
(March, 2016)
Name: Aysıt Tansel (Ms.)
Work: Department of Economics
Middle East Technical University
06531 Ankara, Turkey
Telephone: (312) 210 2073
: (312) 210 79 64
Current Fields of Study:
Empirical modeling of economic growth, inequality in
education and wages by gender, returns to education and
educational attainments by gender, savings, cigarette
consumption, alcohol consumption, traffic accidents,
privatization, female labor force participation, job satisfaction,
unemployment duration, private tutoring, brain drain, internal
migration, economic performance and elections, adult health
issues, causal effects of education on wages and health.
1979, Ph. D., (Economics), State University of New York,
Binghamton, New York.
Dissertation Topic: FIML Estimation with Autoregressive Errors.
1972, M.A., (Economics), University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
M.A. Thesis Topic: An analysis of the Effects of the Household
Composition and Size.
1968, B.S., (Economic-Statistics), with high honors, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Editorial/Advisory Board Member:
Economics of Education Review (Elsevier Publishing Group).
USA.2008Equality Diversity and Inclusion (Emerald Group Publishing)
UK. 2004Turnalar Uluslarası Türk Dili Edebiyat ve Çeviri Dergisi
(Turnalar: International Journal of Turkish Literature in
Translation) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. 1998İktisat, İşletme ve Finans (Economics, Management and Finance)
Ankara, Turkey. 2008International Journal of Education Economics and
Development (Inderscience Publishers) UK. 2010Economi-Tek ( Turkish
Economic Association) Ankara,
Turkey. 2011Community Service:
Oğuz Tansel 100th Anniversary Symposium Organizing Committee
Member, 2015.
ILKYAR Foundation: Member of the Executive Board, 1998-2009.
Vice-President, 2010- 2013. Member: 1993-.
Oğuz Tansel Literature Award: Member of the Executive Board,
Referee Service for the Following Journals:
Referee Service in 2000-2005
World Development
Education Economics
Bulletin of Economic Research
International Migration
Journal of Applied Econometrics
Journal of Development Economics
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi
METU Studies in Development
Marmara Üniversitesi IIBF Dergisi
Forum Euro-Mediterranean des Instituts Economiques (FEMISE)
Referee Service in 2006:
 Economics of Educational Review
 Economic Development and Cultural Change
Applied Economics
Equal Opportunities International
Journal of Population Economics
Social Science and Medicine
African Economic Research Consortium
Mustafa Parlar Foundation
Economic Research Forum (ERF)
Turkish Scientific Association ( TUBA)
Manas University Journal of Social Sciences
World Development
Referee Service in 2007:
 World Bank Economic Review
 Review of Development Economics
 Agricultural Economics
 Education Economics (2)
 The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
 Economic Research Forum (ERF)
 Injury
 Injury Prevention
 Forum Euro-Mediterranean des Instituts Economiques (FEMISE)
 Economic Development and Cultural Change (2)
 Equal Opportunities International (2)
 The Open Epidemiology Journal
 Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
 İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi
 Economic Modelling
 Uluslararası Bilgi Ekonomisi Kongresi
Referee Service in 2008 :
 Educational Research and Evaluation
 Metroeconomica
 AU Siyasal Bilgiler Dergisi
 Economics of Education Review (3)
 Economic Development and Cultural Change (2)
 Review of Economics of the Household
 World Development
 Journal of Population Economics
Referee Service in 2009:
 İktisat İşletme ve Finans (2)
 Journal of Population Economics (2)
 Economics and Human Biology (2)
 Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
 Middle East Development Journal
 Asia Pacific Education Review (2)
 Economics of Education Review
 Journal of Applied Econometrics
 Education Economics Journal
Referee Service in 2010:
 International Journal of Business Economics
 Education Economics
 Economics of Education Review
 Bulletin of Economic Research
 Journal of Economic Studies
Referee Service in 2011:
 Migration Letters
 Economics of Education Review
 Journal of Economic Studies
 International Journal of Education Economics and Development
 Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Referee Service in 2012:
Migration Letters
Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Economics of Education Review
Referee Service in 2013:
Iktisat Isletme ve Finans (3)
Economics of Education Review
Middle East Development Journal
Asia- Pasific Education Review (2)
TÜBİTAK- Project refereeing
Migration Letters
European Urban and Regional Studies
Economic Development and Cultural Change
Referee Service in 2014:
Economic Development and Cultural Change
METU Studies in Development
Iktisat İşletme ve Finans
World Development
Referee Service in 2015:
Journal of Health Economics
Middle East Development Journal
Ekonomik Yaklaşım
Journal of Economic Studies
World Bank Economic Review
Applied Economics
 Economics of Education Review (2)
 Journal of Social Sciences
Journal of Development Studies (2)
Journal of Labor Research
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Educational Research and Reviews
Referee Service in 2016:
 Social Indicators Research
Academic Honors:
Turkish Economic Association (Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu
(TEK)) Service Award, 12 Aralik, 2014.
Fulbright Fellow, Cornell University, USA, 2011-2012.
Sosyal Politika Platformu TOBB-ETÜ, 2013, Member.
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Economic Research
Forum (ERF) Cairo, Egypt, 2011-.
ERF 2012, Labor Market Best Paper Award.
Koç University-Tüsiad Economic Research Forum Fellow,
2011Lecturer at the Demir Demirgil Seminars, 24 May, 2006,
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
Institute for Study of Labor (IZA), Research Fellow, 2004Present, Bonn, Germany.
Economic Research Forum Fellow (ERF), 1995- Present,
Cairo, Egypt.
Emerald Literati Club, Outstanding Paper Award, 2004.
Organization for Economic Cooperation (OEC) Prize for Work
on Education in Turkey, 2000.
Vakıfbank Achievement Award, 2003, 1999.
Visiting Fellow, Yale University, January-February 1997.
Rockefeller Scholarship.
Visiting Fellow, Yale University, 1990-1993, Rockefeller
State University of New York Dissertation Fellowship 19771978.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Fellowship, 1969-1973.
Kennedy Scholarship, 1964-1968.
Professor: 1994 – Present, Middle East Technical University,
Economics of Education Health and Human Capital, Applied
Econometrics, Econometrics, Economics. Graduate and
Associate Professor: 1986-1994, Middle East Technical University,
Applied Econometrics, Econometrics, Economics. Graduate
and Undergraduate.
Assistant Professor: 1983-1985, Middle East Technical University
Applied Econometrics, Econometrics, Economics. Graduate
and Undergraduate.
