by CMES/MECW featuring renowned guest lecturers and speakers as well as
screenings of award winning films. The appendix of this annual report contains “Specific Activities of the MECW Domains.”
This listing of specific activities documents publications, national/international collaborations, media & public engagements,
innovative activities, and many other activities that have made 2012 such an incredible year.
The CMES/MECW budget for 2010 was approximately 13 million SEK and by the end of the 2010 calendar year, there was a
surplus of funds. In planning the budget for 2011, CMES/MECW was strongly encouraged to increase expenditures. Hence,
the CMES/MECW budget for 2011 ended with an operating deficit of 3.4 million SEK. Given this deficit from 2011, at the
start of the 2012 calendar year, the operating budget was 18 million SEK.1 Crucial to the development and continued success of CMES/MECW will be the evaluation of 2013 and that CMES/MECW receive new funding for the 2014 calendar year.
In the 2011 Annual Report the operating budget amount reported was 9.5 million SEK. The amount of 18 million SEK reported in this 2012 Annual Report includes the
CMES budget.
Letter from the Director of CMES and
Coordinator of MECW
“Glimpse of Syria’s Qubayr Massacre,” “Iran Says Nuclear talks to resume,” “Egypt Judicial Council to oversee referendum”:
these are just a few of the international headlines reported by Al Jazeera during 2012. If you pick up any newspaper with
international stories, The Middle East will appear in stories ranging from events that are mundane, to those that are exciting
and inspirational, to events that are tragic.
As was the case in 2011, 2012 was a year of historically significant events for many regions of The Middle East. Similar
to 2011, 2012 was a memorable and productive year for the Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES). For example,
“uprisings”, “social movements”, “civil war”, “civil protests,” gave the commonly known “Arab Spring” continued significance within and beyond the Middle East. Administrative staff, students, scholars, project assistants, researchers, teachers,
and others who are central to the work of the Center (CMES) engaged in a variety of activities from organizing and
attending conferences on the Arab Spring, to attending important lectures and presentations by renowned scholars (for
example, Deniz Kandiyoti, John Esposito, Naomi Sakr, Ayhan Aktar, and Mattias Gardell just to name a few), to beginning
cross-disciplinary work on Hydrosolidarity, a research project funded by the Pufendorf Institute of Lund University. And
these are just a few highlights of the information to come as you continue to read this 2012 Annual Report.
It is with pleasure that I, along with the Co-Director & Co-Coordinator, and Research Domain Leaders, share with you the
second Annual Report for the Middle East in the Contemporary World (MECW) Strategic Research Area. This report is part
of a process of development in which CMES/MECW summarizes and publicizes significant results of the annual evaluations
of the MECW Strategic Research Area. I regard the annual report as part of an on-going effort to make the activities of
CMES/MECW more transparent and visible.
Persons too numerous to name made the success of 2012 possible. These persons include our CMES/MECW board of
directors, and especially its chairman, Göran Bexell, has given us invaluable support and suggestions about how to develop.
Vice-Chancellor Per Eriksson and Pro Vice-Chancellor Eva Wiberg have given significant support and I appreciate their
engagement in our activities. Assistant Vice Chancellor Sven Strömqvist has continued to provide instrumental support and
advice. As was the case in 2011, I remain inspired by and grateful to the administrative staff, senior researchers, scholars,
affiliates, and students of CMES/MECW who have made 2012 a productive year.
Leif Stenberg
Director, CMES and Coordinator, MECW
Letter from the Co-Coordinator of MECW &
the Co-Director of CMES
CMES/MECW continues to be a dynamic space for crucial teaching, research, and analyses of topics related to the MENA
region and MENA Diasporas. As Co-Director and Co-Coordinator, we never cease to be amazed and humbled by the
abundance of scholarly activities that are locally, nationally, and globally relevant to those who comprise the CMES/MECW
work environment. And, we are happy to help direct and manage the talented administrative staff, scholars, and Master’s
students who call CMES/MECW their academic home.
As was the case in 2011, 2012 was a particularly eventful year. We have had the pleasure of working with, directing and
coordinating the activities of an engaging group of colleagues who, as documented in this Annual Report, have continued
to secured grants, published books and articles, and who remain in demand by national and international media.
We share Leif’s sentiments regarding the accomplishments of 2012 and hope you will enjoy reading details provided below.
We also join Leif in thanking the chancellors, board members, administrative staff, senior researchers, scholars, affiliates,
and students who contributed to the successes of 2012.
Lory Dance
Co-Coordinator, MECW
Dan-Erik Andersson
Co-Director, CMES
A Letter from the MECW Domain Leaders
During the 2012 calendar year, the MECW domains became more dynamic and fluid than in 2010 and 2011. As domain
leaders we have been busy with working within the organization format of five research domains (see list below) while also
thinking about how to reorganize the domains to better capture emergent research activities. For example, we have been
considering how to thread topics related to gender throughout all domains. We are also exploring how to combine in a
more synergistic way, the activities of scholars working on topics related to migration within the MENA region and within
Sweden/Scandinavia. However, these considerations are works-in-progress and as was the case in 2010 and 2011, the
MECW domains are:
Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures
Hydropolitics, Security, and International Law
Migration and Spatial Mobility
The Middle East in Sweden
Women for Sustainable Growth
Similar to 2011, during 2012 we have produced scholarly publications, attended local, national, and international conferences, organized local, national, and international symposia and conferences, provided media interviews, continued on-going
collaborations and established new collaborations with local, national, and international institutions, and so on. For more
specific details, please see “Specific Activities of the MECW Research Domains” in the appendix of this annual report.
We join the executive team in thanking all those who helped to make 2012 a productive year. In particular, we would like
to offer a special thanks to each and every member of our respective domains for their achievements during the 2012
calendar year. May 2013 bring more of the same as well as new and engaging opportunities!
Reza Arjmand and Leif Stenberg, Co-Domain Coordinator
Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures
Ronny Berndtsson, Domain Coordinator
Hydropolitics, Security, and International Law
Dalia Abdulhadey (starting in August 2012), Adulhadi Khalaf (until June 2012), and Petter Pilesjö, Domain Co-Coordinators
Migration and Spatial Mobility
Lory Dance, Domain Coordinator
The Middle East in Sweden
Dalia Abdelhady (until June 2012), Domain Coordinator
Women for Sustainable Growth
PART I: General Overview
During 2012 MECW has been working according to the following priorities:
In 2012 CMES at Lund University has improved the infrastructural consolidation of the MECW strategic research area.
Therefore, CMES has given special attention to the following: 1) The integration between research projects and the
international Masters program in Middle Eastern Studies; 2) Maintaining high research standards and outcomes through
research projects that emphasize disciplinary border crossing; 3) Consolidation of the research staff; 4) Reorganization and
streamlining of administrative staff; 5) Creation of a core faculty that has CMES/MECW as their academic home; 6) Election
of a new board because 2012 was the final year of the preliminary or start-up board.
Renewal and strategic planning
Now that the CMES/MECW has been in place for three years, an overarching priority developed during the fall of 2012 was
to renew our strategic approaches to coordinating research, teaching, and other forms of scholarship on The Middle East.
Hence, 1) a major priority has been to strengthen our research perspective based upon a multi-disciplinary and bordercrossing approach. 2) Another priority has been to rethink our current research domains and how research was presented
in the application for the strategic research area that was submitted to The Swedish Research Council in 2009. For example,
a renewed priority that we have already acted upon is the addition of Turkey as a specific area of focus.
National/international visibility & outreach
Moving well beyond our 2011 priority of increased visibility via publications and conferences alone, in 2012 CMES/MECW
prioritized a larger array of activities to enhance visibility, these activities still include conferences (national and international) but also include 1) seminars and workshops, 2) outreach to governmental, non-governmental/civil society, and
community-based entities, 3) expanding collaborations with strategic alliance partners, and 4) continued appearances in
national and international media. Last year, publications were also a means of achieving increased visibility, but this year the
dissemination of research findings, including publications, is a new priority listed below.
Research & scientific projects
A priority during 2012 has been not merely to apply for additional funding from a variety of sources, but to create and
facilitate projects that join scholars from different disciplines and from different MECW research domains around a central
research topic like “Hydrosolidarity.”
Dissemination of knowledge
An obvious priority within the strategic research area has been to disseminate research findings and other forms of knowledge through a variety of outlets including publications, conferences & seminars, and the successes of the CMES/MECW
Masters program.
During 2012 MECW has been operating through the following activities:
To integrate research projects and the Masters program researchers have involved Masters students working as interns on
research projects. To maintain high research standards and outcomes through disciplinary border crossing, during the fall
of 2012 we initiated a weekly research seminar in Middle Eastern Studies in which scholars who are affiliated with CMES/
MECW present their work in a critical, but collegial ambiance. To consolidate the research staff we have slowed the hiring
process and encouraged the current staff to focus upon finalizing current projects and to collaborate with MECW colleagues on new projects. To reorganize the administrative staff we have used Lund University workshops, planning meetings
and consultants to streamline administrative work and refine positions in regard to communication, the economy, and the
more general support of research and education. To create a core faculty with research homes at CMES/MECW, during
2012 we prepared calls for tenure track positions. This will ensure the more long-term research goals of CMES/MECW. In
addition, during 2012 we transferred one position from the Faculty of Humanities to CMES/MECW. To elect a new board
we have created a committee that has applied the Lund University guidelines for board selection.
Renewal and strategic planning
To strengthen our multidisciplinary and border-crossing approach, and to rethink the current organization of our research
domains, scholars from different domains have actively collaborated via joint conference presentations, grant applications,
a weekly research seminar featuring the work of CMES/MECW scholars, and the organization of several faculty and staff
meetings. A series of seminars on Turkey called the “The Modern Turkey Seminars” has been organized by Guest Professor
Umut Ozkirimli who was hired as of January 1, 2012, as part of a rethinking and renewal of research strategies.
National/international visibility & outreach
Scholars from MECW have participated in a number of conferences, workshops and seminars. In addition to attending
world-renowned conferences like the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting (MESA), CMES/MECW jointly
organized a large conference on the “Arab Spring”. Within the framework of CMES/MECW we have also organized several
smaller workshops and lectures on a variety of issues related to the Middle East. To enhance CMES/MECW outreach capabilities, we have professionalized the communication strategy of CMES/MECW, we have developed a short course on the
Middle East to be sold to governmental organizations, civil society organizations, and businesses, and we have developed
a symposium series titled “Streetposia” that targets youths from marginalized suburban communities in Malmö (and Stockholm). In addition to outreach activities from CMES/MECW to organizations beyond the walls of Lund University, during
the fall of 2012 we hosted the first annual “Middle East at Lund U.” meet-&-greet gathering to connect with colleagues
within the walls of Lund University, colleagues who are not affiliated with CMES/MECW but who engage in work related to
the Middle East. In regard to strategic alliance partners, we have continued meaningful interactions with more partners in
the Middle East and in regard to media, we have continually responded to requests from newspaper, radio, television, and
internet-based media as well as further developed our home page and enhanced our participation in Facebook and other
social media.
Research & scientific projects
Scholars have designed research projects that cross-disciplinary borders and persistently applied for grants from the
Swedish Research Council, the Swedish Tercentenary Foundation, internal grants available at Lund University and smaller funding institutions. In the fall of 2012 CMES/MECW also applied for a “Humanities in the European Research Area”
(HERA) grant from the European Science Foundation. The application was submitted in collaboration with Malmö University
College, the Jagellonian University of Krakow, Copenhagen University and Freie Universität Berlin. To facilitate crossdisciplinary grant proposals, during the fall of 2012, CMES/MECW organized meetings and internal workshops to discuss
possible projects as well as strategies on how to develop successful applications. In addition to designing grants that are
innovative and cross-disciplinary, MECW scholars continue to publish research findings with leading academic journals and
book publishers.
Dissemination of knowledge
To disseminate knowledge, CMES/MECW scholars continue to participate in numerous international conferences, workshops, and seminars like those mentioned above (see “National/international visibility & outreach”), as well as give lectures
as invited speakers at universities in Europe, North America, and the Middle East. Scholars also continue to publish highly
regarded refereed journal articles, books, edited volumes, book chapters, and theses. CMES remains the home to the
journal Middle East Critique and many issues of this journal present examples of innovative research. Another indicator
of the dissemination of knowledge comes in the form of training new scholars. Students from the first cohort to enter the
Masters program during the fall semester of 2010, graduated in June of 2012.
During 2012 MECW have produced the following results:
In regard to the integration of the CMES/MECW research activities and the Masters program, there have been more Master
students involved in research projects at CMES/MECW. For example, three students have taken part in ongoing Discourse
Analysis research projects in the Middle East in Sweden research domain. The link between research and the Masters
program has been more refined and developed. As a result of the weekly research seminar in Middle Eastern Studies and
the consolidation of research staff, CMES/MECW scholars have received peer-reviewed feedback from their colleagues. Due
to the reorganization and streamlining of administrative staff, a new and improved administration has come into place to
a large extent. Most administrative positions have been clearly defined and distinctive roles and tasks have been set up to
support research and education. Consolidation has also meant that we have set up more regular schedules for staff and
faculty meetings. This work will continue during 2013, but major restructuring occurred in 2012. In addition to the in-house
reorganization of our immediate administration, a new board will be elected. Unlike the preliminary board, the new board
will resemble those of most Lund University departments. Hence, CMES and the MECW strategic research area have
become better integrated into the infrastructure of Lund University. Last but not least, the results listed in this paragraph
enable the institutionalization of CMES/MECW.
Renewal and strategic planning
The aforementioned renewal and strategic planning activities have had several results. The strengthening of our multidisciplinary and border-crossing approach has resulted in new grants like the Hydrosolidarity project from the Pufendorf
Institute at Lund University. The creation of a new weekly seminar series has meant that the previous seminar series of the
spring 2012 semester based upon invited guests was entirely reorganized and replaced by seminar presentations by CMES/
MECW scholars. This weekly seminar series has allowed CMES/MECW scholars to learn from each other and improve the
quality of research. The new seminar has also become an informal platform for ongoing discussions about how to create
new projects. The Modern Turkey Seminars have become a well-attended, staple feature of CMES/MECW.
Another aspect of the work towards renewal this year was how CMES/MECW has become the hub for the Nordic Society
for Middle Eastern Studies. Furthermore, in the early fall of 2012, CMES/MECW supported a course in Middle Eastern
Studies for PhD students at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul.
National/international visibility & outreach
As a result of conference, seminar, and workshop activities, CMES/MECW at Lund University is becoming increasingly well
known within national and international arenas and was, therefore, able to organize a seminal conference called “Arab
Uprisings: Contesting Narratives, Locating Power.” This conference, which brought together academics, activists, and
artists, was attended by leading scholars like Derek Gregory (Professor of Political Geography at the University of British
Columbia), influential activists like Nabeel Rajab (a Bahrayni human rights activist), and famous artists/activists like Moe
Hamzeh (lead singer of the Lebanese rock band, The Kordz). As a result of improved outreach, educational courses, and the
Streetposia symposium series, the public, governmental organizations, civil society organizations, and businesses have access to increased knowledge about topics related to the Middle East. Due to meaningful interactions with strategic alliance
partners, we have deepened our relations with organizations and institutions like Soran University in Iraq, The American
University in Beirut, Sabanci University in Turkey, and Ben-Gurion University in Israel. In addition, we have developed close
relations with two of the more important international web pages on the contemporary Middle East – “Jadaliyya” and
“Your Middle East”. Our work with strategic alliance partners is not limited to institutions in the Middle East. During the fall
of 2012 we established a scholarly exchange link with the University of Nebraska in the U.S. and through the Hydrosolidarity project described directly below, we established viable collaborations with Oxford University in England.
