Proposal for


Proposal for
Chair, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
Mahmutbey, Dilmenler Caddesi No: 26 34217
Phone: +90 212-604 1710
Ph.D., 2010, History of Art, The University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Dissertation: “Drama on the Urban Stage: Architecture, Spectacles and Power in
Hellenistic Pergamon”
Dissertation Supervisors: Penelope J. Davies and John R. Clarke
M.A., 1999, History of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Thesis: “Temples of Apollo at Didyma and Klaros as Centers of Oracular and Political
Thesis advisor: Suna Güven
B. Arch, 1997, Architecture, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
In Progress. City Behind Theater. Looking into Hellenistic Pergamon (Book Manuscript)
Under review. “Theatricality and Narrative in Hellenistic Art,” (Journal Article)
2008. “Paths to Ritual Dreams: The Sanctuary of Asklepios at Pergamon. The Design of the
Cure Building”, online publication
2008. “Açık Bir Yapıt: Şimdi Haberler” (An Open Work: Now News…) in Sanat ve Tasarım
Dergisi 250/1 (2008): 20-28. Turkish.
2006. “The Labyrinth as a Metaphor for the Ritual of Oracle in Temples of Apollo in Asia
Minor” in Visualizing Rituals. Critical Analysis of Art and Ritual Practice, ed. Julia K.
Werts, (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2006)
2002. “Küçük Asya Kehanet Merkezleri: Didim ve Klaros Tapınakları” (Oracular Centers of
Apollo in Asia Minor) Uluslararasi Türk Dünyası İnanç Merkezleri Kongresi 23-27
Eylul 2002, (Ankara: Tüksev Yayınları, 2004): 961-988 Turkish
Academic Honors, Awards and Fellowships
College of Fine Arts and Department of Art and Art History Travel Scholarship, The
University of Texas at Austin, 2009 Summer
Samuel H. Kress Foundation Travel Fellowship, 2007-2008 Academic Year
Virginia R. Allen Endowed Presidential Scholarship in Fine Arts, The University of Texas at
Austin, 2007-2008 Academic Year
Prestigious David Bruton, Jr. Fellowship, The University of Texas at Asutin, 2007-2008
Academic Year
College of Fine Arts and Department of Art and Art History Travel Scholarship, The
University of Texas at Austin, 2006 Summer
Charles Edwards Endowed Scholarship in Arts, The University of Texas at Austin,
Department of Art and Art History, 2003-2004 Academic Year
Academic Positions
Assistant Professor, 2012 to present, Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental
Design, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
ARCH 102: Basic Design II
ARCH 123: Graphic Communication
ARCH 141: Introduction to Architecture
Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2010-2012, Department of Art History, Rice University
HART 101: Introduction to the History of Western Art I: Prehistoric to Gothic
HART 512: Greek/Roman Architecture: Spaces of Performance
Teaching Assistant, spring 2008-spring 2009, The University of Texas, Austin
ARH 303: The Survey of Renaissance through Modern Art
ARH 302: The Survey of Ancient through Medieval Art
Assistant Instructor (Instructor of record), fall 2006- summer 2007, The University of Texas,
ARH 301: Introduction to the Visual Arts
ARH 302: The Survey of Ancient through Medieval Art
Teaching Assistant, spring 2004-spring 2006 The University of Texas, Austin
ARH 303: The Survey of Renaissance through Modern Art
ARH 301: Introduction to the Visual Arts
ARH 302: The Survey of Ancient through Medieval Art
Research Assistant spring 2000- summer 2003, Center for Research and Assessment of
Historic Environment (Taçdam), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
2011. “Theatrum Mundi: Urban Space, Theater and the Hellenistic Vision,” Department of
Anthropology Brown Bag Series, Rice University, November 1, 2011
2010. “Theatricality and Narrative in Hellenistic Art,” Art History Brown Bag Series, Rice
University, Houston, Texas, October 15, 2010.