Assistant Professor: Summer 1983,1984,1985. University of Colorado,
Boulder, Econometrics.
Assistant Professor: 1981-1983, Department of Commerce and
Finance, Wilkes University, Wilkes Barre, PA. Managerial
Statistics, Principles of Economics, International Trade.
Assistant Professor: 1980-1981, School of Management SUNYBinghamton. Statistical Analysis for Management.
Teaching Assistant: 1976-1977, Department of Economics, SUNYBinghamton. Fundamentals of Economics-Micro.
Teaching Assistant: 1974-1975, Department of Economics, University
Teaching Assistant: 1968-1969, Department of Economics and
Statistics, Middle East Technical University. Principles of
Mathematics and Principles of Economics.
2013-2014, Economic Research Forum/Global Development
Network (ERF/GDN) project titled “Economics of Informality in
MENA”:. Determinant of Transitions across Formal/Informal Sectors
in Egypt (joint with Z. A. Özdemir).
2006-2008, GERPA(Gender Economic Research and Policy
Analysis) Gender Effects of Education on economic Growth in Turkey
(with N.D. Güngör).
2006-2008, GERPA(Gender Economic Research and Policy
Analysis) Recent Trends in Wages and Returns to Schooling in
Palestine and Turkey: Differences by Gender, Education Level, Sector
and Region. (with Y. Daoud).
2006-2008, Economic Research Forum(ERF) and Global
Development Network (GDN), Impact of the 1999 Earthquakes on
the outcome of the 2002 Parliamentary Election in Turkey. (with A.
2004, The World Bank(WB) , Education Sector Study in
Turkey-Education and Labor Market.
2002, METU Ogretim Uyesi Yetistirme Programi (K120510)
Private Tutoring Expenditures in Turkey (with F. Bircan).
2000, METU Research Fund. (AFP-2000-04-03-06). An
Empirical Investigation of Turkey’s Brain Drain (with N. D. Güngör)
1999, World Bank, Turkey: Economic Reforms, Living
Standards and Social Welfare Study (project leader: Ana Ravenga).
1999, METU Research Fund (AFP-99-04-03-07). Sectoral
Convergence among Turkey’s Provinces: Nonparametric Estimates
(with T. Temel and N. D. Güngör).
1997, METU Research Fund (AFP-97-04-03-03). Testing for
Economic Growth Convergence among Turkey’s Provinces: Panel
Estimates (with N. D. Güngör)
1995-96, The World Bank, The Public Sector Retrenchment
and Efficient Compensation Schemes (project leader: Martin Rama).
1993, METU Research Fund (AFP-93-04-03-02), An Analysis
of Moonlighting in Turkey
November, 1989 Institute National de Recherche Sur Les
Transports Et. Leur Securite (INRETS), Paris, France. Preparation of a
project proposal on Traffic Accidents in Developing Countries.
1986, METU Research Fund (AFP-86-05-03-02), An Analysis
of Household Expenditure in Turkey.
1980-1981, State University of New York at Binghamton. For
the U.S. Department of Commerce, a contract to evaluate the
effectiveness of the Footwear Revitalization Program. Construction
and application of a simulation model of production, demand and
international trade in non-rubber footwear industry in the U.S.
1979-1980, Abt Associates, Inc. For the U.S. Department of
Labor, a study to develop a research design and conduct the research
and evaluation of the Minnesota Equity Program.
For the Social Security Administration, Office of Research and
Statistics, a study of assets in the Retirement History Survey.
For the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training
Administration, study to develop a series of options for allocating
Employment Service Grant funds to the states.
1973-1974, Department of Economics, University
Minnesota. Study of State Economic Enterprises in Turkey.
"Voter Reaction to Government Incompetence and Corruption Related
to the 1999 Earthquakes in Turkey," (joint with A. T. Akarca)
Journal of Economic Studies, 2016, Forthcoming.
"Unemployment and Labor Force Participation in Turkey," (joint with
Z. A. Özdemir and E. Aksoy) Applied Econmics Letters,
August 2015, 23 (3): 184-187.
DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2015.1064071.
“Resources on the Stage: A Firm Level Analysis of ICT Adoption in
Turkey,” (joint with D. Fındık) in Comparative Economics
and Regional Development in Turkey, B. Christiansen and M.
Erdoğdu (editors). Chapter 6. August 2015. IGI Global
Publishers, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
“Intangible Investment and Technical Efficiency: The Case of
Software Intensive Manufacturing Firms in Turkey,” (joint
with D. Fındık) in Handbook of Research on Cultural and
Economic Impacts of the Information Society, P.E. Thomas, M.
Srihari and Sandeep Kaur (editors). Chapter 8. August 2015.
IGI Global Publishers, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
“Returns to Foreign Language Skills in a Developing Country: The
Case of Turkey,” (joint with A. Di Paolo) Journal of
Development Studies, 2015. 51 (4): 407-421.
“Does Private Tutoring Increase Academic Performance of Students?
Evidence from Turkey," (joint with G. Berberoğlu)
International Review of Education, 2015. 60 (5): 683-701.
DOI 10.1007/s11159-014-9436-y
"Impact of Internal Migration on Political Participation in Turkey,"
(joint with A. Akarca), IZA Journal of Migration. 2015, 4 (1)
DOI: 10.1186/s40176-014-0025-4,
"Management-Employee Relations, Firm Size and Job Satisfaction,"
(joint with S. Gazioglu) International Journal of Man Power,
2014, 35(8): 1260-1275.
“Brain Drain from Turkey: Return Intentions of Skilled Migrants”
(joint with N.D. Güngör). International Migration, 2014,
52(5): 208-226.
“Comparative Essay for Returns to Education in Palestine and
Turkey,” (joint with Y. Daoud) Perspectives on Global
Development and Technology, 2014. 13: 347-378.
“Supplementary Education in Turkey: Recent Developments and
Future Prospects,” in J. Aurini, S. Davies and J. Dierkes (Eds.)
(2013) Out of the Shadows: The Global Intensification of
Supplementary Education (International Perspectives on
Education and Society, Volume 22) Emerald Group Publishing
Limited. pp.23 – 66.
"Output-Employment Relationship across Sectors: A Long- versus
Short-Run Perspective," (joint with A. Şahin and H.
Berument), Bulletin of Economic Research, 2013: 1-24.
“Gender Effects of Education on Economic Development in Turkey,”
(joint with N. D. Güngör) Journal of Economic Studies, 2013,
40 (6): 794-821.
