YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 4: The Evolution of


YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 4: The Evolution of
erginhoca.com – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 4: The Evolution of Mammals
What would have happened if an asteroid hadn’t
killed the dinosaurs? Perhaps mammals wouldn’t
have evolved to become the planet’s dominant
group of animals and humans would never have
existed. We’re certainly used to the idea that it
was only after the dinosaurs became extinct
around 66m years ago, that mammals were able
to develop and spread around the globe. But new
research suggests this picture of Earth’s evolution
may not be completely accurate. Work by a team
of palaeontologists from the universities of
Chicago and Southampton has unveiled a new
level of detail of early mammals. It was
discovered that the therian mammals (the kind
that gave rise to most modern mammals) were
actually beginning to diversify between 10m years
and 20m years before the Cretaceous mass
extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs.
This finding reflects the considerable changes in
our understanding of the early evolution of
mammals, thanks to exceptional fossils found
over the last few years. Previously, most
palaeontologists thought that mammal diversity
was suppressed by the dominance of dinosaurs.
This was largely based on the fact that many of
the early mammal fossils that had been found
were from small, insect-eating animals with very
similar feeding habits and life histories. But with
the help of some astounding new fossils,
including several from China, it has been shown
that mammals at this time were much more
diverse than this suggests.
dominant group
hakim grup
never exist
asla var olmamak
become extinct
yok olmak
spread around the globe
dünyaya yayılmak
Earth’s evolution
Dünya’nın evrimi
completely accurate
tamamıyla doğru
unveil details
detayları ortaya çıkarmak
early mammals
ilk memeliler
begin to diversify
çeşitlenmeye başlamak
mass extinction
kitlesel yokoluş
wipe out dinosaurs
dinazorları yok etmek
considerable change
büyük değişiklik
reflect changes
değişiklikleri yansıtmak
exceptional fossils
sıra dışı fosiller
mammal diversity
memeli çeşitliliği
böcek yiyen
similar feeding habits
benzer beslenme
According to the passage, mammals -----.
astounding fossils
muazzam fosiller
a) emerged long before the dinosaurs
emerge long before
çok daha öncesinde ortaya
constrained to particular
belirli bölgelere sıkışmak
harsh competition
sert rekabet
owe the existence
varlığını borçlu olmak
wipe out dinosaurs
dinazorları yok etmek
e) may have thriven much earlier than previously
previously thought
önceden düşünülen
başarılı olmak
What could be the best title for the passage?
face challenges
zorluklarla yüzleşmek
a) the challenges mammals had to face
go extinct
yok olmak
b) why dinosaurs went extinct too quickly
origin of mammals
memelilerin kökeni
c) the new approach on the real origin of
new approach
yeni yaklaşım
d) studies on how mammals were able to flourish
beklenmedik yokoluş
b) were constrained to particular areas due to the
dominance of dinosaurs
c) were in harsh competition with dinosaurs
d) owe their existence to the catastrophe that
wiped out the dinosaurs
e) the unexpected disappearance of dinosaurs
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: yds@erginhoca.com
erginhoca.com – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 4: The Evolution of Mammals
Altı çizili kelimenin yerine kullanılabilecek
olan eş anlamlı kelimeyi seçiniz.
Boşlukları aşağıda verilen kelimelerlenden en
uygun olanlarla doldurunuz.
Previously, most palaeontologists thought
that mammal diversity was suppressed by
the dominance of dinosaurs.
previous, complete, considerable, diverse, accurate
a) ultimately
In today's multicultural organizations, the ability to
work in ----- cultures is extremely important.
The findings of the study turned out to be
surprisingly ----- contrary to what most others
----- researches claimed that mammals were able
to spread around the globe only after the
extinction of dinosaurs.
b) apparently
c) eventually
d) formerly
e) subsequently
This finding reflects the considerable changes
in our understanding of the early evolution of
a) irreversible
10. There is ----- evidence that proves the connection
between the asteroid strike and the extinction of
b) dramatic
c) pleasant
suppress, diversify, spread, evolve, wipe out
d) legislative
e) abrupt
What would have happened if an asteroid
hadn’t killed the dinosaurs?
a) conserved
b) revived
11. Species ----- in an effort to adapt to the constantly
changing environmental conditions.
12. Severe financial losses can occur when
infestations of grasshoppers ----- crops in a field.
13. It's recommended that you ----- your wealth out
across a variety of investments, something known
as portfolio diversification.
c) vaccinated
d) massacred
14. Lots of people try to ---- their emotions thinking
that by doing so they have solved their problems.
e) enhanced
Altı çizili kelimenin zıt anlamlısını seçiniz.
Many of the early mammal fossils that had
been found were from small, insect-eating
animals with very similar feeding habits and
life histories.
15. It has been shown that mammals at this time
were much more diverse than suggested
a) routine
a) discrete
b) distinction
b) conventional
c) conflict
c) authentic
d) interval
d) identical
e) nutrition
e) contrasting
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: yds@erginhoca.com
erginhoca.com – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test 4: The Evolution of Mammals
Cevap Anahtarı
1) e
2) c
3) d
4) b
5) d
6) a
7) diverse
8) accurate
9) previous
10) considerable
11) evolve
12) wipe out
13) spread
14) supress
15) d
Bu kaynak sadece bireysel çalışmalar için düzenlenmiştir. İletişim: yds@erginhoca.com

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erginhoca.com – YDS Reading Vocabulary Test

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