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7th Annual
Turkey Energy &
Infrastructure Finance Conference
7. Türkiye Yıllık Enerji ve Altyapı Finansmanı Konferansı
12th & 13th March 2014 • Swissôtel The Bosphorus, Istanbul
Bringing the international project finance industry to Turkey
Co-Lead Sponsors:
Silver Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors:
Confirmed speakers include:
• Cenk Arson, Chief Executive Officer, Limak Investments
• Cüneyt Uygun, Chief Financial Officer, Aksa Energy
• Kadri Samsunlu, Chief Financial Officer, Akfen Holding
• Jason Kerr, Partner, White & Case
• Mehmet Acarla, General Manager, Borusan EnBW
• Şule Kılıç, Managing Director, Head of Financial Advisory Turkey, UniCredit
• Peter Ahlbrecht, Head of Department Project Finance, Euler Hermes
• Hüseyin Arslan, Chairman of the Board, YDA
• Andi Aranitasi, Senior Banker, Power and Energy Utilities, EBRD
• Jim Patti, Partner, Mayer Brown
• Edward Knight, Energy Leader, Arup Turkey
• Lemi Leba, Finance Director, Dia Holding
• Zeynep Çakmak, Partner, Çakmak Avukatlık Bürosu
• Begüm Durukan Ozaydin, Partner, Birsel Law Offices
• Shigeto Hashiyama, Chief Representative, JBIC Paris
• Raymond Ellis, Vice President, Global Business Development,
US Export-Import Bank
• Massimo d’Eufemia, Group Representative Turkey, EIB
• Muhammad Yousuf, CEO, Dan & Adam
• Güniz Gökçe, Partner, Akol Avukatlık Bürosu
• Muhabbat Mahmudova, Senior Research Analyst,
Project Finance Magazine
• Ozlenen Aydin, Head of Finance, Enerjisa
• Aslı Başgöz, Partner, White & Case
• Tolga Çetin, Vice President, Project Finance Department, Akbank
• Kerim Kemahli, Chief Financial Officer, Nurol Holding
• Meltem Gülsoy, Head of Project Finance Department, TSKB
• Ian Twinn, Head of Portfolio, Infrastructure & Natural Resources EMENA, IFC
• Arif Ozozan, Board member and CEO, Gama Enerji
• Mustafa Begun, Head of Investment Banking Department,
Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank
• Ismail Kazanc, Chief Financial Officer, Torunlar Group
• Asaf Savaş Akat, Professor, Department of Economics, Istanbul Bilgi University
• Shibeer Ahmed, Partner, White & Case
• Aygin Yayikoglu, Managing Partner, Crescent Capital
• Ece Guner, Partner, Guner Law
• Ayse Nilufer Turkcu, Senior Associate, Birsel Law Office
• Huseyin Ozhan, Principal Banker, Transportation, EBRD
• Birkan Ozen, Finance Coordinator, IC Holding
Simultaneous translation will be provided / Simültane tercüme hizmeti verilecektir
7th Annual Turkey Energy & Infrastructure Finance Conference
12th & 13th March 2014 • Swissôtel The Bosphorus, Istanbul
7th Annual
Turkey Energy &
Infrastructure Finance Conference
Now in its 7th year, Project Finance Magazine
and Euromoney Seminars’ Turkey Energy and
Infrastructure Finance Conference is a prestigious
event with in-depth coverage of the country’s
investments in these sectors.
This event regularly features market-making
professionals, covering all areas of the Turkish
energy and infrastructure finance industry and
welcomes key figures every year including project
sponsors, lenders, lawyers, regulators and
Join your peers this March to:
• Discover the key issues of 2014 in one of the
world’s most exciting project finance markets to
realise the full array of opportunities ahead
• Learn about the defining features of the
industry from the experts who shape the market
in order to position yourself for the upcoming year
• Meet the who's who of Turkish and
international market participants and make the
connections you need
Register now at www.euromoneyseminars.com/TEIF14
Register now at: www.euromoneyseminars.com/TEIF14
7th Annual Turkey Energy & Infrastructure Finance Conference
Wednesday, 12th March 2014
08.00 Registration and refreshments
08.45 Chairperson’s opening remarks
09.00 Macroeconomic overview: Is there really an ‘emerging
market crisis’?