“Output-Employment Relationship across the Employment Status:
Evidence from Turkey,” (joint with H. Berument and A. Şahin)
Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies,
2013, February: 1-23.
“Private Tutoring and Equitable Opportunities in Turkey: Challenges
and Policy Implications,” Forthcoming in Mediterranean
Journal of Educational Studies, 2013. Published in Bray, M.,
A. E. Mazawi and R .G. Sultana (Eds.) (2013) Private Tutoring
Across the Mediterranean, Sense Publishers, Rotterdam. (pp.
“International Labor Force Participation Rates by Gender: Unit Roots
or Structural Breaks?” (joint with Z. A. Özdemir and M.
Balcılar) Bulletin of Economic Research, 2013, May, 65(S1):
“Türkiye'de İşçi Dövizlerinin Toplam Üretim Büyümesine
Makroekonomik Etkisi,” (joint with P. Yaşar), Migration
Letters, 9(4) December 2012: 337-351.
“Health System of Turkey,” in: World Health Systems, Challenges and
Perspectives, 2012, Second Edition B.J. Fried and L. M.
Gaydos (editors) Chicago, Illinois: Health Administration
Press. (381-407).
“Benzemezlikleriyle Şair Oğuz Tansel,” Ortanca, 2012, Yıl:5, Sayı:
37, ss.11-12.
"An Analysis of Political and Institutional Power Dispersion: The
Case of Turkey" (joint with İbrahim Tutar) Contemporary
Economic Policy, 2012, 30(4): 548-564.
“Wage Inequality and Returns to Education in Turkey: A Quantile
Regression Analysis” (joint with F. Bircan) Review of
Economic Development, 2012, 16(1): 107-121.
“Yüksel Pazarkaya’nın Almanca’ya Çevirdiği Oğuz Tansel Şiirleri,”
Çeviri Edebiyatı (ÇN), 2011, Sayı:15, ss. 71-75.
“Macroeconomic Impact of Remittances on Output Growth: Evidence
from Turkey” (joint with P. Yaşar). Migration Letters, 2010,
7(2): 132-143.
“Hazard Analysis of Unemployment Duration by Gender in a
Developing Country: The Case of Turkey” (joint with
M.Taşçı). Labour: Review of Labor Economics and Industrial
Relations, 2010, 24(4): 501-530.
“Barışın Ozanı Oğuz Tansel Üzerine Söyleşi”. Kıyı, Eylül-Ekim 2010,
49 (216): 46-48.
“Oğuz Tansel Halkbilim Ödülü
16(62): 198-200.
2010”. Folklor/Edebiyat, 2010/2,
“Perspective Paper 10.2” Global Crises, Global Solutions. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge,UK, 2009: 642-653.
“Macroeconomic Policy and Unemployment by Economic Activity:
Evidence from Turkey” (joint with H. Berument and N.
Dogan). Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, May-June
2009, 45(3): 21-34.
“’Prevert’in Barbara’sı’ ve Üç Çevirisi Üstüne” Ç.N. Çeviri Edebiyat,
Mayıs 2009, Sayı: 8 : 112-120.
“Impact of Sibship Size, Birth Order and Sex Composition on School
Enrolment in Urban Turkey”(joint with M. Dayıoğlu, and M.G.
Kırdar) Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2009,
71(3): 399-426.
“Türkiye’den Beyin Göçü: Bir Anket Çalışması Üzerine Düşünceler”
(joint with N. D. Güngör) Eğitime Bakış, Ocak-Şubat-Mart
2009, Yıl: 5, Sayı: 13: 30-34.
“Impact of the 1999 Earthquakes and the 2001Economic Crisis on the
Outcome of the 2002 Parliamentary Election in Turkey,” (joint
with A.T. Akarca) in Institutions and Economic Development:
Selected Papers from the ERF 14th Annual Conference,
Economic Research Forum, Cairo, Egypt, 2008, pp. 147-164.
“Brain Drain From Turkey: The Case of Professionals Abroad” (joint
with N. D. Güngör) . International Journal of Manpower,
2008, 29(4): 323-347.
“Brain Drain from Turkey: An Investigation of Students’ Return
Intention” (joint with N. D. Güngör). Applied Economics,
2008, 40(23): 3069-3087.
“Masalları Çocukları Uyutmak İçin Değil Uyandırmak İçin
Yazmıştı…” Yasakmeyve, Eylül/Ekim, 2008, Yıl:6, Sayı:24,
“Barışın Ozanı Oğuz Tansel” Öğretmen Dünyası, August 2008,
30(344): 27-29.
“Büyük Britanya’da İş Memnuniyeti: Kişisel ve İş ile İlgili Faktörler”
(Job Satisfaction in Britain: Individual and Job Related
Factors) (joint with Ş. Gazioğlu) İktisat İşletme ve Finans,
2008, 23(264): 79-92.
“How to Approach the Challenge of Reconciling Labour Flexibility
with Job Security and Social Cohesion in Turkey.” (joint with
H. Ercan) in Reconciling Labour Flexibility with Social
Cohesion, ( Council of Europe), 2007. Strasbourg: Trends in
Social Cohesion, No: 17. Chapter, 5, pp.179-205.
“ Comment Aborder le defi de Concilier Flexibilite du Travail et
Securite de L’emploi eu Turqui” ( avec H. Ercan) in Concilier
Flexibilite du Travail et Cohesion Sociate, ( Conseil de
L’Europe), 2007. Strasbourg: Tendances de la Cohesion
Sociale, No:17. Chapter 5, pp. 191-220
“Social and Economic Determinants of Turkish Voter Choice in the
1995 Parliamentary
Election,” (joint with A. Akarca),
Electoral Studies, 2007, 26: 633-647.
“Sözlü Geleneğin (Folklorun) Dört İşlevi” (Translation) Folklor
Edebiyat Vol: 2007/4 No: 52 Publisher: Uluslararasi EgitimÖğretim Basin Yayin Country: Turkey Pages: 7-29
Date:12/2007 (Four Functions of Folklore William R. Bascom
The Journal of American Folklore, Vol. 67, No. 266. (Oct. Dec., 1954), pp. 333-349.)
“Economic Performance and Unemployment: Evidence from an
Emerging Economy Turkey,” (joint with H. Berument and N.
Dogan). International Journal of Manpower, 2006, 27(7): 604623.
“Economic Performance and Political Outcomes: An Analysis of the
Turkish Parliamentary and Local Elections between 19502002,” (joint with A. Akarca), Public Choice, 2006, 129(1):77105.