2010. “Actors, Kings and Audience: A Political History of the Hellenistic Theatre at
Pergamon,” Keynote adress at the Greenhill Symposium, University of Texas, Austin,
Texas, March 27, 2010.
2009. “Architecture as Souvenir: The Temple of Zeus-Asklepios and the Politics of Travel”
Paper presented at 97th Annual Conference of the College Art Association, Los
Angeles, California. February 25-28, 2009: Armchair Cosmopolites and Worldly
Travelers, Chairs: Celeste L.Guichard and James F.D. Frakes
2008. “Architecture and Identity: Roman Transformations of the Asklepieion at Kos” Paper
presented at the Yale University, Department of Classics, New Haven, Connecticut.
Graduate Colloquium “Provincials and Empire”, April 25-26: 2008
2008. “Paths to Ritual Dreams: The Sanctuary of Asklepios at Pergamon. The Design of the
Cure Building” Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the College Art Association,
Dallas, Texas. February 20-23 2008: Poster Session.
2007. “Becoming Roman: Architecture and Identity in Provinces” (in Turkish) Paper presented
at Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Ankara, Turkey. Ph.D.
Research Symposium “Identity and Belonging: Spaces, Times and Society” 24-25th
December, 2007
2007. “Temple of Zeus-Asklepios: Ritual, Space and Politics of Body at Pergamon.” Paper
presented at 60th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania April 11-15 2007: Civic Identity, Benefaction and Urban Development in
the Cities of the Roman Empire, Chair: Nayla Kabazzi Muntasser.
2005. “Labyrinth as a Metaphor for the Ritual of Oracle in Temples of Apollo in Asia Minor.”
Presented at Cornell University History of Art and Archaeology Annual Graduate
Symposium, March 2005.
2005. “Orientalist Discourse Materialized: the Role of Archaeology in Construction of Modern
Turkish Identity.” Presented at 9th Annual Graduate Student Colloquium of The
University of Virginia, February 26, 2005.
2002. “Küçük Asya Kehanet Merkezleri: Didim ve Klaros Tapınakları” Presented at Uluslararası
Türk Dünyası İnanç Merkezleri Kongresi, 23-27 September 2002.
Archaeological Fieldwork
2006-2009. Dissertation Fieldwork: Study of Hellenistic and Roman sanctuaries in from
Pergamon, Kos and Rome.
2002.Hasankeyf (Upper City) Settlement Pattern Analysis Project. Field Survey under the
directory of Numan Tuna. Middle East Technical University at Ankara, Turkey.
2001-2003. Burgaz Archaeological Project. Excavations under the directory of Numan Tuna.
Middle East Technical University at Ankara, Turkey
2001-2003 Emecik Archaeological Project. Excavations under the directory of Numan Tuna and
Dietrich Berges. Middle East Technical University and the Archaeological Institute of the
University of Hamburg & Restoration Project of the Temple of Apollo at Emecik.
1999. Pessinus Arcaheological Project. Excavations under the directory of John Devreker Gehnt
University & Restoration of the temple-theater complex.
1999. Cilicia Archaeological Project. Field Survey under the directory of Ender Varinlioglu and
Pierre Debord. Bourdeaux III University.
Architectural Practice
Architect, 2000. MIYAR Architecture, Inc., Ankara, Turkey.
Fieldwork and design projects include: Design of the Ürgüp City-Square and Shopping
Mall Project, Ürgüp, Turkey; Restoration Project of Kızkalesi, Mersin, Turkey; Design of
the Shopping Mall for İzmit-Akarca Housing Complex, İzmit, Turkey.
Professional Affiliations
1997- TMMOB Mimarlar Odası (Chamber of Architects of Turkey)
2006- Society of Architectural Historians
2007-College Art Association
Modern: Turkish (main tongue), English (fluent), French, German and Italian (working, reading)
Ancient: Ancient Greek (reading)