• Where is the Turkish economy headed and how big is international
investor appetite?
• What effect could tapering have on the Turkish project finance
• Will infrastructure and energy developments continue to drive
economic growth and what conditions are necessary for that?
Asaf Savaş Akat, Professor, Department of Economics,
Istanbul Bilgi University
09.30 Market review: The Turkish infrastructure sector
• Developments of infrastructure investments in Turkey over the
past years by volumes, sectors and regions
• Current financing and regulatory climate: What are the challenges
in the financing structures?
• Sponsors and lenders: Overview of key infrastructure investors
Muhabbat Mahmudova, Senior Research Analyst,
Project Finance Magazine
09.45 The annual lenders’ panel
Is there a disconnect between international and local lenders
in maturities, structures and pricing?
• How important are relationships with and knowledge of the
sponsor in deciding the term sheet?
• On what deals do local and international lenders work together,
and where is that not possible?
• Bridge to bond financing: Has Mersin broken a barrier for project
Meltem Gülsoy, Head of Project Finance Department, TSKB
Bahar İlkbay Terliksiz, Senior Vice President – Project Finance
Department, Akbank
Güniz Gökçe, Partner, Akol Avukatlık Bürosu, moderator
10.30 Morning refreshments and networking break
11.15 Case study: How can Mersin become a model for project
bonds in Turkey?
• Why was the bond market a better fit for the refinancing than a
loan or an IPO?
• What role did the rating play in going ahead with the bond?
• Examining the bond structure and investor base
• Overcoming the currency and political market risk during the
bond offering
Kadri Samsunlu, Chief Financial Officer, Akfen Holding
Huseyin Ozhan, Principal Banker, Transportation, EBRD
Tolga Çetin, Vice President, Project Finance Department, Akbank
Jim Patti, Partner, Mayer Brown
12.00 Greenfield power plants and the privatisation of energy
assets: How will the bigger energy deals of 2014 be financed?
• Are lignite power plants with their better supply conditions more
bankable than imported coal and natural gas?
• How will the big generation asset privatisations be financed and
what lessons can be learned from the distribution assets?
• What is needed from project sponsors for the financing to stand
on good footing?
Ismail Kazanc, Chief Financial Officer, Torunlar Group
N. Sinem Telatar, Vice President, Project Finance Department, Akbank
Edward Knight, Energy Leader, Arup Turkey
12.45 Lunch
14.15 Case Study: Understanding project finance
documentation governed by Turkish law
• Why is the Turkish law governed loan documentation on the rise?
• Reconciling Turkish law governed loan and security
documentation with foreign law governed collaterals
• Examining key issues on a Turkish law governed project financing
Ece Guner, Partner, Guner Law
14.35 The project sponsor roundtable part I: Energy
What are the best sources of energy to concentrate project
development on?
• Mitigating Turkish merchant, supply and off-take risks
• Lignite, renewables or gas: Which projects are the most promising
in the current market conditions?
• How important are big balance sheets and where do sponsors seek
Ozlenen Aydin, Head of Finance, Enerjisa
Cüneyt Uygun, Chief Financial Officer, Aksa Energy
Zeynep Çakmak, Partner, Çakmak Avukatlık Bürosu, moderator
15.20 Afternoon refreshments and networking break
15.45 Keynote address: Ministry of health
What is the long term plan and strategy for hospital PPPs?’
• What other hospital PPPs are expected to come to the market?
• Why was a guarantee of debt payment in the end a good choice for
the Ministry?
• Outlining the effects of the PPP law and the regulations thereafter
16.15 Hospital PPPs: Structures and the bankability of current
and upcoming hospital PPPs
• Etlik, Kayseri, Bilkent, and beyond: What are the lessons learned in
financing the first hospital PPPs?
