Hydro Cooler


Hydro Cooler
Mobil ve Sabit Kiraz Ön So¤utma ve Y›kama Üniteleri
Mobile & Stable Cherry Precooling and Washing Units
Hydro Cooler
Hydro Cooler birçok meyva, sebze ve
kabuklu küçük deniz hayvanlar›n›n ön
so¤utmalar›nda, Türkiye’de özellikle kiraz
üreticileri taraf›ndan kullan›lmaktad›r.
Türkiye’de ilk Hydro Cooler imalat›n› yapan
Karsu So¤utma San.ve Tic. A.fi. bu ürününü
özellikle kiraz üreticileri için dizayn ve imal
Bahçelerde Karsu Hydro Cooler ile
gerçeklefltirilen ön so¤utma prosesi, kiraz›n
tazelik ve kalitesinin korunmas›nda
vazgeçilmez bir yöntemdir. Bu da
yurdumuzun tar›msal ürünlerinin gözdesi
olan kiraza yurtd›fl›nda hakl› bir itibar
kazand›rd›. Karsu So¤utma Sanayi ve
Ticaret A.fi. Hydro Cooler’lar› kullanan çok
say›da müflterimiz aras›nda, ülkemizin ünlü
tar›msal ürün ihracatç›s› kurulufllar
bulunmaktad›r. Alara, Yavuzlar, Dönüfl,
Pia Frucht/Bagir G›da, Narpak ve Unimeyve
firmalar› bunlardan birkaç›d›r. ‹ngiltere,
Rusya, Yunanistan, Özbekistan, Tacikistan
ve Suriye, Hydro Cooler ihraç etti¤imiz
Hydro Cooler is used to pre-cool many
fruits, vegetables and small sea animals.
At most cherry producers use Hydro
Cooler in Turkey. Hydro Cooler is firstly
produced by Karsu in Turkey and Karsu
produce these products especially for
cherry producers.
The precooling process carried out with
Karsu Hydro Cooler in gardens, is an
unavoidable method for preserving the
freshness and quality of cherry. This has
brought a just prestige abroad to our
cherries, the favorite agricultural product
of Turkey. Among our clients who use
the Hydro Coolers of Karsu Cooling
Industry and Trade Company, are the
primary exporting organizations in Turkey,
some of which are Alara, Yavuzlar, Dönüfl,
Pia Frucht / Bagir G›da, Narpak and
Unimeyve. The countries to which we
export Hydro Cooler are the United
Kingdom, Russia, Greece, Uzbekistan,
Tajikistan and Syria.
SAN. ve T‹C. A.fi.
Mobil ve Sabit Kiraz Ön So¤utma ve Y›kama Üniteleri
Mobile & Stable Cherry Precooling and Washing Units
Hydro Cooler
Tar›msal ürünlerin ihracat›na katk›s›n›n
yan›s›ra, "CE Belgeli” Hydro Cooler ihracat›
da firmam›z›n gurur kayna¤› olmufltur.
Karsu Hydro Cooler ürünlerde büzülme,
kilo kayb›, lezzet kayb› gibi zararlar›n
önlenmesi ve raf ömrünün art›r›lmas› için
imal edilmifl, proses süresi h›zl› bir ön
so¤utma ünitesidir.
Bahçede ortalama +30°C de olan kiraz›n
s›cakl›¤› Hydro Cooler daki ön so¤utma
ve y›kama iflleminden sonra +2°C ila +4°C
ye düflmektedir. Konveyör h›z› ihtiyaca
göre ayarlanabilmektedir.
Dünyan›n çeflitli ülkelerinde benzer
özellikteki Hydro Cooler’lar, dondurulmufl
ürün tesislerinde floklama prosesi öncesi
ön so¤utma amaçl› da kullan›lmaktad›r.
Bu ürünler aras›nda bezelye, kavun, havuç,
salatal›k, korniflon ve m›s›r say›labilir.
Bu uygulama ile floklama zaman›n›n
k›salt›lmas›yla (%20-%30) sa¤lanan enerji
tasarrufu ve kaliteli floklanm›fl ürünler gibi
çok önemli avantajlar sa¤lanmaktad›r.
Besides, Karsu exports Hydro Coolers.
Our firm feel proud of assistance that
help agricultural products’ exportation
and also, “CE Certificate” Hydro Cooler
exportation is another important honor
for Karsu.
Karsu Hydro Coolers are produced to
avoid some damages like being puckered,
losing weight, losing taste and Hydro
Coolers’ process is one kind of speedy
pre-cooling unit. Cherry’s average
temperature is +30°C, after washing and
pre-cooling process in Hydro Cooler, the
cherry’s temperature become between
+2°C and +4°C. Conveyor’s speed can
be regulated as to requests.
