BÜLENT ÖZEL (bulent@cs.bilgi.edu.tr) Dissertation Topic: Scientific


BÜLENT ÖZEL (bulent@cs.bilgi.edu.tr) Dissertation Topic: Scientific
BÜLENT ÖZEL (bulent@cs.bilgi.edu.tr)
Dissertation Topic: Scientific Collaboration Networks Knowledge Diffusion and
Fragmentation in Turkish Management Academia (submitted in 2010).
Advisor: Beyza Oba
Bülent Özel has completed his PhD in Organisation Studies program on July 2010. Before
starting the program he had a MSc degree in Computer Engineering, and a BSc degree in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering. As a part of his PhD study, he was granted a visit ing
Fulbright scholarship at CASOS (Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational
Systems) Research Center of School of Computer Science at Carnegie-Mellon University,
USA. During his enrolment to our PhD program he has published in the fields of structures of
social collaboration networks, policy guidelines on adoption of open source and free software
systems in public institutes, and development of computational methods to study large data on
collective knowledge production processes. He is currently working as a lecturer at the
Department of Computer Science in Bilgi University and currently doing research on
knowledge diffusion via collaboration networks looking at the impact of network structure
and socio-cognitive structure of individuals. He concentrates in the field of multi-agent
simulation, particularly, attempting to incorporate dynamic social network models as the basis
for agent-agent interactions.
Thesis Abstract: This study focuses on the interplay between knowledge diffusion and social
collaboration structures. First, it elaborates on mutuality of knowledge and social structure
theory borrowed from sociology of knowledge literature, where knowledge is perceived as an
essentially social and societal category. Second, it develops a coherent research framework
which relates cognitive structure and the collaboration patterns into an integrated socioknowledge analysis of a given scientific community. The framework combines and extends
meta-network perspective and co-word analysis. A novel model was adopted which maps
actors from co-authorship networks into a strategic diagram of scientists. The mapping is
based on cohesiveness and pervasiveness of issues each author has published in the field.
Third, it adopts a longitudinal approach to trace knowledge diffusion within peculiarity of a
national level socio-knowledge system identifying (i) mechanism of knowledge diffusion
within the community, (ii) interplay in between scientists socio-knowledge structures and
their research strategies, (iii) axes of fragmentation in the community, and (iv) their
evolutions over time. According to the exemplary longitudinal case which covers scientific
publication activities in Turkish management academia from 1922 until 2008, management
knowledge within local community is transferred following patterns of information diffusion
rather than patterns of knowledge diffusion found elsewhere at cognitively demanding areas.
Besides, publishing in citation indexed international journals reveals formation of cohesive
team structures as a mean of collaborative knowledge production and transfer. and While
within local diffusion of management knowledge is lead by academicians with certain socioknowledge properties, academicians publishing at international arena do not show any
significantly differing socio-cognitive properties, instead, they are merely embedded in
strongly connected groups. Leading academicians within local community exhibit a common
cognitive structure relative to the rest of the community. They have more social ties and more
diversified knowledge compared to the rest. Knowledge they have is distinct compared to
their peers in the network, they hold certain part of their knowledge exclusively, thus
knowledge-wise they don't resemble the rest, but they keep a level of common knowledge
with the rest of the community.
Bulent Ozel and Han Woo Park, (2011). "Online Image Content Analysis of Political
Figures: An Exploratory Study", Quality & Quantity: International Journal of
Methodology (accepted to appear in 2011).
Bulent Ozel, Hildrun Kretschmer, and Theo Kretschmer, (2010). "Co-authorship Pair
Distribution Patterns and Gender Discrepencies in Turkey", The COLLNET Journal of
Scientometrics and Information Management (accepted to appear in 2011)
Mehmet Gencer and Bulent Ozel, (2010). " Agent-Based Modeling of Economic
Systems: The EURACE Project Experience", In ECOMOD 2010.
Bulent Ozel, Can B. Cilingir, and Kaan Erkan (Eds), (2006)."Towards Open Source
Software Adoption: Educational, Public, Legal, and Usability Practices.” ISBN:
Bulent Ozel, Uros Jovanovic, Beyza Oba and Manon van Leeuwen, (2007).
"Perceptions on F/OSS Adoption” in IFIP International Federation for Information
Processing, Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation.
Bulent Ozel, (2009). "Knowledge Diffusion and Fragmentation in Political Science
Research Networks", In Proc. of Harvard Political Networks Conference, USA, June,
Bulent Ozel, Hildrun Kretschmer, Theo Kretschmer, and Elif Aytek Gürses, (2009).
"Gendered Co-authorship Pair Distribution Patterns", Proceedings of 10th COLLNET
Meeting, Dalian, China, September, 2009.
Mehmet Gençer, Beyza Oba, Bulent Ozel and V. Sinan Tunalıoğlu, (2006).
"Organization of Internet Standards" , in IFIP International Federation for Information
Processing, Open Source Systems, 2006.
