Guide malaisie


Guide malaisie
Visite Malaisie 2009
SEREMBAN : Ville sans charme qui découragera les touristes. Architecture Minangkabau,
caractérisée par des toits en forme de corne, date de l’influence de Sumatra au XVII. A 40km de
seremban, Sri menanti, vieux palais Istana lama sri menanti, devenu un musée.
PORT DICKSON : Petite ville, mais principalement une plage sans grand caractère. Mer polluée.
ALOR SETAR : Capitale du Kedah. Guère d’intérêt touristique. Ville tristounette. Masjid Zahir
(1)(1912), considérée comme l’une des + belles mosquées du pays. Face à elle, le balai basar (1898),
derrière se trouve le vieux palais du Sultan où naquit le père de la Malaisie en 1963.
BATU CAVES : 08-20h. Bus Intrakota n°11D du bangkok bank bus sta nd (près marché central), ou
Cityliner n°69 depuis central market. 1RM – 30min. Limestone hill, which has a series of caves and
cave temples, located 13 km N. of Kuala Lumpur. The cave is one of the most popular Hindu shrines
outside India. Batu Caves is said to be around 400 million years old. Batu Caves is said to have been
discovered by K. Thamboosamy Pillai, an Indian trader, in the 1800s. the largest and best known is
the Temple or Cathedral Cave, so named because it houses several Hindu shrines. Standing at 42.7
meter (140.09 ft) high, the world's tallest statue of Murugan, a Hindu deity, is located outside Batu
Caves. To reach Cathedral Cave or Temple Cave, visitors have to climb a steep flight of 272 steps.
There are various undeveloped caves which contain a diverse range of cave fauna, including some
unique species, such as Liphistiidae spiders and Eonycteris and Rousettus fruit bats. The Batu Caves
are the sacred place for the Hindu's in Malaysia. The public busses can be boarded at the Pudu Raya
Bus Terminal in Kuala Lumpur.
At your arrival you will be greeted by lots of monkeys, (faites attention quand même, ils ne sont pas
toujours mignons). Bus Nr 70 and 349 are leaving from Lebuh Pudu (in China Town) every 30 minutes.
Journey is about 45 min. Tlj, 7-21h. Autour du site, il y un petit quartier indien avec boutiques typiques
et touristiques. Vous pourrez en profiter pour boire le jus d’une noix de coco fraîchement coupée.
Musée Orang Asli : A 24km de KL, après Batu caves, situated at KM24, Jalan Pahang, Gombak,
Selangor Darul Ehsan. Du samedi au jeudi, 09h00-17h00. Fermé le vendredi. 0RM. Bonne
introduction aux coutumes et culture des orang asli. Bus n°174 depuis le terminal Lebuh Ampang.
Orang Asli is Malay for original people. Today there are 100,000 Orang Asli. Just over half of them
live in the jungle, the others are coastal people and often fishermen. They speak different languages
and many of them are animists. Next to the museum is a small restaurant. It is a good place to have a
meal and wait for the bus.
PULAU BESAR : Located about 3 nautical miles off Pengkalan Pernu at Umbai, 10km south of
Melaka town. The island is ideal for swimming, fishing, snorkelling, camping and picnicking. Pulau
Besar is the largest of eight islands off the coast of Malacca. There is a cave called "Yunos Gua". It is
believed that in ancient times, warriors came to the cave to learn the art of mysticism. Syarikat
Kenderaan Aziz bus line operates regular services to Umbai from the Jalan Tun Ali Terminal in
Malacca town. You can easily reached Pulau Besar by boat from Umbai, which will cost you RM10
(return). There is several beach chalets. TELAGA AIR TAWAR (FRESH WATER WELL). It is a
unique fresh water well exceedingly close to the sea. Legend has it that when the tide is high the
water in the well would be saline but during low tide the water would be fresh. TELAGA TEMPAYAN
(WISHING WELL). Legend has it that this well could make your wishes come true if you dipped your
hand in the well and made the wish.
PULAU BESAR : Baignée dans la mer de chine. Plage blanche, jungle luxuriante. The island is
located within a marine park with crystal clear water ideal for snorkeling. The Island is only 13 km(8
miles) form Mersing and a leisurely boat ride to the resort takes about an hour. Pulau Besar is
surrounded by many nearby islands, like Pulau Mensirip, Pulau Hujung, Pulau Rawa, Pulau Harimau.
Even Pulau Tengah on which Expedition Robinson was filmed, is close to Pula Besar. There are
many interesting activities. One can go snorkelling, fishing, diving or take a trip to all the nearby
islands. Visitors can trek through the woods to see the tropical plants and animals or visit a 'kelong' to
see the fishermen hauling up their nets laden with the bountiful harvest from the sea.
The wild vegetation of the tropical jungle are rich in many different green colours and the sight of
coconut palm dotting the landscape is a normal one. There are about 7 – 8 small villages that are still
populated by around 100 friendly dwellers who are mostly fishermen. At Besar Island, you can take a
visit to the “Expedition Robinson” filming locations and exhibits. Not to mention water activities like
sunbathing, snorkelling, and diving in the crystal clear water. The water is so clear that you can even
see the abundant reefs from the water surface. Here, you can find giant cockles that are over 200 kgs
and 1 meter long shell on the ocean floor around Mersing water. For those who are like to explore
when snorkelling, try hop to Harimau Island (or locally Pulau Harimau) and you will find your “private
salt water swimming pool”, which was formed by a cavern inside the island.
RM 80.00 (adult) RM 60.00 (child) - return boat transfer Mersing-Pulau Besar. From Mersing Jetty :
1200 hrs (12.00 noon)daily. From Pulau Besar : 1300 hrs, daily
JOHOR BAHRU : 2eme ville du pays après KL. La ville n’a pas beaucoup d’intérêt culturel. C’est
surtout un point de passage obligé pour Singapour. A voir l’Istana besar, palais construit en 1866 par
le sultan Abu Bakar. Petit Versailles, symbolise ce que fût la grandeur des sultans. Sultan Abu bakar
mosque. Nombreux centres commerciaux monstres comme Holiday plaza, plaza pelangi, plaza
kotaraya et le nouveau city square.
KUKUP : Village sur pilotis. Faire un tour en mer pour voir les fermes d’élevage de poissons et l’île à
mangroves de pulau kukup. Le + facile est de s’y rendre en voiture de location.
TANJUNG PIAI : A la pointe extrême de la Malaisie. A 75km de JB. It is the southernmost point of
Peninsular Malaysia and thus the most southern point of mainland Asia. Tanjung Piai also features a
National Park that gives visitors a glimpse into the mangrove dweller's natural habitat. Entrance fees
are RM3 for Malaysians and RM5 for foreign visitors. These entry fees are payable at Tanjung Piai's
visitors' complex. Platforms have been built through the park so visitors can enjoy these mangroves in
comfort. Vue à couper le souffle sur Singapour. C’est un bout du monde. Singes partout. On ne peut y
aller qu’en voiture. A full taxi of four passengers should cost around RM15.
DESARU : Plage à Tanjong penawar. Sable fin. Le mieux est d’y venir en semaine. Accessible depuis
Johor bahru via kota tinggi.
PULAU TINGGI : Belle plage, île solitaire. This island is rich in history. It was once an important stop
for spice traders, probably because of its sheltered harbour. Today, the island is known for its sandy
beach, rolling hills with verdant jungle, several Malay villages. Pulau Tinggi is approximately 45
minutes speed boat ride from Mersing Jetty ou 03h by slow boat.
CAMERON HIGHLANDS : Découvrir les plantations de thé et jouir du climat agréable. Station de
montagne la + populaire de Malaisie, vaste zone s’étendant sur 40km de long et 15km de large.
Rappelle les paysages majestueux d’Ecosse. Le plateau est à 1500-1800m d’altitude. Des country
tours sont organisés pour env. 20RM/4h, permet de voir les principales attractions. Location de taxi :
Ringlet ne présente aucun interet.
Tanah rata est le village centre des Cameron Highlands et le + touristique. Petit côté british dû à la
présence d’habitations coloniales, beaucoup de charme. Point de départ de belles balades dans les
environs. Sentiers de 1 à 12. On considère le n°1, 2, 7, 8 comme difficiles, le 4, 9, 11, 12 longs d’une
heure et agréables et les 3, 5, 10 longs de 3h et peu éprouvants. Up in the Cameron Highlands are
two other popular waterfalls, Parit and Robinson Falls, both located around Tanah Rata. Parit Falls
can be accessed from the main road at a right turning just before Brinchang Town. The Parit Falls
collects at a wide pool that may be used for swimming, but the temperatures can prove to be freezing.
The park is well-developed with a playground, bridges and tiled walkaways. If you follow the trail to the
left, it will lead to another trail which turns up steeply to the right. Parit Falls is accessible from Path 4
behind The Gardens on Persiaran Dayang Endah. Robinson Falls, are located in Tana Ratah. You
can walk a number of jungle trails and one of them, nr 9 or 9A, leads in a short walk to this attractive
waterfall. Robinson Waterfall is accessible from The Gardens on Persiaran Dayang Endah, the path
(Path 9 or 9A) from Tanah Rata and continue to the end of the road. Cross a small bridge on your left
to start the walk. De là, il y a un chemin qui rejoint Boh tea plantation. Bharat Tea plantation. Prendre
le bus de la gare routière, demander au chauffeur de s’arrêter à Bharatea plantation. Y venir tôt le
matin, la lumière pour les photos est fantastique. Passer derrière l’usine, descendre les marches
glissantes, retrouver la piste. La suivre en partant sur la droite jusqu’à une baraque. Prendre à
nouveau à droite, longer le ruisseau qui amène au village. Faire le tour du village. Les gens y sont très
accueillants et hospitaliers.
Brinchang. The town in Brinchang is also famous for its dining opportunities. Due to the high Chinese
population, you can get a wide variety of Chinese dishes but other traditional Malay and Indian food
are available as well. Brinchang Night Market (2): just opposite the police station on Friday and
Saturday nights, entre 18h et 22h. A voir le rose centre. 5RM. Superbe vue plongeante sur la vallée.
The biggest center in Cameron Highlands, located in Rose Valley Village in Brinchang. Has over 100
varieties of roses growing on terraced ground. Sculpture, fountains, walkways, and pagodas are
incorporated with the grounds making. Panoramic view of the surroundings. Temple bouddhiste Sam
Poh. Due to its location, the temple has a good view of Brinchang town and the houses that dot the
little hills surrounding Brinchang. The Sam Poh Temple was built in 1972 and is said to be the 4th
largest Buddhist temple in Malaysia (I wasn't told which are the first three).
The Cameron Highlands Butterfly Farm is located about 5 km north of Brinchang towards the Kea
Farm area. open daily from 8am - 6pm. the ticket is priced very reasonably at RM5 per adult and RM2
for children. Various types of butterflies here flying freely among flowers in the farm. The star attraction
here is the well-known Raja Brooke butterfly. The unique Raja Brooke butterfly which is large with
gorgeous black and green wings, alongside other local varieties. Has also various insects on displays
such as scorpions and tarantulas. The farm is open daily from 8am to 6pm. RM3. Eviter la ferme des
abeilles. Visiblement loin d’être interressant. Cactus Valley, Located at Brinchang, built on terraced
grounds and covered overhead with skylight roof. Variety of cactus plants, some as old as 60 years.
On ground level are a profusion of blooms, cacti and even apple trees. Tomatoes, cucumber, honey
pears and strawberries are on sale. 8.00am - 6.00pm daily. RM4/2.
Sungai Palas Boh Tea Estate : One of the bigger tea plantations, guided tour is offered around the
factory to enable visitors an insight into the processing of tea. After the tour, visitors can sit out at the
tea shop, overlooking the hills, and enjoy tea and shortbread. Open tls sauf lundi, 09-16h30.
Admission to the factory visit : free and information tours every 30 minutes. The Boh company
produces 4 million kgs of tea annually, equivalent to 5.5 million cups per day.
