Novel Ceramic-Metallic Composites for Light


Novel Ceramic-Metallic Composites for Light
Youngstown State University
CTME -- Center for Transportation and Materials Engineering
Submitted March 20, 2012
Proposed Project Title:
Novel Ceramic-Metallic Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
Principal Investigator (PI):
Dr. Timothy R. Wagner, Professor - Inorganic / Solid State Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Youngstown State University, One University Plaza, Youngstown, Ohio 44555
Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PIs):
Dr. Matthias Zeller, Instrumentation Scientist & Adjunct Professor
Department of Chemistry
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, Ohio 44555
Dr. Dingqiang Li, Instrumentation Scientist, Electron Microscopy Facility
Department of Chemistry
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, Ohio 44555
330-941- 7102,
Industrial Collaborators:
Klaus-Markus (Mark) Peters, General Manager, TCON Division
Fireline, Inc., 300 Andrews Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44505
Brian P. Hetzel, R&D Manager
Fireline, Inc., 300 Andrews Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44505
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
Intrinsic Merit
Project Overview
This project centers on a close interaction between the TCON Division of
Fireline, Inc. and various individuals affiliated with the College of Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at Youngstown State University (YSU). Fireline,
a local company within 10 minutes walking distance from the YSU campus core, has
developed a unique process that utilizes displacement reactions to transform ceramic
preforms into ceramic-metallic co-continuous interpenetrating phase composites with
enhanced properties while retaining the original shape and dimensions of the preform.
Through initial development efforts, it was discovered that TCON composite materials
have extraordinary macro-, micro-, and nanoscale features that lead to their exceptional
properties ideal for applications that require cost effective, lightweight materials. The
unique properties of TCON composites in general are derived from the fine interlocking
of ceramic and metallic phases throughout the composite microstructure. The ceramic
phase provides high stiffness, low density and high strength to the composite, while the
continuous network of reinforced metal gives high thermal & electrical conductivity, and
high fracture toughness to the material. Such properties make these materials excellent
candidates for replacing traditional materials in a number of applications, such as high
wear/corrosion resistant refractory shapes for molten metal transport and/or
containment industrial processes (the major area in which Fireline currently
commercializes some of its TCON products), or for new applications, including light
weight, high strength components for vehicle braking systems, which is the focus of the
present project. Fireline has already made significant progress using formulations
based mainly on silica precursors, and is working with a number of companies towards
the commercialization of these composites as brake rotors.
The proposed project is focused on the synthesis of specific ceramic precursors
and their subsequent transformation via reactive metal displacement to produce novel
ceramic-metallic interpenetrating phase composites (IPCs) for potential use in light
weight braking systems in vehicles. The proposed IPCs are closely related to TCON
composites currently produced by Fireline Inc., and they are designed to yield
composites displaying the high strength and strong refractory properties required for
brake rotor materials in order to expand Fireline’s product line in this area even further.
Specifically, the objectives for this project are to prepare novel composite materials
consisting of: (1) A MgAl2O4 spinel phase combined with a light weight, high strength
Ti-Al alloy and/or Al metallic phases (or other metallic phase depending on precursor),
and (2) The oxynitride spinel phase, Al3O3N (related to so-called ‘transparent spinels’
discussed later) combined with Al metal. These objectives will be accomplished by
preparing ceramic precursor materials such as MgTi2O4, SiAl2O2N2, and other phases,
none of which have been used previously in the production of TCON composites. The
spinel phases of the proposed new composites have cubic lattices, like the predominant
Al metallic component of these composites, meaning even stronger binding potential
between the two phases and thus a stronger composite.
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
Motivation and Significance
For the personal and commercial vehicle industries, gray cast iron has been the
overwhelming material of choice in braking systems (such as in brake rotors and drums)
because it is inexpensive and a large supply chain infrastructure is in place for
engineering and manufacturing gray cast iron components. However, gray cast iron is a
relatively heavy material. Utilizing lighter weight materials in braking systems would not
only achieve better fuel economy by reducing the vehicle’s static weight but, since brake
rotors and drums are rotating components, there would be a large multiplying effect on
reducing the amount of energy required to increase their rotational speed as the vehicle
accelerates. Finally, as the braking system is an unsprung weight, a lighter system
would significantly improve vehicle handling performance and safety. Most lightweight
materials do not have the physical, mechanical, thermal, and tribological performance
characteristics required for brake applications, such as high strength and high thermal
conductivity at elevated temperatures. Lightweight alternatives to gray cast iron that
currently do exist are prohibitively expensive for general use in most vehicles1. Initial
research on next-generation materials for brake rotors has already evaluated
composites similar to TCON materials (i.e., IPC’s produced via reactive metal
penetration (RMP) processes). The preliminary results were very promising, showing
that these IPC’s exhibited friction and wear properties similar to cast iron, but with half
the weight and better thermal conductivity2. Fireline has expanded and improved upon
these earlier reported materials. They are currently producing brake rotor prototypes for
testing based on promising composite formulations prepared via proprietary processes,
and strongly support continued R&D efforts such as those proposed herein. Unlike
precursor mixtures currently utilized in making TCON composites, the ceramic
precursors proposed below are synthesized materials targeted to produce cost-effective
composites with specific compositions, microstructures, and properties. A significant
advantage of the proposed project is that the most promising materials discovered in
the course of this work will benefit from marketing research and commercialization
partnerships that will already in place from Fireline’s current significant efforts in this
Approach and Methodology
The TCON Process
The TCON process utilizes displacement chemical reactions, in which sacrificial
oxides are reduced by a molten metal and subsequently form a ceramic/metal
composite3-8. Under certain conditions, e.g. when the ceramic material formed
possesses a higher density/lower volume than the sacrificial oxide, the resulting
channels which form are filled in with excess metal, directly leading to the formation of
the co-continuous ceramic/metallic composite (see Figure 1). The process is essentially
carried out in two steps: (1) ceramic preforms containing sacrificial precursor oxides
(such as SiO2) are fabricated via conventional methods (e.g. slipcasting) routinely
performed at Fireline, or for laboratory work, using standard ceramic methods; and (2)
the displacement reaction (or “transformation process”) is implemented by fully
immersing the ceramic performs in molten metal (such as Al) under specific processing
conditions and periods of time. Subsequently, the precursors are totally transformed into
unique ceramic-metallic co-continuous interpenetrating phase composites (IPCs) while
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
the original shape and dimensions of the preform are retained, as indicated in Figure 2.