Beside, Hydro Coolers are used like precooling before blast process in the frozen
product firms. Some of these products
are pea, muskmelon, carrot, cucumber
and corn. This application gets very
important advantages for firms, for
example energy saving and good quality
blasted product by shortening blasting
time (20% - 30%)
Hydro Cooler’lar kullan›m amac›na göre
iki tiptedir:
Hydro Coolers have got two types:
• Mobile Hydro Cooler
• Stable Hydro Cooler
• Mobil Hydro Cooler
• Sabit Hydro Cooler
Mobil Hydro Cooler treyler dorsesi veya
kamyon üzerine monte edilerek her yerde
(ürün toplama mahalli - bahçe - fabrika
v.b.) gerekli elektrik enerjisi verilerek
çal›flt›r›l›r. (Hydro Cooler’a ait ekipmanlar
üzerinde akuple olup freon gazl› so¤utma
sistemi ile çal›fl›r.)
Sabit Hydro Cooler so¤uk hava depolar›nda
mevcut so¤utma sistemine ba¤lanarak
Karsu'nun iste¤e göre de¤iflik özelliklerde
de dizayn ve imal etti¤i Hydro Cooler’lar
mobil ve sabit tip olarak afla¤›daki standart
Mobile Hydro Coolers are assembled on
truck and they are worked by giving
required electricity in everywhere (product
collection places, garden, firms etc.). (Hydro
Cooler’s equipments are worked with freon
Stable Hydro Coolers are worked with
existing refrigeration systems that are
established in cold storage rooms.
Mobile and Stable Hydro Coolers, that
are produced by Karsu, have got following
standard types. And also Karsu can
produce different type Hydro Cooler as
to costumer’s requests.
Elektrik panosu
Electrical control panel
So¤uk kiraz ç›k›fl›
Cold cherry out
Kiraz girifl
Cherry in
Su pompas›
Water pump
Karsu Mobil Hydro Cooler / Karsu Mobile Hydro Cooler
Hydro Cooler
So¤. Kap. (Kiraz ‹çin) Girifl - Ç›k›fl Ort. S›cak. (Kiraz ‹çin)
Yaklafl›k Boyutlar› mm.
Yaklafl›k A¤›rl›¤› Kg.
Dimensions Appr. mm.
Weight Appr. Kg.
+ 30°C/ +2˚C....+4°C
2.400 x 6.000 x 2.400 (height)
+ 30°C / +2˚C....+4°C
2.400 x 10.000 x 2.400 (height)
2.400 x 10.000 x 2.400 (height)
Tipi / Type
Cool. Cap. (for cherry)
2.500 kg / h
4.000 kg / h
5.000 kg / h
+ 30°C / +2˚C....+4°C
Input-Output Temp. (for cherry)
Karsu Sabit Hydro Cooler / Karsu Stable Hydro Cooler
Hydro Cooler
Tipi / Type
So¤. Kap. (Kiraz ‹çin) Girifl - Ç›k›fl Ort. S›cak. (Kiraz ‹çin)
Cool. Cap. (for cherry)
Input-Output Temp. (for cherry)
Yaklafl›k Boyutlar› mm.
Dimensions Appr. mm.
Yaklafl›k A¤›rl›¤› Kg.
Weight Appr. Kg.
2.500 kg / h
+ 30°C / +2˚C....+4°C
1.700 x 6.000 x 2.400 (height)
4.000 kg / h
+ 30°C / +2˚C....+4°C
1.700 x 10.000 x 2.400 (height)
5.000 kg / h
+ 30°C /+2˚C....+4°C
1.700 x 10.000 x 2.400 (height)
Karsu So¤utma Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi. yukar›da standart tipler d›fl›nda iste¤e ve ihtiyaca göre özel dizayn ve imalat yapmaktad›r.
Karsu produces various special design products except above mentioned standart types compared to the customers’ requires.
Karsu So¤utma Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi. yukar›da belirtilen kapasite haricindeki de¤erlerde de¤ifliklik yapma hakk›na sahiptir.
Subject to change without prior notice.
Daha fazla bilgi almak için Karsu So¤utma Sanayi ve Ticaret A.fi. ile irtibat kurulmal›d›r.
For more information, please call us.
