Rolling Rocks


Rolling Rocks
Rolling Rocks, January 11, 2013
Rolling Rocks
Happy New Year!
Hope you all had a great holiday and are refreshed for the action packed semester ahead of us.
Welcome Eva and Yurena
Welcome to Eva Enkelmann and Yurena Yanes who have just joined us as new professors. Eva’s expertise is
in thermochronology and tectonics, and Yurena is a Quaternary paleoecologyexpert. We all look forward to
working with them over the coming years.
No Colloquium Today
There is no colloquium this week and We will begin the Spring Colloquium Series next Wednesday (January
16) at 4pm in Geology/Physics Room 527. Please note the day change to Wednesdays. Refreshments will begin
at 3:30 pm. Talks in January and February will be led by our graduate students and will focus on their
amazing research to date. Aaron will send out a schedule next week, but next week’s talks will be given by
Julia Wise, Kent Walters, Jenny Arkle and Tashia Pierce. Colloquium will return to Fridays beginning in
March. Sorry for any confusion.
New Publications!
Several new papers were published over the holidays. Check these out:
Demet Kiran Yildirim, Attila Kilinc, Fikret Suner, Mustafa Kumral, Gokce K. Ustunisik and Murat Budakoglu,
2012. Origin of galena and sphalerite mineralization in the Koru Volcanics, Biga Peninsula, Turkey: Insights from
MELTS modeling and SUPCRT calculations. International Geology Review, pp. 1-12.
McGill, S.F., Owen, L.A., Weldon, R.J., Kendrick, K.J. (2012) Latest Pleistocene and Holocene slip rate for the San
Bernardino strand of the San Andreas Fault, Plunge Creek, Southern California: implications for strain partitioning
within the southern San Andreas Fault Zone for the last 32 ka. Geological Society of America, Bulletin, 125, 48-72,
Yuan, Z., Chen, J., Owen, L.A., Hedrick, K.A., Caffee, M.W., Li, W., Schoenbohm, L.M., Robinson, A.C. (2013)
Nature and timing of large landslides within an active orogen, eastern Pamir, China. Geomorphology, 182, 49-65.
Rolling Rocks, January 11, 2013
Most Downloaded News Article
The article on the new fossil find is the most read story on the University’s website. If you haven’t read it yet
then please check it out at
Joshua in the News
Check out the story on Joshua’s research on the McMicken website at:
Outstanding Airman of the Year
Matt Jones received an award for ” Outstanding airman of the year for 2012” when he competed against
members of his unit. He went on to compete at State level against all Ohio Air National Guard members. He
did not win State; but the General acknowledged him and added several pictures of him in uniform and one
of him in an infamous stream gaging exercise. The distinguished guests and contestants were able to see these
pictures and through his notes on the submitted images, now the judges all know how to measure current
velocity! Congratulations Matt, we are all very proud of you and really appreciate your service to our
Rolling Rocks, January 11, 2013
Geologist featured in Fountain Square
If you go skating on Fountain Square you will see one of our students on a glacier. Please let us know if you
recognize who it is and who took the photo.
December in St. Croix
Rolling Rocks, January 11, 2013
Kelsey, Krista, Shams and Arnie undertook a research fieldtrip in St. Croix in December. Looks like they are
really rough time. We look forward to hearing about their work in the coming weeks.
Harrison and Jenny go to Mecca
Harrison and Jenny spent several weeks this past December undertaking fieldwork in the Mecca Hills in
Southern California examining the tectonic geomorphology. Here’s a photo deep within Harrison’s field area.
We also look forward to hearing more about this work soon.
Please don’t forget to e-mail me your news for Rolling Rocks.
Best wishes,