Research & scientific projects
A result of cross-disciplinary grant applications is that scholars active at CMES/MECW received a grant for a project titled
“Hydrosolidarity”. This project involves scholars from a range of disciplines to explore the relationships among water
insecurity and social problems. In addition to being multidisciplinary this project blends the borders between disciplines.
For example, scholars in ethics, engineering, and sociology collaborate across disciplinary borders to solve problems of
water scarcity and water insecurity. This Hydrosolidarity project has had multiple consequences, including 1) CMES/MECW
has formed a strategic alliance with the Oxford University research cluster “Transformations: Economy, Society, and Place”,
which focuses upon the impact of water insecurity within a variety of social, environmental, and development arenas; and,
2) Given its thematic and multidisciplinary features, the Hydrosolidarity project has become a model for future research
projects. CMES/MECW has also received a Lund University internal grant that allows the MECW strategic research area
to further develop communication capacities. As a result of interactions between academics, activists, and artists at the
Arab Uprisings conference (mentioned directly above in “National/international visibility & outreach”), CMES/MECW was
approached by private funders to create a scholarship that would fund a summer internship for college-aged students involved in activist work. The outcome of the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) application to the European
Science Foundation will be known in 2013. Among the several publications complied in the appendix, are scientific results,
from the edited book Syria Under Bashar Al-Asad. These results challenge the traditional view of repressive regimes as
successfully silencing all forms of dissent. There are also findings from books, journal articles, and theses regarding effective
scientific approaches for removing contaminants from water systems and using GIS technologies to reveal vulnerabilities to
drainage systems in Middle Eastern locations.
Dissemination of knowledge
Knowledge/information dissemination has occurred via refereed journal articles (for example, “And People’s Concerns
Were Genuine: Why Didn’t We Listen More?”: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Recognition in Europe by Umut Ozkirimli,
published in the Journal of Contemporary European Studies); books (for example, Kürt Gençlerinin Aidiyet Politikaları by
Barzoo Eliassi published in Turkey; edited volumes (for example, Navigating
Contemporary Iran: Challenging Economic, Social, and Political Perceptions edited by Eric Hooglund and Leif Stenberg,
published by Routledge); PhD theses (for example, Marginal and virtual water for sustainable water resources management
in Syria, published by K Mourad); and MA theses (for example, “Here Live The Others”: The Suburb of Angered in a Media
Perspective by Richard Öhman). See Appendix: Specific Activities of the MECW Domains” for a more detailed listing of
publication examples. In regard to knowledge dissemination via the training of new scholars, during the fall of 2012 the
Masters Program enrolled a larger cohort of students than enrolled in 2010 or 2011.
MECW scholars work within five research domains: 1) Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures; 2)
Hydropolitics, Security, and International Law; 3) Migration and Spatial Mobility; 4) The Middle East in Sweden; and, 5) Women for Sustainable Growth. Pressure on MECW scholars has increased since 2011. Due to activities and events organized
by CMES/MECW and requests from society at large, CMES remains a household name in the Swedish media. However,
this pressure has also become a dilemma since it is time consuming to participate in media, lecture to the public, attend
seminars and be available for questions from the public.
In regard to the Hydropolitics, Security and International Law research domain of MECW, a major challenge has been to
perform advanced research and find a common research language across traditional research discipline borders. Another
challenge, for Hydropolitics and other research domains, is to find suitable journals for successful border-crossing research
results. It has also been a challenge to locate potential and suitable funders and to formulate applications for continuing
research funding.
Both the Migration and Spatial Mobility and the Middle East in Sweden research domains have been affected by new
waves of immigration within nations in the Middle East and from the Middle East to Sweden due to civil unrest in Syria.
And the Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures domain has to take into consideration changes related
to Islamist tendencies, movements, groups, and so on within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. All MECW
domains are affected by the increasing number of scholars in the MENA region who have been placed at risk due to civil
unrest and the silencing of dissent.
Women for Sustainable Growth, a domain primarily organized around non-research activities, is difficult to maintain within
the research-heavy context of CMES/MECW.
Another challenge faced by the Migration and Spatial Mobility research domain could be categorized under the label of
“LU outreach problems”. In other words, it is not easy to get in contact with researchers (and teachers) at a university as
big as Lund.
An initiative taken in regard to CMES/MECW scholars being in high demand is that scholars have been forced to be more
selective in responding to media requests as well as lecture and seminar invitations.
Initiatives taken by the Hydropolitics research domain to overcome traditional limiting structures have been to regularly
meet in cross-disciplinary seminars and discussions. Scholars in this domain have approached two high-quality journals
to discuss possible publications and succeeded to convince the Hydrological Sciences Journal to publish a special issue on
Hydrology and Peace in the Middle East, and also a special issue on Rainwater Harvesting in the Middle East in the journal
Middle East Critique.
The changes in migration patterns linked to civil unrest in Syria have occurred relatively quickly so the Migration and Spatial
Mobility and the Middle East in Sweden domains’ responses remain works-in-progress. Initial plans during 2012 were to
map migratory patterns. These plans continue and will now take into account the impact of civil unrest in Syria. In taking
into consideration changes related to Islamist tendencies within the MENA region, the Contemporary Interpretations of
Islam and Muslim Cultures domain has researched the role of Islam in authoritarian states and what regulates the production of Islam in general. In regard to the growing numbers of scholars placed at risk in the MENA region, CMES/MECW
has been actively involved in efforts to include Swedish universities in the international network of universities and colleges
involved with the Scholars At Risk organization.
The “Women for Sustainable Growth (WSG)” initiative, which was temporarily reconfigured as a domain at the start of
2012, was designed to have a short-term relationship with CMES/MECW. CMES/MECW acted as an incubator to give this
initiative an opportunity to stand on its own. By the start of the fall 2012 semester, WSG, or the new acronym “W4SG,”
had become a Non-Profit Association.
To resolve the “LU outreach” problems mentioned above, the Migration and Spatial Mobility research domain has involved
the International Relations Office of Lund University. In short, scholars in this domain have linked MECW to the work of this
office (e.g. scholarship programs and EU programs, and then especially Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programs in Iran, Iraq,
Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Israel and the GULF countries). As a result, MECW has become more visible within Lund
University and the scope of MECW has been increased.
In 2011 the focus was more upon the failure of non-academics, like politicians and other governmental representatives,
to use knowledge produced by academics. In 2012 we observed that the problem of knowledge utilization was broader
and not just due to the failure of non-academics to use knowledge produced by academics. Academics and other types of
scholars rarely build bridges to non-academic agencies, institutions, organizations, communities, and professions. Hence a
major challenge to knowledge transfer and the utilization of research is the lack of bridges to non-academic entities. And
when knowledge transfer does occur, the transfer tends to be slow an inefficient.
Furthermore, as observed by British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, “The greatest enemy to knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.” When it comes to popular representations of topics related to the Middle East North
Africa (MENA) region, the illusion of knowledge is fuelled by a variety of media including unreliable Internet sources and
Hollywood misrepresentations. As a result, general societal discussions regarding the ongoing Arab Spring are often obscured by fictions/illusions posing as facts. Therefore, in 2012 it was clearer than it was in 2011 that CMES/MECW not only
faces the challenge of addressing societal gaps in information about the Middle East. In addition to gaps in information, the
illusion of knowledge also poses a tremendous obstacle to more reliable forms of knowledge transfer and utilizations.
In 2011 our primary means of spreading knowledge regarding the Middle East was through lectures, seminars, and
workshops. In 2012 we were more actively engaged in building bridges. Bridge building is also a means of replacing the
illusion of knowledge with more factual and empirical information. CMES/MECW has a variety of ongoing activities. The
Arab Uprisings conference, which was organized largely by the Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures
domain of MECW with the support of the other domains, built bridges for information and knowledge exchange among
academics, activists, and artists. This conference featured a unique but needed blend of research-based and grassroots
knowledge about topics related to the MENA region in general and the Arab Spring in particular. Through the Streetposia
symposium series, which was organized by the Middle East in Sweden domain, CMES/MECW has built bridges to NGOs
and other organizations working within marginalized urban communities. The Migration and Spatial Mobility domain has
improved intra-university bridge building among MECW and programs within Lund University.
To speed up knowledge transfer that tends to be slow and inefficient or, in other words, to make the knowledge transfer
quicker and more efficient, the Hydropolitics, Security and International Law research domain has built close collaboration
with members of NGOs and other organizations. Examples include collaboration with the SIWI (Stockholm International
Water Institute) and collaboration with former officials at SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency).
Even more so than in 2011, the research domains of CMES/MECW continue to address a variety of societal problems including problems arising from and related to the Arab Spring, anti-Middle Eastern forms of prejudice, and challenges faced by
migrant populations. With the transformation of the Women for Sustainable Growth domain into a Non-Profit Association,
in 2012 CMES/MECW began to link issues related to gender inequities across the four remaining domains. Below are some
specific needs addressed in 2012.
Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures
Civil unrest in several countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region continue to provide a critical need for
in-depth understandings about how repressive regimes impose hierarchical control as well as how citizens within these
regimes subsist and comply with domination as well as indirectly contest, actively resist and oppose domination. There is
also the need for multifaceted scholarly investigations of societal trends related to or affected by Islamist and anti-Islamist
views, tendencies and practices. Moreover, in regard to interpretations of Islam, the “production of Islam” can be viewed as
an important societal issue. For example, in regard to civil unrest and civil war, what roles will interpretations of Islam play?
Under what societal conditions will conflicts, civil war and unrest end in a process of Islamization. And if so, what kind of
Islam will be the result of the Islamization process: Liberal or Radical Islam?
Hydropolitics, Security, and International Law
Several major industrial and societal problems are addressed within the Hydropolitics domain. One essential research
question is how to improve the efficiency of water management in the Middle East. This is clearly a cross-disciplinary
research problem that involves input from many traditional mono-disciplinary research areas. Another research problem
being addressed in a spinoff project on Hydrosolidarity is how to improve the communication and understanding of the
need to find global as well as local solutions to the water scarcity problems in most Middle Eastern countries. Potential
results here might have immense industrial as well as societal impact. An essential question regards a sense of belonging. A
sense of belonging may be related to solving water infrastructure in urban slums because water “ownership” issues affect
belonging. A sense of belonging also relates to the implementation of water infrastructure. Solving these issues would have
immense societal effects and spinoffs related to improving water security in water scarce countries.
Migration and Spatial Mobility
Most, if not all, countries in the MENA region, especially Iraq and Egypt are under transition. Business and other industries
are supposed to be booming in the coming years. There is a crucial and necessary interest from strategic partners (for
example, Kuwait, Iraq, and Egypt) to cooperate with industrialized countries like Sweden but this is a need that is difficult
or impossible to meet. In these cases it is impossible for scholars linked to the Migration and Spatial Mobility domain, as
well as those linked to MECW in general to establish partnerships that involve “profit making” because Lund University is
not a commercial entity and cannot be involved in “profit making.” Nonetheless, this is a need around which scholars in
Migration and Spatial Mobility must navigate and attempt to address in indirect and tangential ways that are not linked to
profit making. Scholars in this domain have established non-profit partnerships.
Middle East in Sweden
At-risk youths must deal with “the streets” or the corners, sidewalks, and other social hang-outs in low-income urban
communities that have been negatively impacted by a variety of social ills. There is a socio-structural marginalization that
scholars study, write, and teach about. The streets in question are not those of cities in the Global South or so-called
“Third World” but the streets of leading Western democracies. There are young people in Stockholm and Malmö as well as
Washington, D.C. who endure a variety of social ills on a regular basis yet write and perform poetry. Because spoken-word
poetry is so interactive, the experience of a powerful poem with a heartfelt message can help us rethink our views and
connect more emotionally with an issue, idea, or cause. By bringing scholars and students together with these artists for
workshops, seminars, panels, and performances, CMES/MECW seek to both widen and deepen the discourse about the
struggles faced by marginalized youths living in these leading Western cities.
PART II: CMES/MECW Educational
Based on the experiences of the first one and half academic years of the CMES MA-program in Middle Eastern studies in
2010 - 2011, the efforts of 2012 have been focused on further strengthening the integration of education to research and
innovation (understood as elaborating new ways of bridging the gap between academic knowledge and the general public
as concerns the Middle Eastern). During 2012, the CMES has identified three main strategies to achieve this: (1) strengthening research focus in traditional course work; (2) linking MA studies to MECW projects; and (3) establishing innovative
outreach practices, linking academic training and practical/professional experience, as well as training students in the
dissemination of research to the general public:
1. Strengthening of research focus in traditional course work
For the spring of 2012, the list of the second semester elective courses was reduced from 11 to 7 in an effort of strengthening the interconnection of MECW research and education. The 7 remaining courses were revised, with the aim of sharpening the research focus in teaching, readings as well as assignments. Another important change was the introduction of
one mandatory research theories course to the first semester and the revision of methods course of the second. According
to testimonials of students, teachers as well as administrators, such changes have facilitated the transition from the first to
the second year of studies and the process of defining the research focus for the MA thesis work.
In the fall of 2012, both course content and structure for the first semester of the program was altered. Instead of one
introductory 15 credit course, one 7,5 credit course on methods and one 7,5 historical course, the CMES now offers three
10 credit courses. The first focuses contemporary debates on the Middle East in research and public discourse; the second
focuses key-theories in Middle Eastern studies; and the last provides a history of the modern Middle East. Thus students are
introduced to both research and public opinions about the Middle East from the very outset of the program, and the first
two courses provide a critical context for studying historical aspects of the present Middle East.
2. Linking MA-studies to MECW projects
In June 2012 the first batch of students graduated from the MA-program. Even though the quality of the MA theses so far
has been most satisfactory, not least indicated by the fact that four students already have been admitted to PhD studies
and several other to awarding professional positions, the aspired integration of thesis projects into MECW needs further
strengthening. In order to meet this challenge, the collaboration of students and MECW advisers has been expanded and
initiated at an earlier point from 2012. In addition, the CMES has developed plans to attach (a selection of) MA-thesis
projects to MECW research projects, as formal CMES internships. Aside from such specific research internships, the regular
internship program of the CMES has been further developed during 2012.
3. Establishing innovative outreach practices
The CMES has a strong commitment to outreach, not least responding to the increased demand for expert knowledge
about the Middle East among the general public. The MA-program reflects this commitment in its overall emphasis of the
interconnection of theoretical, analytical and practically applied components. Even so, the innovative outreach practices of
CMES education remains in an explorative phase. During 2012, efforts have been invested in developing the third semester
Field Course, where students have the opportunity to put their knowledge about the Middle East into practice in the
region. Internship experiences have been evaluated and insights have been integrated into the information and planning
process for later batches of students.
Furthermore, during 2012 the MA program has strengthened the training of students in writing popular texts and making
public presentations. The CMES regularly invites journalists, activists and professionals with Middle Eastern experiences as
guest lectures, providing valuable insights in putting theoretical insights into practice. We have also taken steps to revitalize
the successful project of converting excellent MA theses into popularized CMES reports, intended for public circulation, and
are exploring several other ways of making valuable knowledge generated by the MA students publically accessible.
Finally, the project of CMES commissioned education launched in 2012 provides a promising venue for rising levels of
knowledge about the Middle East and multicultural society among Swedish public institutions as well as private business.