Hydro Cooler’›n Teknik Özellikleri
Karsu Mobil Hydro Cooler kendi flasisi
üzerinde gruplanm›fl olarak naylon streç
ile örtülerek ambalajlan›r. Tafl›nmas›
s›ras›nda kamyon veya treylere ait branda
ile de üzeri kapat›labilir. Hydro Cooler
üniteleri d›fl hava flartlar›nda çal›flacak
flekilde dizayn ve imal edildi¤inden ayr›ca
bir ambalaja ihtiyac› yoktur. Tafl›nmas›
s›ras›nda makinan›n vinç taraf›ndan
kald›r›labilmesi için sökülüp tak›labilir
özellikte ask› U profilleri ve kald›rma
mapalar› vard›r. Kald›rma profilleri ve
mapalar›ndan istifade ederek vinç
kullanmak suretiyle Hydro Cooler güvenle
kald›r›l›p indirilebilir. Mobil Hydro Cooler
üzerine konulaca¤› kamyon veya treyler
dorsesi üzerine üretici firman›n
imalathanesinde yerlefltirilir. Gerekti¤inde
araç üzerinden indirilir. Sabit Hydro Cooler
da mobil tipler gibi treyler dorsesi veya
kamyon üzerine konularak çal›flt›r›laca¤›
yere sevkedilir. Su so¤utma havuzu ve
aksesuarlar› AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz
çeliktir. Mal› kasalar içersinde tafl›yan
konveyörlü ana bant AISI 304 kalite
paslanmaz çelikten veya istenirse beyaz
asetol-plastikten imal edilir. Kasa
korkuluklar›nda da tamamen paslanmaz
çelik malzemeler kullan›l›r. So¤utma sistemi
freonlu olarak imal edilen Hydro Cooler
tiplerinde hava so¤utmal› kondenser ve
bak›r borulu serpantin gruplar› kullan›l›r.
Amonyakl› sisteme ba¤lanarak çal›flacak
tiplerde ise Hydro Cooler so¤utucu
serpantin grubu çelik borudan imal edilip
s›cak galvaniz banyosuna dald›r›l›r.
‹zolasyon malzemeleri 50 mm. kal›nl›kta
her iki yüzü AISI 304 kalite paslanmaz
sac kapl› 40 kg/ m3 yo¤unlukta poliüretan
dolgulu sandviç paneldir.
Karsu Hydro Cooler flu ana elemanlardan
• So¤utma grubu (kompresör, kondenser,
resiver, otomatikler vd.)
• So¤uk su haz›rlama havuzu
• So¤utucu serpantin grubu
• Dufllama tüneli (so¤utma ve y›kama
• So¤uk su da¤›t›m sistemi
• Su sirkülasyon pompalar›
• Mal tafl›y›c› ana bant
Hydro Cooler’s Technical Properties:
Karsu Hydro Cooler machine is assembled
on its chassis and it is packed with plastic.
While transporting it, it can be covered
by track’s canvas. This machine is designed
to work properly outside and because of
this reason it is not required packing again.
U profiles are designed and made to easy
transport Hydro Coolers. By these U
profiles, Hydro Coolers are transported
easily by winch. These profiles can be
taken apart. And when Hydro Cooler is
transported, these profiles can be used
again. Mobile Hydro Cooler is put on track
at customer firms. If it is required, Hydro
Cooler can be brought down from track
or again it can be put on it. Established
Hydro Cooler can be put on track and it
can be sent to customer firms.
Water cooling pool and its equipments
are AISI 304 stainless steel. Main band
that transports products’ cases can be
made of AISI 304 stainless steel or it can
be made of plastic. Case balustrades are
made of stainless steel too. If Hydro Cooler
is made by using freon refrigeration system,
air cooled condensers and cupper tube
coils are used. The other type that is used
with ammonia, Hydro Cooler cooling coil
group’s tubes are made of steel and they
are plunged into hot galvanize liquid.
Isolation materials are polyurethane panels
and these panels’ thickness is 50 mm and
also theirs density is 40 kg/m3 and also
these panels are made of stainless sheet
Karsu Hydro Cooler consist of these
following main parts:
• Cooling group (compressor, condenser,
receiver, automatics etc.)
• Cold water preparation pool
• Cooling coil grub
• Shower tunnel (cooling and
washing cell)
• Cold water distribution system
• Water circulation pumps
• Main band that transports goods
Hydro Cooler’s electricity motor’s needed
voltage is 3 x 400V / 50 Hz.
Hydro Cooler’›n üzerinde bulunan elektrik
motorlar› için besleme gerilimi 3 x 400 V
/ 50 Hz dir.
SAN. ve T‹C. A.fi.
Merkez Head Office
Had›mköy Yolu ISISO Sanayi Sitesi 18. Yol
R Blok No:11, 34535 Had›mköy / ‹stanbul
Tel : (0212) 623 24 42-43-47
(0212) 623 23 20
Faks : (0212) 623 20 47
fiube Branch Office
Had›mköy Yolu ISISO Sanayi Sitesi 19. Yol
R Blok No.1-2, 34535 Had›mköy / ‹stanbul
Tel : (0212) 623 24 39 (pbx)
Faks : (0212) 623 20 46
Fabrika Factory
Had›mköy Yolu ISISO Sanayi Sitesi 4.Yol
I Blok No:1-3, 34535 Had›mköy / ‹stanbul
Tel : (0212) 623 21 64-65
Faks : (0212) 623 21 66