Bulent Ozel, (2004). “Open Source Software Movement As a Way to Rhizomatic
Organisations: A Deleuzian Approach to Organisational Discourse of Open Source
Software Communities” , In Organizational Discourse: Arte-facts, Arche-types and
Archi-texts, ISBN: 1-900089-06-8 , p. 204-207.
Bulent Ozel and Han Woo Park, (2009). "Online Image Content Analysis of Political
Figures: Facial Expressions of National Assembly Members in South Korea", In Proc.
ICCC2009 (International Conference on Convergence Content) December, 2009,
Hanoi, Vietnam.
Harald Schmidbauer, Mehmet Gençer, Bulent Ozel, and V. Sinan Tunalıoğlu, (2007).
Public Policies in the Software Market: Regional Issues Concerning Open Source
Software. In ECOMOD 2007. International Conference on Policy Modeling, Sao
Paolo, July 11-13, 2007. Ecomod Press.
Ahmet K. Süerdem, Mehmet Gençer, V. Sinan Tunalıoğlu, and Bulent Ozel, (2007).
The Ghost in the Machine: Cognitive Patterns in Open Source Software Communities.
In Proc. European Group of Organization Studies Colloquium, Vienna 5-7 July 2007.
Mehmet Gençer, Bulent Ozel, V.Sinan Tunalioglu, and Beyza Oba, (2006). "Flexible
organizing and identity fragmentation in Free/Open Source Software development”,
Proc. of 22nd EGOS Bergen, Norway, 2006, www.egosnet.org (Online Web Area).
Bulent Ozel, Julia Velkova, Manon van Leeuwen, (2006). "F/OSS in European
National Programmes”, Towards Open Source Software Adoption: Educational,
Public, Legal, and Usability Practices. Proc. of OSS 2006 tOSSad Workshop.
Bulent Ozel, Kaan Erkan, Gorkem Cetin, (2005). "Towards Open Source Software
Adoption and Dissemination. A Collaborative Network of FLOSS Compentency
Centers", Encuentro Internacional Sobre Conocimiento Libre (NEXUS), Artes
Graficas, Badajoz, 2005.
Manon van Leeuwen, Julia Velkova, and Bulent Ozel, (2006). “How to avoid the
transformation of barriers to OSS adoption in Public Administration into barriers for
regional development”, Proc. eChallenges 2006.
Bulent Ozel, Mehmet Gençer, Chris Stephenson, (2006). “An MSc Programme in
Open Source Information System”, Proc. of OSS 2006 tOSSad Workshop.
Bulent Ozel, Julia Velkova, Brian Restall, Jaka Mocnik, Kaan Erkan, Gorkem Cetin,
(2006). “FlossCC: A Collaborative Network of Floss Competency Centers Towards
Open Source Software Adoption and Dissemination”, Software Libre II Conferencia
Internacional, Malaga, 2006.
Mehmet Gençer, Bulent Ozel, Harald Schmidbauer, and V. Sinan Tunalioglu, (2006).
“Free & Open Source Software, Human Development and Public Policy Making:
International Comparison”, Towards Open Source Software Adoption: Educational,
Public, Legal, and Usability Practices. Proc. of OSS 2006 tOSSad Workshop.
Bulent Ozel, (2005). “Sensemaking in Complex Organizing Technologies: A
structurational Model of Control in ERP Technologies”, Proc. of 21th EGOS
Colloquium: Berlin, Germany, 2005, www.egosnet.org (Online Web Area).
Bulent Ozel and Arzu Baloğlu, (2005). “A Benchmarking Study on Supply Chain
Management Systems at Local Turkish Companies”, In Proc. of SCMIS 2005 (Supply
Chain Management Information Systems, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 6-8, 2005.
Bulent Ozel, (2005)."An Hypergraph Based Approach for Unlocking Power Relations
in Rhizomatic Open Source Software Communities" (CiteSeer or draft) , In Proc. of
The First International Conference on Open Source Systems, Genova, Italy, July 1115, 2005.
Bulent Ozel and Samil Aydogan (2005). "An Hybrid Web Link Prediction System" in
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Knowledge Systems (IKS2005), 06-08 July 2005.
Bulent Ozel, (2004). “Virtually Organic Organisations: A Critique of Computational
Organisation Models from a Foucauldian Perspective", In Proc. 20th EGOS (European
Group for Organizational Studies) 26th Colloquium: Information and Communication
Technology in Contemporary Organization, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Jul. 1 - 3, 2004,
www.egosnet.org (Online Web Area)
Bulent Ozel, (2004). “Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication: An Hybrid
Method Approach Based on Block Diagonalisation", in Proc. TAiNN (Turkish
Artificial intelligence and Neural Networks), Izmir, Turkey.
Bulent Ozel, (2004)."Kuresel k-Ortalamali Gruplama Yontemi ile Metinlerin ve
Terimlerin Sakli Anlam indekslenmeleri" scanned version or submission version , in
ASYU(Akilli Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamalari 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.