PART III: Overviews of the five research
Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures
Hydropolitics, Security, and International Law
Migration and Spatial Mobility
The Middle East in Sweden
Women for Sustainable Growth (Until June 2012)
Members: Reza Arjmand (Co-Domain Leader and Senior Researcher), Stefano Bigliardi (Researcher, Ph.D.) Eric Hooglund
(Senior Researcher), Torsten Janson (Senior Researcher), Ingmar Karlsson (Ambassador), Mark Levine (Senior Researcher),
Christa Salamandra (Senior Researcher until August 2012), Leif Stenberg (Co-Domain Leader and Senior Researcher).
Overview: The diversity and complexity of Islam and Muslim cultures remained the focal points of
this domain. As was the
case in 2011, in 2012 scholars in this domain worked diligently to keep pace with dynamics that generate competing and
contentious interpretations of topics and events that fall under the rubrics of “Islam “ and “Muslim cultures”. Areas falling
under the rubric “Muslim culture(s)” include nations like Iran, Turkey, and Syria that are vastly different from one another in
regard to languages and mainstream cultures as well as emerging nations like the newly independent Kurdistan region of
Northern Iraq. Scholars in this domain have projects in all of these geographical locations.
Members: Karin Aggestam (Project Leader and Senior Researcher), Mohammad Aljaradin (Doctoral Candidate), Ronny
Berndtsson (Domain Leader and Senior Researcher), Hossein Hashemi (Doctoral Candidate), Sihem Jebari (Senior Researcher), Khaldoon Mourad (Doctoral Candidate), Tarek Selim (Doctoral Candidate), Anna Sundell (Doctoral Candidate), and
Joshka Wessels (Senior Researcher).
Overview: In addition to assessments and analyses of the geographical features of waterways, scholars in this domain continue to be faced with the tremendous task of following events, discourses, developments and policies involving the usage
of waterways and water resources within and among nations in the Middle East. To that end, as was the case in 2011, in
2012 this domain maintained three overarching aims: (1) To address the gaps in contemporary research on hydropolitics in
the Middle East by focusing upon how local, national, transboundary, and global perspectives about water impact national
policies and practices of water management; (2) to offer theoretical challenges to the established divisions between conflicts and collaborations regarding water by introducing the local level as a crucial component in national and international
water management; and, (3) to empirically investigate how local communities are affected by water scarcity and national
water management policies. In short, the ongoing work falling under these three aims focuses upon economic, social,
cultural and/or political dynamics of cooperation and conflicts over water scarcity.
Members: Dalia Abdelhady (Co-Domain Leader and Senior Researcher as of August 2012), Abdulhadi Khalaf (Co-Domain
Leader and Senior Researcher until June 2012), Petter Pilesjö (Co-Domain Leaders and Senior Researcher), Lina Eklund
(Doctoral Candidate), Eda Farsakoglu (Doctoral Candidate), Olof Heilo (Post-Doctoral Researcher), Charlotta Zetterwall
(Doctoral Candidate)
Overview: In 2012, as was the case in 2011, the increased movement/ emigration/immigration of peoples within and
beyond the Middle East remained an ongoing process that scholars of this domain endeavored to assess and document.
In just the last 35 years several noteworthy conflicts (for example the 1979 Revolution in Iran and the U.S. led invasions of
Iraq in 1990 and 2003, civil and political unrest in Syria since March of 2011) have created refugee populations within and
beyond the Middle East. Natural resource and labor market inequities within and across the region also influence migration
and mobility patterns. Therefore research on migration and spatial mobility is of increasing importance for understanding
regions, nations, and territories falling under the geographical rubric known as “The Middle East”.
Members: Anders Ackfeldt (Doctoral Candidate), Dan-Erik Andersson (Senior Research), Lory Dance (Domain Leader and
Senior Researcher), Barzoo Eliassi (Post-Doctoral Researcher), Torun Elsrud (Affiliated Senior Researcher), Ulrik Mårtensson
(Researcher), Osama Shomar (Summer Intern), Richard Öhman (MA Candidate).
Overview: Scholars of this domain continued to track new challenges, accomplishments, and societal dynamics affecting
Middle Eastern immigrants in Sweden. This means keeping pace with such ongoing issues such as national belonging
and/or exclusion, Swedish media representations of persons of Middle Eastern descent, hybrid and hyphenated national
identities, integrated and assimilated immigrant communities along side of growing concerns about the degree to which
immigrants are segregated from the Swedish mainstream.
Members: Dalia Abdelhady (Domain Leader and Senior Researcher until June 2012), Erin Frazier (Intern through March
2012), Selma Hedlund (Intern), Lars-Erik Olofsson (Project Manager), Jaleh Taheri (Executive Project Manager, through
March 2012)
Overview: As was the case in 2011, in 2012 this domain strived to build knowledge regarding the contributions of women
in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Members of this domain had the unique challenge of bridging public,
private, and non-governmental organizations to the academy in a joint effort to explore, analyze, and facilitate genderbased entrepreneurial initiatives. More so than the other four domains, Women for Sustainable Growth (WSG) worked
extensively with non-academics. This focus upon non-academics remained the biggest challenge for the WSG domain
As listed directly above, scholars work within five research domains: 1) Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim
Cultures; 2) Hydropolitics, Security, and International Law; 3) Migration and Spatial Mobility; 4) The Middle East in Sweden;
and, 5) Women for Sustainable Growth. Pressure on MECW scholars has increased since 2011. Due to activities and events
organized by CMES/MECW and requests from society at large, in 2012 CMES remained a household name in the Swedish
media. However, this pressure also became a dilemma since it was time consuming to participate in media, lecture to the
public, attend seminars and be available for questions from the public.
In regard to the Hydropolitics, Security and International Law research domain of MECW, a major challenge has been to
perform advanced research and find a common research language across traditional research discipline borders. Another
challenge, for Hydropolitics and other research domains, was to find suitable journals for successful border-crossing
research results. It has also been a challenge to locate potential and suitable funders and to formulate applications for
continuing research funding.
Both the Migration and Spatial Mobility and the Middle East in Sweden research domains have been affected by new
waves of immigration within nations in the Middle East and from the Middle East to Sweden due to civil unrest in Syria.
And the Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures domain had to take into consideration changes related
to Islamist tendencies, movements, groups, and so on within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. All MECW
domains have been affected by the increasing number of scholars in the MENA region who have been placed at risk due to
civil unrest and the silencing of dissent.
Women for Sustainable Growth, a domain primarily organized around non-research activities, was difficult to maintain
within the research-heavy context of CMES/MECW.
Another challenge faced by the Migration and Spatial Mobility research domain could be categorized under the label
of “LU outreach problems”. In other words, it has not been easy to get in contact with researchers (and teachers) at a
university as vast as Lund.
An initiative taken in regard to CMES/MECW scholars being in high demand was that scholars were forced to be more
selective in responding to media requests as well as lecture and seminar invitations.
Initiatives taken by the Hydropolitics research domain to overcome traditional limiting structures was to regularly meet in
cross-disciplinary seminars and discussions. Scholars in this domain have approached two high-quality journals to discuss
possible publications and succeeded to convince the Hydrological Sciences Journal to publish a special issue on Hydrology
and Peace in the Middle East, and also a special issue on Rainwater Harvesting in the Middle East in the journal Middle East
The changes in migration patterns linked to civil unrest in Syria have occurred relatively quickly so the Migration and Spatial
Mobility and the Middle East in Sweden domains’ responses have remained works-in-progress. Initial plans during 2012
were to map migratory patterns. These plans have continued and will now take into account the impact of civil unrest in
Syria. In taking into consideration changes related to Islamist tendencies within the MENA region, the Contemporary Interpretations of Islam and Muslim Cultures domain has researched the role of Islam in authoritarian states and what regulates
the production of Islam in general. In regard to the growing numbers of scholars placed at risk in the MENA region, CMES/
MECW was actively involved in efforts to include Swedish universities in the international network of universities and colleges involved with the Scholars At Risk organization.
The “Women for Sustainable Growth (WSG)” initiative, which was temporarily reconfigured as a domain at the start of
2012, was designed to have a short-term relationship with CMES/MECW. CMES/MECW acted as an incubator to give this
initiative an opportunity to stand on its own. By the start of the fall 2012 semester, WSG, or the new acronym “W4SG,”
had become a Non-Profit Association.
To resolve the “LU outreach” problems mentioned above, the Migration and Spatial Mobility research domain involved the
International Relations Office of Lund University. In short, scholars in this domain have linked MECW to the work of this
office (e.g. scholarship programs and EU programs, and then especially Erasmus Mundus Action 2 programs in Iran, Iraq,
Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Israel and the GULF countries). As a result, MECW has become more visible within Lund
University and the scope of MECW has been increased.
PART IV: Guest Lecturers, Speakers and Film
2012 was a year full of guest lecturers and speakers who were informative and engaging. It was also a year of enlightening
Modern Turkey Seminar Series
Daniella Kuzmanovic- University of Copenhagen “The Making of Icons of Journalism in Turkey: Ugur Mumcu Revisited” 26
January 2012
Ayhan Aktar- Marmara University “The Transformation of Istanbul 1860-2010” 15 March 2012
Ruth Mandel- University of Chicago “Cosmopolitan Anxieties: Turkish Challenges to Citizenship and Belonging in Germany”
29 March 2012
Andrea Karlsson-Lund University “Liberal Intellectuals and the Transformation of Law and the Public Sphere in Contemporary Turkey” 19 April 2012
Anne Ross Solberg – Södertörn University “The Mahdi wears Armani: Creationism and neo-Ottomanism in Harun Yahya’s
Popular Islamic Discourse” 25 October 2012
Marlies Casier- University of Ghent “Contesting the ‘Truth’ of Turkey’s Human Rights Situation: State- Association Interactions and the Kurdish National Movement in Turkey” 1 November 2012
Åsa Elden- Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul “Experiences of Violence Recaptured: Media Logics and Gendered Violence
in Today’s Turkey” 15 November, 2012
Deniz Kandiyoti- School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) “The Travails of the Secular: Puzzle and Paradox in Turkey”
29 November 2012
Vit Sisler- Charles University in Prague “Digital Heroes: Video Games and Identity Construction in Iran” 19 January, 2012
Naomi Sakr- University of Westminster Co-organized with the Association of Foreign Affairs “Possibilities for Public Service
Broadcasting in Arab Countries after the Events of 2011” 9 February 2012
Volker Perthes- Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik “Political and Geopolitical Dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa:
The Arab Revolts in Year Two, and the Role of Europe” 23 February 2012
Hatsuki Aishima- National Museum of Ethnology “Listen Between the Lines: Orality and Textuality of Modern Islamic
Thought” 1 March 2012
Taner Edis- Truman State University “The Science And Religion Debate in Modern Islam” 8 March 2012
Andrea Teti- University of Aberdeen “(Post) Democratization and the Arab Spring: The Politics of Democracy Promotion in
the Middle East” 16 March 2012
Fariba Adelkhah- Sciences-Po Co-organized with The Association of Foreign Affairs “Religious Dependency in Afghanistan:
Shia Madrasas as a Religious Mode of Social Assertion?” 22 March 2012
Mustafa Azkia- University of Tehran “Rural Development in Iran” 27 March 2012
Marilyn Booth- University of Edinburgh “The Islamic Politics of John Stuart Mill: Street Literature, Translation and Gender
Activism in Egypt” 5 April 2012
Frances Hasso- Duke University “Assessing the Gendered and Sexual Dimensions of the Egyptian Revolution” 3 May 2012
Cristina Malcolmson- Bates College “Why does Azar Nafisi Misread Jane Austen? Western Feminism in Lolita in Tehran” 10
May 2012
John Esposito- Georgetown University “Ingmar Karlsson Lecture” Co-organized with the Association of Foreign Affairs 21
May 2012
Panel Discussion with Mattias Gardell, Aje Carlbom and Barzoo Eliassi “Den Svenska Mångkulturella Modellen?” 8 November 2012
Participants for 2012
Cecilia Udden 2 February 2012
Jaleh Taheri 7 February 2012
Tim Foxley 21 February 2012
Darcy Thompson 3 April 2012
Christa Salamandra 24 April 2012
Lina Eklund 15 May 2012
Focus Syria
The Leopard 16 March 2012
Film Essay on the Euphrates Dam 13 April 2012
A Flood in Baath Country 13 April 2012
Michael Singh, Director and Producer, Valentino’s Ghost: The Politics Behind the Images (a documentary). Documentary
Screening and Q&A with Michael Singh: 26 November 2012 at Inkonst (29 Bergsgatan) in Malmö and 27 November 2012 at
Lund University (SoL Building).
Appendix - Specific Activities of the MECW
research domains
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Bruden är vacker men har redan en man. Wahlström och Widstrand.
Edited Volumes
Hooglund, Eric & Leif Stenberg (eds) 2012, ”Navigating Contemporary Iran. Challenging economic, social and political
perceptions. Routledge Advances in Middle East and Islamic Studies, Routledge, London.
Otterbeck, Jonas & Leif Stenberg (red.) 2012, ”Islamologi – Studiet av en religion”, Stockholm: Carlssons
Bigliardi, S. 2012. “Barbour’s Typoligies and the Contemporary Debate on Islam and Science” published in Zygon: Journal
for Science and Religion, September 2012.
Bigliardi, S. 2012. “The Strange Case of Dr. Bucaille: Notes for a Re-examination” The Muslim World, April 2012.
Janson,T. 2012.”Imaging Islamic Identity: Negotiated Norms of Representation in Euro-Muslim Picture Books”. Comparative
Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2012
Salamandra, C. 2012. The Muhannad Effect: Media Panic, Melodrama, and the Arab Female Gaze Anthropological Quarterly Vol. 85, No 1
Salamandra, C. 2012. “Reflections on Sectarianism in Syria,” Anthropology News, November 2012.
Stenberg, Leif 2012, ”Religionspolitik i Syrien”, Kristen humanism 2012 Tro och Politik, Förbundet Kristen Humanism,
Book chapters
Hooglund, E. 2012. “Decoding Ahmadinejad’s Rhetoric on Israel,” in Hooglund and Stenberg’s eds., Navigating Contemporary Iran (London: Routledge. 2012).
Hooglund, Eric & Leif Stenberg 2012, ”Introduction; What is Iran’s Essence?, in Hooglund, Eric & Leif Stenberg (eds.)
”Navigating Contemporary Iran. Challenging economic, social and political perceptions. Routledge Advances in Middle East
and Islamic Studies, Routledge, London.
Salamandra, C. 2012. “The New Old City: Nostalgia, Representation and Gentrification in Historic Damascus.” In Vinayak
Bharne, ed., The Emerging Asian City: Concomitant Urbanities & Urbanisms. London: Routledge, 2013. (already available)
Janson, T. 2012. “Den beslöjade barnboken. Kultur- och genusförhandling i brittisk-muslimsk barnlitteratur”.Jonas Otterbeck & Leif Stenberg red. Islamologi: studietav en religion. Stockholm: Carlssons
Stenberg, Leif 2012, ”‘Nedsändelserna’, al-Ma’thurat, - en handledning i konsten att vara en from muslim”, i Otterbeck,
Jonas & Leif Stenberg (red.) Islamologi – Studiet av en religion, Stockholm: Carlssons
Newspaper Articles
Levine, M. 2012. Weekly column on Al Jazeera English Website.
Salamandra, C. 2012. consultant article “ Mideast Men go Under Knife for Manly Mustaches,” 29 November,
Stenberg, L. 2012. ”Minoritetets mångfald”, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, published February 20
Stenberg, L. 2012. ”Djupa sår i det syriska samhället”, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, published February 22
Conferences and conferences engagements
Conferences Participation/ Presentations
Arjmand, Reza. 2012. Movie Screening, “This is not A Film” in Malmö Film Festival project chairing presenting in a panel,
October 2, 2012.
