soma meslek yüksek okulu teknik bilimler dergisi


soma meslek yüksek okulu teknik bilimler dergisi
Soma Meslek Yüksek Okulu Teknik Bilimler Dergisi
The affected area should be treated like an open wound until healed. Crystalloids and Colloids These are given to correct
hypovolemia and oncotic pressure.
On a patients arrival at an emergency care facility, primary
attention should be given to assessing and establishing the
airway, breathing, and circulation. Management might include
antivenom administration, management of type I hypersensitivity
reactions to snake venom or antivenom, intravenous fluids,
tetanus toxoid, airway protection, mechanical ventilation,
pressors, pain medications, radiographs of the wound to rule out
retained foreign bodies, and, later, physical therapy.
Late surgical debridement of necrotic tissue, if any, may be
There are now the beginnings of a worldwide effort to resolve longstanding feline disease issues. Several genetic projects are
underway in the United States. See Table 316 - 1. The following list of breeds and disease entities are incomplete because our
understanding of congenital disease is incomplete. As knowledge grows some diseases will disappear and many more will be
In addition, better understanding of blood types and their distribution will occur as numbers of typed cats grows. Following the
breed names are the country and approximate date of origin of the breed. This material is summarized in Table 316 - 2. Breed
Specifi c Diseases Abyssinian Congenital hypothyroidism, corneal sequestrum, familial amyloidosis, feline hyperesthesia
syndrome, feline infectious peritonitis, gingivitis, lysosomal storage disease, myasthenia gravis, patellar luxation, progressive
retinal atrophy, progressive rodcone degeneration and rodcone dysplasia, psychogenic alopecia, pyruvate kinase deficiency,
reactive systemic amyloidosis, retinal dystrophy, thromboembolism; Blood Group United States 86 Type A and 14 Type
American Shorthair Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; polycystic kidney disease; Blood Group United States 100 Type Balinese
Feline acromelanism; Blood Group United States, approximately 100 Type Bengal Cleft palate, entropion, feline infectious
peritonitis, flat chest defect, pectus excavatum, psychogenic alopecia, retinal atrophy, The Feline Patient, 4th Edition, Gary
Norsworthy, 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
TABLE 316 - 1 Research Sites for Feline Genetic Diseases 1. University of California at Davis, Veterinary Genetics Laboratory
Primary InvestigatorCoordinator Leslie Lyons, PhD Current Study and Testing DNA typing, parent verifi cation; Feline blood
typing, investigation AB blood groups; Coat color investigation, Agouti, chocolate, cinnamon, and color point dilute; Erythrocyte
pyruvate kinas defi ciency ; Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ; GM2 Gangliosidosis, Burmese only, Domestic Longhairs have all
four known mutations; Polycystic soma meslek yüksek okulu teknik bilimler dergisi disease ; Progressive Retinal Atrophy,
Abyssinian, Somali, and Ocicat; soma meslek yüksek okulu teknik bilimler dergisi Karyotyping.
Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 - 8744, 752 - 2211 Office, 752 - 3556 Fax, vgl.
ucdavisservicecatindex. html. Washington State University, Veterinary Cardiac Genetics Lab Primary InvestigatorCoordinator
Kate Meurs, Soma meslek yüksek okulu teknik bilimler dergisi Current Study and Testing Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy,
Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest Cat, American Shorthair, and Sphinx. Veterinary Cardiac Genetics Lab, Washington State
University, College of Veterinary Medicine, PO Box 605, Pullman, WA 99163, 335 - 6038 Offi ce, soma meslek yüksek okulu
teknik bilimler dergisi - mail vcglvetmed.
wsu 4. University of Pennsylvania, PennGenSection of Medical Genetics Primary InvestigatorCoordinator Urs Giger, DVM
Current Study and Testing "Soma meslek yüksek okulu teknik bilimler dergisi" Erythrocyte osmotic fragility test ; Erythropoietin
concentration; Feline blood typing; Glycogenosis Type IV, Norwegian Forest Cat; Karyotyping; Mannosidosis, Persian, domestic
shorthair; Metabolic screening, all breeds; Mucopolysaccharidosis VI, Siamese, domestic shorthair; Mucopolysaccharidosis VII,
domestic shorthair; Special erythrocyte studies, all breeds; Platelet aggregation studies, all breeds; Polycystic kidney disease,
Persian, all breeds; Pyruvate kinase deficiency, Abyssinian, Somali, domestic shorthair; Special coagulation studies, all breeds;
Special leukocyte studies for immunodefi ciencies, all breeds.
