Mayoz Bölünme Konusunun Öğrencilerdeki Anlamlı


Mayoz Bölünme Konusunun Öğrencilerdeki Anlamlı
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 21, pp, 146 - 154 / 2005
Mayoz Bölünme Konusunun Öğrencilerdeki
Anlamlı Öğrenme Düzeyinin Kelime Çağrışım
Testi ile Araştırılması
Investigation of Meaningfull Level of Meiosis Within Students by
Word Association Test
Mübeccel KAZANCI*
The students successes in Turkish Education system have been assessed
with classical exams and tests. In general, these assessment techniques
cannot expose how well students understood and what they learned. The
aim of this study is to use the Word Assosiation Test (WAT) to asses
students learning about meiosis division. The WAT was applied on 186 9thgrade students after a week following the lesson about meiosis division.
Concept map has been created with the correct words written by students
who considered that there was a relation amoung given key concepts. It
was found that only 5% of all students learned meiosis division. In
conclusion, it is suggested that motivation stemmed from curiosity should
be created for students to learn biology effectively.
Key Words: Meiosis, Biology Education, Word Association Test, Meaningfull
G.Ü. G.E. F. Orta Öğretim Fen ve Matematik, Alanları Eğitimi Bölümü, Teknikokullar/ ANKARA,
** Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, Fen ve Teknoloji Komisyonu Teknikokullar/ ANKARA,
*** G.Ü. G.E. F. Orta Öğretim Fen ve Matematik Alanları Eğitimi Bölümü, Teknikokullar/ ANKARA hkatırcı ,