The process offers enormous advantages such as (1) flexibility in the choice (and thus
cost) of ceramic precursor material (and/or molten metal composition) used in the
process, including the use of novel materials designed to enhance specific product
performance; (2) ability to engineer complex components cost-effectively via net or
near-net shaping for use in specific industrial applications or integration into advanced
systems; and (3) manipulation of processing parameters, such as molten metal reactant
composition or addition of inert phases, thereby enabling control of microstructure and
thus mechanical properties of the IPC products.
Figure 1. TCON Al2O3-Al matrix
Figure 2
There are numerous reactions that are thermodynamically, kinetically, and
mechanistically favorable4, yielding composites such as Al2O3/Al, MgO/Mg, TiO2/Ti, and
NiAl2O4/Al. Of these IPC materials produced via displacement reactions, the
alumina/aluminum (Al2O3/Al) composite is the one that has been most investigated4-8.
This reaction can be carried out as follows:
(4+x)Al + 3SiO2 → 2Al2O3 + 3Si(Al) + xAl
where ‘xAl’ is the amount of excess aluminum forming a continuous network in
the composite as a result of the volumetric contraction that occurs as the silica (SiO2)
reacts to form alumina. Note also that the Si produced in the reaction is dissolved in the
Al network, as represented by the ‘Si(Al)‘ symbol. This material is extremely strong, and
contains ca. 70 weight % alumina and 30 weight % aluminum. Figure 1 (above)
represents a typical microstructure of this material. Depending upon the processing
conditions, the composite product materials have alumina and aluminum networks with
cross-sectional thicknesses ranging from one to a few micrometers across3,5,6 and fine
nanometer-sized grains8. Also, the interfaces between the alumina and aluminum
phases have unique nanoscale features9-11 that are believed to directly impact the
material’s macroscale properties, including stepped facets and intimate contact between
the two phases4,9-11.
Previous Work
As discussed above, the TCON process affords great flexibility in the reaction
conditions utilized to produce ceramic-metallic IPCs, and this project focuses on
manipulation of sacrificial ceramic precursor materials in the production of novel TCON
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
composites. In particular, to build upon previous results obtained from a Fireline-YSU
Army Research Laboratory (ARL) project, novel precursors will be targeted that are
likely to incorporate (1) Ti or Ti-Al alloys into the metal alloy phase and/or (2) a spinel
(i.e. MgAl2O4) ceramic phase into TCON composite materials. Titanium is known to
greatly increase the strength of aluminum alloys via grain refining, as well as to
decrease friction and wear of aluminum alloys12. Spinel is a well-known refractory
material that is less dense than Al2O3, and unlike corundum, which is the rhombohedral
Al2O3 phase predominant in TCON composites, MgAl2O4 is cubic. Thus, as mentioned
earlier, spinel ceramics offer improved epitaxy with the cubic Al grains, resulting in
potentially stronger ceramic-metallic phase interfaces in the composite and a stronger
material overall.
Previous work in the PI’s research group at YSU has examined several Ti-based
systems including N-doped TiO2, a TiSiO4-related composition13, and especially recent
groundbreaking studies14 on the transformation of MgTiO3, an easy to prepare illmenite
phase with a structure similar to α-Al2O3. Laboratory-scale transformations of MgTiO3 in
an Al-5%Si bath yielded an IPC containing the desired MgAl2O4 spinel phase as well as
a Ti-Al-Si alloy. Microscopy and X-ray diffraction data for a partially transformed test bar
are given in Figure 3. Further detailed analyses via powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD)
and EDXS in the SEM of isolated sections cut from different zones in the partially
transformed sample have revealed fundamental information regarding the mechanism
of the transformation. Essentially, the mechanism appears to involve the gradual
reduction of MgTiO3 (with Ti4+) to a series of oxides with lower Ti oxidation states (e.g.
including MgTi2O4 with Ti3+ and TiO with Ti2+) and finally to Ti metal mixed with MgO
and Al2O3. The latter two compounds then undergo a secondary reaction to give spinel,
MgAl2O4. The metallic phases consist of Al, and Ti alloyed with Al and Si14.
Figure 3. Optical image (above left) of partially transformed MgTiO3. Several zones including
completely transformed composite (outer region), the metal reaction front, and unreacted
precursor are evident. The SEM image (lower left) shows the microstructure of the transformed
composite with presence of spinel & Ti-alloy phases. The PXRD pattern (right) indicates the
phases in the transformed region: Spinel, magenta peaks; alumina peaks, red; and aluminum
metal peaks, blue.
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
Proposed Research
The proposed research will focus on new precursor routes derived from results of
previous work on the MgTiO3 system, and will engage in studies of novel, but related,
precursor systems. In our preliminary studies of composites produced from MgTiO3, we
noted via powder X-ray diffraction analysis the presence of the spinel-type phase
MgTi2O4 as an intermediate in the transformation. Such compositions offer the
advantage of having the exact stoichiometry required to produce a spinel/metal-alloy
(2+x)Al + MgTi2O4 → MgAl2O4 + AlxTi2. Note that we have previously
observed such direct replacement reactions in studies of SrFe12O19, in which Al
displaced Fe3+ to give SrAl12O1914. Although MgTi2O4 requires synthesis in a reducing
atmosphere (e.g. nitrogen or argon), it can easily be prepared on a laboratory scale and
transformed for preliminary investigation. The cost effectiveness of scaled-up synthesis
in reducing atmosphere depends upon property benefits of the produced composite
material. Alternatively, other spinel-type phases can be studied, in particular MgFe2O4.
Note that the Fe-Al alloy phase expected in composites produced from this phase, while
heavier than comparable Ti systems, are still lightweight compared to brake rotors
made of cast iron, for example.
The mechanism derived from our previous studies of transformation of MgTiO3
suggests excess MgO as a reaction byproduct, due to insufficient Al2O3 present for
further reaction to spinel. We therefore also propose to investigate the well- known and
easily prepared psuedobrookite phase, MgTi2O5, which is a new precursor system for
TCON processing. This material supplies sufficient oxygen to use up all MgO to
produce a spinel-rich composite:
(8+x)Al + 3MgTi2O5 → 3MgAl2O4 + Al2O3 + xAl-6Ti.