“Job Satisfaction in Britain: Individual and Job Related Factors,” (joint
with Ş. Gazioğlu), Applied Economics, 2006, 38: 1163-1171.
“Türkiye’den Beyin Göçü: Yurda dönmeyen ögrencilere ilişkin Anket
Sonuçları,” (joint with N. D. Güngör) Iktisat Işletme ve Finans,
2006, 21(246): 5-29.
“Demand for Education in Turkey: A Tobit Analysis of Private
Tutoring Expenditures in Turkey,”(joint with F. Bircan).
Economics of Education Review, 2006, 25: 303-313.
Turkey Education Sector Study, Report No: 32450-TU. December 31,
2005. Document of the World Bank. pp. 132-139.
“Education and Labor Market Outcomes in Turkey,” Turkey
Education Sector Study, Report No: 32450-TU. December 31,
2005. Document of the World Bank. pp. 140-146.
“Transition from Education to Labor Market in Turkey,” (joint with K.
Ogawa) Journal of International Cooperation Studies, 2005,
“Public-Private Employment Choice, Wage Differentials and Gender
in Turkey,” Economic Development and Cultural Change,
2005, 53(2): 453-477.
“Macroeconomic Instability, Capital Accumulation and Growth: The
Case of Turkey 1963-1999,” (joint with M. İsmihan and K.
Metin-Özcan), Applied Economics, 2005, 37:239-251.
“Youth Unemployment Duration in Turkey,” (joint with H. Mehmet
Taşçı).METU Studies in Development, 2005, 32(2):517-545.
“Convergence of Sectoral Productivity in Turkish Provinces: Markov
Chains Model” (joint with T. Temel and N.D. Gungor).
International Journal of Applied Econometrics and
Quantitative Studies, 2005, 2(2):1-35.
“Iktisat Egitimi ve Bilimsel Asirma Uzerine” , (Economics, Education
and Plagiarism), in Iktisat Egitimi, Ercan Uygur (ed.) Türkiye
Ekonomi Kurumu, 2005, Ankara. (117-124).
“Brain-Drain from Turkey: Survey Evidence of Student Non-Return”
(joint with N. D. Güngör) Career Development International,
2003, 8(2): 52-69.
“Turkiye’de Kiz ve Erkek Cocuklarin Okulda Erisimini Belirleyen
Etkenler”. Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 2003, 18(209): 21-40.
“Determinants of Schooling Attainment for Boys and Girls in Turkey:
Individual, Household and Community Factors”, Economics of
Education Review, 2002, 21: 455-470.
“Turkey” in: World Health Systems ed. by Bruce J. Fried and Laura M.
Gaydos, Health Administration Press, 2002, Chicago, İllinois.
“Türkiye’de Okullaşma Oranları ve Eğitimin Getirisi”, Düşün, Spring
2002, no. 14: 25-29.
“Kadınların İşgücüne Katılımı: Türkiye’den Zaman Serisi Kanıtları”,
Düşün, Fall 2002, no.15: 16-21.
“Economic Development and Female Labor Force Participation in
Turkey: Time Series Evidence and Cross-Province Estimates”
in: Employment of Women, ed. by Tuncer Bulutay. State
Institute of Statistics, 2002, Ankara, 111-151.
“İktisadi Kalkınma ve Kadınların İşgücüne Katılımı: Türkiye’den
Zaman Serisi Kanıtları ve İllere Göre Yatay Kesit Kestirimleri”
in: Kadın İstihdamı, ed. by: Tuncer Bulutay. Devlet İstatistik
Enstitüsü, 2002, Ankara.
“General versus Vocational High Schools and Labor Market Outcomes
in Turkey”, in Human Capital: Population Economics in the
Middle East, ed. by İsmail Sirageldin, Economic Research
Forum and American University of Cairo Press, 2002 Cairo,
Egypt, pp: 258-272.
“Self-Employment, Wage-Employment, and Returns to Schooling by
Gender in Turkey,” in Labor and Human Capital in the
Middle East: Studies of Markets and Household Behavior, ed.
by Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, Ithaca Press, 2001, Reading, UK.
“Formal and Informal Sector Choice of Wage Earners and their Wages
in Turkey,” in Informal Sector I, ed. by Tuncer Bulutay, State
Institute of Statistics, 2000, Ankara. pp.125-150.
“Türkiye’de Ücretlilerin Formel ve Enformel Kesim Seçimleri ve
Ücretleri,” içerisinde: Enformel Kesim I, ed. by Tuncer
Bulutay, Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü, 2000, Ankara.
“Educational Expenditures in the Middle East and North Africa,”
(Joint with A. Kazemi) Middle Eastern Studies, 2000, 36(4):
“Convergence and Spatial Patterns in Labor Productivity:
Nonparametric Estimates for Turkey,” (Joint with T. Temel
and P. Albersen), Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy,
1999, 29(1): 3-19.
“Türkiye’de ve Seçilmiş Ülkelerde Eğitimin Getirisi,”(Returns to
Education in Turkey and Selected Countries), METU Studies in
Development in honor of F. Görün, 1999, 26 (3-4): 453-472.
“Türkiye’de Özelleştirme Nedeniyle İşten Çıkarılan İşçiler: Çıkarılma
Öncesinde ve Sonrasında Durumları,” Türk-İş Yıllığı 1999, Cilt
2: Yüzyil ve Binyıl Biterken Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Durum.
Ankara: Türkiye İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu Araştırma
Merkezi, pp. 491-514.
“Legacy of T.W. Schultz,” METU Studies in Development, 1998,
25(3): 527-533.
“Workers Displaced Due to Privatization in Turkey: Before and After
Displacement,” METU Studies in Development, 1998,
“Wage and Labor Supply Effects of Illness in Côte d’lvoire and
Ghana: Instrumental Variable Estimates for Days Disabled,”
(joint with T.P. Schultz) Journal of Development Economics,
1997, 53: 251-286.
“Schooling Attainment, Parental Education and Gender in Côte
d’lvoire and Ghana,” Economic Development and Cultural
Change, 1997, 45: 826-857.
“The Educational Attainment of Turkey’s Labor Force: A Comparison
Across Provinces and Over Time,” (Joint with N.D. Güngör)
METU Studies in Development, 1997, 24(4): 531-547.
“Informal Sector Earnings Determination in Turkey,” ERF, Regional
Trade, Finance and Labor Markets in Transition, Conference
Proceedings, September, 7-9, 1997, Beirut, Lebanon: 153-161.
“Urban Male Wage Earners and Moonlighting in Turkey,” Research in
Middle East Economics, 1996, 1: 3-26.