• What did project sponsors and lenders need from the government to
make the structures work and how were the long tenors achieved?
• What are the differences in risk allocation of Turkish and
international hospital PPPs?
• Outlook for potential school and prison PPPs
Hüseyin Arslan, Chairman of the Board, YDA
Lemi Leba, Finance Director, Dia Holding
Şule Kılıç, Managing Director, Head of Financial Advisory Turkey, UniCredit
Serhat İnanç, Board Member, Turkerler Holding
Ayse Nilufer Turkcu, Senior Associate, Birsel Law Office, moderator
17.00 Chairperson’s closing remarks followed by drinks reception
Catherine Alderson
t: +44 (0)20 7779 8873
e: calderson@euromoneyplc.com
Vickie Shoesmith
Rebecca Römer
t: +44 (0) 20 7779 8514
t: +44 (0)20 7779 8697
e: vshoesmith@euromoneyplc.com e: rromer@euromoneyplc.com
Register now at: www.euromoneyseminars.com/TEIF14
©Euromoney Seminars 2014. Euromoney Seminars reserves the right to alter the
venue and/or speakers. Euromoney Seminars is a division of Euromoney Trading Limited.
7th Annual Turkey Energy & Infrastructure Finance Conference
Thursday, 13th March 2014
09.00 Morning refreshments
09.30 Chairperson’s opening remarks
Aslı Başgöz, Partner, White & Case
09.45 Multilaterals: With European banks still concentrated
on core markets, will multilaterals continue to do the heavy
• After Mersin port: How important can investments in
infrastructure debentures become?
• The importance of Turkey within the CEE for multilateral
• How does multilateral involvement change financing structures
and funding costs?
Ian Twinn, Head of Portfolio, Infrastructure & Natural Resources EMENA, IFC
Massimo d’Eufemia, Group Representative Turkey, EIB
Andi Aranitasi, Senior Banker, Power and Energy Utilities, EBRD
10.30 The project sponsor roundtable part II: Infrastructure
Is there enough liquidity to finance Turkish projects?
• Are the recent ‘all Turkish lenders’ deals a model for all future
large infrastructure projects?
• Roads, ports, railways and more: What sectors bring the most
profitable projects?
• What format and structures do sponsors prefer in infrastructure
Cenk Arson, Chief Executive Officer, Limak Investments
Birkan Ozen, Finance Coordinator, IC Holding
Kerim Kemahli, Chief Financial Officer, Nurol Holding
Miguel Prieto, Infrastructure Leader, Arup Spain
Begüm Durukan Ozaydin, Partner, Birsel Law Offices, moderator
“The Euromoney event has become a
must-attend event for those who are
involved in energy and infrastructure
financing projects in Turkey”
11.00 Islamic finance: Can sharia based financings adapt to
suit Turkish project finance structures?
• Structure complexity: How does Islamic Finance fit into existing
energy and infrastructure financing structures and what can
facilitate compatibility?
• Are Islamic financiers following Middle Eastern project sponsors into
the market and how has the local Islamic Finance market developed?
• Overcoming challenges of tenor length in Islamic Finance to work
for Turkey’s projects
Mustafa Begun, Head of Investment Banking Department,
Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank
Shibeer Ahmed, Partner, White & Case
Muhammad Yousuf, CEO, Dan & Adam
11.45 Morning refreshments and networking break
12.15 Wind and solar: Have renewable energy sources become
competitive enough?
• How have the licensing application processes be changed and
where do current renewable projects stand in their development?
• Has the price of solar come down sufficiently to make the projects
profitable and which projects are closest to come to the market?
• What role does the local component clause and the feed in tariff
play in the bankability of renewable projects?
Arif Ozozan, Board member and CEO, Gama Enerji
Aygin Yayikoglu, Managing Partner, Crescent Capital
Mehmet Acarla, General Manager, Borusan EnBW
13.00 ECAs: How has the composition of ECAs involved in
Turkey evolved in the recent past?
• Is there a specialisation on either the energy or infrastructure side?