It should be noted that it was observed during the course of our MgTiO3 work that the
presence of silicon in the aluminum melt appears to facilitate Ti-alloy formation &
retention in the composite, and independent work at Fireline indicates that mixing SiC
with precursor material achieves the same result. However, for some precursor
systems, it may be useful to find a route that does not require dependence of Si in the
system for Ti alloy retention. We therefore plan to focus some effort on mixing carbon
into the MgTixOy preform, which we expect will facilitate retention of Ti either through
formation of TiC or C-doped Ti alloys. In addition, the presence of carbon is known to
significantly increase the TiAl alloy component strength15,16.
A particularly interesting system we propose to introduce to the TCON process
consists of compounds known generally as sialons, one example of which is βSiAl2O2N2 . This material can be synthesized by reaction of SiO2 and AlN at 1450°C17.
Of interest is whether or not this novel precursor would produce an aluminum spinel
phase, ideal composition Al3O3N, known for its use as a transparent spinel for armor
applications and for its excellent optical and mechanical properties18-21. For example, it
is over 10% harder than spinel21. A feasible transformation reaction is:
(4/3 +x) Al + SiAl2O2N2 → 2/3 Al3O3N + 4/3 AlN + AlxSi
The reaction does not produce Al3O3N via direct displacement, so that AlN is actually
produced as the major ceramic phase. This material is known for its high thermal
conductivity and corrosion resistance, and has flexural strength similar to that of Al2O3.
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
The precursor systems and respective targeted composites we propose to study
in-depth during this one-year project are summarized in Table 1 below.
Table 1. Summary of proposed precursor materials for synthesis and TCON transformation,
and their corresponding targeted composite compositions.
Targeted Novel Precursor
Targeted Composite Phases
MgX2O4 (X = Ti, Fe) spinel phases
MgAl2O4 spinel phase with X-Al Alloy
MgAl2O4 spinel and Al2O3 ceramic phases with Ti-Al alloy
Sialon, i.e. β-SiAl2O2N2
Al3O3N spinel & AlN with Al(Si)
Summary of the Overall Strategy
Targeted precursors listed in Table 1 will first be synthesized as laboratory-scale
pellets (1/2 in. diameter × 1/4 in. thick) usually via standard ceramic methods. Once
prepared, the precursor samples will next be reacted in (usually) molten Al in a
laboratory kiln until transformation to a composite material is complete. Resulting
composites will be analyzed via optical microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, X-ray
fluorescence, and SEM/EDAX methods, and those showing promising phase
compositions and microstructure will be further targeted for scale-up.
The scale-up procedure is completed in conjunction with Fireline engineers, and
utilizes inexpensive binary reagents which are mixed in a ball mill, processed as 1 × 1 ×
7 in. test bars or 4 × 4 in. plates, and then sintered at appropriate temperatures to
synthesize the desired precursor phase before being transformed in one of Fireline
TCON’s furnaces. Final products are thoroughly analyzed for mechanical properties as
well as micro- and nanostructural features. Any composite materials surpassing
properties of existing TCON formulations for brake rotor applications will be considered
for further development in conjunction with Fireline’s industrial partners for the
commercial market. Figure 4 below depicts the overall project sequence.
JEOL 2100
Laboratory tube
furnace for
precursor prep
Lab (top) and TCON (bottom)
furnaces for precursor
Mechanical properties analysis of
novel composites
Micro- & nanoscale
composite analysis
Figure 4. Sequence of steps for preparation and analysis of proposed novel composites for
potential commercialization as brake rotor materials. Equipment depicted (except TCON
Furnace) is available at YSU.
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
Qualifications and Capacity of the Research Team
All members of the project team have years of experience in the various
specialties (see below) they bring to the project, and for the most part have been
working together on related projects for several years.
Detailed biosketches of all Project Personnel are attached in the Appendix.
Roles & Responsibilities
The key personnel and their primary roles for the proposed project are listed below:
Dr. Tim Wagner (YSU) will serve as PI for the project. He will manage the project,
and directly oversee the research related to precursor synthesis, transformation, and
analysis of resulting composites, as well as supervise research students involved in the
work. He will also coordinate with Fireline their activities related to scale-up of
promising systems, and integrate properties elucidated by Fireline engineers (in
conjunction with YSU students) into a feedback loop for precursor/composite
optimization for brake rotor application.
Dr. Matt Zeller (YSU) will coordinate phase (via x-ray diffraction methods) and
chemical analysis of the TCON composite samples.
Dr. Dingqiang Li (YSU) will coordinate the optical and electron microscopy
characterization of the TCON composite samples to elucidate their micro- and
nanostructural features.
Mark Peters (General Manager of the TCON Division of Fireline) will serve as
research consultant providing feedback on performance of the produced composites for
potential brake rotor applications. He will also play a key role in deciding which
formulation(s) should be moved forward into a commercialization phase, utilizing
existing contacts with Fireline’s (proprietary) commercialization partner(s) related to
their brake rotor marketing interests.
Brian Hetzel (Fireline R&D Projects Manager) will assist with the development and
characterization of the new TCON composite materials, as well as lead in the scale-up
of the most promising laboratory samples.
YSU research students will participate in this research primarily under the direction
of the PI, and will perform syntheses and transformation of precursor materials, and
conduct mechanical characterization (Young’s modulus, flexure strength, etc.) of the
produced composites. They will also work with Fireline engineers on scale-up of
promising composites, and their subsequent characterization. One graduate student,
Alethea Mymo, is already working with the PI and is committed to the project. She
plans to work as an intern at Fireline this summer.
Specific Outcomes and Deliverables
Outcomes for this one-year project include:
• Laboratory-scale synthesis and transformation of novel precursors proposed herein
• Characterization (chemical and structural) of produced composites
• Scale-up of most promising produced composite(s)
• Mechanical properties analysis of scaled-up composite bars or plates
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
Primary Deliverable at the end of this one-year project:
“Go” or “No Go” for further development of scaled-up composite(s) for use in a
commercial light weight brake rotor system.