“Self Employment, Wage Employment and Returns to Education for
Urban Men and Women in Turkey,” in Education and the
Labor Market in Turkey ed. by Tuncer Bulutay, SIS
Publication, 1996 Ankara.pp.175-208.
“Returns to Investment in Education in Middle East and North African
Countries,” Economic Research Forum, 1995, 2(2): 20-23.
“Wage Employment, Earnings and Returns to Schooling for Men and
Women in Turkey,” Economics of Education Review, 1994, 13
(4): 305-320.
“Cigarette Demand, Health Scares and Education in Turkey,” Applied
Economics, 1993, 25: 521-529.
“Distributional Effects and Saving-Investment Behavior in a
Liberalizing Economy: The Case of Turkey,” (Joint with
M.Celasun), METU Studies in Development, 1993, 20(3): 269298.
“Türkiye’de Trafik Kazalarının Bölgesel Dağılımı (Regional
Distribution of Traffic Accidents in Turkey),” METU Studies
in Development, 1993, 20(1-2): 189-206.
“Household Saving, Income and Demographic Interactions,” METU
Studies in Development, 1992, 19(1): 91-114.
“Economic Impact of and Demand for Tourism: A Survey,” METU
Studies in Development, 1991, 18(3): 255-281.
Information Maximum Likelihood Estimation with
Autocorrelated Errors: A Numerical Approach,” (joint with R.
Boyce), METU Studies in Development, 1991, 18(1-2): 189204.
“Estimating Expenditures on Children,”
Development, 1990, 17(3-4): 113-138.
“Les Accidents de la Route en Turquie,” Recherche, Transports,
Securite, No.27, Septembre 1990, 43-50.
“Factors Affecting Traffic Accidents in Turkey,” in Y.Candemir (ed.),
Approaches to Regional Transport Problems: Middle East
Requirements, Papers and Proceedings, Istanbul Technical
University, Istanbul, 1989.
“Price and Income Effects in Turkish Foreign Trade,” (joint with S.
Togan), Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 1987, 123/3: 521-534.
“Testing For Structural Change Under Heteroscedasticity: A Note and
an Application,” Communications of the Faculty of Sciences of
Ankara University, Series A, 1987, 36/2: 55-67.
“An Engel Curve Analysis of Household Expenditure in Turkey 197879,” METU Studies in Development, 1986, 13 (3-4): 239-257.
General Contributed Writings:
“Dönmek ya da Dönmemek,” ( To Return or not to Return), Turkish
Time, October, 2007, No: 66: 125-128.
“Çalışan Mutluluğun Resmini Yaparsa,” (If Workers Picture Job
Satisfaction), Turkish Time, May, 2007, No: 61: 152-154.
“ Yüzde 1 Büyüme Oyları Yüzde 0.88 Artırıyor,” (One percent
Growth Increases Votes by 0.88 percent ) (with A. Akarca).
Turkish Time, December, 2006, No: 56: 52-53
“Kadın Ücretlerinden Sürpriz Haber,” (Surprises in Women’s Wages),
Turkish Time, August 2006, No: 52: 249-252.
“Göç Gençlere Cazip Gözüküyor,” (Migration is Appealing to the
Youth) (with N. D. Güngör) Anadolu: Avrupalı Türklerin
Dergisi, October, 2004, No: 23, 14-15
2050’ye Doğru Nüfusbilim ve Yönetim: İşgücü Piyasasına Bakış,
TÜSİAD ve UNFPA, Tüsiad-T/2012-11/536. 2012, Istanbul.
Canım Oğuzcuğum (Yayına Hazırlayanlar: Ülkün Tansel, Çiğdem
Tansel ve Aysıt Tansel) Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2012.
2050’ye Doğru Nüfusbilim ve Yönetim: Eğitim, İşgücü, Sağlık ve
Sosyal Güvenlik Sistemlerine Yansımalar (joint with Ş.
Hoşgör).TÜSİAD and UNFPA. Tüsiad-T/2010/11/505. 2010,
Demogaphy and Management Towards 2050: Repercussions on
Education, Labor, Health and Social Security Systems (joint
with Ş. Hoşgör). TÜSİAD and UNFPA, Tüsiad-T/2011/12/523.
2011, İstanbul.
“Measurement of Returns to Adult Health: Morbidity Effects on Wage
Rates in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana” (joint with T.P. Schultz),
LSMS WP No.95, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, April
1993, ISBN 0-8213-2379-2.
Cost Implications of the Work Equity Project: Grant Diversion and
Hold Harmless Provisions (joint with E. Grochen). Boston,
MA: Abt. Associates, Inc., January 1980.
Cost Analysis of the Work Equity Project: A Program Comparison
(joint with E. Grochen and E. Stromsdorfer). Boston, MA: Abt.
Associates, Inc. May 1980.
“Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Turkey,” December, 2015,
IZA Discussion Paper No. 9588.
“Is There an Informal Employment Wage Penalty in Egypt,” (joint
with H. I. Keskin and Z. Ozdemir) October, 2015, IZA Discussion
Paper No. 9359. ERF Working Paper No: 976.
“Intangible Investment and Technical Efficiency: The Case of
Software Intensive Manufacturing Firms in Turkey,” (joint with D.
Fındık) August 2015, IZA Discussion Paper No. 9262.
“Resources on the Stage: A Firm Level Analysis of ICT Adoption in
Turkey,” (joint with D. Fındık) August 2015, IZA Discussion Paper
No. 9263.
"Voter Reaction to Government Incompetence and Corruption Related
to the 1999 Earthquakes in Turkey," (joint with A. T. Akarca), July
2015, IZA Discussion Paper No. 9162.
"Inequality of Opportunities of Educational Achievement in Turkey
over Time," April 2015, IZA Discussion Paper No. 9005.
"Unemployment and Labor Force Participation in Turkey" (joint with
Z. A. Özdemir and E. Aksoy) January 2015, IZA Discussion Paper No.
Determinant of Transitions across Formal/Informal Sectors in Egypt
(joint with Z. A. Özdemir) January 2015, IZA Discussion Paper No.
"Wage Inequality and Wage Mobility in Turkey" ( joint with B. Çakar
and A. Güven) December 2014,ERC Working Paper No: 14/4, TEK
Working paper No: 2014/9, IZA Discussion Paper No.8669.
“Defining and Measuring Informality in Turkey,” (joint with E. O.
Kan) August 2014, IZA Discussion Paper No.8377.