GUNUNG BRINCHANG – Brinchang Mountain is the second highest mountain in the Cameron
Highlands after Gunung Irau. 2032m (6666 pieds). C’est le sommet le plus haut accessible en voiture
en Malaisie. Le sommet est souvent dans les nuages, alors on peut aussi s’arrêter à mi-chemin et
profiter de la vue sur le sungai tea palas plantation. Road is very winding and narrow. Don’t attempt to
drive if you are not expert in driving in bumpy, slopes with high gradient (those % ?) because you may
need to give ways to oncoming traffics and avoiding potholes. Sungai Palas Estate Road. Panormic
views form the road leading to the top of Gunung Brinchang, the highest road in Peninsular Malaysia
at 6666 ft. Turn left at the guard house on the Sungai Palas Estate road, then left again and drive
carefully as the road is narrow and quite steep. Au départ du sommet il y a le sentier n°1, pas si fac ile,
risque de se perdre.
Orang Asli Village. There are three kinds of “orang asli”. They are known as “Senoi”, “Orang Melayu
Asli” and “Negrito”. Those who are living in Cameron are the “Senoi” and the “Negrito”. The “Senoi”
look exactly like the Malaysians. Those who are darker are the Negrito. In Cameron highland, they
work as a worker on the highland tea estate to earn money. There are many aborigine villages in
Cameron Highlands. The two famous aborigine villages in Cameron Highlands are the aborigine
villages near Villa Dahlia at Tanah Rata and Kampung Pangan Orang Asli Village, near Boh Tea
Route depuis Tapah, très belle. On the way from Tapah to the Cameron Highlands it is impossible to
overlook the Iskandar Fall (1). The falls are visible from the road, and there is a big sign, welcoming
the visitor to the Hutan Lipur Lata Iskandar. Lies about 15 km after Tapah along the trunk road to
Cameron Highlands. This majestic waterfall cascades for 25-meters down into a series of rock pools.
Souvenir shops, food stalls. At the top of the main cascade the cemented steps end. There is a
second cascade here, which (of course) is more quiet than the lower one. From the top of the second
cascade, one can look down and see the swirling water cascading down. Deep below bathers are
enjoying the cool water. Then, the final suprise, a small real waterfall with an almost private swimming
CHERATING : En excursion depuis Kuantan. It is a famous beach town in Pahang. Se résume à une
rue principale avec quelques échoppes. A 47 km N. de Kuantan. Located in the Club Med village is
also one of the best lagoons in the area. activities to do in Cherating including batik painting, where
you can paint and design your own print on t-shirts, sarongs and scarves. Cherating also houses a
cultural village and a turtle sanctuary in Chendor. Another tourist attraction is cruising up the
Cherating River to watch glowing fireflies (juste derrière la rue principale). Very nice relaxing trip
(15RM, 2h) up the mangrove river to see wildlife with the help of your friendly guide. Vaut vraiment le
coup. Y aller plutôt le matin. You can also do jungle-trekking in nearby forests such as those in Teluk
Chempedak. It's very pleasant to be there in the evening and they offer you a good meal.
The old Cherating Village has a blend of modern and traditional. A stretch of road about 1km long runs
parallel to the beach, dotted with charming and comfortable chalets. Kayaking - sea and river kayaking
available. 2 person kayak cost RM15 per hour, 60RM per day. Snake island trip is 35RM per person.
Ville connue pour la qualité de ses batiks. Stage de fabrication de batiks 25-35RM. Arriver vers 10h.
KUANTAN : Capitale du Pahang. Situated on the banks of the Kuantan river mouth. The main
shopping complexes in town are the Berjaya Megamall, Komplex Teruntum, and Kuantan Parade.
Mosquée nationale (1). The State Mosque has a distinct dome and its minarets are in a pastel shade
of sky blue and mint green. The State Mosque stands regal as the most prominent structure in the
capital. Palais de justice à l’architecture coloniale. Plages Teluk sisek à 4km à l’est et Teluk
chempedak. A 25km de Kuantan. Connue pour ses falaises calcaires et ses grottes. Gua Charah
abrite un temple bouddhiste. Visitors may explore some of the caves and gorges, including one that
houses an impressive stone sculpture of the reclining Buddha.
Along the road that leads to Gua Cherah is the Panching Cave (Gua charah -2), a limestone cavern
that contains an enormous (9-meter) statue of the reclining Buddha. It is about 1,000 metres above
sea level and is believed to be a site of early human settlement that dates back to prehistoric times.
2/1RM. Located at Panching on the Sungai Lembing road. Panching is accessible by bus and taxi, but
the caves are about 4km from the main road leading to the former famous mining town of Sungai
Lembing, therein also lies the Panching Thai Buddhist Temple. Gua Panching is made up of two caves
in a two-storey formation. The first cave holds a pleasant surprise but you must work for it. Climb 220
steps up some iron ladders and you will be greeted with a 9m-long reclining Buddha. Do remember to
check out the old temple at the base of the hill too.
The Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary, located near the Krau Wildlife Reserve, was established in
1985.Located about a two hour drive inland from Kuala Lumpur in the middle of peninsular Malaysia.
The centre is situated on the edge of Krau Wildlife Reserve and is the headquarters for the Malaysian
Elephant Translocation Team. The centre is open from 8.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. daily but activities
mostly begin from 2.00 p.m. onwards. Entrance is free. Please be reminded that the centre needs
donations from visitors. In the morning, visitors can view the exhibition and a video presentation on
elephant translocation before proceeding to watch the elephants in their enclosure. Elephant feeding,
rides and bathing start after 2 p.m. There is a small warung (cafe) run by locals where you can get
drinks and local food. D’après le GdR, il n’y a rien à voir ici ?!
Beserah. Village de pêcheurs. A 7-8 km north of Kuantan, in the state of Pahang, the fishing village of
Beserah is famous for shellcraft items, batik and crafts made from coconuts. Besides its own attractive
and fine sandy beaches (plage plutôt sympa), you will find, about a few km north of Beserah, the ever
popular Batu Hitam ("Black Stones") beach , and further up on the way to Terengganu, the beautiful
beaches of Sungai Karang, Balok, Chendor and Cherating. The fishermen usually go out to the sea in
groups and come back with their daily catch in the afternoon.
As the boat come back with the catch of the day (vers 12-13h), you will see the spirit of co-operation
there when the people from the village will go towards the boat and help the fishermen pull their boats
up to the shore. Buffaloes are then used to transport the fish to the market nearby.
TEMERLOH : D’ici merveilleuse sortie en bateau sur le pahang, le + long fleuve du pays. Se
renseigner au kuantan tourist office.
PEKAN : Une des + jolies villes de la côte est, près de l’embouchure du pahang. Existe dès 1470
CHINI LAKE : Tasik Chini. Lake Chini is Malaysia's second largest natural lake. Situated on the right
bank of the Pahang river.The mysterious Tasik Chini is Malaysia's answer to Loch Ness. Legend has it
that the lake was the site of an ancient Khmer city, now completely submerged and guarded by
mystical monsters.
Tasik Chini is one of the only two natural lakes in Peninsula Malaysia, Legend has it that a mythical
dragon lives in the lake and is the guardian of a lost city of gold,
The best time to visit Tasik Chini is from June till September when large areas of the lake are covered
with a carpet of pink and white lotus flowers.
PANANG : A 9km, mine d’étain, sangai lembing, la + profonde du monde.
DUNGUN : C’était une ville de mines de fer dans les années 40. C’est le lieu du + grand marché
nocturne de la région terrenganu, situé en centre ville. Chaque jeudi. Sinon rien de plus. Accès de la
rivière Sungai Dungun à la cascade Ceralak waterfalls en bateau. these are actually two waterfalls,
collectively called the sungai ceralak waterfalls. The first know as jeram solo in about 12m high with
a pool at about 250 sq. M in area while the second, at 24m with a 190 sq. M pool is called jeram
padang. The area has some attractive trees and plants, including various species of pretty wild flowers.
Getting to the site including a boat site from kuala jengal to kuala sungai ceratak, a jungle hike and
river crossing. Alternative route is via logging trails and jungle tracks.
ENDAU ROMPIN (parc) : Il y a 2 entrées pour ce parc : Peta et Selai. L’idéal est d’y aller avec un
package, beaucoup plus facile. Cascade Upeh Gulling, piscine naturelle Tasik Air Biru. Avec, compter 30€ pour un WE au départ de Kluang.
ILE DE PENANG. C’est l’île aux noix de bétel. Reliée au continent par un pont depuis Butterworth.
C’est le + grand pont d’Asie, et le 3eme au monde. 13,5km de long (péage 7RM). La traversée du
pont offre une vue splendide sur le détroit de Malacca. Le tour de l’île peut se faire en 2 journées en
taxi avec chauffeur. Ferries au départ du port toutes les 15min, gratuits dans le sens penang ->
butterworth et 2RM dans l’autre.
GEORGETOWN : Appelée aussi la « petite Singapour ». C’est la + vieille concession britannique en
Malaisie, bien avant Singapour. C’était un port important pour le commerce des épices. Bastion de la
civilisation chinoise depuis 3 générations. L’Ile de Penang a beau avoir des rues goudronnées, une
circulation automobile réglée, des bars et des distributeurs automatiques, lorsqu’on s’enfonce dans les
profondeurs Chinatown, le cœur de la ville. Jl Pinta Tali abrite le marché matinal chinois et ses
produits curieux. Les magasins les + intéressants de Georgetown sont ici. Dans tous les cas
marchander jusqu’à épuisement.
Little India, à l’intérieur de chinatown, quartier des Gujaratis et des Tamils qui vinrent chercher une
vie meilleure eux aussi. Au cœur du quartier, le Temple Sri Maha Mariamman (1883), dédié à la
mère de tous les dieux hindous. On the corner of Lebuh Chulia and Lebuh Queen, is the oldest and,
arguably, most famous Hindu temple in Malaysia. 8h-12h and 16-21h. Typique du sud de l’Inde. Le
temple Wat chayamang kalaram (2), temple thaï, 08h30-18h, sur Lorong burmah. Bus bleu n°93 qui
va à Tanjung bunga depuis la tour komtar. On y trouve un bouddha couché de 33m, le 3eme + grand
au monde parait-il. Visite obligatoire. Juste en face, ce très beau temple birman dont l'entrée est
gardée par deux majestueux éléphants blancs sculptés dans la pierre. Ouvert jusqu’à 19h. Y aller tôt
le matin. Lebuh pasar est la rue la + indienne avec ses nombreux magasins.
Perhaps the main attraction to Penang is the old town district of Georgetown. Here you'll find
examples of colonial era straits architecture. Magnifiques demeures qui jalonnent la Jl Kelawai, juste
après l’intersection avec Jl Burma. Due to the many ethnic groups which settled here from the very
beginning, there are examples of not only Georgian civic buildings, but also Chinese mansions, Indian
temples and Achehnese mosques. The place to start is the original fort constructed by Captain Francis
Light soon after landing on Penang in 1786. Fort Cornwallis isn't much to look at. Only the outer walls,
studded with a few cannons, remain. C’est la + grande forteresse intacte du pays. Dhammi karama
Burmese Buddhist Temple (1) located opposite of Wat Chaiyamangalaram, Burma Lane, was
founded in 1803. A pair of elephants (sacred beasts in Buddhism) guard the entrance while within a
bodhi tree and wishing pond greets the visitor. It is the first Buddhist temple to be built in Penang. The
oldest part of the temple is the stupa which was consecrated in 1805. Trois pagodes typiquement
birmanes, sont le vrai intérêt du temple. C’est le + grand temple bouddhiste thaï à Penang. Cheong
Fatt Tze Mansion (1). Somptueuse propriété d’héritage traditionnel chinois. Située rue Lebuh leight.
Au bout de cette rue, tourner dans Lebuh Muntri, une des + belles rues de chinatown avec ses
maisons splendides. Des scènes du film « indochine » y furent tournées. Kuan Yin temple (2). 09-18h.