Relevance to CTME’s Theme and Mission
The CTME website ( lists as one of several Federal
Transportation Research goals the need to “Protect the Environment and Promote
Energy Independence”. Further listed as one of the objectives towards achieving this
goal, is the “development of lighter-weight, more fuel efficient vehicles (including cars,
trucks, trains, planes, and other modes of transportation)”. The project proposed herein
is clearly relevant to this aspect of the CTME’s mission, as its primary goal is to produce
a cost effective, light weight, high strength brake rotor material for use in vehicles. The
effect of producing such a product, multiplied over many vehicles, would significantly
reduce fuel consumption, thereby reducing emissions harmful to the environment. In
addition, the successful project would contribute towards the economic development of
the greater Youngstown region through playing a direct role in creation of high tech jobs
at Fireline.
Relevance to Other Work
Light weight composite braking systems have already been available in the
market for some time through companies such as REL – Matrix Brakes and Brembo
SGL, but these are exclusively used for luxury sports vehicles or motorcycles as they
are too expensive for the lower-end automobile market. The TCON Division of Fireline
has been developing cost effective formulations specifically for brake rotor applications
for the mass market for several years. Recently, they have produced prototype brake
rotors in conjunction with their commercial partners for extensive testing. In the future,
the light weight, high strength composite brake systems market will become more
competitive as companies continue to develop suitable materials for commercialization.
With the assistance of external R&D support in the form of projects such as this to
bolster their internal efforts, Fireline will be well-poised to compete early in this
potentially lucrative market. As noted above, the present project complements ongoing
work at Fireline by investigating ternary or quaternary precursor systems that must be
synthesized (i.e. as opposed to binary systems that can be purchased), and as a result,
may produce novel but cost-effective composites (e.g. those containing Al3O3N) that
can not otherwise be made using simpler precursors. Such efforts may give Fireline an
edge for future growth not shared by their competitors.
Relevance of Proposed Work to the State of Ohio
The proposed project falls well within Ohio’s Third Frontier Project focus on
Advanced Materials, as well as Ohio’s emphasis on research collaborations between
universities and industry within the state.
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
Lasting Contributions
The proposed work is part of a larger initiative involving several YSU research
groups and Fireline that has benefitted from over $3M in previous NSF, Ohio Third
Frontier, and Federal grants and contracts. This funding has been utilized mainly to
establish state-of-the art facilities for X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, mechanical
properties analysis, and ballistics prescreen testing, and much of this infrastructure will
directly benefit the current proposed project. The primary lasting contribution of this
proposal then is that it would provide funds to support focused research conducted by
the YSU faculty, staff, and student participants utilizing this equipment, and so serves
not only to promote the research mission of the university, but also offers invaluable
research opportunities to the participating students. Students would also have the
opportunity to work with industrial collaborators (i.e. on-site at Fireline), giving them a
competitive edge as they take their experiences to the challenging job market.
Potential Economic Development or Commercialization
The composites proposed herein are targeted specifically for application in
vehicle brake rotor systems, and promising laboratory materials will be scaled-up to 1 ×
1 × 7 in. bars or 4 × 4 in. plates for further testing. Fireline will consider for full
commercialization to market any suitable composites developed from this project and
will be well positioned to do so. It is noteworthy that Fireline is actively engaged at
present in partnerships with other companies to assist in commercialization of their
existing formulations for brake rotor applications. Examples of Fireline’s commercial
partnerships include Carbotech Performance Brakes, for the high-performance
automotive market, and GMP Frictions Products (in Akron) for Humvee vehicles for the
U.S. military. This is beneficial to the proposed work, since by the end of the proposed
project year, Fireline can utilize their already established partnerships to assist in
commercialization of any optimal materials for the brake rotor market produced as an
outcome of this project. Such a development could lead to significant job growth in the
Youngstown area.
Potential for Sustainability
As mentioned above, this project is leveraged by state-of-the-art infrastructure
established by previous grant awards obtained by the PI and his colleagues. Funds
from these sources have been or will all be depleted by June, 2012. Fireline along with
YSU and other collaborators are continually seeking funding to support fundamental
research, development, and commercialization of these multifunctional TCON
composite materials. For example, Fireline has applied for funding from the U.S. DoE
Innovative Manufacturing Initiative, with YSU as one of the co-applicants, on a project
related to the one proposed herein. That project will emphasize work on more
fundamental precursor systems than the ones proposed here, thus, the two projects
would complement each other. The PI plans to pursue related proposal submissions in
the future to the Army Research Office for force protection applications, and/or to NSF
for a related project focusing mainly on basic research (i.e. reaction mechanisms and
modeling). Fundamental work such as that proposed herein will provide proof of
concept results which will be very useful in strengthening the chances for funding of
future proposals, ultimately towards the successful commercialization of product.
CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
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CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
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CTME: Novel Composites for Light Weight Vehicle Braking Systems
YSU - Wagner
The proposed budget for the one-year grant period is summarized below.
Faculty Salaries
Cost Share is match for 3 sh reassigned
time during the academic year, and CTME
Funds requested are for summer support.
Faculty/Staff Fringes (38%)
Student Salaries
Student Fringes (5% for
summer and 77% for academic
year for MS students)
$ 250
Permanent Equipment
Expendable Property,
Supplies, and Services
$8,000 for YSU (chemicals and other
consumables related to microstructural
analysis of TCON composites, materials
property analysis, and synthesis of ceramic
raw materials) and $10,000 for Fireline (to
offset costs for producing scaled-up TCON
composites of selected YSU samples).
Domestic Travel
For travel, lodging, and fees for travel to
one conference for YSU participants.
Total Salaries and Benefits
Other Direct Costs (Specify)
Total Direct Costs
F&A (Indirect) Costs
Cost Share is for YSU academic year
graduate student (MS) stipend match, and
CTME Funds requested are for graduate
student summer support.
The $7,700 cost share includes fringe
benefits and tuition remission as part of the
YSU academic year graduate student
stipend match. Graduate student fringes for
summer support requested from CTME do
not require tuition remission.
Charged at YSU rate of 51.5% of salaries
Department of Chemistry, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, OH, 44555-3663
University of Wisconsin - River Falls
Arizona State University
Northwestern University
Solid State Chemistry Ph.D.