“Gelir Hareketliliği Eşitsizlikleri Azaltabilir mi?
Türkiye Örneği,” (joint with A. Güven and B. Çakar) July 2014, ERC
Working Paper No: 14/07 and TEK Working Paper No: 2014/7..
“Does Private Tutoring Increase Student’s Academic Performance?
Evidence from Turkey," (joint with G. Berberoğlu) July 2014, IZA
Discussion Paper No.8343.
“Health Behaviors and Education in Turkey,” (joint with D.
Karaoglan) June 2014, IZA Discussion Paper No.8262.
"Impact of Internal Migration on Political Participation in Turkey,"
(joint with A. Akarca) March 2014, IZA Discussion Paper No. 8036.
“Returns to Foreign Language Skills in a Developing Country: The
Case of Turkey,” (joint with A. Di Paolo) November, 2013. IZA
Discussion Paper No. 7724.
"Supplementary Education in Turkey: Recent Developments and
Future Prospects," IZA Discussion Paper No. 7639. October, 2013.
"Türkiye'de Özel Dersaneler: Yeni Gelismeler ve Dersanelerin
Geleceği," Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ekonomi Bölümü,
Ekonomik Araştırmalar Merkezi, Calışma Raporu No. 13/10-tr
Ekim, 2013.
"Output-Employment Relationship across Sectors: A Long- versus
Short-Run Perspective," (joint with A. Şahin and H. Berument)
September 2013.IZA Discussion Paper No. 7599,
"Management-Employee Relations, Firm Size and Job Satisfaction,"
(joint with S. Gazioglu) ERC Working Paper, No:12/2012,
December 2012,
IZA Working Paper No: 7308,
"Are Labor
Force Participation Rates Really Non-Stationary?
Evidence from Three OECD Countries," (joint with Z. A.Ozdemir and
M. Balcilar) IZA Discussion Paper No. 6776. August, 2012,
"Southwest as the New Internal Migration Destination in Turkey,"
(joint with A. T. Akarca) IZA Discussion Paper No. 6627.
June 2012,
"Private Tutoring and the Question of Equitable Opportunities in
Turkey," IZA Discussion Paper No. 6626. June 2012,
ERF Working Paper No. 780
"The Formal/Informal
Employment Earnings Gap: Evidence from
Turkey," (joint with Elif Oznur Kan) IZA Discussion Paper No. 6556.
May 2012,
"Gender Effects of Education on Economic Development in Turkey,"
(joint with Nil Demet Güngör) IZA Discussion Paper No. 6532.
April 2012
“Turkish Voter Response to Government Incompetence and
Corruption Related to the 1999 Earthquakes,” (joint with A. T.
Akarca). Economic Research Center (ERC) Working Paper No: 12/02,
January, 2012.
“Labor Mobility across the Formal/Informal Divide in Turkey:
Evidence from Individual Level Data,” (joint with Elif Oznur Kan)
IZA Discussion Paper No. 6271. January, 2012.
“International Labor Force Participation Rates by Gender: Unit Roots
or Structural Breaks?” (joint with Z. A. Özdemir and M. Balcılar) IZA
Discussion Paper No: 6063, October, 2011,
“Comparative Essay for Returns to Education in Palestine and
Turkey,” (joint with Y. Daoud) IZA Discussion Paper No: 5907,
August 2011.
“An Analysis of Political and Institutional Power Dispersion: The
Case of Turkey," (joint with İbrahim Tutar) ERF Working Paper No.
580, May 2011. Cairo, Egypt.
“Wage Inequality and Returns to Education in Turkey: A Quantile
Regression Analysis,” (joint with F. Bircan). IZA Discussion Paper
No.5417, December 2010. ERF
Working Paper No. 584, Cairo, Egypt.
economic Impact of Remittances on Output Growth:
Evidence from Turkey,” (joint with P. Yasar) IZA Discussion Paper
No.5376, December 2010. ERF
Working Paper no: 586, Cairo, Egypt.
"Hazard Analysis of Unemployment Duration by Gender in a
Developing Country: The Case of Turkey," ( joint with H.M.Taşçı),
IZA Discussion Paper No. 4844, March 2010. ERF Working paper, Cairo, Egypt.
“Brain Drain from Turkey: Return Intentions of Skilled Migrants,”
(joint with N.D. Güngör) TEK Working Paper, February, 2010.
“Social, Political and Economic Determinants of Turkish Voter Choice
in the 2002 Parliamentary Election,” (joint with A. T. Akarca)
ERF Discussion Paper no: 459, January, 2009.
“Impact of the 1999 Earthquakes and the 2001 Economic Crisis on the
Outcome of the 2002 Parliamentary Election in Turkey,” (joint
with A. T. Akarca) ERF Discussion Paper no: 397, May, 2008.
“Impact of the 1999 Earthquakes on the Outcome of the 2002
Parliamentary Election in Turkey,” (joint with A. T. Akarca)
IZA Discussion Paper no: 3466, May 2008.,
“Macroeconomic Policy and Unemployment by Economic Activity:
Evidence from Turkey,” (joint with H. Berument and N.
Doğan) IZA discussion paper no 3461. April 2008. ERF
Working Paper No: 429 . August 2008.
“Changing Returns to Education for Men and Women in a
Developing Country: Turkey, 1994 and 2005,” Paper presented
at the ESPE conference, June 18-21, 2008, in London,
ECOMOD conference, July 2-4, 2008 in Berlin, MEEA
conference, March 20-23, 2009 in Nice, France and ICE-TEA
conference, September 1-3, 2010 in Girne, Republic of
Northern Cyprus.
“Private Supplementary Tutoring in Turkey: Recent Evidence on its
Various Aspects,” (joint with F. Bircan) Mimeo. Department of
Economics, Middle East Technical University. Paper
presented at the Unesco, IIEP Policy Forum on Confronting the
Shadow Education System, Paris, 5-6 July 2007, IZA
Discussion Paper no: 3471, May 2008.
ERF Working Paper no: 451, October 2008.
“Impact of Sibship Size, Birth Order and Sex Composition on
School Enrollment in Turkey,” (joint with M. Dayıoğlu and M.
G. Kırdar) April, 2007. MPRA Working Paper No.2755.
http:// 2755/
"Social and Economic Determinants of Turkish Voter Choice in the
1995 Parliamentary
Election," (joint with A. T. Akarca)
IZA Discussion Paper No. 2881. June, 2007., also ERF working paper no:
200321. June 2007. Economic Research Forum Working Paper
200321, 2003, and Middle East Technical University
Economic Research Center Working Paper 04/01, 2004.