Arjmand, Reza. 2012. March 2. Speech in “Zero Silence” a conference for web activism in the Middle East and North Africa
(Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, Jordan Lebanon and Syria), March 2, 2012
Arjmand, Reza. 2012. The Arab Spring — on film and via Twitter. The Arab Spring Conference in Malmö
Arjmand, Reza. 2012. The new Middle East: Challenges and opportunities. Lecture at The Swedish Institute of Foreign
Affairs, Stockholm. April 29, 2012
Arjmand, Reza. 2012. Holding a workshop on “Women and agency in Iran”. Istanbul. June 2-6, 2012
Bigliardi, Stefano. 2012. One in Many, Many in One. How Integration Emerged in the Contemporary Debate on Islam and
Science (Lecture with Leif Stenberg), University of Constance, Germany, February 8, 2012.
Bigliardi, Stefano. 2012. A Unity with Many Virtues.From Recognition of Plurality toIntegration within the Contemporary
Discourse on Islam and Science. At: Religious Diversity to Religious Pluralism: What is at Stake? University of Padua, Italy,
February 15-16, 2012
Bigliardi, Stefano. 2012. The Adventures of An Extraordinary Concept: Islam, Science andthe Challenge of Miracles. At:
International Association for the History of Religions Special Conference 2012. Religions, Science and Technology in Cultural
Contexts: Dynamics of Change. NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, March 1-2, 2012.
Bigliardi, Stefano. 2012. Above Amazement and Analysis. Reading the Contemporary Muslim Debate on Miracles through
Philosophia Perennis. At: Canadian Jacques Maritain Association’s conference Religious Wisdom and Perennial Philosophy:
East and West. St. Jerome University, Waterloo, Canada, May 30-31, 2012.
Hooglund, Eric. 2012. Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting (MESA), “Re-Interpreting Islam and Nationalism in
Iran”, Denver, November 2012.
Hooglund, Eric. 2012. Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting (MESA), “Gender and Entrepreneurship in the
MENA Region”,Denver, November 2012.
Janson, Torsten .2012. “Mosques in Sweden”. Public lecture for public officials (municipal politicians, police, religious
organizations) Malmö, February 21, 2012.
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Hvilans folkhögskola (Eurabien) February 28, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Fredsrörelsen på Orust (Mellanöstern) March 19, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Pensionärsuniversitetet Uppsala (Eurabien) March 21, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. CTR (Andalusien) April 3, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Humanistiska förbundet i Oskarshamn (Palestina) April 16, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Allmänna försvarsföreningen i Växjö (Mellanöstern) April 17,
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Biblioteket i Värnamo: Bruden är Vacker men Har Redan en Man April 23, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Utrikespolitiska Institutet Stockholm: Bruden är Vacker men Har Redan en Man April 24, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Istanbulinstitutets vänner Stockholm: Bruden är Vacker men Har Redan en Man April 25, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. East Capitals styrelse Stockholm (Turkiet) April 26, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Historielärardag Polhemsskolan Lund (MÖ) May 2, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. ABF Stockholm Book : Bruden är Vacker men Har Redan en Man May 8, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Rotary Växjö Book : Bruden är Vacker men Har Redan en Man May 16, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Domkyrkoforum Lund Book : Bruden är Vacker men Har Redan en Man May 26, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Rotary Gislaved Book : Bruden är Vacker men Har Redan en Man May 30, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012.. Sjöviks folkhögskola Avesta (Palestinafrågan) June 1-2, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Almedalen Socialdemokratiska kvinnoförbundet (Den arabiska våren) July 3, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Sommarakademin Tomelilla folkhögskola (Sionismen) August 5, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Rotary Smålandsstenar (Bruden är vacker) August 16, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Förvaltningsrätten Malmö (Minoriteter i Mellanöstern) September 7, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Humanistiska samfundet i Gävle (Mellanöstern) September 11, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Utrikespolitiska föreningen Lunds universitet (Syrien) September 19, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Jämshögs folkhögskola (Turkiet) September 20, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Tre framträdanden på bokmässan i Göteborg (Bruden är vacker) September 28-30, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Rotary Lund (Bruden är vacker) October 5, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Lantbrukarnas Riksförbunds styrelse (Turkiet) October 16, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. ABF och Palestinagrupperna i Varberg (Mellanöstern) October 18, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. ABF Stockholm (Bruden är vacker) October 23, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Lärardag i Gislaved (Mellanöstern) October 29, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Swedbanks styrelse och stora kunder (Turkiet) November 9, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. ABF Stockholm (Turkiet) November 29, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Smålands gille i Lund (Religiösa minoriteter med bakgrund i Mellanöstern) December 6, 2012
Karlsson, Ingmar. 2012. Lions Club Smålandsstenar (Mellanöstern) December 7, 2012
Salamandra, Christa. 2012. From “Hope, there Isn’t Any” to “Freedom and Nothing But”: The Subversive Potential of Syrian
Television Drama, conference abstract, 2012
Salamandra, Christa. 2012. Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting (MESA), “Prelude to an Uprising: Syrian
Fictional Television and Socio-Political Critique,” Denver, November 2012.
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Moderator and discussant, panel on film from the Middle East with film directors from Middle East,
Gothenburg film Festival, January 30, 2012.
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Lecture: Organization for retired people in Lund about the uprisings in the Middle East, February 13,
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Conference organized by Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, on the Arab Spring, April
25-27, 2012
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Lecture Rotary Stockholm about the Arab Spring, October 30, 2012.
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Finnish Colloquium on Middle Eastern Studies at Tampere University. I represented and presented
Center for Middle Eastern Studies and the Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies, August 24-26, 2012.
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Conference “Christians in the Middle East”, Lund University, “Contemporary Christianity in Syria”,
December 7, 2012.
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Conference Middle East Studies Association (MESA) in Denver, USA, November 14-20, 2012
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Workshop on hip hop and Islam at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, introducing the Center and
the Strategic Research Area, October 26, 2012.
Stenberg, Leif. 2012. Lecture Swedish Board of Migration/Migrationsverket Malmö on the modern history of Syria and the
current development in the country, October 31, 2012.
Grant Activity
Grants Funded
Arjmand, R. 2012. Gendered Public Space in Iran. A joint project with School of Architecture Lund University and Department of sustainable Design, Lund University
Arjmand, R. 2012. February. Grant application for collaboration between Columbia University and Lund University (Received)
Arjmand, R. 2012. April. Grant application for guest researcher in American University of Beirut (Action 2). (Received)
Bigliardi, S. 2012. Erik och Gurli Hultengrens Fond 16500 SEK, which will entirely cover the expenditures for the conference
in Australia.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Research: field trip to American University in Sharjah, interviewing students for the project on transnational students in higher education in Asia, February 18-March 3, 2012.
University Teaching & Guest Lecture Activity
Arjmand, R. 2012. Key Methods in Middle Eastern Studies, Spring 2012
Arjmand, R. 2012. Theories and concepts in Middle Eastern Studies, Fall 2012
Arjmand, R. 2012. Public Seminar on “Women only Parks in Iran” at CMES, November 9, 2012
Bigliardi, S. 2012. Lecture given to the CMES students on his ongoing research, March 6 and 9, 2012.
Bigliardi, S. 2012. He has given the internal seminar: “Islam and Science: We have a New Generation –What Now, What
Next, Where to?” October 2012
Hooglund, E. 2012 Politics and International Relations in the Middle East, Spring 2012
Janson, T. 2012. Course leader for MA Thesis Course (30 credits), MA in Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, Spring
semester 2012
Janson, T. 2012. Course leader for Individual Field Course (15 credits), MA in Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, Fall
semester 2012
Janson, T. 2012. Course leader and co-instructor for Islam: Religion, Culture and Politics in the Middle East (7,5 credits), MA
in Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, Spring semester 2012
Janson, T. 2012. Lecture and seminar on Islamism and Islamophobia for teacher’s students (secondary school social
sciences/religion), Malmö University Teacher’s education, 13/4, 2012
Janson, T. 2012. Lecture and seminar on Islamism and Islamophobia for teacher’s students (primary school), Malmö University Teacher’s education, 29/5, 2012
Janson, T. 2012. Lecture and seminar on Islamism and Islamophobia for teacher’s students, (social sciences, final year),
Malmö University Teacher’s education, 19/9, 2012
Janson, T. 2012. Lecture and seminar on Islamism and Islamophobia for teacher’s students (international students), Malmö
University Teacher’s education, 6/11, 2012
Levine, M. 2012. Social Movements, Protest and Public Sphere in the Middle East, Spring 2012
Salamandra, C. 2012. Seminar, “The Dark Aesthetic: Social Realist Television and Dissident Culture in Syria’ Kevorkian
Center for Middle Eastern Studies, New York University, November 2012.
Salamandra, C. 2012. Seminar, “Dramatizing Damascus: Syrian Television Creators between complicity and Critique,” CUNY
Graduate Center, November 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Lecture at Oxford University, Oxford Islamic Centre. On Muslims in Sweden, February 1, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Lecture at Uppsala University on history and current development of Islam in the Near East, March 19,
Stenberg, L. 2012. Official visit to the Center for Middle Eastern Studies by Professor Nimrod Hurvitz, Ben Gurion University, Israel, March 28, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Lecture, “Folk och Försvar”, Halmstad högskola, “The role of religion in the Middle East”, May 10, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Lecture Peace- and Conflict Studies, Lund University, “Religion and Politics in Syria”, September 27, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Lecture Malmö högskola, “Honorary crimes, Islam and the Middle East”, October 2, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012.3 Lectures at Umeå University, one for students on the new edited volume about the field of Islamology,
one a research seminar about a text on religion and politics in Syria and one was the annual Lagerqvist lecture 2012 about
Syria’s Arab Spring, September 25-26, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012.Conference at Dalarna University College in Falun. I presented a paper on recent discussions on the role
of religion in Syria, September 20-22, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012.Workshop on transnational student mobility in Asia, Lund, March 30, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012.Conference at Gothenburg University on developments in higher education and focus on gender,
presentation of a paper about my project transnational mobility in the United Arab Emirates within the larger project, April
11-13, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. PhD course at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Lecture on Islam and modern science, October
3-7, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Lecture Center for Theology and Religious Studies within the program Religious Roots of Europe, “Mosques, Shrines, and Holy Places – discussing the creation of sacred environments in Damascus, Syria”, October 23, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Lecture Students Foreign Policy Association at Malmö högskola, “Religion and Politics in Syria, October
25, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Seminar, presentation of new edited volume entitled ”Islamologi – studietav en religion”, March 23.
Innovative Activities
Stenberg, L. 2012. Seminar on United Nations and Syria in Borås (UNA Sweden), December 8, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Representatives of the web site “Your Middle East” visited the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, to
discuss cooperation, August 31, 2012.
Media Related Appearances
Television Interviews
Stenberg, L. 2012. TV4 News discussing uprisings in the Middle East in the program entitled
”Rosenberg”,January 26, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. TV4 News interview about the handling of Syria in the UN Security Council,
February 1, 2012.
Strenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National TV, SVT 1, on the relationship between Syria and Iran,
February 14, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. TV4 News about the developments in Syria, February 22, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. SVT 2 ”Aktuellt” about the election and situation in Syria, March 15, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National TV SVT 1 about the election in Egypt, June 21, 2012.
Strenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National TV SVT 1 on the developments in Syria, July 19, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National TV SVT 1 about the role of religion in the Arab Uprisings, July 25, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National TV SVT 1 about chemical weapons in Syria, December 4, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National TV SVT 1 about merging role of Qatar in the Middle East, December 10, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview Swedish National TV SVT 1 about bombings in Damascus, July, 18, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Seminar Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, lecture on
developments in North Africa and the Middle East, Broadcasted on TV UR-Samtiden, UR-Play, March 29, 2012.
Karlsson, I. 2012. 26.4 SVTs morgonprogram (Syrien)
Karlsson, I. 2012. Kunskapskanalen. Inspelning av En bok en författare 1 November, 2012
Radio Interviews
Arjmand, R. 2012. SR Studio1: An analysis on the current situation in the Middle East, March 6, 2012
Bigliardi, S. 2012. Radio interview in Australia: ABC Radio National Encounter 4 August 2012.
Programme: ENCOUNTER – Religious Diversity, Truth and Authenticity; Producer: Margaret Coffey. Saturday, August 4, 5.05
pm ( )
Karlsson, I. 2012. God morgon världen Syrien February 5, 2012
Karlsson, I. 2012. Nyhetsmorgon Syrien February 10, 2012
Karlsson, I. 2012. Människor och tro (Alaviterna i Syrien) March 2, 2012
Karlsson, I. 2012. Nyhetsmorgon (Syrien) March 22, 2012
Karlsson, I. 2012. Människor och tro (Bruden är vacker) April 20, 2012
Karlsson, I. 2012. Studio 1 (Turkiet och Syrien) September 10, 2012
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National Radio P1 about Syria, January 30, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Nyheter24, National Radio channel, interview about handling of Syria in the
UN Security Council, February 1, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about the situation in Syria, February 5, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National Radio P1 ”Människor & Tro” about Syria, February 10, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about the situation in Syria, February 11, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about the situation in Syria, February 15, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about the situation in Syria, February 28, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio PI about Syria, March 8, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about the situation in Syria, March 11, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about election in Syria, March 13, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about developments in Syria, March 18, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about meetings within Syria’s opposition in Istanbul, April 2,
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P1 about current situation in Syria, April 10, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about current developments in Syria, April 11, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about Anders Behring Breivik and views on terrorism in the
Middle East, April 20, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview Swedish National radio P1 about the current development in Syria, May 28, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio ”Allt om nyheter” about development in Syria, May 29, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P1, “Människor och Tro, June 1, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P1 about Muhammed Morsi’s victory in the Egyptian election, June 25, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview Swedish National radio P 1, “Ekot”, about the situation in Syria, July 19, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P 1 about Israel’s and Saudi Arabia’s view on the uprising in Syria, July 24, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P 1 about defectors from the Syrian army, August 7, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview Swedish National radio P 1 “Ekot” about the political developments in Egypt, August 13, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview Swedish National radio P 1 “Ekot” about developments in the Middle East, September 6, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P 1 about the meeting of Syrian opposition in Doha, Qatar, November 5, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P 1 about the situation in Syria, November 13, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P 1 about chemical weapons in Syria, December 4, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Swedish National radio P 1 about the developments and future prospects in Syria, December 12, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview Finnish radio Vega YLE about the developments in Syria, April 10, 2012.