Electron Microscopy Postdoc
Director – Center of Excellence in Materials Science and Engineering,
Youngstown State University (2009–present). Dr. Wagner is the principal author of
the proposal to the Ohio Dept. of Development establishing Materials Science and
Engineering as a Center of Excellence at YSU, as well as PI of a $2.1 M grant funded
through the Ohio Third Frontier Wright Project Program which was used to establish a
new electron microscopy facility at YSU, consisting of a JEOL 2010 TEM/STEM, JEM
4500 FIB/SEM, and TEM sample prep lab. The EM facility was funded largely to support
our collaborative work on design & characterization of advanced composite materials
produced by the TCON Division of Fireline, Inc., such as those proposed herein.
Professor – Chemistry, Youngstown State University (2003–present). Synthesis
and characterization (X-Ray, SEM, TEM) of mixed anion inorganic materials; synthesis
of ceramic oxide precursors for preparation of ceramic-metallic composites, and
analyses via X-ray diffraction, EM, & other methods to establish structure/property
relationships towards rational design of advanced composite materials produced by the
TCON Division of Fireline, Inc.
Associate Professor – Chemistry, Youngstown State University (1998–2003).
Assistant Professor – Chemistry, Youngstown State University (1992–1998).
Visiting Assistant Professor – Chemistry, Illinois Institute of Technology (1990–
Articles & Presentations: Wagner has authored 26 peer reviewed publications and contributed
to over 14 presentations (last five years) at national and international conferences
A. Yurcho, A., Peters, K-M., Hetzel, B., Zeller, M., Wagner, T.R., and Solomon, V.C.,
“Microstructural and Compositional Investigation of Al-alloy-Al2O3 Ceramic-Metallic
Composites Synthesized by Reactive Melt Penetration”, Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi 2011, LVII
(LXI) (4), 416-426.
Solomon, V.C., Peters, K.M., Hetzel, B., and Wagner, T.R., “Characterization of
structure evolution in aged Al2O3/SiC composite refractories by electron microscopy”
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 16(Suppl. 2) pp. 946-947 (2010).
Seibel, H., Karen, P., Wagner, T.R., and Woodward, P.M.: "Synthesis and
Characterization of Color Variants of Nitrogen- and Fluorine-Substituted TiO2", J. Mater.
Chem., 19, 471-477 (2009).
Pugh, C.A., Lufaso, M.W., Zeller, M., Wagner, T.R., and Curtin, L.S.: “The Synthesis,
Spectroscopic, Electrochemical and X-Ray Diffraction Characterization of Novel Bridged
Ferrocene Precursors for use in Self-Assembled Monolayers”, J. Organometal. Chem.,
691, 680-686 (2006).
Jack, D.J., Zeller, M., and Wagner, T.R.: “Doubled-cubic Ca2NF,” Acta Cryst., C61, i6-8
Seibel, H. and Wagner, T.: “Preparation and Crystal Structure of Ba2NF,” J. Solid State
Chemistry, 177, 2772-2776 (2004).
Wagner, T.: “Preparation and Crystal Structure Analysis of Sr2NF,” J. Solid State
Chemistry, 169, 13-18 (2002).
Luo, J., Alexander, B., Wagner, T.R., and Maggard, P.A.: “Synthesis and
Characterization of ReO4-Containing 2D and 3D Open Framework Structures,” Inorganic
Chemistry, 43, 5537-5542 (2004).
Seibel, H., Miner, P.L., Norris, P., and Wagner, T.R.: "Crystal Structure of 1-(2,3:5,6-DiO-isopropylidene-β-D-mannofuranosyl)-1H-[1,2,3]triazol-4,5-dicarboxylic acid diethyl
ester", J. of Chem. Crystallography, 2007, 37(3), 157-163.
Gadikota, R.R., Callam, C.S., Wagner, T.R., Del Fraino, B., and Lowary, T.L.: “2,3Anhydrosugars in Glycoside Bond Synthesis. Highly Stereoselective Syntheses of
Oligosaccharides Containing α-and β-Arabinofuranosyl Linkages,” J. of the American
Chemical Society 2003, 125(14), 4155-4165.
Dr. Wagner is a major proponent of current efforts to expand research and economic
development initiatives related to the multidisciplinary Materials Science and
Engineering program at YSU. He served on the advisory committee for the new Ph.D.
program in Materials Science and Engineering at YSU, which has been granted final
approval from the Higher Learning Commission to begin taking students in Fall, 2012.
Currently, he is serving on the admissions committee for the new program.
PI and Co-PI on multiple NSF grants which funded the acquisition of major
instrumentation such as a CCD single diffractometer and high resolution powder X-ray
diffractometer system, and an NSF DMR-IMR grant to fund the upgrade of a TEM for
enhanced materials characterization.
Designed and incorporated materials research modules into the general chemistry
laboratory course as part of a state-wide, NSF-supported initiative. Further supported
this effort through serving as PI on an NSF-CCLI grant award which funded a dedicated
bench-top X-ray diffractometer and UV-Vis spectrometer for hands-on access by general
chemistry students.
Phi Lamda Upsilon National Chemistry Honor Society; Sigma Pi Sigma National Physics
Honor Society; Phi Kappa Phi, YSU Distinguished Professor Award in Scholarship, 2004;
Graduate Dean’s Award for “Superior Success in Obtaining External Funding”, 2009.
College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Youngstown State
University, Youngstown, OH, 44555-3663, 330-941-7105,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
Youngstown State University
Inorganic Chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry
Chemistry & Crystallography
Co-Editor – Acta Crystallographica, International Union of Crystallography (2007–
present). This includes handling of submissions, selection of reviewers (where the
expertise of the Co-Editor is not sufficient to handle the submission independently), peer
review of submissions (where the expertise of the Co-Editor is sufficient to handle the
entire submission), working with the authors to try to improve submissions so that they
might become acceptable for publication, and final decision on the manuscripts. The
average annual workload per Co-Editor is around 100 submitted manuscripts.
Adjunct Professor – Chemistry, Youngstown State University (2003–present). Has
taught “NanoScience-Chem 6991”, “Polymers-Chem 5861”, and “Advanced Inorganic
Chemistry-Chem 6931”, and “Special Topics - 30042 - CHEM 6991” (the advanced NMR
class). He also covers the lab sections of “Solid State Structural Methods-Chem 5832”,
the X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence sections of “Chemical Instrumentation-Chem
5804” and offers intensive X-ray crystallography courses for individuals and small groups
of students.