University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Urs Giger, PennGen, 3900 Delancey Street Rm 4013,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, 898 - 8894 or PENNGEN, e - mail PennGenvet. upenn 5. DNA Diagnostics and Texas A M University
Primary InvestigatorCoordinator Gus Cothram, PhD Melba Ketchum, DVM Director Current Studies and Testing Albinism, B
Blood group; Black coloration, Burmese ; Hair length; Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Maine Coon Cat and Ragdoll; Identity
fingerprint; Mucopolysaccharidosis MPSM; Mucopolysaccharidosis MPSI; Paternity identity; Polycystic kidney disease ; Sex
markers; Siamese points.
DNA Diagnostics, Inc.PO Box 455, Timpson, Tx 75975, 254 - 2228, or infodnadiagnostics. syndactyly, umbilical hernia; Blood
Groups United States 98 Type A, Type BAB 1 to 2. Birman Cleft palate, congenital cataract, congenital hypotrichosis, congenital
portosystemic shunt, corneal sequestration, distal axonopathy, encephalomyelopathy, feline infec Breed-Specifi c Diseases
TABLE 316 - 2 Testing and Screening for Feline Diseases Clinical DiseaseSyndrome Predisposition TestScreen Cataracts
Himalayans Eye examination Eye Diseases All Breeds, Persian, Siamese Eye examination Ganliosidosis Korat, Siamese DNA
testing Gene Testing, Chromosomal All breeds Karyotyping Glycogenosis Norwegian Forest Cat DNA testing Hip Dysplasia
Maine Coon, Ragdoll, DSH Radiographs Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Maine Coon, Ragdoll, all breeds DNA testing, NTproBNP, ultrasound Isoerythrolysis, Neonatal Cross - breeding blood types Prebreeding blood typing Mannosidosis Persian,
Domestic shorthair DNA testing Mucopolysaccharidosis VI Siamese, Domestic shorthair DNA testing Mucopolysaccharidosis VII
Domestic shorthair DNA testing Mucopolysaccharidosis All breeds DNA testing Patellar Luxation All breeds Radiographs
Phenotypic Diseases All breeds Physical examination, lab testing, imaging Polycystic Kidney Disease Persian and related
breeds, all breeds DNA testing, ultrasound Progressive Retinal Atrophy All soma meslek yüksek okulu teknik bilimler dergisi,
Persian, Bengal, Somali Eye examination Pyruvate Kinase Defi ciency Abyssinian, Somali, Ocicat DNA testing Spinal Muscular
Atrophy Maine Coon DNA testing Sphingomyelinosis Any breed Histochemistry Transfusion Incompatibility Any breed Blood
typing tious peritonitis, gastroschisis, hemophilia B, neutrophil granulation anomaly, ocular dermoids, renal insufficiency, renal
calculi, spongiform degeneration, syndactyly, tail - tip necrosis, thymic aplasia, tremors, umbilical hernia; Blood Groups United
States 84 Type A and 16 Type B, AB rare.
British Shorthair Hemophilia B, progressive retinal atrophy; Blood Groups United States 60 Type A and 40 Type Burmese
agenesis of nares, congenital deafness, congenital hypotrichosis, congenital vestibular disease, corneal sequestrum, cutaneous
asthenia,diabetes mellitus, endocardial fibroelastosis, feline leukocyte antigen DRB restricted polymorphism, feline
acromelanism, flat chest defect, glaucoma, hyperesthesia syndrome, hyperoxaluria, hypokalemia myopathy, keratoconjunctivitis
sicca, lethal midfacial malformation, meningoencephalocele, ocular dermoids, pectus excavatum, persistent atrial standstill,
predisposed to urolithiasis, prolapse of cartilage of third eyelid, urolithiasis, primary endocardial fi broelastosis, psychogenic
alopecia, feline orofacial pain syndrome Blood Groups United States 100 Type A.