• How important are historical country relationships for ECA
• In what ways do ECAs facilitate non-recourse financing and will
that have a significant impact in the near future?
• Has the country diversion of ECAs become more important than ever?
Peter Ahlbrecht, Head of Department Project Finance, Euler Hermes
Raymond Ellis, Vice President, Global Business Development,
US Export-Import Bank
Shigeto Hashiyama, Chief Representative, JBIC Paris
Jason Kerr, Partner, White & Case, moderator
13.45 Chairperson’s closing remarks followed by networking
lunch and close of conference
M. Togan Turan, Paksoy
New venue for 2014: Swissôtel The Bosphorus
This award winning, five-star luxury hotel is
located right in the centre of Istanbul on the
European banks of the Bosphorus. Nestled within
65 acres of historical gardens with world-class
Register now at: www.euromoneyseminars.com/TEIF14
shopping and vibrant nightlife nearby, it offers
luxurious guest rooms and state-of-the-art
conference facilities to make your visit around the
event better than ever.
7. Türkiye Yıllık Enerji ve Altyapı Finansmanı Konferansı
12 & 13 Mart 2014
7. Yıllık Türkiye Enerji ve Altyapı Finansmanı Konferansı
7.si düzenlenen Project Finance Magazine ve Euromoney Seminerleri'
nin Türkiye Enerji ve Altyapı Finansmanı Konferansı, ülkenin bu
sektörlerdeki yatırımının derinlemesine işlendiği en prestijli etkinliktir.
Bu etkinlik, düzenli olarak, Türk enerji ve altyapı finansman endüstrisinin
her alanını kapsama yoluyla piyasa belirleme profesyonellerini konu
alır ve her yıl aralarında proje sponsorları, kredi kuruluşları, avukatlar,
düzenleyiciler ve danışmanların da olduğu önemli kişileri konuk eder.
Bu Mart ayında iş arkadaşlarınıza katılarak:
• 2014 yılının ana meselelerini ilerideki fırsatlar zincirinin tamamını
gerçeğe dönüştürmek için dünyanın en heyecan verici proje finansman
piyasalarından birinde keşfedin.
• Endüstrinin tanımlayıcı özelliklerini kendinizi gelecek yılda
konumlandırmak için piyasayı şekillendiren uzmanlardan öğrenin
• Türk ve uluslararası piyasa katılımcıları ile tanışın ve ihtiyacınız olan
bağlantıları kurun.
www.euromoneyplc.com/TEIF14 adresinde şimdi kaydolun
8.00 Kayıt ve ikramlar
8.45 Başkan’ın açılış konuşması
16.15 Hastane Satın alma Gücü Pariteleri: Mevcut ve gelecekteki
hastane satın alma gücü paritelerinin yapıları ve bankalarca kabul
09.30 Sanayi genel bakış: Altyapı yatırımları
Hüseyin Arslan, Chairman of the Board, YDA
Lemi Leba, Finance Director, Dia Holding
Şule Kılıç, Managing Director, Head of Financial Advisory Turkey,
Serhat İnanç, Board Member, Turkerler Holding
Ayse Nilufer Turkcu, Senior Associate, Birsel Law Office, moderator
Muhabbat Mahmudova, Senior Research Analyst,
Project Finance Magazine
17.00 Başkan'ın kapanış konuşması ve ardından kokteyl
9.00 Makroekonomik genel bakış: Gerçekten de bir ‘yükselen
piyasa krizi’ mevcut mu?
Asaf Savaş Akat, Professor, Department of Economics,
Istanbul Bilgi University
09.45 Yıllık Kredi Kuruluşları Paneli
Uluslararası ve yerel kredi kuruluşları arasında vadeler, yapılar ve
fiyatlandırma konusunda bir bağlantı kopukluğu var mı?
Meltem Gülsoy, Head of Project Finance Department, TSKB
10.30 Sabah ikramları ve ilişki ağı oluşturma molası
11.15 Vaka çalışması: Mersin Türkiye'deki proje tahvilleri için bir
model oluşturabilir mi?