Kapitan Keling mosque (3). (1800). Etablie par les Ier colons indiens musulmans. Située à Jl Kapitan
Keling. The Kapitan Keling moque is one of the oldest on Penang ( the other Old mosque is located in
Armenian Street) et aussi la + grande de Penang. Khoo Kongsi (4). Le + fameux édifice de
Georgetown (1835) et le + beau temple chinois en dehors de Chine. Entrée principale située à Canon
sq. 09-17h, 5RM. C’est le lieu de réunion du clan chinois Khoo. Sert également de temple. Il y a de
nombreux kongsi à Georgetown, mais celui-ci est le + beau. Achevé en 1901. From Weld Quay bus n°
U301, U302, U401, U502 vers kampung kolam. De là marcher vers le temple. Pengalan weld. Village
de pêcheurs du quai de lebuh Melayu à lebuh chuliah. Vers 20h, à marée basse, le village se
transforme et c’est passionnant. Prendre le ponton qui, sous le nom de The Chew Jetty Kongsi
prolonge Lebuh Armenian, et le suivre jusqu’au bout. Sur le front de mer, le quai Weld regroupe 6
jetées qui ensemble constituent un véritable village sur pilotis. Chaque jetée est habitée par les
membres d'un même clan chinois. Il y a la jetée Chew, Yeoh, Lim, Lee, Tan et Ong.
Bien que publique, comme une rue classique, chaque jetée est fermée par un grillage et, se balader et
photographier en ici est un peu gênant. Penang state museum. Du samedi au jeudi, 09-17h, 1RM.
Se révèle passionnant. Komtar. La tour a été brièvement la + haute d’Asie. Grande station de bus.
Queensbay mall. A Bayan Lepas. Le + grand et le + long centre commercial de Penang. Ouvert en
2006. C’est un des centres majeurs d’Asie. Bus rapid Penang n° U304, U401E, T308, arrêt juste
devant le centre. City hall building. Très beau bâtiment de style Victorien (1903).
Kek Lok Si Temple (2). 09-18h. Bus n°1, 91, 101, 85, 351, 84, 21, ou U201, U203, U204, U206, T306,
U502 depuis georgetown jusqu’à Ayer Atam. Descendre à l’arrêt de bus situé sur Jl. Pasar, au pied de
la colline du temple. 0RM. Buddhist temple au 1000 bouddhas, near the village of Air Itam. The temple
was begun in 1890. Ce temple est supposé le + grand du pays, (voir d’Asie du SE) et le + beau de
Malaisie. No admission fee to the temple itself. However, fees do apply to the incline lift to the Kuan
Yin statue (2RM) and to enter the area of the new prayer hall and pagoda (2RM). Sa pagode Bah
hood a 7 étages, 30m de haut.La base du temple octogonale est d’origine chinoise, la partie centrale,
typiquement thaïe, la pointe de la pagode est d’influence birmane.You can take the TransitLink shuttle
bus number 8 to Penang Hill and the temple. There are many souvenir shops leading up to the temple
which offers good buys.
Penang Hill (3). Bus n°8 depuis Kek lok si, ou bus n°130 ou 101 depuis Georgetown. Point le + haut
de l’île (731m). To escape the heat of tropical Georgetown, do what many of the early colonial settlers
did when the air got a little too thick: head up to the top of the 830 meters. The rail station at the base
of the hill is a short 10 minute walk from Kek Lok Si temple, so you can easily visit both sights on the
same day. Funicular train leaves every 20 to 25 minutes at a cost of 4RM/pers (AR) that can carry a
max of 80 passengers per trip. 06h30-21h30. Plan a visit to Penang Hill late in the afternoon, once the
cloud cover clears.At the top of the hill, you'll find a tea kiosk ('temporarily' closed as at mid-2003),
souvenir stalls, a mosque, hindu temple, and the old Bellevue hotel. The hotel is one of several hotel
cum sanatoriums which originally dotted the hilltops. Numerous trails traverse the hills and you can in
fact walk all the way down (or up if you're really in the mood for a lot of exercise). Admission to the
Bellevue aviary garden is another RM 4. The latest attraction on Penang Hill is the Canopy Walk.
Walk to the Canopy Walk, because the road is nice to walk and, in the meantime, you can enjoy every
time another spectacular view on Penang, Penang Bridge or the mainland. If you don't want to walk,
then you can buy at the station a ticket for the 4-wheel drive, which will bring you in to the Canopy
Walk a minute. The Canopy Walk is free of charge.
Botanical garden, (1884) au NO de Georgetown. Nombreux singes. Tlj, 5-20h. 0RM à la porte
principale. Comprend une rainforest domestiquée de 30ha avec des bambous hauts de 10m. Located
at the far end of Jalan Kebun Bunga, approximately 8 km from Georgetown city. You can reach there
by boarding transit link bus N°7, Autobus depuis Vi ctoria street. Préferer la visite le matin, cause
Butterfly farm. Bus 93 ou 202. Tlj, 09-17h, 10RM. 3000 papillons de 50 espèces différentes. Le
mieux est d’y être vers 11h, tous les insectes sont alors réveillés. Il y a aussi d’autres bestioles
impressionnantes (scorpions, grenouille géante, serpents, iguanes).
Temple aux serpents. Bus n°66. 07-19h. 1RM. Appelé aussi Nage azur tem ple. Daterait de 1873.
Unique dans son genre au monde. From Weld quay, bus Rapid Penang n°U401.
Bukit Jambul orchid and hibiscus garden. Tlj, 09h30-18h30. 5/2RM. It is located along Persiaran
Bukit Jambul, close to the Hotel Equatorial. Belles variété d’orchidées et d’hibiscus, explosion de
forme et de couleur. Quelques spécimens rares dans la reptiles house. Caféteriat et gift shop sur
place. Snake Show: 11.30am - 3.30pm (Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays)
Tanjung Bungah, plage et bord de mer le + proche de Georgetown. Côte avec falaises en surplomb ,
rochers gigantesques et végétation luxuriante, les + beaux paysages marins de l’île. Pas de baignade :
mer sale et méduses. Bus Rapid Penang n°U101, U103, U104.
Batu Ferringhi. Bus bleu n°93, ou bus blanc et rouge n°202 de la tour de komtar ou du terminal du
ferry (from Weld quay, bus n°U101). Côte nord. C'es t ici que la Malaisie rejoint un peu la Thaïlande.
Sur la plage on peut louer des chevaux. Plage agréable, mais banale. Mer polluée : baignade
déconseillée, bcp de méduses. Merveilleux couchers de soleil. Coin très animé. Sinon ne pas s’y
Teluk Bahang. Plus sympa que Batu Ferringhi, mais plage polluée. Tropical spice garden. Bus
Rapid Penang n°U101 from Weld quay, ou bus Hin n°93 ou bus Transit link n°202. The best way to
explore the place is to follow the three undulating trails leading to 11 distinct Garden Rooms : Water
Garden, Cycad Room, Banana/Heliconia Bank, Spice Terraces, Bamboo Garden, Ginger Walk, Sugar
Terrace, Ornamental Valley, Croton Wall, Fern Walk and Jungle Trail. Each garden trail provides
sufficient interest for a 25 to 45 minute walk with varying degrees of adventure. It is said that the best
time to catch the garden's lovely scents is first thing in the morning, or after the rain – gingers release
a faint tingly aroma while the pandanas an earthy sweet scent. 500 espèces différentes de plantes
tropicales. Opens daily from 9am to 6pm. Last admission at 5.30 pm. RM14/8. A l’écart de la route
subsiste un authentique village sur pilotis perdu dans la végétation.
On trouve aussi les meilleures plages dont Teluk Duying (plage aux singes). Cascade à Titi
Kerawang falls (1).
Belles plages entre Teluk Kumbar et Gertak sanngul. La + belle étant Pasir Pajang (2), accessible en
bateau depuis le village Bakar Kapa. The beach suffered some damage during the December 2004
tsunami, but has since been cleared of any tsunami debris.
Bayan lepas, route pour le village Serenok où il y a une maison malaise magnifiquement restaurée.
La côte est de l’île est industrialisée et ne présente aucun attrait pour le visiteur.
MALACCA : From Kuala Lumpur, you can take coaches to Malacca at Puduraya Bus Station. The two
and half hour journey will cost you around RM7.90. Sans aucun doute la ville la + intéressante de
Malaisie d'un point de vue historique. Elle est le + ancien port de Malaisie, fondé au XV siècle by a
fleeing prince from Sumatra, it developed into a major trading port for ships from India and China.
Malacca est une oasis culturelle, riche d'un passé colonial puisque s'y sont succédés depuis le
XIVème siècle est Portugais, les Hollandais puis les Anglais. Le nom de Malacca est très connu, car la
ville a donné le nom au détroit qui sépare la Malaisie de l'Indonésie qu'empruntent tous les bateaux
navigant entre l'Europe et la Chine.
Christ Church (1), construite entre 1741-1743, by the Dutch to commemorate a century of their rule,
avec des briques de hollande, sur la place rouge.
The Stadhuys (2)(hotel de ville en Hollandais) is one of Malacca's most recognisable landmarks –
Built in 1650, it was the Dutch administrative centre with a clock tower and painted in bright red. It was
the official residence of the Dutch Governor. C’est le + ancien bâtiment hollandais à l’est de Suez. A
Historic and Ethnography Museum with displays of traditional bridal costumes and other relics is
located inside, à ne pas rater. 09-18h, 4RM.
Chinatown. Quartier le + intéressant de la ville et le + vieux de Malaysia. Tunkang Emas est l’une des
rues les + chinoises de Malaisie. Temple indien Sri poyatha, 1781, dédié à Venayagar (aussi Ganesh,
dieu à tête d’éléphant). The Kampung Keling Mosque (3) est une des + vieilles du pays (1748). It's a
blend of Sumatran and Western architecture with a 3 tier pyramid roof, a touch of Hindu influence
perhaps. The carved wooden ceiling is supported by elegant Corinthian-styled columns. C’est la
mosquée des Indiens musulmans. The Cheng Hoon Teng (4), sur Jl tokong, is a historical
monument that is recognised as one of the finest Chinese temples in Malaysia – even receiving a
UNESCO award for outstanding architectural restoration. Construit en1645 and is believed to be the
oldest Chinese temple in the country. The temple itself is crafted with ornate mythological figures,
carvings and paintings and was built in the early 1600s' by ‘Kapitans' or chiefs of the Chinese trading
community in Malacca. Dans la rue principale du chinatown, marché nocturne tous les samedi. On y
mange délicieusement bien pour rien. Jl Hang jebat, écheveau compliqué de bâtiments d’époque,
influence chinoise.
La colline Saint-Paul. Prendre Jl kota pour monter la colline. On y trouve les ruines de l'église Saint
Paul, construite par les Portugais en 1521 et où Saint François-Xavier s'est rendu à plusieurs reprises.
Très belle vue sur sur la mer et le navire portugais du XVI, à l’embouchure de la rivière. Au pied de la
colline : la Porta de Santiago, vestige de l’enceinte fortifiée qui abritait la colonie portugaise.
Fort d'A Famosa (1). Vestiges. "The Famous" in Portuguese, is among the oldest surviving European
architectural remains in Asia. Once part of a mighty fortress, this tiny gate (called the Porta de
Santiago) is all that is left of a once-mighty fortress. In 1511 a Portuguese fleet arrived under the
command of Alfonso de Albequerque. His forces attacked and successfully defeated the armies of the
native Sultanate. Moving quickly to consolidate his gains, Albequerque had the fortress built around a
natural hill near the sea. Albequerque believed that Melaka would become an important port linking
Portugal to the spice trade from China. En face de la porte, le padang pahlavan, un des sites les +
importants de Malaisie du point de vue historique.
Musée Baba and Nyonya Heritage situé dans la veille ville, Jl Tun tan cheng lock, 10-12h30 et 1416h30, 8/4RM, à ne pas rater. Enfin, il faut absolument tester la cuisine Baba and Nyonya : vous
pourrez trouver de nombreux restaurants bons marchés sur Jalan Taman Melaka Raya : Ole Sayang,
Nyonya Makko, Bunga Raya, etc...
Melaka River (2) is the point where the history of Malacca began. A Prince from Sumatra,
Parameswara – also the founder of Malacca – had established his sultanate near the mouth of this
river in the early 1400s, and his palace was built on the east-bank of the river at the foot of St. Paul’s
Hill, then known as Malacca Hill. Excursion sur la rivière Malacca, toutes les heures, 8RM/pers,
présente la ville sous un autre angle.