Research Staff Scientist – College of STEM, Youngstown State University
(2005–present). Zeller is responsible for operation of the X-ray Facility at the
Youngstown State University housing single crystal and powder XRD instruments and
an XRF spectrometer. He holds a PhD in organometallic chemistry. Zeller conducts
research involving all aspects of X-ray crystallography. He routinely collaborates with
others in the capacity of crystallographer and supervises the overall operation of YSU’s
X-ray diffractometers; trains X-ray facility users, guests and students; gives advice and
assistance with growing single crystals; assists with data collection, both on site and
online via the web; provides structure solving and refinement; assists with data
interpretation; deposits files for publication; and publishes collected data in scientific
journals or assists others in doing so.
Articles & Presentations: Zeller has authored 310 peer reviewed publications and contributed
to over 148 presentations at national and international conferences
Understanding an Order-Disorder Phase Transition in Ionothermally Synthesized
Gallium Phosphates, Olshansky, Jacob H.; Blau, Samuel M.; Zeller, Matthias; Schrier,
Joshua; Norquist, Alexander J., Crystal Growth & Design 2011, 11(7), 3065-3071.
Microstructural and Compositional Investigation of Al-alloy-Al2O3 Ceramic-Metallic
Composites Synthesized by Reactive Melt Penetration, A. Yurcho, K-M. Peters, B.
Hetzel, M. Zeller, T. R. Wagner, V. C. Solomon, Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi 2011, LVII (LXI) (4),
Synthesis and Structures of Pb3O2(CH3COO)2·0.5H2O and Pb2O(HCOO)2: Two
Corrosion Products Revisited, Mauck, Catherine M.; van den Heuvel, Titus W. P.; Hull,
Michaela M.; Zeller, Matthias; Oertel, Catherine M., Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49(22), 1073610743.
Photoelectrochemical and Photoresponsive Properties of Bi2S3 Nanotube and
Nanoparticle Thin Films, Tahir, Asif Ali; Ehsan, Muhammad Ali; Mazhar, Muhammad;
Wijayantha, K. G. Upul; Zeller, Matthias; Hunter, A. D., Chemistry of Materials
2010, 22(17), 5084-5092.
The Role of Stereoactive Lone Pairs in Templated Vanadium Tellurite Charge Density
Matching Chang, Kelvin B.; Hubbard, Desmond J.; Zeller, Matthias; Schrier, Joshua;
Norquist, Alexander J., Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49(11), 5167-5172.
Copper (II) oligomeric derivatives for deposition of copper thin films, Muhammad Shahid,
Asif Ali Tahir, Mazhar Hamid, Muhammad Mazhar, Matthias Zeller, Kieran C. Molloy, and
Allen D. Hunter, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2009, 1043-1050.
Heterobimetallic Molecular Cages for the Deposition of Cu/Ti and Cu/Zn Mixed-Metal
Oxides., Hamid, Mazhar; Tahir, Asif A.; Mazhar, Muhammad; Zeller, Matthias; Hunter,
Allen D., Inorg. Chem. 2007, 46(10), 4120-4127.
Doubled-cubic Ca2NF, Danielle R. Jack, Matthias Zeller, Timothy R. Wagner, Acta Cryst.
C 2005, C61, i6-i8.
Invited Panel Member: “Cyber-Enabled Instrumentation Strategic Planning Workshop” of
the National Science Foundation - Mathematical & Physical Sciences Directorate Chemistry Division - (Chemistry Research Instrumentation & Facilities: Multi-User
Instrumentation Program), Arlington Virginia, 03/01/2008-02/28/2009.
Peer Reviewing for Crystal Growth & Design, The Journal of the American Chemical
Society, The Journal of Chemical Crystallography, The Journal of Applied
Crystallography, Acta Crystallographica C and E, and others.
Graduate Scholarship by the German National Academic Foundation; Zerweck Diploma
Thesis Award (1998); DFG (German Scientific Society) Ph.D. Scholarship (1998 –
2000); Fellowship with the DFG sponsored Doctoral Programs Phosphorous Chemistry
(1998 – 2000) and Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Electron Transfer (1998 – 2000);
DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Postdoctoral Fellowship (2001); Staedtler
Foundation Doctoral Thesis Award for the Advancement of Scientific Research (2001);
2008 Scientific and Technological Achievement Award (Level III) of the United States
Environmental Protection Agency.
College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Youngstown State University,
Youngstown, OH, 44505
Phone: (330) 941-7102,
Wuhan University of Technology
Northwestern Polytechnical Univ.
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Materials Sci. and Engineering
Materials Sci. and Engineering
Materials Sci. and Engineering
Electron Microscopy Scientist – College of Science, Technology, Engineering &
Mathematics, Youngstown State Univ., Youngstown, OH (2011 – present): Li is
responsible for the daily management of the Electron Microscopy Facility at Youngstown
State University. He supervises the daily operation and maintenance of YSU’s electron
microscopes; trains EM facility users, guests and students; gives advice and assistance with
instrument operation; assists with image and data collection, and data interpretation
Senior Research Associate/Consultant – Department of Materials Sci. and Engineer.,
Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH (2006 – 2011): Microstructure
characterization of low-temperature carburized steels, bulk metallic glasses (BMGs),
aluminum alloys, carbides, Cu-Ni-Nd alloys, copper alloys and iron and steels by means of
SEM, HRTEM, STEM, EDS, XRD, EBSD, EELS, FIB, Auger, and XPS. TEM specimen
preparations by FIB lift-out technique. Development of surface hardness enhancement on
colossal supersaturated carburized stainless steels by means of post-tempering processing.
Research Scientist/Consultant –the State College of Ceramic Engineering, Alfred
University, Alfred, NY (2004-2005)
MPI Fellow/Guest Scientist – Max-Planck-Institute for Metals, Stuttgart, Germany
(2003): (awarded and fully supported by the Max Planck Society, Germany) Conducted
residual stress analysis of thin films deposited on substrates using X-ray diffraction.
STA Fellow/Research Scientist – National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS),
Tsukuba, Japan (2001 – 2002): (awarded and fully supported by the Japan Society for the
Promotion of Science) Research on processing/mechanical properties/microstructure
relations of superalloys and intermetallics. Conducted mechanical property testing and
microstructure characterization via SEM, TEM and XRD. TEM conducted to study slip
system and dislocation features of intermetallics foils.