“Brain Drain from Turkey: The Case of Professionals Abroad,” (joint
with N. D. Güngör). IZA Discussion Paper No. 2617, February
2007. Economic Research Forum
(ERF).Discussion Paper, Economic Research Center (ERC)
working paper no: 07/01
“The Long Memory Properties of Participation Rates in Australia,
Canada and the USA,” (joint with Z. A. Özdemir ) 2007,
mimeo. Department of Economics, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara.
“The Long Memory Properties of Unemployement and Employment
Rates,” ( joint with Z. A.Özdemir ) 2007, mimeo. Department
of Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
“Determinants of Unemployment Duration for Men and Women in
Turkey,” (joint with H. M. Taşçı). mimeo. Department of
Economics, Middle East Technical, Ankara.
“General versus Vocational Secondary School Choice and
Unemployment in Turkey 2000-2001,” (joint with H. M.
Taşçı). Presented at TEK International Conference, 11-13
September 2006, Ankara.
“An Empirical Analysis of Wage Employment and Self Employment
in Turkey,” (joint with F. Bircan). Presented at TEK
International Conference, 11-13 September 2006, Ankara.
“Macroeconomic Impact of Worker’s Remittances: Evidence from
Turkey,” (joint with P. Yaşar). Presented at TEK International
Conference, 11-13 September 2006, Ankara.
“Brain Drain from Turkey: An Investigation of Students' Return
Intentions,” (joint with N. D. Güngör). IZA Discussion Paper
No. 2287. September 2006.
Economic Research Forum (ERF) Working Paper
“Education and Wage Inequality in Turkey, 1994-2002: A Quantile
Regression Analysis,” (joint with F. Bircan). Presented at
ESPE Conference, 22-24 June 2006, Verona, Italy.
“The Effects of Apprenticeship Training Scheme on Employment
Probability in Turkey,” (joint with Keiichi Ogawa). 2005,
mimeo. Department of Economics, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara.
“Effect of Private Tutoring on University Entrance Examination
Performance in Turkey,” (joint with F. Bircan). IZA Working
Germany., Economic Research Forum
Working Paper no: 200407, Cairo, Egypt
“Return Intentions of University-Educated Turkish Expatriates,” (
joint with N. D. Güngör), 2005, IZA Discussion Paper
no:1604, Bonn., Economic
Research Forum Working Paper no: 200323, Economic
Research Center Working Paper no: 05/02.
“The Determinants of Return Intentions of Turkish Students and
Professionals Residing Abroad: An Empirical Investigation,”
(joint with N.D. Güngör), 2005, IZA Discussion Paper no:
1598, Bonn., Economic
Research Center Working Paper no: 05/01
“Economic Performance and Political Outcomes: An Analysis of the
1995 Turkish Parliamentary Election Results,” (with A. T.
Akarca), Economic Research Forum Working Paper 200321,
2003, and Middle East Technical University Economic Research
Center Working Paper 04/01, 2004.
“Türkiye’den Yurtdışına Beyin Göçü: Ampiric Bir Uygulama,” (joint
with N. D. Güngör), ERC (Economic Research Center),
Working Paper no: 04/02, Ankara
“Transitions in the Turkish Labor Market: Evidence from Individual
Level Data,”(joint with H. Mehmet Taşçı). IZA Discussion
Paper. Bonn, Germany.
Economic Research Forum Discussion Paper, Cairo,Egypt
“Determinants of Unemployment Duration for Men and Women in
Turkey,”(joint with H. Mehmet Taşçı). IZA Discussion Paper
no:1258. Bonn, Germany.
Economic Research Forum Working Paper no: 2003, Cairo,
“Women’s Reasons for Leaving Their Last Job and Their Labor Force
Participation Turkey,” ( joint with A.Yörükoğlu ) paper
presented at the Economic Research Center/METU
International Conference in Economics, September, 2003 in
“Returns to Education in Turkey: 1994-2002,” (joint with F. Bircan).
Paper presented at the ERC/METU International Conference in
Economics, September, 2003, Ankara.
“Wage-Earners Self-Employment and Gender in the Informal Sector in
Turkey,” 2002, ERC Working Paper No: 00/15, Ankara and
ERF (Economic Research Forum) Working Paper: 0102,
Cairo, Egypt. Background paper for Engendering
Development, World Bank, Washington, D.C.
“Job Satisfaction, Work Environment and Relations with Managers in
Britain,” (joint with Ş. Gazioğlu), 2002, ERC Working Paper.
“The Effects of Privatization on Labor in Turkey,” 2002, available at
SSRN web pages, ERC Working Paper and ERF Working
“Economic Development and Female Labor Force Participation in
Turkey: Time-Series Evidence and Cross-Province Estimates,”
2001, ERC Working Paper No: 01/05 Department of
Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara Turkey.
Economic Research Forum (ERF) Working Paper No: 200124,
Cairo, Egypt.
“Public Employment as a Social Protection Mechanism,” Economic
Research Forum Discussion Paper, 2001, no: 0104, Cairo,
Egypt and ERC Working Paper.
“Formal and Informal Sector Choice of Wage Earners and their Wages
in Turkey” in Informal Sector I, ed. by Tuncer Bulutay, Devlet
İstatistik Enstitüsü, 2000, Ankara. (ss.125-150). Also in 1999:
Economic Research Forum (ERF) Working paper no: 199905,
Cairo, Egypt.
“General versus Vocational High Schools and Labor Market Outcomes
in Turkey” 1999. Economic Research Forum Discussion Paper
No: 9905, Cairo, Egypt.
"Public-Private Employment Choice, Wage Differentials and Gender
in Turkey," February 1999. Economic Growth Center Working
Paper No: 797, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
“Schooling Investments and Gender Gap in Schooling in MENA
Countries: An International Perspective,” (joint with A. D.
Güngör) Economic Research Forum Discussion Paper no:
9939, Cairo, Egypt.
“Convergence and Spatial Patterns in Labor Productivity:
Nonparametric Estimates for Turkey,” (Joint with T. Temel
and P. Albersen), Economic Research Forum Discussion Paper
No: 9931, Cairo, Egypt
"Determinants of School Attainment of Boys and Girls in Turkey,"
April 1998 Economic Growth Center Working Paper No: 789,
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
“Earnings of Turkish Workers: Before and After Dismissal Due to
Privatization,” February, 1998. Mimeo. Department of
Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
“Economic Growth and Convergence: An Application to the Provinces
of Turkey, 1975-1995,” (joint with N. D. Güngör), October,
1998. ERC Working Paper no. 98/9, Middle East Technical
University, Ankara, and ERF Working Paper no: 9908, Cairo.