Taming Sari tower near Jalan Hang Tuah bridge, the 25-metre-high Eye on Malacca is Malacca’s
latest tourist attraction.
The A Famosa Water World (3) is the largest water theme park in Malaysia located near Alor Gajah.
Among the excitements found on the park are speed slides, raft rides, tube slides and a large wave
pool. Bus 34, à 9h, 12h, 17h. 18RM.
Located in Ayer Keroh, the Taman Mini ASEAN is a theme park dedicated to showcasing the culture
of Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia. Visitors can view replicas of traditional Malaysian
houses and other Southeast countries as well as handicrafts, costumes and models of world-famous
monuments and scenery. Bus 105 ou 109. 5RM. On trouve ici, aussi, Air Keroh park, élevage de
papillons et de crocodiles. situated directly opposite the Zoo Melaka. While Zoo Melaka is featuring
various wildlife species, the Crocodile and Reptile Park is focusing its captive breeding and
conservation on the fearsome ancient giant reptile and crocodile. Every Saturday there are exciting
performances by the trained keepers and their crocodiles. The crocodile farm is the largest in the
country and is a not-to-be missed destination! From Kuala Lumpur, you can take coaches to Melaka at
Puduraya Bus Station. The two and half hour journey will cost you around RM7.90. Ayer Keroh can be
reached in 30 minutes by a No 19 town bus (RM1), or a taxi which will cost around RM15. Ayer Keroh
also has a recreational forest. more than 200 crocodiles of various species from all over the world
including the Siamese, African Dwarf, Indian Marsh/Mugger, Humpback, Albino, Tailless and many
more. Some of the crocodiles hunted at other places within Malaysia are also brought into this farm. If
you are visiting Crocodile and Reptile Park, you might consider planning a 1-day-zoology-trip at Ayer
Keroh, by stopping over the Zoo Melaka, as well as Butterfly and Reptile Sanctuary.
Built in 1710, the St Peter’s church (4) is currently the oldest functioning Catholic Church in the
country. There is also a bell tower which dates all the way back to 1608 and was made in Goa, India.
The church itself was built through the donations of a Dutchman who presented it to the Portuguese
builders. Every year, the church becomes alive with activity during Catholic celebrations.
A replica of the Melaka Sultanate palace was reconstructed at the foot of St. Paul's Hill, Jl kota. Très
belle réplique du palais en bois du Sultan Mansur Shah. It is the only building of its kind in Malaysia.
Tlj, sauf mardi09-18h. 2RM.
People’s museum. Jl kota. 09-18h, 5RM. Très intéressante expo sur les progrès économiques et
sociaux du pays depuis l’indépendance, et sur les codes de la beauté dans les différents pays du
Le mauvais plan de Malacca : le quartier portugais. Moche, sans intérêt, cher, et voleur !
LE centre commercial de Malacca est Makhota parade. Jl Merdeka.
Jonkers street. C’est la rue des antiquaires. Véritable marché aux puces. Les rues parallèles (Jl tun
tan cheng lock et Jl tokong) sont beaucoup plus calmes et agréables pour flaner.
Tanjung kling. A 15km N. De Malacca, plage de sable fin bordée de cocotiers. Baignade et canoekayak. For a bit of sightseeing, there is the unique octagonal minaret and tiled steps of Tanjung Kling
Mosque, just north of the beach. Tanjung Kling may be reached by the Patt Hup bus, n°51, from the
bus terminal in Malacca town, rue Tun Ali.
KANGAR : Gua Kelam (Kelam Cave). One of the most distinctive caves in Malaysia is a 370-metre
long limestone cave near the small town of Kaki Bukit (literally 'foot hill') called Gua Kelam (Cave of
Darkness). Located about 33km north of Kangar, the state capital, Gua Kelam Recreational Park is
popular for its enchanting 'cave walk' where you can enter from one end of the cave and come out at a
different location. The only path to the cave is via an eight-foot wide wooden suspension bridge. This
bridge links Kaki Bukit to the Wan Tangga Valley, a valley on the opposite end of Gua Kelam. Back in
1935, an Englishman saw the water pathway as a brilliant method to transport tin ore from a mine
located near the stream entrance through the underground cavern to Kaki Bukit.
Now, locals and tourists make their way through the cave via a brightly lit wooden walkway inside the
cave. Take HBR Express Bus going to Kaki Bukit at the Kangar's main bus station. Then, take a walk
of 10min.1/0,5RM.
KOTA BAHRU : Many travellers simply pass through on their way to the Perhentian Islands¸ mais il y
a plus à faire. There is no need for non-Muslim women to wear a tudung (kerchief over the hair), but
both men and women should consider wearing clothing which covers their legs and torso completely,
and if you are a woman, also consider covering your arms.
Great temples to visits in the nearby Kota Bharu Town : Wat Mai Suwan Khiri (dragon Boat &
standing Buddha), Wat Machimarran Varran (sitting Buddha), and Wat Serova Buddhist Temples
(Goddess of Mercy - Kuan Yin).
Cultural Show at Culture Centre kelantan, Jl. Mahmud. 3 times a week @Saturday 3.00pm-4.45pm
& 8.00pm-11.30pm, @Monday 3.00pm-4.45pm, @Wednesday 3.00pm-4.45pm & 8.80-12.00pm.
Go to the day and night markets. In Kota Bharu you must see the beautiful market. This famous fourstorey landmark contains both wet and dry markets. Almost everything centers around or close to the
Marché central (1). Jl. Pintu pong. 07-18h. Early in the morning, little stalls are set up around the
market, catering to early risers waiting for their first cup of kopi (coffee) and a choice of nasi dagang,
nasi kerabu, laksam, nasi lemak or local kuih (cakes), before going off to work.
The central market itself is alive with sounds of traders shouting prices over the heads of their
customers. There are a great many local produce for sale at the market. Les marchés de Kota Bahru
sont tout aussi célèbres : le marché multicolore de Jalan Pintu Pong où la majorité des étals est tenue
par des femmes et le marché de nuit, le plus grand de Malaisie, débordent d'activité.
Istana balai besar. (1844). Est un des + vieux palais de Malaisie. This palace was the residence of
the local northern Malay Sultanate.
Museums in Kota Bharu are located close to one another near the "Padang Merdeka" (place de
l’independance). All are open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. except on Fridays.
Go to the beach, either PCB Beach or Irama Beach (Beach of Melody). PCB Beach has batik shop,
best is Citra Batik about 500m from the beach. Plage de rêve de KB, à 10km N deKB. Bus n°10,
toutes les 30min à coté du marché central. Longue plage tropicale en arc de cercle.
The most famous one and also very beautiful beach is the beach of "Beach of Passionate Love".
Strong currents make swimming hazardous here, but people happily stroll along the beach enjoying
the cool breeze or taking refreshments from the many seafood stalls.
Waterfalls Jeram Pasu Jeram Lenang Lata Beringin
You'll reach this after a train trip of 2 ½ hours and the waterfall is 120 meter high. Jeram Pasu is by far the
most popular. A dip in the crystal clear icy water does wonders to the spirit.
Board Bus No. 3 from the main terminal to Padang Pak Amat. Then take a taxi from there to the
waterfalls, about 8 km away. Location: Situated off the Kota Bharu - Pasir Puteh road at Kampung Pak
Boat trips/Jungle rekking Kelantan Boat trip
Leaves in Kuala Krai and you can go back in different ways
PERHENTIAN ISLANDS. De KB, central bus, rejoindre par bus n°3 vers Pât ir Putek, puis
changement de bus pour kuala besut (50km S. KB). Le port est à 2min. de la gare routière. Les ferries
fast = 70RM AR (30/45min), les slows = 40RM AR. 01h30 de trajet. Partir le plus tôt possible le matin.
Préciser au marin où l’on veut aller besar / kecil. Une fois sur l’île, il y a des bateaux taxi. Pas de
banque sur les îles.
Ile Kecil. This is the smaller of the two islands, located west of Perhentian Besar. The fishing village,
Kampung Pasir Hantu on Perhentian Kecil, is the only settlement on the Perhentian Islands. Coral bay
est bien pour nous, à 10min de marche de Long beach (trop fréquentée).
DABONG is a Malay village sited on the east bank of the wide Sungai Galas and surrounded by flattopped limestone peaks and dark-green forest. The main reason to come here is to visit the Stong
State Park (often referred to by its old name, Jelawang Park) around Gunung Stong to the south of
town, offering good hiking.
There's only one place to stay here, Rumah Rehat Dabong ( 019/960 6789; RM21-40), run by the
friendly Din, who speaks some English (ask around for Abang Din if he's not there when you arrive).
To reach it from the train station, head along the station road, past the school on the right, and
immediately turn left into Jalan Pejabat; the resthouse is the long, largely yellow bungalow 50m further
along on the right. From the jetty, take the single path up to the mosque, and you'll see the back of the
resthouse. The building looks a little dilapidated on the outside, but the rooms (some with a/c) are
totally serviceable, with a mandi and a squat toilet. The walls are thin though, and with the mosque just
across the road, interrupted sleep is a distinct possibility.
Une alternative et de prendre le Bus SKMK No. 5 which leaves the Kota Bahru terminal at 7.20 (ou
07.45) every morning for Kuala Krai. (RM6; 1hr 30min),. At Kuala Krai, take a boat which leaves at
10.00 am for Dabong. It is a 2-hour boat ride. The boat ride takes about an hour costing RM10.
The boat back to Kuala Krai leaves Dabong at 3.15 pm. If you decide to return to Kuala Krai on the
same day, you can catch a taxi from Kuala Krai to Kota Bharu. Please note that there are no boats
available on Fridays .
une grimpette de deux heures pour voir les chutes d'eau de Jelawang... c’est assez ardu... chaleur,
humidité et un dénivelé de 800 m... The most magnificent waterfell is the Jelawang waterfall which is
not far from the town of Dabong in central Kelantan is claimed to be the highest tiered waterfall in
Southeast Asia with magnificent bath pools at different heights. To reach the top of the waterfall from
its base takes more than half an hour of trekking. Au Camp, de sympathiques guides nous ont offert
un bon the sucre pour nous remettre sur les jambes, puis les filles et Pierre étaient heureux de pouvoir
plonger dans l'eau glacée de la chute. Apres une belle descente, nous sommes rentres a 17h;
Lata Beringin Waterfalls. You'll reach these waterfalls after a train trip of 2 ½ hours.
Cabang empat village. 15km à l’O. On peut voir l’un des + grands Bouddhas couché d’Asie, et le
second longest in the world. 40m de long, dans le monastère Wat Photivihan. Un des + connus du
pays. Start erected in 1973 and official completed in 1979.
River cruise along Sungai Galas down to Dabong (2hours). Explore the caves at Gua Ikan,Dabong.
Stong Waterfall, reputed to be the highest in Southeast Asia, drops from a height of about 990 metres.
KUALA KANGSAR : Petite ville charmante. Devint la capitale du caoutchouc durant la grande
période de son exploitation à la fin du siècle dernier. Les hévéas des plantations actuelles de Malaisie
viendraient d’ici. C’est aussi une ville royale, elle appartient au Sultan du Perak depuis 1876.
Mosquée Ubudiah (1) sur Jl Istana. Impressionnante et majestueuse bien qu’assez petite. Elle est
célèbre pour ses dômes et minarets. C’est un des + beaux lieux de culte du pays, chef d’œuvre
architectural, construite en 1917. Royal mausoleum. Palais Istana Iskandariah (2) palais royal
datant de 1933. 5min après la mosquée. Somptueuse demeurre blanche, qui ne se visite pas. is the
official residence of all the Sultans of Perak and it was completed contruction in 1933. The name of the
palace is taken from Sultan Iskandar Shah (30th.Sultan of Perak). Musée royal du Perak (3). Dans
un magnifique palais en bois, l’istana kenangan (1926). 09h30-17h. Ce palais a servi de quartier
royal pour le Sultan du Perak. Architecture malaise traditionnelle. Sur Jl Chulan, face au district office,
un des premiers hévéas apportés en Malaisie. Seulement un ou deux ont survécus sur la péninsule.