Assoc. Prof. and Co-Director – Institute of Surface Modification of Metals and
Materials Shanghai Jiao Tong University (1994 – 2000): Taught materials science
courses and advised students. Fund raising, proposal writing. Training and technical support
for users and students to operate various instruments and equipment. Served as a codirector for daily management of the Institute of Surface Modification of Metals and
Materials. Conducted research in Materials Science and Electron Microscopy on metals and
metallic/ceramic matrix composites.
Articles & Presentations: Li has published 30+ papers in peer reviewed journals and two book
The carbide M7C3 in low-temperature-carburized austenitic stainless steel, Frank Ernst,
Dingqiang Li, Harold Kahn, Gary M. Michal, and Arthur H. Heuer, Acta Materialia,
Microstructural effects on tension behavior of Cu-15Ni-8Sn Sheet, Joshua Caris, Dingqiang
Li, John J. Stephens Jr., John J. Lewandowski, Materials Science and Engineering A,
High cycle fatigue behavior of a nanostructured composite produced via extrusion of
amorphous Al89Gd7Ni3Fe1 alloy powders, Adel B. El-Shabasy, Dingqiang Li, and John J.
Lewandowski, Materials Science and Engineering A, 513-514 (2009)202-207.
Tensile properties and cold rolling of binary Ni-Al γ/γ' two-phase single crystals, Dingqiang
Li, Kyosuke Kishida, Masahiko Demura, and Toshiyuki Hirano, Intermetallics, 16(2008)13171324.
The grain boundary character distribution of O and O+BCC Ti-Al-Nb alloys, Dingqiang Li
and C.J. Boehlert, Metall Mater Trans A, 36A (2005) 2569-2584.
The grain boundary character distribution of a fully-orthorhombic Ti-25Al-24Nb(at.%) alloy,
Dingqiang Li, S.I. Wright and C.J. Boehlert, Scripta Materialia, 51(2004), No.6: 545-550.
Microstructure and mechanical properties of cold-rolled thin foils of binary Ni-Al γ/γ' twophase alloys, Dingqiang Li, Masahiko Demura, Kyosuke Kishida, Yozo Suga, and Toshiyuki
Hirano, Defect Properties and Related Phenomena in Intermetallic Alloys, Mat. Res. Soc.
Symp. Proc. vol.753 (2003) BB5.23.
The application of computer simulation in the heat-treatment process of a large-scale
bearing roller, Jiansheng Pan, Yongjun and Dingqiang Li, Journal of Material Processing
Technology, 122 (2002), No2-3, 241-248.
Oxidation behavior of FeAl alloys with and without titanium, Dingqiang Li, Yun Xu and
Dongliang Lin, Journal of Materials Science, 36(2001)6: 979-983.
Tensile behavior of SiCp/2124Al composites with various SiC particle sizes at room
temperature, Dingqiang Li, Hojin Ryu and Soon Hyung Hong, Transactions of Nonferrous
Metals Society of China, 10 (2000)6: 732-736.
Co-edited National Standards of China on Thermo-Chemical Heat Treatment.
Trustee of the Youth Materials Research Society of China (1995-2001).
Youth-Scientist Fellowship awarded by Korean Science and Engineering Foundation (1998).
SAT Fellowship awarded by Japan Society for the Science Promotion (2001-2002).
Max-Planck-Institute Scientist Fellowship awarded by Max-Planck-Society, Germany (2003).
Secretary of the Committee of Simulation Modeling of Heat Treatment of the International
Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering (1999-2000).
Members of the American Microscopy Society, the American Ceramic Society, the American
Iron and Steels Institute, and the Materials Information Society.
General Manager of TCON Division and Director of Engineering – Fireline, Inc., 300 Andrews
Avenue, Youngstown, OH 44505, 330-743-1164,
Case Western Reserve University
Metallurgy and Materials Science
Director of Engineering – Fireline, Inc. (2009 – present): Responsible for managing the
Engineering staff and activities that support Fireline’s Sales and Production activities, including
new product and process development, product drawings and tooling, materials approval and
qualifying critical material suppliers, and manufacturing yield, costs, and throughput
General Manager - TCON Division – Fireline, Inc. (2002 – present): Responsible for
managing the development, implementation, commercialization, and profitability of the TCON
process, a unique method of producing ceramic-metallic composites with enhanced properties.
Primary focus has been on process development, establishing a new production facility, and
the development of new products and markets. Responsibilities included obtaining
government grants and developing partnerships with outside research and industrial
organizations in order to leverage internal resources, as well as managing intellectual
property, licenses, and contracts.
Vice President of Technology, Technical Manager, and Development Engineer –
Pyromatics, Inc. (1991 – 2001): Coordinated all technical efforts relating to the research,
development, design, manufacturing, and sales of fused quartz components utilized in
semiconductor processing equipment.
Articles & Presentations:
K.M. Peters, “Evolution of an Energy Management System”, presented at the 15th Annual
Ohio Energy Management Conference (2011) and the ASERTTI Industrial Energy Efficiency
& Competiveness Workshop (2011)
V. C. Solomon, K.M. Peters, B.P. Hetzel, and T.R. Wagner, “Characterization of Structure
Composite Refractories by Electron Microscopy”,
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2010 Conference (2010)
K.M. Peters, R.M. Cravens, and J.G. Hemrick, “Advanced Composites for Improved Thermal
Management in Molten Aluminum Applications”, Energy Conservation in Metals Extraction
and Materials Processing II Symposium Proceedings, TMS (2009)
J.G. Hemrick, W.L. Headrick, and K.M. Peters, “Development and Application of Refractory
Materials for Molten Aluminum Applications”, Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., Vol. 5, No. 3, pp
265-277 (2008)
J. Xu, X. Liu, E. Barbero, J.G. Hemrick, and K.M. Peters, “Wetting and Reaction
Characteristics of Al2O3/SiC Composite Refractories by Molten Aluminum and Aluminum
Alloy”, Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., Vol. 4, No. 6, (2007).
J.G. Hemrick, J. Xu, K.M. Peters, X. Liu, and E. Barbero, “Wetting and Reaction
Characteristics of Al2O3/SiC Composite Refractories By Molten Aluminum and Aluminum
Alloy”, Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and
Composites, January (2007).