Newspaper/Magazine Interviews
Arjmand, R. 2012.BBC Persian, analysis on higher education reform in Iran, April 3, 2012
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview “Sydsvenska Dagbladet” about bombings in Damascus, July 18, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview, Political magazine ”Fokus” about situation in Syria. Published February 3, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview ”Dagens Nyheter”, about the situation in Syria, February 5, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview ”Dagens Nyheter”, about the situation in Syria, February 6, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview in ”Sydsvenska Dagbladet” about the situation in Syria, February 7, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview ”Aftonbladet” about election in Syria, March 14, 2012
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview ”Länstidningen Södertälje” about Christians in Syria, March, 16, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview ”Nerikes Allehanda” about the developments in Syria, March 11, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview ”Dagens Nyheter” about Anders Behring Breivik and views on terrorism in the Middle East,
April 23, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview ”Sydsvenska Dagbladet” about the developments and international engagement in Syria, June
9, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview, Political magazine ”Fokus” about situation in Syria, June 12, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview Swedish News Agency TT about developments in Egypt, July 10, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview ”Svenska Dagbladet” about developments in Egypt, July 10, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview “Östgöta Correspondenten” about the situation in Syria, July 13, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview “Sydsvenska Dagbladet”, 5 questions about Syria, July 16, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview “Arbetaren” about current developments in Syria, July 17, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview in ”Svenska Dagbladet” about conflicts in Aleppo and Damascus, Syria, July 27, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview “Arbetaren” about the situation in Syria, October 2, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview “Expressen” on the developments in Syria, October 13, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview, students from Department of Journalism about current developments in the Middle East,
February 16, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Interview Students on the program for Journalism, Södertörn högskola, about uprisings in the Middle
East, November 29, 2012.
National and International Collaboration
Stenberg, L. 2012. Visit to the embassy of Turkey in Stockholm discussing the possibility of assistance in regard to Turkish
teaching at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, April 11, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. MA course on Muslims in Europe at Ben Gurion University, Israel, May 18-June 10, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Meeting at Kaunas University, Lithuania, concerning collaboration between MA-programs, August
28-30, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Seminar on United Nations and Syria in Borås (UNA Sweden), December 8, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Board meeting Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies in Lund, February 17, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. London representing the Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies at EURAMES meeting in London,
March 26-27, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Visit to the Center for Middle Eastern Studies by Lieutenant Colonel Nikolaus Rottenberg, Ministry of
Defence, Austria: Security and Defence Policy Adviser in the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports, and Adjunct Professor
for International Relations at Webster University, USA, April 20, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Annual board meeting Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Stockholm, elected vice-chairperson, April
24, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Business meeting al-Babtain foundation, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Discussions concerning the organization of
a joint conference in Copenhagen, April 28-30, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Seminar Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, moderator for a panel on U.S. Policy in the
Middle East, May 3, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Professor Steve Beaumont, University of Glasgow, visited the Center for Middle East Studies, May 4,
Stenberg, L. 2012. Meeting in Stockholm between board of Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul and the Swedish Tercentenary Foundation, September 3, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Board meeting in Stockholm, the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, September 6, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Dr. Christian von Scheve, Free University of Berlin, visited the Center for Middle Eastern Studies to discuss
collaboration on a joint application for a EU HERA grant, September 12, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Professor Muhammad Redzuan Othman, University of Malaya, visited the Center for Middle Eastern
Studies., October 15, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Delegation from Yarmouk University, Jordan, visited the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, October 15,
Stenberg, L. 2012. Meeting in Stockholm with representatives of Turkish think thank TESEV, November 12, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Lecture Swedish Defence Force in Uppsala about the history and development of Islam, November 13,
Stenberg, L. 2012. Representing the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at a reception at the Turkish Embassy,
Other activities
Arjmand, R. 2012. Faculty opponent for Antonia Mandry’s dissertation on Human Rights in Turkey. Department of International and Transcultural Studies, Columbia University.
Arjmand, R. 2012. Faculty opponent for dissertation on “Norwegian-Iranian Relationship” in Centre for Middle Eastern
Studies, Oslo University.
Janson, T. 2012. Member (reserve) of academic committee at the public defense of PhD dissertation defended by Hege
Irene Markussen, Teaching History, Learning Piety: An Alevi Foundation in Contemporary Turkey, 1/6, 2012.
Stefano Bigliardi has been invited to serve as a guest editor for a special issue of “Social Epistemology” on Islam and
Stefano Bigliardi has been invited to contribute with a paper on Zaki Kirmani and Sir Seyyed Ahmed Khan to a volume on
science and religion: east and west, which will be part of a new series in Science and Technology Studies, edited by Prof.
Sundar Sarukkai (Manipal, India). The volumes commissioned by Routledge and will appear in a new series for science and
technology studies.
Stefano Bigliardi has been invited to lecture at the Punjabi University of Patiala (March 4-8, 2013) and at the Aligarh Muslim
University (March 17, 2013).
Stenberg, L. 2012. External evaluator for the Danish Velux Fund concerning applications about research on the Middle East,
August 13, 2012.
Stenberg, L. 2012. Board meeting Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Stockholm, February 15, 2012
Refereed journal articles
Aljaradin, M. and K. M. Persson. (2012). Environmental impact of municipal solid waste landfills in semi-arid climates- case
study -Jordan., The Open Waste Management Journal, 5, 28-39
Aljaradin M. and K. M. Persson. (2012). Comparison of different waste management technologies and climate change
effects in Jordan. Amer. J. Climate Change, 1, 57-63.
Aljaradin, M. (2012). Comparison of oil shale retort water treatment methods. J. Water Managem. Res., 68, 37-41.
Bhunya, P.K., P.K. Singh, R. Berndtsson, and S.N. Panda, (2012), Flood analysis using generalized logistic models in partial
duration series, J. Hydrol., 420-421, 59-71.
Bhunya, P.K., R. Berndtsson, S.K. Jain, and R. Kumar (2012), Flood analysis using negative binomial and generalized Pareto
models in partial Duration Series (PDS), J. Hydrol., (accept).
Bouksila, F., Persson M., Bahri A. and R. Berndtsson, (2012), Electromagnetic induction predictions of soil salinity and
groundwater properties in a Tunisian Saharan oasis, Hydrol. Sci. J., 57, 1473-1486.
Bouksila, F., A. Bahri, R. Berndtsson, M. Persson, J. Rozemae, and S. van der Zeef, (2012), Assessment of soil salinization
risks under irrigation with brackish water in semiarid Tunisia, Environm. Exper. Bot., accept.
Hamed, Y.A., T.S. Abdelmoneim, M.H. Elkiki, M.A. Hassan, and R. Berndtsson (2012), Assessment of heavy metals pollution
and microbial contamination in water, sediments, and fish of Lake Manzala, Egypt, Life Sci. J., 10, (in print).
Hamed, Y.A., H. Yasuda, M. Persson, and R. Berndtsson (2012), Modeling solute transport in three different soil types in
northeastern Egypt, Arid Land Res. Managem., (accept).
Hashemi, H., R. Berndtsson, M. Kompani-Zare, and M. Persson, Natural vs. artificial groundwater recharge, quantification
through inverse modeling, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 9, 9767-9807.
Jebari, S., R. Berndtsson, F. Lebdi, and A. Bahri, (2012), Historical aspects of soil erosion in the Mejerda catchment, Tunisia,
Hydrol. Sci. J., 57, 1-12.
Jebari, S., R. Berndtsson, J. Olsson, and A. Bahri, (2012), Soil erosion estimation based on rainfall disaggregation, J. Hydrol.,
436-437, 102-110.
Jebari S., R. Berndtsson, F. Lebdi, C. Uvo, and A. Bahri, (2012), Rainfall trend and impact on discharge and siltation for
Mellegue catchment, Approved with moderate revision in Hydrol. Res. (accept).
Mourad, K., R. Berndtsson, W. Abu-El-Sha’r, and A.M. Qudah, (2012), Modeling tool for air stripping and carbon adsorbers
to remove trace organic contaminants, Int. J. Thermal Environm. Engin., 4, 99-106.
Mourad, K. and R. Berndtsson, (2012), Water status in the Syrian water basins, Open J. Modern Hydrol., 2, 15-20.
Mourad, K. and R. Berndtsson, (2012), Analysis of agricultural production in Syria from a virtual water flow perspective, J.
Agric. Sci. Applic., 1(3), 60-66.
Mourad, A.K., Alshehabi, O. and Berndtsson, R., (2012), Assessment of future Syrian water resources supply and demand
by WEAP model (subm.).
Nakagawa, K., M. Saito, and R. Berndtsson, (2012), On the importance of hysteresis and heterogeneity in the numerical
simulation of unsaturated flow, Hydrol. Res. Lett., 6, 59-64. Nicolas
Schoeffler, N., M. Aljaradin and K. M Persson. (2012). Groundwater quality in the surroundings of Mafraq landfill, Jordan.
The Journal of Water Management and Research, 68, 97-101,[ISSN: 0042-2886].
Selim, T., R. Berndtsson, M. Persson, M. Somaida, M. El-Kiki, Y. Hamed, and A. Mirdan, (2012), Numerical evaluation of
subsurface trickle irrigation with brackish water, Irrig. Sci., (DOI: 10.1007/s00271-012-0393-6).
Selim, T., R. Berndtsson, M. Persson, M. Somaida, M. El-Kiki, Y. Hamed, A. Mirdan, and Q. Zhou, (2012), Influence of
geometric design of alternate partial root-zone subsurface drip irrigation (APRSDI) with brackish water on soil moisture and
salinity distribution, Agric. Water Manag., 103, 182-190.
Conference papers published in refereed or peer-reviewed conference proceedings
Wessels, J.I. (2012) Qanat rehabilitation as a viable tool for collective action for social development and conflict resolution
in rural communities in arid areas for the International Conference on Traditional Knowledge for Water Resources Manage-
ment 21-23 February 2012, Yazd, Iran
Sivakumar, B., H. S. Kim, and R. Berndtsson, (2012), Chaos in Hydrology: Bridging Determinism and Stochasticity, Springer.
Book Chapters
Bhunya, P.K., and R. Berndtsson, R. D. Singh, and S.N. Panda, (2012), A Sediment Graph Model Based on SCS-CN Method.
In: Sediment Transport, InTech Open Access Publisher. ISBN ISBN 978-953-307-374-3 (
Mourad, K., and R. Berndtsson, (2012), Grapes as an alternative crop for water saving, In: Grapes: varieties, cultivation, and
nutritional status, Editors: Ralph P. Murphy and Christopher K. Steifler, Series: Agriculture Issues and Policies, Nova Publishers, ebook, (
Wessels, Joshka. (2012). Water use and rights—Middle East and North Africa. In Louis Kotzé & Stephen Morse (Eds.), The
Encyclopedia of Sustainability: Vol. 9. Afro-Eurasia: Assessing Sustainability (pp. 371–378). Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire
Publishing, USA.
Wessels, J.I. (2012) Groundwater and qanats in Syria; Leadership, ownership and abandonment in “‘Water, Cultural
Diversity, and Global Environmental Change: Emerging Trends, Sustainable Futures?’ by Johnston, B. R. et al (eds.), United
Nations Educational and Scientific Organisation-International Hydrological Programme, Springer Press, USA, pp. 149-163
Doctoral Theses
Mourad, K., (2012), Marginal and virtual water for sustainable water resources management in Syria, Ph.D. Thesis, TVVR
1055, Dep. of Water Resour. Eng., Lund Univ., Lund, pp. 1-33+9 app.
Selim, T., (2012), Evaluation of modern irrigation techniques with brackish water, Ph.D. thesis, Rep. No. 1056, Dep. of Water
Resour. Eng., Lund University, Lund, 1-63 + 6 app.
Master’s Theses
Lundqvist, C. and R. Jenryd (2012), Improving irrigation efficiency in Egypt, M. Sc. Thesis Rep., Dep. Water Resour. Eng.,
Lund Univ.
Berndtsson, R., and C. Uvo, (2012), Hydrology for ecosystem engineering students, 2nd edition.Text book for M. Sc. course
in Hydrology and Aquatic Ecology, Lund Univ., 130 pp.
Berndtsson, R., C. Uvo, and L.-A. Hansson, (2012), Project work Riseberga River, 2nd edition, Exercize book for for M. Sc.
course in Hydrology and Aquatic Ecology, Lund Univ., 77 pp.
Jebari, S. (2012), Water harvesting systems in Tunisia. Internal report, 10 pp. INRGREF, Tunis, Tunisia.
Research Activities (for which funding has already been received)
Wessels, J., (2012), Literature review, research plan development – January 2012.
Wessels, J., (2012), Development & design methodological tool (hydromonopoly boardgame).
Wessels, J., (2012), Fieldwork Golan Heights – February 2012.
Wessels, J., (2012), Data analysis, testing/experiments serious gaming, (video) data transcription, literature & discourse
analysis, writing papers – March - September 2012.
Wessels, J., (2012), Fieldwork Occupied Palestine – November 2012
Conference Participation/Presentations, Public Lectures and/or Speaking Engagements
Aljaradin, M. (2012), Evaluation of different daily cover using Hydrus 2d/3d Simulation, presented in The Sixth International
Conference on Environmental Science and Technology June 25-29 th, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
Aljaradin, M. (2012), Environmental impact of MSW in Arid Areas-Jordan presented in the first Swedish, French workshop
on waste management, ENSIL, Limoges University, August 27th 2012, France.
Bouksila, F., A. Bahri, R. Berndtsson, M. Persson, J. Rozema, and S. van der Zee, (2012), Assessment of soil salinisation
risks under irrigation with brackish water in the semi-arid and desertic Tunisia, Intern. Conf. “Sustainable cultivation and
exploitation of halophyte crops in a salinizing world” at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 18-19 April
Khatami, S.M. and R. Berndtsson, (2012), Integrated watershed management to save the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Lake
Urmia, Iran, AWRA 2012 Annual Conference on Water Resources, Jacksonville, FL, Nov. 12-15, 2012.
Mourad, A.K. (2012), Domestic and industrial water demands in Syria. Poster submitted to Hydrogeology of Arid Environments. 14 - 17 March, 2012. Hannover, Germany.
Participation Workshop Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) Transboundary Water Management Cluster Group,
in conjunction with Riksbanken Network on Transboundary Wessels, J.I. (2012) Waters and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), “Shared Water New Challenges for Peace & Development”, 3-4 December, Stockholm, Sweden.
Wessels, J.I. (2012) The Jordan River Basin Game: Steps towards sustainable river management in an insecure and conflictuous basin, paper to be presented at Session 5 at the International Conference Tapping The Turn, Water’s social dimensions,
Canberra University, 15-16 November, 2012, Canberra, Australia
Wessels, J.I. (2012) “Valleys of Hope and Despair; peace building through independent environmental documentaries”, 4th
International conference on Peace & Reconciliation through Art, Music and Film, Jerusalem, November, 2012
Wessels, J.I. (2012) Panel member, Debate on Syria, Association of Foreign Affairs (UPF), Lund, 19 October 2012, Lund
Wessels, J.I. (2012) Ecological peacebuilding in the Jordan River Basin, a serious game, paper presented at Panel Session Alternative Peacebuilding at the HCRI conference: New Frontiers for Peacebuilding: Hybridity, Governance, and Local Agency,
Manchester University, 13 - 14 September, 2012, Manchester, UK
Wessels, J.I. (2012) A “Syrious” Game, hydromonopoly and local rural communitieis in the Occupied Golan Heights, Paper
presented at Panel Session 1.1 Precarious Peacebuilding I: Friction in International-Local Encounters at the Swedish National
Conference on Peace and Conflict Research, University of Gothenburg, June 14-15, 2012, Sweden.
Wessels, J.I. (2012) “Hydromonopoly” playing the Jordan River Basin game, guest seminar at Birzeit University, 13 November 2012, Ramallah, Palestine.
Wessels, J.I. (2012) “Hydromonopoly” playing the Jordan River Basin game, presentation at the 6th World Water Forum,
12-17 March 2012, Marseille, France in collaboration with UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands
Wessels, J.I. (2012) Participation at 6th World Water Forum 12-17 March 2012, Marseille, France
Wessels, J.I. (2012) public screening of the film “Valley of Hope and Despair” at the Alternative World Water Forum 12-17
March 2012, Marseille, France followed by an Q & A with the audience.