Victoria bridge. The Victoria Bridge is a railway bridge that crosses the Perak River near Kuala
Kangsar. The Victoria Bridge was 1897 and 1900 during the reign of Sultan Idris Mersid-El Aazam
Shah. Chemor. Grotte gua kanthan à voir.
KUALA PERLIS : Ville de pêcheurs et point de départ pour les îles Langkawi située à l’embouchure
de la rivière Perlis. A 10km vers la thailande, se trouve une ferme d’élevage de serpents : Taman Ular.
C’est la seule du genre en Malaisie. The Snake & Reptile Farm in Sungai Batu Pahat, is one of the
few tourist attractions in this northernmost state in Malaysia. A 12km au N. de Kangar sur la Route
R11. Environ 200 snakes from 23 different species. The farm is run by the Institute of Medical
Research. Many of the snakes are venomous, as the purpose of the farm is in support of antivenom
serum research and development. In addition to snakes, the farm also houses crocodiles, iguanas and
other reptiles. 09-17h, du samedi au jeudi, while on Friday between 9:00am to 6:00pm with a break
from 12:15pm to 2:45pm. Entrance fee is 3RM. From Kangar, follow the sign to Sungai Batu Pahat.
The farm is only about 10-15 minutes' drive from Kangar.
KUALA POH : There are altogether 4 entrances to the ambit of an area designated as Taman Negara.
They are Kuala Tahan, Merapoh, Kuala Koh and Tanjong Mentong. Kuala Koh is a green sanctuary.
Nature lovers will enjoy the many activities available here, including jungle treks, river rides, angling
and bird watching. Kuala Koh is the new entry point to Taman Negara on its northern border. More
than 200 species of birds can be found in Kuala Koh National Parks. The clean waters of the rivers
around Kuala Koh allow tubing activity to be done. Experience the one kilometre tubing activity along
Sungai Lebir. A number of interpretive trails are available around Kuala Koh. Among them is the ‘ficus
trail’ located across the river. Visitors need to cross a river via a haggling bridge to get to the trail. Due
to the rugged and hilly nature of the trail, only those who are really fit are advised to use the trail.
There are also other trails for other visitors who wish to enjoy the natural beauty of Kuala Koh.
Canopy Bridge. The latest attraction in Kuala Koh is the newly completed canopy bridge, which
extends to 300 metres long upn on a thick jungle. With five platforms and the highest at 50 metres, the
canopy bridge stops at five humongous trees such as Tualang and Meranti Tembaga. Each visitor
must obtain an entrance permit at RM1 per person, camera licence is RM5 per camera. Kuala Koh is
another park access, but it is more difficult in the sense that public transport to the park, other than
Le soir c’est un orchestre naturel réalisé par les insectes. On les entend, mais on ne les voit pas. On
peut visiter les « batek » Orang Asli. Un batek est une petite communauté. Dans ce cas ne pas oublier
les cadeaux d’usage, nourriture et vêtements.
KOTA TINGGI : Vieille ville de sultans. Célèbre pour ses tombes, 15 membres de la famille du Sultan
sont enterrés à kampong kelantan. Cascade à 16km de kota tinggi. 12RM en taxi, ou en bus, n°43 (air
terjun lombong/waterfalls), 30min de trajet, bus toutes les 01h30, 2RM. : 1/heure. La cascade a formé
plusieurs piscines naturelles. 2,5/1RM. The waterfall, which is 36m high, originates from the top of
Mount Panti. Try swimming at the base of the waterfall for a quick, refreshing change from the hot,
tropical heat.
KUALA LUMPUR : signifie en malais "confluent vaseux" est au confluent des rivières Klang et
Gombak, dont le plus important est le Klang. Il se jette à 45 kilomètres à l'Ouest dans la mer du détroit
de Malacca (Melaka). Etabli en 1857.
Lake Gardens : This park is a 92h park with a Butterfly Park, Deer Park, Orchid Garden, Hibiscus
Garden and South- East Asia's largest Bird Park. Créé à la fin du XIXe. 2 lacs. On y trouve le butterfly
park. Une navette fait le tour du parc pour 1RM.
Butterfly Park : 09-18h., Tlj. 5/1 RM. Only a stone's throw from the Bird Park is the colorful and
beautifully landscaped Butterfly Park where over 6,000 butterflies from 150 species roam and fly freely
in a simulated natural rainforest environment. Cages avec scorpions, reptiles et oiseaux aussi.
Deer Park : 0 RM. Located near the Lake Garden is an enclosed deer farm where deer, fawns and
does can be seen roaming in its habitat, surrounded by lush trees and ponds. The deer roam freely in
the sprawling valley. 09-18h. Compter 2 heures de visite.
Bird Park : 09-19h, 12/6 RM. As one of the largest bird parks in Asia, Kuala Lumpur Bird Park houses
over 5,000 birds from about 160 species found throughout South-East Asia. The main attractions here
are the rhinoceros hornbills, the hill mynah 'talking' tiong, African macaws and flamingoes.
Orchid Garden : 0 RM en semaine. 09-18h. Situated beside the Butterfly Park, within the Lake
Garden vicinity, the Orchid Garden houses about 3,000 orchid species from around the world, with
800 species from Malaysia alone. An adjoining section is devoted to the hibiscus, Malaysia's national
flower. This section showcases more than 2,,ooo varieties of hibiscuses.
Berjaya Times Square : An upmarket shopping mall complete with its very own indoor theme park
and movie theatres. This largest shopping mall in Malaysia has 3,450,000 square feet providing more
than 700 shops. Berjaya Times Square is an architectural masterpiece. This ‘world’s largest building
ever built in a single phase’, with 7.5 million square feet of built up floor area.
Sri Maha Mariamman Temple : Sri Maha mariamman Temple is constructed en 1873, this
elaborately designed Hindu temple is the oldest in the country with a tower gate adorned with intricate
carvings of Hindu Gods and deities while the interior houses the statue of goddess Maha Mariamman
embellished with precious stones and gold. Entrée libre.
Mid Valley Megamall : This large shopping mall houses several hundred retail outlets catering to the
needs of different shoppers and leisure seekers. Is part of a big commercial and residential project of
Lingkaran Syed Putra area. 3 Malaysia's most successful anchors - Carrefour, Jusco and Metrojaya
reside in the mall. The station is only RM1 away for from Sentral Kuala Lumpur.
Sunway Lagoon Theme Park : Sunway Lagoon is a recreation of a sunken mining wasteland.
Spanning some 80 acres, the theme park's emphasis is largely water-based with wild adventure rides
Old China Town better known as Petaling Street. The entire crowded, colorful street is sheltered
from the hot sun and rain. Totally alive at night, be prepared to sweat a little to explore the crowded
street of Chinese signs and shops, activity and noise. Petaling Street is packed with street stalls
selling fashion goods, bags, time pieces and many others that you can bargain to your heart’s content.
Its a place noted for selling imitation goods. This Chinese Night Market area is a favorite place for
tourists looking for clothes and accessories.
Merdeka square : Un mât (1) de 100m fait flotter le drapeau national, le + haut du monde. C’est le
lieu où fût proclamé l’indépendance en 1957. Edifice Sultan Abdul Samad. 1897. Clocher et dômes
de cuivre, magnifiquement illuminé la nuit. Servait de secretariat à l’administration britannique.
Aujourd’hui c’est la haute cours de justice.
Thean Hou Temple : 09-18h, entrée libre. Dedicated to Thean Hou (déesse du paradis), the Thean
Hou Temple is one of the largest Chinese temples in South-East Asia.
Thean Hou Temple is a beautifully built six tiered temple decorated with golden roofed pagodas and
lanterns is dedicated to the Hainanese goddess Thean Hou. Located at the top of Robson Hill, à 3km
du centre ville, it is considered the largest Chinese temple in South East Asia occupying an area of
1.67 acres.
Petronas Towers : Ouvertes en 1997, the Petronas Towers has become one of the city’s main
The Petronas Twin Towers is the tallest twin towers in the world and is one of the most outstanding
landmarks in Kuala Lumpur. 452m, 88 étages. Within it is the famous Suria KLCC mall and the
Philharmonic Orchestra theatre. Sky Bridge At Petronas Twin Towers - Opening hours : For tickets
please come before 8:30am at the ticket counter on the concourse level. Tickets are free and are
given out on a first come first serve basis. Le pon t est au 41e étage, à 146m. Undoubtedly one of the
most visited tourist attraction in KL. Get a view of Kuala Lumpur city from this Sky Bridge that is
located on the upper level of the Petronas Twin Towers. The bridge was also featured in the movie
Entrapment starring Sean Connery and Catherine Zeta Jones.
National Monument (Tugu Negara) : This memorial commemorates those who fell in Malaysia's
struggles for freedom during the Malayan Emergency of 1946-60
Central Market (pasar seni) : A Jalan Hang Kasturi. Once a wet market, it offers an assortment of
arts and craft items, varying from antiques and paintings to souvenirs and clothing. It is also known as
Pasar Seni in Malay. On peut venir ici à n’importe quelle heure du jour ou de la nuit. Les prix sont
surévalués, rabais de 30 à 60% en marchandant.
Kompleks budaya kraf : 53, Jalan Conlay. Incontournable pour l’artisanat malais. On ne vient pas
qu’acheter, mais aussi visiter et assister à des démonstrations.
Little India : Jalan Masjid India is a colourful street with numerours wholesale and retail Indian traders
who sell everything from Indian brass oil lamps, jewellery, sarees, Indian handcrafts to perfumes and
spices. Plus au N. de Jalan Tuankun Abdul Rahman, après l’intersection avec Jalan Raja Alang, le
quartier de Chow kit conserve sa mauvaise réputation de quartier chaud, et même s’il n’est pas
dangereux reste malfamé.
National Mosque : Entrée libre du mardi au samedi, 09-18h et le vendredi de 14h45-18h. Completed
in 1965, Le dôme représente une étoile à 18 branches to represent the 13 states of Malaysia and the
nve central Pillars of Islam. Une des + grande d’Asie du sud-est. Minaret de 73 m.
Menara Kuala Lumpur : Ou tour KL. Tlj, 09-22h. 15/9 RM. Tour haute de 421m, la 4e + grande tour
de télécom du monde. Vue imprenable depuis l’observation deck à 276m.
KL Old Railway Station : The Kuala Lumpur Railway Station is another Moorish-style structure
designed by architect A.B. Hubback. It was built in 1910, but was extensively renovated in 1986. Dans
Jalan Cheng Lock.
Jamek Mosque : One of the most photographed buildings in KL, the mosque is situated on Jalan Tun
Perak and was designed by British architect AB Hubbock in 1909. C’est la + ancienne de la ville. Tlj
sauf vendredi de 08h30 à 12h30 et de 14h30 à 16h. Entrée libre.
National Museum : Jalan Damansara. Tlj, 09-18h. 2/0 RM. Au S. du lac Gardens.
De Jl ampang à Jl Tun Razak, très belles maisons coloniales. Voir l’architecture du city hall, de la
poste centrale et de l’immeuble Sultan Abdul Samad. Ce sont les bâtiments les + photographiés.
Forestry research institut of Malaysia : 52/09 kepong, Selangor. 08-16h30. A 15km de KL. 10RM
en taxi. Permet de découvrir une partie de la flore de Malaisie. Une bonne introduction pour se
renseigner sur la rainforest malaisienne.
Temple Sze Ya : Located in the Chinatown area near Central Market. Construit en 1864, It is the
oldest Taoist temple in Kuala Lumpur.
Temple PARK : A 22km de KL. Bus n°66 depuis Pudu raya terminal , 3RM. The nr 43 bus (KLRawang) from Central Market will take you there in less than an hour. Parc inauguré en 1954, couvre
500 ha de vraie jungle. Singes, écureuils, oiseaux, papillons, belle cascade (kanching falls).
Putrajaya : A 25km au S. Cité jardin. Jardin botanique, lake putrajaya, marais putrajaya, mosquée
LANGKAWI : 99 îles constituent l’archipel, en mer d’Adaman. La principale est pulau langkawi. From
the jetty at Kuala Kedah, there are about five companies that provide ferry service to the island (trip
time: about 1 hour and 45 minutes; cost: RM15,00). Ferries let you off at the main ferry terminal in
Kuah, where you can take a taxi to your resort for between RM30,00 and RM40,00 .