“Sectoral Labor Productivity Convergence across Provinces in Turkey:
Nonparametric Estimates,” (joint with T. Temel and N.D.
Güngör), ERC Working Paper no: 97/14, Ankara.
“The Educational Attainment of Turkey’s Labor Force: A Comparison
across Provinces and Over Time,” (joint with N. D. Güngör),
ERF Working Paper no: 9706, Cairo, and ERC Working Paper
no: 97/12, Ankara.
“Demand for Alcoholic Beverages in Turkey: A System-Wide
Approach,” (joint with M. Kaytaz), October,1996. Department
of Economics, Middle East Technical University, ERC
Working Paper no.96/08, Ankara.
"Wage and Labor Supply Effects of Illness in Côte D'Ivoire and
Ghana: Instrumental Variable Estimates for Days Disabled,"
(joint with T. Paul Schultz) March 1996. Economic Growth
Center Working Paper No: 757, Yale University, New Haven,
"School Attainment, Parental Education and Gender in Côte d'Ivoire
and Ghana," March 1993. Economic Growth Center Working
Paper No: 692, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
"Cigarette Demand, Health Scares and Education in Turkey," April
1992. Economic Growth Center Working Paper No: 660, Yale
University, New Haven, Connecticut.
"Wage Employment, Earnings and Returns to Schooling for Men and
Women in Turkey," April 1992. Economic Growth Center
Working Paper No: 661, Yale University, New Haven,
“Traffic Accidents in Three Provinces in Turkey,” March 1990,
METU, Economic Research Center Working Paper, ERC1992-5.
“Pedestrian Accidents in Turkey,” June 1990, METU, Economic
Research Center Working Paper, ERC-1992-6.
“Household Budget and Demographic Surveys in Turkey,” (joint with
M. Ulusoy), Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
European Society for Population Economics, June 1990,
“Provincial Education and Agricultural Output in Turkey, 1980 and
1985,” Mimeo. Department of Economics, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of the European Society of Population Economics,
1990, Istanbul.
“Testing And Estimation of Complete Demand Systems: An
Application to the Consumer Expenditure Pattern in Turkey,”
Paper presented at the Allied Social Sciences Meetings,
December, 1989, Atlanta.
“A Provincial Analysis of Income Inequality and Economic Growth in
Turkey,” Paper presented at the Allied Social Sciences
Meetings, 1988.
“How to Write a Successful Paper in the Seminar in Economics?”
METU Economic Research Center Working Paper ERC-19884.
“Provincial Differences in Education and Gross Provincial Product in
Turkey 1980 and 1985,” September, 1987. Mimeo. Department
of Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
Paper presented at the Allied Social Sciences Meetings, 1986
World Conference of the Applied Econometrics
Association, 1986, Istanbul.
“Alcohol Consumption in Turkey: Provincial Data Analysis,” March,
1986. Mimeo. Department of Economics, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara.
“An Analysis of Household Expenditure Pattern in Ankara,” METU,
Economic Research Center Working Paper ERC-1985-5, April
“Provincial Inequalities in Education in Turkey using Theil index,
1980 Census Results,” September, 1985. Mimeo. Department
of Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
Paper presented at the Allied Social Sciences Meetings, 1985.
“A Provincial Analysis of Traffic Accidents in Turkey,” December,
1985. Mimeo. Department of Economics, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara.
“Duality, Demand Systems, and Engel Curves with Demographic
Characteristics,” June 1985, Mimeo. Department of
Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
Presented at the Departmental Seminar and at the Bogazici
University, Istanbul.
“Test of the Life-Cycle Hypothesis of Saving in Turkey,” June 1973.
Mimeo. Department of Economics, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota. Presented at the Allied Social
Sciences Meetings in 1978 and Statistics in Canada Meetings
in 1979.
“Historical Notes on the State Economic Enterprises in Turkey,” June,
1974, Report. Mimeo. Department of Economics, University of
Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota.
“Ekonometriye Giriş: Modern Yaklaşım ve Ekonometri Kitapları
Üzerine Düşünceler,” Book Review, METU Studies in
Development, 2015, 42(2): 333-337.
“Ekonometriye Giriş,” Book Review, METU Studies in Development,
2014, 41(2): 347-349.
“Kitap İncelemesi: Applied Statistics for Economics and Business
TEK ve İstatistik Kurumuna Çağrı,” Book Review Siyasal
Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2008, 63 (4): 237-241.
“Devrim Yasalari Odağinda Ögretim Birliği,” Book Review, METU
Studies in Development, 2003, 30(1): 129-131.
“Labor and Human Capital in the Middle East,” Book Review, Career
Development International, 2003, 8(7):380-381.
“Labor and Human Capital in the Middle East: Studies of Markets and
Household Behavior,” Book Review, METU Studies in
Development, 2002, 29(3-4):393-397.
“Doğu Asya Mucizesi ve Bunalimi: Türkiye Için Dersler,” (East Asian
Miracle and Crisis: Lessons for Turkey) Book Review, METU
Studies in Development, 2002, 29(1-2): 213-216.
“Ekonometriye Giriş,” (Introduction to Econometrics) Book Review,
METU Studies in Development, 1997, 25(2).
“Geleceği Tahmin Yöntemleri,” (Methods of Prediction), Book
Review, METU Studies in Development, 1990, 17(3-4): 173177.
“Türkiye Gayrisafi Yurtiçi Hasılasının Iller Itibariyle Dağılımı 19791986,” (Gross Provincial Product of Turkey 1979-1986), Book
Review, METU Studies in Development, 1989, 16(3-4): 179189.
“SESRTCIC Econometric Model of the Turkish Economy,” Book
Review, METU Studies in Development, 1987, 14(4): 421-427.
“Milli Gelirin Üç Aylık Dönemler Itibariyle Tahmini, Dolarla Ifadesi
ve Gelir Yolu ile Hesaplanması,” (Quarterly GNP and
Estimating via Incomes Approach), Book Review, METU
Studies in Development, 1987, 14(2): 201-204.
“Turizmin Türk Ekonomisindeki Yeri,” (Tourism and the Turkish
Economy), Book Review, METU Studies in Development,
1987, 14(1): 99-103.
“Ekonometride Tanımlama Sınamaları,” (Specification Tests in
Econometrics), Book Review, METU Studies in Development,
1983, 10(4): 503-507.

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