Wessels, J.I. (2012) Participation Alternative World Water Forum 12-17 March 2012, Marseille, France
Wessels, J.I. (2012) Presentation and lecture “Documenting and sharing traditional water knowledge: a participatory approach using video in Qanat rehabilitation” for the UNESCO-IHE and International Water History Association short course
on World History of Water Management, 23-27 February, Yazd, Iran.
Wessels, J.I. (2012) Organised and moderated a panel discussion on the Arab Spring “Arab spring, citizen journalism and
filmmaking”, 23 November, Lumiere Cinema, Maastricht, the Netherlands
Wessels, J.I. (2012) participation in UNESCO conference “Environmental History and the History of Water in Israel and
Palestine: International Conference”, 18-19 September 2012, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem, Israel
Wessels, J.I. (2012) screening of her film “Valley of Hope and Despair”, 1st September, Faculty of Political Sciences, Lund
University, Lund
Wessels, J.I. (2012) organizer community tour of her film “Valley of Hope and Despair” in Occupied Westbank, 13-21
September, Palestinian Authority
Conferences/Workshops/Symposia Etc., Organized
Jebari, S. (2012), 21st Century water management in Tunisia after the Jasmine revolution. Presentation at SMHI (the
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute), Norrkoping, 12th September.
Jebari, S. (2012). Effects of forest plantation on reservoir siltation. Presentation and discussion with Australien delegation
from School of Environment, Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University. Tunis, INRGREF June 18th .
Grant Activity
Berndtsson, R., and R. Pillco (2012), Water and sustainable development of the Altiplano, Bolivia, Sandwich program
submitted to SIDA.
Berndtsson, R., D. Andersson, K. Aggestam, K. Broberg, K. Persson, P. Pilesjö, D. Abdelhady, U. Özkirimlii, O. Beckman,
J. Hoybye, and K. Madani, (2012), Hydrosolidarity - a systems analytic engineering and game theory approach to improve
management of scarce water resources, Submitted to K A Wallenberg Foundation.
Berndtsson, R., K. Aggestam, D. Andersson, (2012), Hydrosolidarity in the Nile Basin, a remedy for managing water resources in a sustainable manner, submitted to SIDA/Sarec.
Jebari, S. (2012), Innovative technologies and Transboundary Water Management at the Tunisian-Algerian Mejerda River
Basin. Application submitted for SIDA and Vetenskapsrådet.
Jebari, S. (2012), Impact de l’érosion hydrique sur l’envasement des barrages à l’échelle du bassin versant d’oued Mejerda.
Two-year technical convention submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Dams and Large Hydraulic Works.
Jebari, S. (2012), Transboundary water management: The Tunisian Algerian Mejerda river basin. Proposal submitted to
ICARDA for potential collaboration.
Jebari, S. (2012), Collaborative Research: Model Assessment of Water Resources in Tunisia: Enabling Adaptive Management
in a New Democracy”. Partnership with an American scientist to seek funding from NSF.
Grants funding received by domain members and/or affiliates
Berndtsson, R., (2012) Travel scholarship University of Toronto, Canada, (Lisshed Foundation), 23,000 SEK.
Berndtsson, R., (2012) Awarded the Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorships for senior international scientists.
Grant Number: 2012T1Z0029. 500,000 Yuan for 1 year.
Berndtsson, R. and D. Andersson, Hydrosolidarity in the Nile Basin, 1,850,000 SEK from the Pufendorf Institute.
Berndtsson, R., Capacity building in water resources and water quality management. Cooperation with Tanjungpura
University, Indonesia, 300,000 SEK from SIDA.
MECW project co-funding with MERGE, BECC, and eSSENCE@LU to develop data bases for environmental and climatic
data, 350,000 SEK.
University Teaching & Guest Lecture Activity
University-based Guest Lectures offered by domain members and/or affiliates
Berndtsson, R. (2012), Two guest lectures on future water problems and environmental education at Lund University,
Tanjungpura University, Indonesia, November.
Jebari S. (2012). Guest lecture: Transboundary water management- case study Tunisian Algerian “Mejerda River Basin”.
Lecture given in the frame of the CMES Master course entitled: Environment and sustainable development in the Middle
East. Department of water Resources, 12th April.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Lund University Internet Institute (LUii), Lund University: - Guest lecture “Social media/new documentary filmmaking, citizen journalism vs. the mainstream Media”, 13 December 2012, Lund University, Sweden.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), UNESCO-Institute for Water Education (IHE)/ICQHS (Yazd, Iran), Short Course Water, History & Environment.
University-based Seminars/Courses offered by domain members and/or affiliates
Berndtsson, R., (2012), Principle lecturer and course responsible for 7.5 credit master course Environment and sustainable
development in the Middle East given at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University.
Berndtsson, R., (2012), Principle lecturer and course responsible for 7.5 credit course on fluid mechanics for environment
engineers given at Faculty of Engineering, Lund University.
Jebari, S. (2012). Experience in communicating main research findings at regional level. Invited to give lectures in the
framework of ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas) training course on water resources
on « Planning, design and management of mountains lakes » from July 9th to 12th in Beirut. The three given lecturers
covered hydrological aspects of small catchments and vulnerability of hill lakes in semi-arid areas to erosion. The training
was delivered for the national partners from Lebanon – Green Plan (GP) and Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute
(LARI) – of the IFAD-funded “Improved water management for sustainable mountain agriculture: Jordan, Lebanon and
Morocco” project. There were a total of 17 trainees who attended 3 days of lecturing and interactive learning and 1 day of
field visits to selected sites for hill lakes and existing structures in the mountains of Lebanon. http://icardanews.wordpress.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Peace & conflict studies, Department of Political Science, Lund University: – Module on Security,
Environment, Conflict; seminars on Darfur and Jordan River Basin.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Global Development and Gender (GDG), Graduate School, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University:
Master thesis supervision.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Seminar Theories and Issues in Development, Participatory video and the use of audiovisuals in development research.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Centre for Middle-Eastern Studies, Lund University: Environment and sustainable Development in the
Middle East.
Innovative Activities
Collaborative activities with private-for-profit firms/corporations/businesses/NGOs Wessels, J.I. (2012), Cooperation with the Union for the Mediterranean & UNESCO-IHE in providing feedback, space and
development of designing a cooperative water management boardgame called “Hydromonopoly” to be used within the
context of the Jordan River Basin.
Collaborative activities with governmental organizations/offices/departments
Jebari S. (2012). Sharing views and experiences on water challenges in new democracies with decision makers. The
meetings are including European Union delegation, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department
of Arab world cooperation. Discussions are focusing on ways of improving shared water resources nationally and internationally based on adapted technical political and socio-economical tools.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Active member of Stockholm Water Institute and Swedish Water House Transboundary Water Management Network.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Fieldwork activities with Joint Services Council of the West Bethlehem Villages, Palestinian Authority.
Collaborative activities with community-based organizations
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Fieldwork activities with Jawlan for Development NGO, Majdal Shams, Golan Heights.
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Collaboration/feedback in developing cooperative management game “Hydromonopoly” with Friends
of the Earth Middle East (NGO).
Wessels, J.I. (2012), Collaboration with the Palestinian Association for Mobile Cinema in screening film “Valley of Hope and
Media Related Appearances
Radio interviews of domain members and/or affiliates
Wessels, J.I., (2012) Radio interview, 30 January, L1 Radio, Maastricht, The Netherlands, on Syria and latest developments.
Wessels, J.I., (2012), Radio interview, 27 November, L1 Radio, Maastricht, The Netherlands on Arab Spring, Syria and Social
Wessels, J.I., (2012), Radio interview, 26 August, Zomergasten, L1 Radio, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Newspaper interviews of domain members and/or affiliates
Hoybye, J., R. Berndtsson, and K.M. Persson, Metropolis, Pontaniak, Indonesia, New paper article about collaboration
between Lund University and Tanjungpura University on Water and Environmental Management (2012.11.22).
Sydsvenskan (2012.10.30), Pufendorfinstitutet: Fristad för stora tankar på tvärs.
National & International Collaborations
Completed Collaborative activities with individuals/institutions
Ongoing Collaborative activities with individuals/institutions Wessels, J.I., (2012), Research collaboration with Dr. Mark Zeitoun (University of East Anglia, UK) & Dr. Michael Mason
(London School of Economics, UK) on Hydropolitics Research in the Jordan River Basin, exchange of knowledge, support for
assistant researchers (Ms. Muna Dajani) in the field.
Research visits by researchers/scholars who are domain members and who spent more than 2 weeks working at
another university, college, organization, industrial environment, etc. during the calendar year.
Jebari, S. (2012). Visit to the University of Virginia from 27th April to 19th May through Arab-American frontiers fellowship. This award provided by the National Academies was used to write the following common project proposal: “Impact of
climate change on water resources availability in the MENA region: Case Study of Mejerda River Basin.
Other Activities
Berndtsson, R., (2012), Associate Editor of Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, SERRA.
Berndtsson, R., (2012), External examiner for Doctoral Degree at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, presented by
Negash Wagasho Amencho, “Impact of climate and catchment dynamics on runoff generation”.
Berndtsson, R., (2012), Assignment for scientific committee on doctoral dissertation (Z. Yang, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
December 14 “Multiphase contamination in fractures: fluid displacement and interphase mass transfer”).
Berndtsson, R., (2012), Evaluation of applications to Qatar National Research Foundation.
Berndtsson, R., (2012), Supervision of M.Sc. theses: Lopez, V.P., (2012), Hydropower design in China, M. Sc. Thesis Rep.,
Dep. Water Resour. Eng., Lund Univ.
Berndtsson, R., (2012), Supervision of M.Sc. theses Larsson, K. (2012), GIS based vulnerability analysis of drainage system
regarding climate change, a study in Bromölla community, M. Sc. Thesis Rep., TVVR 12/5008, Dep. Water Resour. Eng.,
Lund Univ.
Jebari S. (2012). Participation to the training programme entitled “Understanding climate science and managing uncerta-
inty“. This training was organized by the GIZ Office in Berlin/Germany, March 12th -15th .
Jebari S. (2012). Collaboration with the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) on fractal rainfall disaggregation. Norrkoping, September 12th -15th .
Jebari S. (2012). Readership course at LTH, Lund University, Autumn session.
Jebari S. (2012). Introduction of Hydrological Predictions for the Environment model (HYPE). This course was organized by
SMHI, Norrkoping - October 16th.
Jebari S. (2012). Membership/Reviewer tasks: Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (NSM)/ International Studies
association (ISA)/- Energy and Environment Research/ Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment/ Hydrological
Sciences Journal/ Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.
Wessels, J., (2012), First review of “The Middle East Water Dossier” by Fanack, Chronicle of the Middle east and North
Wessels, J., (2012), Supervision of M.Sc. Thesis: Samir, A. (2012) “The Palestinian Refugees Presence in Lebanon, a study
on the Palestinian Humanitarian rights in Lebanon”, MA Thesis in Development Studies Major Political Science, Graduate
School, Lund University, Sweden
Wessels, J., (2012), Supervision of M.Sc. Thesis: Mitchell, T. (2012) “Chinese Foreign Direct investment in Myanmar: remarkable trends and multilayered motivations”, MA Thesis in Development Studies Major Political Science, Graduate School,
Lund University, Sweden
Wessels, J., (2012), Supervision of M.Sc. Thesis: Smith, S.N. (2012) “Following the organ trail: an analysis of the underground trade in human organs and the factors that sustain it”, MA Thesis in Development Studies Major Political Science,
Graduate School, Lund University, Sweden
Newspaper articles and popular science
Op-Ed Wessels J.I. Red de zwijgende meerderheid van Syrie, NRC Dutch National Daily Newspaper, (edition 21 July 2012)
Op-Ed Wessels, J.I. How to save and protect the silent majority in Syria? in EMAJ Magazine (edition 18 July 2012)
Wessels, J.I. (2012) “Applying video in development research” contribution to “No farewell ­Remembrances of Ton Dietz at
the UvA” Booklet University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Migration and Spatial Mobility
Journal Articles
Eklund L, El-Atrash A. (2012) Assessment of Mobility Conditions Using Geographic Information System in the West Bank
Territory - The Case of Bethlehem – Ramallah Route, Arab World Geographer.
Eklund L, Pilesjö P. (2012) Migration Patterns in Duhok Governorate, Iraq, 2000-2010, Open Geography Journal.
Eklund L, Mårtensson U. (2012) Using GIS to Analyse Accessibility to Health Services in The West Bank, Occupied Palestinian
Territory, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal.
Toomanian A, Harrie L, Mansourian A, Pilesjö P. (2012) Automatic integration of spatial data in viewing services using a
semantic based expert system, Journal of Spatial Information Science.
Dalia Abdelhady and May Al Dabbagh (Eds.). Women and Globalization in the GCC: Negotiating States, Agency and Social
Change. Gerlach Publishers.
Book Chapters
Richard Alba, Roxanne Silberman, Dalia Abdelhady, Yaël Brinbaum and Amy Lutz (2013). “From School to Work: The Transition to the Labor Market in France and the US,” In Richard Alba and Jennifer Holdaway (Eds.). The Integration Imperative:
The Children of Third-World Immigrants in the Schools of the U.S. and Western Europe. New York: New York University
Doctoral Theses
Zettervall, Charlotta (forthcoming 2013) Reluctant Victims into Challengers- Narratives of a Kurdish Political Generation in
Diaspora in Sweden, Lund:Lund University.
Pilot Research Project
Abdelhady D. Second generation Turks in Berlin
Eklund L, Seaquist J: Drought in Iraq - Implications for Environment, Agriculture and Rural Migration in Duhok Governorate
(Submitted to Population and Environment Journal)
Eklund L, Migration Patterns in Duhok Governorate, Iraq: Consequences for Development, Environment and Sustainability
(not submitted)
Heilo O, Journey in the Night: An Essay in Islam and History (under review by Cambridge University Press)
Heilo O, Divine Intervention: Travel Report from East Jerusalem and the West Bank 2012 (not submitted)
Khidher S A, Pilesjö P: The Effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation on Iraq climate (manuscript, not submitted)
Farsakoglu E, 19 May-15 September 2012: 4 months of ethnographic fieldwork in three different “satellite” cities, namely
Denizli, Isparta, and Kayseri as well as in Ankara and in Istanbul to finish the major fieldwork. Outcome – ethnographic data
as well as in-depth interviews with more than 36 sexual refugees, with their family members, partners and friends, and
with the representatives of local organizations and interviews with experts from UNHCR
Farsakoglu E, 25 October- 6November: Follow-up visits to “refugee” cities, collection of ethnographic material, and followup interviews with old informants along with the new informants
Abdelhady D. Invited Public Lecture: The Lebanese Diaspora: A Comparative Ethnography, Stockholm University, Transnational Migration Seminar Series, October, 2012.
Abdelhady D. Invited Public Lecture: Women’s Writes: Cross-National Perspectives on Feminisms and Empowerment (with
Lory Dance), Malmö University College, March, 2012.
Abdelhady D. Conference Paper Presentation: Global Roots and Localized Cosmopolitanism: Lebanese Diasporic Experiences in New York, Montreal and Paris. Paper presented at “The Mashriq and the Mahjar: Migration from the Levant,
1800-2000” hosted by the Khayrallah Program for Lebanese-American Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
NC, 2012.
Abdelhady D. Workshop Co-Director: Women and Globalization in the GCC: Negotiating States, Agency and Social
Change. The Third Gulf Research Meeting, Cambridge, UK, July, 2012.