Kuah. Capitale de l’île. Les ferries arrivent ici. Dans la rue persiaran putra, nombreuses boutiques de
vêtements. Belle place de l’aigle, ou Dataran Lang (1) sur la jetée. Situated just beside the ferry
terminal, it is probably the first sight that greets visitors when they arrive on the boats or ferries.
Al-Hana Mosque(2). Visitors are almost always impressed by the architecture of the Al-Hana Mosque.
The golden dome, minarets and arches, towering high above the swaying palm trees, reflect a Moorish
influence. In the evenings, visitors can experience the full glory of the mosque as the silence is broken
by the call to all Muslims to perform their prayers.
Pantai Cenang. une des + belles plages (3), et des + longues plages de l’île – 2km de sable : donc la
+ touristique. Large plage avec sable blanc, à 18km de kuah. C’est sûrement l’endroit le plus animé de
l’île. Pantai Cenang is a haven for tourist shopping at the entire beach road is lined with shops and
stalls on both sides. You can visit the night market that takes place in nearby Temoyong on Thursdays
or the Zon Duty-Free Shopping Complex in Underwater World Langkawi. Underwater World
Langkawi is one of the largest marine and fresh water aquaria in South East Asia, it Tengah is a
treasure trove of marine life. 09h30-20h30, 38/28RM. The Pantai Cenang beach is itself the most
popular attraction due to its beautiful sandy beach that faces a pleasant and gentle sea. Visitors can
also visit Pantai Tengah, which is a shorter beach that is contiguous with Pantai Cenang, et +
burau bay, Pantai kok et pantai datai comptent parmi les plus belles plages. Pantai kok est en
forme de croissant, et quasi déserte.
Gunung Mat Cincang, sommet à 708m, procure une vue splendide, époustouflante. There are two
well known mountains in the heart of Langkawi Island, Gunung Raya (850m) and Gunung Mat
Cincang. Ce dernier est le 2sd + haut sommet de langkawi. There are two cable car stops on Gunung
Mat Cincang. The Middle Station is 1,7 kilometers from the bottom station. Both stations have viewing
platforms that offer spectacular views of the Langkawi islands as well as mainland Kedah and even
the Tarutao Islands of Thailand. Superbe pont suspendu (1) au sommet. Inauguré en 2004, fait 100m
de long au dessus du vide.The Oriental Village in the upper northwest of Langkawi Island, near Pantai
Kok, is the entrance for the cable-car ride, which takes visitors all the way up to Mount Mat Cincang.
climbing at a 42° angle for a few hundred feet. The Langkawi Cable Car is 2.2 km long and offer
some spectacular views over Langkawi and the islands around. A round-trip 30 minutes. After
around 600 metres, the cable car reaches the first station, where you disembark to either; take another
cable car up to the peak. 25/18RM, Du lundi au jeudi : 10-18h, du vendredi au dimanche : 09h30-19h.
Quand on prend le téléphérique pour le sommet, on voit les Seven wells (2-telaga tujuh). Il y a 7
cascades, qui se jettent les unes dans les autres et créent 7 piscines naturelles. Au final cela fait une
chute de 90m. Balade de 45min pour atteindre le haut des chutes. Telaga Tujuh is located at Burau
Bay. Merveille naturelle à ne pas manquer, accès depuis pantai kok. Y arriver le plus tôt possible.
Baignade possible dans les piscines naturelles.
Ferme de crocodiles Taman buaya, 9-18h. 7/5RM, 09-17h. Shows à 11h et 14h45. Is located at
Kubang Kdak, on the road to Datai Bay.
Après Datai, la route sans issue conduit à des chutes d’eau et de petites baies. Pantai pasir hitanu,
plage de sable noir.
Tanjung rhu. Très belle plage, Situated 20 kilometers from Kuah town. cape of casuarina (selon les
palmiers le long de la plage). Frontière thaïe non loin. Exploration en bateau des îlots Pasir, Gasing,
Dangli, et Langgun. During the low tide, it is also possible to walk across a sandbank to some nearby
islands; Pulau Pasir and Pulau Gasing. There are numerous caves nearby, namely Gua Cerita and
Gua Siam. Horse riding is also available at the Tanjung Rhu Riding Center.
Gua Cerita, grotte des légendes, grotte de la « fée gémissante », accessibles par bateau depuis
Tanjung rhu (80RM), lors d’une balade dans la mangrove. Des versets du coran sont gravés dans les
parois, supposés écrits en 1754.
Telaga air hangat. 09-18h, 4/2RM. Autour de sources chaudes, un village « culturel », danses
traditionnelles. Cultural Show time: 3:15pm to 3:45pm (at the park). Rien de super interressant. 14km
au NO de Kuah. Un peu avant en venant de Kuah, au bout de la route n°162, Durian Perangin
Waterfall. The main attraction of Durian Perangin river is the attractive 14-tier waterfall that cascades
down from the slopes of nearby Gunung Raya. The unique rock formation found around this area
makes the place suitable for picnics and relaxing dips in the cool, clear water. Every tier of the
waterfall has its own natural attributes which makes these natural pools unique.
Kampung Tanamas. 14km de Kuah. 1RM. 08h30-18h. Village qui perpétue la culture du pays.
Ile de Dayang bunting. Is the second largest island of Langkawi. Il y a un lac du même nom, aussi dit
lac de la femme enceinte, Dayang Bunting Lake est le + grand lac à Langkawi. Draped in verdant
rainforest, the flora and fauna found here is amazing. A large lake on the island is believed to have
magical properties. The water is also great for swimming. A cave called Gua Langsir sits here, home
to thousands of bats, definitely worth an expedition or two. it is 91 meters high and is so named
because of the echo of the wind through the cave. People today claim that thousands of bats live in it
but the local people of yesteryear would not set foot there, not even for all the riches in the world. They
are convinced the cave is home to a female vampire called the langsir, which, after having lured men
to its lair, would suck their bodies dry of blood. No one would go near Gua Langsir, for they believe
that the eerie sounds that come from the depths of the cave are the cries of the banshee and it is
enough to make their blood run cold and their hair stand on end. The island is accessible through a 15
minute boat ride from Kuah Jetty or Pantai Cenang, but plan your trips for a day as there is no
accommodation available.
Pulau pangkor. Marine park. Très beaux fonds, à 40km au S. Sorties quotidiennes organisées depuis
JUNGLE TRAIN : De la gare de Jerantut jusqu’à Wakaf Bharu (gare de KB), 13RM pour 9h de train.
Départ à 13h15.
TAMAN NEGARA : Le Taman Negara National Parc est le plus réputé des parcs et réserves de
Malaisie. 4300 hectares, about 6 times the size of Simgapore. C’est une des forêts les + vieilles du
monde : 130 mln d’années.
99% of tourists enter Taman Negara through Kuala Tahan, although there are 3 other unsung
gateways, namely Merapoh, Tanjung Mentong and Kuala Koh that can offer better scenery and jungle
Croisière de 3 heures sur la rivière Tembeling avant d'atteindre le Taman Negara Resort et – entre
Kuala tembeling et Kuala tahan (where most budget hotels and chalets are found). The population in
Kuala Tahan village itself is roughly 3,000. Boats from Kuala Tembeling jetty leave at 9.00am,
1.00pm and 2.00pm daily on a first come first serve basis. Boat taxis that charge RM20-30 per person.
Il y aurait aussi une navette du centre touristique partant à 10h30 et 13h30. After 3pm, you can try
your luck with vans which usually wait for passengers near Kuala Tembeling jetty. Boats are small,
have little leg room and if it rains, you’ll be soaked. At Kuala Tahan village, “Floating” restaurants near
the jetty provide cheap meals and double as agents for guided tours, boat and van rides back to Kuala
Tembeling or Jerantut. Remember that upscale hotels are on park office’s side of the river and cheapo
stays are on Kuala Tahan village side of the riverbank. Between them is just a RM1 boat ride.
Entrance and permit fees :
Entry permit - RM 1.00 per person. Camera licence - RM 5.00 per camera. Fishing license - RM 10.00
per fishing rod. Camping Fee - RM 2.00 per person.
Il y a pas mal de petits treks et balades à faire. Vaut mieux les réserver sur place dans les petites
baraques flottantes à côté des restaurants en face du Mutiara Taman Negara. To do in Taman
Negara :
Gua Telingua. 1h30 de marche de kuala tahan ou en pirogue jusqu’à un ponton et 30min de
marche. Chauve-souris, serpents, grenouilles géantes. Tout y est. 30min de rampe dans le guano à
l’intérieur de la grotte. Il y a un grand serpent blanc dans la dernière salle qui mange 3 chauve-souris /
Canopy walk. 9h30-14h, 5RM. 1 hr, la + longue promenade en canopée du monde (500m),
walk across 9 platforms with 8 suspended bridges. Passerelle au niveau des arbres, parfois à 40 m au
dessus du sol. Observation de la canopée. Ca bouge un peu, mais c'est très sympa. Y aller le plus tôt
possible, car il peut y avoir la queue et dès que vous arrivez au pied de l'entrée, faites vous inscrire
sur le cahier pour la queue. Ils montent jusque là des boissons fraîches. Cela peut se faire dans la
3. Uphill trek to scale Teresek bukit (Hill - 340m). 4,5km (AR), 2hrs so depending on your fitness.
Excellent point d’observation de la rainforest, puis jusqu’à Tabing. Env. 40RM avec guide. This
popular trail runs along the flat river terrace for about 400M, then climbs steeply up onto the Bukit
Teresek ridge. There are two look-out points, one at each end of the ridge. It is about an hour’s walk to
the second look-out. You may return to Kuala Tahan by the same route.
4. Rapid shooting at upstream Tembeling river. 1-2hr. On part en amont de taman negara. C'est
assez sympa, et on voit souvent des varans (monitor lizard) et parfois des singes (surveillez les
branches qui bougent fort sans raison). De rochers de très jolie couleur. Cette promenade est
marrante si on se fait éclabousser. Demandez au conducteur de la pirogue. Une petite demi-journée.
5. Video show at park office, 1hr, usually held at night.
6. Visit a settlement to see how Orang Asli aborigines from Batek tribe start fire using primitive tools.
1-2 hr. (Expect a strange feeling that the Batek are paid by tour operators to “disney-fied” a villagy
settlement but hey, real ones are deep in the jungle. It will need more than 3D/2N and cost more to go
deeper). 15RM.
6b.Latah berkoh. C'est une promenade en pirogue qui passe dans une jolie petite rivière sous les
frondaisons. Vraiment joli et on a enfin l'impression d'être au milieu de la jungle. On débarque et Upon
arrival, you’ll need to track for about 30 minutes to reach the cascade. qui tient plus du rapide que de
la cascade. On se baigne là. Ne vous laissez pas rebuter par la couleur de l'eau un peu marron et
parfois un peu mousseuse. C'est dû aux matières organiques venant des arbres. une grosse demi
journée. The beautiful Cascades of Latah Berkoh brings an impression of a strong natural Jacuzzi
awaiting you to dip in. In order to get there, you’ll need ride on a 45 minutes cruise along Tahan River.
Be prepared to enjoy the river cruise as you relish with the flora and fauna along the river. On the way
back to Kuala Tahan, you may stop by Kelah Fish Sanctuary, a location which offers viewing
opportunity of fresh water fishes (If the water is clear as during rainy days, it might be muddy).
For those who pay a more and stay a few nights, these excursions may be included ….
7. Some dipping time at Abai waterfall.
8. Night jungle walk to view owls and insects. 1h30. 5RM. The jungle night walk is a good way to
experience night life in the rainforest when the nocturnal animals come out to feed. It's not an
activity to see big animals but rather small ones like insects, spiders, scorpions, snakes and many
others. Préférer cette promenade à la sortie en camion.
9. “Kelah” fish, endangered Malayan Masheer, viewing at Melantai Camp sanctuary, upstream
Tahan river. 3-4hrs.
10. Trek Kuala Terenggan - Hulu Tembeling to see 4 different caves that fringe the trail.11. A
lubok simpson, bonne piscine naturelle.