Kadri Samsunlu, Chief Financial Officer, Akfen Holding
Huseyin Ozhan, Principal Banker, Transportation, EBRD
Tolga Çetin, Vice President, Project Finance Department, Akbank
Jim Patti, Partner, Mayer Brown
12.00 Greenfield güç santralleri ve enerji varlıklarının
özelleştirilmesi: 2014'ün daha büyük enerji ticaretleri nasıl finanse
Ismail Kazanc, Chief Financial Officer, Torunlar Group
N. Sinem Telatar, Vice President, Project Finance Department, Akbank
Edward Knight, Energy Leader, Arup Turkey
12.45 Öğle Yemeği
14.15 Örnek inceleme: Türk hukukuna tabi proje finansmanı
belgelerini anlamak
Ece Guner, Partner, Guner Law
14.35 Proje Sponsoru Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı Bölüm I: Enerji
Proje geliştirmeye odaklanacak en iyi enerji kaynakları nelerdir?
Ozlenen Aydin, Head of Finance, Enerjisa
Cüneyt Uygun, Chief Financial Officer, Aksa Energy
Zeynep Çakmak, Partner, Çakmak Avukatlık Bürosu
15.20 Akşamüstü ikramları ve ilişki ağı oluşturma molası
15.45 Toplantı Açılış Konuşması: Sağlık Bakanlığı
Hastane satın alma gücü pariteleri için uzun dönemli planlar ve
stratejiler nelerdir?
09.00 Sabah ikramları
09.30 Başkan’ın açılış konuşması
Aslı Başgöz, Partner, White & Case
09.45 Çok taraflılar: Avrupa bankalarının hâlâ ana piyasalara
odaklanmış durumda olduğu şu durumda, çok taraflılar işin
çoğunu üstlenmeye devam edecek mi?
Ian Twinn, Head of Portfolio, Infrastructure & Natural Resources EMENA, IFC
Massimo d’Eufemia, Group Representative Turkey, EIB
10.30 Proje Sponsoru Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı Bölüm II: Altyapı
Türk projelerinin finansmanı için yeterli likidite bulunuyor mu?
Cenk Arson, Chief Executive Officer, Limak Investments
Birkan Ozen, Finance Coordinator, IC Holding
Kerim Kemahli, Chief Financial Officer, Nurol Holding
Miguel Prieto, Infrastructure Leader, Arup Spain
Begüm Durukan Ozaydin, Partner, Birsel Law Offices, moderator
11.00 İslami Finans: Şeriat temelli finansmanlar, Türkiye proje
finansman yapılarına uymak üzere adapte edilebilir mi?
Mustafa Begun, Head of Investment Banking Department,
Kuwait Turkish Participation Bank
Shibeer Ahmed, Partner, White & Case
Muhammad Yousuf, CEO, Dan & Adam
11.45 Sabah ikramları ve ilişki ağı oluşturma molası
12.15 Rüzgâr ve güneş enerjisi: Yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları
yeteri kadar rekabetçi hale geldi mi?
Arif Ozozan, Board member and CEO, Gama Enerji
Aygin Yayikoglu, Managing Partner, Crescent Capital
Mehmet Acarla, General Manager, Borusan EnBW
13.00 İhracat Kredisi Kuruluşları (İKK): Türkiye ile ilgili İKK'ların
oluşumu yakın geçmişte nasıl gelişti?
Peter Ahlbrecht, Head of Department Project Finance, Euler Hermes
Raymond Ellis, Vice President, Global Business Development,
US Export-Import Bank
Shigeto Hashiyama, Chief Representative, JBIC Paris
Jason Kerr, Partner, White & Case, moderator
13.45 Başkan’ın kapanış konuşması, ardından konferansın
kapanışı ve ilişki ağı oluşturma öğle yemeği
Register now at: www.euromoneyseminars.com/TEIF14
7th Annual Turkey Energy & Infrastructure Finance Conference • 12th & 13th March 2014 • Swissôtel The Bosphorus, Istanbul
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