Eklund L at CMES’ Brown Bag Seminar on ”Drought in Northern Iraq: Consequences for rural population in Duhok Governorate”, May 15, 2012.
Eklund L at ESF Junior Summit: Water – Unite and Divide with presentation ” Dealing with drought – Water challenges in
Iraqi Kurdistan”, August 27-30, 2012.
Eklund L participated as a delegate in World Kurdish Congress 2012, October 11-19, 2012.
Eklund L, poster presentation: “Using Earth Observation to Study Environmental Drivers of Human Migration - An Example
from Iraq”, Copenhagen University October 22-26, 2012.
Eklund L, participated as a delegate in e-conference: Migration in a Changing World: Where Do We Go Now?, November
5-9, 2012.
Eklund L, presentation: ”Migration Patterns in Duhok Governorate, Iraq: Consequences for Development, Environment and
Sustainability”, Gothenburg University, November 26-27, 2012.
Eklund L at ESF conference: “Tracing Social Inequalities in Environmentally-Induced Migration, participation with poster
presentation ”Drought in Iraq: Severity, Vulnerability and Adaptation”, December 9-13, 2012.
Farsakoglu E, “Rainbow Lives in Limbo: Re-thinking the Gendered and Sexualized Belonging in the Case of Iranian LGBTQ
Transit Refugees in Turkey.” International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, IASFM14: Contested Spaces and
Cartographic Challenges, Kalkota, India, January 6-9, 2013.
Farsakoglu E, “A Neglected Methodological Debate: Power Relations between Key Informants and Researchers.” European
Sociological Association (ESA) Mid-Term Conference on Qualitative Methodology and Methods, Lund University, Sweden,
September 20-22, 2012.
Heilo O, at the 50th anniversary of the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul: panel debate of younger scholars on future
prospects for the Swedish Research Institute, June 1, 2012.
Heilo O, at The Cultural History of Nature Research Group: Klippdomen i Jerusalem och dess gränsöverskridande karaktär
som konstverk och kultplats i judiska, kristna och islamiska narrativ, University of Bergen, September 20, 2012.
Heilo O, at the NSM course Secularism, Nationalism, and Religion: Byzantion, Constantinople, Istanbul: Religious Diversity
and Local Identities from Late Antiquity to Early Modernity, Swedish Research Institute Istanbul, October 3, 2012.
Pilesjö P at ESF conference: Tracing Social Inequalities in Environmentally-Induced Migration, participation with oral and
paper presentations ” Drought in Iraq: Implications for rural population, environment and agriculture in Duhok Governorate: Methodological challenges”. Bielefeld, December 9-13, 2012.
Pilesjö P attended Gulf Education 2012, 2nd Annual International Conference & Exhibition, London, May 28 - 29 2012.
Pilesjö P attended Erasmus Mundus Action 2 selection meeting for exchange between Europe and Iran, Iraq and Yemen,
February 2012.
Pilesjö P invited keynote speaker at Erasmus Mundus Action 3 EM-iDEA meeting, “Challenges facing Erasmus Mundus
projects” Lund, March 2012.
Pilesjö P attended Erasmus Mundus Action 2 selection meeting for lot 4 GULF countries, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman;
January 30 -31, 2012.
Pilesjö P attended Erasmus Mundus Action 2 SALAM Iran, Iraq, Yemen kick-off meeting in Warsaw, November 2012.
Grant proposals submitted
Abdelhady D. Riksbankens Jubukeumsfond: Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East
Abdelhady D. Crafoord Foundation: The Impact of Globalization on Women in the Arab Gulf Countries
Abdelhady D. Vetenskapsrådet: Women and Social Change in the Gulf Corporation Council
Grants Received
Farsakoglu E, November 2012: Rese- och forskningsbidrag Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten (SEK 12000)
Farsakoglu E, November 2012: International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) Travel Bursary for
Conference Participation, (CAD$ 500)
Farsakoglu E, May 2012: Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS) Full-Grant for Conference Participation for PhD students
(Fee, accommodation, flight tickets, social activities), ($1,500)
Abdelhady D, Women and Social Change in the Middle East – MA course
Abdelhady D, Guest lecturer in Migration and Multiculturalism in the Middle East
Abdelhady D, Guest lecturer at Lund University Internet Institute on Women and the Arab Uprisings
Eklund L, Geografisk Informationsteknik (exercise supervisor), GIS-Centre/Department of Physical Geography, Lund University
Eklund L, Geografiska informationssystem, introduktion (module 2), GIS-Centre/Department of Physical Geography, Lund
Eklund L, Geografiska informationssystem, avancerad (module 7), GIS-Centre/Department of Physical Geography, Lund
Eklund L, Geografiska informationssystem, fortsättning (final project supervisor), GIS-Centre/Department of Physical
Geography, Lund University
Farsakoglu E, “Queer Cases: Some Tensions in Stories of Seeking and Granting Asylum Based on Sexual Orientation and
Gender Identity.” ASYLUMCAFE, Trampolin House, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 11, 2012.
Farsakoglu E, “Born into Khaki: Reflections on Militarism and Militarization in Turkey.” Summer Course: Militarization of
Our Lives and Societies –Feminism as Resistance, Kvinnofolkhögskolan (Public Women`s High School), Gothenburg, Sweden,
July 23 -17 August 2012
Heilo O, Formation of Middle East Modernities: Geographical Introduction to the Region, Center for Middle Eastern Studies,
Lund University
Heilo O, Formation of Middle East Modernities: Putting the Middle in the East, Center of Middle Eastern Studies, Lund
Heilo O, Formation of Middle East Modernities: The Beginnings of European Dominance, Center for Middle Eastern Studies,
Lund University
Heilo O, Formation of Middle East Modernities: Internal Crisis and Response, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund
Heilo O, Formation of Middle East Modernities: The Peak of European Dominance, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund
Heilo O, Formation of Middle East Modernities: Nation-Building, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University
Heilo O, Formation of Middle East Modernities: Cold Wars and Hot Topics, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund
Heilo O, Formation of Middle East Modernities: History Dead or Alive? (concluding seminar) Center for Middle Eastern
Studies, Lund University
Pilesjö P, 10% teaching in Physical Geography, including Middle Eastern application during all 2012, Lund University
Abdelhady D. Fikra, a think-tank and research consultancy based in Qatar (MOU in process).
Media Related Appearances
Television Interviews
Abdelhady D. “Women and Social Change in Saudi Arabia,” Swedish Television, March 16, 2012
Radio Interviews
Abdelhady D. “Russia and China veto Intervention in Syria,” Swedish Radio – Arabic Broadcast, February 6, 2012
Newspaper/Magazine Interviews
Abdelhady D. Kvinnorna suddades bort, Sydsvenskan, 2 October, 2012
National & International Collaborations
Ongoing Collaborative activities with individuals/institutions Abdelhady D. May Al Dabbagh, the Dubai School of Government, UAE
Abdelhady D. Amy Lutz, Syracuse University, USA
Abdelhady D. Yael Brinbaum, National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED), France
Eklund L, established collaboration with International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Erbil, Iraq
Eklund L, established collaboration with UNOCHA in Erbil, Iraq
Eklund L, established collaboration with Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia
University, New York
Heilo O, established member of Istanbulinstitutets Forskarkollegium, Stockholm
Heilo O, established collaboration with the Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies, Oslo / Tampere / Lund
Heilo O, established collaboration with the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion (AHKR),
University of Bergen
Heilo O, established member of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft aus historisch- kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive (economy and society from the perspective of historical and cultural sciences), University of Vienna
Heilo O, representing the CMES, NSM and SRII at official visits to the Diyanet (Ministry of Religious affairs) and Ecumenical
Patriarchate in Istanbul, Turkey
Pilesjö P signed an MoU with Kuwait Universal Institute for Private Education - Kuwait
Visiting Researchers/Scholars who are not domain members but participated in MECW environment for a duration of more
than 2 weeks during the calendar year
Sarah Grey, Visiting Researcher
Other Activities
Eklund L, participation in Satellite Based Remote Sensing course, Lund University
Eklund L, participation in Arctic Environments PhD course with excursion to Svalbard 7 ECTS, Lund University
Eklund L, participation in Earth Observation and Climate Change PhD course, 5 ECTS, Copenhagen University
Eklund L, participation in Sustainable Landscapes PhD course, 7.5 ECTS, University of Gothenburg
Farsakoglu E, Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS). PhD Summer School on Transnational Migration and Development
Paper presented – “The Gendered and Sexualized Politics of Belonging: Reflections on Migrating Sexualities.” Bergen
University, Bergen, Norway, June 20-22, 2012.
Farsakoglu E, REMESO –Norrköping University, PhD Course, 7.5 credits, International Migration, Ethnicity and Gender:
Intersectional Perspectives on Labour, Power, and Citizenship
Heilo O, planning further activities of the Nordic Byzantine Network (NBN), Uppsala
Heilo O, examination of master thesis at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University
Heilo O, participation in the 2nd Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North Africa Studies (“The Middle East and North
Africa at Crossroads – Changes in the Past, Present and Future”), Tampere, Finland
Heilo O, begun work at the Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik, Vienna, for the project Ideologies under scrutiny: A
study on differentiated perceptions of Roman imperial ideals in Byzantine society (7th-12th centuries), with two analyses of
Late Ancient Greek historiography
Pilesjö P continued and strengthened the cooperation with partner universities in Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman,
UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain, all within the framework of Erasmus Mundus Action 2.
The Middle East in Sweden
Ackfeldt, Anders (2012) “Imma march’ toward Ka’ba”: Islam in Swedish hip-hop In: Otterbeck, J & Ackfeldt, A (Eds.) “Islam
& Music”, Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life. Springer Netherlands. (Published Online First, September 2012).
Andersson, Dan-Erik, ”Grekiskt drama i perspektiv.” Ur Uppdrag Mission, nr 1, årgång 166, (2012)
Andersson, Dan-Erik, (2012) Mänskliga rättigheter i konflikt och samverkan med religion – en mångbottnad historia.
Dance, Lory and Johannes Lunneblad (revise and resubmission for Comparative Educational Review to be submitted by July
2012) “Trapped in a Culture of Performativity: Teaching English and Swedish Language Learners in Ethnic Minority High
Eklund, Lina and Ulrik Mårtensson (2012) Using GIS to analyse accessibility to Health Services in the West Bank, Occupied
Palestinian Territory, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), World Health Organization (WHO), Vol. 18, No. 8, 2012.
Eliassi, Barzoo (forthcoming) Mellan tillhörighet och exkludering: identitetsformering och motstånd bland unga kurder i
Sverige. Locus
Eliassi, Barzoo (forthcoming) Orientalist Social Work: Cultural Otherisation of Muslim Immigrants in Sweden. Critical Social
Otterbeck, Jonas & Ackfeldt, Anders, (2012) “Forward: Islam & Music”, Journal Article In: Otterbeck & Ackfeldt “Islam
& Music” Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life on Islam & Music. Springer Netherlands. (Published Online First,
September 2012).
Dance, Lory (in-progress). ”Gone with the Neo-Liberal Wind”: Minority Teens, School Reform & Urban Misrepresentations
in Sweden and the U.S. (under consideration by Routledge)
Eliassi, Barzoo (forthcoming), Contesting Kurdish Identities in Sweden. Palgrave Macmillan.
Eliassi, Barzoo (2012) Ülkemde Bir Yabancı .İsveç‘teki Kürt Gençlerinin Aidiyet Politikaları. Istanbul: Avesta (http://www.
Edited Volumes
Otterbeck, Jonas & Ackfeldt, Anders (Eds.) “Islam & Music”, Contemporary Islam: Dynamics of Muslim Life on Islam &
Music. Springer Netherlands. (Expected publication October 2012).
Book chapters
Dance, Lory (co-author) (In press 2011; in print 2012). “Preparing Children of Immigrants: Promising Schools in New York
and Sweden,” in The Integration Imperative: The Children of Third-World Immigrants in the Schools of the U.S. and
Western Europe, edited by Richard Alba and Jennifer Holdaway. New York University Press (Carola Suárez-Orozco, Margary
Martin, Mikael Alexandersson, L. J. Dance, & J. Lunneblad)
Eliassi, Barzoo. (Submitted to an edited Italian volume). La lotta per l’appartenenza tra i giovani curdi in Svezia. (Struggle
for belonging among Kurdish youth in Sweden).
Eliassi, Barzoo (forthcoming, 2013) Kurdish identity and statelessness in the age of retreating multiculturalism in Sweden
in New Dimensions of Diversity in Nordic Culture and Society,edited by Jenny Björklund and Ursula Lindqvist. Cambridge
Scholars Publishing
Master’s Theses
Öhman, Richard, (2012) “Here Live The Others”: The Suburb of Angered in a Media Perspective. MA Thesis, Center for
Middle Eastern Studies, Lund Univ.
Ackfeldt, A. & Andersson, D.E. (2012). ”Assyrier/Syrianer i Sverige - En forskningsöversikt”, CMES Report No.4.
Newspaper Articles/On-Line Journals/Academic Blogs
Andersson, Dan-Erik (2012) ”Fristad för stora tankar på tvärs.” Sydsvenskan, 30 oktober 2012.
Dance, Lory & Selma Hedlund (2012). “Gaza as the New Wounded Knee Massacre” (A comparison of the Israeli military
attacks on Gaza and the U.S. military attacks on the Lakota), Al-Hewar On-Line Magazine, December 14, 2012.
Eliassi, Barzoo (2012) Kurds in the shadow of Iranian Citizenship. Your Middle East
Conference Participation/Presentations
Andersson, Dan-Erik and Lory Dance. “Western Discourses on Civil Society and the Perspectives of Middle Eastern Immigrants: A Participatory Action Approach,” (Transnational Communities and Local Integration Strategies), Immigration and
Civil Society, 16th Nordic Migration Research Conference & 9th ETMU Days, University of Turku, Finland (August 14th).
Andersson, Dan-Erik, “Emerging Diasporas Outside the Middle East.” Presented at: Transformations in the Middle East –
Focus on Christian Minorities, Lund, Domkyrkoforum, December 5-7, 2012
Dance, Lory and Dalia Abdelhady. “Women’s Writes: Cross National Perspectives on FeminismS and Empowerment,”
International Women’s Day, Malmö University College, Sweden (March 8th)
Dance, Lory. “Att förstå det multirasiala samhället: Kritiska perspektiv på rasiferingsprocesser i Sverige.” Mångkulturellt
Centrum in association with Gender Studies at Södertörns Högskola and PeaceWorks. (November 15th-16th)
Speaking Engagements
Andersson, Dan-Erik, ”Vanor och ovanor i historieskrivningen om mänskliga rättigheter.” Föredrag/panelsamtal i samband
med Humanist och Teologdagarna, Lunds universitet, 23-24 mars 2012
Andersson, Dan-Erik, ”Värdegrundsarbete i företag.” Föreläsning för personalen på Prevas AB. Helsingborg, 30 mars 2012
Ackfeldt, A (2012) “Islam, Hip-hop and Democracy” At: The Democratic Exchange Forum, Malmö, 2012-03-07.
Ackfeldt, A (2012) “‘I Am Malcolm X’: Muslim Hip-Hop Video Clips Online” At: Middle East Studies Association, Denver,
Dance, Lory, “Where Gender Street and Ethnicity Road Intersect/Meet Class Avenue: Autobiographical and Academic
Reflections [on Intersectionality],” Kvinnliga Läkare i Vätterbygd/KLIV, Jönkopings Länsbibliotek, Sweden (May 15th)
Dance, Lory, Discussant. “There’s a White Elephant in the Room: Equality and Race in (Northern) Europe” A seminar presentation by Dr. Michael McEachrane, Human Rights Studies Lecture Series, Lund University, Sweden (February 7th).