TIP: The next time you walk into a rainforest, look around and try spotting leeches. If you don’t
see any, it means there is no wildlife around to support the appetite of these critters - it’s pure
Muar : It's a town and port on the south-western coast of West Malaysia. It's popular for its delicious
and inexpensive foods served by food stalls and restaurants. A picturesque town located strategically
on the Muar River. Muar played a role in resisting the Portuguese occupation of Malacca in 1511. In
response to attacks from the Portuguese fleet, the Bentayan fort was built by the Sultan of Malacca to
repel seaborne invasions.
When the Portuguese conquered Melaka in 1511, its Sultan and his entourage had escaped to Muar.
Tourists can enjoy a drive or stroll along tree-lined Jalan Tanjung, which follows the river mouth on the
south side. Along this road, you will see mosques, old colonial houses, government buildings and a
beautiful park. One of the most preferred and famous local delicacy in Muar is known as “Otak – Otak”
This is a mix blends of fish or prawn in various spices, wrapped normally in coconut leaf. There are
two streets in Muar that are more famous for its local food, namely Jalan Haji Abu and Jalan Sulaiman.
A few places to visit:
Grisek Hot Spring - The natural wonder of hot springs can be found in the district of Muar, about
10km from Parit Jawa town. The Grisek hotsprings is more popular with local visitors who believe in
the benefits of the hot mineral waters. The hot spring area has chalet, bathing and parking facilities, a
children's playground and some shops.
Tanjung Emas Park - If you're Muar and looking for a quiet place to lay out the blanket and enjoy
reading a book in the warm morning sunshine, Tanjung Emas recreational park overlooking Muar
River is the place to go. This recreational park has a food court offering local delicacies if you get a
little hungry- try the ikan asam pedas (fish cooked with tamarind sauce and chilli paste) for which this
town is famous. There's a children's playground to keep the little ones amused.
Mosquée Masjid Jamek Sultan Ibrahim. Masjid Jamek Sultan Ibrahim is located along Jalan Petri,
close to mouth of Muar River.
Mosquée Masjid Jamek 2. built in 1999. It was built on the opposite bank of Muar River in Tanjung
Agas. The two mosques formed a spectacular landmark, especially for those who enter Muar from the
river mouth.
MERSING : The Mersing jetty is a short drive away, and provides access to the various islands off the
coast of Mersing: Tioman, Rawa, Sibu, Aur, Pemanggil.. It used to be a sleepy fishing village. There
are still many fishing boats on the river, as well as a local wet market, Wear sandals because the floor
is wet. In Mersing, there are some, but be alert...not the safest of areas actually in the city at night. The
beach in Mersing is not for swimming. It is dirty (plastic bottles, junk), shallow and muddy. The nearest
beach for swim is 15km North in "Air Papan" (2) and Penyabung beach. This will cost you around
RM15.- to get there. In Air Papan it's very relaxing and isolated. The beaches are incredibly beautiful
PULAU SIBU : Abonde en végétation tropicale luxuriante et en plage de sable fin à perte de vue.
Nombreuses grottes dans les rochers, donnant à l’île son splendide aspect déchiqueté. Rando en
jungle, suivre les pistes qui mènent aux marais de palétuviers.
PULAU TIOMAN : Ce serait l’une des 10 + belles îles au monde. Hébergement moins cher à
kampong tekek. A 2 heures de bateau de Mersing (port de départ près du complexe plaza R&R). 5RM
de droit d’entrée pour Tioman. Slower ferry, à 11h30, durée 2h, 25RM (AS).
Speedboat - 7:30, 13:00 duration 1.5hrs. From Tioman 10:00,15:30 one way RM30. From Mersing,
speedboats (20 passengers) reach the island within 2 hours while the ferries (150 passengers) can
take up to 3 hours. Tickets cost RM35 each way (RM 45 for speedboats) and ferries leave every one
to two hours between 09:30 and 17:30.
There are a number of ferry operators and three types of ferry. The largest, slowest (approx 2 hours)
ferry is the most economical; the smaller and faster catamaran costs more; the smallest and fastest
(approx 1 hour) outboard speedboats are the most expensive option. Bluewater Express charges RM
45 for an adult ticket, RM 40 for a child ticket, and departs from Salang at 08:30 and at noon, and
picks up travellers all the way down the coast. Préférer le speed boat. Arriver tôt pour acheter les
billets et être sur le quai car surbooking.
L'île est un lieu de renommée mondiale dans le domaine de la plongée sous-marine. Sur cette île
puisqu'il n'y a ni route ni voiture. It's the largest in a group of 64 volcanic islands. Kampong Tekek is
the most important village on the island. Here is the jetty, coming from Mersing. Near the jetty is a row
of food stalls beside the road.
Because of the absence of roads on Tioman, the only way to reach all the attractions of the island is
by boat. Many operators and resorts offer you the opportunity to see the highlights of Tioman in a oneday round-island tour. Typical stops along the way include:
Asah waterfall just outside of Mukut Village: The highest waterfalls, close to Mukut village. From
the jetty, a short trek through the jungle brings you to one of the most impressive waterfalls on the
island. The pools of cool mountain water are a great place to refresh after the sweaty walk.
Juara waterfall in the hillside behind Juara village.
The rock falls behind Paya village is nothing more than a bubbling river rushing into the lagoon over a
series of boulders, but a peaceful, natural sight nonetheless.
A chance to photograph the twin peaks
Known as the dragon’s horns, Tioman’s famous peaks are an impressive sight at the southern end of
the island and popular with adventurous rock-climbers.
Duty free shopping in Tekek
The island’s main village, Tekek, is where most of the duty-free shops are, selling alcohol, cigarettes
and souvenirs at low prices.
Snorkelling at the Marine Park headquarters
Clouds of brightly coloured fish are in the water around the jetty here, no doubt attracted by the bread
crumbs offered to them by daily visitors.
Other villages
Every village on Tioman has its own character and a stop at one of the other villages for a lunch break
or refreshment lets you experience this.
Renggis Island
Located right in front of the Berjaya Resort, this tiny rocky island has some of the most impressive
coral formations around it and is a popular stop for snorkelling as well as scuba diving.
Round Island tours range from RM 80-120 per person, depending on the starting point, duration and
type of boat used.
Monkey Bay
Monkey Bay is tucked between Salang and Air Batang village on the north of the island. With a
deserted stretch of white sandy beach and crystal clear water, it is no wonder that this is one of
Tioman’s popular attractions. Un vrai délice. You are able to reach this spot from Air Batang or Salang
village (1h) on a pathway that cuts through the jungle, or on one of the round-island or snorkelling trips
arranged by operators on the island. After exploring the waters, stretch your legs on the beach of this
undeveloped bay. Attention aux singes chapardeurs !
The best known, and probably the toughest jungle trek stretches across the middle of the island,
through the hilly terrain and rainforest between the villages of Tekek and Juara. On this 7km, 2-4h
trek you are likely to encounter monkeys, monitor lizards, scores of birds and insects as well as
passing by waterfalls and tall trees that are hundreds of years old. Partir avant 10h de tekek, faire le
trek, profiter de la plage et revenir en seabus qui repart de juara vers 15h
Other popular treks are footpaths, paved in places, that connect the villages of Genting and Paya as
well as Air Batang and Salang (with a stop at Monkey Bay in between). Sentier de Salang à Genting,
longeant la côte, et suit la ligne électrique
MARANG : Joli petit port de pêche. Marché de nuit très coloré. A 17km de Kuala terrenganu.
Pulau Redang : Située à 45 min en bateau de la côte Est du nord de la Malaisie. Accessible depuis
Kuala terengganu, depuis mErang plus précisément et non pas depuis mArang (qui n’est rien d’autre
qu’un port de départ). Droit d’entrée : 5RM. Cette île est une succursale du paradis sur terre. Fast boat
à 09h, 10h, et 13h, 40RM AS. Question prix préférer les perhentians. Redang archipelago comprises 9
islands (Lima Island, Paku Besar Island, Paku Kecil Island, Kerengga Besar Island, Kerengga Kecil
Island, Ekor Tebu Island, Ling Island, Pinang Island and the main Redang Island) that abound with
marvelous marine fishes, turtles and coral reefs that ensure great snorkelling and scuba-diving.
Redang Island which is approximately 7km in length 6km in width, is the largest of all other islands in
the Marine Park and most beautiful of the east-coast islands. Beautiful bays on the eastern side of the
island, including Teluk Dalam, Teluk Kalong and Pasir Panjang. Idéale pour la baignade, et
merveilleuse baignade dans la baie de Teluk dalam.
Pulau kapas : Pulau Kapas means Cotton Island in Malay and this peculiar name is attributed to
the pure white beaches that are the trademark of this island. Accessible depuis mArang. By bus it
will take 30 minutes to come to Marang from Kuala Terengganu and the speedboat will bring in 15
minutes to Pulau Kapas (25RM AR) or to pulau redang. Il y a aussi un slow ferry, 30min pour
15RM AR. The best snorkelling is between Kapas and Gemia Islands on the north western tip of
the island. Other good snorkelling spots are at the southern tip of the island and off the island’s
eastern shore, which can be reached by a footpath through the jungle. You can enjoy the
untouched jungle by crossing the island on one of the footpaths that cut through the greenery. You
can easily do the trek on your own though. The 45 minute trek from the jetty to Kapas View Point is
one of the favourite routes to take: the spectacular view from the top is a well-earned reward for a
sweaty walk.
Pulau Lang Tengah : The small, idyllic island of Lang Tengah lies roughly halfway between Pulau
Redang and Pulau Perhentian, and with only three resorts to choose from, it's a much quieter, less
developed place than its better-known neighbours. It's a hidden gem, with soft white-sand beaches,
clean turquoise waters and reputedly some of the best snorkelling in Malaysia just offshore. Like
Redang, the resorts offer all-inclusive packages, as well as diving courses.
Kuala Terengganu : Kuala Terengganu est la capital de l'état de Terengganu, situee sur un
promontoire a l'embouchure de la Rivière Terengganu et de la Mer de Chine Méridionale. C'est ici,
tout à cote de la rivière (sungai) Terengganu, que siége le Sultan et qu'y est établi son palais (1), au
pied d'une colline, le Bukit Puteri ou la Colline de la Princesse. C'est un état islamiste radical. Les
femmes musulmanes sont bien évidemment couvertes, les petites filles également. Il est très courant
de voir des femmes complètement cachées par leur voile (chaddri), de la tête aux pieds. Kuala
Terengganu is the centre for Malay culture and Heritage. Son marché central propose de nombreux
articles en bambou (même des jogurts au bambou – à tester). Y aller tôt, au bout de Jl Sultanzainal
Abidin, après la poste. 08-16h. A voir : le mausolée royal, le kampong dalam kota avec ses vieilles
maisons malaises, le centre d’artisanat comme le suterasemen center (à 6km au S.) et le chendering
(spécialisé dans la soie). Un des quartiers les plus intéressants est le vieux quartier chinois (2) avec
ses jolies maisons aux couleurs vives. Il se situe sur les bords de la Rivière Terengganu tout à cote
marché central, très animé toute la journée. Un autre site des plus intéressants de la ville de
Terengganu est son Musée Negeri terrenganu (3), qui se dit le + grand musée d'Asie du Sud-Est,
intéressant, aussi pour son architecture des plus modernes / traditionnelles. Tout près du Musée, un
immense Parc ou l'on peut voir une multitude de mosquées (4).
Ile Duyong. A l’embouchure du fleuve, relié à la ville par un pont. De chaque côté du pont un vieux
village. Etre discret quand on s’y promène. Très authentique. Jl. Kampong china, rue chinoise par
excellence, plein d’échoppes amusantes. Pantai batu buruk. Plage la plus sympa de la ville, mais
baignade dangereuse : lame de fond. Temple hindou sur Jl. Cerong lanjut.
TEMERLOH : D’ici merveilleuse sortie en bateau sur le pahang. Le + long fleuve du pays. Se
renseigner au kuantan tourist office.
PETALING JAYA : A 12km de KL. one of the most important cities in Malaysia. Also known as the
twin sister of Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya is Malaysia’s very first planned town.