K.M. Peters, Opaque Fused Quartz for Heat Shielding Components”, American Scientific
Glassblowers Society Symposium Proceedings (1994)
US Patents:
7,111,476 Ted A. Loxley, John F. Blackmer, Klaus-Markus Peters; “Electrophoretic
deposition process for making quartz glass products”
6,381,986 Ted A. Loxley, John F. Blackmer, Klaus-Markus Peters; “Sintered quartz glass
products and methods for making same”
6,355,587 Ted A. Loxley, John F. Blackmer, Klaus-Markus Peters; “Quartz glass products
and methods for making same”
6,012,304 Ted A. Loxley, John F. Blackmer, Klaus-Markus Peters; “Sintered quartz glass
products and methods for making same”
4,826,791 Pankaj K. Mehrotra, Klaus-Markus Peters, Joyce L. Swiokla; “Silicon carbidealpha prime sialon beta prime sialon”
Business community representative on the Youngstown State University 2020 Strategic
Plan subcommittee (2011)
2009 Outstanding Community Partner of the Year award from Youngstown State University
College of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics
Adjunct Professor at Youngstown State University College of Science, Technology,
Engineering, & Mathematics (Mech. Eng. 2007 – 2008, Chemistry 2009 - present)
Board of Advisors for JumpStart TechLift Advisors, a NE Ohio technology entrepreneurship
organization, representing the Youngstown Business Incubator (2009 – 2010); of the
Board for the Youngstown State University Center for Transportation and Materials
Engineering (2007 to 2010)
Business Representatives Committee which assisted in the search for the Founding Dean at
Youngstown State University’s College of Science, Technology, Engineering, &
Mathematics (2007)
Innovation Committee under the Business Led Development Group for the Mahoning Valley
(2006 to 2007)
R&D Projects Manager of TCON Division and R&D Technology Manager – Fireline, Inc., 300
Andrews Avenue, Youngstown, OH 44505, 330-743-1164,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Metallurgy and Materials Science
R&D Technology Manager for Fireline, Inc. and R&D Projects Manager for Fireline TCON
Division (2004 – present): Responsible for improving current materials, developing new
materials and processes, and incorporating cross functionality between R&D, Engineering, and
Manufacturing. Directed and performed internal R&D and engineering projects, and worked with
customers to develop and market a new product line.
Market Development Manager– SSI Technologies, Inc. (1999 – 2004): Responsible for
researching existing and new markets, creating awareness, and developing new business from
first customer contact to final PPAP stages, providing technical assistance to customers
unfamiliar with PM and MIM technology, and developing new materials/processes for customers
with demanding requirements.
Corporate Materials Manager – Radiac Abrasives, Inc. (1997 – 1999): Responsible for
reducing materials and labor costs and incorporating cross functionality between R&D,
Engineering, and Manufacturing.
Senior Process Engineer – Ipsen Ceramics (1993 – 1997): Responsible for reducing
material and process waste, performing process documentation, and providing research and
development support for product improvement and process refinement.
Materials Engineer – Woodward Governor Company (1990 – 1993): Responsible for
performing materials/failure analysis in high profile accident investigations, providing materials
expertise on design review boards, and certifying special processes and operators.
Articles & Presentations:
“Metal Injection Molding Components in Automotive Applications”, Society of Automotive
Engineers Symposium 2001-01-0349, co-authored with P. dePoutiloff
“Nano-Scale Interpenetrating Phase Composites (IPC’S) for Industrial and Vehicle
Applications”, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Technical Report TM-2010/80, Principal
Investigators: Dr. J.G. Hemrick, Dr. H.Z. Hu, Oak Ridge National Lab; KM Peters, Fireline
TCON; Brian Hetzel, Fireline, Inc.
“Microstructural Analysis of Ceramic-Metallic Interpenetration Phase Composites”, Yurcho,
A., Peters, K.M., Hetzel, B., Zeller, M., Wagner, T.R., and Solomon, V.C., Proceedings of
the 2011 ASEE North Central & Illinios Indiana Section Conference, Mount Pleasant,
Michigan, April 1st-2nd, 2011.
“Microstructural and Compositional Investigation of Al-alloy-Al2O3 Ceramic-Metallic
Composites Synthesized by Reactive Melt Penetration”, A. Yurcho, K-M. Peters, B. Hetzel,
M. Zeller, T. R. Wagner, V. C. Solomon, Bul. Inst. Polit. Iaşi 2011, LVII (LXI) (4), 416-426.
“Electron Microscopy Study of Co-Continuous Al-Fe/Al2O3 Composite Synthesized by
Reactive Metal Infiltration”, Yurcho, A., Peters, K.M., Hetzel, B., Zeller, M., Wagner, T.R.,
and Solomon, V.C., Microscopy & Microanalysis 2011 Meeting, Aug. 9th-11th, 2011.
“Structural and Compositional Investigations of Ceramic-Metal Interpenetrating Phase
Composites Produced by Reactive Metal Penetration in Molten Al and Al-Fe alloy”, Yurcho,
A., Peters, K.M., Hetzel, B., Zeller, M., Wagner, T.R., and Solomon, V.C., Materials Science
and Technology 2011 Conference & Exhibition, October 16th-20th, Columbus, Ohio, 2011.
“Microstructural Characterization of an Alumina Zirconia Silicate (AZS) Refractory Material
for Molten Metal Application” Hemrick, J. G., Peters, K.M., Hetzel, B., Materials Science and
Technology 2011 Conference & Exhibition, October 16th-20th, Columbus, Ohio, 2011.
Hetzel has over 20 years of experience in the field of materials science and engineering,
primarily with metals and ceramics.
Directly responsible for failure analysis of aerospace
materials, designing and specifying new materials for aerospace, automotive, and other
commercial markets, planning and carrying out R&D projects related to the processing of
metallic and ceramic components and the utilization of these components in end user
Hetzel has over 10 years of experience in managing R&D and engineering projects for metallic
and ceramics manufacturers. Researched existing and new markets for opportunities within
core competencies and developed new materials/processes for synergistic opportunities
outside core competencies.
Member of the American Ceramic Society, ASM International, and the American Powder
Metal Institute
Member of the Advisory Board for the Youngstown State University Center for
Transportation and Materials Engineering (2/07 to present)
Member of the Advisory Board for the Youngstown State University PhD program for
Materials Science and Engineering (12/08 to 3/10)