Conference/Panels/Workshops/Symposia/Meetings Organized
Andersson, Dan-Erik, “Transformations in the Middle East – Focus on Christian Minorities.” Conference in Domkyrkoforum,
Lund December 5-7 2012. Co-organized with Research Council of Church of Sweden. Funded by Lund Missionary Society,
The Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem and the Lund Cathedral Parish
Dance, Lory J. STREETPOSIA: Street Savvy Social Justice Symposia Series featuring Moe Hamzeh (Lebanese Musician and
Social Justice Activist) and Osama Shomar (Palestinian Social Justice Activist). Co-Sponsored by CMES/ME-in-S and RGRA,
at RGRA, Malmö, Sweden (April 28).
Dance, Lory J. STREETPOSIA: Street Savvy Social Justice Symposia Series featuring Ramy Donjewan (Egyptian Hip Hop
Artist and Social Justice Activist) Co-Sponsored by CMES/ME-in-S and RGRA in cooperation with People’s Entertainment,
Egyptiska Föreningen, and Bricks of Malmö Stad, at Tegelhuset (in Rosengård) and RGRA, Malmö, Sweden (June 8-10).
Dance, Lory J. Meetings with book publishers (CUP, OUP, RSF, and NYUP), at American Sociological Association 107th
Annual Meeting, Colorado Convention Center and Hyatt Regency, Denver, Colorado. Also had business meetings with
Professors Joe Feagin and Mark Warren. (Aug. 18-20).
Dance, Lory J. Organizer. The Intellectual Café featuring Patricia Hill Collins, Discussion Topics: “Constructions of Colorblindness, Intersectionality, and Social Justice in Global Contexts.” Attended by Reza Arjmand, Dalia Abdelhady, Lory Dance,
Barzoo Eliassi, Selma Hedlund, Diana Mulinari, Anders Neergaard. Grand Hotel Restaurant, Lund Sweden (Sept. 2).
Dance, Lory J. Organizer. The Middle East at Lund University-Meet & Greet (an opportunity for the CMES/MECW staff and
other scholars at Lund University to become better acquainted with one another). Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Lund,
Sweden (Sept. 14).
Eliassi, Barzoo. We Kurds did not come to Sweden to become Swedish but continuing being Kurdish, 2nd Scientific World
Kurdish Congress, 11-15 October 2012.
Eliassi, Barzoo. Statelessness diaspora in the Swedish civil society, 16th Nordic Migration Research Conference & 9th ETMU
Days, 13-15 August 2012, University of Turku, Finland.
Eliassi, Barzoo. Reproduction of national conflicts in diaspora: the case of Kurdish youth in Sweden, International Conference on Kurdish Migration and Diaspora, 12-13 April 2012, Uppsala University.
Eliassi, Barzoo. Panelist. “Den Svenska Mångkuturella Modellen: Ett panelsamtal om gemenskap, ansvar och möjligheter.”
Other panelists were Mattias Gardell and Aje Carlbom. Kulturen i Lund, 8 November 2012.
Guest Speakers
Michael Singh, Director and Producer, Valentino’s Ghost: The Politics Behind the Images (a documentary). Documentary
Screening and Q&A with Michael Singh: 26 November 2012 at Inkonst (29 Bergsgatan) in Malmö and 27 November 2012 at
Lund University (SoL Building).
Grants Submitted
Dance, Lory, Dan-Erik Andersson, Barzoo Eliassi, Dalia Abdelhady, Mark Warren “Well Connected: Network Ties to Jobs
and Health Care in the State and Civil Society.” Submitted in February 2012 to Forskningsrådet för Arbetsliv och Socialvetenskap (FAS/Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research).
Dance, Lory, Dan-Erik Andersson, Barzoo Eliassi, Dalia Abdelhady, Dae Young Kim, Johan Gärde, “Diasporas and Civil
Society Organizations: A Social Network Analysis,” Submitted to Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ/The National Bank of
Sweden Tertiary Foundation) in February 2012
Grants Funded
Andersson, Dan-Erik & Ronny Berndtsson, “Hydrosolidarity – Opportunities and Constraints in Water Management of the
Nile Basin.” Project funded at Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, September 1 2012 – April 30 2013. Ten researchers from
six different faculties are funded.
Scholarships Funded
Dance, Lory J. During the Summer of 2012 in the aftermath of the Arab Uprisings Conference organized by CMES, Dance
secured scholarship funding (45,000 SEK) for a summer internship position covering the period of June to October 2012.
University Teaching & Guest Lecture Activity
Dance, Lory. Instructor. MOSP70: Middle Eastern Migration, Mobility, and Multiculturalism, Graduate Seminar, Center for
Middle Eastern Studies, Lund University, Spring 2012.
Innovative Activities
Collaborative activities with private non-profit firms/corporations/businesses/NGOs
Andersson, Dan-Erik, “Istanbul – With a Global Mindset.” Course given at Executive Foundation Lund (EFL) for 15 business
people at their Executive MBA, Istanbul November 6-10, 2012
Dance, Lory. During February & March 2012, Dance had several meetings with the NGO Rörelsens Gatans Röst och
Ansikte (RGRA) in Malmö to plan a local community outreach project for marginalized youths in Malmö. This project is
tentatively called “STREETPOSIA: Street Savvy Social Justice Symposia Series” Two symposia are planned (one for the Spring
and one for Summer/Fall of 2012). During the Spring/Summer of 2012, RGRA and ME-in-S will also apply for grant funding
to continue these symposia over a period of three to five years.
Dance, Lory, Osama Shomar, and Jonathan Tucker. Meeting with Spoken-Word poets, artists, and scholars from Revolution Poetry (Stockholm), War Tribunal (Stockholm), Split This Rock (Washington, D.C.), and Södertörn Högskola to discuss
Streetposia project. Bagel Street Café in Mariatorget, Stockholm (December 7th)
Dance, Lory and Jonathan Tucker. Establish website for Streetposia project ( (December 10th-11th) .
Andersson, Dan-Erik. During Jan – April 2012, Andersson had several contacts and conducted several interviews with staff/
authorities and regular members of the Swedish Temperance Movement.
Television interviews
Barzoo Eliassi (2012) Interview with Kurd Channel on Kurds and Citizenship in Iran
Newspaper/Magazine Interviews.
Dance, Lory, feature in story “Tony får andra chans I Skänor,” written by Alf Sjögren, (2012-07-04), Sydsvenskan.
Dance, Lory. Interview by Alexander Vickhoff, “Hundratals vakade over presidentvalet,” (2012-11-07). City Landskrona
Eliassi, Barzoo. Interview with the Turkish daily Milliyet. (2012-08-06) on the redefinition of citizenship in Turkey. http://
Eliassi, Barzoo. Interview with Yeni Özgur Politika on Kurdish diaspora (2012-05-07)
Completed Collaborative activities with individuals/institutions
Dance, Lory. Serve as Lund University’s (and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies’) Representative in a dinner meeting with
Benny Dagan, the Israeli Ambassador to Sweden, Grand Hotel, Lund Sweden (February 1st).
Dance, Lory. Serve as Lund University’s (and the Center for Middle Eastern Studies’) Representative to the meeting of
Swedish higher education institutions to discuss the establishment of a Swedish section of Scholars at Risk, Gothenburg
University, Gothenburg, Sweden (November 14th).
Ongoing Collaborative activities with individuals/institutions Dance, Lory. The Global Classroom. Video conferenced courses offered between Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund
University and the Department of Sociology at the University of Nebraska. MOSP20-Multidisciplinary Research Methods in
Middle Eastern Studies (titled SOCI 998-Qualitative Methods in Global Contexts at the University of Nebraska) offered Fall
2011. Scheduled again for Spring 2013.
International Teaching Exchanges
Dance, Lory. Follow-up to September 2011 meeting of University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Chairs, Directors, and other
faculty in leadership positions with the establishment of the Short Term Visiting Scholar Award to facilitate future collaborations among LU and UNL faculty. Short-Term Visiting Scholar Award announced in December 2012.
National TV Lectures
Andersson, Dan-Erik, ”Vanor och ovanor i historieskrivningen om mänskliga rättigheter.” Föredrag/panelsamtal i samband
med Humanist och Teologdagarna, Lunds universitet, 23-24 mars 2012. Filmed and has been sent five times in National
Swedish TV (Kunskapskanalen)
Women for Sustainable Growth
Conference Participation/Presentations by domain members and/or affiliates
Jan 16-19: World Future Energy Summit participation and Zayed Future Energy Prize development panel in collaboration
with Masdar
Sept 24-25: Social Innovation Conference hosted by EUCLID in Copenhagen
Conferences/Workshops/Symposia etc., arranged or organized by domain members and/or affiliates
Feb 2-5: Participatory Leadership Capacity Building Program at LU in coordination with Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations. 50 participants, half from within LU and half from outside, came to learn practices for building a community
April 12-14: W4SG Board Meeting and Founding NPA Annual Meeting an Lund. W4SG officially became its own legal entity
as a non-profit association in Sweden.
Aug 30: Board Meeting Conference Call: Planning meeting for remaining 2012
Oct 1: Board Workshop: the day focused on planning the strategy and development of W4SG now that it is a non-profit
Innovative Activities
Collaborative activities with private-for-profit firms/corporations/businesses/NGOs May 20-25: Women Leadership Exchange Program (WLEP), run in cooperation with MiL Institute and Dubai Women
Establishment, is training 19 mid-senior level female managers from Sweden and the UAE. Participants paid 40,000 SEK.
Nov 4: WLEP reunion/update organized in Dubai and Sweden. It was a one-day workshop planned in the middle of the two
sessions of WLEP to touch base with participants.
Collaborative activities with governmental organizations/offices/departments
March 13-15: Sustainability in Action Program (SAP) for the Women as Global Leaders Conference at Zayed University.
W4SG partnered with ZU to train 75 young women from around the world participatory leadership practices over a period
of three days.
National & International Collaborations
MOUs established with Dubai Women Establishment
CMES affiliate scholars in addition to CMES
research domains
Journal Articles
Ozkirimli, U. (2012) ‘And People’s Concerns Were Genuine: Why Didn’t We Listen More?’: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Recognition in Europe, Journal of Contemporar y European Studies 2012, 20, 307
Conferences, Seminars, and Speaking Engagements
Modern Turkey Seminars
13 seminars since October 2011 (not mentioned in the 2011 Annual Report. Speakers Dror Zeevi, Ayhan Kaya, Soli Ozel,
Cengiz Candar, Brigitte Suter, Erika Larsson, Daniella Kuzmanovic, Ayhan Aktar, Ruth Mandel, Andrea Karlsson, Anne Ross
Solberg, Marlies Casier, Åsa Elden, Deniz Kandiyoti.
Nira Yuval-Davis, ‘The Politics of Belonging’, joint seminar with the Department of Sociology and Gender Studies.
Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies, PhD seminar in Istanbul, October 2012 (with Olof Heilo, Leif Stenberg, Christa
IPC-CMES workshop on the Turkish Model and the Middle East, Lund, November 2012.
Speaking engagements
PhD Course and Public Lecture, ‘A Road to Nowhere? Nationalism and Multiculturalism in a Diverse World’, Faculty of
Humanities, University of Copenhagen, 13-14 December 2012.
International Conference, ‘Implications of the Eurozone Crisis for Perceptions, Politics and Policies of Migration’, Institute for
European History and Public Spheres, Vienna and Department of Global Political Studies and Malmö Institute for Studies of
Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM), Malmö University, 29-30 September 2012.
Public Seminar, ‘EU and Turkish Perspectives towards Reform’, Olof Palme Center-Turkish Economic and Social Studies
Foudation (TESEV), CMES, Olof Palme International Center, Stockholm, 14 November 2012.
Public Seminar, ‘A Political Giant Reborn? Turkey’s Foreign Policy in the Wake of the Arab Spring’, The Swedish Institute of
International Affairs, Stockholm, 8 November 2012.
Public lecture, Center for European Studies, Lund University, 23 October 2012.
International Conference, ‘Transformations in the Arab World’, Dalarna University Arabic Department, Falun, 20-22 September 2012.
RESET (Dialogues on Civilizations) Istanbul Seminars (Chair and Discussant to a panel with Craig Calhoun and Avishai
Margalit), ‘The Promises of Democracy in Troubled Times’, Istanbul Bilgi University, 19-24 May 2012.
Research Seminar, School of Social Sciences, Linnaeus University, Växjö, 25 April 2012.
Seminar, Globalectures, Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, Corso di Laurea in Scienze Internazionali, University of
Turin, 12 April 2012.
Book Launch (Chair), ‘Symbols of Nations and Nationalism’ by Gabriella Elgenius, Assocation for the Study of Ethnicity and
Nationalism (ASEN) 12th Annual Conference, London School of Economics, 27 March 2012.
Public Seminar, ‘Nations and Nationalism Revisited’ (with Miroslav Hroch and Montserrat Guibernau), Department of
History and Civilization, European University Institute, Florence, 12 March 2012.
Speaking engagements (not mentioned in the 2011 Annual Report)
Public Seminar, ‘Nationalism and Ethnopolitics in Southeastern Europe’, Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES),
University of Copenhagen, 8 December 2011.
Public Seminar, ‘Europe’s Nation-States’ as part of the series ‘European Questions – Turkish Angles’, Forum for European
Philosophy and Contemporary Turkish Studies, The European Institute, London School of Economics, 14 November 2011.
International Conference, ‘New Regional Perspectives for the Kurds’, Department of International Relations, Istanbul Bilgi
University, 28-29 October 2011.
Seminar, MIM and the Department of Language, Migration and Society, Malmö University, 13 October 2011.
International Conference, ‘The Turkish Phenomenon – The Development of the Society’, The Italian Center for Peace in the
Middle East (CIPMO), Milano, 10 October 2011.
International Conference, ‘New Directions in Turkish-Greek Relations in the Middle East and the Balkans’ (on the occasion
of the opening of South East European Studies at Oxford, SEESOX, Office at Bahcesehir University), Bahcesehir University,
Istanbul, 27-29 September 2011.
Research Activities (for which funding has already been received)
Hydrosolidarity project, funded by the Pufendorf Institute (approx. 2 million SEK, 20% of the salary)
Grant Activity
Grant applications to Crafoord Foundation and STINT (Turkish and Swedish Models Compared, and their Implications for
Application to Olof Palme Chair, Vetenskapsrådet, May 2012.
University Teaching & Guest Lecture Activity
See above
Media Related Appearances
Television Interviews
Haberturk, Turkey national channel on radical right and Islamophobia in Europe, 24 May 2012.
CCTV, Chinese national TV on Turkey’s Syria policy. 14 October 2012.
Newspaper Interview
Interview in HaberIsvec and Zaman Iskandinavya, 17 May 2012.
National & International Collaborations
Memorandum of Agreement with Istanbul Policy Center, Sabanci University, Turkey
Informal collaboration with the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, the Olof Palme International Center, Turkish
Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), PRIO Oslo and Cyprus, University of Copenhagen, Stockholm University
Institute for Turkish Studies, the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, University of Oslo, Turkish Embassy in Stockholm,
Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Svenska Freds.
Other Activities
Book series on ‘Islam and Nationalism’, co-editor with Spyros A. Sofos for Palgrave Macmillan.
Rights agreement for Arabic and Albanian translations of Theories of Nationalism: A Critical Introduction.
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221 00 Lund
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