Consisting of numerous commercial, residential and business districts, the satellite city is now a
renowned metropolitan city of no less than 500,000 inhabitants. Petaling Jaya is home to some of the
most popular shopping spots in the country. From sprawling shopping malls to the local-flavoured
‘Pasar Malam’ (night market), the city is a haven for those who just can’t seem to get enough of this
activity. One Utama Shopping Centre
Kelana Seafood Centre in Kelana Jaya is one of the most popular eateries in the country. Accredited
with the title Asean Seafood Restaurant for Malaysia in 1992, this restaurant is well-known for its
offerings of quality seafood.
Aside from more than 200 varieties of dishes served, this infamous seafood restaurant also has a
seating capacity of 2000 persons at one time. Overlooking the lake, Kelana Seafood Centre offers the
perfect setting for the ultimate enjoyment of seafood in the middle of the city.
SHAH ALAM : A 25km de KL. Rien de bien caractéristique à part sa mosquée Sallahudin. Mosque
Shah Alam (1) (ou mosquée Abdul Aziz Sha) dont l’énorme bulbe bleu (le + grand du monde) est
encadré par 4 minarets à pointe bleue de 142m. C’est la + grande mosquée d’Asie du SE, avec les
minarets les + hauts du monde. Visite de 09-16h sauf le vendredi. Istana bukit Kayangan, palais du
KUALA SELANGOR : Excellent choix pour sortir des circuits touristiques. Destination idéale pour
ceux intéressés par l’histoire, la couleur locale, la nature. Kuala Selangor is a quiet town at the river
mouth of the Selangor river. The city center is near the new bridge.
Bukit Melawati : point culminant de la région, surplombe la ville du haut des remparts du vieux fort
construit par les Hollandais. Vue superbe sur les mangroves et le détroit de Malacca.
The fireflies is the biggest attraction of Kuala Selangor. Kampung kuantan, à 9km de KS. Une des +
grandes colonies de lucioles du monde. Elles sont surtout les seules à clignoter de manière
synchronisée. Apparaissent une heure après le coucher du soleil. Il est facile de louer un petit bateau
pour 10Rm/pers pour 45 min au débarcadère.
The second attraction of Kuala Selangor are the Silverleaf Monkeys.
GENTING HIGHLANDS : Juste pour les amateurs de clinquant, ou si on est lessive par la chaleur.
Souvent 10°C de moins qu’à KL, mais aussi souvent d ans le brouillard ! C’est une station de
montagne, à 2000m. C’est devenu le las vegas malais. Rien de bien très envoûtant, mais rien à voir
avec la chaleur moite de KL. Bus toutes les 30min. depuis la station Puduraya. 01h30 de trajet – 8RM.
Il y a ici le seul casino d’Asie du sud-est.
FRASER’S HILLS (bukit fraser): Petite station d’altitude (1500m) dans les monts Titiwangsa, moins
fréquentée que genting highlands ou Cameron highlands, réputée pour sa faune et sa flore, idyllique.
On est au paradis des observateurs d’oiseaux. Faisable en bus, mais un peu compliqué (2 bus à
prendre). Le mieux est en voiture (104km de KL, faire le plein à KL avant !). There is a nature
education centre where visitors can learn about the flora and fauna of the area. Belles promenades au
travers de la jungle, et quand il n’y a pas de brouillard, la vue porte très loin. There are eight
signposted trails around Fraser's Hill, although some have been closed at least temporarily after a
well-publicized incident in 2005 when three young boys got lost in the jungle. Watch out for leeches.
Hemmant Trail. An easy 20-minute trail along the north side of the golf course.
Bishop's Trail. Effectively a continuation of the Hemmant Trail, this is a slightly more challenging halfhour track through the jungle. Slippery when wet.
Pine Tree Trail. A challenging 6 kilometer trail up and down hills to the eponymous Pine Tree Hill, and
you'll have to return the way you came to boot. This is a full-day hike that will take 7-8 hours at a
moderate pace.
Maxwell trail est le sentier le + intéressant.
Jeriau Waterfalls, 5 km (30 min drive) from the town centre and then a 15-min walk. The falls are 6
meters high and fall into a shallow pool suitable for bathing. The area is equipped with restrooms and
shelters for picnics. Visitors can also visit Allan’s Water a former reservoir where you can boat and fish.
Another 15 km away from Fraser’s Hill is the Telaga Waterfall, a bigger, more scenic area to picnic.
Bukit Telaga Waterfall is an ideal stopover for those visiting the hill resort. It is only 15 km. away from
Fraser's Hill and 19 km. from Raub town.
Rich with lush greenery and beautiful surroundings, Bukit Telaga Waterfall is known for its turbulent
rapids flowing through rugged rocky areas.
Visitors can also check out other waterfalls near Fraser’s Hills and Raub including Lata Berembun,
Jeram Besu , Lata Jarum and Lata Lembik.
IPOH : Dépourvue de monument remarquable, à l’exception de la superbe gare ferroviaire (1), où fut
tourné une scène du film « indochine » avec C. Deneuve. It is one of the most photographed buildings
in Malaysia and its architecture so distinguished that it is often referred to as the “Taj Mahal” of Ipoh. It
was built in 1917 and this landmark building is fronted by a very attractive floral garden. Ipoh is the
third city of Malaysia, it is a "Chinese City", a large proportion of its population is Chinese. Il y a un
marché central (pasar besar). Mosquée Paloh. (1912). Is one of the oldest mosques in Ipoh.
Located at Jalan Datoh.
La région abonde en grotte-temple chinois.
Perak-tong (perak caves). 6km au N. d’Ipoh, à Genung perak. Tlj, 08-17h. Contient 40 statues de
Buddha. Built in 1926 by a Buddhist priest from China. Bus n°141, ou celui de kuala kangsar et
demander au chauffeur de s’arrêter.
San Bao Dong (sam poh caves). Ou encore Sam poh tong. Tlj, 08h30-16h30. A gunung rapah, 5km
au sud d’Ipoh. C’est le + grand des temples. Along with Batu Cave in Kuala Lumpur, San Bao Dong
cave Buddhist temple and the accompanying caves temples in Ipoh ("Ba Loh", an old favorite name in
Cantonese) are probably one of the few most famous religious temple locations in Malaysia. A small
pathway inside the cave leads to a tortoise pond where feeding is allowed if you purchase some
"Kangkong" vegetables at the entrance. Bus n°66 ou 73.
Kellie’s castle. 20km au S. D’ipoh, près de Batu Gajah. C’est aujourd’hui une ruine romantique.
08h30-18h, 5RM.Un riche planteur d’hévéa eut la lubie de faire construire un château écossais en
pleine jungle. Ce n’est pas une étape indispensable. By Rail : The closest station will be Batu Gajah.
From here either grab a taxi or wait for an Omnibus leaving for Gopeng from the bus station. Tell the
driver that you want to be dropped off at Kellie's Castle. By Bus : There are a number of local buses
that leave for Batu Gajah from the intrastate Bus Station. Tell the driver you want to be dropped off at
Kellie's Castle.
Bota Kanan. Ferme d’élevage de tortues de la rivière Tarrapin. located 40km south of Ipoh, was
established by the Perak Wildlife and National Parks Department in 1967 to protect the population of
tuntung, or river terrapin. Peninsular Malaysia, there are 17 species of tortoises and turtles. Of these,
10 species are freshwater tortoises or terrapins, and of these 10, two are river terrapin, Batagur baska
and Callagur borneonsis. From Ipoh, look out for the roadsign pointing to Bota Kanan. Upon reaching
Bota Kanan, search for the sign pointing to the Pusat Pembiakan Tuntung Bota Kanan - you may have
to ask around. The Bota Kanan Tuntung Centre is open every day from 8.30am- 4.30pm. Entrance is
free. The best time to go is between 10am and 11am, when the terrapins are fed.
Pasir salak. A 65km d’Ipoh. Village au passé guerrier. Dans le complexe historique, maisons
malaises traditionnelles à décoration merveilleusement sculptée. Pasir Salak is the place where
Malaysia's modern history began, Malaysia's cultural heritage. It's where the spirit of independence
from the British got shape, where democracy was in Malaysia was born and therefore a important
piece of the Malaysian heritage. . I have visited the complex two times and I found it most rewarding.
So let's see what Pasir Salak really is. The complex was build in 1987 in honor to the people who
helped to shape Malaysia as it is now. It is a reminder for the present and future generations of the
sacrifice made by chiefs and warriors of Perak in defending their dignity, customs and religion. The
complex consists of different buildings in traditional Malay style. The Complex is open everyday
(including public holiday) except Friday from 9.00 am to 4.30 pm. Admission for an adult is RM5 and a
child (6-12 years old) is RM3.
Gua Tempurung : The cave is located in Lembah Tempurung (Tempurung Valley) near Gopeng,
Perak, Malaysia. It is 25km to the south of Ipoh. One of the most majestic white marble and limestone
towers in Malaysia is the Gunung Tempurung. It is a massive cavern inside Gunung Tempurung
(Tempurung Mountain) standing at 497 metres high. These caves are actually a breathtaking gallery of
stalagmites and stalactites and other amazing rock formations which are superb speleogical wonders
found only in this part of the world. Believed to have existed since early 8000 B.C., Gua Tempurung is
probably the largest natural limestone structure in Malaysia. It comprises of five huge domes with
ceilings resembling coconut shells. Each of these domes have different calcium formations and marble
that exist in differing temperatures and water levels. These caves are located under the limestone hills
and form tunnels that runs from east to west, nearly 1,9km in length. Underground River is called
Sungai Gua Tempurung. The river passage runs about 1,6km through the cave inside Gunung
Tempurung. 9h-17h.
Tour Name
Time Frame
Platform 2
To Flowstone
Platform 5
Top Of The 1Hr 45Mins
To World
Ticket Price
River Entrance Short River
To Mid Gergasi Adventure
Platform 5 And
Back By River
Exiciting And
Top Of The
Short River
River Entrance Gua
The Tempurung
Cave And Back Grand Tour
PULAU RAWA : Cocotier, eaux turquoises, sable blanc. Rawa is a private island, fittingly owned by
family of the Sultanate of Johor. All boats and ferries depart from Mersing. The departure time is
dependent on availability of boats, tidal conditions and the size of your group and cost about RM 3545.
Alternatively, ferry services between Mersing and Tioman Island can make a stop at Rawa on your
request. Tickets cost RM 45 each way and ferries leave every one to two hours between 09:30 and
17:30. Pulau Rawa is truly a paradise island. There are many caves for exploration and offshore coral
reefs rich with marine life. Trek de 15min pour rejoindre le sommet de la colline, pour voir l’autre côté
de l’île.
PULAU PANGKOR : Petite île, la seule du coin à avoir des plages propres. Eaux cristallines, mais
pas autant que celles des îles de l’est. Ancien repaire de pirates. Accessible depuis Lumut, ferry
toutes les 30min, 10RM l’AR. Le ferry s’arrête d’abord à Pinang kecil puis à pangkor village, le
village principal. Halte agréable. Une vraie route fait le tour de l’île, afin de pouvoir visiter les petits
villages de pêcheurs with traditional Malaysian houses, en vélo (8RM/jour ou 30RM en taxi). Fort
Kota Belanda (1), hollandais, 1670, restauré en 1970, à Teluk Gudang. It was one of the Dutch
strongholds against pirates and local Malays. The fort was abandoned after it was attacked by a local
warrior. Le fort n’a pas d’intérêt, mais la balade pour y arriver mérite le détour. One of the great places
of interest in Pangkor Island is Pasir Giam beach, which faces the small island of Giam (2). It is only
2km north of Teluk Nipah by road. When the tide is out, you can walk through the shallow waters to
the island but watch for the high tide unless you have a boat. Plages désertes sur la côte ouest, mais
baignade sur la côte est déconseillée, à cause de la pollution. Plage de Teluk Nipah (3), très jolie
avec tous les avantages d’une plage tropicale. En juillet, les tortues viennent pondre sur la plage
Ketapang, entre Nipah et bogak.
TAIPING. On dit de cette ville qu’elle possède les + beaux jardins du pays (taiping lake garden),
mais présente assez peu d’intérêt. Une des + anciennes villes du pays. Son nom signifie « cité de la
paix éternelle ».